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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Circle of the Old Faith V.2.1 [PEACH]

2015-05-03, 08:04 AM
Druids of the Circle of the Old Faith worship and pay respects to the primal spirits that suffuse the material plane. Utilizing their innate connection to the natural world, they can summon a spirit that embodies the aspects of one of the Elder Spirits.

Circle of the Old Faith 2.1
Druids of the Circle of the Old Faith worship and pay respects to the oldest primal spirits, beings of great power that act as guardians of the material plane. They have the ability to conjure an aspect of these elder spirits, allowing them to commune with them and receive their aid.

Spirit Companion
Starting at 2nd level, you are able to summon a minor manifestation of an elder spirit. You gain access to the conjure spirit companion spell, detailed at the end of this section. Once you gain access to this spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Elder Spirit
By 2nd level, you have been initiated into the Circle of the Old Faith and can establish a connection to one of the elder spirits. Whenever you cast the conjure spirit companion spell, you can choose to summon an aspect of one of the great Elder Spirits. Once you’ve summoned an aspect of a particular elder spirit, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. The intention is that you can summon Everflame once, Devourer once, etc. Is this wording clear?

Dead Man Walking. Whenver you summon your spirit companion, each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is pushed 10 feet away from the spirit. A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is knocked prone.

Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, you can choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of it that can see it, up to the level of the spell slot used to cast conjure spirit companion. Each of those creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

Everflame. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you or your spirit companion already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. The fiery nature of Everflame colors this vision in shades of red, instead of black and white. Additionally, your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks..

It that Crawls. If your spirit companion is an arthropod, its maximum hit points are increased by an amount equal to your druid level.

Leviathan. Your spirit companion gains a swim speed equal to its speed, and can breathe both air and water.

Moon Spirit. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. Additionally, your spirit companion gains the Rogue class’s Cunning Action feature.

Stoneroot. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the conjure spirit companion spell. Additionally, your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your druid level whenever it is summoned.

Storm Hawk. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both your spirit companion’s and your speed increase by 10 feet.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefit of the sanctuary spell, as if you cast the spell.

Ancient Might
Starting at 6th level, your spirit companion’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Elder Authority
By 10th level, your connection to the elder spirits lends awesome weight to your words. You gain proficency in the Intimidation and Persuasion skills, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make with these skills.

Avatar of the Old Faith
By 14th level, your connection to the elder spirits is so strong that your spirit companion acts as a direct conduit of their power. Your spirit companion gains one of the following abilities, in addition to the abilities granted by the Elder Spirit aspect you summon with your Elder Spirit feature.

Dead Man Walking. Your spirit companion gains a fly speed equal to its speed.

Devourer. Your spirit companion’s weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, your spirit companion regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt by its weapon attacks.

Everflame. Your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage, and its weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on attack rolls made against creatures that are not at full hit points.

It that Crawls. If your spirit companion is an arthropod, you can summon it as one size category larger than normal, and it rolls an additional damage die on its weapon attacks.

Leviathan. Your spirit companion gains resistance to acid damage. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, it casts the tidal wave spell. Your spirit companion must be adjacent to the area of effect of the spell.

Moon Spirit. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefit of the invisibility spell for as long as it’s summoned, or until it attacks.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion’s speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Storm Hawk. Your spirit companion gains resistance to lightning and thunder damage. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it is also gains the benefits of the haste spell until the start of your next turn.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefits of the barkskin and tree stride spells for as long as it’s summoned.

Conjure Spirit Companion
1st-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Might adjust to a duration of 10 minutes.

You summon a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, called your spirit companion. Your spirit companion appears in an unoccupied space within range, and disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends.

Your spirit companion is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for your spirit companion, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

The DM has the creature’s statistics.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the challenge rating increases to 1 less than the level of the spell slot used.

Circle of the Old Faith 2.0
Druids of the Circle of the Old Faith worship and pay respects to the oldest primal spirits, beings of great power that act as guardians of the material plane. They have the ability to conjure an aspect of these elder spirits, allowing them to commune with them and receive their aid.

Spirit Companion
Starting at 2nd level, you are able to summon a minor manifestation of an elder spirit. You gain access to the conjure spirit companion spell, detailed at the end of this section. Once you gain access to this spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Elder Spirit
By 2nd level, you have been initiated into the Circle of the Old Faith and can establish a connection to one of the elder spirits. You may spend 1 hour in meditation and prayer to connect yourself to one of the elder spirits listed below, which grants a magical benefit to you and/or your spirit companion. Your connection to this spirit lasts until you use this feature to connect to a different spirit.

Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, each creature with 30 feet of your spirit companion that can see them has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Everflame. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you or your spirit companiona already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. The fiery nature of Everflame colors this vision in shades of red, instead of black and white.

Great Beast. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Moon Spirit. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you can cast the disguise self spell at will.

Stoneroot. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the conjure spirit companion spell.

Storm Hawk. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both your spirit companion’s and your speed increase by 10 feet.

Watcher. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you gain the benefit of the comprehend languages spell.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level.

Ancient Might
Starting at 6th level, your spirit companion’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Voice of the Elder Spirits
By 10th level, your connection to the elder spirits lends awesome weight to your words. You gain proficency in the Intimidation and Persuasion skills, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make with these skills.

Avatar of the Old Faith
By 14th level, your connection to the elder spirits is so strong that your spirit companion acts as a direct conduit of their power. Your spirit companion gains one of the following abilities, based on which spirit you are connected to via your Elder Spirit feature.

Devourer. Your spirit companion’s weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, your spirit companion regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt by its weapon attacks.

Everflame. Your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage, and its weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on attack rolls made against creatures that are not at full hit points.

Moon Spirit. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you each gain the benefit of the invisibility spell for as long as it’s summoned. You do not need to maintain concentration on this spell, but it still ends like normal for you or your spirit companion if either of you attack or cast a spell.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion’s speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Storm Hawk. Your spirit companion gains resistance to lightning and thunder damage. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it is also gains the benefits of the haste spell until the start of your next turn.

Watcher. Your spirit companion gains truesight out to 60 feet, and you can perceive through its senses as an action. While doing so, you are blind and deafened, and can stop perceiving through your companion at any time.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefits of the barkskin spell for as long as its summoned. Additionally, your hit points regained from summoning your spirit companion increases to 1d8 per level of the spell slot used to cast conjure spirit companion + your druid level.

Conjure Spirit Companion
1st-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.

You summon a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, called your spirit companion. Your spirit companion appears in an unoccupied space within range, and disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends.

Your spirit companion is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for your spirit companion, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

The DM has the creature’s statistics.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the challenge rating increases to 1 less than the level of the spell slot used.

Spirit Companion
Starting at 2nd level, you are able to summon a spirit to aid you in battle and to give you counsel. As an action, you expend one use of your Wild Shape to summon your totem spirit in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. The spirit acts independently of you, but always obeys your commands. In combat, it takes its turn on your initiative.

Your spirit companion takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, though it is a celestial, fey, or fiend instead of its normal type, based on your alignment. For example, if you are Neutral Good, your spirit can either be celestial or fey; if you are chaotic neutral, your spirit can only be fey. The Elder Spirit you serve may impose further restrictions on your spirit companion.

Add your proficiency bonus to the spirit’s AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Your spirit also has the following traits:

Poison Immunity. Your spirit companion is immune to poison and the poisoned condition.

Incorporeal Movement. Your spirit companion can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

While your spirit companion is within 100 feet of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. Your spirit can remained summoned a number of hour equal to one-half your druid level, rounded down. If your spirit companion is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears, and you must use this feature to summon it once more.

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to summon your spirit companion on your turn as a bonus action, rather than an action.

Elder Spirit
Initiates of this Circle perform a ritual that binds their spirit to the service of one of the Elder Spirits. In return, druids of this circle can call upon aspects of these ancient beings. At 2nd level, you choose one of the following Great Totem Spirits:

Everflame. Your spirit companion has resistance to fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on strength, constitution, and dexterity checks.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion cannot have a fly speed. Your spirit companion cannot be knocked prone, and deals double damage to objects and structures with melee attacks.

War Hawk. Your spirit companion must have a fly speed. Opportunity attacks against your spirit companion are made with disadvantage.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level.

Primal Infusion
Starting at 6th level, your spirit companion’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Empowered Elder Spirit
At 10th level, your spirit companion greatly increases in potency. Your spirit companion gains one of the following benefits based on the Totem Spirit you chose at 2nd level.

Everflame. Your spirit companion’s attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on attack rolls made against creatures that are not at full hit points.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

War Hawk. Your spirit companion has resistance to lightning and thunder damage, and can take the Dash action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

World Tree. Your spirit companion regains 5 hit points at the start of each of its turns.

Shared Spirit
By 14th level, your own spirit and that of your spirit companion are deeply entwined. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you also gain the benefit of your Totem Spirit and Empowered Elder Spirit class features.

My design goal with this Circle was to capture the feel of the 4e Shaman. However, I'm worried that I'm stepping on the Beastmaster Ranger too much. Limited summon time and requiring the use of a wild shape seems like a fair trade off for the magical benefits, though I haven't really had the opportunity to do any real testing. Any feedback's appreciated!

2015-05-03, 08:24 AM
Way, waaaay too powerful.
Compare it to the Beastmaster and it is easy to see - not only is the Spirit Companion powerful enough to put the Beastmaster's companion to shame, it also acts independently which means it comes with no genuine cost. You need to throw away that acting independently crap or throw away the entire concept. It doesn't work in 5e - the class as presented would easily out-damage any other class in the game.

2015-05-03, 11:01 AM
You need to drastically simplify this concept and limit it. As of now this spirit companion gets both the versatility of choosing an animal you want at that moment and additional versatile traits as you gain levels. As of now the only real advantage the Beastmaster has that it gets more health(this could very well be a typo) and Share spells is a bit more versatile to the beast but this gives almost like two buff spells back to you as a character.
What I would suggest is treat this like a summoning spell in which it takes time to do so and requires concentration to maintain it. This should follow the Wild Shape table in which later you can use two either to make maintain 2 or double the CR of the creature chosen. I wouldn't add proficiency bonus to everything as that is what keeps the other a big contender in battle. This though is in addition to you not at your expense so I would only do so if it costs you something. At all times it is there as a spiritual, mental presence but otherwise doesn't interact and only this summoning can allow it to take a physical form. Versatility should already be granted in you summoning it and its uniqueness should depend on its own traits not a bunch of side buffs in which you get back in the end.

2015-05-05, 03:51 AM
Thanks for the input folks! I definitely tried to take the criticisms to heart and have a revised version of the circle below. I definitely toned down the abilities of the companion and tried to flavor the circle as, well, being in touch with the elder spirits more than just being a summoner. I'm afraid it might still be too powerful on the back end, but I think that using spell slots (especially when you don't have the versatility of spells like the Circle of the Land druids) is a fair trade off. As usual though, PEACH! :D

Circle of the Old Faith
Druids of the Circle of the Old Faith worship and pay respects to the oldest primal spirits, beings of great power that act as guardians of the material plane. They have the ability to conjure an aspect these elder spirits, allowing them to commune with them and receive their aid.

Spirit Companion
Starting at 2nd level, you are able to summon a minor manifestation of an elder spirit. You gain access to the conjure spirit companion spell, detailed at the end of this section. Once you gain access to this spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Elder Spirit
By 2nd level, you have been initiated into the Circle of the Old Faith and can establish a connection to one of the elder spirits. Whenever you prepare your spells for the day, you may also spend 1 hour in meditation and prayer to connect yourself to one of the elder spirits listed below, which grants a boon to you and/or your spirit companion. Your connection to this spirit lasts until you use this feature to connect to a different spirit.

Everflame. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you or your spirit companiona already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. The fiery nature of Everflame colors this vision in shades of red, instead of black and white.

Great Beast. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Stoneroot. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the conjure spirit companion spell.

Storm Hawk. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both your spirit companion’s and your speed increase by 10 feet.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level.

Ancient Might
Starting at 6th level, your spirit companion’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Voice of the Elder Spirits
By 10th level, your connection to the elder spirits lends awesome weight to your words. You gain proficency in the Intimidation and Persuasion skills, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make with these skills.

Avatar of the Old Faith
By 14th level, your connection to the elder spirits is so strong that your spirit companion acts as a direct conduit of their power. Your spirit companion gains one of the following abilities, based on which spirit you are connected to via your Elder Spirit feature.

Everflame. Your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage, and its weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on attack rolls made against creatures that are not at full hit points.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion’s speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Storm Hawk. Your spirit companion gains resistance to lightning and thunder damage. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it is also gains the benefits of the haste spell until the start of your next turn.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefits of the barkskin spell for as long as its summoned. Additionally, your hit points regained from summoning your spirit companion increases to 1d8 per level of the spell slot used to cast conjure spirit companion + your druid level.

Conjure Spirit Companion
1st-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.

You summon a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, called your spirit companion. Your spirit companion appears in an unoccupied space within range, and disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends.

Your spirit companion is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for your spirit companion, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

The DM has the creature’s statistics.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the challenge rating increases to 1 less than the level of the spell slot used.

2015-05-07, 02:11 AM
Thinking about this Circle more, I decided to add a few more elder spirits to provide analogs of sort to the divine domains.

Elder Spirit
Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, each creature with 30 feet of your spirit companion that can see them has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Moon Spirit. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you can cast the disguise self spell at will.

Watcher. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you gain the benefit of the comprehend languages spell.

Avatar of the Old Faith
Devourer. Your spirit companion’s weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, your spirit companion regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt by its weapon attacks.

Moon Spirit. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you each gain the benefit of the invisibility spell for as long as it’s summoned. You do not need to maintain concentration on this spell, but it still ends like normal for you or your spirit companion if either of you attack or cast a spell.

Watcher. Your spirit companion gains truesight out to 60 feet, and you can perceive through its senses as an action. While doing so, you are blind and deafened, and can stop perceiving through your companion at any time.

Any criticisms of the second version of the class would be appreciated!

2015-05-12, 05:20 AM
Bump, still looking for some feedback. Should be playtesting this in a few days in my buddy's campaign (coming in off of a character death at 5th level), so I'll add some notes from that.

2015-05-12, 08:52 AM
The new mechanic is better and overall is vastly more balanced. It seems odd that the benefits of the Elder Spirits are mostly things in which only you benefit from. As a summoner archetype it should throw some things more their way. Also while Voice of the Elders sounds cool it seems really weird that all of a sudden the secluded shaman who communes with nature and other non-humanoids that he is the party face now.

2015-05-12, 09:11 AM
The new mechanic is better and overall is vastly more balanced. It seems odd that the benefits of the Elder Spirits are mostly things in which only you benefit from. As a summoner archetype it should throw some things more their way. Also while Voice of the Elders sounds cool it seems really weird that all of a sudden the secluded shaman who communes with nature and other non-humanoids that he is the party face now.

Thank you for your feedback!

Yes, the 2nd-level benefits are shared and tend to mainly apply to you, since the DM will control the spirit companion. (Flavor-wise, it can be thought of as the Elder Spirit's power influencing you since you've the connection to it, and the summoned beast.) I wanted to focus less on combat specifically and more exploration-type features, since you're eating up valuable spell slots that would otherwise be used towards that.

But you make a good point; as a summoner, it should give more goodies to the beasts. I'll see what I can come up with to tweak the 2nd-level features. (I think the 14th-level ones are solid at the moment, though, and probably closer to what you had in mind.)

As for Voice of the Elder Spirits: I could probably rename it to convey the intended flavor. It's less that you're suddenly really good at talking to people, and more that your voice echoes the authority and respect that these spirits receive due to their status and power. Maybe something like "Elder Authority" or "Majesty of Elders."

Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, each creature with 30 feet of your spirit companion that can see them has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.
I think the unsettling aura of the companion is a solid benefit.

Everflame. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you or your spirit companiona already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. The fiery nature of Everflame colors this vision in shades of red, instead of black and white. Additionally, your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage.
Adjusted to add fire resistance to companion.

Great Beast.As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Additionally once per day, if your spirit companion would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can instead have it reduced to 1 hit point.
Added a 1/day 'relentless' ability, not entirely happy with it.

Moon Spirit. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. Additionally, your spirit companion gains the Rogue class’s Cunning Action feature.
Re-worked completely.

Stoneroot. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the conjure spirit companion spell. Additionally, your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your druid level whenever it is summoned.
Added temporary hit points to the companion.

Storm Hawk. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both your spirit companion’s and your speed increase by 10 feet.
I think this is fine as-is.

Watcher. Neither you nor your spirit companion can be surprised. Additionally, your spirit companion has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Tried an anti-ambush ability, as well as a scouting ability for the companion.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefit of the sanctuary spell, as if you cast the spell.
Decided to add a more defensive ability to the spirit companion. Sanctuary shouldn't be too strong of an effect.

2015-05-12, 11:04 AM
Here's a revision of the class. Decided to axe the 'Watcher' Elder Spirit; wasn't entirely thrilled/inspired on the features, so I decided to not worry about it.

By 2nd level, you have been initiated into the Circle of the Old Faith and can establish a connection to one of the elder spirits. You may spend 1 hour in meditation and prayer to connect yourself to one of the elder spirits listed below, which grants a magical benefit to you and/or your spirit companion, which manifests when you summon your companion. Your connection to this spirit lasts until you use this feature to connect to a different spirit.

Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, each creature with 30 feet of your spirit companion that can see them has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Everflame. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both you and your spirit companion gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you or your spirit companiona already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. The fiery nature of Everflame colors this vision in shades of red, instead of black and white. Additionally, your spirit companion gains resistance to fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks.

Moon Spirit. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. Additionally, your spirit companion gains the Rogue class’s Cunning Action feature.

Stoneroot. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the conjure spirit companion spell. Additionally, your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your druid level whenever it is summoned.

Storm Hawk. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, both your spirit companion’s and your speed increase by 10 feet.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your druid level. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefit of the sanctuary spell, as if you cast the spell.

By 14th level, your connection to the elder spirits is so strong that your spirit companion acts as a direct conduit of their power. Your spirit companion gains one of the following abilities, based on which spirit you are connected to via your Elder Spirit feature.

Devourer. Your spirit companion’s weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, your spirit companion regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt by its weapon attacks.

Everflame. Your spirit companion gains immunity to fire damage, and its weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Great Beast. Your spirit companion has advantage on attack rolls made against creatures that are not at full hit points.

Moon Spirit. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefit of the invisibility spell for as long as it’s summoned, or until it attacks.

Stoneroot. Your spirit companion’s speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Storm Hawk. Your spirit companion gains resistance to lightning and thunder damage. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it is also gains the benefits of the haste spell for 1 round.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefits of the barkskin spell for as long as it’s summoned. Additionally, your hit points regained from summoning your spirit companion increases to 1d8 per level of the spell slot used to cast conjure spirit companion + your druid level.

2015-05-12, 08:45 PM
I really only have a couple of things at this point. The Devourer at level 2 only benefits those who actually can frighten something in which you don't have. Also the World Tree at level 14 heals a lot of hit points on top of its benefits. I was just curious have you thought about maybe increasing the options you have and instead they can select 2 elder spirits as a capstone?

2015-05-12, 09:54 PM
I really only have a couple of things at this point. The Devourer at level 2 only benefits those who actually can frighten something in which you don't have. Also the World Tree at level 14 heals a lot of hit points on top of its benefits.

Good points both! Here's a revision of the two abilities.

Devourer. As long as your spirit companion is summoned, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, you can choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of it that can see it, up to the level of the spell slot used to cast summon spirit companion. Each of those creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

World Tree. Whenever you summon your spirit companion, it gains the benefits of the barkskin and tree stride spells for as long as it’s summoned.

Devourer is probably still too clunky, but I liked the ribbon that you get better at Intimidating things with your aspect-of-an-apocalypse-beast spirit companion. I think the frightening ability scales nicely, and shouldn't be too powerful.

World Tree's healing was definitely too much, and it was just... clunky. I decided giving the spirit companion tree stride would be cool, and since you don't directly control the companion, not too ridiculous for them to have for the duration. Also makes this a more tantalizing option at higher levels.

I was just curious have you thought about maybe increasing the options you have and instead they can select 2 elder spirits as a capstone?
I think doubling up on the Elder Spirit connections kind of goes against the flavor I was hoping for the capstone. Once you hit 14th level, your companion gets becomes less a pale imitation and more an actual aspect of the Elder Spirit. I do think that is solid design space in general, just not the flavor I was going for.

2015-05-13, 12:52 AM
I was just curious have you thought about maybe increasing the options you have and instead they can select 2 elder spirits as a capstone?

Actually, thinking about this again. Maybe it would be better gameplay to 'link' to a certain number at the start of the day (probably Wis ability), and whenever you summon the companion you can choose which of those you're summoning from. Then the capstone could be "choose from all of them." I'm not sure if that's too powerful or what. Maybe a clause that you can't select the same one twice in a row?

Or possibly, what if you always could choose from any of them, but you couldn't summon the same Elder Spirit more than once a long rest, or at least until you've summoned all of the others. I actually really really like this idea. Will be using it for playtesting if nothing else, just to get a feel for each elder spirit.

Edit: Brainstorming some additional spirits.
Dead Man Walking (2nd). Whenever you summon your spirit companion, each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is pushed 10 feet away from the spirit. A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is knocked prone.
Dead Man Walking (14th). Your spirit companion gains a fly speed equal to its speed.

It that Crawls (2nd). If your spirit companion is an arthropod, its maximum hit points are increased by an amount equal to your druid level.
It that Crawls (14th). If your spirit companion is an arthropod, you can summon it as one size category larger than normal, and it rolls an additional damage die on its weapon attacks.

Leviathan (2nd). Your spirit companion gains a swim speed equal to its speed, and can breathe both air and water.
Leviathan (14th). Your spirit companion gains resistance to acid damage. Additionally, whenever you summon your spirit companion, you can cast the tidal wave spell without expending a spell slot. Your spirit companion must be adjacent to the area of effect of the spell.

2015-05-14, 02:11 AM
Played my first session tonight with this circle. It was really fun! My druid Lorelei is 5th-level, and has access to CR 2 and lower monsters.

The abilities from the Elder Spirits were interesting, but none were super like... powerful. We had one situation where it might've been prudent to summon an aquatic rhino to charge at sahuagin that were underwater, which would've been amazing, but alas never happened.

Over the course of several combats (spread across a few days mostly), this is what I summoned:

Flying Snake, aspect of Moon Spirit (cr 1/8) (mainly used its incredible mobility to harass Sahuagin raiders on our boat)
Ape, aspect of Great Beast (cr 1/2) (used for RP reasons, to help carry heavy loads to repair our ship)
Allosaurus, aspect of Great Beast (cr 2) (used against a Water Elemental and Air Elemental, initially summoned because of its ability to resist grapples)
Cave Bear, aspect of Devourer (cr 2) (used against sahuagin raiders, and helped take down a Sahuagin baron)
Plesiosaurus, aspect of World Tree (cr 2) (used after the sahuagin were taken out to explore some sunken ruins and recover some treasure)
Giant Eagle, aspect of Leviathan (cr 1) (used to introduce my character; I was swimming underwater and summoned the eagle to fly me above the ships and help out against some pirates)

Being able to choose the Elder Spirit as you summon the creature is powerful, but limiting it to 1/day is really nice. Plus, a lot of the Druid's best spells require concentration... so it's always a choice whether I want to summon the companion or use Call Lightning or Heat Metal or what-have-you. (Case in point: i got absolutely MAULED by a wyvern, and so used call lightning in conjunction with a tempest cleric also using call lightning to really put pressure on them.)

The hour duration might be too good, especially when compared to other high-level Conjure spells (which have a longer casting time and the risk of the summoned being to turn on you). Possibly downgrading it to 10 minutes could be useful.

None of the abilities today were super powerful given the adversaries were were fighting, and felt alright given the spell slots used to summon the monsters. And you can't spam any of the one-off abilities with the 1/day rule, which adds some nice tactical decisions to the whole thing. All in all, I was really satisfied, and am looking forward to exploring this archetype further.

2015-05-14, 12:01 PM
Glad it worked out well and yes that is a very reasonable limitation as this summon spell is unique that it only requires an action as normally it would be a minute or more excluding Gate but of course that spell has all sorts of caveats that need to be taken into account when casting it.

2015-05-14, 02:33 PM
Glad it worked out well and yes that is a very reasonable limitation as this summon spell is unique that it only requires an action as normally it would be a minute or more excluding Gate but of course that spell has all sorts of caveats that need to be taken into account when casting it.

The conjugation spells of 4th level and lower have casting times of 1 action, jsyk.

With 1/day aspects and 10-minute duration, might burn through your elder spirits really quickly over the course of a long day. Will keep in mind duration for now.

2015-05-14, 04:38 PM
The conjugation spells of 4th level and lower have casting times of 1 action, jsyk.

With 1/day aspects and 10-minute duration, might burn through your elder spirits really quickly over the course of a long day. Will keep in mind duration for now.

But most conjuration spells aren't summoning spells. Those were the kind of spells I was talking about.

2015-05-14, 04:43 PM
But most conjuration spells aren't summoning spells. Those were the kind of spells I was talking about.

Sorry, I meant to be more clear. Conjure Animals (3rd) and Conjure Woodland Beings (4th) have a casting time of 1 action. I thought Conjure Minor Elementals did too, but I was mistaken.

2015-05-20, 10:39 PM
Thinking of the following adjustment to conjure spirit companion:
Conjure Spirit Companion
1st-level conjuration

Casting Time: Special
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.

This spell has a casting time of 1 action if you use a spell slot of 4th level or lower, and has a casting time of 1 minute if you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher.

You summon a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, called your spirit companion. Your spirit companion appears in an unoccupied space within range, and disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends.

Your spirit companion is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for your spirit companion, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

The DM has the creature’s statistics.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the challenge rating increases to 1 less than the level of the spell slot used.
Not entirely sure the cleanest way for this, but basically to mimic other conjuration spells the higher-level version takes longer to cast.

2016-02-09, 12:43 PM
I love this circle. In reference to your red text, I rewrote that section as follows:

"Beginning at 2nd level, you are initiated into the Circle of the Old Faith and have established a connection to the elder spirits. Whenever you cast the*conjure spirit companion*spell, you may choose to summon an aspect of one of the great Elder Spirits. You may only select each aspect once per day, recharging on a long rest."