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View Full Version : Elementals and Goals (or lack of such)

2015-04-29, 10:07 PM
Greetings, Playground.

I am going to be playing an Air Elemental soon, and I had a few questions pertaining to the roleplaying aspect of such prior to beginning:

First off, if an elemental (and the majority are at this level) has a low intelligence score, it is assumed they are little more than natural fire with a modicum of sentience which determines direction, but that is essentially the extent of their thought capacity. Now, all elementals of this caliber would likely roam around destroying or interacting with the environment around them based on their home plane (fire would immolate, water would flood and douse, etc.), but what would elementals do if their intelligence score surpassed that of the majority of humans? Would they be able to formulate plans and goals? If so, what would be their purpose? Would elementals with this level of comprehension even possess material desire such as gold or armor based on their 'race'(a being of pure elemental energy)?

If we look at the Aspects of the Elemental Evils, such as the Holocaust Disciple or Cyclonic Ravager, they mostly wander the land at their creator's behest and destroy the area in close proximity (though it states they are intelligent enough to form alliances with creatures of similar desires, such as red dragons or fire giants for the Holocaust Disciple). The Holocaust Disciple also has an intelligence of fourteen, a score that exceeds the vast majority of humans or other creatures which all are capable of desire (for peace, currency, items, and more).

So, in summation, if a neutral and isolated elder elemental was wandering around, but was not sent by an evil god to bring mayhem and destruction, would they be capable of formulating a desire system not entirely based upon their primitive urges or does their very essence prevent such from occurring?


2015-04-29, 10:20 PM
Greetings, Playground.

I am going to be playing an Air Elemental soon, and I had a few questions pertaining to the roleplaying aspect of such prior to beginning:

First off, if an elemental (and the majority are at this level) has a low intelligence score, it is assumed they are little more than natural fire with a modicum of sentience which determines direction, but that is essentially the extent of their thought capacity. Now, all elementals of this caliber would likely roam around destroying or interacting with the environment around them based on their home plane (fire would immolate, water would flood and douse, etc.), but what would elementals do if their intelligence score surpassed that of the majority of humans? Would they be able to formulate plans and goals? If so, what would be their purpose? Would elementals with this level of comprehension even possess material desire such as gold or armor based on their 'race'(a being of pure elemental energy)?
While elementals may not be the smartest dudes out there they are more intelligent than you are giving them credit for. They are disinclined above animal intelligence and are capable of forming long term plans, have ambitions, and generally interact with the world them. They are just not too bright about it (their plans are not the best, their ambitions far fetched). Air Elementals are not interested in material wealth, but yours could easily be an exception. Adventurers are supposed to be exceptional members of their race.

If we look at the Aspects of the Elemental Evils, such as the Holocaust Disciple or Cyclonic Ravager, they mostly wander the land at their creator's behest and destroy the area in close proximity (though it states they are intelligent enough to form alliances with creatures of similar desires, such as red dragons or fire giants for the Holocaust Disciple). The Holocaust Disciple also has an intelligence of fourteen, a score that exceeds the vast majority of humans or other creatures which all are capable of desire (for peace, currency, items, and more).
The Elemental Evils are the creation of the nihilistic god Tharizdun. Their intelligence means that can plan out how to destroy, but being his spawn they are consumed with the need to destroy.

So, in summation, if a neutral and isolated elder elemental was wandering around, but was not sent by an evil god to bring mayhem and destruction, would they be capable of formulating a desire system not entirely based upon their primitive urges or does their very essence prevent such from occurring?


Again, exceptional. The average one would have no desire beyond being an elemental. The exceptional one can, and possibly is exceptional because it did formulate a more sophisticated world view.

2015-04-29, 10:22 PM
I would say that most of the destructive tendencies of these Aspects is due to the fact that the PC's need a villain. You might enjoy a plot where the human bad guy was actually just a victim of circumstance and now we feel sorry for him, but as far as elementals: "It's a ---- rock monster! It doesn't have motivation!"

Of course, you're fleshing out the elemental's motivation and attitude. I would say that Fire elementals would be ravenous, earth elementals would be stoic, water elementals would be serene(until provoked), and air would be flighty. The hardest part about playing an air elemental would be keeping it focused enough to stay on the mission. They would probably enjoy shiny trinkets but leave them behind once they got bored with them. Your primary desire and driving force would probably be the need to be free.

That might be your reason to adventure right there: you've been somehow trapped, either unable to become a whirlwind or trapped on the Material Plane or forced to take an unchanging form. A being of free air would strongly desire to fix that. (And being trapped in a stable form would allow you to wear items).

We have no real-world example on which to base an elemental's behavior. Such is the joy of fantasy!

2015-04-29, 10:28 PM
The classic fluff for a free-willed elemental on the Material Plane is that it's uncomfortable with such a mix of other elements besides its own everywhere, and would prefer to go home as soon as possible. That's good for the lower int ones, but a more intelligent one, especially a PC, might be attracted to the Material Plane as some sort of explorer, scientist, philosopher, or mystic out to experience life beyond the Boundless Blue. Powerful air elementals are often portrayed as aggressive, as they're like a powerful storm with a mind. Strong windstorms are usually seen as purely destructive things, but that could just be because the average humanoid can't comprehend what an air elemental really wants. I do like the idea of playing an elemental as a philosopher or mystic, I've had an idea about an earth elemental monk for a while. Give your elemental a quest as part of its backstory, something to explain why it left the Boundless Blue and what it wants to experience or accomplish away from home. A good past should drive its future.