View Full Version : [WFRP 2e] A Kingdom for a Horse - Adventuring in the Borderlands

2015-05-05, 05:55 AM
The Empire, 2522. Dark times have fallen on the Old World’s greatest nation. Archaon’s armies have laid waste to the northern province of Ostland, pillaged their way south and besieged Middenheim in the very heart of the Empire itself. While Archaon’s armies may now have been repelled from the city gates, it will take time to push back to the wastelands from which they came, cut down the greenskins that joined his side and restore peace and order to the Empire. In the meantime, the people suffer.

It is against this backdrop that we meet our adventurers. A rag tag band, they are united in their aim to find something better, to make their own way in the world, to claim a kingdom of their own. Reinholt Jochutz, squire to the late Sir von Kempter, Knight of Stirland, Sophie, enterprising spelunker of Ostland, Alexa Winterhold, seasoned mercenary formerly fighting with the Blackbanners, Hithfinfyll Palewind, a professional gambler in the same company, and finally Astria, Elven entertainer of no fixed abode. The group came together by chance. Reinholt and Sophie met near the border of Stirland and Averland, each fleeing traumas of the recent past. At Sophie’s suggestion, Reinholt agreed to come with and seek wealth in the hardly tamed lands beyond the Black Mountains.
From there, the Halfling and human, met Alexa and Hith at a tavern in Averheim. The two mercenaries having recently parted ways with the Blackbanners following intense campaigning against the forces of Chaos. Growing weary of the Empire’s battlefields, Alexa and Hith had agreed to head south for the Borderlands to seek their fortune. Together the four agreed that safety was to be had in numbers, especially when tackling Black Fire Pass and heading off into the, often lawless, expanse of the Borderlands. Finally, Astria would catch the group’s eye as they set out south down the Old Dwarf Road. After a performance in a roadside inn, Astria took it upon herself to ingratiate herself with the travellers. Learning of their destination, her interest was piqued and she resolved to travel with to find new crowds and new wealth beyond the mountains.

[Out of Character thread is located here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?413474-OOC-A-Kingdom-for-a-Horse-Adventuring-in-the-Borderlands&p=19208532#post19208532).]

The day is late as your party of five makes its way wearily down the Old Dwarf Road. While today’s travel has not been difficult, it has been tiring. The group lets out a collective sigh as up ahead the walls of a small town rise up off the plain. Overhead the sun is very near the horizon at the end of its descent and each of you look forward to an inn’s soft bed, a drink and a good meal.

The road passes by the town, but with a spur that heads up a slight rise to the town’s main gate. North of the road, a wide and sluggish river flows parallel and in the summer heat the smell is not particularly pleasant. Beyond the town the road begins to rise up from the plain and into the foothills of the Black Mountains, which create an imposing backdrop in the distance. The town itself appears to be doing well for itself, the ravages of the war in the northern part of the Empire being but distant news here close to the mountains. A sturdy masonry wall encircles the town with a large double wooden gate fronting the road. Set to one side is a small guardhouse, though the wall lacks towers.

The gate stands open in an inviting fashion as, seeing you approach from the main road, two young men – not more than eighteen years of age by the looks – quickly jump up from their game of dice beside the wall. One grabs a small wooden box from the table at which the two had until so recently been seated. Holding it before him as you approach, he and his partner smile at you, “Welcome to Mittlersdorf! Can we help?”

2015-05-05, 08:28 AM
"Well, i've definitely seen less inviting towns. Stone wall is a fair sight better than what most seem to have. Hell, this might even bode well for some good drink, not like that rotgut from the last couple villages." Alexa was road-weary and just wanted a nice ale, a good meal, and a place to rest her head that wasnt a root or rock on the trail (whether or not it was cushioned with moss).

"Welcome to Mittlersdorf! Can we help?"

"Our road has been long these past weeks, care to point us towards a hot meal and maybe a stiff drink? Stable for our friend as well. We would be much obliged." as Alexa finishes, she slips a pair of small denomination coins in their box and awaits their answer- and the group- before finding a table at the inn.

Always 'donations' and 'tolls' and 'Church roof funds' out in the country like this. I'll be broke in a few more months at this rate. Maybe I should look for some steady work...

2015-05-05, 10:35 AM
Beneath the straps of her haversack, Sophie's shoulders are sore. Sweltering in her heavy duty boots, Sophie's feet are sore. Exposed to the southern Empire sun all day, Sophie's head is sore. Wheezing as she walks, she makes up the rear of the party, mumbling Ostland peasant ditties to herself and stumbling over the larger stones.

"Thank Esmerelda!" she burbles, stumbling to a halt as Alexa engages the young men in conversation. She steals an admiring glance at Reinholt and the elves, only to be distracted as Mushroom bursts from the foliage at the side of the road to snuffle curiously round the feet of the strangers. "Bad pig! Heel!" she shouts, somehow finding the energy to raise her voice.

The pig pays no attention.

2015-05-05, 12:04 PM

More than half a dozen times this day Reinholt has had to quickly divert his gaze, feigning interest in an oddly shaped cloud or fascinating tree, after getting caught admiring the two elves that now travel with them. "Er... Oh! Hey, Mushroom." He blurts with exaggerated enthusiasm after once again being trapped in his wandering stare. He reaches down to scratch the pig beneath the snout, intentionally avoiding eye contact.

"Bad Pig, Heel!" Sophie calls after him.

"No worries." Reinholt coughs, "Mushroom brings good luck."

He had offered Sophie a ride on Adalwulfa, the well-groomed Black Forest horse snorting beside the squire, but she had declined. As the passes get more treacherous, it will become less prudent to make such offers. ((Don't want to speak for your character Sophie, so I'm open to adjust this to your taste))

Reinholt pauses outside of the town, still trying to hang back and let the awkwardness pass, he methodically brushes the dust of the road from his clothes, front and back; shaking it from his cape and lopsided hair, and finally brushing it carefully from his beard and mustache--then does the same for Adalwulfa with equal precision. Whatever sprites and mischief may have clung to him on the trails have no business entering... where did he say this is? Mittlersdorf. And the beings that hold sway here should be given no reason to despise Reinholt for bringing them. So while the others speak, he dusts.

He too eventually five brass pennies in the proffered box with a wink, as he musses one of the young men's matted mop of hair. "It's good to be welcomed."

((If directed to a stable, he'll take Adalwulfa there then catch up with the others. He's not quick about it though, rather content to be leisurely in his short trek through the town. Should something distract him, he's likely to follow it for the moment as well.))

2015-05-05, 03:46 PM
She had felt eyes on her all day. It was something she was used to, back in her old life. When she cut a dashing figure, was well known and had the coin to spread around. Nor was it something that made her all that uncomfortable at the moment. Stare as they wish, they were just jealous of her. And how could they not be? Smart, cunning, graceful, she did have it all, along with an easy smile on her lips as they approached the town.

At least it had a wall. It seemed well established enough and not some shanty that had risen overnight (Well, overnight compared to her long life). If they were still here, along the main road they clearly had the capability to resist whatever green tides washed over here, along with bandits and would be warlords, all the typical mishaps.

And that measure of relative safety meant a few luxuries to her as well. Where people set down, eventually they wanted entertainment. Her eyes flicked over towards the guard post, noting their dice game. And not so impoverished that they couldn't throw away some coin on games of chance. All this boded well.

For the time being Alexa seemed to have it well handled. She felt dirty, not used to marches through the dry roads of the south so much as riding the river in relative luxury. Dust and sweat seemed to be covering every part of her. She was disgusted to feel some of her clothes sticking to her arms and back, caked in sweat and dust in some unholy mixture. Her legs were more tired than she had ever felt before. While it probably wasn't a HARSH march by the standards of most, she wasn't really used to going on such overland hikes, much less through mountainous terrain, and definitely felt winded and sore from it.

A bath. That sounded marvelous. Then maybe a fine wine, a game and some suckers to take in with a well crafted bluff... all these and more seemed to be promised on the other side of those walls.

2015-05-05, 04:38 PM

Walking, walking, walking...

...step. Step. Step.

Ah, the wonderful life of freedom and adventure - no rules, no limits. No one to answer to but herself, and no direction but the one she chooses. Funny, really, how similar a life of adventure is to the life of a travelling performer; both consist primarily of walking through the middle of nowhere for hours on end. At least with the troupe there was always a wagon to hitch a ride on if you get bored of walking, and something going on.

It's almost enough to put an elf off adventuring all together, Astria reflects absently as she continues to trudge along the roadside.

Sure, she's gotten to meet a real elf and all, and a squire, too, but it's just not that interesting so far. There's not been an awful lot to do other than chatter, walk, practise juggling and then walk some more. On the upside, at least all her stories are new to these people - but still. Shouldn't there be something more?

As the group meanders it's way into Mittlersdorf, Astria is flipping her throwing knives through large, lazy and above all slow arcs by way of practice. As the guards come out to greet them, she catches the last of the glittering blades and tucks it away in the sheaths stitched into the inside of her jacket. With an amicable smile she nods to the guards and starts fishing in her purse for a couple of small coins.

"Word of the road ahead would be good, if you have it. And the town, too, come to think of it," she adds with a slight grin.

2015-05-06, 04:20 AM
The smile of the young watchman with the wooden box broadens as your proffer and rattles the box as the coins drop in – you notice on the front an untrained hand as written ‘Wimens & Orfans Fund’ in black paint. “Thank you for your donation! A friendly face is good for business and Mittlesdorf is most certainly open for business,” he adds with unbridled enthusiasm, “just follow Main Road through the gate, the inn is on your right at the market square, the Merry Halfing ‘s its name – you can’t miss it!”.

His partner nods to Astria, “We’re a market town, the first walled settlement for those coming down from the Black Mountains – or the last for those heading that way. I’ve heard dreadful things about the ravaging of Ostland and black legions marching south, but right now things are quiet around here. We’ve had a few more dwarfs down than usual, there’s one staying at the inn at the moment actually. Grod ‘s his name. It sounds like the pass is quieter than usual – though that’s not really sayin’ much – but the greenskins are active as ever in the mountains proper. I’m afraid you’ve just missed market day, but you’re clearly not merchants so I doubt that would’ve really interested you anyway. There’s not really much more to say,” he shrugs, “oh, I do hope you’ve a good sword arm or are adept at joust,” nodding to Reinholt, “I dare say Herr LaCroix will be plenty keen to duel you for the honour of one, or more of your companions!” He laughs loudly, and you can all see the humour framing the other guard’s eyes is moderated by some measure of fear at the more hardened looking Alexa and Hith.

Still smiling amicably the watchmen step aside and clear the way for your party to pass into the town proper.

2015-05-06, 06:34 AM

"A dwarf, huh?" Astria muses aloud. It's probably too much to hope that they'll have anything useful to say - assuming Grod will even speak to her - but it's worth a shot. "Interesting. And good to know - thanks," she adds, dropping a couple of coins into the 'Orfans fun', and flicking another over to the guard. "Have a drink on me,"

With the formalities observed, Astria starts picking her way in the direction of the inn. Insofar as this piffling place could have a inn, anyway. It's going to be nothing compared to the ones in Altdorf and Nuln. Not that she's seen much of those, since they're rather grand for a circus performer - but she's done the odd taproom.

Hmm. Maybe trade a show for a room here? Certainly beats paying.

2015-05-06, 08:06 AM
"Well, that was easy enough. Now for that drink." Alexa talked quietly to herself after she passed the guards and started to meander through the middle of the town to see the sights- few that they were- before she went to get that ale. She was considering a little shopping trip in the market later as well.

She swore she could smell fresh meat pies too and earmarked that place for later. It may be simple fare, but it reminded her of some of the good days with the Company. Some of the good days before all... this.

2015-05-06, 11:04 AM
"Herr LeCroix huh?" Reinholt checks his stride at the parting comment. Personally, he figures himself to be fairly decent with a lance or sword, but Von Kimpter didn't exactly agree. The squire's not entirely sure what that comment implied, but it effected him well enough to consider further.

((Has Reinholt heard this name before, or know anything of the family?))
Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry) if applicable - 30%: [roll0]

He laughs at the second man's more hesitant body language. "I imagine Alexa would defend her own honour just fine. Which might be a rather unfortunate wrinkle in his plans."

((If the others continue toward the Merry Halfling, Reinholt lingers in case the men have more to say regarding Herr LeCroix.))

2015-05-06, 01:32 PM
"The Merry Halfling?" Sophie's ear's prick up. "Tell me, tall masters - is that a fellow member of the Small Folk in town, then?"

2015-05-06, 01:53 PM
A tavern? Perhaps also an inn. And if so, probably a bath with enough coin, and a proper room to rest in. The thought was far too tempting, particularly after the wild flight out of Nuln and the hard treks so far to get to this little crossroads market town. Her mind was drifting away to thoughts of warm water cleansing away all the dirt, soft beds and clean sheets, and nice, quiet, comfortable walls around her rather than the wide open night sky and wilderness.

It was enough to put a smile on her face as she came to from that little daydream to hear something about Jousting, Halfamen, and a Dorf. Almost sounded like the start of a joke to her, and brought a soft little chuckle from her lips, musical and light.

"I don't suppose the merchants have left town yet?" she asked the guards with a hopeful tone in her voice. After all, merchants just off a Market Day meant fat wallets somewhere within those walls. And fat wallets? Well... that always meant some fun. As far as she knew everyone was planning to keep moving on soon through the pass, so a few quick scores, and a quick getaway might see her coin purse a little heavier and avoiding the troubles of Nuln. It was always the hanging around that lead to trouble after all.

2015-05-06, 04:57 PM
The second guard nods to you, Sophie, "Sure are: Anja and Karl Kettlebrew run the Merry Halfling, they're of your kin. Best pies outside the Moot I'd say - not that I'd know I guess, but I reckon they're damn good." Turning to Hith, "I'm not sure any linger I'm afraid. There might be, you'd have to ask around."

[Reinholt: keeping in mind "Herr" is "Mr", you know LaCroix is a Brettonian name, but beyond that, you've not the faintest idea who he might be. At the very least you can rest easy that he isn't from some big name family, in a place like this, he's probably from a low ranking family at best.]

2015-05-07, 10:58 AM
It's somewhat of a relief not to recognize Herr LeCroix's name, as Reinholt's not sure he wishes to encounter anyone that might be close with the late Von Kempter. He strides through the gates with an eye on the setting sun and the fiery sky. He glances back quickly to make sure Sophie is coming, as she'd be the resident expert on whether this pie is worth the accolades it receives. "To the inn, then. My legs are damn tired and I'm not sure if I'm more tempted by that pie or a cold ale."

2015-05-07, 12:40 PM
"Ah your ambitions are too low good sir," Hith said with a faint smile to Reinhart. She also gave the guards a nod and a small 'thanks' for what little information that they gave her. Toll? Screw tolls, she's an Elf, class unto their own, generally outside Imperial Law and Taxation. Plus she needed all the coin she did have inside the town.

"A good bath, a warm bed, much grander goals to aspire to," she added as she passed through the gates. By the Goddesses she wished that they aspired to that. She'd dread the stench that would build up over who knows how long of trudging over the passes if this group was filled with the sort of people who thought bathing was evil or something. She had presumed at least that a would be knight errant would aspire to proper noble bearing if nothing else though.

"Maybe someone else paying for our luxuries?" she smiled, and it reflected in her eyes. Even if the Merchants had left, it having just been market day should mean an influx of coin into the town. Loose coin burning in their pockets. Maybe she could get a good game or two in. What's better than a bath and a soft bed? One payed by someone who failed to understand the game.

She seemed in better spirits now that the day's marching seemed almost done, stretching out her arms over her head and her posture seeming a bit more bouncy and relaxed compared to the crushed drudgery of the past few hours. "Though I wouldn't argue with a fine meal or two," she eyed the Halfling, "Maybe she can show them a thing or two, if they're not up to her standards."

2015-05-08, 05:11 AM
Still smiling amicably the watchmen step aside and let you pass into the town proper. It is not particularly large, but it is well kept. The road is hard packed earth lined with simple dark timber framed buildings with white washed walls. Their rooves are a combination of thatch and tiled slate, but mostly the latter. Homes and small shops front directly onto Main Road with only small, not particularly well maintained, green strip between their walls and the road. The lavender hung at the doorways of the buildings does not quite cover the pungent aroma of the river, but it does offer sufficient relief that you feel a little less weary for your travels.

Entering into the market square you notice that parts have been cobbled – presumably in front the more prosperous shops – including that in front the Merry Halfling. The square is fairly empty at this late afternoon hour, but the inn is clearly quite alive. Noting the stables to the side, Reinholt leads his horse in no great hurry to the young boy leaning on one of the stall posts. The lad doffs his cap politely and leads you to an empty stall. After settling Adulwulfa in he shuts the stall behind you “2p for a rub down, sir, see the master and mistress inside and they will settle the stabling fee.”

Meanwhile, Alexa, Hith, Astria and Sophie, you make your way as a group to the door of the Merry Halfling. Inside is alive with conversation. Pushing the door open you step in and a hush descends over the inhabitants, each looking up from their drinks, meals and conversations as you enter. You’re not quite sure what you each feel more at the moment, awkward embarrassment, or indignation, but the silence is broken when Mushroom bursts through your legs and scampers into the middle of the room. At that moment a Halfling woman comes out from a door to the left of the counter to see what the sudden silence has been caused by. On sight of the pig she lets out a thrilled squeal “She’s so cute!” and she rushes over to greet him, letting him muzzle her hand. At that the patrons laugh and turn back to their own business, the din of conversation returning.

The halfling woman smiles and approaches, “Oh you look so travel weary! And your poor piggy, she must be starving! My name is Anja, my husband, Karl, and I are the proprietors here. Come, sit!” she directs you to an empty table near the door “What can I get for you? We’ve hearty lamb stew or my special beef pie. And drinks, you’ll want drinks, yes? A room too?”

2015-05-08, 07:13 AM
Admittedly, this place looked nicer than she thought it would. Cobbled streets and tiled roofs were a good sign of stability. The lavender was a nice distraction as well since the river had a bit of an odor.

Reaching the Merry Halfling and walking into a silence didn't phase Alexa too badly, she was used to it considering the gear she carried. At least the crossbow wasn't still loaded from the road this time.

When Mushroom burst between them and into the tavern, she nearly laughed and broke the (relative) silence before the proprietress stepped in and broached the silence for them. After being shown a booth, hunger had a decent chance to set in and the thought of fresh pies was tantalizing. "I'll take a pie, ale, room, and wouldn't object to a hot bath either if that's an option as well. I wouldn't mind washing off this road dirt if I got half a chance."

2015-05-08, 11:47 AM
Reinholt nods with a satisfied smirk as he hands the lad a couple pennies. "A rub down would be great, but no water if you please... just a precaution." He claps the boy on the shoulder as he brushes past, not saying anything to Adalwulfa while vacating the stables.

Stepping through the doors of the Merry Halfling on what seems a typical sight, Reinholt has fortuitously avoided the awkward entrance. "So does anyone run this place, or are we supposed to serve ourselves?" he jokes out of the side of his mouth, eyeing a room full of patrons without a host. His joke goes no further, however, before Anja's cheerful voice chirps up from where she had been greeting the pig.

The squire holds his tongue for a bit as they all are led to a seat, then breaks his substantial half-minute of silence with a cough to clear his throat, then orders an ale and a beef pie. "I've been told these pies are the best, so it doesn't seem right ordering anything else. And I don't much care what the ale is s'long as it's cold." After Anja departs, Reinholt turns with a cocked eyebrow toward Sophia. "So do you always bring your livestock drinking with you, or is there some sort of allowance being a halfling's tavern and all?" It's a pointed question, for sure, but still one with an answer he's curious to hear. "And should she come back with another chair, so maybe Mushroom can share the table with us?" He smiles mischievously at his last comment while dramatically sweeping his hand toward a space at the table between Alexa and himself, clearly trying to be an ass more than actually complain.

2015-05-08, 02:05 PM
"Make that two," Hith added, to the order for food, drink, a bed and a bath. Despite the awkward entrance she seemed more relaxed here than she was on the road. Her sore muscles not moving as stiffly, taking down her hood to reveal her silver hair and delicate facial features. She had an easy smile on her face, and as she took her seat with the others her eyes discretely checked out the room. Any good gambler always took the temperature of a room, see its general mood and how people were acting. Picking up a few people's ticks, what's drawing their attention, always handy bits to know, both when you're gaming and when you're wanting a warning before trouble starts.

And of course, it wouldn't hurt to see if there were any games in progress, and anyone with loose coin that might enjoy a wager or two...

Well, sounds like a perception check to me.

Perception: [roll0] vs 36 Intelligence, +0 Training, +10 Excellent Vision Talent, baseline mark before test difficulty conditionals of 46.

2015-05-08, 04:49 PM
Hearing Reinholt and rolling her eyes a bit before responding, Alexa bends low and snaps her fingers a couple times. "Come here Mushroom. Come on up with the rest of us." She picks up the cute little pig, sets her down between herself and Reinholt, and gives her a light scratch between her little piggy ears. "See, we were telling you Mushroom's just as civilized as you are. She can sit at a table too." Alexa couldn't stop a grin from splitting her face, nor the laughter that followed.

Reinholt could be an ass, but he meant well. He wouldn't have stuck with them since Averheim if he didn't. Funny haircut and all, he was a decent sort if a bit rough around the edges- most of them, for that matter- for a squire. "I almost forgot I owed you an ale from losing that bet too, so i'll get the next one for you. If he had been five meters farther, that ale would be mine. I still say it was a lucky shot."

2015-05-08, 05:45 PM

Astria shoots the pig an exasperated glance as it rampages into the room - the last thing they need is to get thrown out. At least the owner doesn't seem to mind a pig running loose in their common room. The silence doesn't phase her; it's not exactly unexpected given how uncommon elves must be in these parts, and heavily armed humans probably aren't exactly normal.

"Actually, was hoping to trade for a room. Songs, stories, general entertainment..." she shrugs lightly, as the halfling asks after the group's needs. "You know, generally singing for my supper, really. I can juggle; just don't ask me to play an instrument. I've never picked up the knack, and I suspect you don't want your patrons running away holding at their ears, hm?

"If not... well, an ale and dinner would be wonderful," Astria adds warmly, glancing across the room in a totally-not-looking-for-a-dwarf gesture. "Lovely inn,"

Well, a little flattery never hurts, now, does it?

[roll0] vs. 39 (Fel 39 + nothing)

2015-05-08, 06:14 PM
"I almost forgot I owed you an ale from losing that bet too, so i'll get the next one for you. If he had been five meters farther, that ale would be mine. I still say it was a lucky shot."

Reinholt scowls furiously at Mushroom, feigning disrespect, then flashes the pig a quick wink before looking up at Alexa with eyebrows raised in elation. "You DO owe me! I had forgotten! Perhaps I should have been more specific on what I'd like to drink." He leans back in his chair a bit, raising his hands behind his head to scratch at the stubbly hair. "And I believe 'luck' and 'skill' are not as different as you propose. There are all sorts of beings at work that we can't see or understand, and we may call something luck when it's actually designed... so let's split the difference and say I'm 'skillful' at being 'lucky'?"

He whistles appreciatively, picturing that shot and forgetting his own disbelief at its accuracy. In truth, the claim was a pretty hollow boast that he didn't expect Alexa to call him on. But sometimes things work out better than you expect. "Damn good at it." he reiterates leaning further back in his chair, mostly to himself.

Had he a better idea of the particular skillset Hith brought to the table, so to speak, he might have been more hesitant with his hubris.

2015-05-08, 06:36 PM
"Still, in that rain and wind the shot was a good one. Nearly one hundred seventy meters all told and it was a lung shot. That little gobbo never saw it coming. I still say it was luck, but either way, you earned the drink."

Alexa was remembering the shot. Rain beating down, wind gusting heavily, just a little mist clinging closer to the treeline the gobbo was at. She remembered him pulling the crossbow up, aiming for a moment and letting fly. And this sent off with "Bet you a drink I hit the little bastard." She remembered laughing at the difficulty of the shot and laughing harder at the speared goblin. This, right before a handful of big Orks burst out of the trees and charged them. Thank the Gods for Adalwulfa, she got our asses out of the fire.

2015-05-08, 07:11 PM
"Well they do say it's better to be lucky than good," Hith said with an easy smile as she leaned back in her chair and looked over to Reinholt. She slowly leaned her head back and rolled it across her shoulders before looking back to the young Squire. "But I just got to see that luck in action, if the Gods have blessed you... well... now that would be something to see..." she said, as she reached into her pocket, and pulled out a deck of cards. "Know how to play?" she asked with an innocent, light tone. The cards were a little old, a little worn. Then again being carried around in a pocket can't exactly be good for them.

2015-05-09, 04:58 AM

As she takes her seat at the table with a final looking-for-a-dwaf scan of the room, Astria grins at the bantering.

"Now, now. Luck will only get you so far. Skill will get you the rest of the way. And it sounds like there's a story in that little bet of yours that you should be sharing with the rest of us," she adds with a wink. "Sounds like it's a good story to mooch some drinks off,"

2015-05-09, 09:12 AM
"But I just got to see that luck in action, if the Gods have blessed you... well... now that would be something to see..." she said, as she reached into her pocket, and pulled out a deck of cards. "Know how to play?" she asked with an innocent, light tone. The cards were a little old, a little worn. Then again being carried around in a pocket can't exactly be good for them.

"Know how to play? Not at all. So you'll have to instruct me in the basics." He's not a good liar, squinting his eyes and shaking his head slightly in denial. You don't believe him for a second. Looks like you might have a tell on him as well. "But since it'll be a game for beginners, maybe we can convince some others to join? I'm counting on 'beginners luck' anyway, and it would be nice to pull from someone's purse beside yours. It does me little good if I'm having to pay for your room and meals because I won your means of living." His smile is so cocky right now, but he doesn't really believe it either... it's just the way you play.

What really makes him light up is Astria's suggestion. He beams at the silver-haired elf for a moment, leaning forward on the table to adopt a less boastful posture. "I'll trade a story then, for one of your own." You haven't traveled together long, but Reinholt sat entranced in your stories around the campfire, and often strayed from his place while marching to get close enough to hear another tale. "But I'll also need my drink, and probably Alexa's help in the details."

2015-05-09, 07:24 PM
Hith raised her hand, trying to draw the attention of the Halfling Lady of the Inn and gesture for her to come on over. Once the little one was down there, she gave the mistress of the Inn a smile, "If you feel like telling any gents in here that we're starting up a friendly little game... I'd be much obliged," she told the Halfling. Most innkeepers ran the rumor mills, knew who was who in town. Who had coin to bet, who liked the gamble, who liked to drink, whore, or anything else really. A good Innkeeper was like a good middle man, able to put people together where they needed, and Hith had little doubt that the Halfling would know just who to inform about a game forming up in her place.

That handled, Hith started shuffling the cards. She looked a little nervous and smiling a bit much, letting out a little chuffing chuckle, "Well now... an old friend told me a bit about it... not much. I've played once or twice," she rambled as she shuffled out and dealt a first hand to the knight and one for herself. "Gave me these cards back in Altdorf, said they were lucky you know. That this deck saved him from a Chaos Marauder's Axe. Axe hit him right in the chest, right where he kept the deck," she pointed towards her own left breast. "Lost half his cards and had to replace them... but he kept his heart where it belonged," she chuckled a little as she took up her hand and glanced at it in apparent confusion. "Said the Axe stopped on one of the Emperor's. Luck of the Gods and all..."

She was rambling, and using her rambling to distract the man from the game, or from the fact that she seemed more competent than she let on, shuffling and dealing with practiced ease.

2015-05-10, 05:53 AM
Anja shakes her head at you, Astria, “I’m sorry love, you can’t run a business on favours alone.” She nods at Reinholt, Alexa and Hith, “certainly, a pie and an ale each. And I’ll spread the word about the card game. Some of the boys are sure to be interested. With the merchants recently departed, we’ve an plenty of free private rooms and I shall have them made up for you immediately. Let me know when you wish to take your bath and I’ll have it brought up to your room.”

Turning back to Astria and Sophie, “Will you also be having pie and ale?”

Sweeping your eyes across the room to take in the scene. The main room of the inn is spacious rectangular space. Stout wood panelled walls frame a polished wooden floor. The furniture matches the floor and wall: plain wood work. It’s not fancy, but it is homely – exactly what you’d expect from the short folk. Opposite the entrance is the bar, behind which are several kegs of ale and beer. On a shelf above the kegs are bottles of wine and spirits – though these seem access infrequently. To the left of the bar is the door leading out back to the kitchens. To the right is a solid looking staircase leading to the upper floor where the rooms must be.

The room is quite full and you can only spot a few empty chairs. For the most part the patrons in tonight are locals. You spy a table of watchmen playing dice, at another are farm workers sharing drinks and tall tales. There are a few other groups of locals of indeterminate occupation eating and drinking. In addition to the locals you take note of some specific characters. Behind the bar works Karl, Anja’s husband.

At the bar is a surely looking man who appears to be all muscle piled up over large bones. His light brown hair is cropped close while his moustache is full and bristling. His dirty white shirt, grubby brown flaxen trousers and slightly blackened hands clearly mark him as a blacksmith. He is drinking with a man who offers a stark contrast. Of middle height and lean, his black hair is of moderate length and slicked back. He wears a fine black cloak over a crisp white shirt. His sharp black trousers and polished brown boots mark him as a man who cares about his appearance. Hith, you note a sword buckled and sheathed hanging from his belt at his waist and a fine scar running from his forehead, over one of his left eye, which clearly remains functional, and onto his check. You have no doubt he knows how to wield the blade at his belt with deadly efficiency.

A dwarf, presumably Grod, is in intense conversation with two young men and a hardy looking girl. He wears grey trousers and a brown jerkin over a white shirt. His long brown hair and full beard is plaited and tied with yellow ribbons. On his back is slung a pick which you are certain doubles as tool and weapon.

Finally there is the man who can only be the Brettonian mentioned by the watchmen on the gate. LaCroix is talking loudly to a group of, predominately female, locals. His crisp white shirt, crimson doublet and fine black pants and boots look quite impressive. Hith you notice, however, that first glances are deceiving as on closer examination you can tell the shirt is fraying at the cuffs and collar and his boots are quite scuff. His face is clean shaven and long brown hair frames an enthusiastic and open face. You can hear his boasting from here, complete with thick Brettonian accent.

2015-05-11, 11:52 AM
Reinholt seems visibly shaken by Hith's description of her cards, whether it's all fabricated or not, though he tries to hide his discomfort. He reflexively pushes himself back from the table just a bit and wipes a bit of sweat from his brow, but maintains a plastered grin as if none of this is really bothering him. Quickly looking around, his eyes fall on the well dressed gentleman who already seems to have a following.

"You, good sir!" the squire beckons LeCroix, calling out in an awkward but accurate Brettonian tongue. "Care for a game of cards? You seem a man of fascinating character and I could use another observant character at this table to keep it honest. Oh, and do please bring your friends." Whether he suspects this man to be the one mentioned at the gate or not matters little. The man seems to have access to funds and is well esteemed locally. So he'll tell him what he thinks he'd like to hear.

[roll0] Trained in Charm, Fellowship of 35 +10% if nobility.

((Also, since Reinholt is speaking Brettonian, should I use an actual different language and spoiler the translation? Not sure what you'd prefer here, nor if you have a set language in mind that I should use for Brettonian. French? Irish?))

2015-05-11, 05:52 PM
Hith looked slightly amused as the Squire called the man over. Her mind was wondering what he game was. Trying to impress and snag away a floozy? Attracted to the Bretonnian Peacock himself? She didn't know exactly what he said, but the general meaning of coming on over and that it was addressing the pretty boy was clear enough. She didn't think too much of the prospects herself. If there were two people she rather not play with in the room, it was LaCroix, and the heavy hitter over at the bar. LaCroix likely didn't have any coin of his own. He may also have some attempt to cover his wounded pride as a down and out noble. Or take revenge for any slight, real or perceived, in front of his floozy harem. The other just screamed of a man of violence and probably the enforcer for whatever criminal thought he ran this town.

But Reinholt stuck his foot out, and Hith dealt out an extra set of cards for if LaCroix came over. No need to make things worse by making the man feel unwanted. Even if he was.

2015-05-11, 06:01 PM
Well, with Reinholt calling a card game open to several comers, Alexa wanted to eat fairly quickly and be ready for trouble in case one of the locals didn't like being on the losing end of a bet. May not be the best idea to fight on a full stomach, but its better than running off still hungry.

At least if trouble started and they had the need to bolt, they hadn't paid for their meals or rooms yet. Alexa was just hoping for a little easy money and a quiet night. If she wasnt so crap at gambling, she would be in there too, but playing bodyguard and distraction had gotten them out of some trouble before.

I have a bad feeling about this. Those two look like trouble.

2015-05-12, 05:43 AM
LaCroix looks up from his animated conversation with the giggling girls. He beams widely and saunters over, beckoning for his admirers to follow. He bows in an exaggerated fashion to you, Reinholt, “Well met, friend, my name is Louis LaCroix, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance – and to hear my native tongue spoken so well in these parts” he says, in his native tongue. Switching to Reikspeil, “Alas, it would seem I have left my purse in my room, but perhaps one of you lovely ladies might like me to win you a fortune?”

Turning his head he smiles at the local girls who have followed him over. They are all more than eager to put their coin forward to his cause and in moments he has a small pile of pennies and shillings in front of him at the table.
Hith, you notice that the men at the bar watch this display with wry amusement. The man in the black cloak speaks up while LaCroix pools together coin, “Thank you for the offer, friend, but I think I’ll leave it to you to help Herr LaCroix break young girls’ savings as well as their hearts.” His tone is calm and humourous. You are left no doubt that he could play cards, but he chooses not to.
LaCroix picks up his hand and takes you all in with a smile while his entourage crowds around giggling. “Pay no head to old Bertram! He is no fun! Come, let us play!” He takes in his cards as he waits for someone to lead – Hith you get the sense that it is quite likely the three of you will be playing quite a different game to LaCroix. You also breathe a small sigh of relief that the dwarf, though he looked up at Reinholt calling the game open (though you are quite sure he did not understand), turned back to his conversation at the sight of you. You sneer inwardly at him, but admit that it was a complication avoided.

2015-05-12, 08:42 AM
Well that was one more player, and it seemed her predictions was dead on. The man had no coin of himself. He was working on the misplaced affections and treasures of the local birds. Reinholt was far too uncomfortable, clearly not used to gaming like this. Or having issues playing with women around. Either way, she had him marked out as the weak link in this game, likely to be knocked out quickly enough. At least the heavy at the bar was staying out of it for the moment. He might want a cut afterwards if his criminal affiliations did in fact exist.

LaCroix seemed at ease, but he was also playing with someone else's money. She figured it was most likely that the man would draw down if he was losing, that made sense with what the guards mentioned about him challenging people after all. Thin skinned.

And so as Hith took up her cards, she had a friendly seeming smile on her face. Her posture was relaxed, leaning back in her chair. She took her coin purse out, and poured a few coins out. Not as many as the pile of coins that LaCroix's floozies had tossed up of course, but it was there.

"Been a while since I've played, not since I was back in Middenheim during a fairly bad blizzard. Really was quite a doozy there. Snow piled up over 3 men high, 5 men where some of the drifts had piled up. I was stuck in an inn, nice, cozy little place called the Sleeping Cow. Run by this surly old Dwarf. Didn't know a good wine if it walked up and slapped him in the face. Quite a shame really, the Ice Wines of Middenheim really are quite a treat. Don't know if you ever had them. Definitely worth the expense though. But he made a decent ale. Bit rough but it had a charm of its own. Had one of those Clerics of Ulric finally dig a tunnel through the snow to reach the inn, but the tunnel collapsed behind him. We were trapped there for about a good 5 weeks. The Cleric, Wulfgar, he was a big gambler. Helped us keep our sanity as we waited for Rhya's Spring Sun to burn away the ice. Ended up losing every coin I had on me, and half of my possessions to that wily Wulfgar... but we made it out okay."

She was rambling off a story, very calm, very at ease as she played and took her measure of everyone else and their hands. LaCroix was an easy mark. His floozies made him so. Even if HE was a good gambler... it was doubtful that all his girls were. And hovering around him, watching him, it would be easy to read their reactions to his cards even if he was able to play it cool.

Not sure how you want to actually do the game's results. I do have the Gamble skill. Normally it's a wager and Opposed Gamble Test by the rules, and playing the more 'meek' and 'rookie' gambler I'll just match his bet.

Also a Blather Test to sucker him in and make him lose his focus on the game... Which is opposed by Willpower from LaCroix. If successful he normally can't do anything but just stare there dumbfounded at the story... which I hope means he automatically loses the hand... <.<

Blather: [roll0] vs 30 Fellowship, +0 Training in Blather, Baseline Mark (Before conditional modifiers) of 30.

Gamble: [roll1] vs 36 Intelligence, +0 Training in Gamble, Baseline Mark (Before conditional modifiers) of 36.

2015-05-12, 10:16 AM
Trouble hadn't joined up with LaCroix like Alexa thought they would. At least not yet. Trouble was still sitting calmly by the bar enjoying his drink.

She made sure to be able to slide out of the table quickly if there was something about to happen, sword or dagger in easy reach. For some reason, she wanted to suckerpunch the redheaded floosy already. Maybe it was that she tossed out silver when all the rest did copper. Maybe it was her self-satisfied look like her "champion" can't lose somethingnthis simple.

Either way, if a fight started, she was getting punched in the mouth. Alexa was going to ruin that pretty little cocky smile. Unless LaCroix pulled a blade, then he became first priority. Reinholt could hold his own, she hoped the rest could as well. Time would tell.

My barfight senses are tingling, I don't think this is going to stay happy very long.

perception to see if any of them try something sneaky during the game. That or maybe start a fight before we're ready for it.


2015-05-12, 11:24 AM
With a plastered grin, Reinholt welcomes LeCroix to the table... offering the chair beside him that Mushroom had momentarily occupied, as it seemed fitting. "Well met, indeed, Herr Louis LeCroix." He stands to shake the man's hand. "Reinholt Jochutz of Stirland." He forces a laugh at the nobleman's bravado, displaying a decorum so far unseen by those that have only travelled with Reinholt recently. He knows he stands little chance at winning the cards here, but can't help but hope he'll get lucky anyway. In truth, he views this as more of an information and connection tax. "So tell me, what drives a distinguished gentleman such as yourself out here past the Greys and so near the Borderlands? You certainly must have a noble pursuit, no?"

He's interrupted, however, by Hith's distracting tale. Always one for a good story, Reinholt finds himself fighting the desire to inquire more of his travelling companion, especially this Wulfgar--a sacred man of glorious Ulric. As he's dealt the first hand, Reinholt barely touches the cards, lifting them from the table only enough to see the corners where faded designations are marked before releasing them and reflexively wiping his hands on his breeches.

Gossip: [roll0] Fellowship base 35% +10% for Etiquette with nobility
Gamble: [roll1] Intelligence base (halved, unskilled) 15%

Seeing his hand, he squints slightly then looks up at the others with that same fake grin. He also takes a moment to observe this gaggle of followers trailing Herr LeCroix, though none of them seem as interested in the dusty traveler as they do in the peacocking Bretonnian.

2015-05-14, 04:58 AM

"A pie, whatever the dwarf's drinking and... another of whatever he's drinking," Astria nods towards the dwarf's table, trying to conceal her disappointment. Well, it had been a bit of a gamble trying to get a single night - she'd probably have had better luck entering into a longer term deal, but that would involve sticking around for longer than she wants to.

"Excuse me, I have someone I need to talk to," she treats the fast-forming card game to a sunny smile, before rising and following the halfling back to the bar to collect the drinks. Introductions always work better when you're bearing gifts, after all. Then again, it is a dwarf...

"Actually, make that another of whatever he's drinking?" Astria adds, shooting a quick glance at probably-Grod. "...and is there anything you can tell me about him?"

2015-05-26, 11:32 AM
Anja Kettlebrew
Anja looks at Astria and shakes her head obviously confused by both the young female elf's order for drink Is that 2 or 3 of my beers that she wants? and her interest in the dwarf at the bar. Knowing the typical animosity between the races Anja is reluctant to bring together two of her patrons that might not get along. Ultimately she decides that it is best to give customers what they want but the least she could do is warn the girl. I take you want 3 of what the old dwarf is drinking? You seem to know enough about dwarfs to bring them some drink when you make your acquaintance but Grod there is not much of a conversationalist. Unless you have a mind to go fight greenskins in Zhufbar. Either way he is enjoying the finest beer outside the Moot. My very own Kettlebrew's Kingmaker. Pints are 2 pence each. You expressed interest in a room though, dinner and your first drink are included in the 2 GC rental of a 2 bed room. Shall we have two rooms prepared for you and traveling friends?

Anja carries a tray full of empty mugs through a doorway leading to the kitchen and emerges again with 3 empty pint glasses. She begins filling the pints from a barrel above her shoulder height marked Kingmaker with a picture of a golden crown slightly eschew on a jesters head.


2015-05-26, 11:47 AM
Sophie can't remember such relief. Maybe it's because these are the first halflings she's seen since The Thing happened in Stirland; maybe it's just because they've reached the end of another long stretch on the road - but for a few moments, she lets herself relax. Tugging off her travel-worn boots, she wiggles her toes in the air, the bristly hairs on her feet twitching as they are introduced to the air again. In her temporary bliss, Reinholt's japes are completely ignored.

"It's not right, it's not," she complains, to no-one in particular, "an honest girl having to shut her feet up in sweltering boots like that. The state of the Emperor's roads! Why, I remember in Ostland - even there, mark you - the highway was wide enough for four horseman, and sloped against the rain too. No puddles on those roads, oh no. Why, you could walk from Schonfeld to Ferlangen and have your feet perfectly dry at the end of it!"

Soon, however, her prattle dies off. The old fear is back, her eyes darting around the room as she weighs up the room. You've said too much, she chides herself, the Ostland reference, Ferlangen. You never know where the law might be lurking. Why make us the centre of attention she quietly laments, shooting Reinholt a stare. Over at the bar, Karl clinks a glass as he lays it on the counter, and she makes up her mind.

Slipping down off her chair, she pads over to where the swordsman and his partner stand. She was in the Stirhugel long enough to know how to spot a lawman, and that these two ain't. The enemy of my enemy. Clambering up to the dizzy heights of a bar stool, she orders a cup of wine from Karl before shooting a guileless smile at the duo.

"Emerald blessings, gents1. That there's my pig. Right snuffler2 she is, can tally up just about aught3. Boyo! but we've come a long way today. Whats your folks names? I like your scar, mister. It looks the business. Sophie, they call me. Or Kitty. I'm with the cardies4 over there. You gamble much, sirs? Not one for it myself - I like a sure thing. Not many of them around, that's for certs!" She raises her drink to her lips, pausing for the first time. You chaps going to talk to me or not?

1 = Emerald blessings. Traditional Halfling greeting among pious followers of Esmerelda.
2 = Snuffler. Double meaning: a truffle-pig, but also someone with a nose for lot and illicit treasure.
3 = Tally up just about aught. To make a money out of thin air, the best of a bad job.
4 = Cardies. Ostland slang for gamblers.

Sophie's deliberately using slang words from the Empire's semi-criminal twilight world to try and put the duo at rest. It's not quite Thief's Tongue (she doesn't have that), but it's definitely her showing that she's Streetwise.

Gossip+10 test: [roll0] vs 38, or vs 48 if they are criminal elements - before modifiers.

EDIT: Fortune pointed to a 59 in OOC

2015-05-26, 12:29 PM
Card Game
As Hith deals out the cards fairly Reinholt looks at each card as he recieves it while Louis waits until the entire hand is dealt and picks up the cards slowly pulling them back towards his chest. He raises them up to his eyes as he does the eyes of redheaded floozy standing over his left shoulder grow as big as saucers. Reinholt having his nose in his own hand of cards misses the reaction but Hith knew you never read your cards until you read your opponent first. And in this case all the people behind him who can see the cards as well. After getting that tell Hith knew she needed a lucky draw to beat the solid hand of Louis and draws an additional 3 cards not believing your luck an Emperor and two 5s to complete with her pair of Ladies for a minus 10 total. Reinholt asked for 3 cards as well following Hith's lead but not her luck his hand ending up being a pair of 8s, a 7, a 3 and a Crone for a total of 11. Louis asked for no cards and reveals his dealt hand of two 9s, two Lords, and a 5 for a -5 total. Louis shakes his head in disbelief as Hith pulls in the 16 pence from Reinholt and Louis. During the previous round Louis had his eyes on Hith as well and Hith couldn't hide her reading of the floozies so as Reinholt takes the cards to deal the next round, Louis pushes his chair back and turns around to whisper to the floozies who all giggle and then get a very serious look on their collective faces. It is now Hith's turn to set the wager for the next round.

The goal is to have the losest score possible. The game is an irreverrent refer to an old fairy tale about an Emperor who was conned into wearing nothing. In the game Emperor's are worth 0 points. Ladies and Lords are worth 10 points. Crones are worth 1 point. 5s are worth -5. Everything else is worth face value. Doubles or more negate the points. So two 7s = 0 points. You have 5 cards with a single draw opportunity of up to 4 cards. In general I am saying that Emperor's= Kings, Ladies = Queen's, Lords = Jacks, Crones = Aces. Not sure if there is any existing in universe name for the cards if so let me know please. Wager is always placed by the person on the dealer's right and the deal passes to the left.

Cheating can be done well gambling with cards. The effects of cheating depend on how badly the cheating is. Mild cheating provides a +10% on Gamble Skill. Severe cheating provides a +20% on Gamble Skill. However mild cheating can be detected with an Easy (+20%) perception check and Severe cheating with a Very Very Easy perception check (+40%). This allows for cheating without using the Sleight of Hand advance skill. Sleight of Hand rules are that the perception check is opposed against the sleight of hand check with severe cheating provided a +20% to the perception check. As with house rules this is very subject to change as the game goes on.

Floozies provided a +10% to Louis's Gamble check resulting in a win by Hith. Louis succeeded at a perception check to catch Hith's reading of the floozies. They have now discussed the matter and the +10% is removed. Mystery rolls stay a mystery, this time.

Work is slower than I expected so I got to post earlier than I thought. Let me know if anything changes. I assume otherwise that Hith and Reinholt are still gambling for another round. Hith add 16 pence. Reinholt subtract 8 pence. There is still a good size pile of coins in front of Louis.

2015-05-26, 12:38 PM
Alexa smiles and laughs a bit as the hand goes Hith's way. She figures she still needed to keep an eye on the floozies though- at least after watching this Louis for anything aggressive- they might try something sneaky. Maybe she really just wanted to punch the redhead if a fight got started. Time would tell.

2015-05-26, 02:45 PM
Sophie and Strangers
Something smells funny. the scarred man says as he wrinkles his nose looking at your feet. He grabs his drink and moves about 3 stools down the bar.

Pleasure to meet you Sophie. Name's Ned. Never you mind ole Bertram. He be Herr Dustermann's man and doesn't talk much to no one no how. You and your pig be welcome by me though. Mushrooms are always good. Ned reaches down to scratch the sow pigs ear. Especially in soup. Ned laughs a little at his own joke and gives you a sly wink to assure you it is in jest. You and your mates just missed the market day so I take it you are not merchants are ye? What brings you all here to Mittleresdorf? I am the town's smith so if ye need anything well here stop by my shop. Any stray cat in the town can tell you where to head.

Astria keeping a sharp eye on the comings and goings in the tavern notices that the table of watchmen have finished their dicing and have left the inn presumably to start their night shift.


When Ned turns to talk to Sophie, through a gap caused by a missing button on his white shirt, she catches a quick glimpse of tattoo on his left breast. The only thing she can make out in the brief second is a flash of the colors faded gold and black.

2015-05-27, 07:00 AM

"Er..." she hesitates a moment at the question, as she mulls it over. Well, she was going to want a room anyway. Sleeping in common rooms isn't all that pleasant. Shame it's going to be eating into her travel-to-the-Princes money.

"...okay. The rooms, and three beers," she says, counting out the coins to Anja. Well, counting out her share of the coins - assuming the others don't lose all their money at cards, they can pay their own way. With a surruptitious glance at Grod, and a much more wary one at the retreating watchmen, Astria nods to Anja. "Would you mind taking the first beer over to Grod for me, please? And... yes. Tell him who its from if he asks," she adds thoughtfully, shifting position just enough to watch Grod's reaction, without doing anything so crass or obvious as actually staring at him.

2015-05-27, 10:53 PM
Hith seems surprised, her eyes wide at the winning hand, and slowly scooping her winnings over towards her side of the table with her right arm. "Wow, never seen hands like that before!" she said, shaking her head and letting out a low whistle, "Sometimes things just seem to go pretty oddly, eh? Luck and Luck and Unluck, not an average hand in the bunch. Reminds me of when I was playing with a Princess from Kislev. Lovely lass I tell you, had the most striking blond hair with these tight little curls and a dress that seemed to be made out of snow and ice itself! I tell you that was quite a chilly game!" she laughed deeply as she took up her cards, and threw out her 8 pence from the pile of winning, no need to press her luck and take the man out in a single wager, win a few more hands, take away his pile, let him get desperate, and when he got desperate, count on that emotion to make him so much easier to read and game against, even without the edge of the Floozies.

"She had this big bear of a man with her, nice enough chap, very quiet though. Had this huge furry hat, looked like it was made out of some 40 lbs rat or something, imagine that! Guy never cracked a smile or said more than 3 words all night, but you could tell there was that twinkle in his eye, that he wasn't all that bad a bloke. Makes me wonder if most Kizzies are like that, you know? Heard it's pretty harsh out there, what next to Norsca and all. Must have to deal with a lot of monsters and the like. But people get on, you know how it is, make the best out of anything."

She was chattering pretty loudly and calmly, using the story to distract people as she checked her cards, used to speaking in just that right sort of tone that drew people in and mesmerized them, a dangerous state to be in when money was on the line, "Said they were from some city waaaay out on the wastes, been tracking some big bad warrior who pillaged a village with his crew on these funny little boats. Heard they are very shallow, not at all like our big ol' ships out near Altdorf you know that ride deep in the water? Just float on top of the water like a leaf on a stream. Fast little buggers too. Thought that the guy sheltered in a cove up in the north of the Empire and was planning to sack some big Ulric Temple Shrine Thing. For 60 days they tracked that guy down... and let me tell you..." she was speaking slower and letting the story get nowhere near finished by the time the hand was to string the people along.

Totally Blathering like a mofo here. And gambling without cheating in so far as you'd call it cheating to distract the weak minded.

Blather Test: [roll0] vs 30 Fellowship, +0 Training in Blather, possibly +10 Etiquette since I'm playing with "nobles" after all, baseline mark of 40.

Gamble Test: [roll1] vs 36 Intelligence, +0 Training in Gamble, baseline mark of 36.

8 Pence wagered.

2015-05-28, 11:09 AM
Anja looks at you with a mixture between sympathy and disgusts. I don't think I want to be stepping in the muck ye be causing. At least not for free, chuck in a few brassic and I'll play at yer peacemaker.

Choose to roll for a Challenging Charm to convince her to bring the beer over. Otherwise it will cost a 5p tip for her to do it. For every 10 you fail it will cost an additional 2p.

Card Table
Reinholdt antes up the 8 pence and shuffles the cards out. Lost in Hith's story he nearly passes out too many cards before Louis stops his hand gently. Poterimus puerWe have enough boy As the last card is dealt out Hith's story comes to an end. When Louis picks up his cards the crowd of 3 floozies behind him have different reactions. The brunette looks incredibly sad, the blonde smiles and claps her hands, and the redhead sticks out her tongue at Hith and Alexa. Louis then starts singing a song in Bretonnian. Mane ova adducimus He then stops abruptly nodding to Hith. Apologies m'lady I hadn't thought that you might not know Bretonnian for you then I will slander the song by singing in Reikspeik.
"We get the eggs in the morning, in the morning, in the morning.
Because the chicken made it through the night, through the night, through the night.
We get the eggs in the morning because the chicken made it through the night.
We milk the cow in the morning, in the morning, in the morning.

Louis continues singing his nonsensical song while the hand continues much to the pleasure of his collection of floozies.


Ok looks like Louis won this past hand of cards with 2 degrees of success and I need a WP check from Hith, Reinholdt, and Alexa to resist the effects of Louis's blathersome ditty. On failure you seat dumbfounded and can't do anything for one round. Which as Hith was arguing is an automatic gambling win. If I don't see a post check in 24 hours I will roll for you and continue the story.

2015-05-28, 05:05 PM
Sophie giggles at the joke. "He. That's her favourite too. Mushrooms, lots of mushrooms. She's a clever pig. Once she found a mushroom as big as her head.

"As for us, we're just a band. I'm with the humans, we're tagging along with those elfs. They look after them on the road, I look after them in the evenings when we don't make it to a nice place like this." Her chest puffs up with pride. "I make excellent soup, see. Mushroom soup, cabbage soup, vegetable soup. Fish soup, bubble-and-broth, squeak-and-pok'um. And pies - oh, pies." She glances round.

"Folks at the gate, they said here's a spot for a pie? I do like a good pie. Who's Dustermann, then? The local bigwig? Anything worth doing round here? Can't say how long we'll be about, I'm not my own master, see."

2015-05-29, 07:46 AM
The man's heavily accented Reikspeil and little time wasting, patronizing song kept Alexa's attention rooted more firmly on the Brettonian, but not to the point of distraction. Reinholt seemed to have drifted off for just a moment, so she directed a swift little kick towards his ankle.

If there was only some way to draw off the floosies... this game might get interresting when Louis' purse and hangers-on leave him. Alexa needed to figure out a distraction.

I need something to draw them off, but what can I do? Sh!t, I need to think harder...

2015-05-29, 04:48 PM
Ned seems to take a liking to you and your manner and starts shooting his mouth. Aye this be the spot for pies. Anja and Karl make the best pies for a 100 miles. The Merry Halfings known across the countryside for its pie and beer. Can't believe how they make the beer taste so good using the water from that smelly river but they manage all right they do. Dusterman he be one of the few "nobles" in this here town. Has a right fine place in the Lords and Ladies Estates. We ain't got no real Lords or Ladies here in MIttleresdorf mind you just those that think they ought to be. Peoples whose pockets are bigger than most. He's one of the worst. Ahh but enough about here you should try some beer and pie and tell me a story of the road.

Card Table
As Louis singing is filling your ears with horrible nonsense your nostrils take in the wondrous scent of freshly cooked beef and pork. Karl comes back to the table with a tray full of steaming meat pies. Your mouths begin to water in anticipation. You can't help but wonder how these will compare with Sophie's road pies. As Karl places your food on the table he says. Righto here you go. Three of the best pies you'll taste in month. Unless you stay here for longer than the night. You are staying the night correct. We have 2 bed rooms available for 2 gc a night. The reason I bring this up now is the pies in front of you are complimentary, if you're staying, but I'll take the Karls for the rooms now. Oh your first drink is on the house if you're staying. Let me know when you are ready for a second.
The arrivals of the pies softens the lousy hand of cards you both had. You begin to eat as Louis rakes in the pile of coins. A round of beers for the lovely ladies behind me and I'll take a glass of wine. Louis orders and the floozies smile and offer their thanks, one even kisses him on the cheek, as Louis buys them drinks with their own coins.
Louis takes the cards and begins to deal. As Reinholdt remembering his losses so far puts the ante at 6 pence. Louis follows suit as he starts into the third verse of his song.
We saddle the horse ....

Hith is not able to do anything this round per the blather fail. You can take that to mean you ante in and fail or don't ante up.

2015-05-29, 06:02 PM
"Yes, I think we will be staying the night. I'll go ahead and pay for a room." Alexa digs in her purse for a moment and produces enough silver to cover the room for the night. "There, that should be enough. You can just pay me back later, Reinholt." She picks up a pie and takes a bite. It was every bit as good as one of Sophie's. Only slightly better because of a proper beer that came with it.

2015-05-30, 02:39 PM

The gangly elf shoots the diminuitive halfling woman an odd look.

"I'm not asking you to go over there are start pulling on his beard, or anything," she says, in a mildly exasperated tone. "I just thought it might, you know, avoid a scene if you went over there instead of me and handled things with a little grace. I really don't see what the problem is, here. If I asked you to take a mug over to a human or an elf you wouldn't have a problem, would you? But..." she adds, sadly, rising to her feet. "If you'd really rather risk an... issue... by my going over there directly, well, so be it. I'm sure things won't get too out of hand," she adds in a speculative tone, watching Anja's reaction very, very carefully from the corner of her eye.

Rolled Charm in the OOC and passed by 2 DoS.

2015-05-31, 09:07 AM
Sophie giggles, raising her eyebrows slightly. "Oh, there are other kinds of Lord and Lady?"

Draining her cup of wine, she beckons to Karl to order a pie, confident in his judgement as to which is the best. "As for a story," she continues, "a few spring to mind. Boy! We've had our adventures. See Reinhold there? He's got a big horse. She's - she's this big. No, bigger. This big." Sophie's arms strain as she tries to convey Adawulfa's sheer height. "Even bigger." She nods. "Anyways, he loves stories. And adventures. Once, when we was in Averland, we met these Strigany, theatre people.

"We're sharing the campfire, talking about the road - boy they could talk, my eyes were wide as dinner plates. Ghouls, and noble knights, and long dead kingdoms, and the dead walking." She shivers. "Now Reinhold, there, he loves those stories. He's not scared of nothing, Reinhold isn't.

"It's dark on the hill-side, but the moon's bright and the air's crisp, and it must be almost dawn before we settle down. Next day, up we get, heads going like cymbals - powerful stuff, Aver-man's wine, powerful stuff. I'm foraging with Mushroom - always the first up, see, someone's gotta get the breakfast. Well, I'm foraging, and then I thinks, 'hang on, Sophie, what's this'.

"Cos there they all are, laid out, sleeping like barrow-men - all of us, that is, but none of them - and none of Reinhold. He's only gone and taken off with the Strigies!

"So we're after them, at a lick we are. They're going slow too, the booze hasn't been kind to them - and there's Reinhold, fast asleep, snoring on the wagon like the sun's still in his bed. They don't like it - he's taken up with their daughter, they say, he's part of the family now. But Alexa - that's the hard one, you can see it in her eyes - she's not having none of it. And so - "

She's cut off as Karl lays down a steaming plate in front of her. Short crust pastry, a few neat holes punched through the top to let the meat below breathe, the smell warm and spicy with just a hint of sweet in the gravy that dribbles out the side. "Karl," she declares, "this is a pie.

"Ned, you talk. How's Dusterman the worst? What does that even mean? I'm eating."

2015-06-01, 04:02 AM
Hith quite casually fails to ante up this round, instead handing the Halfaman her two Karls, "Definitely staying the night, how could I resist such a charming inn as this?" A little casual flattery never hurt, it was only good manners and less likely to see her get bounced out if trouble started after all. Heck maybe the Halfaman would appreciate it and even help her? She spread the wealth around, adding an extra Silver Shilling for the Halfling as a tip, and gave the short stack a wink as she did.

So as Louis sang, badly, and the card game went on between the two people of the Knightly persuasion, she instead was digging into her Pie, eating slowly and savoring it after weeks of being on the road with nothing more than foraged berries and dry, hard bread and fruits. She kept her eyes sharp, just in case she could spot Louis cheating against Reinholt, and use it embarrass the would be Bretonnian Knight. Or at the very least try to detect any tells he might have, now that she wasn't distracted by trying to hide her own.

Down 2 gc, 1 ss.

Gain: 1 Delicious Pie, 1 Beer, 1 Private Room.

Perception Test: [roll0] vs 36 Int, +0 Perception Training, +10 for Excellent Vision, Baseline Mark before Conditional Modifiers of 46.

2015-06-01, 11:25 PM
Anja looks down slightly ashamed. No doubt you have the right of it my good lady. You caught me with my hand in the honey jar. Let me go over there and put in a good word for you with Grod. Keep your coin and if he don't put you on the floor I'll bring over another round on the house.

Inside the Merry Halfing
The inn is filled with the steamy meaty scents of the pies ordered for dinner by several of the patrons. The thunder rolling outside make the newly arrive thank Manann that they beat the downpour. The fire in the center of the inn crackles lightly and the sounds of a Bretonnian butchering Riekspiel in a nonsensical song carry throughout the inn. The peaceful tranquility of the public house is shattered when the front door is slammed open right when a peel of thunder goes off. A young man sopping wet in tattered clothes stands in the doorway scanning the patrons of the Merry Halfing. Blood is dripping down his check running from a serious gash on his scalp. His eyes settle on a large man at the bar his eyes go wide as an uncontrollable rage over takes the youth. You! he yells as he heads directly for the larger man. Your master sent us on a fool’s errand! We went into those woods and they slaughtered us to a man! Now you’ll pay! with that the young man pulls out a dagger and sprints across the inn's common room. The large man draws his sword loose from its scabbard and turns causally to face the dagger wielding youth. In the time that it took for the man to get his sword free the youth with the dagger made it so that they were squaring off. He feints with the dagger once and twice before making a quick stab that is easily dodged by the swordsman.

2015-06-03, 10:48 AM
Inside the Merry Halfing
The sudden flurry of action inside the otherwise cozy inn has everyone slightly stunned. Everyone except for the two unevenly matched combatants. The lad brandishing a dagger makes an awkward thrust that is easily parried by the larger swordsman. The swordsman follows the parry with a counter thrust to the right thigh of the youth. The young man cries out in pain and but manages to parry aside the swordsman's next strike. However his parry left him exposed to a right hook from a gauntlet-ed fist knocking the boy to the ground. Anja, the merry halfing cook and part proprietor, has a deeply concerned look on her face. Her husband Karl mirrors her shock and concern but has started towards the melee with determination.

2015-06-03, 02:27 PM
"All right, that's enough. From both of you." Alexa stands up, knocking over her chair and loading a bolt into her crossbow. She levels it at them, but not at either one of them in particular. "I don't even know either of you and I've had enough of your sh!t. Big guy, I don't want to put a bolt in you, so just clear out. Pipsqueak can stay to get his leg bound, but neither of you will raise a hand to the other." Looking at Alexa, she was dead serious and not about to back down.

that would be rapid reload to put a bolt in the crossbow (free action)
Aim at the two of them (half action)
delay to see what they do (Half action)

2015-06-05, 12:43 PM
Inside Merry Halfing
Alexa bursts up with a crossbow loading out of nowhere and levels it at the two combatants. The taller swordsman gives Alexa a sneering look put moves to sheath his sword as he does the smaller man lunges forward with his dagger, the swordsman quickly steps out of way of the attack slice the youth in the chest as he stumbles by. ENOUGH!!! Shouts Karl as he strides towards the two combatants spoiling Alexa's shot. Arms away all of you this is a peaceful inn we don't allow this kind of behavior. That includes you too stranger with the crossbow at my back. Bertram, the boy here is out of his wits and completely not a match for your skill. Someone fetch the doctor Will here needs attention.
Bertram grunts as he sheathes his sword giving Alexa a stern glare to see if she too puts down her weapon.
Pardon me Sophie but someone needs to go get the doctor I think I'm the fastest one here. Ned excuses himself from the halfling at the bar and sprints out to fetch the doctor.

2015-06-10, 07:22 AM

She watches the fight with the air of someone who knows very well that it's no business of hers, and who doesn't fancy the idea of being stabbed by an idiot.

With a sidelong glance at Anja, Astria asks a trifle awkwardly;

"So, uh, what was all that about? Happen often?"

2015-06-10, 04:47 PM
The diminutive halfling shoots Astria a worried look then shakes her head. No not often and rarely between townsfolk. Sure every once in awhile we get some group of adventurers off on some nutty quest stop by and trouble starts between them and the locals they look down on. And usually then its just a fist fight with weapons being drawn. This is very rare indeed. I may have to ban Will from the halfling for it. Anyways I have some beers to deliver. With that Anja walks calmly over to Grod and presents the dwarf with his new beers.
Grod and Anja have a conversation too quiet for anyone to hear up to the point that Anja points to Astria. When Grod sees that his beer was bought by an elf he impulsive spews some of his last drink out with a cough, spraying it over the bar. Darn Elf brought me beer. Not sure how I be liking that much.
It is my fine beer. No matter who payed the coin. Now drink up and show some manners Grod. She is very polite and I told her I would introduce the two of you. Anja scolded.
Grod gets red in the face hard to tell if he's embarrassed or outraged. Anja waves Astria over to meet the dwarf.

Astria roll a charm take a +10 to your skill to represent the good word Anja put in for you. Result of your over success with charming Anja.

2015-06-13, 01:59 PM

As Anja disappears on her errand, Astria takes another look at the fighters... and then gives a kind of half-shrug. Sounds like something for the town Watch to handle, and entanglements with the prod-noses for no good reason aren't her cup of wine. Besides, Anja seems to have the right of things, so that's the end of it.

As Grod's outburst burts out, her delicately pointed ears perk up. Sounds like things are going well.

...As well as can be expected, anyway. He hasn't drawn steel or stormed out yet, so that's definitely a plus. And he's barely incandescent with fury at all. While she had hoped he'd come over to see what she wanted... ah well. When you get down to it, not having an axe thrown at her was all she really needed.

So, setting her face into a guileless smile and making a spirited effort not to look excessively tall, Astria scoops up the next set of drinks and threads her way across the taproom to the spluttering dwarf.

"G'hruk t'uk, Longbeard. I offer you gnollengrom at this time of our meeting," she says politely, in her very finest dwarfish. Then, as she places the drinks on the table; "I also bring more beer. May I sit with you and talk a while?" she asks, watching Grom very carefully.

A note on my dwarfish; I'm going to use a hodge-podge of Tolkien's Khuzdul, GW's Khazalid, Terry Pratchett's Dwarfish and occasionally make up stuff that sounds right. I'll generally provide a translation at the bottom of each post, but I'm not promising any consistency with where it comes from.

Today's translations;

G'hruk t'uk: Felicitations to all at the closing of the day.
Gnollengrom: Respect due to a dwarf with a better beard.

2015-06-14, 12:13 PM
Grod turns to look at you through drunken eyes and mumbles
Gnollengrom? Rìreadh? Ek mithlean. Ek nai trealbhaidh. Or pailleart ek thoyn.
For a second his eyes register with full clarity at what he sees before him an elf speaking in his father's tongues. A rage begins to over take him at seeing such a site but then he laughs. You are not sure if it the word Anja put in, the beers you sent over plus the many he has already had or the exact words you spoke which he now takes as a joke.
Ek Nai gnath imshee Sith mraane, ut namhaid.
Grod slaps you a hard slap on the shoulder and says. Ta shiu cheet deoradh caireag co-iuder. Ek Khuzdul, Or gearain Khazad sleityn.

Roughly translated
Respect due to a dwarf with a better beard? Is that so? You are making fun. You are no Adult Dwarf Male. I should slap your bottom.

You are not the typical damned elf female, our ancient enemy.

Well met non-dwarf chatty female drinking buddy. You talk of the dwarven language and I will grumble about the dwarven mountains.
I used the link below for most

2015-06-16, 01:45 PM

She tenses a little as the angry flush creeps up the dwarf's cheeks, but relaxes as it transmutes into laughter somewhere before the point which would best be described as being marked 'explode violently'. Astria gingerly takes a seat across from Grod.

"Well, I've not really met many elves," she says meekly, still in dwarfish. Or, at least, in a passable imitation of meekness. "I was raised by a dwarf and some humans. And a few others," she adds with a shrug. "No elves, though. Actually, that was what I wanted to talk to you about," she hesitates a moment, and takes a swig of the beer to try to cover the sudden nervousness. It is, in fact, pretty good beer.

"My uncle was a Slayer," she says, and then pauses. Perhaps planning this conversation out in advance would have been a good idea? "He... died recently, just before I started travelling on my own. I don't really know much about him, he never liked to talk about his past, but... just before he died he'd been talking about some oath he made. Not the Slayer's Oath, something different. I think. So, I'm trying to find out something more about him, I guess. And maybe tell any of his family left that he died. But I don't even know which hold he came from; all I really know is that he came through this pass from the Border Princes about a hundred years ago.

"So... I thought this would be a good place to start looking," she says, a little lamely. "I know no-one's going to remember him coming through, but I hoped maybe someone would recognise his axe, that some of the markings are clan markings. You know, so I can find where it came from? But... I'm not welcome in the dwarf holds. I know that, I'm not stupid. So..." Astria hesitates again, and then sighs. "I was hoping... maybe you could help, maybe you know someone who could help. Anything. I know it's a lot to expect, but how many dwarfs are really willing to talk to me? I've got to try," she concludes, looking utterly dejected. Not least because it's a monumental task, her trail's a hundred years cold and most everyone who'd know anything about it has a racial grudge that might result in her getting chopped off at the knees if she puts a foot wrong.

It's perhaps not the most coherent of tales, but given she's been trying not to cry for half of it it's not too shabby in the circumstances. Still, it hurts to think about Gurgrim - the pain of his absence is just too fresh.

Intersting. I'll keep an eye on that, though I do think GW and Pratchett's dwarfish sounds more, well, dwarfy. I'm also a bit too lazy to pull together entire sentences from that link :smallwink: