View Full Version : 3rd Ed Need Help Converting Shadowcaster Fundamentals & Mysteries into Arcane Spells ...

Miss Disaster
2015-04-30, 07:30 PM
I'm looking to see if any of you have converted (or know of someone who already has) the ToM Shadowcaster's Fundamentals and Mysteries into arcane spells for 3.5 play. By arcane, I mean Wiz/Sorc spells ... but Bard, Assassin, etc. is fine too.

The reason being, my DM is not allowing the Shadowcaster to be used in play (even with Ari Marmell's improved variant) .... but he has allowed us to port over the various Fundamentals and Mysteries into Wiz/Sorc spells.

Thanks for looking. And for any suggestionds on where you can point me to ... or in helping converting these richly-flavored game mechanics.

2015-04-30, 08:55 PM
Mysteries literally are spells until your mystery caster level is high enough to turn them into SLAs and eventually supernatural abilities. So there shouldn't be a great difficulty in playing them as spells for a caster class, if that's what your DM prefers.

2015-04-30, 09:01 PM
Yep, just use the spell research rules. They should be pretty reasonable.

Miss Disaster
2015-04-30, 09:21 PM
Thanks DrMotives & Troacctid. I'll use both your guidelines in assessing how best to transition them over to spells.

If there's any Mysteries that you think have significant balance issues (too strong or too weak), please do holler back. I'd love to hear them.

2015-04-30, 09:43 PM
Mysteries tend to be just slightly more powerful than spells of an equivalent level, to balance out how much more difficult they are to obtain. For example, black candle is 1st level as a fundamental, but duplicates the effect of darkness, a 2nd-level spell. Killing shadows, a 3rd level mystery, does 1d8/level untyped damage in a cone--compare cone of cold, a 5th level spell, which only deals 1d6/level and of a commonly-resisted damage type (although admittedly with a wider AoE and a higher damage dice cap). Shadow evocation is 5th level as a spell, but 4th level as a mystery. And so on. Use your best judgement and compare the mystery to existing spells to decide if it merits a different spell level.

Miss Disaster
2015-04-30, 11:20 PM
Yep. I see exactly what you mean, Troacctid - it's almost formulaic.

Although an exception will have to be made in converting the awesome Warp Spell mystery. It's text will require a lot of tweaking although it does kinda feel like a 5th level wiz/sorc spell. This is the kind of counterspell mechanism I've always wanted for a wiz/sorc. Immediate Action counterspelling.