View Full Version : Pathfinder Tablet or Laptop excel auto calculating sheet. (Sized for 1920x1080)

2015-04-30, 12:32 PM
Good morning people.

I have a bit of an obsession with excel nesting. Did you know that you can nest a maximum of 64 "IF" statements in 1 cell?

Any who... I have created a few auto calculating excel sheets for touch screens and this one here is my max effort.

It is designed specifically for a 1920x1080 touch screen, though a laptop will work just fine as well. Obviously, that's a specific, if growing, group of gamers.

Regardless, I have spent about 3 weeks and many, many hours creating it and I wanted to share it for those that think they might be able to use it.

Some more details:
-If you use the sheet, set "auto-calculate" off (google can show you how)
-The sheet uses 1 macro, so you will get a security wanting most likely, this is the macro:

Sub CalcActiveOnly()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Next sh
End Sub

(it basically recreates pressing F9 to force the sheet to calculate)

-The Macro is activated by buttons on the sheet.

-Check boxes are used to swicth variables off and on, such as feat effects, condition effects, spell and class buffs...

-I have tested the sheet exhaustively, but its pretty friggin complicated with all the formulas, so something might be off... I dont think so though.

-the sheet is set up to be as flexible as possible, and includes natural weapons, 2 weapon fighting (.5x STR), flurry, 2 handed weapon (1.5x STR).

-If your making an archer, you can delete the sections for 2 weapon fighting, for instance, without effecting the other calculations. (save a back up first... just in case)

-It includes an Instruction tab for helpful hints.

-Generally, to avoid errors in the attack calculations, be sure to check the correct weapon(s) and feats/effects. For instance, if you have 1 or more of the 3 two-weapon fighting feats checked AND Flurry checked, the attacks wont calc correctly.

Here is the link to the shared google drive where the sheets are located. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzPPLvYQtQDGfnpDRXBFU0xzWGszaThWbVF CMGNTd1hDOUx6amtKYS1iaEtETW1Zd3JNTEU&usp=sharing I included a filled in sheet as well as an example.

Let me know what you think! If you find any errors, I will try to fix them, but I can't promise it will be very quick, I have 2 kids and not a lot of time... also, will entertain requests, but again, 2 kids...

The Random NPC
2015-04-30, 02:02 PM
I can't seem to get it to auto calculate anything. As an aside, this is what I use (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agj6gAXrCfTedDFRakNRTFNqWmpwTzZXdm5lQ0Z1O Wc#gid=0), in case you can get some ideas.

2015-04-30, 02:11 PM
I can't seem to get it to auto calculate anything. As an aside, this is what I use (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agj6gAXrCfTedDFRakNRTFNqWmpwTzZXdm5lQ0Z1O Wc#gid=0), in case you can get some ideas.

In order for the sheet to calculate attacks, you have to check the box at the top of the attack results matrix (top left, pick single attack or full attack as appropriate) Additionally, you need to click the check box for the weapon you are attacking with. If 2 weapon fighting feats are checked, you need to click Main Weapon and Off Hand Weapon. If Flurry is checked you only check the main weapon.

For skills and other rolls on the sheet, just click the box next to each option you wish to roll.

If this does not work, make sure you set Auto calculate workbook to "off" (un-check the box in options). Beyond that, it may be that your sheet is set to prevent the macro from running, or you are not using excel. Most (all) of the alternate spreadsheet programs wont work with complicated excel sheets.

last, it wont work from drive, needs to be downloaded.

EDIT: attack result matrix is top RIGHT