View Full Version : Who's taken the most punishment?

2007-04-17, 11:07 PM
Upon seeing Vaarsuvius' imminent suffering at the hands of the Death Knight, I thought to myself "Geez, Vaarsuvius gets it rough. Seems like just a few weeks ago he/she was getting beat on by Leeky's trees."

This got me thinking: "Wait a minute, hasn't the rest of the Order gotten it just as bad, if not worse, over the years?" Let's take a look at some of the highlights of harm:

Roy: Had a freakin' rhinoceros land on his head. Ouch.

Durkon: Little in the way of physical ouchies, but exile and heartbreak may put him ahead of the others in the emotional department.

Elan: Wow. Where to start. "Hi Haley. I found all these free swords. They were in my spleen." Also: "Interesting. But allow me to offer an alternate hypothesis." SHTLULK!

Haley: Two words: Mental. Trauma. Also: EATEN.

Vaarsuvius: Aforementioned tree beating, oh, and got turned into a lizard.

Belkar: Fourteen Explosive Runes in just one morning has got to be some sort of record.

I know I'm just scratching the surface here. So what do you think? Which member of the Order has taken the most and biggest hits over the years?

2007-04-17, 11:09 PM
Dont forget V was eaten by an owlbear

2007-04-17, 11:09 PM
hmmm... I would have to go with belkar the duel with MIko was kinda rough on him... at least enough to push him to the to pof the list

2007-04-17, 11:10 PM
I think it's a close race between Belkar and Elan.

2007-04-17, 11:50 PM
Don't forget the dozen-plus Explosive Runes cast on Belkar after 'The Incident'.

:vaarsuvius: Technically, I cast Explosive Runes on a series of inanimate objects.

:belkar: Well technically, it was the owlbear that ate you, asshat.

Yeah... Belkar is pretty much the comedic punching bag, but he'll get his own in the end. Oh yes, there will be a reckoning...

2007-04-17, 11:59 PM
roy. an ache in you knee for life is worse than two weeks of a broken leg. and who gets more annoyed than roy?

2007-04-18, 02:05 AM
I'd say Roy. Belkar may be the punching bag, but Roy is the meatshield. He's been getting pounded since the comic started.

After that, of course, V gets an irresponsible amount of punishment, especially for a wizard.

Haley gets more than Elan and Durkon combined.

2007-04-18, 03:37 AM
Remember that 10k gold trap back in the dungeon. That plus Thog, rhino, two Miko, Xykon's recent finger(s) of death(s) (which one gets the s?) and the usual meatshielding puts Roy ahead of others.

2007-04-18, 03:49 AM
Definatly Roy, the strait man always get's knocked out of shape.

2007-04-18, 06:32 AM
Roy. The 10'000 GP trap trumps all in terms of physical beat downs.

Plus, in terms of mental anguish, look at his broken sword.

2007-04-18, 08:06 AM
Actually, now that I think of it the Roy supporters have a number of good points. Besides the physical pain, he has to put up with the members of his own team on a daily basis- something I wouldn't be able to handle for as long as he has. Forced Will saves every day to avoid smacking the others around, anybody?

:roy: I've been suppressing the urge to beat the crap out of someone who looks EXACTLY like you for a long, long time.

:nale: *eyes widen, turns and runs. Cue the Benny Hill chase music.*

2007-04-18, 08:14 AM
I think it's a close race between Belkar and Elan.
I think Elan is a bit ahead -- he went down to -9 HP and bleeding after Nale backstabbed him.

2007-04-18, 09:06 AM
Yeah, Elan has been the closet to death by far. He is the only one to get beaten down to the negative HP's, as I remenber it. He is also #1 in mental suffering, remember the prison when he missed Haley?

2007-04-18, 09:12 AM
He is also #1 in mental suffering, remember the prison when he missed Haley?
That's an understatement -- until the lantern of inspiration lit up, he thought Nale was going to kill Haley (and everybody else) and there was nothing he could do about it.

PePe QuiCoSE
2007-04-18, 09:52 AM
Roy, add the trap that cost Xykon the 10.000 gp that left him with a strength of 0. Got burned by the black dragon too. Oh, and the shattered sword heirloom should count too (fixed now).
Though, Elan is the one that has got the farthest into -9.

2007-04-18, 10:21 AM
I'm surprised that no one's made a pun based on physical punishment and the legal punishment that Belkar's received.

2007-04-18, 11:16 AM
How do we know Belkar didn't get reduced into the negatives when he was trying to bait Miko into killing him?

2007-04-18, 12:37 PM
Belkar was hung by the neck, it did not kill him but still that is something

2007-04-18, 03:26 PM
Roy. Not only does he never sleeps but he's also tortured mentally by his team mates. He also is the meatshield. He always gets wounded. A rhino has fallen on his head. He had to fight miko with nothing but a mace 2 times and even the 3rd time he got stunned before he managed to knock Miko all the way across the room with his sword. And now he's hanging onto the neck of an undead dragon and having finger of death cast at him all the time.

2007-04-18, 07:48 PM
He is also #1 in mental suffering, remember the prison when he missed Haley?

I agree Elan had a pretty awful time in prison thinking about Haley. The worry he had for his comrades didn't last for weeks, but only three days.

It isn't as bad as the years of guilt and self-loathing that Haley has inflicted on herself. She's probably had a huge amount of internal battles in her head. And obviously, three days is less than multiple years.

Roy has it pretty bad, too. I mean who can forget the punishment of being attracted to Miko?

See, I'm still trying to figure out if Haley or Roy has the worst case of mental suffering. My mind may be leaning towards Haley, but I am trying hard not to play the, "favorite character wins" card.

2007-04-18, 08:02 PM
Depends on what you mean by "suffering". Roy suffers the most at the hands of his teammates, but Haley's been driven to aphasia.... Followed shortly by a mental personification of her own self-loathing. A goth teenager version of yourself that constantly taunts you and can't be gotten rid of? That hurts. For Haley's sake, I hope she had a dull wit as a youngster.

2007-04-18, 08:10 PM
Roy. Not only does he never sleeps but he's also tortured mentally by his team mates. He also is the meatshield. He always gets wounded. A rhino has fallen on his head. He had to fight miko with nothing but a mace 2 times and even the 3rd time he got stunned before he managed to knock Miko all the way across the room with his sword. And now he's hanging onto the neck of an undead dragon and having finger of death cast at him all the time.

True, but at least he's made some progress with his daddy issues (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0293.html).

2007-04-18, 08:18 PM
Roy, as leader their problems become his. and boy do they have problems.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-18, 08:22 PM
V, getting chewed on, turned into a lizard...V, or Roy who not only has to deal with the party but also is the MT....and that means the most physical damage...oh and he had a crush on Miko...

2007-04-18, 08:31 PM
im going with roy, but elan runs pretty close

2007-04-18, 09:00 PM
Gonna go with Roy, with Elan as a close second.

Elan may have been beaten to negatives, but Roy is beaten much more often. Also, Roy has to put up with Elan.

2007-04-18, 11:47 PM
Belkar probably has diehard or endurance(forget which) so he can still remain concious in the negatives

2007-04-18, 11:55 PM
IN the physical department, I'd have to go with Belkar. While he's never been reduced to near-death like Elan, I think that, if we tallied it, he's taken more damage than any of the others over the course of the series.

Mentally, I'd say Roy. While I think Haley would be a close second, I personally think that Roy's gone through a whole lot more that we've seen throughout the series, and especially now.

After all, Roy has just found out that the thing that's started his father's grudge against Xykon, the sole reason he's been going after Xykon was because Xykon killed Eugene's teacher over his non-magical crown. I'd think anyone would be angered by the fact that they've basically sworn him/herself to kill someone who started a blood grudge simply to steal a crown.

And this is discontinuing the fact that he has to also put up with the problems of the rest of his teammates.

2007-04-18, 11:59 PM
I do believe V's familiar has suffered the most mental torment, due to constant feelings of being forgotten - and while Haley's mental troubles have plagued her for years, the age of Vaarsivus means that it's quite possible that this abandonment has continued for decades at a time, unabated. The fact that none of you brought it up only proves it. :smallamused: In addition, it is so far the only member of the order that has requested pain medication.

2007-04-19, 05:38 PM
Belkar, hands down. Beaten up by Miko, got Haley puked at him, blown up, kissed V (emotional trauma!!!), beaten up by Miko *again*, just recently got beaten by a bunch of hobgoblins, got hurt fighting the first of the YkYk clan, had a Mark of Justice slapped on his head, and has repeatedly been last in the party in terms of XP.

V is almost there, but Belkar definitely takes the Pinata Award this time around.

2007-04-20, 06:27 PM
looks like roy is securing his lead in 442...

2007-04-20, 06:28 PM
Roy wins. :smalleek:

2007-04-20, 06:29 PM
The poor outdated monster that people keep falling on.

2007-04-20, 06:31 PM
Roy has now claimed the title of the most harmed...

2007-04-20, 06:52 PM
I know, but I put that in to mention you completely forgot an overly punished character.

Then again, he's not an order member.

2007-04-20, 06:53 PM
The poor outdated monster that people keep falling on.

You mean the Flumps...

2007-04-20, 07:57 PM
I'd say probably Roy at this point, Belkar close behind. He's been hit by meteor swarms, rhinos, had 12 scratches on him from the first Miko fight, he's the tank, and he's been getting scratched up since the beginning of the strip.