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View Full Version : Gadgets, Gods, & Gore IC [3.5 Tomb of Horrors]

2015-04-29, 06:43 AM
The four of you each have various reasons for exploring such a horrid place as the one before you, but you have united under a common cause. As you each gathered information about Acerak's supposed "Tomb of Horrors," it was very clear that you would need assistance if you wished to do anything but die. There's not a flickering candle among the group; you're all of above-average intelligence and each carries a measure of wisdom that only a deep reservoir of experiences can bring. Over a round of drinks, you had all bonded and decided that your best shot at not dying would be to stick together. Even if you did die, everyone agreed it would be a hell of a way to go out. Thus, our group formed and set out to the spot designated on their maps but admonished against by every local they met: Skull Hill.

A low, flat-topped hill, about 200 yards wide and 300 yards long, protrudes from the earth. Ugly weeds, thorns, and briars grow upon the steep sides and bald top of the 60-foot-high mound. Black rocks crown the hilltop. The north side of the hill is fronted by a 20-foot high crumbling cliff of sand and gravel. A low stone ledge overhangs this eroded area, and shrubs and bushes obscure it from observation at a distance. Banterus is unable to find any entrances to the supposed tomb in the hillside, but the other three are able to locate them and point them out.

As you conclude your search of the hillside, you complete a topographical draft of the surrounding area in your mind, based on the terrain you transversed with a few quick calculations filling in the blanks with reasonable approximations. You realize where the hill got its name; from about 200 feet up (like the higher hills and mountains off in the distance to the West), this place looks eerily like a human skull.

Which entrance (or entrances) will you examine? The four of you can spend 1.5 hours completely clearing one entrance, or two of you can dig a narrow crawl space in 15 minutes.



2015-04-29, 09:37 AM

The priest knows he has little skill with a 10' pole, so he stands back while the others look for entrances. "I have a wand to help with this, but I'm not sure that it would penetrate the scree."

2015-04-29, 10:26 AM

Pile is a lanky, slightly misshapen warforged, a look accentuated by the various pieces of gear and odd accoutrements that he keeps on his person; everything from wands to lockpicks to a floppy grey pointed hat. Currently he finds himself on his tiptoes, staring at the hill with his head tilted to one side. "How fascinating!" He exclaims after a moment or so. "It's a skull! From the air, that is. The whole landform is shaped like the structural support you biologicals keep in your heads. How unnecessary. Someone probably went to a lot of effort to move enough earth around to get that effect."

He takes a step to either side, his movements a weird balance between graceful and limping. "Let's see, let's see. Three options, each equally legitimate. My new companions, we must establish protocols here and now, lest we lose our way further in. Shall we decide to always begin with the rightmost path, or the leftmost?"

2015-04-29, 11:48 AM

"Right is wrong, left is right." Hote mutters as he squats and glares at the hill. "Old dwarven saying."

He shakes his head then winces at the mistake, still hung over from the night before. "In this case let's go for the center. Anybody got a pick or shovel?"

Not sure exactly what needs to be done to clear the entrance but Hote will help, using Crafty Hands as much as possible for the light stuff. To begin with, hell move to 4, AK and look for traps. If he finds one hell attempt to disable it. Once the area in front of the entrance is clear hell go about the work of making the entrance passable.

On my phone now, ull do text markup later.

2015-04-29, 02:52 PM

Realizing that shouting was going to attract undue attention, Banterus offers up an orison. You all hear a whisper in your ear, "That's better. I have a spell that will aid in any tasks which we are about to undertake. It can only affect two, but I deem Pile and Hote would benefit most." When the two are close, the priest removes a rod from his pack and prays over them, laying hands on each in turn.

Casting Message on everyone. It will last 90 minutes.

Moving to AL1 via row 1 (hopefully before Hoke starts poking around.

Casting Extended Share Talents on Hoke and Pile. They get a +2 on any skill which either of them have ranks in, and can use a skill untrained if the other has it trained. That will last 3 hours. Say it with me now, "Keep the skill monkeys alive as long as we can."

Then moving back to AR1 (still via row 1) in case something goes horribly wrong while he is checking for traps.

2015-04-29, 09:41 PM

Rune moves over near Hote. He unties the miner's pick from his backpack and hands it to the other dwarf. "You've got the blessing," he says aloud, "So I think you'll make quicker work." He doesn't move back, though, remaining just outside the entrance.

Move to 3, AJ, assuming we're not concerned about speed right now.

2015-04-29, 10:06 PM
Having thoroughly discussed the subject on the way to the Tomb, Pile and Hote have come to the conclusion that Hote is the superior trapfinder and disarmer; though Pile has survived more failed attempts at disarming traps, a dubious honor at best. Pile could also finagle locks better, though neither of the two had encountered a lock that could best them in years.

Pile moves to the central tunnel, looking it over once more as Hote gathers the pickaxe. He flexes his hands, clearly unconcerned about using them to dig. "A small tunnel first, I should think. No need to clear the whole thing if we're just going to find out that the tunnel beyond is filled with black puddings and poison gas."

Chambers, Pile has ranks in:
Craft (Armorsmithing)
Disable Device
Escape Artist
All the relevant Knowledges
Open Lock
Slight of Hand
Use Rope

2015-05-01, 08:47 AM
The group works together to clear the central entrance. At first, a small tunnel is opened on Pile's suggestion. There are neither black puddings nor poison gases, and so our heroes continue working to clear the underbrush & overgrowth until there is an accessible entrance ten feet across. In the time this takes, Ban's orison fades away.


Brilliant colors are everywhere; pigments painted on stone are undimmed by the passage of decades. The floor is a colorful mosaic, featuring a distinct, winding path of red tiles forming a 2-foot-wide, meandering trail south down the corridor. A few chips and gaps reveal that cement or plaster covers the underlying stonework of the corridor, and it mostly provides a smooth surface for the many illustrated scenes. The images depict fields with cattle grazing, a copse with several wolves in the background, slaves—human, orc, elven, and strange human/animal mixtures of pig-human, ape-human, and dog-human—going about various tasks. Certain frescoes are more focused and show rooms of some building—a library filled with many books and scrolls, a torture chamber, and a wizard’s work room. Chairs, windows, boxes, bales, doors, chests, birds, bats, spiders, and all manner of things appear on the walls.


You don't notice any traps within 10 feet of you, but take a look at the following spoiler...
The floor mosaic hides barely noticeable runes: a message in Common. It says the following:
Go back to the tormentor or through the arch,
and the second great hall you’ll discover.
Shun green if you can, but night’s good color
is for those of great valor.
If shades of red stand for blood the wise
will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of
magical metal—you’re well along your march.
Two pits along the way will be found to lead
to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall.
These keys and those are most important of all,
and beware of trembling hands and what will maul.
If you find the false you find the true
and into the columned hall you’ll come,
and there the throne that’s key and keyed.
The iron men of visage grim do more than
meets the viewer’s eye.
You’ve left and left and found my Tomb
and now your soul will die.


2015-05-01, 07:27 PM

"So, good time to ask. Is anyone color-blind? I see red tiles." Hote says as he picks up a rock and chucks it down the hallway, aiming for the red tiles further on in.

Taking the pick by the business end he taps the red tiled walkway in front of him with the butt of the handle, giving it a few thumps. "Well...time to go." He says and steps forward along the walkway, thumping the wooden handle on the ground in front of him before each step.

Hote will walk at half-speed and poke at the floor before moving to a new 'square'. Assuming nothing happens, he'll continue forward until either he reaches the door in the picture or that box on the wall that's shown in the picture.

2015-05-01, 08:56 PM

The priest is unnerved. Before moving forward, he examines as much as he can from the entrance. First he uses his piercing gaze to check for illusions, then he activates one of the wands in his staff, and concentrates on the hall in front of him.

Using Pierce Illusions to make a will save against any illusion that may be in his line of sight without needing to interact with it. This is technically a passive ability, but I know it is rough getting used to the abilities of a new group of players. [roll0] (If there are more than one, feel free to roll for me.

Then, he is activating the wand of Detect Secret Doors. Round 1, are there any secret doors within 60' of Ban (focus the cone through the entrance)? If there are, he will continue concentrating for 2 more rounds.

2015-05-01, 11:28 PM

Pile is still busy attempting to decipher the poem when Hote leaps into action. He doesn't quite stop the dwarf, though he does seem a bit nervous. After a moment, he holds out a hand. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop. Please."

He takes a two-foot rod from his pack, and then with a few short twists he unfolds it into an 11' pole. "One unit better than a ten-foot pole," he mutters. Then he takes out another extendable 11' pole, unfolding it and connecting the two to create a 21' pole. "Now, please, clear out. I have to try something. See, three years ago I was... mildly crushed. Just a light case of crushing, really. Nothing too serious. But I would like to avoid a repeat, because the artificer that patched me up was very stern and I'd rather not have to visit her again with only one limb still attached."

As he speaks he inspects the ceiling in front of the group. Then, without ceremony he jabs the 21' pole firmly against the ceiling in several places, first very far away and then slowly closer to the mouth of the tunnel. If nothing happens, he folds the poles back up and puts them away.

To be clear, he does this before Hote moves too far into the hallway, and gets everyone to clear out before he does it. My first character to die was killed thanks to a rigged ceiling. That DM was a jerk and didn't allow any saves or rolls to spot the trap, and I don't think you'd do that. With that said, this Tomb kinda requires overcaution.

Assuming the tunnel doesn't collapses, he steps back and allows Hote to continue searching for traps; though if the dwarf is fine with it he will move forward onto searched floor tiles to search the walls around the group. Pile's flaming grey ioun stone flutters around his head, filling the hallway with a bit more light.

2015-05-03, 06:42 AM
As Pile prods the ceiling above them, he is pleasantly surprised when nothing at all happens. Satisfied, he unbinds the poles and retracts them back to storage size in order to allow Hote down the hall. The dwarf starts with the casual toss of a rock that hits the red tiles in AI12 and skitters harmlessly away. Again, nothing at all happens. The Silver Key makes his way safely down the hall to the first large fresco, that of a wizard's work room. Once more, nothing at all. Perhaps all the rumors about the "Tomb of Horrors" had been precisely that--rumors? Empty whispers in the night? Old wives' tales and grand exaggerations?

Banterus uses his spell to scan the hallway as Hote comes to a stop before the fresco of the wizard's work room. Two jackal-headed human figures in this painting are portrayed as if holding bronze chest—which is real, and protrudes slightly into the corridor! The chest is hinged on the bottom so as to allow the bottom surface of the chest to swing down. Hote notices a stud on top of the chest as well.

Map Updated in OOC OP.

While your pick tapping caused nothing to happen in the square of stone you're now standing on, you notice that the edges of this particular set of tiles in front of the fresco stand in slightly sharper relief to the others. It almost seems as if the floor is hinged to give way, but from your experience most common pit traps seem to trigger when trod upon. Curiously, this one remains closed and supports your weight.
Pile's ioun stone causes a glint of light to catch just above the stud that tops the box, revealing a long needle drenched in some sort of liquid. Why, it almost seems as though a poisoned needle trap has been built into the button that opens this box!
While the others seem fixated on the box itself, you take a moment to appreciate the wholeness of the fresco. While the backdrop is a wizard's work room, the characters depicted with jackal heads seem representative of clever sorcerers. In one of the ancient religions once local to this area but since long-dead, the anubii were jackal-headed demigods associated with the process of mummification and the afterlife. Another local religion, still practiced by some, found more use for the jackal as a metaphor. It was symbolic of loneliness, abandonment, or desolation. Perhaps the chest in this scene was meant to contain an organ from a long-dead king? Or maybe the fresco was a warning to our adventurers that the place was desolate and that they, too, should abandon hope of survival?

Thinking for a moment, you realize that this lich almost seems to flaunt his knowledge of esoterica, using the oddities on the walls to communicate some kind of message. Was he trying to tell you something about the area around this particular fresco, even? A clue that would reward only the inquisitive? Or, lastly, could he be a spider dangling his webbing in front of you, luring you in so that there would be no escape?
There are secret doors, etc. within 60 ft. Concentrating further, you detect secret doors in AI9-AJ10 & AI11-AJ12. Disconcertingly, these particular doors are in the floor, as if they lead to some sort of pit trap. However, you also detect a door of some sort hidden in the wall behind the second fresco (the one depicting a torture chamber) in AH11-12.



2015-05-03, 07:58 AM

"Push the button, get stuck." Hote says as he looks at the stud and the needle above it. "Maybe drop the floor too. Got just the thing for that." He says and takes two steps back along the red walkway. He digs into his pack and takes out a coil of rope and shakes loose the end. "Hey rope, get up that wall. Make some knots too."

At this command the rope slides up the wall and anchors itself to the ceiling, looping itself into knots along the way. Hote grabs hold of the rope and lifts himself up, resting his feet in a saddle. "Hey." He says over his shoulder. "I'm going to push this button. Maybe...don't be standing on the floor?" After his companions make their arrangements or move away, he holds onto the rope with both hands as he glares at the box, squinting at the stud. The air around the stud wavers as if being pushed aside by invisible hands and the stud presses down.

Stepping back to 8, AI. He uses his Rope of Climbing to get off the floor and his Crafty Hands ability to press the stud. He will Take 10 on his Climb check to make sure he's secure in his saddle before pressing the button.

2015-05-03, 09:11 PM

"Hote, I think you just realized it, but there was a door under your feat until you moved back. There is another one just beyond it. They are both about 10'x10'. I'm no expert, but I'm guessing trapdoor. There is a secret door in the next fresco -- the one that looks like a torture chamber." The priest still does not enter, as it looks like the dwarf plans to do something quite dangerous.

2015-05-03, 10:06 PM

Pile remains nearby, ten feet from the potential trapdoor, in case Hote requests assistance. After a moment or two, he speaks up. "I should mention, in case you didn't know, that poison doesn't bother me. Acid'll hurt me like anything else, but anything that's made to hurt you biologicals isn't an issue. Just... in case you didn't want to deal with that needle yourself."

2015-05-04, 08:29 AM

Rune takes out a rod similar to Pile's (though there's only one of it). As he's extending it into a 10' pole, he turns to Ban. "I want to go take a look at that torture chamber. You said there's a trapdoor right in front of it?"

2015-05-04, 09:29 AM
Hote uses his mental powers to manipulate the adamantine dagger in his bag. The pommel of the dagger floats over the stud and presses down easily, activating the box without triggering the poison needle. With an audible click, the bottom panel of the box swings open. However, nothing falls out. It seems as if the box may be empty, and a closer examination from Hote reveals a rodlike lever affixed to the top of the box, tucked in the corner so as to stay hidden from the eye of a casual observer.

Rune moves to examine the fresco of the torture chamber, careful to follow Ban's advice. As he pokes at the squares with his pole, a counterlever underneath swings into place and the panels of the floor drop out. Thankfully, because of Ban's warning and Rune's shrewd use of his 10-foot pole, the trap door is easily avoided. Looking to the fresco, this portion illustrates an iron door that evidently confines some sort of a horrid creature (its clawed and scaled hands grasp the bars of its small window) that can be loosed to torment prisoners.

The picture depicts a gargoyle: a vicious flying predator that enjoys torturing creatures weaker than itself. Gargoyles often appear to be winged stone statues, for they can perch indefinitely without moving and use this disguise to surprise their foes.
They require no food, water, or air, but often eat their fallen foes out of fondness for inflicting pain. Furthermore, you recall that their stony hide makes them somewhat resistant to most mundane weaponry.


2015-05-04, 09:45 AM
Ban continues concentrating on his spell in order to discern the mechanism of the door in the Torture Room fresco. As he does so, he carefully advances, following in Hote's footsteps.

Move 10' into the dungeon, following Hote's path, which I believe was AK5->AK6.

2015-05-04, 09:57 AM

Rune can't reach the fresco to try and determine its mechanism--at least, not with any kind of accuracy. Whaling on it with his 10' pole is probably not a good idea. He looks down into the pit before him in an attempt to determine whether he could safely lower himself down.

"Stay on guard, everybody," he warns. "There could be a real gargoyle in there--they're ideal for this sort of ambush because they don't need to eat or breathe."

Spot: 1d20+3 = 12 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19204015&postcount=41)

2015-05-06, 06:09 AM
Looking down into the pit, Rune sees no gargoyles. Instead, he sees a straight 10-foot drop that ends abruptly atop 7 pointy spikes. Each spike is coated in a vile, viscous fluid that could simply be the accumulated grime of ages...or something far more nefarious.

Ban's spell doesn't detect any buttons, levers, or obscure triggers for the secret door hidden behind the fresco of the torture chamber. Instead, it seems as if a regular mundane door (knob and everything) has been plastered over. The wall itself is the only thing making this door secret. Do our heroes dare destroy the wall to see what treasures or tribulations lie in wait? Or will they ignore it and continue cautiously onward?

2015-05-06, 08:57 AM
"Rune, directly across that pit is a door that has been plastered over. This place is just full of little surprises." Ban takes another couple of steps forward, careful not to interfere with the dwarf dangling off of the fresco. He peers into the gloom, hoping to glean a bit more information from his magically altered senses before the spell fades.

Move AK6, AK7 Concentrating on Detect Secret Doors. I know Hoke can find them without trying if he lives through his current encounter, but it never hurts to plan ahead.

2015-05-06, 01:14 PM
Rune decides that it's probably not worth exposing himself to the nasty liquid coating the spikes below when he can reach across the pit with his 10' pole. He hefts it and stares intently at the fresco across from him. "What do you think, fellows? Should we find out what's behind there or simply continue on?"

2015-05-06, 04:50 PM
Pile rolls his fingers in a fluid motion. "I wish you hadn't set off the pit trap, but what's done is done. It'll just be a little less convenient to get at that hidden door. Unless we could reset the pit... Hm."

He kneels down near the pit trap, trying to decide if resetting it is worth the effort.

Is there any way to use Disable Device in such a way to both reset the trap, and ensure he won't accidentally activate it again?

2015-05-06, 05:20 PM

"Well, an empty box." Hote says and leans out to get a peak inside the box. "Ah ha! A hand puller. Not so empty box." Hote turns and glances at Rune. "I don't know about you all but I came here to clean him out. Open it all up." He says and flicks a finger towards the box, pulling down the lever with mental force.

2015-05-09, 07:19 AM
By continuing to focus on his spell, Ban is able to detect two more unsprung pit traps laying in wait for our heroes. He points both of them out to the others. Meanwhile, Pile sets about resetting & disarming the pit trap in front of the torture chamber fresco. He uses his 10-foot pole to provide leverage on the underside of the pit's trap doors, and once they're close enough together they click back into place. Afterward, he pops the now-visible hinge in such a way that it locks back into place. A few solid taps on the floor with his pole confirm that the trap has been both reset and disarmed.

When Hote activates the lever inside the box with his mental prowess, the floor opens next to him. Luckily, the dwarf had the foresight to secure himself via his animated rope. If not, right now he would be dangling 30 feet above the business end of some long spikes coated in viscous liquid. Lying among the detritus that gathers around the spikes at the bottom of the trap are several bones and a thick layer of dust.

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)


2015-05-10, 05:44 PM

"Bracing." Hote says as he leans over a little and gazes down into the pit. "Well, nothing I want to see up close down there. Rope, go back a ways." He says and a large loop of the rope snakes across the wall and attaches to it. Carefully getting out of his seat he gets back down to the red tiled floor. "Ah. Seems we lost our path."

"Rope, get down." He says and the rope drops from the wall and ceiling, forming itself into a perfect coil which he scoops up and puts back in his pack. "Think you can handle the door?" He says to Pile. "I'm going to take a stroll further." Skirting along the edges of the pit in front of him he gets back on the red tiled path and meanders along it.

Dropping down to 8/AI, then walking around the pit: 8/AJ, 8/AK, 9/AK, 10/AK, 11/AK, 12/AL. That gets him back on the path, then he'll walk down to 18/AI.

2015-05-10, 09:32 PM
"Hote! Watch out!" Ban tries to catch the dwarf. "I think you misunderstood. That one there is a trap door."

I think you numbered your squares wrong. If I follow your directions you walk over at least one of the traps.

2015-05-11, 06:24 AM
Ban calls out in the nick of time, keeping Hote on safe terrain. The dwarf continues to meander down the red path.

2015-05-11, 08:11 AM

Despite Pile's assurances that the pit trap is disabled, Rune doesn't step onto it just yet. Instead, he uses his 10' pole to bash the torture chamber fresco where the knob should be, trying to get through the plaster to the real door beneath.

2015-05-11, 10:05 AM
Ban follows Hote down the hall, keeping an eye on the hungover dwarf's footsteps -- both so that he can follow them, and also to watch for further slips. He slips carefully past Rune and Pile while they work on the torture chamber fresco. As his altered senses pick up new information, he relays it to the others.

Move: AK8,9,10,11,12,AJ13
Standard: Concentrate on finding more secret doors down the hall.

2015-05-12, 01:13 PM

Once more pit traps have been discovered, Pile turns away from the wall for a moment. "Allow me to go ahead and give us a solid walking surface. If we have to flee down this hallway for whatever reason, perhaps due to boulder or oozes or minotaurs, it would be nice to not have to weave and dodge to avoid pits. I am assuming, of course, that any defenders of this place will know about the traps and therefore not spring them themselves."

He will disarm all the pits that have already been discovered. Take 10 on disarming the pit traps gives me a 30, which has proven to be effective.

2015-05-13, 06:44 AM
Rune strikes the wall of the torture chamber fresco with his 10-foot pole, revealing the masonry work in that section to be no more than plaster. The plaster breaks and peels away, revealing a normal looking door that opens inward. Dare our heroes open it?

While Rune works on the wall, Ban continues down path, revealing two more pit traps. As the warforged disables all the pits in the hall, Ban points out these two and Pile makes short order of disabling them as well. Toward the end of the hall, Ban also detects another secret door in the Western wall. However, Ban feels a sensation of repulsion or being pushed from his spell, cluing him in on the fact that this particular door is one-way; it exits into this hall, but it does not seem like it can be entered from this side.

As Pile goes about disarming traps, he notices a literal fork in the road further down the corridor. At the South end of the corridor, the red tile path splits in two. To the East, an archway full of swirling mist. To the South, the gaping maw of a great green devil statue. The East fork of the red tile path leads into a mist-filled stone archway. Three large stones are embedded in the arch. Each has a different hue—yellow on the lower left, bluish at the top of the arch, and orange on the lower right. The South fork of the red tile path leads directly to a huge leering devil face set in the mosaic at the corridor’s end. The devil’s mouth gapes wide and empty—in fact it is dead black, emitting no hint of light. It is about three feet in diameter...wide enough for any who would dare enter.

Which exit from this hall will our heroes choose: the door behind the torture chamber fresco to the Northwest, the devil statue to the South, or the archway of mist to the Southeast?


MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2015-05-13, 08:56 AM

Ban goes over the rhyme in light of what they've found, "'Go back to the tormentor or through the arch, and the second great hall you’ll discover.' seems to indicate that the secret door here and the arch on the other side of the hall lead to the same place." He looks back and forth, "That hardly seems possible unless it is a long route either way. 'Shun green if you can, but night’s good color is for those of great valor.' You said a green devil with a black mouth? This lich has no love lost for the valorous, so I guarantee you that is a lure to a trap. 'If shades of red stand for blood the wise will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of magical metal—you’re well along your march.' I thought maybe that was a mention of the red on the floor because of the bit about marching, but no I have idea about the loop of magical metal. 'Two pits along the way will be found to lead to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall.' Fortuitous for us or him? I feel like we might be missing something by just disarming these pit traps. Perhaps the first two were trapped to disguise that one of the later ones was actually a good passage. Also, that bit about checking the wall and trembling hands seems to indicate that there is more in this wall that only the best trapsniffers can find successfully. After that, I'm lost."

2015-05-14, 07:08 PM

"I don't care for demon face's or walls of mist." Hote says as he frowns at the end of the hall. He leans aside to let Pile pass and shrugs. "Guess I'll take care of that torture door then." Hote makes his way back along the red tile towards the now revealed door and squats in front of it.

"Fake walls...maybe a fake door..." Hote's dagger lifts out of his belt and floats towards the door. It taps against the door at the corners, sides, and walls around it. "Seems solid. Lemme take a closer look." He says and waddles closer to the door, breaking out a gleaming set of lockpicks.

Hote will go back along the red tile and stop in AH/12. He'll search the door for traps. If none are found, he'll try and unlock the door. If traps are found, he'll take necessary precautions (i.e. moving back to avoid a pitfall, going around a corner to avoid a shooting dart, etc), then disarm the trap with his Crafty Hands.

2015-05-16, 06:17 AM
Curiously, Hote finds the hidden door to be untrapped and unlocked.

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2015-05-16, 06:55 AM

"Maybe he just forgot to lock it." Hote says as he leans back on his haunches. He pokes his head back into the hallway. "Hey, I'm opening this door. Watch out for falling skeletons or something." He says with a laugh, then turns back and opens it, pausing a moment to hold his breath and close his eyes before doing so.

Just simple precautions. If there's no explosions, etc out of the door he'll open his eyes and look inside.

2015-05-16, 07:12 AM
Hote takes in a deep gulp of stale tomb air and squeezes his eyes tight before opening the hidden door to reveal...

An empty 20-foot chamber and another door.

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2015-05-16, 05:47 PM

The first doorway. There was something exciting about actually being in the fabled tomb, but this was unprecedented. Ban unconsciously patted his tunic where he kept the notice revoking all the rights and honors pertaining to Acererack' specious degree. He was one step closer to actually striking a blow against evil and corruption in this world. The officious man was positively giddy on the inside. He kept his face in its usual disapproving scowl.

Ban stared into the room with his piercing gaze. "Masters Hoke and Pile, I would never presume to tell you how to do your work, but do you think that room might be trapped?"

The magic from his wand had faded and it seemed a shame to waste more with two such accomplished trap sniffers on the job.

Let me know if his back seat driving gets annoying. I'm just having a little rp fun while Ban's services aren't especially needed.

Will save if there happens to be an illusion in there: [roll0]

2015-05-16, 09:08 PM

Pile notes the second secret door with a bit of red chalk, then backtracks to the group. "I have disabled the pitfalls for now. If we wish to check them at some point, it will be fairly trivial to open them; but I would rather focus on more likely pathways before pursuing such potentially specious routes."

He pauses after speaking, looking around. "None of you are going to call me a thesaurus, or ask me to define 'specious'? How very odd. And nice. It is good to work with a group of literate individuals, I must say. The last time I raided an ancient tomb half of the party signed their names with an 'X'. It was rather tedious."

He makes his way to the entrance of the newly opened room, searching the floor in front of him and then the ceiling above for traps. If he finds no traps, he pokes the floor and ceiling with his pole firmly. Assuming no traps and no collapses, he continues slowly into the room, presumably working beside Hote.

Take 10 on search for a meager 28.

2015-05-19, 06:49 AM
Banterus detects no illusions within the hall, and Pile finds no traps. It seemed this was simply an empty corridor. There was, of course, the matter of the door at the end of it...

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2015-05-19, 11:14 AM
Pile takes his time inspecting the door at the end of the hall, unless Hote decides to come look at it instead.

Take 20 on Search for a 38, or a 40 if someone assists him.

2015-05-19, 08:02 PM

"It's just a door..." Hote mumbles as Pile checks the hinges for the third time. He slumped against the wall and sat down, closing his eyes to try and deal with the spins. "Ugh, that makes them worse." After cleaning his fingernails twice over he scratched his name into the stone floor with his adamantine dagger. "Hote...was...here. Heh. How's that door coming, eh?"

2015-05-19, 08:59 PM
Ban continue assisting the best way he knew how. He stays out of the way except for offering friendly advice. "The best cure I know for a hangover involves mollusk ingestion. I think I have the recipe in my bag if you are interested."

2015-05-19, 11:00 PM

Pile ignores Hote's prodding, for the most part. "Sure, sure, it's just a door. I lost my left index finger over 'just a door', you know. Had to use some wire and rubble as a replacement for half a week before I could get it properly fixed. Granted, I ended up using that same rubble to make the finger joints. It was good rubble. But the point is, you can never be sure something is 'just a door' or if it's actually 'just a trigger for twelve different sawblades'."

2015-05-20, 05:51 AM
In this case, it proves to be squarely the former. The door is untrapped & unlocked.

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?412328-Gadgets-Gods-amp-Gore-OOC-3-5-Tomb-of-Horrors&p=19181357#post19181357)

2015-05-20, 09:25 AM
Rune follows the others down the secret corridor, stopping next to the message Hote just carved into the floor. "I'm somewhat worried about your use of the past tense, my friend," he says with a chuckle. "Why not Hote is here? The effect on future steaders will be largely the same, I imagine."

2015-05-20, 09:38 AM

Pile takes a few steps back from the door. "It's unlocked, so I don't trust it in the least. Would someone like to open it, hopefully from a distance?"

2015-05-20, 03:01 PM

"Nah, don't care for cure-all's." Hote says to Ban. "Gotta know when I'm really feeling better." He glances at Rune, then down to his carving, then back at Rune. "Well, I, uh..." He stutters, not anticipating such scholarly advice. He stops trying to answer when Pile steps back. "Sure, glad to." He says and pushes against the wall to stand up, then steadies himself against the wall, then saunters over towards the door and opens it.

2015-05-21, 08:26 PM
Banterus is glad that he is waiting around the corner. He readies himself to cast a recuperative spell if one becomes necessary and whispers, "That dwarf has moxie."

2015-05-23, 02:09 PM

The warforged stands at the end of the little room, and he draws a longbow from his haversack. It's an odd sight, but the party is more than experienced enough to be unfazed by the sight of a large object being drawn from a smaller one. He loosely nocks an arrow, just in cast something slobbering and horrible comes charging out of the door. "Always expect the worst," he mutter with the same tone as a cleric praying to his god.

Ready an action to stuff any creature inside the next room with arrows. Just in case.

2015-05-29, 06:56 AM
Hote opens the untrapped door to reveal a larger room. The stone room is mostly empty, save for three items of note. In the Southeast corner, two doors sit kitty-corner one another. In the Northwest corner is a statue of a grotesque, winged humanoid figure with a horned head and stony hide, its four arms each tipped with wicked rocky claws. Around the statue’s neck is a collar studded with huge, gleaming gems. Seeing a humanoid shape in the room, Pile lets fly an arrow. The arrowhead strikes the statue but skitters harmlessly off its side due to its stony hide.

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)


2015-05-29, 10:39 AM
Rune carefully steps over Hote's inscription and peers at the stone form in the next room. "Don't get jumpy. It's just a statue," he councils Pile. Then, more to himself, he mutters, "Of what, though? Hmm, let me think..."

Move to AF12 and then Knowledge spam for "what the heck is that a statue of," because it being a statue makes it very difficult to determine creature type.

Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]
Nature: [roll2]
The Planes: [roll3]
Religion: [roll4]

EDIT: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19321136&postcount=60)
Arcana: (1d20+22)[35]
Dungeoneering: (1d20+29)[35]
Nature: (1d20+22)[33]
The Planes: (1d20+22)[37]
Religion: (1d20+25)[45]

2015-05-29, 03:50 PM

The warforged shrugs, drawing another arrow. "To be fair, I've been mistaken for a statue in the past. That was after the poison dart trap I got hit by seven years ago. Did you know they make poisons that affect warforged? Because I didn't."

Knowledges all around:

Arcana: [roll0]
Dungoneering: [roll1]
The Planes: [roll2]
Religion: [roll3]

2015-05-29, 04:17 PM
Ban peers around the corner, looking for the statue they are referring to.

Spot [roll0]
Arcana [roll1]

2015-05-29, 04:22 PM

"Oy!" Hote says to Pile. "That was a bit close for comfort." He frowns at Pile and then shrugs, turning back to the new room. "Let's see what's in here." He says and walks into the room, keeping a trailing hand on the wall as he does. "Finally! Something worth stealing." He says as he spots the gem necklace. "Looks just my size too."

Standing next to the statue, he wiggles his fingers at the necklace to see if it's not too heavy too lift with his telekinetic prowess.

AD/11, AC/11, AB/11, AB/10, AB/9, AA/9.

Check the necklace for traps, disable if needed, then steal it.

2015-05-29, 09:50 PM

The priest winces at the dwarf's casual disregard for his own safety. "You know. If I were building a devious deathtrap, I'd put something tempting like that necklace on the other side of some very dangerous things." He subconsciously starts toward his companion, like a nervous mother after her child.

Move AI12, AH12, AG12

2015-06-03, 06:38 AM
As Hote reaches for the beautiful, shimmering necklace with his mind...nothing happens. Then, the necklace shimmies and shakes in place before finally lifting off of the statue's neck and floating toward the dwarf's awaiting hand. The collar is studded with 10 huge, gleaming blue gems.

It's a statue of a gargoyle. Or wait, is it actually a gargoyle? None of you can see if it's breathing or actually a stone statue, but each of you know enough about gargoyles to know they can lie motionless in wait, their stony hide making them resemble a statue. Or it could be a statue.

The Statue:

MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2015-06-03, 10:14 AM

The warforged peers at the statue for a moment, curious. "You know, there are two ways to identify a gargoyle. The first is to notice their stretchier skin-layer beneath their outer, rocky hide. That takes a keen eye and a bit of luck, given their skill at deception."

He moves up into the doorway so that he has a good line of sight to the "statue". Then in a smooth motion he fires an arrow at the statue, right at center mass. "The other way is to shoot them and see if they react."

Here's to possibly getting us all killed. :smallbiggrin:

Spot: [roll0]

Knowledge Devotion for Monstrous Humanoids (Nature): [roll1] = +3

Attack: [roll2] + 3

Damage (If it hits, he'll use a point of inspiration for damage. No reason not to, since it's "per encounter".): [roll3] + 1 Acid + 3

2015-06-03, 11:47 AM

"Shiny." Hote says as he handles the necklace. "Let's just put this away safe...gah!" Hote says as he puts the necklace into his bag of holding and ducks as another arrow flies past him. He glares at Pile then trudges across the room to the other doors. "If you're going to be shooting everything we see, at least let me get out of the way first."

Put the necklace in his bag of holding, then move to 14/AB, examining the doors.

2015-06-03, 11:59 AM

"An interesting if foolhardy approach," begins Ban before he shrugs and says, "Oh hells, this I didn't bring a wand for." He readies himself to cast Revivify as it will almost certainly be needed in the next few moments.

2015-06-05, 02:44 PM
"Didn't we already attempt this line of experimentation?" Rune asks. "And since your last arrow didn't bother it a whit, I'm not sure it's wise to keep provoking it, if it is in fact some manner of gargoyle." His hands shift nervously on his axe, just waiting for the statue to come to life.

2015-06-06, 03:55 PM
Pile shrugs. "If it is a gargoyle employed to guard this place, it will probably try to kill us regardless of our actions. Still, there should be a way to discern if it is real or not. Perhaps stonecunning?" He looks to the more beardly party members.

2015-06-06, 05:03 PM
"Well, if it isn't a gargoyle, it is a crime against Art. That is one of the ugliest statues I've ever seen, and I once raided a temple of Glob the god of Ugliness and Repulsion to serve a citation. Some of his priests had been painting graffiti on the walls of other local temples. The statuary in that temple made me vomit, but this statue is even worse than that. I hesitate to come any closer for fear of losing yesterday's breakfast."

2015-06-06, 05:18 PM

"Yes, it looks like it's made of stone." Hote says, rolling his eyes before he turns away from the doors to face the group. "You want to know if it's a gargoyle? Here." Hote says and digs into a pouch at his belt, pulling out a slendor wooden wand. He points the wand at the statue and says "Fwoosh!".

UMD'ing his Wand of Scorching Ray (minimum caster level, so just 1 ray for 4d6 fire damage.

UMD [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Yes, 'Fwoosh' is his command word for 'magic wand that shoots fire'. :smallsmile:

2015-06-10, 08:07 AM
At first, Pile's arrow seems to do little more than scrape the stone of the gargoyle statue. However, the acid starts to sizzle and burn, and thanks to the warforged's knowledge, he notices that the stretchier skin-layer beneath the outer, rocky hide has been exposed and is starting to burn. This is no statue--it's an actual gargoyle! Before he can sound the alarm for the rest of the party, Ban has readied a spell to bring Hote back from the dead while the impulsive dwarf has pulled out a wand and targeted the creature with it. With a word from Hote, a ray of flame leaps from the edge of the wand and kicks the device back in his hands. The gargoyle is hit square in the chest and gives up the façade; it lumbers forward toward Hote, closing the space in the doorway and licking its lips. With a massive swing of its stony arm, the creature strikes Hote with a claw square in the solar plexus. The blow would send a slower man flying backwards, but the nimble dwarf rolls with the shot and absorbs the impact.

Results: Pile damages the gargoyle for 1 acid damage and 3 regular damage, while Hote's scorching ray hits it for 16 damage! Of course, this means the gargoyle IS actually alive. It moves into the doorway and currently threatens Rune, Hote, and Pile. The creature hits Hote for 16 damage, but thanks to his quick reflexes Hote avoids being sent flying and stands his ground!

Next up is: Ban/Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)


2015-06-10, 09:06 AM

"Impersonating a statue for the purpose of ambushing travelers is a class four evil offense. I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a citation," Ban sighs and flings a bolt of pale white light at the creature.

Casting Moonbolt. Living targets take [roll0] Str damage (fort save DC 19 for half).

2015-06-14, 09:12 PM

"Gah!" Hote screams as the statue comes to life and slashes at him. He slumps up against the wall and then squats low, somersaulting away from the gargolye. "Hit it in the eyes!" He shouts, while shaking his wand at it.

Tumble [roll0] to 14Y. 13AB->14AA->14Z->14Y.
Activate wand at the Gargoyle.

UMD [roll1]
Ranged Touch Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

HP 35/51
AC 20

2015-06-15, 01:49 PM

Pile doesn't say a word, but his eyes take on a bit of a manic gleam. He slides back away from the monster's brutal claws, sending two arrows at it as he does. The arrows burst into flame a moment or two after they leave the bow, and they strike the gargoyle at it's joints, where its skin is the most thin and least rocky.

I'm confused why Pile only does 1 Acid + 3 Regular damage; he dealt 13+1 damage, and his bow is magic so it gets past the gargoyle's DR. Should be 14 damage total, right?

Either way, he'll shift back one space and open up on this thing with Dragonsbreath arrows, using Inspiration to add to damage if he hits.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Acid and it's lit on fire unless it makes a DC 16 Reflex save.

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 1 Acid and it's lit on fire unless it makes a DC 16 Reflex save.

EDIT- Sweet. Hopefully this is now an ex-gargoyle.

2015-06-15, 06:58 PM
Rune, Finally

Rune is temporarily stunned by the creature he had assured his comrades was "just a statue" had come to life, and by the time he snaps out of it, Pile has moved so that Rune can't easily get away from the gargoyle. Noting that he's the only explorer still within its reach, he sighs, shifts into a defensive stance, and attempts to magically ward himself without catching a swipe from the gargoyle's claws.

Attempt to defensively cast Sanctuary (DC 16) on self: [roll0]

2015-06-17, 06:36 AM
Rune casts a defensive spell, while Ban takes more of an offensive approach. A bolt of shimmering moonlight streaks from his hand to the gargoyle's bicep, sapping away some of the creature's strength. The creature is hardy, so the spell doesn't take its full effect, though. Pile's first arrow clatters harmlessly against the protection provided by the gargoyle's stony hide, but his second arrow finds a nest in a joint and pours alchemist's fire over the creature, setting it ablaze. For its part, the gargoyle looks generally unfazed. Hote tumbles away, but as he shouts "Fwoosh!" the wand responds with little more than a dry click. The gargoyle moves toward Hote and strikes with a claw, abandoning accuracy for power. The attack slashes across Hote's shoulder, breaking his collarbone and tearing into the muscle.

Results: Rune defensively casts Sanctuary! Ban hits the gargoyle with a Moon Bolt for 3 STR damage! Pile's first attack misses, but the second hits the gargoyle for 6 damage, 1 fire damage, and the gargoyle catches fire for 3 fire damage! Hote avoids an AoO by tumbling away from the gargoyle, but fails to activate his wand. The gargoyle hits Hote for 23 damage!

Next up is: Rune, Ban, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll2] Power Attack for 4
Gargoyle fire damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19412271&postcount=1094)

2015-06-19, 09:20 AM
Ban steps forward slightly, to better aim his spell. He pops a small pebble-like object in his mount, then breathes a blast of frigid air at the gargoyle.

5' Step to AF11
Casting Frost Breath, using a mentos candy as the material component. The effect begins at the AE/AF 11/12 intersection, and is an orthogonal 30' cone. So, it should just catch the gargoyle, but miss Hote. [roll0] cold damage. Reflex save DC 17 for half, and if it fails it is dazed for 1 round.

2015-06-19, 07:35 PM

"Noahh!" Hote screams as the gargoyle cuts him deep. He tucks the wand under an armpit and throws out his hands at the gargoyle as he yells "Fireball!" He wiggles his fingers and glances around the room for someplace else to be.

Trying to defensively use his Invisibility spell-like ability.
DC 17 [roll0]

If succesful, he'll move to Y9. If unsuccesful, he'll try to tumble [roll1] to square 14AB.

HP 12/51

2015-06-20, 09:27 PM

Rune waits until Ban casts his spell, then grabs a wand from his haversack--but instead of pointing it at the gargoyle, he rolls it to Pile's feet. "I'm going to attempt to draw its fire away from Hote. If I don't make it, you'll want to have that in order to repair yourself." Having said that, he turns and rushes closer to the gargoyle, shouting, "Over here, you...rock-head! Your mother was a sediment!"

Rune is not very good at trash talk.

He delays until after Ban, then retrieves the wand of Repair Light Damage and drops it in square AG11. Instead of a standard action, he takes a second move to AD12.

Rounds of Sanctuary Remaining: 8

2015-06-22, 01:43 PM

The warforged notes the location of the wand, and he mumbles a thanks to Rune as he moves forward to get a shot on the gargoyle un-obstructed by the doorway. He snaps a shot at it with a wickedly sharp arrow, aiming once more for something vital and fleshy.

Gosh darn, I've been forgetting Point Blank Shot.

Move to AD11.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (a Serpent's Tongue arrow this time): [roll1] With a point of inspiration if he hits. EDIT- +1 Acid damage, don't want to forget about that.

Gargoyle should still be aflame. :smallsmile:

2015-06-24, 07:35 AM
Ban's spell catches the foul creature to tremendous effect, enveloping it in icy fog and leaving the creature motionless. Rather than freezing in place, though, the gargoyle is actually freezing. As such, the creature is unresponsive to Rune's trash talk, Pile's resounding blow with his serpentstongue arrow, or Hote's illusion. It seems the tables have turned to favor our heroes...but how long would such luck remain with them?

Results: Ban's frost breath hits the gargoyle for 13 damage and leaves the creature dazed! Rune drops his wand and steps bravely forward! Pile hits the gargoyle for 6 damage, 1 acid damage, and it continues to burn for 5 fire damage! Hote turns invisible!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll3] Power Attack -1
[roll4] Power Attack -1
[roll7] Power Attack -1
[roll8] Power Attack -1
[roll11] Power Attack -1
[roll12] Power Attack -1
[roll15] Power Attack -1
[roll16] Power Attack -1
[roll19] Power Attack -1
[roll20] Power Attack -1
[roll23] Power Attack -1
[roll24] Power Attack -1

2015-06-24, 11:56 AM

Pile continues to fire at the gargoyle mechanically, his arms moving with machinelike speed and precision. "This creature is able to ignore most of the harm from mundane attacks. I recommend relying on elemental methods of attack." Taking his own advice, he switches back to his flaming arrows, though gargoyle is already alight.

Switching back to Dragonsbreath arrows, because I'm running low on Inspiration. Full attack.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Acid + 1 Fire (+Reflex DC 15 or he's on fire... again)

Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 1 Acid + 1 Fire (+Reflex DC 15 or he's on fire... again again)

2015-06-24, 11:57 AM
Crit Confirmation: [roll0]
Bonus Crit Damage +[roll1] + 2 Acid + 2 Fire

2015-06-26, 10:55 PM

"Hote, I was going to heal you, but you seem to have disappeared. If you could find your way over to me, I'd be happy to offer some assistance." Ban calls out into the room with the ugly statue.

Ban will ready an action to use his Healing Belt on Hote, if he comes within arm's reach.

2015-06-29, 09:33 PM

dontbleedoutdontbleedoutdontbleedoutdontbleedout.. .woah that's cold! Hote flinches from the blast of frost and then freezes himself when he realizes the gargoyle has been knocked senseless, albeit momentarily. He glances back at the hallway and at Ban holding a glorious, wonderful healing spell for him and then back the gargoyle. "Stlarn yourself." He says to the gargoyle and runs flat out across the chamber, sliding past Pile and Rune to stop next to Ban by grabbing the priests robe. "I'm here!" The invisible dwarf says. "Don't let me die!"

RUN! to 12/AG.

Hote (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=14158)
HP 12/51

2015-06-29, 10:16 PM

When the invisible dwarf grabs his robe, Ban fumbles with an outstretched hand. Aiming for a shoulder, but forgetting Hotes height, the Priest pokes the injured sneak in the eye. Still, the healing flows, and Hote is somewhat rejuvenated.


2015-06-29, 10:44 PM
"Stay back," Rune warns the warforged firing arrows next to him. "I am still warded, which should prevent him from ripping me to shreds." He clutches his holy symbol tightly as he moves forward again, into the reach of the gargoyle's claws. "I hope."

Move: Move to AB12 (which provokes an AoO from the gargoyle if it has 10' reach)
Free: Pray like hell

Rounds of Sanctuary Remaining: 7

2015-06-30, 08:11 AM
How long is luck with our heroes? At least for the next six seconds! As Banterus heals up the invisible dwarf, Rune steps bravely forward. He raises his holy symbol overhead with a shaky arm and closed eyes, but is relieved to find as he approaches that the gargoyle does not strike at him. Instead, once he can bring himself to open his eyes, he is pleasantly surprised; the gargoyle's claw is raised in midair as if to strike, but the creature cannot bring down its stony arm. If such a thing were possible, it almost seems that the gargoyle's stony brow has furrowed.

Pile takes advantage of this momentary confusion to pepper the creature with arrows. However, the first arrow flies wide. The second finds its mark, though, and nearly strikes a vital area. However, the creature's upraised arm takes the blow instead, and the arrowhead fails to penetrate the stony hide. The acid sizzles and flame ignites once more, just as the flames from the last dragonsbreath arrow were dying out. The creature roars loudly, more in annoyance than in pain. "He will not be pleased," the creature rasps. With that, it moves toward the corner of the room with no regard for the threat that Rune poses. Pressing itself against the wall, the gargoyle strikes at Pile with a mighty claw and catches the archer in the shoulder. "Turn back while you still live!" the creature shouts.

Results: Hote escapes the gargoyle and Ban heals him for 12 HP! Rune succesfully avoids the gargoyle's attack of opportunity thanks to his sanctuary! The gargoyle saves vs. the ongoing fire from Pile's previous dragonsbreath arrow. Pile's first arrow misses and his second does not confirm a crit, but it still connects for 1 acid damage and 1 fire damage, setting the gargoyle on fire for another 1 fire damage! The creature responds by hitting Pile with a claw (despite cover bonuses) for 22 damage!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll0] vs DC 16 Sanctuary to make AoO
[roll1] Power Attack -1
[roll2] Power Attack -1
[roll5] vs DC 15 for ongoing fire
[roll6] ongoing
[roll7] vs DC 15 for new fire
[roll8] new
[roll9] Power Attack -4
[roll10] Power Attack -4
[roll11] Power Attack +4
[roll12] Power Attack +4
[roll13] Power Attack -4
[roll14] Power Attack -4
[roll15] Power Attack +4
[roll16] Power Attack +4
[roll17] Power Attack -4
[roll18] Power Attack -4
[roll19] Power Attack +4
[roll20] Power Attack +4
[roll21] Power Attack -4
[roll22] Power Attack -4
[roll23] Power Attack +4
[roll24] Power Attack +4
[roll25] Power Attack -4
[roll26] Power Attack -4
[roll27] Power Attack +4
[roll28] Power Attack +4
[roll29] Power Attack -4
[roll30] Power Attack -4
[roll31] Power Attack +4
[roll32] Power Attack +4

2015-06-30, 11:47 AM

"Thanks boss." The invisible dwarf says. "Stand back, I got a peach of a shot." Taking aim at the gargoyle, Hote says "Fwoosh!" and shakes his wand at it vigorously.

Attacking the Gargoyle with the Wand of Scorching Ray. Gargoyle is flat-footed for this attack (in theory).

UMD [roll0]

Attack (ranged touch vs flat-footed)
-4 for firing into melee
+4 from Cunning Insight

[roll2] fire damage
[roll3] sneak attack damage

2015-06-30, 01:48 PM

Ban is cursing his lack of foresight in planning his spells. Plan your entire spell list to combat a lich, and get foiled by the Gargoyle guarding his door. So, he lets Hote have another dose of healing. He then reaches over and picks up the dropped wand. Hoping to be able to help Pile next, he wonders how to even activate this thing.

Standard: Healing Belt on Hote: [roll0]
Move: Pick up Wand of Repair Light Wounds

2015-06-30, 02:31 PM

The warforged glances down at the massive wound in his chest, bemused. "Huh. Interesting. Now, please get five feet away from the gargoyle unless you want to be blind."

Going to huck an Eggshell Grenade (Dust) at this thing if people clear away from it; I don't want to blind anyone.

2015-07-04, 12:13 PM

Rune lets out a nervous laugh. "Dumathoin be praised!" he says, then looks back at his compatriots, grinning. Spying Pile's litte grenade, he puts a finger to his lips in a shushing motion and pulls another wand from his pack. As he waves it, the stone-on-stone sound of the gargoyle fades away to nothing. He puts his shushing hand over his mouth and nose in preparation for the dust cloud, but does not move away from the gargoyle. He can't hear Pile's warning, but he knows what's coming.

Use Silence from Rune's wand, centered on the Y/Z 11/12 corner.
Fort Save vs. Eggshell Grenade: [roll0]

Rounds of Sanctuary Remaining: 6
Rounds of Silence Remaining: 30

2015-07-06, 05:30 PM

Pile shrugs after giving everyone a moment to clear away, then he hurls a small grey sphere at the monster. It breaks with a shattering sound on impact and releases a big cloud of super-fine dust that clings to anything and everything on and around the gargoyle; especially the moisture in its eyes.

Pile will shift away one square (assuming the gargoyle has 10ft reach) unless it has already used its attack of opportunity.

Move action to draw an Eggshell Grenade.

Ranged Touch attack (-2 for range increment, +1 for Point Blank Shot): [roll0]
The gargoyle is blinded (on hit) for [roll1] rounds. Everyone with 5 feet of it must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

2015-07-09, 01:53 PM
Our heroes manage to heal themselves while incapacitating the gargoyle, tempting fate successfully for at least a few more seconds. Ban earns his keep healing the impulsive Hote, who tries unsuccessfully to blast the gargoyle again. Rune, safe under the wings of his divine magic, removes all sound from the gargoyle's room. Pile adds to the sensory deprivation by tossing a dust bomb in the creature's face. Luckily, Rune's dwarven stature causes the dust cloud to disperse above his head. The gargoyle, now mute and blind, claws feebly at where it had last seen Pile. It shreds the empty air to pieces, but feels nothing more than the breeze between its talons.

Results: Ban heals Hote for 9 HP, bringing him back above half! Rune silences the room he and the gargoyle are in! Hote fails to activate his wand, but Pile has more luck striking the beast with his eggshell grenade and blinding it for 4 rounds! The gargoyle takes 6 ongoing fire damage and claws feebly at the empty air!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll0] vs ongoing fire

2015-07-09, 02:32 PM

How does this thing work? He bangs the wand into the palm of his hand unfruitfully, then shrugs and tries to get out of the way.

My plan had been to use domain substitution, but that is a 10 min casting time spell, so not really feasible now. If Pile is really hurting, I'll use regular healing for half effect. How bad are you now?

2015-07-11, 04:32 PM
Pile takes a step to give himself a better shot, then fires twice at the blinded monster. His usually dull voice sounds more stressed than usual. "Please hit it with everything you've got, now. Eggshell grenades do not last long."

Shift down one to AE12.

Full attack with bow, Point Blank Shot added, dragonstongue arrows.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Acid + 1 Fire

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 1 Acid + 1 Fire

2015-07-11, 09:30 PM

Staring down at his wand in frustration Hote slaps it against the palm of his hand. "Stupid wand! Make the fire happen!" He shouts at it and points it at the gargoyle, this time holding it with both hands and adopting a wide leg stance. "Fwoosh!" He shouts in desperation.

UMD [roll0]

Gargoyle is Blind and thus flat-footed. Hote will use his other point of Inspiration for Cunning Insight again.

Attack (ranged touch) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] sneak attack damage.

2015-07-13, 08:53 AM

With the gargoyle unable to see, hear, or attack him, Rune moves back toward the rest of the group. "Here, I'll take that back for now," he says to Ban once he's out of range of his Silence spell. "I am unable hurt that creature anyway."

Move to AE12 (no AoO, since the gargoyle still can't attack Rune) and get that wand back from Ban, assuming he's amenable.

Rounds of Sanctuary Remaining: 5
Rounds of Silence Remaining: 29

2015-07-13, 10:55 AM
"Thank goodness," Ban hands it over. "I felt like I should be able to use it, but it was just beyond my ken."

Move action? to pass it.

2015-07-13, 08:19 PM
The wand exchanges hands as our heroes exchange words, but luckily for them it does not need to be activated just yet. While the flaming creature rages in blindness & silence, the fire wreathing its stony hide continues to burn, exposing even more of the soft flesh beneath its stony hide as its thick exterior chars away. Pile takes advantage of the opportunity to connect with another arrow, and even though the projectile itself does not harm the gargoyle, it discharges enough elemental energy to wound the beast slightly. Emboldened by his success, Pile fires another arrow, but this one bounces noiselessly against the far wall of the room.

Not one for "slightly," Hote tries again to activate his magic wand--and succeeds to great effect. Perhaps slapping it against his palm did something, but whatever it was fire LEAPS forward from the device. While the wand has a vicious recoil, between his double-fisted grip and his wide stance Hote is prepared to hold steady and keep the flame aimed straight at the gargoyle. Between its own blindness and Hote's [now-gone] invisibility, the creature literally doesn't see it coming. POW, right in the kisser! The blinded, silenced gargoyle reacts by lumbering forward and scratching clumsily at the air around it, but grasps at nothing but the air before Ban.

Results: Ban gives Rune's wand back! The gargoyle continues to burn for 5 fire damage before Pile hits the gargoyle for 1 acid & 1 fire damage, setting it on fire again for another 1 fire damage! Pile's second arrow misses, but Hote's wand fires and connects for 14 fire damage & 15 sneak attack damage...ending his invisibility. The gargoyle lumbers forward but is luckily still blinded and misses Ban!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll0] vs ongoing fire
[roll1] ongoing
[roll2] vs new fire
[roll3] new
[roll4] to hear party moving, talking, etc.
[roll5] 1=AF11, 2=AF12
[roll6] Power Attack -1
[roll7] Power Attack -1
[roll8] 1=miss, 2=hit

2015-07-13, 08:51 PM

"Got ya!" Hote shouts as he pumps a fist in the air. "Ready for another?" He says to the gargoyle, making sure to get his hand back on the wand. "Fwoosh!"

Gargolye is blind and loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and has a -2 penalty to AC (source (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm)).

UMD [roll0]

-4 for firing into melee without precise shot
Attack (ranged touch) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] sneak attack

2015-07-14, 08:10 AM

Rune turns to Pile, tapping him with the wand Ban just handed over. He mutters something under his breath that sounds like "Darn!" and the wand briefly flares with coppery-colored light.

Rune'll use the wand of Repair Light Damage on Pile.
HP healed: [roll0]

Rounds of Sanctuary remaining: 4
Rounds of Silence remaining: 28

2015-07-14, 02:02 PM

"Hey now!" Ban ducks the clumsy swipe. "You are interfering with my lawful duty. I'm adding that to the crimes you have committed." Ban forgets the creature can't hear him as he backs up out of reach.

Move to AH11 (withdraw if necessary to avoid AoOs)

2015-08-02, 01:56 PM

Pile needs more room to maneuver, so he does something a bit crazy-looking; he dives down through the gargoyle's legs, his darkwood-and-mithral frame stretching and springing in ways a human's never could. He ends up on the far side of the monster, moving to the far side of the room, and he calls out to it as he does. "Hey ugly, how'd you like that grenade? Enjoying blindness?"

Use a point of inspiration to raise my Tumble to 25, automatically succeeding on a "move through enemy's space" attempt.

He'll try to move at full speed, DC 35: [roll0]; if he succeeds, he moves to Z12 and then attacks:

Serpent's Tongue arrow, [roll1] (I forgot Knowledge devotion, but it doesn't matter now)
Damage: [roll2] + 1 Acid

If he fails the DC 35 Tumble check he'll double move to end up in Y13.

2015-08-09, 08:21 PM
The gargoyle roars, but the sound is muted by the silence cast over its quarters. With or without sound, Ban is intent on getting away from the creature while the others continue to fight. Rune repairs some of the damage done to the warforged, allowing the creature to enter the fray and move through the gargoyle's space. Luckily, the fact that the creature is blinded means it can't take advantage of the opportunity to strike. Hote peppers the creature with another blast from his wand, leaving the creature retreating toward the rear wall. Along the way, it lashes out blindly against the darkness and happens to connect with Pile, tearing into the construct's shoulder with a stony claw.

Results: Ban successfully withdraws, Rune heals Pile for 2 HP of damage, Pile moves past the gargoyle, and Hote hits the gargoyle for 18 fire damage and 11 sneak attack! In turn, the gargoyle hits Pile for 20 damage!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll0] vs ongoing fire
[roll1] ongoing
[roll2] to hear party moving, talking, etc.
[roll3] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll4] Power Attack -1
[roll5] Power Attack -1
[roll6] 1=miss, 2=hit
[roll7] Power Attack +1
[roll8] Power Attack +1

2015-08-18, 10:00 AM

Rune winces as the gargoyle's claws rip into Pile. He wants to run over to the warforged, for what little good his healing wand can do, but he knows if he breaks ranks, the gargoyle would have a clear path to Ban and Hote. Instead of moving, he pulls out a tiny velvet bag, then shakes a candle stub out of it and places both items on the ground in front of him. He may not be able to hurt the monster himself, but he can at least keep distracting it, and keep it from hitting his comrades behind him.

Rune begins casting Summon Monster II for a medium fiendish monstrous spider.

Rounds of Sanctuary remaining: 3
Rounds of Silence remaining: 27

2015-08-18, 06:22 PM

"Watch out!" Hote shouts to Pile. "Is this thing really a gargoyle, and not some machine that looks like a gargoyle maybe?" Hote asks Ban as he lifts his wand towards the maybe-not-a-gargoyle with some renewed confidence. "Fwoosh."

Gargoyle is still Blind and thus flat-footed. Has -2 AC.

UMD [roll0]

-4 for firing into melee without precise shot
Attack (ranged touch) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] sneak attack

2015-08-18, 08:51 PM

Pile quickly rolls away from the gargoyle; he certainly felt that last hit, and doesn't seem eager to repeat the experience. He then fires another arrow at the hulking monster. He says nothing, because he's in an area of Silence.

Tumble 15 feet down to the left (Automatic success).

Ranged attack vs flatfooted AC, Point Blank Shot, with a dragonfire arrow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Fire + 1 Acid

2015-08-20, 06:34 AM
"Oh dear," Ban mutters as he speaks the command word again to activate his healing belt, "I'm afraid that's the last of that for the day." His healing touch suffuses over Hote's skin, stitching some of the dwarf's more minor wounds as it works. Rune, safe within his sanctuary for a bit longer, begins a ritual to summon forth a monstrosity to combat the gargoyle. Meanwhile, Pile tumbles into the corner of the room away from his companions and continues to pepper the gargoyle with flaming arrows. The gargoyle continues to be nonplussed and raises a claw to swipe at the darkness in Pile's direction. Before the creature can land its blow, Hote discharges his wand once more, catching the creature in its softer underarm and burning its hide.

This does not stop the gargoyle, however. The creature tears into Pile with equal parts ferocity and luck, connecting with two of its four claw attacks. The talons sink deep into Pile's sides, ripping metal and spilling various components on the floor in silence. The living construct dies in the beast's arms, but it hardly notices. Unfazed, the blinded, silenced, and weakened gargoyle headbutts the warforged; its head flattens Pile's face like a tin can against the wall. Triumphant (and with its head still pressed against the wall), the creature stretches its arms apart and tears Pile's torso in two. Gears, bolts, and plating lie in a soundless heap at the gargoyle's feet, and Pile is now no more than the namesake from whence he came.

The gargoyle, not one to wax poetic, turns slowly on its heel toward the others.

Results: Ban heals Hote for 6 HP! Rune begins summoning a monster! Pile tumbles away from the gargoyle and connects with an arrow which deals 1 fire damage and 1 acid damage, burning for another 6 fire damage! Hote's wand hits the gargoyle for 5 fire damage and 4 sneak attack damage! The gargoyle tears into Pile with two claws, a gore, and a rend attack for a total of 92 damage; PILE IS DESTROYED!

Next up is: Ban, Rune, Pile, Hote, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

[roll0] Healing Belt Charge 3/3
[roll1] vs ongoing fire
[roll2] ongoing
[roll3] vs new fire
[roll4] new
[roll5] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll6] Power Attack -1
[roll7] Power Attack -1
[roll8] Power Attack +1
[roll9] Power Attack +1
[roll10] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll11] Power Attack -1
[roll12] Power Attack -1
[roll13] Power Attack +1
[roll14] Power Attack +1
[roll15] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll16] Power Attack -1
[roll17] Power Attack -1
[roll18] Power Attack +1
[roll19] Power Attack +1
[roll20] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll21] Power Attack -1
[roll22] Power Attack -1
[roll23] Power Attack +1
[roll24] Power Attack +1
[roll26] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll27] Power Attack -1
[roll28] Power Attack -1
[roll29] Power Attack +1
[roll30] Power Attack +1
[roll31] 1= miss, 2=hit
[roll32] Power Attack -1
[roll33] Power Attack -1
[roll34] Power Attack +1
[roll35] Power Attack +1

2015-08-20, 06:06 PM

The dwarf dry heaves as Pile is torn limb from him. He tries to catch his breath but can't and instead digs into his bag and holds a wand up. "Grease. Can anyone use it?" He says, wiping his mouth as he manages to stand up straight. He looks at the parts of the warforged and his eyes narrow. "I think I'm sober now. Fwoosh!"

Move action to hand Ban or Rune his wand of Grease.

UMD (Scorching Ray) [roll0]

Attack (ranged touch) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] sneak attack.

2015-08-20, 06:08 PM

As his final act, Pile twists and dodges with all of his grace and speed. The same grace and speed that earned him dozens of replaced limbs, cracks, fractures, and other injuries over the years.

Pile dies as he lived: painfully.

Activate Cunning Defense to add Intelligence as a dodge bonus to AC, bringing it up to 29.

This accomplishes nothing, as it turns out.

RIP Pile.

2015-08-21, 01:14 PM

Rune is so focused on his spell that he doesn't notice what happens until it's cast. As the big centipede-shaped distraction attempts to take a bite out of the gargoyle, he says aloud, "But where's...oh no..." He turns back to his living comrades, sorrowful, and sees Hote proffering the wand.

"I can!" he tells Hote as he steps back toward the other dwarf. "I learned it from this disgusting...well, that's not important. Let's avenge Pile." He takes the wand and points it at the gargoyle. It makes a slippery sound as it goes off.

The fiendish monstrous centipede appears in Y9, Z9, Y10, and Z10.
Centipede bite attack: [roll0]
Centipede bite damage: [roll1] (AKA none!) + poison (Fort DC 11, 1d4 Dex/1d4 Dex)

Rune moves to AF12 and, takes the wand, and casts Grease from it on squares AA11, AB11, AA12, and AB12.

Rounds of Sanctuary remaining: 2
Rounds of Silence remaining: 26

2015-09-12, 06:53 AM
Hote strikes true with yet another blast from his primary wand, and he hands off a secondary one to Rune. The two dwarves work in tandem to strike the gargoyle while it is still blinded, blasting the creature with fire and then dropping it to the ground. However, all good things must come to an end; from the ground, the gargoyle claws at its eyes and blinks with recognition. It seems the blindness has ended.

While our heroes busily trade wands, the gargoyle trades blows with the centipede. Now able to see, the gargoyle effortlessly dodges a clumsy bite from the centipede. In return, the stony creature tears the centipede asunder without even bothering to get up from the ground. Viscera and blood rain down on the gargoyle, who seems to relish the macabre shower.

Results: Hote's wand hits the gargoyle for 15 fire damage and 5 sneak attack damage! Aenor appears on the scene! Rune's spell completes and he casts Grease beneath the gargoyle, causing it to fall prone! The gargoyle continues to burn for another 5 fire damage! Ban delays. The centipede misses with an attack against the gargoyle, and the gargoyle kills the centipede!

Next up is: Hote, Pile Aenor, Ban, Rune, and then the gargoyle! Post in whatever order you'd like, but actions will resolve in that order.

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

All gargoyle attacks below receive -4 from remaining prone.

[roll0] vs DC 15
[roll1] ongoing
[roll3] 01-30 clue to function (random rule that sounds like fun)
[roll4] vs DC 11
[roll5] Power Attack -8
[roll6] Power Attack -8
[roll7] Power Attack +8
[roll8] Power Attack +8
[roll9] Power Attack -8
[roll10] Power Attack -8
[roll11] Power Attack +8
[roll12] Power Attack +8
[roll13] Power Attack -8
[roll14] Power Attack -8
[roll15] Power Attack +8
[roll16] Power Attack +8
[roll17] Power Attack -8
[roll18] Power Attack -8
[roll19] Power Attack +8
[roll20] Power Attack +8
[roll21] Power Attack -8
[roll22] Power Attack -8
[roll23] Power Attack +8
[roll24] Power Attack +8
[roll25] Power Attack -8
[roll26] Power Attack -8
[roll27] Power Attack +8
[roll28] Power Attack +8

2015-09-12, 07:26 AM

"Why won't you just die?!" Hote shouts at the gargoyle, his hand shaky as he grips the wand and jabs it towards the gargoyle.

UMD (Scorching Ray) [roll0]

Attack (ranged touch) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] sneak attack.

Attack/AC modifiers. The gargoyle is prone and thus has a +4 bonus to AC versus ranged attacks. Unless it has 5 ranks in Balance it is flat-footed and thus loses it's dexterity bonus to AC.

2015-09-12, 02:06 PM
Aenor Silverbrow, Bard, Scholar, and Slayer of Things

The gargoyle has killed one of the party, and he had been one of the more combat-inclined members. It's bloodied but not out, and it seems like this may be an early end for the odd group of adventurers.

It seems that way, until a strong baritone begins to reverberate through the dungeon's halls. The voice seems to be... singing.

"Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
Its alright"

A man steps into view at the end of the hallway, a smile on his face and a gleaning chain forged with links of crystal in his hands. His hair is long and pure silver, glistening in the partial light of the underground. A faint hum comes from his chain, like it's singing along.

"Little darling
Its been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It seems like years since its been here"

He takes a moment to survey the scene, then he dashes forward with superhuman speed, directly towards the monster. He moves past Hote carefully, giving the dwarf a cheerful wink as he does. He moves just outside of the reach of the gargoyle's claws, and then he plants his feet. With a single, brutal motion the man brings his chain down on the creature with enough force to shatter stone, singing all the while.

"Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
Its alright"

Swift action to active Inspire Courage with Words of Creation; he takes [roll0] nonlethal damage and grants the whole party (2*2+1=) +5 to attacks, damage, and Fear saves.

He then moves to AD 12. He's in Absolute Steel Stance, so his AC is now 24 until his next turn.

He attacks with his Crystal Echochain, using his Mountain Hammer maneuver. He ignores Damage reduction on this attack.
Attack roll (+8 BAB, +5 Str, +1 Enhancement, +5 Morale): [roll1]
Damage (+7 Str, +1 Enhancement, +5 Morale): [roll2] + [roll3] + 1 Acid + 4 Sonic

If one of the party is targeted with a hostile spell that Aenor recognizes, he will use his Regalia of the Hero to give them +4 on their save. If an attack against him would be a critical hit, he'll use a charge from his Wand of Wings of Cover, UMD bonus = 17. If the roof is going to come down or a pit open up, he'll use Lesser Celerity. Otherwise, he's fine getting hit for a round or two; Wall of Blades is not prepared.

2015-09-14, 08:20 AM
With Aenor here, keeping the gargoyle on the ground seems like as good a plan as any, so Rune steps forward to get the whole gargoyle within the wand's range and fires it off again, laying down another layer of grease just as the first one evaporates.

Rune moves to AE11. The previous round's Grease vanishes (hooray for first-level wands), and he casts it again, this time on Z11/AA11/Z12/AA12, directly under the gargoyle.

Rounds of Sanctuary remaining: 1
Rounds of Silence remaining: 25

2015-09-22, 05:46 AM
Hote's wand catches the gargoyle square between the eyes, and though it teeters the monstrosity remains on its feet. Between his booming baritone and his chiming chain, Aenor brings just enough pizzazz to shatter the gargoyle where it stands. Pieces of stone skitter across the floor; some mingle with the pile of Pile, while others jaunt off mindlessly to various corners of the room. Some of the smaller particles linger in the air as dust, lazily deciding where they might eventually settle. Rune's arm is extended to trigger his wand of grease once more, but it seems unnecessary at this point. What may be more necessary is exploring either of the two doors in the Southeast of the current room--either that, or going back to explore other parts of the Tomb.

Results: Hote deals 15 fire damage and 6 sneak attack damage to the gargoyle, disabling it! Aenor deals 17 damage, 1 acid damage, and 4 sonic damage to the gargoyle, killing it instantly!

Each of our heroes receives 1,350 XP! Next up is: Whoever, since we're out of initiative!

Full map (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)
red gradient=less than half HP remaining
red outline=on fire (taking 1d6 fire damage per round with a Reflex save DC 15 to extinguish)

2015-09-22, 07:04 AM

Aenor allows his song to fade, though his chain keeps humming faintly and flickering with a pale silver flame for a few seconds longer. He turns to the group, smiling broadly. "Hello, and well met. My name is Aenor Silverbrow, Bard, Scholar, and Slayer of Things. I used to have a line about maidens in my title, but I decided it was in poor taste."

He looks around the tomb with interest. "When Pile told me to meet him here, I wasn't expecting the actual Tomb of Horrors. I've heard a lot about this place, though tales of the insides are shoddy at best. Tell me, have you seen Pile? Skinny warforged, good with locks, looks like he's been put back together by a handsome singer a half-dozen times?"

Shifting his stance to Bolstering Voice; we all get +2 to Will saves.

2015-09-27, 04:59 PM

"He's over there." Hote says as he leans against the wall, pointing towards the pile of rubble and gears in the corner. "Any particular piece of him you attached to? Moradin's itchy beard, this hurts!" He says, holding an arm to the cut in his side as he hobbles down the hall to stand next to Pile's corpse.

Hote moves next to Piles corpse and starts looking over it for any useful items. I don't know what his current HP is. Working on his character sheet right now.

2015-09-27, 07:19 PM

Aenor peers over the party, taller than the lot of them by quite a bit. When he sees the rubble that once was Pile, he shakes his head. "I wish I could say I'm surprised, but that warforged has a serious knack for biting off more than he can chew."

He makes his way over to the body, giving the gargoyle's corpse a solid kick when he passes it. He kneels down, rummages for a moment, and then stands up with Pile's head. "I'll keep this safe and get it and a pile of diamonds to a priest as soon as I can. Don't worry, buddy, your days of getting maimed while finding traps are far from over." Aenor tucks the head into his pack gently.

That grim task done, he turns back to the party. "Well then, it seems you're one short, and it seems like I need to raise some funds to get my friend brought back to life. Mind if I tag along? I can kill just about anything, and I'm pretty good at keeping myself and others out of danger. Oh, and mind if I get your names, since you have mine?"

2015-10-06, 06:02 AM
Following a few moments of awkward silence, our heroes introduce themselves to Aenor & continue bravely onward!

2015-10-06, 11:23 AM

Aenor gestures towards the door at the end of the gargoyle room with his sword. "So, which one of you is the keynote trapfinder? I figure I'll stand near you while you do your work. I've got a few ways to protect people from getting skewered, flattened, or disintegrated, though hopefully we won't have to test that claim very often."

2015-10-06, 06:57 PM

"That'd be me I wager." Hote says and squints at the door from a few paces away. "I think I checked this out earlier, before...you know." Hote says and waves his hand towards the gargoyle. "I've got my own ways of keeping myself intact as well." Hotes jangle of silver keys rise from his belt and float towards the door, looking for a friendly keyhole.

Hote will stand in 13/AA and attempt to unlock then open the south door.

2015-10-06, 08:38 PM
This small chamber is empty of scent, stain, or decor. Only the dense layer of dust reveals the uncounted years since any moved through this chamber since the present. There is naught but a second door on the south wall.


2015-10-11, 04:26 PM

"What's the point of a room if you're not going to put anything in it?" Hote asks while one of the floating key scratches his head. "Let's see whats behind door number...what number door is that one?" Hote asks while his keys float across the dusty room towards the keyhole in the other door.

Staying where he is, Hote will unlock (if locked) the other door. If nothing explodes, he'll move across the room and open it. 15/AA, 16/AA.

2015-10-20, 01:02 PM
This small chamber is also empty of scent, stain, or decor. Only the dense layer of dust reveals the uncounted years since any moved through this chamber since the present. There is naught but a second door on the western wall.


2015-10-20, 01:36 PM

Rune moves over to get a better look at the rooms Hote uncovered. Empty rooms are suspicious.

"There's really nothing in there? Hmph, how peculiar. Let me see..." He makes an arcane gesture, and his eyes start to sparkle as he concentrates on the revealed rooms.

Move to AB10 and cast Detect Magic pointing toward the empty rooms. Any non-Hote-related magic going on?

2015-10-20, 02:26 PM
Despite his best efforts, Rune doesn't find anything peculiar about the rooms.

No magic. Anything else you want to try?

2015-10-20, 06:50 PM

"Nah, there's somethin in the there." Hote says as he ambles forward, keys jangling in the air. "Another door!" He says with a guffaw as he gives it a once over and sends his keys over to unlock it.

Move to 17/AA. Search the door for traps (disarm if needed), then unlock it, then open it.

2015-12-24, 06:45 AM
Hote is surprised to find that, not only is there no magic afoot, but neither traps nor locks. The door sits like a book, plain and waiting to be opened. Upon doing so, our intrepid dwarf finds...

Another plain room. Another plain door, this one to the North. A shame, all that mounting tension for nothing. Maybe these unhallowed halls weren't so horrible after all?

2015-12-24, 10:23 AM

When the newest door fails to explode or otherwise murder Hote in a spectacular manner, Rune, his eyes still sparkling with magic vision cautiously moves behind the other dwarf to scan the newly-opened room.

"In your professional opinion, what in the nine hells are these rooms for?" he asks Hote.

Rune continues concentrating on Detect Magic and moves to AB18. Does he detect any magic in this new room?

2015-12-24, 03:08 PM
This room, like the last, is free of magic.

2015-12-31, 09:47 PM

The dwarf squats down in the open doorway and glares at the empty room beyond. "Professionally speaking, I'd say they're traps. See? Nothing in all these other rooms, so you let your guard down and start waltzing through the next one, when wham! Out comes the animated skeleton on a rope." He says to Rune. "However, since we already know it's supposed to be a trap, it won't work on us because we won't be surprised cus' if we already know it's a trap then it won't be one." Hote says as he springs up and simply walks across the floor and tries to open the door. "It's reverse logic, hard for non-dwarves to follow, I suppose."

2016-01-08, 07:01 AM
As Hote tries to open the door, it lets out the eery creek that only time can apply to hinges. As the portal gives way, the dwarven security expert is astonished to find...

Graffiti. This room is as blank and nondescript as the previous three, save for a large section of stone on the northern wall. Hote expects that, on the other side of the wall, his friends are awaiting him in the late gargoyle's chamber. But rather than finding a door that connects back to the chamber, all Hote sees is red paint on the wall reading:

"Turned around? Turn around."

2016-01-21, 01:21 PM

Aenor peers into the room, curious, though he doesn't go anywhere near the doorway. "Well, the storyteller in me says that this is probably the right way, and the villains are inexpertly trying to fool us with this message. But the cynic in me says that the person who made this tomb was very clever, and it's much more likely that this room has some kind of horrible trap wrapped in a layer or two of trickery."

He nods his head back towards the main hallway. "I burst in after you guys had moved on from that main area, but was it completely explored? Seemed like there were some more doorways that have gone un-tested. We should probably try those before walking into a really blatant trap."

2016-01-21, 07:47 PM
Sensing no magic but trusting no stone, our heroes venture back to the main hall. Toward the end of the hall, Ban still detects another secret door in the Western wall. However, Ban feels a sensation of repulsion or being pushed from his spell, cluing him in on the fact that this particular door is one-way; it exits into this hall, but it does not seem like it can be entered from this side.

There remains a literal fork in the road further down the corridor. At the South end of the corridor, the red tile path splits in two. To the East, an archway full of swirling mist. To the South, the gaping maw of a great green devil statue. The East fork of the red tile path leads into a mist-filled stone archway. Three large stones are embedded in the arch. Each has a different hue—yellow on the lower left, bluish at the top of the arch, and orange on the lower right. The South fork of the red tile path leads directly to a huge leering devil face set in the mosaic at the corridor’s end. The devil’s mouth gapes wide and empty—in fact it is dead black, emitting no hint of light. It is about three feet in diameter...wide enough for any who would dare enter.

Which exit from this hall will our heroes choose: the devil statue to the South, or the archway of mist to the Southeast?

http://i57.tinypic.com/300cr4j.pngspacespacespacespacespacespacespacehttp ://i61.tinypic.com/4kh16o.png
MAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19181357&postcount=1)

2016-01-23, 03:38 PM

Aenor inspects the devil face and the archway for a moment, then he shrugs. "Have you tried sticking something in that devil's mouth? Because that's the most obvious trap I've ever seen, and I'm curious about what it does."

2016-01-23, 04:38 PM

"Nah." Hote says with a snort. "I never had any truck demons, don't intend to start now." He says. "On the other hand...this mist doesn't look that inviting either." Hote frowns as he look back and forth between the two choices. "Anybody got a long pokey stick?"

2016-02-18, 08:34 PM
Almost as if on command, a thin rappa tappa tap, tap rappa rap comes emanating down the hall, followed by a faint set of footsteps coming from the entrance. An elan comes walking toward our heroes and says...

OOC: That's your cue, Tius!

King Tius
2016-02-19, 10:04 AM
Shim the Shaper

A lanky humanoid figure comes strolling casually down the hallway. It looks like he's been dipped in some kind of swirling color pool of blues and yellows. The strange skin covers him head to toe, obscuring his facial features and making him look like some sort of psychedelic mannequin. When he catches sight of the group, the swirling skin peels back from his head, revealing shaggy blonde hair and a warm smile.

"Oh! Pardon me, I didn't realize there were others here. Should...should I come back later? I don't mean to intrude."

2016-02-19, 10:53 AM
Aenor Silverbrow

Aenor's hand goes for his sword when he sees the swirling, colorful humanoid shape approach, but when the shape reveals itself to have both a face and manners he relaxes. "Intrude? Preposterous! I showed up a few minutes ago, and we've already killed a giant monster and hit a dead end. I assume you know where we are, and how hilariously lethal this place is, right? If so, you'll fit right in."

The tall, handsome bard walks over and offers a hand to shake. "Aenor Silverbrow, collector and teller of tales, singer of songs, and defeater of things, at your service. We've got quite the collection of heroes and semi-heroes here. And a beaurocrat, but he seems quite useful so I haven't complained. In alphabetical order we have myself, Bantherus, Hote, and Rune. You are?"

I love playing Bards. I get to talk a lot and be in character. :smallwink:

King Tius
2016-02-19, 02:03 PM
The psychoactive skin retreats entirely, leaving a well dressed man behind. Interestingly, he seems to have no gear on him whatsoever besides his comfortable looking clothes and a wand tucked in his belt. He takes a deep bow, holding it for a few seconds before standing back up. As he does so, the second skin creeps back up, leaving only his face exposed.

"Shim, at your humble service. Yes, I've heard of this place, at least vaguely, and was told my skills might be particularly useful in probing its depths. To be perfectly honest, I was just here to have a bit of an initial look around before I went to secure a group of like-minded individuals to investigate properly. Since fortune seems to have smiled upon me already, why not get started now? I have everything I need in here." Shim taps his temple twice and flashes another smile.

2016-02-20, 06:08 PM

"Shim, I'm Hote." The dwarf says without offering his hand as he's busy fumbling through his pack. "I coulda sworn I had one of those extendable rods. Damn it." He says and huffs. "You have a stick or something to poke this mist and that demon with?"

2016-02-25, 07:03 AM
The question echoes a few moments in the desolate, extravagant tomb. In that time, Shim realizes that he does in fact have an 11-foot collapsible pole!

King Tius
2016-02-25, 08:33 AM

OOC: My bad! I wrote a reply to this on my phone but it must not have sent.

Shim smiles and holds out his hand. He winks at Hote and a 10 ft pole appears in his hand.

"Would this work? If you'd prefer something more...animated, I can create some friends."

Since it's cubic ft per level, I think 1 power point should be enough to cover a 10 ft pole. If you think I need to spend more, let me know!

King Tius
2016-03-04, 11:05 AM
Shim decides to take a more active role in this investigation. He uses his psychic powers to summon an Astral Construct formed as an Iridescent Serpent. After backing down the hallway enough to feel safe, he'll command the Serpent to touch the different embedded stones to see if they interact with the mist in any way. Should the prove no effect, or if they change the mist in a way that doesn't make it obvious what happened, he'll have the construct stick its tail through the mist and pull it back.

2016-03-05, 07:10 AM
As Shim's serpent approaches within 5 feet of the mists, the 3 colorful stones begin to shine brighter and illuminate. Which stone does he command the serpent to touch first? :smallamused:

King Tius
2016-03-05, 03:35 PM
Let's start with Yellow! It matches his psychoactive skin, after all.

2016-03-14, 04:48 PM
The mists begin to fade when the construct touches the yellow light, but not much else happens except that the orange light on the right and the blue light at the top of the arch shine even brighter. What does Shim do next?


2016-03-14, 08:02 PM

Aenor raises his brow, curious. "So it's a pattern, maybe? And we just happened to guess the first one correctly? It can't be as simple as just touching each light to make the mists go away, so I'd imagine it's a pattern. Any thoughts, you trap-finding types?"

King Tius
2016-03-15, 09:17 PM

The man in the psychedelic body suit nods to Aenor. "Perhaps. Let's test that theory, shall we?"

Shim motions towards his construct with a wave of his hand, indicating the orange light. The construct nods back at him and goes to touch it.

2016-03-16, 09:15 PM
The lights begin to fade and the mists thicken once more.

King Tius
2016-03-16, 10:02 PM

The shaper frowns in disappointment and quickly orders his snake to touch the lights again. This time Yellow->Blue->Orange.

2016-03-17, 05:27 AM
The vapors disappear, and the eastward-leading corridor beyond is revealed. It goes back fifteen feet before dead-ending in a wall, and the red mosaic path cuts a stripe down the middle before running in a streak up the far wall of the corridor.

2016-03-17, 09:36 AM

"That's why I don't mess about with mist doors. Very few have a simple place to put in a key." Hote says as the path beyond is revealed. "Nice work." He says while moving slowly into the small corridor.

"Are we supposed to walk on the walls, ye think?" He asks as he follows the red path to the end and puts one foot against the wall, waiting to see if anything happens.

2016-03-17, 06:16 PM
As he crosses the archway on the red path, Hote promptly disappears. No big deal.

You find yourself in a small, lightless chamber. A broken, 8-foot-tall statue of a four-armed gargoyle squats here, alone and in the dark. Its three remaining hands appear as if in positions of supplication, or need. Behind the statue is a small crawlway, just large enough to fit through.


You find the broken-off fourth arm laying in rubble nearby.


OOC: Seriously?! That's how we choose to illustrate something that requires a DC 18 Spot check?!

2016-03-17, 06:35 PM

"Hey, where'd you come from? Guys, you see this? Oh." Hotel says as he turns around and finds himself alone. He nudges the broken arm with his boot, then picks it up and puts it back where it belongs.

2016-03-17, 06:38 PM
It falls to the ground. No amount of fooling with the broken arm enables its reattachment.

You see a concavity in the palm of each of the three still attached hands. The concavities are each about 1 inch in diameter, but are empty. The broken hand possesses no such concavity.

2016-03-17, 06:50 PM

"Well, mebbe I'll just hold onto this for later." Hote says to himself and stuffs the gargoyle arm into his pack. He looks at the three open hands and shrugs, then reaches into a belt pouch and places a copper penny in each palm.

I didn't roll for this Spot check as his Spot mod is +15.

2016-03-18, 08:59 PM
The coppers sit in the hollows, but the open spaces in each arm seem slightly larger, as if they could hold something larger like large gems.

2016-03-18, 09:25 PM
Having spent the last several minutes in his own little world, partly from the shock of Piles sudden death, partly from the realization of exactly how deadly this place could be, Ban just blinks as Hote disappears. I'm thinking that if that Dwarf is gone, we're all goners. Nothing else to try then. Ban follows Hote through the archway hoping it wasn't to his sudden demise. His mission was too important.

2016-03-18, 11:35 PM

"Nothing to be done for that then." Hote says and scoops up his three pennies. "Looks a bit small...might fit?" He says as he considers the small hole behind the statue, then tries to see if he can wiggle himself in.

King Tius
2016-03-19, 05:58 PM

"WAIT!" shouts Shim, rushing forward to touch Ban on the shoulder.

"There, much better. Now I can reach out and form a telepathic bond with you. I'll wait till you disappear and then make the connection, if you're willing. You can report on what you see and we can either join you or send aid, as much as we can. Take my construct with you. Go on then, follow the nice man." This last sentence is aimed at the ectoplasmic worm.

Once Ban disappears, Shim uses correspondence to open a mental connection.

<"Well, what's it like on the other side? Find the Dwarf?">

2016-03-24, 06:16 AM
Hote finds that he can fit through the crawlway, but doing so is arduous work that requires him to squeeze into the space and move slowly. As he starts in, he notices Bantherus & the construct coming through.

You find yourself in a small, lightless chamber. A broken, 8-foot-tall statue of a four-armed gargoyle squats here, alone and in the dark. Its three remaining hands appear as if in positions of supplication, or need. Behind the statue is a small crawlway, just large enough to fit through.


You find the broken-off fourth arm laying in rubble nearby.


OOC: Seriously?! That's how we choose to illustrate something that requires a DC 18 Spot check?!

King Tius
2016-03-25, 01:25 PM

"Can you hear me? Are you alright? Have you found the dwarf?"

2016-03-25, 03:22 PM

"Hey, glad to see we're not dead." Hote says over his shoulder as he squats in front of the opening. "Fiddled with the statue a bit but it stayed a statue. I'll see where this goes." He says and then squzzes through the opening.

2016-03-25, 04:21 PM

Ban thinks back along the connection, I'm alive. The dwarf is here, though not for long. He's a quick bugger. There is a statue -- looks like a four armed gargoyle, but one arm is detached. It's not moving like the other one. Near as I can tell the portal is as safe as anything else in here. Hote's trying to squeeze through another opening, so it might be best if you all come through before we are split three ways.

Ban picks the statue's arm back up and tries laying it in the gargoyle's upturned hands. "I, too, find our current status vivere heartening. I've signaled the others to join us."

2016-03-27, 03:15 PM

Upon receiving the good news from Shim, Aenor shrugs. "I'll be the last through, then, on account of being the most able to kill things unaided. Not that I plan on dawdling; this places doesn't seem to be a healthy one to be alone in." He'll wait until everyone else travels through the portal, then step through himself.

King Tius
2016-03-28, 09:06 AM

Shim drops a low bow to Aenor and tips an imaginary hat before following after the others.

Spot check: [roll0]

Once in the other area, Shim glances around, nods at Ban, and puts his hands on his hips. He turns around and studies the wall(?) he just popped out of, looking to see if there's a way back to the hallway with the three-gem doorway.

Search check: [roll1]

2016-04-04, 08:03 PM
Now that our heroes are all together, they take a moment to reflect on the fact that they have no flipping idea how they got to their current location. Turning back to the wall from which they emerged, the group finds no indication of a door, portal, passageway, or anything similar that could allow them back through. The only way through is forward, or some sentimental junk like that.


Hote seems to embrace the idea, squeezing through the crawlway just as his companions enter the space. No time like the present. He (and anyone who follows through the crawlway) see a huge chamber. The floor of this long, wide hall is inlaid with tiles, and the walls and ceiling are painted with figures of animals and strange signs and glyphs. Humans and humanlike creatures hold painted spheres, each a different color from the next. Along the East wall, from North to South, Hote sees the following:


PALE BLUE sphere held at shoulder by a werewolf (not pictured).
SILVER sphere held at feet by a four-armed gargoyle (not pictured).
GREEN sphere held high above head by a half-orc.
YELLOW sphere held at shoulder by a falconheaded creature.
PINK sphere held high above head by a yuan-ti.
BLACK sphere held at feet by a hydra.
PALE VIOLET sphere held at shoulder by a kuo-toa (not pictured)
RED sphere held waist high by a skeleton (not pictured)
BUFF sphere held at feet by a white-bearded human wizard (not pictured).
INDIGO sphere held high above head by a batwinged woman.

Looking around, Hote realizes that he is poking out of one of these spheres, though this one is not paint but an illusion. Down the Western wall, from North to South, there is:

GOLD sphere held above head by a naga. This sphere is actually illusory--Hote is peeking his head out of it!
ORANGE sphere held waist high by a mummy.
PURPLE sphere held at feet by a minotaur.
BRONZE sphere held waist high by a nymph.
GRAY sphere held at shoulder by an owlbear.
BRIGHT BLUE sphere held at feet by a sahuagin.
WHITE sphere held above head by a red slaad.
TURQUOISE sphere held at shoulder by a satyr.
SCARLET sphere held waist high by a mind flayer.
PALE GREEN sphere held at feet by a medusa.

At the south end of the corridor is an arch of mist. A mist-filled stone archway lies at the end of the wide hall of colored spheres. Three large stones are embedded in the arch. Each has a different hue—olive on the lower left, russet at the top of the arch, and citron on the lower right.


King Tius
2016-04-05, 07:50 AM

The newcomer sends his snakelike construct through the crawlway first and follows right behind.

"This hallway is even more puzzling than the last, but at least there's a door at the other end! Would anyone like to search for traps? I can send my construct down, but what it sets off might kill us just as quickly."

2016-04-05, 09:11 PM
Once again, Hote moves faster than his companions. Before Shim can even offer the services of his construct, Hote has already scurried out of the crawlspace and checked the floor of the large chamber. It is entirely unremarkable stone. Whatever secrets to success (or horrible, bloody failure) this chamber holds are in the spheres and the mists. As Hote approaches the misty doorway to the south, the three colored gems begin to pulsate and glow brighter.

2016-04-05, 09:23 PM

Temporarily giving up on the gargoyle puzzle, Ban shimmies after Hote. When he sees the murals he decides it is time for another hit off his wand.

He'll move straight to P12 and use his wand of Detect secret doors. He'll scan what he can from that position while Hote does his searching, then follow the dwarf down the path to R25 to scan the rest of the hall.
Pierce Illusions (passivie illusion detection) [roll0] (Will save without requiring interaction.)

2016-04-07, 07:29 PM
Ban's wand reveals a one-way secret door that opens into this chamber, hidden behind the silver sphere. When he turns to examine it, Ban notices a faint wavering around the edges of the sphere, a dead giveaway that it is no wall art but actually an illusion! Scanning the rest of the room, he identifies seven such illusory spheres.


i. GOLD sphere held above head by a naga. This illusory sphere covers the crawlway from which our heroes emerged.
ii. ORANGE sphere held waist high by a mummy. This illusory sphere covers a door.
iii. BRONZE sphere held waist high by a nymph. This illusory sphere covers a door.
iv. BRIGHT BLUE sphere held at feet by a sahuagin. This illusory sphere covers a crawlway.
v.SILVER sphere held at feet by a four-armed gargoyle. This illusory sphere covers the one-way secret door described above.
vi. BLACK sphere held at feet by a hydra. This illusory sphere covers a crawlway.
vii. RED sphere held waist high by a skeleton. This illusory sphere covers a crawlway.

2016-04-13, 03:01 PM

"I found several secret doors. That archway is probably a one way trip if the last one is any indication. Shall we see what is through these first? I'm curious about the one behind the red circle myself." Ban quickly updates the others on his findings.

What is that weird dotted line on the floor of the map? Is it coming from another opening in the wall?

King Tius
2016-04-14, 07:32 AM

The newcomer nods in agreement, motioning to his construct to make for the crawlway behind the bright blue sphere. Specifically, he tells the creature to venture to the end of the crawlway, exit it, then come back.

2016-04-14, 05:14 PM

Leaving the mists be, Hote wanders back to the middle of the hallway. "This one looks like it'll fit me." Hote says, looking at the black sphere at the Hydra's feet. "Also, don't have to climb up to get to it." He says, then pokes his head through and begins crawling.

2016-04-19, 08:57 PM

Leaving the mists be, Hote wanders back to the middle of the hallway. "This one looks like it'll fit me." Hote says, looking at the black sphere at the Hydra's feet. "Also, don't have to climb up to get to it." He says, then pokes his head through and begins crawling.

This crawlway weaves back under the floor of the hall of spheres, out the other side of the room and, after a long while, comes to a dead end. At least, that's what anyone but Hote would have said upon inspecting this space. The craft dwarf, though, realizes the faint outline of a secret door. Does he dare open it?

OOC: Taking 10 on a Search is just enough to find this door.


The newcomer nods in agreement, motioning to his construct to make for the crawlway behind the bright blue sphere. Specifically, he tells the creature to venture to the end of the crawlway, exit it, then come back.

The crawlway opens into a cluttered, forgotten 20-foot by 20-foot chamber. Dust covers the remains of a wizard’s storeroom like snow. Fallen shelves, smashed crockery, glass shards from dozens of smashed potion vials, and corroded alchemical tools litter the floor. However, in the northwest corner of the room, something gray and shriveled sloshes within a grimy glass canister.

OOC: Please see my questions in the OOC thread.


2016-04-20, 06:55 AM

"What's this then?" Hote asks himself as he runs his fingers around the door, trying to figure out its dimensions and opening mechanism. "No sense just sitting here when there's places to be."

Hote will search the door for traps and then try to unlock and open it.

2016-04-24, 03:51 PM
"Of all the fool hardy..." Ban stands around bewildered as his party seems to scatter in every direction. "Well fine. I'll investigate this red circle myself. It almost certainly will be my death," he says to the room hoping someone will listen.

2016-04-28, 07:53 PM
Chapel accouterments fill this chamber, including great wooden pews on either side of a central mosaic path that leads toward an altar on the far side of the room, which is separated from the pews by a wooden railing. Scenes of everyday life are painted on the walls, but all the people are portrayed with rotting flesh, skeletal hands, and worm-ridden orifices. Yet depicted amidst these disturbing portraits are various symbols of readily recognized benevolent deities.


The crawlway veiled by the illusory red sphere comes to an apparent dead end, though the magic in Bantherus' wand has not yet expired and clues him in to the presence of a secret door. Does he dare open it?


2016-04-28, 08:01 PM

"Maybe the dead will say a prayer for me then." Hote says after glancing about the chapel without stepping foot into it. "Should probably head back. Nothing in here worth stealing anyway." Hote somehow manages to turn himself around in the cramped tunnel and crawls back the way he came, popping out at the Hyrdra's feet. "I found a chapel." He says while standing up and stretching. "There's more of that red tile on the floor. Same sorta art style as well."

2016-04-28, 08:50 PM
Ban is considering whether to open the secret door when he hears Hote. The sound of the dwarf's voice reminds him that they have already discovered a few traps. So, instead he pokes back out of the red circle and reports back about the hallway and the door. "I didn't see what was on the other side of it, though. That needle trap you found still gives me the shudders."

King Tius
2016-04-29, 02:11 PM

Shim turns to Hote and angles his head like a puppy. "Were there any obvious doors or passages leading out of the chapel? If it's an apparent dead end, it might be worth checking out more thoroughly before we check this secret door or the other misty archway."

2016-05-03, 01:41 PM

"As curious as I am about the door I found, I concur. Let us explore this chapel en masse." Ban lowers himself into the tunnel and follows it to the opening of the chapel.

2016-05-09, 07:34 PM
With Hote in the lead, our heroes make their way back to the hidden chapel. Chapel accoutrements fill this chamber, including great wooden pews on either side of a central mosaic path that leads toward an altar on the far side of the room, which is separated from the pews by a wooden railing. Scenes of everyday life are painted on the walls, but all the people are portrayed with rotting flesh, skeletal hands, and worm-ridden orifices. Yet depicted amidst these disturbing portraits are various symbols of readily recognized benevolent deities.


Behind the wooden railing is an opalescent blue altar, which is set before a tiered dais that supports a well-carved and padded wooden chair. Two large brass candelabra, each holding five white candles, stand on either side of the dais. Two large white pottery urns, each stoppered with brass, sit in each corner. A human skeleton wearing badly rusted and torn black chainmail lies dead in the southwestern portion of the room, one outstretched arm seeming to point into an orange mist-filled arch on the southern end of the west chapel wall.


Do our heroes dare follow the advice of the dead? Or do they continue exploring the chapel?

2016-05-11, 11:18 AM
"Is it cliche to say this place is full of surprises?" Ban dutifully pulls out his wand and activates it, then scans the walls in a clockwise pattern.

He'll traverse column U to row 56, then over to J and back up to 48, then over to column P. By angling his cone correctly, he should be able to capture the whole floor and ceiling along with the walls with that sweep. If there are any doors in the floor (or ceiling) on his route, let me know and I'll tell you which way he goes around them. Depending on how many he finds, it could take more than a minute. I calculate 6 rounds for just the walking (unless he has to go around something) and call it an extra round every time he ends his movement with the presence of secret doors in his cone. -- I'm willing to simplify it and just call it an extra round per door if that works for you. He'll spend extra charges as necessary.

2016-05-11, 07:43 PM

"Oh, didn't see that mist door earlier." Hote says after crawling out and standing up. "More red tiles, eh? I'll check 'em out." Hote takes out a tiny silver hammer from his bag of tools and lets go of it. The hammer floats slowly to the ground and starts tapping on the trail of the red tiles. He listens to each tap and then takes a step forward, listening to the next taps, continuing that way down the trail.

Checking the red tileway for traps. He'll move to 45R, 45Q, 45P, 45O, then down O all the way to 56O. If he finds a trap he'll stop and examine it.

King Tius
2016-05-12, 01:16 PM

"I'll call another friend to help with this mist door. They seem to be my specialty." Shim will summon his snakelike construct again for 3 rounds, instructing it to try and go through the mist and come right back.

OOC: The drawing makes it look like it has three gems to touch again. Are they different colors like before? If so, Shim will have the construct try patterns of gem touching again instead.

2016-05-12, 07:59 PM
"Is it cliche to say this place is full of surprises?" Ban dutifully pulls out his wand and activates it, then scans the walls in a clockwise pattern.

Bantherus safely circles the room, sweeping for secret doors as he goes. Aside from the door through which the party entered the chapel, he notices another secret door set into the eastern wall of the chapel. His spell reveals a small slot with the letter ‘O’ faintly traced above it. The slot is of sufficient size to accept a coin or a flat gem. It is also just right for insertion of a magic ring.

"Oh, didn't see that mist door earlier." Hote says after crawling out and standing up. "More red tiles, eh? I'll check 'em out." Hote takes out a tiny silver hammer from his bag of tools and lets go of it. The hammer floats slowly to the ground and starts tapping on the trail of the red tiles. He listens to each tap and then takes a step forward, listening to the next taps, continuing that way down the trail.

Hote makes his way safely along the red tiled path. Well...halfway along the red tiled path.

He then continues safely along the rest of the path. But I had you for a minute there, didn't I? He finds no traps along the tileway, but it would have been boring to just come out and say that.


"I'll call another friend to help with this mist door. They seem to be my specialty." Shim will summon his snakelike construct again for 3 rounds, instructing it to try and go through the mist and come right back.

The construct disappears through the mists, then comes back with a dent in its shoulder and a pink bow in its hair.


2016-05-15, 09:42 AM

"Nothin." Hote says as he walks up to the wooden railing. He walks around the blue alter and climbs into the comfy chair, reclining back and resting. "Where'd the snake get the bow from? Also, did it have hair before it went through?"

King Tius
2016-06-07, 11:36 AM

The blue and yellow man shakes his head. "No, it certainly did not. Doesn't look to terrible though. Whatever is through there, it's got a sense of humor at least." Shim lets the construct dissolve back into nothingness and waits for the group to gather up. "Who wants to go through first?"

2016-06-10, 08:01 PM

The bard steps forward, rolling his shoulders, eager for a bit of action. "I'll give it a shot. A hit like that won't give me any trouble, and I can't imagine anything giving out pink bows can be that malevolent. Unless it's just an especially tricksy demon, but I've killed more than a few demons in my day."

He steps up to the mist, preparing himself and his gleaming crystal chain. "Give me six seconds before anyone follows me. And leave a little room on this side of the portal, in case I need to come back. I can survive damn near anything... for a very brief period of time."

He shifts his feet into Absolute Steel Stance, then shifts forward into the mist.

He's still got a full round action once he's on the other side, and has a huge pile of potential Immediate actions depending on what he sees on the other side.

Also, sorry about being so quiet IC for so long! Very much my bad.

2016-06-17, 04:25 PM

As Aenor passes through the mists, he feels something--tendrils? Claws? They do not strike his body, but they seem to claw at his very soul. The first swipe strikes at his sense of right and wrong, trying to twist him toward seeing the clear rules that might makes right and the only thing worth having in this world is power. It is almost as if they are trying to convince him of something, but his strength of conviction is strong enough that these claws cannot drag him over the Abyss into evil...unless he chooses to let them, of course.

The second stab, though, is a sharp pain that pierces Aenor's masculinity. He feels something grab a hold of something deep within his psyche and begin to tug. If he doesn't do something quickly, the tug may win...but Aenor also gets a glimpse of subtle warmth and bliss, a feeling that perhaps that wouldn't necessarily be such a bad thing. Does he choose to let this change overtake him? Does he have any way to fight it off?

2016-06-17, 08:57 PM

Aenor has collected, through the course of his life, as many ways to defend himself from sudden assault as possible. More methods and skills and items, in fact, than most people know exist. In this particular case, he reacts viscerally, humming a single perfect note. The sound reverberates and rebounds against the magic attacking him, weakening it even as it strengthens him.

Aenor uses one use of his Loresong ACF to give himself a +4 Insight bonus on the second Save.

A few notes. He gets +3 vs Death effects or energy drain; he's got [roll0] Spellcraft if that'll help him identify what this is; if he's able to identify this as something exceptionally dangerous, he'll use a charge from his Wand of Wings of Cover instead to break line of effect.

2016-06-18, 06:10 AM
The bard's music protects him, enveloping in a bubble of sound that buffers against whatever may be assailing him. On the other side of the mists, he finds himself in a barren chamber completely devoid of detail, no bigger than ten feet to a side. The only thing of note in the room is the archway he just entered through, still swirling with mist. But does he dare go through again?

2016-06-19, 11:10 AM

Before he does anything else, Aenor uses Iron Heart Surge to undo any hidden effects of passing through the mists. He then takes a moment to recover his maneuvers, and he switches his stance from Absolute Steel to Bolstering Voice.

Aenor then gives the room a cursory search, just in case; [roll0]. If it does appear to be truly empty, he'll face the mists, gathering his focus; then he'll charge back through them. He decides that, no matter what happens, he'll use Iron Heart Surge the moment he arrives on the other side; even if he doesn't want to.

2016-06-26, 08:43 PM
Empty. Totally bare. Crossing back through the mists, Aenor doesn't feel the same twistin, clawing, prying sensation...but they are still there, slashing at his skin and dealing [roll0] damage as he crosses back through to the cathedral.
Aenor emerges from the mists, looking relatively unscathed. What do our other heroes do within the odd little sanctuary?

2016-07-07, 06:47 AM
An eery silence falls over the crypt. Somewhere off in the distance, an echo bounces down the cavernous tomb, though it is unclear whether it is attempting to turn our brave heroes away or call them deeper within...

2016-07-07, 08:52 PM

Aenor looks up after a moment staring at the ground. He shakes his head slowly, as if clearing it. "It was a trap. The portal itself, that is. Felt it trying to change me, change my alignment. Like those helms you read about in the worst kind of tragedies. I was able to resist it, but only just. The room on the other side was empty, without any other exits. I suggest we move on."

Used Iron Heart Surge, just in case.