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2015-05-02, 06:56 PM
The city of New Monroe. A paradigm for a new millenium. A shining new beacon of peace and equality.

Or, at least, that's what the propaganda says. The truth is somewhat grittier. After the appearance of the Simurgh, especially with the fall of Japan still echoing in the minds of the populace, a symbol is needed. And what better symbol than a memorial to Fortress; who died at Kyushu?

After all, as wonderful as her dream city undoubtedly will be, it would never have been funded without the need for a symbol. The world, as a whole, is shrinking. Cities falling into ruin, and their occupants moving elsewhere. Why, in the midst of this, would you sink billions into a Tinker/Thinker's pipe dream, just to create a place to live? If New Monroe is a success, people may once more have hope for the future.

Of course, everywhere mankind seeks hope, the Endbringers are there to tear it down. Undoubtedly this new city will be tested soon enough. But for now, the city will fill with those who do not fear the likelihood of an Endbringer attack, or dream of safety from one. Those who believe in the hype, and those who come to serve them. And then, of course, there is you, and those like you.

Parahumans, drawn to this new city like moths to a lamp. After all, with a new city, there are no established gangs. The big-shots already have their turf; they won't come here to fight for a new one. For a while, at least, it will be a free-for-all, until the underworld gets established. To make life even easier, the Protectorate presence in the city is still minimal, and disorganised. A perfect place for an aspiring big-shot to take their first steps.

2015-05-02, 07:18 PM
It's a strange business, starting a city from scratch. In general, the things grow organically. A small town forms, then swells as more and more people move in. It engulfs the towns around it, as they grow together to form a city. Even more modern cities grow from humble beginnings, rather than being constructed wholesale.

So it might be that the creation of New Monroe was unique in the history of the world. First came the engineers, of the newly-christened 'Fortress Construction', following arcane blueprints in an unprecedented scale. Pieces of it, sure, could see use elsewhere. Endbringer shelters were already being widely discussed.

With the groundwork laid, the builders moved in. Streets needed laying, homes and storefronts furnishing, even grass and trees planting. Following them came the suppliers; shopkeepers and cleaners; trashmen and mailmen; all of those underpinnings of society slotted into place with a neat efficiency in advance of the bulk of the population.

And now, at last, it is your turn. A line of cars stretches back towards the horizon, with crowds of pedestrians clustered around the gates. Businessmen and lawyers rubbing noses with truck drivers and fast-food waiters. Today is the day and the hour is now.

A form in blue and gold suddenly appears, rising over the massive gates with his arms spread wide. The crowd falls silent as they recognise Hero, the greatest tinker in the world. The world seems to take a breath... and then a cheery voice booms forth from his loudspeakers. "Welcome to the city of New Monroe!"

Silent on fresh, oiled hinges, the massive gates swing open, and with a cheer the crowd begins its surge forwards to fill the city.

2015-05-04, 06:28 PM
Red, untouched by the enthusiasm of the crowd, stalks into the city. He's heading towards the commercial area of town, where he has a small office for taking customers.

As he goes in, he mutters to himself New city, new people, same thing.

2015-05-04, 07:41 PM
crowds always crowds I HATE CROWDS Jason mutters as he walks into the city towards the residential area to find his new apartment

2015-05-04, 10:10 PM
Corbin lets the crowd stream by him as he ambles in slowly, casting an eye around as he reshoulders his backpack. The crowd's enthusiasm was almost infectious, but the young man wouldn't let himself get caught up in that. These people were wide-eyed and hopeful, and that made them targets. This city, this NEW Monroe . . . well, talk about waiting for the other shoe to drop. The other massive, Endbringer-sized shoe.

Yes, truly, Corbin is "profound", as all eighteen-year-olds are "profound". He heads on in at a leisurely pace, looking for a residential area far off the beaten path, if such a thing even exists in this city.

2015-05-05, 02:46 AM
Queen patiently made her way to the center of the city, the PRT HQ itself, in her somewhat expensive car. It wasn't a Ferrari or a Lambo or something like that, just a sports car convertible which was painted white, not red like how everyone else did it these days.

She quickly decided on the fake-name of Ashley Joy for herself and went to see if she could join a tour group of some sort as he adjusted her jewelry, it would do well to scope out the base of her likely future enemies and if she could somehow even get one power out of this then it would be well worth coming her first on a whim instead of straight to her downtown apartment that she had rented out beforehand like she had originally planned.

Grim ranger
2015-05-05, 12:29 PM
Shifting uncomfortably at Hero's grand declaration, Michael goes on to lead his mother and sister into the city proper along with the rest of the flow. They have been lucky in respect that all the moving has been done for them by others: having people somewhat indebted to him has been very useful thus far. Still, he is wearing his hoodie over his face and has generally favored nondescript clothing for today: there may be some among the crowd who'd recognize him should he make spectacle of himself.

Going on to make his way towards the edges of the residential area where he has managed to acquire them a livable apartment, Michael already ponders on first possible jobs. That contact from Rave is definitely something he will have to act upon soon... Luckily enough, meeting should be easy enough to arrange.

2015-05-05, 02:56 PM
Unfortunately for Michael, he feels a large weight-like a man half made of metal-crashing into him.

Ah hell! Red says as he accidentally stumbles onto the other man. Sorry, wasn't looking, he says, extending a metallic arm to help him back to his feet.

2015-05-05, 06:17 PM
@Corbin:Anywhere on the lower level is less expensive / less crowded than the upper levels. The bottom left corner of the lower level is the least popular.

@Queen:From the outside, the building was nothing special. It was squat and ugly, more like a bunker than like the soaring towers in other cities. Yes, it was the tallest building around, but that was more because the other buildings had low profiles than any other reason.

It wasn't until she got closer that she started to reconsider. The building was BIG. And it lived up to its designer's name. Sloped walls, visible gunports, trees cleared in a wide swath around it. It was like they expected an assault by an army.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, though, today the PRT headquarters are staffed only by a skeleton crew. Most of their employees will just now be arriving, and there has been no activity. No paperwork, or repairs, or operations. Still, the doors are unlocked and the pair of bored-looking guards make no move to stop Allison as she flounces through them, and the equally bored receptionist barely acknowledges her presence.

A wall of portraits catches her attention, drawing her eyes upwards. Of course, none of the heroes who have come here are big names; there is no significant criminal presence, and the powerful PRT members are needed where they are. But some of the costumes she recognises. Id. Paradigm. Dare.

Suddenly, a voice calls to her from across the vast entry hall, and her head swivels around to focus on one of the costumed figures whose portraits she had been studying a moment before - a young man, dapper in suit and tie. "Hullo there, miss."

2015-05-05, 09:41 PM
Following the set of instructions he received from Rave, Blacklight leaves the city briefly. About a mile away, he arrives at a small creek. After scanning the area for a couple of minutes, he finds a van. Blacklight swears it was in an obvious spot and he should have noticed it earlier. That was the trick, the tinkertech van had a field which caused people's attention to be drawn to everything around the van, and thus they would fail to notice the van itself. It caused passive observers to ignore the van. The catch was that the effect was not strong enough to deflect active observation. If say, a parahuman with a grudge was after him, the someone else's problem field (which Rave blatantly stole from a certain sci-fi novel) would have no effect.

The 'van' was actually created from a stolen ice cream truck. Blacklight saw different bits of machinery on the outside which would not belong on an ordinary vehicle. Opening one of the side doors, he was suddenly bombarded by obnoxiously loud music. The van was quite cramped, but in the back was a workbench which Rave had past out on. He was surrounded by empty glass bottles and some suspicious looking white powder...

2015-05-05, 11:28 PM
Queen glances back at the wall of portraits and back to the person that was trying to talk to her, "Oh hey. I was just wondering which capes are going to be in charge of protecting this new city of ours." Who I'm going to be fighting.

"I was also wondering if I could get a tour of this place, I must say the design is very.... utilitarian." She quickly adds as she glances back to the pictures, trying to place a name on the man in front of her and also feeling kind of disappointed that there weren't any really big names here.

2015-05-06, 01:24 AM
@Queen:The elegant man in his suit and simple mask is instantly recognisable as the central portrait on the wall. "The name's Bond," he says, in a passable excuse for a British accent, then breaks into a grin. In a more normal voice, he continues. "I'm the new leader of the PRT, New Monroe division."

This is a slight surprise, since the man is young enough he could be mistaken for a ward. "You needn't worry your pretty little head about safety while I'm on the job. As for my team; you'll get to hear about soon enough. We have another thinker, a couple of brutes, a blaster and a shaker. Little light on the firepower, perhaps, but nothing to write home about."

With a bright smile, he gestures expansively, seeming almost to stroke the air. "As for that tour, I'm afraid this place isn't technically open yet. But I'd be more than happy to give you a private showing."

Allison likes this guy a little more than you'd expect. She notices nothing suspicious about this.

2015-05-06, 11:18 AM
Jason goes to his new apartment and looks around. it looks snug and comfortable and has a rounded shape, well the outside looks good lets see the inside The inside has an old-fashioned kitchen, one large bathroom, a spacious living room, 2 rooms, a spacious dining room, Wow I got a deal for such a cheap price i got a great living place. Now with my current finances I can afford this place for month. I hope the Prt pays well i will be pissed if i lose this place. I'll go by the headquarters once i get settled

Grim ranger
2015-05-06, 04:06 PM
Back at the entrance

Michael can't help but to look at the man stumbling into him in VERY odd manner, the metal arm leaving little in way of doubts concerning the man's nature. Thankful that his own powers don't really have a "tell" unless he chooses to demonstrate them, he nods somewhat back at Red, looking somewhat annoyed. "In a hurry, man?" he asks somewhat dryly.

The meeting

To say that the meeting location would be little conspicious to him would be putting things mildly. Blacklight sighs to himself at the sight of the van... And proceeds to avoid facepalming by barest margins as he steps inside and observes Rave's workspace. Clearly he is not dealing with much of a professional here, but having a Tinker on his side should cut down on problems in the long run. They are maybe most useful kind of allies to have due to force multipliers provided by their tech alone.

Adjusting his gloves somewhat, Blacklight frowns behind his mask and calls out over the music. "Rave? I think we need to talk."

2015-05-06, 06:27 PM

Sorry. Just not watching where I'm going. Red looks at him for a moment, then shakes his head. No. Thought I knew you.

2015-05-06, 07:23 PM
Queen does a quick mental check of how old her fake ID says she is... right 21. She needed to act like at least a 21 year old, which she supposes isn't too different from 17 year old...? She turns her attention back to Bond and she blushes a bit involuntarily as she responds to his offer, "I think that would be lovely Mr. Bond." slipping a bit of a obviously fake British accent in there to play along (though she wonders how he managed to work the copyright stuff out). She smiles as she holds out her hand for him to grab.

2015-05-06, 08:29 PM
New Monroe is . . . something, all right. Corbin admits this grudgingly as he cycles his way down the various levels (on FOOT, thank you). Putting aside the bizarre feeling of walking in an untouched city, it's clear that a lot of thought had gone into making a monument out of municipality. There is a feeling of grandeur, of HEFT to each residential and business district, as though ready-made for photo opportunities. Which, in all likelihood, they were.

But, of course, the shelters quietly dominated the lower levels. Squat gray buildings one and all, they were the central unobtrusive facets of every part of Monroe's lower level. A stark reminder, every one: "You are safe. We DEMAND that you be safe."

Totally fine. But Corbin will be damned if he doesn't do something to make that happen.

Crossing one of the two bridges, Corbin arrives at a residential section isolated from the rest by the river. He looks around it for nearly half an hour. Small, with natural chokepoints, defensible . . .

Yes, this would do.

On a whim, Corbin claims one of the more central apartments as his own. The superintendent gives him a quick walkthrough, accepts the first month's rent in uneven bills (Corbin tries to keep his thumb over the bloodstained corners of one particular batch), and boom! The place is his for at least the next month. A bare kitchen, empty bedroom, squeaky-clean bathroom, and carpeted living room . . . all his. Huh.

I'll decorate later.

Exiting the building, Corbin meanders into a convenient side alley. He pulls a piece of worn blue fabric out of his pocket and allows himself a grin as he notices it's flecked with a rust color.

Heh. Gonna have to wash this thing better.

Tying it around his face, Corbin briefly assesses the narrowness of the alleyway. Crack. Crack. Crack. Three wall jumps carry him to the top of his apartment building in a flurry of momentum, leaving small cracks where his feet landed along the walls. He whoops briefly, enjoying the rush of air and the shock of landing on the roof. A quick run, another leap, another rush of air, crack, and he's two roofs away. Another run, leap, rush, crack, and he's on a whole other block.

Ricochet pauses, letting the rush sizzle through him like a battery, and looks out around the streets of the neighborhood. HIS neighborhood.

2015-05-06, 08:35 PM
Jason drops his bag and sighs at the empty place I really need to buy some furniture I don't even have a bed. Whatever i'm sure the Prt has some spares they aren't using and if not they have someone who can help me. Jason gets his bike out of his and begins to unfold it. after playing around with it for a few minutes he finally gets its unfolded Now off to beg meet my new bosses and for some free furniture or at least if they know someone willing to offer me a deal Jason heads to the prt officer while avoiding all the crowds

2015-05-06, 08:37 PM
Though here, Red says as he hands over a business card. New city, new chances. I'll handle something for free if you need it. Consider it a better apology.

2015-05-06, 11:05 PM
@Ricochet: Jumping across rooftops might be a thrill, but it's far from subtle. Whether or not your intention was to call out any competition, it's what you succeeded in. A bare minute after you settle on the roof, a dust devil swirls down from the false sky to settle beside you, spinning in place for a moment before coalescing into a human form.

The man, dressed as an old-time gangster, doesn't even pause before speaking. "Prime real-estate, this."

2015-05-07, 01:15 AM
Queen after the "tour" finds herself outside with her mind a little hazy, for all she knows she had just been through a pretty boring tour as her encounter with Bond seemed to be missing from her memories, not that she had any idea that she was missing some memories of course.

She does remember somethings, like the brief information on the Protectorate team stationed here. At least she had all their names now and she knew she probably could've gone online or something for that but she wanted to see the place in person. Overall the place was drab and boring, way way too utilitarian for her tastes, though she reasoned that that just might be because the place hadn't really been lived in just yet, but it was still dissapointing. Though there was also a lack of a Tinker on the team and bases with Tinkers often did end up a lot more interesting than other bases. She let out an internal groan at that, she'd really had been hoping to get her hands on a Tinker power somehow, maybe there was another one in the city somewhere?

Though while she's here she figured she might as well take a stroll around the building, see if there was any flying cape entrances and whatnot she could pick out.

Grim ranger
2015-05-07, 03:25 PM
Back at the entrance

Taking the card with mild curiosity, Michael nods slightly. "Thanks, I guess? I don't really know how to act: haven't seen cape this close before" he says, adding the lie in rather smoothly. "I will give you a call if I need metalworks done for sure. Anyway, I have to get my family inside, so if you wouldn't mind..."

2015-05-07, 03:46 PM
No bother at all. Red heads in to the city, muttering well done, making a royal pain of yourself to the first people you meet. And losing money too. God, I'm a failure.

2015-05-07, 10:45 PM
The meeting

Rave is startled awake. WHAT he shouts as he fumbles around for an unseen control. The music stops, and he slowly regains his composure. He turns around to face Blacklight, his face is covered by a cheap cloth hood stained by some unknown liquid. I've been thinking. New Monroe, new city, new environment. If we can get it in early, its ripe for the picking. You and I can rule this city.

2015-05-07, 11:22 PM
Corbin spins around at this sudden intrusion, kicking up a few roofing tiles.

"Yeah, no kidding," he rejoins after a moment of adrenaline rushing. He narrows his eyes and purses his lips. He's had SOME experience dealing with other capes, but only one of those experiences could be reasonably classified as a "victory". The rest were draws (with varying degrees of charitable interpretation on the word "draw") and, on one memorable occasion, a SEVERE defeat.

So, a tingle of nerves. A drop in feeling in the stomach. Deeper, more frequent breaths.

Okay . . .

"Which is why I'm gonna be making sure it stays that way," he concludes after a moment's pause. He stares the newcomer in the eye, half dreading and half daring a response.

"We have a problem?"

Grim ranger
2015-05-08, 03:21 AM
Back at the entrance

Feeling little pang of sympathy, Michael walks after Red and claps him on the shoulder. "Hey, it's not big deal, really. I am going to call you as soon as this whole moving about has been handled. Maybe we can go and grab a drink?"

The meeting

Dusting his longcoat somewhat, Blacklight gives Rave a long look of contemplation. "You ARE aware that there are Wards and Protectorate in the city, yeah? Not to mention gangs soon enough I bet. If you want to take over the city, you'd need more muscle. Still, I would be amenable to co-operation."

2015-05-08, 07:43 AM
Red stares back at him for a moment, his eyes flickering for a moment towards his metal arm, his shoeless metal feet, and then back to Michael. But he still says Tha... Thanks. I'd like that. Really.

2015-05-09, 10:58 PM
There keeping everything so squeaky clean. They want everything to go perfect off the bat. They want to show that Parahumans can be safely handled, that they can integrate us into society and keep the peace. So they're going to stomp down on the trouble makers. But we can prepare. Gather allies, get resources, get more muscle. Wait for them to let their guard down. Then we show the world what we are made of. He scratched his unkempt beard thoughtfully. But you make a good point. Allies would be useful. You have anyone in mind?

Grim ranger
2015-05-10, 02:33 PM
The meeting

"So, you are saying we can subvert the gangs for our own ends and stay quiet until they lower the Protectorate presence here?" he asks, sounding thoughtful even through his full-face mask and hood. It is not a bad plan: it avoids drawing the heat on him and his potential associates until they can take it, and is likely quite lucrative financially... And of course, having allies and friendly parahumans to help looking after him and his would be very beneficial.

The choice doesn't take him very long at all.

"Well, I do know ONE guy at least... Just met him earlier today. Has metal arm at least...But if we are going to co-operate, you need to at least set up shop inside the city... And get better gear" he notes dryly. "Cheap mask and bad attitude doesn't quite cut it."

2015-05-11, 09:44 PM
Rave scowled at him. Screw you kid. I had everything I needed up in Boston until about two weeks ago when I was working with Blackguard. Some new guy called Accord showed up and wiped the gang out in about a week. I was lucky enough to get out with my head intact. I've still got the Party Van... but yeah, I'm going to need a workshop. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. You know any place that would be good for setting up shop? Where nobody's checking the electricity consumption, cops aren't around, that sort of thing?

As for this other guy... metal arm huh? That sounds completely goddamn useless. Still, the universe can you surprise you sometimes. Why don't you invite him for drinks and crap sometime? We can get to know him, see what he's made of, that sort of thing.

Grim ranger
2015-05-12, 02:08 PM
The meeting

"Boston, huh? Sounds like a good place to set up shop. It is a damn shame that hired specialists like myself never can stay still for too long. Protectorate don't understand the difference between merc and villain: I might actually set up shop somewhere for bit longer for once" he says with a deep sigh. "Still, if this will work, that should be possible. As for where to set up shop, I recommend industrial area next to the central park. Maybe not most out of the way spot for workshop, but last place one'd look, right? It is TOO obvious."

Adjusting his gloves, he turns around to go. "Meet me one in the afternoon tomorrow at Burger King at the edge of the Central Park: I will see if I can bring our friend. No costumes" Blacklight says with mild smile that is sadly hidden by his mask. "He is bit obvious as it is, and all it takes for someone to figure me out is for them to have good memory for faces and bit of knowledge. It's just fair we all meet on equal level."

Turning around, and stepping out, he begins to make his way back towards the city, pulling off his mask for a moment as he picks out cellphone from his pocket. Also retrieving the business card he has received, he goes on to call Metallurgist. This should be good.

2015-05-12, 02:13 PM
Red picks reaches into his pocket, pulling out his work phone as he sets up in his apartment.

Cooper Metal Specialties, how can I help?

Grim ranger
2015-05-13, 02:24 PM
"Hello there. I think you may recall meeting me moving into the city earlier today: I said I'd call" he replies, smiling somewhat as he speaks into the phone. "And in this case, I think it is I who can help you. Would you want to grab some lunch tomorrow by any chance? I might have a job for you that'd pay very well."

2015-05-13, 02:25 PM
Oh-really? That sounds fantastic! Yeah, yeah, of course. Where're we meeting for lunch? And what kind of job?

Grim ranger
2015-05-13, 03:17 PM
"The one that would use your unique condition to it's fullest potential. Can't say it all over the phone" Blacklight replies with a chuckle. "But trust me, it should be worth the trouble of getting there. Meet me one in the afternoon tomorrow at Burger King at the edge of the Central Park: I trust you can find the place."

2015-05-13, 03:19 PM
Yeah, I can. See you then. Redmond hangs up the phone, then takes a deep breath. This is going well. This... I like this city. I like it.

Grim ranger
2015-05-15, 04:00 AM
The next day - Burger King at the edge of the Central Park

Having selected a casual attire of brown leather coat, white shirt and blue jeans for the day's outing, Michael is sitting quietly in a booth near the entrance of the place, sipping his coke as he waits for the two other capes to arrive. It is definitely not a place that Protectorate likely looks villanous capes from, so they should be safe for at least a while. Of course, avoiding trouble is never a sure bet, but casual meeting such as thing one should still be doable.

2015-05-15, 08:23 AM
Red comes in, wearing his usual hoodie and track pants. He spots Michael and, after a quick order to avoid being a bad customer, comes to sit down next to him.

Hey there. So, what was this about a new job?

2015-05-15, 08:59 AM
Jason arrives at the Prt office and sees a impressive looking building with tons of workers moving boxes inside and getting everything ready. Jason calms himself and takes a deep breath "Ok I can do this i'm a cape I should not be afraid of talking to people I fight against other caps for godssake. Ok lets goo he walks up to worker and his pulse starts to speed up and he starts to breath harder ex-ex-excuse me d-d-d-do you k-k-know where the wards headquarters are I-I-I-I have an appointment he thanks to himself gods that was mortifying

2015-05-16, 03:23 PM
Rave walks into the Burger King about ten minutes late. He was covered by an overcoat which was ragged along the fringes. His face was obscured by a pair of large aviator sun glasses and a baseball cap pulled down low. The lower part of his face was covered by an unkempt dark blonde beard. The setup would make it hard to identify him. He at least wasn't participating in the spirit of honesty. We walked up to the booth and commented Christ, you were actually serious. before sitting down in the booth, beside Blacklight. He winced and took a sip of his coffee to help nurse his hangover from last night. He looks around to make sure nobody else is paying attention before he pulls out a plain manilla envelope from beneath his coat and tosses out onto the table. So, my friend says your looking for work. What skills do you bring to the table Gimpy?

2015-05-16, 03:27 PM
Metallurgist levels a stare at Rave, unblinking and unspeaking, teeth slightly gritted.

After a few moments, he takes his eyes off Rave and instead looks at the envelope, picking it up and looking inside.

2015-05-16, 07:06 PM
At the Burger King

So you do have some fire in you Rave comments when Metallurgist glares back at him. When Metallurgist peeks inside the envelope, he sees a thin glossy booklet with General Dynamics stamped on the front. It looks like a catalog of some kind. Rave snatches the envelope back. Hold on a second, we need to know if your on board first. Its for your safety as much as ours. He chuckles. We don't want a disgruntled contact tipping off the White Hats, and you wouldn't like what we would have to afterwards, let alone what that would do to your rep. What I can tell you up front is this: We wouldn't ask you to do anything that would get a Kill Order put on your head. If we do this right, there won't be any parahuman opposition whatsoever. Worst comes to worst, you might have to send someone to the hospital. Do you have the stomach to do that?

2015-05-16, 08:09 PM

Red looks over at Michael for a moment, then nods. Yes.

Grim ranger
2015-05-17, 12:46 AM
Slowly facepalming himself as Rave proceeds to nearly unravel the whole meeting, Michael looks less than amused, shaking his head in apologetic manner. "Sorry, he just can't stop being an ass for five seconds. Anyway, point of order: I am Blacklight, also known as Michael to those in the know: nice to meet you. I mostly do mercenary work, but PRT has decided I am thus a villain, and forced me to become one since I don't do well with government oversight. Nice to meet you properly."

Sipping his coke again, he nods somewhat. "I don't sweat people recognizing me too much: it can happen once or twice, a month, and I can't really do anything about it. My trigger was bit... Public, so I am sucked into cape scene whenever I want it or not. Anyhow, me and this charming gentleman here had an idea: this is a new city without too much in way of cape presence yet, so why not worth together?"

2015-05-17, 09:00 AM
I tend to stay out of the big cape stuff. I'm not entirely sure...

2015-05-17, 09:43 PM
@Corbin:The man is the very picture of nonchalance; hands tucked into deep pockets and a smile on his weaselly face.

"That depends entirely on you, friend. See, I rather fancy this as my slice of real estate. Me and a few boys, we split from the Five Points Gang, came here to make a name for ourselves.

"And the way I figure.. well, you can join us, or you can leave, but I can't have a loose cannon running wild in my turf."

You recognise the name; a reincarnation of the old gangs of New York, returned in this era of powers. Not the biggest fish in the pond, but not small fry either.

@Jason: The man barely glances at you, stabbing a thumb at a hallway to your left before carrying on with his job. As you follow it in that direction, the hall soon dead-ends into an impressive-looking metal double door, emblazoned with the phrase Custodient Nostra Futurum in an elaborate curling script.

More practical is the simple keycard scanner just to the right of the door. After a brief struggle, you are able to extract the passcard you were given and fumble it into the slot. With a faint 'click', the doors swing wide, revealing a collection of teenagers in a motley of clothes, and a smiling man, a little older, in a mask, suit and tie.

And they are all staring expectantly right at you.

2015-05-18, 12:09 AM
Rave glances at Blacklight. I'm not here to play nice on some ice cream social. You vouched for this guy, but frankly he looks green enough to piss grass. I'm not trusting someone to watch my back until I see what they're made of. If someone chickens out part way through, that's a disaster. I mean, you did tell him were villains right? You wouldn't have left out an important detail like that? He looks across the table. If you last a week, then I'll bother to learn you name. Until then, as far as I'm concerned your spare parts. Now lets get to business.

The Protectorate is keeping a sharp eye on everything since the launch of their new pet project. First city to be completely rebuilt after an Endbringer attack? It's not an exaggeration to say the eyes of the World are on this city. They will start slacking off when their attention and resources inevitably get pulled away to assist with the next crisis. When that happens, there will be a limited time frame when the city will have a significant power vacuum. If we prepare and get ourselves ready, we will have a chance to take advantage of that. We can get established before some other power takes hold of the city. Then we can live like Kings.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the General Dynamics catalog and a few other pieces of paper. You ever heard of General Dynamics? They're a tech company that focuses on a niche clientele: Tinkers. Fortress herself helped found the company and its run by one of her friends. You see, most Tinkers consider time not spent in their workshop to be wasted. They really don't want to spend time managing their own supply chains, so they pay a premium for someone else to do it instead. You see, most companies don't understand that when you ask for Promethium at 100% purity, it needs to be f***ing 100% pure. Tinkertech in general has significantly lower tolerances then conventional technology. Which is where General Dynamics comes in. They supply most of the Protectorate Tinkers and the Toybox. Hell, they even sell to a few villains through shell companies.

He looks at the two of them sheepishly. You see, the thing is I don't have a lot of supplies to work with, I only have what I managed to salvage from Boston. Contrary to what some Earth Aleph movies would have you believe, you need more then a box of scraps in a cave to make a suit of Power Armor. Believe me, I tried. General Dynamics has a warehouse in New Monroe. Fortunately for us, security shouldn't be too tight. Most of this stuff isn't that valuable to non-tinkers. It's not like its drugs or guns or any other product that's easy move.

He pulled out the catalog and flipped through pages that were marked by a highlighter. I made a list of what I need. Lutetium, Thulium, Neodymium, electrical components..They also have equipment, stuff like PCB Printers, five axis CNC milling machines, Selective Laser 3D printers.... s*** you can't pick up at Home Hardware.

He looks them both in the eyes.

So this is relatively low risk hist, and if we pull out off I will have what I need to get on my feet and I can make some really cool stuff for you guys. Think of this as a long-term investment. Absolute worst case scenario... we accidentally start a fire in the warehouse and then half the Tinkers in States want our blood.

He coughed. There is one other potential complication...

2015-05-18, 08:52 AM
I can definitely help get the raw materials.

But what's this other complication?

Grim ranger
2015-05-18, 12:05 PM
Shaking his head slowly, Blacklight let out a mirthless chuckle. "You told me you wanted to lay low until Protectorate actually turned it's gaze elsewhere, and now you tell you want to rob Protectorate affiliate for millions in specialized equipment? I am all for gear, but this seems risky to say the least: my powers are not exactly well-suited for stealthy approach for once. How do you plan to keep us out of the heroic crosshairs after the fact?"

2015-05-18, 02:17 PM
Jason sees all the people staring and thinks to himselfstop staring at me this is very uncomfortable He forces a small smile and says quietlyS-s-sorry i'm late i was checking out my apartment.

2015-05-18, 02:28 PM
Wait a minute-let me join. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes. I can smuggle parts out, bit by bit. Less exciting, but a lot safer.

2015-05-18, 10:01 PM
Wouldn't work. Rave shakes his head. The Protectorate doesn't have their capes waste their time squatting by every warehouse in the City. Not to mention it would take too long to smuggle everything out, if you want to insist on dissembling the machinery and taking it out piece by piece. Besides, I didn't come all the way out here to sit on my ass.

He looks at Blacklight. It will come out to about 200K actually. I'm going after the most useful stuff, not necessarily the most expensive. I'd figure we would pull a smash and grab and only take one load in the Party Van. As for drawing the Protectorate's attention... Here is where things get interesting. You know that complication I mentioned? Dynamic Solutions has a contract with Templar Securities, which was founded by Lachesis herself. They're a private security company that employs Parahumans. Technically the Protectorate answers to the Government and the Public, so there are many rich citizens who feel like they don't get the attention they're entitled to. Thank God for the Free Market.

The thing is, Templar Securities and the Protectorate don't play nice with each other. Of course its all smiles in public, but word is that Templar Securities has been poaching potential recruits. Some big names in the Rogue Community like Shuriken and Furnace signed up with them. Turns out some Capes like the idea of slighter fatter paychecks, not having to pull night shifts running around crack dens or being forced to throw away their lives fighting Endbringers. 'Course the public isn't terribly happy with them, but you can't get everything. So let's say we hit the warehouse, a sufficiently cynical PRT Director might be tempted to tone down the Protectorate response, 'cause if Dynamics gets robbed, it shows that Templar Securities doesn't know what they're doing. Templar doesn't have a lot of local muscle in town yet, so if its a choice between pissing off Templar or the Protectorate, I would pick Templar.

He addresses the two of them.
Let me sweeten the deal a little bit, we pull this off, I will make something for each of you. A Ravetech special, you won't find anything better then that.

Grim ranger
2015-05-20, 06:30 AM
"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds quite a bit more reasonable, but after we do this I will need a hideout: my identity is somewhat public knowledge, after all, and I am sure Protectorate and their ilk could dig it up. If you can handle that, I am in" he notes before glancing at Metallurgist. "What do you think?"

2015-05-20, 07:56 AM
I'd need a place to go too. I'm fully public-bit hard to hide myself, he says with a short, rueful chuckle. And I'll need at least a day to grab some things from my home. Other than that...

I guess I'm ready.

2015-05-20, 05:26 PM
Corbin eyes the man coldly, sizing him up. He tries to think of a way that he can claim this area without violence, and fails. He tries to convince himself that he could just walk away, and fails again.

There's something almost primitive about the way Corbin has found himself thinking lately: Dominance. Lordship. Fiefdom. It set the world in a pleasing monochrome, where once things had been blurred by too many shades and gradations.

"I don't think that will work," he snarls, and launches himself feet-first at the man's body.

We can either do this as combat per Weaver Dice system or else just call Corbin doomed from the start. GM's call!

2015-05-21, 02:58 AM
@Corbin: Mr. Pinstripe Suit doesn't even flinch as you cannon towards him, instead taking the impact full on the chest. Rather than the crunch of shattering bones, though, you meet with almost no resistance as his upper body turns to dust.

As you reorient yourself after your collision with the roof, you turn to see him, fully human again, suck in a breath through his front teeth. "Bad move, kid." Then he moves to attack; a whirlwind of dust enveloping you, with fists coalescing to strike you and then dissolving back into grit.

OOC:Unless you have a way of dealing with this guy that doesn't involve punching him, yeah. You lose the fight. Not fast though; you are tough and he isn't hitting you much harder than a regular human. If you want to write up the fight, go for it (shockwaves scatter his body but it just reforms), or just retreat to lick your wounds. He won't bother following.

@Jason: The man in the suit smiles reassuringly. "Not to worry; we haven't been here long. Let me introduce everyone. I, of course, am Bond, the leader of the local Protectorate. This is Ben..." As he speaks, he gestures expansively at a tall, slightly overweight kid. He goes on to introduce Sam (a slim, pretty girl), Gabriel (a tall, young-looking boy), and Holly (a small athletic chit of a girl).

Oddly, for all your initial discomfort at being among strangers, each time he introduces one of your teammates you feel a surge of camaraderie towards them, until by the time he is done you feel fully among friends.

Next, he gestures to you. "Wards, this is Jason. He'll be your leader, until he graduates and moves up to the Protectorate. He's in charge, and if you need anything he can't handle, feel free to talk to any of the adult heroes. Now, I'll leave you to it. Why don't you get to know each other? Helps to trust your teammates. But that doesn't mean you can slack off. The city is peaceful for now, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way. I expect a regular patrol schedule to start by next week."

With that, he turns and ambles out the large doors, leaving you all behind.

It is Holly who breaks the silence, skipping forwards towards you. "Hiii!"

OOC:It's up to you how much talking you do, or if you want to skip forwards to whatever you are doing next. Patrols or exploring the base or anything.

2015-05-23, 06:03 PM
Corbin rockets back and forth across the roof, striking with all of the force in his body and growling in frustration as his efforts amount to nothing. Those growls gradually become enraged screams as his unaffected foe continues to hammer on him.

Corbin is no pushover. He's taken solid pipes to the body with little trouble, and even eaten the odd bullet with relatively few lasting problems, but the guy's fists were relentless and he could do NOTHING to stop them. Abandoning his kicks, he began clawing and shrieking at the sand, gradually twisting and roaring and spasming until his foot suddenly found itself over the edge of the building and he was falling . . . falling . . . falling . . .

The Next Day

Corbin snarls under his hood as he crosses over the bridge in the midst of a large gaggle of people, making an unseen getaway before any unwelcome eyes spotted him in the open.

He wasn't giving up his apartment. No sir, Corbin would not move because of this and he would not run. But (he reflected bitterly as he strode over to the mainland of the lower parts of the city) he had been beaten, and that embarrassingly. The point had been made clear: as long as these Five Points *****ers are here, Corbin's rules don't matter. And Corbin can't remove the Five Points *****ers on his own. Which means . . .

Corbin sighs and tries to think of an end to that sentence that doesn't contain the phrase "up **** creek without a paddle".

He checks the time. Well past noon, so maybe some thought to lunch? Corbin sighs and checks his wallet. Not much cash, and he doesn't want to use card if he doesn't have to. Four bucks and change . . .

Glancing around the area aimlessly (at the edge of a park, maybe a place to sit and think for a bit?), Corbin's eyes get drawn over to a businesslike silver and blue leaflet tacked to the side of a Burger King. He eyes it speculatively.

Templar Securities . . . top pay, now hiring . . . able-bodied capes with a desire to help their community . . .

Frowning, Corbin turns the idea around in his head. A job wouldn't hurt, and THIS job would put him in touch with other metas without interfering with his off time.

BUT (he scans the job specifications in more detail) money for protection was . . . wrong. In Corbin's mind, that made the uncomfortable implication that only those with money were worth protecting. Money shouldn't buy community, or favors. That's not RIGHT.

But enough favors done, enough contacts made, and maybe he'd have some backup to take HIS neighborhood back. Then HE could make things right. Then . . .

After a little more dithering, he makes the call.

"Hi, Templar Securities, right? Yeah, I'm calling about your poster. I wanna talk to somebody about getting a job . . ."