View Full Version : Pathfinder Defending yourself from a Necromancer

2015-05-01, 03:01 PM
We have spells up to ninth level available, but the caster is an NPC who doesn't want to go into battle with us. The Necromancer is going to be level 12-15ish.What defensive spells should we cast to give ourselves an edge? Pathfinder only, third-party stuff is a maybe.

2015-05-01, 03:06 PM
For clarity: Are you a level 9 spellcaster, or do you have access to 9th level spells? Because those are two very different things?

2015-05-01, 03:17 PM
For clarity: Are you a level 9 spellcaster, or do you have access to 9th level spells? Because those are two very different things?

There's an NPC arcane caster willing to buff us up for the fight that has 9th level spells. He might have a couple of Divine spells that he has adapted, but I wouldn't count on it.

2015-05-01, 03:36 PM
Most necromancy spells are evil, so protection from evil is a solid boost. You also want spell turning to reflect spells, and spell resistance if you can get it.
Haste, heroism, ability buffing enhancement buff spells like bull's strength, freedom of movement, flight all help. Most necromancy is also cold based, so resist energy-cold but also resist energy-fire because it is common on magic damage spells. Air bubble is handy to ward off any inhaled poisons or fogs. Ironskin/barkskin for more AC/damage reduction.

If you can get boosted right before the fight, then haste is a must have.

Silva Stormrage
2015-05-01, 09:06 PM
Necromancers have a varied amount of different abilities. Most of them can be solved with Death Ward so see if the caster can duplicate it with a limited wish. Other than that protection from evil to prevent magic jar and then get high fort saves as most necromancy is fort save based.

Getting some kind of fear immunity would also be pretty smart, not sure how to do so in pathfinder though.

2015-05-02, 02:24 AM
Depending on your DM's reading of the spell "statue" it could be extremely valuable. If he rules that statue turns you into a solid rock statue and all the rules that go along with being a piece of rock, then you'll only be susceptible to most necromantic effects on your own turn. The most generous reading of the spell would also clear any fort based debuffs(poison, disease, bleeding etc) off of you after you shift back into a statue at the end of your turn.

Mind Blank will get you a good size bonus +8 to mind effecting spells as well as scrying.

True seeing is also a must against a caster if you can get it.

That's all I can think of without trying to guess at how your games normally go.

2015-05-02, 02:30 AM
The other thing is that a necromancer is likely to have a bunch of undead on hand - so boosting your AC will probably be a good idea. Many undead have poor attack bonuses but want to claw you open anyway.

What sort of caster is the NPC?