View Full Version : Duskblade/Warblade maneuver help

2015-04-28, 04:03 PM
Ok so far a character has gone 5 in each class, alternating between levels. at level 10 how many maneuvers of each level should he have had? This is to make sure i am building this right mainly.

2015-04-28, 04:25 PM
Welp, lets see. 5 levels in a non-warblade, non-prestige class = 2.5(rounded down to 2) initiator levels+5 warblade levels = an initiator level of 7. Assuming that it went duskblade/warblade/duskblade etc. it would be (ignoring the ability to swap for a higher level at warblade 4) 3 1st level, (IL of 1.5) 2 2nd level (IL of 3 and 4.5) and 1 4th level (IL of 7).

Red Fel
2015-04-28, 04:34 PM
Ok so far a character has gone 5 in each class, alternating between levels. at level 10 how many maneuvers of each level should he have had? This is to make sure i am building this right mainly.

I'll be honest... Duskblade and Warblade don't synergize all that well. Part of the problem is the action economy - you can generally be either performing a strike or using arcane channeling. Read arcane channeling - at first, you can use it as a standard action, later you can use it as part of a full attack. Your strikes are not full attacks - they are standard actions, which means you really can't arcane channel while using them. Stances and counters help, but Warblade doesn't get the best of those.

Further, you're halving both progressions. You will never get the best Warblade maneuvers, nor will you get the best Duskblade spells. You'll be middling at both.

I say this because you're asking how to build this "right," and honestly, it's messy to begin with.

Now, all that said, you're asking how many maneuvers your Warblade should have of each level. That's both easy, and complicated. Easy, because I can tell you how many maneuvers he should have. Complicated, because his IL fluctuates. Let me show you what I mean. You haven't told us whether his first level was in Duskblade or Warblade, so I'm going to assume Duskblade. Let's say his progression looks something like this: D/W/D/W/D/W/D/W/D/W.

He gains maneuvers as indicated in the Warblade class. Thus, at level 2 (his first Warblade level), he gains 3 known, 3 readied, and a stance. At level 4 (his second Warblade level), he gains another maneuver, and at level 6 (his third Warblade level), he gains a fifth known. At level 8 (Warblade 4) he gains no new maneuvers known, but one readied, and one stance. And at level 10 (Warblade 5), he gains a sixth maneuver known. That's his progression, in total. Now let's look at his IL.

IL, or Initiator Level, for a given martial adept class is based on your levels in that class, plus 1/2 your levels in other classes, rounded down. Thus, at level 2 (Warblade 1), his IL is 1 (1 from Warblade + 1/2 from Duskblade). He may choose three first-level maneuvers and one first-level stance. At level 4 (Warblade 2), his IL is 3 (2 from Warblade + 1 from Duskblade), and he may choose one second-level maneuver. At level 6 (Warblade 3), his IL is 4 (3 from Warblade + 1.5 from Duskblade), and he may choose another second-level maneuver. At level 8 (Warblade 4), his IL jumps to 6 (4 from Warblade and 2 from Duskblade); he gains no new maneuvers known, but may choose a stance of third level or lower. And at level 10 (Warblade 5), his IL is 7 (5 from Warblade + 2.5 from Duskblade), and he may choose one more maneuver of fourth level or lower. Note further that at level 8 (Warblade 4) he may trade one of his maneuvers known for another maneuver. He can do that at every subsequent even Warblade level, although he won't have another of those until level 12 (Warblade 6).

Got all that?

2015-04-28, 04:41 PM
Wow i actually did this right lol. I am not the most experienced with ToB so I didn't want to screw over my players with this NPC. I always try to make sure my NPCs are build to the same standards as the PCs, no making it work crap like the examples in the books lol.
Btw i know they don't really mess well together but I have always liked the idea, not sure why. The NPC is going into blade caster from PoW if that muddles things more.

We play a hybrid of Pathfinder and 3.5 and actually am thinking of switching out warblade for warder, zweilander variant.