View Full Version : Rules Q&A Hulking Hurler Area Attack question

2015-04-26, 11:47 PM
Hey Playgrounders,

Quick question on a potentially ambiguous wording. In the Hulking Hurler's Area Attack Trick, you make an attack roll against the square a creature occupies rather than against their AC, and then the creature or creature gets a reflex save with a DC 10 + the hurler's ranged attack bonus. If the target fails their save, they "take full damage." My friend and I disagree on what happens on a successful save, though. I'm of the opinion that you wouldn't take any damage, while my friend thinks that you would take half damage, as if you had failed a save for an area spell effect. I can see where he's coming from, because it says the word full, but I don't like how easy it makes it to do a boatload of damage, even if you make the save. What do you guys think/generally use if you use the hulking hurler in your games? Also, a related question, if it is half damage rather than none on a successful save, would having Evasion or Improved Evasion affect the damage on this as well?

2015-04-27, 12:12 AM
It doesn't say they take any damage at all on a successful save, so there's nothing to indicate that it's a save for half damage. You make the attack roll, you hit the square. Each creature in the square has to save or take damage. If they make the save it means you still hit the square, but not them.

2015-04-27, 04:05 AM
It's pretty poor wording, but it's also pretty clear what happens on a succesful save: Nothing. Since it doesn't say what happens on a successful save, nothing happens when they succeed. This is preferable to failing their save, which makes them take damage.