View Full Version : Weird Warlock/Rogue/Bard/Cleric Multiclass? For Some Reason It's Appealing To Me?

2015-04-30, 08:31 AM
Hey there everyone, me again!

I've been thinking tonight; I've definitely got four favourite classes. Bard. Cleric. Rogue. And finally, Warlock.
For whatever weird reason, after reading over the class info., something started screaming to me that I should multiclass. Using all of these. Is this a bad idea? It seems like it certainly could be.

Right now I'm sitting on level 3 with a Half-Elf, Great Old One Tome-Lock. I'm thinking if I were to multiclass into the others, it might be Lore-Bard 3/Knowledge Cleric 1/Arcane-Trickster Rogue 3/Tome-Lock 13

Now I'm not saying I'll come anywhere close to level 20... But something about this just seems really nice, maybe it's the skills and Expertise, I'm not sure. But it also looks like it could be severely poor quality at higher levels. Missing out on some of that super heavy Warlock stuff will definitely hurt... Well, what do you all think? Should I dive in and do it?
Thanks in advance

2015-04-30, 08:38 AM
From a crunch perspective, my opinion is that it is indeed a bad idea. You'd basically get a bunch of cantrips, Skill proficiencies, and low level spells, while delaying or denying yourself access to superior high level class abilities and spells.

2015-04-30, 08:47 AM
From a crunch perspective, my opinion is that it is indeed a bad idea. You'd basically get a bunch of cantrips, Skill proficiencies, and low level spells, while delaying or denying yourself access to superior high level class abilities and spells.

Mmm, I suppose I'd just be better off going full skill monkey in that case, and that is in no way an attractive build for me. Maybe it's just all the late nights that I've been having, maybe the PHB has become sentient and has cast confusion on me. Perhaps a Warlock 17/3 in one of those other classes might be better considering one would still get their 9th level Arcanum. Hmm, I'll have to think about this.
Well, off to bed before any more shenanigans ensue. Goodnight all.

2015-04-30, 10:01 AM
I'm currently playing with my group where one member has a Bardbarian with a level in fighter. This is bard 2/bardbarian 4/fighter 1. Started with the bard for inspiring word. Got the barbarian because of the larger hd and rage then got the fighter for heavy armor proficiency. All of them have their niches, but neither benefits the other in any way. The one thing that is so hard about multiclass in 5.0 is that you don't gain feats/ability improvement on general overall level. You only get those when a single class gets to that specified level. So if you're not worried about your abilities or gaining one of very few feats go ahead and build a crazy character. Just make sure the classes benefit each other. Otherwise just stick to one class and gain all the benefits.

2015-04-30, 11:45 AM
then got the fighter for heavy armor proficiency.
Multiclassing into fighter doesn't give you heavy armor proficiency though. Page 164 of the PHB, multiclassing into fighter gives you light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons.

Shining Wrath
2015-04-30, 12:37 PM
Just because four classes are your favorites doesn't mean putting them all together in one character will result in your favorite character.

You could very easily wind up looking at your sheet and wishing you had more levels in each of them. Plus it appears to me you give up 2 ASI or feats. Setting aside crunch, feats can be flavorful.

I'd recommend you come up with a character concept and see which classes fit it.

2015-04-30, 12:45 PM
I could see rogue assassin 3 / tome warlock 17 being an interesting choice, at least. Tome warlock and expertise let you handle the vast majority of non-combat and utility needs, the warlock spells are well-suited to setting up surprise attacks, and a guaranteed critical from a warlock spell could be a fight-ender. However, it seems more like a solo-oriented character rather than someone designed to function in a party.

I agree that combining too many classes will leave you with an unfocused build. My personal preferred way to build a character is to decide, "I want to be able to do these things well," then choose classes and features from there.