View Full Version : Villainous Competition IV, or, The Truth is in the (Blood) Pudding

2015-05-05, 06:31 AM
Welcome back everyone, to the fourth evil villain competition, also known as, Optimize my BBEG!

First One (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395046-Villainous-Competition-Or-Optimize-my-BBEG!)
Second One (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?400517-Villainous-Competition-Round-2-Or-Give-me-something-evil!&p=18868986#post18868986)
Third One (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?406015-Villainous-Competition-3-Or-No-Holds-Barred!)
We're a little different than most of the optimization threads. We run on CR instead of ECL.

Contestants: You will need to present a write-up of your build with at least one of the following points: 5 CR, 10 CR 15CR, 20 CR, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build, as well as presenting a fully-fleshed out 20 CR build in the table below. Feel free to present as many of these as you like, and please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability at all of the levels you didn't show. The rules are as follows:

Secret Laboratory: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt or Generic Classes are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Item Familiars and Taint are also banned from the competition. We don’t want to make this too easy, do we?

Plotting Time: Contestants will have until 17:59 CST (23:59 GMT) Tuesday, May 26th to create their builds and PM them to the Supreme Chancellor, Gwachitallemall. Builds will then be posted simultaneously, to avoid copying. Judges will have until 17:59 CST (23:59 GMT) Tuesday, June 9th to judge the builds and submit their scores. If no judges have scored by that point, only the scores of the first judge to submit will be counted.

Judging: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Concept.

Concept will be how close the contestants stick to the contest’s concept, based on the judge’s discretion.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. As the Iron Chef competition states, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.
Elegance: Fully monstrous builds are allowed, but may be penalized at the judges discretion. All class levels are to be added on as associated class levels. Amount of sources can be penalized, but obscurity of sources should not be penalized. Count the three Core books as one source. Unearthed Arcana can be penalized for elegance if the specific feature seems unnecessary or makes the playing field unfair (In this case, you can give a 0 if it makes the field unfair.)

Presentation: Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build, as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries!

Using the table below, the easiest way to use it is to go to the top left of the private message, and click the little a/A icon. It allows you to see what you're writing.
Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, I'd like everyone to try to use the following table for their entry.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

You can use the below table for Spells.

Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code Immediately Below,
Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Speculation: Please don’t post or speculate on possible builds until the “reveal, in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines.

So! Who wants to sign up as a contestant, and who wants to sign up as a judge? Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing!

Concept for this 4th Contest is:

The Grave Keeper.

“Bones, My Pretties, Bones! Bones speak to you like no one else ever could.”

Limitations: None.

Clarification on Concept: This can be any sort of Necromancer, or the like, even an undead. Let your mind roam on this one.

Leadership is still banned.

We will award 1st through 3rd places, and a possible Honorable Mention.

Use Elite Array instead of Normal Array, no Penalty on using Elite Array on a creature without any class levels.

Tips for submitting your entry, provided by Weaselguy:

- Use capitalization and punctuation, correctly.
- Make good use of Spoilers, for cleanliness.
- Don't forget your sources. If it's something that can be found in the contents section, then book title seems to be fine. Obscure stuff, may want to include page number too.
- DeviantArt has about 9 billion pictures that you can reference, I can almost guarantee you can find one there to fit your character.
- Make good use of tables. In addition to the Build table and the Spells table, I like doing on e for my Ability Scores, just to keep it neat.
- Do a build stub at the top of your Build Table, something like Wizard 2/Fighter 3/Abjurant Champion 5/Eldritch Knight 10

Begin your evil plotting.

To Standardize Entries, please use this format when emailing it in:

PM: My Name
Subject: Villainous Competition 4, Name of your Entry

For Revisions and disputes, do the same thing. It makes it easier for me finding the entries in my mail box.

As for questions, just send them as Villainous Competition 4 Questions.

2015-05-05, 07:34 AM
Pen me down to judge for this one, I do suppose. I go on often enough, I should remember.

2015-05-05, 07:43 AM
Ooh, we switched to Roman numerals. Fancy!

2015-05-05, 08:49 AM
I'm in for judging. Real life won't get the better of me this time! *shakes fist at real life*

2015-05-05, 09:54 AM
I have an idea for this one. I'm in for competing.

Sam K
2015-05-05, 10:00 AM
I'm sure I can slap an undead template on something pure and innocent for this one!

2015-05-05, 10:55 AM
By the way, I like that this one is a bit more open, with no restrictions. I'm very interested to see what direction people take from the prompt.

2015-05-05, 11:03 AM
Indeed, I'm curious to see what races and templates people come up with for this one.

2015-05-05, 12:16 PM
Yeah, I might be removing limitations, depending on how this one goes.

Edit: The perceptive may notice I removed the intelligence requirement, for this one.

Sam K
2015-05-06, 03:00 AM
Yeah, I might be removing limitations, depending on how this one goes.

Edit: The perceptive may notice I removed the intelligence requirement, for this one.

I think the limitations should be used when they add something. They should be used to encourage creativity and avoid the most obvious low hanging fruit.

The warlord one was good, I think. No full casters actually encouraged some diversity in the builds (although the most obvious builds still won). The natures avenger restriction didn't make any sense. It didn't ban the use of manufactured goods (which was the spirit of the restriction), it simply forbade taking levels of a class that was proficient in wearing some manufactured goods. You could actually still make a character based around wearing heavy armor as long as it wasn't proficient.

2015-05-06, 03:56 AM
Item Familiars and Taint are also banned from the competition
Gravekeepers and Taint would be so much spot on there, at least on fluff side. This is still banned, even if not used to obviously grab bonus feats ? :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-06, 10:51 AM
Encouraging creativity is a good thing, but sometimes a blanket restriction might stifle it rather than encourage it. If you want a villain that has a signature arcane spell, and ban Wizard and Sorcerer, then yeah, you're not going to get the obvious builds. But you might not get a weird twist someone would do on the concept, like taking a few levels of Wizard to get the spell then going into something off-the-wall like Ninja or Swashbuckler the rest of the way.

2015-05-09, 09:57 PM
So, how are the builds coming? Any ideas crash and burn so far? I've had two... but this last one might hold up.

2015-05-09, 10:24 PM
I've got a rough idea. I'm really going to try to muster the motivation to write it up, along with an Iron Chef entry.

2015-05-10, 12:49 AM
I considered submitting another Sluggy Freelance-inspired build, but I think I'll just sit out this round instead.

2015-05-12, 05:44 AM
One week left, my inbox looks pretty empty.

2015-05-12, 07:51 AM
One week left, my inbox looks pretty empty.

Is that ever not the case, though? All build competition people are procrastinators.

2015-05-12, 09:18 AM
Is that ever not the case, though? All build competition people are procrastinators.

Totes procrastinating... I have almost the entire build done up in Excel, I just have to tabulate it into forum code...

2015-05-12, 10:15 PM
I'm in the process of failing a Fort save to some horrible plague (hooray for having a Kindergartener in the house)... but the build is done and submitted.

2015-05-18, 11:13 AM
The clock's ticking! Any other late-breaking submissions?

2015-05-19, 02:33 AM
So, something like a little over 16 hours left, right? I should be able to finish my entry (barely) when I get off work...

2015-05-19, 05:54 AM
12 hours left, now.

2015-05-19, 07:26 AM
I probably won't be able to get a submission in. Stupid end of the school year... :smallfrown:

I may judge, though.

2015-05-19, 09:38 AM
And now the second-guessing starts. Did it just sound like a good idea because I was half-feverish? :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-19, 05:00 PM
1 Hour to close.. I only have 2 builds. Have we lost interest?

2015-05-19, 05:15 PM
1 Hour to close.. I only have 2 builds. Have we lost interest?

As I mentioned above, it's the end of the semester and I'm swamped with schoolwork. It's possible that other people are in the same boat.

2015-05-19, 07:54 PM
1 Hour to close.. I only have 2 builds. Have we lost interest?I burned out my enthusiasm on Iron Chef this time round, and the deadlines were only two days apart. I had two ideas that I would have liked to put together, but just couldn't get motivated.

2015-05-19, 08:21 PM
I'd been trying to keep my deadline away from Iron Chef, but I'll admit I didn't look at this one. Okay, for this time only, because I only have 2 entries, if everyone thinks this is fair, I'm going to extend it until Next Tuesday, same time.

2015-05-19, 08:24 PM
Sounds fine to me!

2015-05-19, 10:18 PM
Praise Cthulhu, cause I got off work and fell straight asleep last night, without finishing my build. I'll get it done this time though!

2015-05-20, 09:24 AM
I'd been trying to keep my deadline away from Iron Chef, but I'll admit I didn't look at this one. Okay, for this time only, because I only have 2 entries, if everyone thinks this is fair, I'm going to extend it until Next Tuesday, same time.

That seems fair. I'm not even in school anymore and I was feeling second-hand pressure from my room mate.

2015-05-21, 09:58 AM
By the way, if we don't get enough, we'll have to figure something else out. I'd hope for at least two more entries.

2015-05-21, 10:33 AM
Mine will be done by sunday, just have to do my Background and Spells list.

Sam K
2015-05-22, 03:53 PM
Sorry, my D&D interest has hit a low recently, so my motivation to put something together isn't very strong at the moment. We'll see if I can find the inspiration this weekend, I do have a pretty cool concept. Maybe I could hire a sub-contractor to do the actual writing up!

2015-05-24, 07:40 AM
Ok, mine's submitted. Thanks again for the extension!

2015-05-24, 01:53 PM
I'm still hoping to get an entry in. I've been banging my head against some rules issues, but I think it'll all resolve into something really memorable.

2015-05-26, 05:34 AM
Alright, well just 12 hours left, 3 entrants so far. I'm probably going to take a break from making these after this one.

2015-05-26, 07:12 PM
I'm pretty sure there are enough builds for a reveal. :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-26, 07:16 PM
There are definitely enough builds now, hah. I'm a little preoccupied, but I'll get them up soon. Hold off posting until I'm finished.

2015-05-26, 07:19 PM
The Undead Knight.

Geroldt Brand

Human Bard1/Paladin5/Dirgesinger5/Bone Knight9


And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
And when you're gone we want you all to know:
We'll carry on, we'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone, believe me,
Your memory will carry on; we'll carry on.
And in my heart I can't contain it,
The anthem won't explain it.
A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all.
So paint it black and take it back
Let's shout it loud and clear
Defiant to the end we hear the call...

In his younger years, Geroldt Brand lived a carefree life in Wakefield, a town near the kingdom’s border. Much to the dismay of his parents, Geroldt spent most of his time in the tavern learning from the Bards that traveled through. He loved his father, and respected his place in the service of the king, but he knew that music was his calling. And what place could music have in the army? One day, his father brought him to the town square to see a passing troop of Paladins, their white uniforms gleaming in the sun. They were led by a troop of six officers, playing flute, drums, and horns, with as much skill and passion as any Bard. Six months later, Geroldt had taken his oaths as a Paladin of Pelor.

He fought bravely in the order, distinguishing himself and rising in rank. His skill on the pipes became known far and wide. But disaster was waiting. Geroldt and his platoon were two days’ march away when the word came that an army of brigands had struck Wakefield. He frantically raised militia across the countryside as they made their way back. He arrived to find the walls barely holding. With his reinforcements, and a furious sortie that splintered the enemy commander’s elite troops, Wakefield was saved. But it was a victory laced with sorrow: his father had fallen to the invaders outside the city walls, holding off the enemy as the last few civilians took shelter.

Geroldt blamed himself for his father’s death. Grief gave way to depression, and depression gave way to despair. He forsook his Paladin’s vows, taking refuge in the only thing that had ever really made him happy: his music. His songs were no longer songs of joy, but grief and loss. If only his music could have saved his father. But maybe there was a way. Music to restore life to the dead, music to bring them back. With this newfound knowledge, it was time to stop wallowing, and start leading again. And he could, he could lead them all. Not a thin line of Paladins in white, but a mighty army clad in black. He would make his own parade.

Now Geroldt is wreaking havoc through the countryside as a Bone Knight. His haunting music strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. At the sound of his pipes, even the dead can wake, for a time. Necromancers of all descriptions are flocking to his banner, and his undead legions are growing by the day. Such a clear threat to the kingdom demands a response, and your players are just the ones to end his reign of terror…

Str 15
Dex 8
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 13
Cha 14

Bard1/Paladin5/Dirgesinger5/Bone Knight9

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Craft (Weaponsmithing) 4, Craft (Armorsmithing) 4, Gather Information 4, Know (History) 4, Know (Religion) 4, Perform (wind instruments) 4, Sleight of Hand 4, UMD 4
Melodic Casting, Able Learner
Bardic music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1

Craft (Armor) 5, Know(History) 5, Perform 5, Ride 1
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day

Craft (Weapon) 5, Know (Religion) 5, Perform 6, Ride 2
Devoted Performer
Divine Grace, Lay On Hands

Craft (Armor) 6, Craft (Weapon) 6, Perform 7, Ride 3
Aura of Courage, Divine Health. +1 Str

Perform 8, Ride 6
Turn Undead

Perform 9, Ride 9
Smite Evil 2/day, Special Mount

Perform 10, Ride 10, UMD 8
Song of Sorrow

Perform 11, Ride 11, UMD 9, Know (Religion) 7
Song of Bolstering. +1 Con

Perform 12, Ride 12, UMD 11, Know (Religion) 9
Song of Grief

Perform 13, Ride 13, UMD 13, Know (Religion) 11
Song of Horror

Perform 14, Ride 14, UMD 14, Know(Religion) 14
Song of Awakening

Bone Knight1
Perform 15, Ride 15, UMD 15, Know(Religion) 15
Destruction Retribution
Bonecraft Armor (+4 intimidate, DR 1 or 2/Bludgeoning), Paladin Conversion, Rebuke Undead. +1 Con

Bone Knight 2
Perform 16, Ride 16, UMD 16, Know(Religion) 16
Bone March, Summon Skeletal Steed

Bone Knight 3
Perform 17, Ride 17 UMD 17, Know(Religion) 17
Master of the White Banner Black Parade

Bone Knight 4
Perform 18, Ride 18 UMD 18, Know(Religion) 18
Mounted Combat
Improved Bonecraft Armor (DR +1, Immune to Stunning and Nonlethal)

Bone Knight 5
Perform 19, Ride 19 UMD 19, Know(Religion) 19
Fill the Ranks 1/day. +1 Str

Bone Knight 6
Perform 20, Ride 20 UMD 20, Know(Religion) 20
Bonecraft Weapon (+1d6 vs living)

Bone Knight 7
Perform 21, Ride 21 UMD 21, Know(Religion) 21
Battle Blessing
Improved Bonecraft Armor (DR +1, 50% fortification, act without penalty while disabled/dying

Bone Knight 8
Perform 22 Ride 22 UMD 22, Know(Religion) 22
Exoskeleton of Undeath (Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, death effects, fatigue, exhaustion, ability damage to physical scores, ability drain, energy drain, and death from massive damage)

Bone Knight 9
Perform 23, Ride 23 UMD 23, Know(Religion) 23
Death Strike 1/day. +1 Str

Bard Spells Known
Prestidigitation, Lullaby, Summon Instrument, Read Magic

Spells per Day/Spells Known






















At this level, Geroldt has not yet become a villain. He is a very atypical Paladin, considering his Bardic background. His skill selection is helped by the Able Learner feat, but his combat prowess is not equal to his fellow Paladins, who have taken things like Power Attack and Mounted Combat instead of Melodic Casting and Devoted Performer. The PCs might encounter him as a helpful NPC, taking the role of a “good cop” Paladin. He should mention his father at some point during the interaction to foreshadow his future tragedy and fall from grace.
Geroldt is now in the pit of despair. He is isolated from his former comrades, and more than dabbling in the Necromantic arts. His combat prowess has taken a tremendous hit from Falling. However, his Dirge Songs – with DCs based on his ranks in Perform, rather than his caster level - can be a potent debuffing force.

(Note: Geroldt is no longer Good when he takes his first Dirgesinger level. This will briefly give him levels of Ex-Paladin, until taking Bone Knight for Paladin Conversion).

While spells like Animate Dead are not on his spell list, his ranks in Use Magic Device will allow him to use scrolls and wands (likely obtained through his association with Necromancers). The PCs might find him associating with a small group of Necromancers and their undead hordes; or as a lone madman in a ruined laboratory or library.
Geroldt has embraced his destiny as a Bone Knight, and recovered most of the abilities he lost as an ex-Paladin. With the Desecrate spell now on his list, he is much more able to command a large host of minions. Destruction Retribution allows even the minor undead he creates through scrolls to be more than cannon fodder. His Dirge Songs continue to increase in potency as his ranks in Perform increase. Thanks to his Melodic Casting, he can use the Perform skill in place of Concentration for his Paladin spells, helping him to avoid Attacks of Opportunity while in the thick of battle. The PCs might encounter him as the commander of a fortress full of undead and Necromancers.
This is the build’s sweet spot. Much like level 15, but [i]Fill the Ranks[\i] is now active, giving him the ability to make his own undead.

Geroldt now personally commands a troop of Karrnathi Zombies or Skeletons that he has created with his [i]Fill the Ranks[\i] ability. His Exoskeleton of Undeath offers him protection from a wide range of conditions. Battle Blessing allows him to cast his Paladin spells more quickly in combat. His ranks in Use Magic Device and Perform are at their maximum, giving him a significant edge for casting from scrolls, staves, or wands. The PCs might encounter him as the head of an invading undead legion, or a cult leader attempting to conjure up a ghastly undead Deity.

Melodic Casting feat: Complete Mage 44.
Able Learner feat: Races of Destiny 150.
Devoted Performer feat: Complete Adventurer 107.
Requiem feat: Libris Mortis 29.
Dirgesinger Prestige Class: Libris Mortis 43.
Corpsecrafter feat: Libris Mortis 25.
Destruction Retribution feat: Libris Mortis 26.
Bone Knight Prestige Class: Five Nations 117.
Battle Blessing feat: Complete Champion 55.
Karrnathi Zombie, Karrnathi Skeleton: Eberron Campaign Setting 292 (referenced by Bone Knight’s [i]Fill the Ranks[\i] ability)

Bagpipes of the Damned (Libris Mortis)
Harmonizing and Profane weapon enhancements(MIC)
Scepter of the Netherworld (MIC)
Rod of Undead Mastery (MIC)
Circlet of Persuasion
Cloak of Charisma
Vest of Resistance (MiC)
Wand of Animate Dead
Scrolls of Summon Undead, Plague of Undead (Libris Mortis); Create Undead; Create Greater Undead.

2015-05-26, 07:22 PM
Dragons for the darkness, dragons for the shadows.

The Shadow of Death

Mature Adult Loredrake Shadow Dragon Ur-Priest 1/Soul Eater 1/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1

Razlyn’susselsathra (Raz, for short) was, for the greatest expanse of his life, relatively typical of other Shadow Dragons. He lived in a nice dark Duergar graveyard, and set about raising these industrious workers of the Underdark to collect gems and precious metals for him and to extend his cavern network to allow for greater access to other parts of the Underdark. He devoted massive amounts of his free time in the pursuit of magical knowledge, and even did what he could to study religion and various planar entities.

But then came along a group of adventurers. Like nearly all of the short-lived races, they were greedy and disrespectful of life. They snuck into his network of caves with admittedly remarkable skill, bypassing his clever traps (both mundane and magical), and attacked young Raz with a fervor that seemed to be divinely inspired. Raz assaulted them with his own selection of spells, pitting his undead minions against their much smaller force, but Raz was quickly outmatched by the plunderer’s Cleric and Paladin. Those two seemed Heavens-bent on eradicating Raz from the Planes of existence.

It quickly became clear that Raz’s only course of action was to retreat deep into the Underdark, and to sacrifice his wondrous horde to the holy invaders. But he swore revenge in his parting, determined to seek out any advantage it would take to wreak havoc on those that assaulted him. For dragons are the longest living of the races, and they have an exceptional memory.

Moving deeper into the Underdark, Razlyn’susselsathra sought out a new cave network to call his own, within which to renew his studies in order to vanquish his foes. His research eventually led him to a rarely practiced form of divine magic, in which the user literally steals traces of divine magic from the pool that deities allocate their clerics, and his travelling led him to a long forgotten cave wherein various dragons had travelled to in their dying moments, an underground dragon graveyard. Warded over by a group calling themselves Dispassionate Watchers, this cave was lacking a guardian. Recalling what had happened to the last graveyard tended to by a younger Razlyn’susselsathra, Raz claimed dominion over this new cave, and set about preparing for the day when vengeance would be his.

From Level







All increases from gaining HD go to Wisdom. Racial bonus to ability scores extrapolated by reducing listed ability scores by 10 (or 11).

Important Notes: Loredrake increases Arcane Caster Level by 2, as well as adds Spellcraft to the list of Class Skills for the Dragon. Shadow Dragon adds Hide, Jump, and Move Silently to the list of Class Skill for the Dragon. Also, with regards to skills per level, a Dragon gains skill points retroactively due to increases in Intelligence from aging. Skill point ranks are calculated using the final intelligence for this dragon.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Shadow Dragon (Wyrmling)
Bluff (3.5), Concentration (7), Diplomacy (7), Hide (7), Intimidate (7), Knowledge {Arcana} (7), Knowledge {The Planes} (7), Knowledge {Religion} (7), Listen (7), Move Silently (7), Search (7), Sense Motive (7), Spellcraft (7), Spot (7), Use Magic Device (7)
Tomb-Tainted Soul, Iron Will
Energy Drain Immunity

Shadow Dragon (Very Young)
Bluff (5), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (10), Hide (10), Intimidate (10), Knowledge {Arcana} (10), Knowledge {The Planes} (10), Knowledge {Religion} (10), Listen (10), Move Silently (10), Search (10), Sense Motive (10), Spellcraft (10), Spot (10), Use Magic Device (10)
Shadow Blend

Shadow Dragon (Young)
Bluff (6.5), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (13), Hide (13), Intimidate (13), Knowledge {Arcana} (13), Knowledge {The Planes} (13), Knowledge {Religion} (13), Listen (13), Move Silently (13), Search (13), Sense Motive (13), Spellcraft (13), Spot (13), Use Magic Device (13)
Weapon Focus (Claw)

Shadow Dragon (Juvenile)
Bluff (8), Concentration (16), Diplomacy (16), Hide (16), Intimidate (16), Knowledge {Arcana} (16), Knowledge {The Planes} (16), Knowledge {Religion} (16), Listen (16), Move Silently (16), Search (16), Sense Motive (16), Spellcraft (16), Spot (16), Use Magic Device (16)
Fell Animate
Mirror Image, Spellcasting (3rd level Sorcerer)

Shadow Dragon (Young Adult)
Bluff (9.5), Concentration (19), Diplomacy (19), Hide (19), Intimidate (19), Knowledge {Arcana} (19), Knowledge {The Planes} (19), Knowledge {Religion} (19), Listen (19), Move Silently (19), Search (19), Sense Motive (19), Spellcraft (19), Spot (19), Use Magic Device (19)
Energy Substitution (Cold)
Damage Reduction 5/Magic, Spellcasting (5th Level Sorcerer)

Shadow Dragon (Adult)
Bluff (11), Concentration (22), Diplomacy (22), Hide (22), Intimidate (22), Knowledge {Arcana} (22), Knowledge {The Planes} (22), Knowledge {Religion} (22), Listen (22), Move Silently (22), Search (22), Sense Motive (22), Spellcraft (22), Spot (22), Use Magic Device (22)
Lord of the Uttercold
Dimension Door, Spellcasting (7th Level Sorcerer)

Shadow Dragon (Mature Adult)
Bluff (12.5), Concentration (25), Diplomacy (25), Hide (25), Intimidate (25), Knowledge {Arcana} (25), Knowledge {The Planes} (25), Knowledge {Religion} (25), Listen (25), Move Silently (25), Search (25), Sense Motive (25), Spellcraft (25), Spot (25), Use Magic Device (25)
Spell Focus (Evil)
Damage Reduction 10/Magic, Spellcasting (9th Level Sorcerer)

Ur-Priest 1
Bluff (16.5), Concentration (26), Knowledge {Arcane} (26), Knowledge {The Planes} (26), Knowledge {Religion} (26), Spellcraft (26)
Spellcasting (1st Level Ur-Priest)

Soul Eater 1
Bluff (19.5), Concentration (27), Knowledge {Arcane} (27), Knowledge {The Planes} (27), Knowledge {Religion} (27), Spellcraft (27)
Life Drain
Energy Drain 1

Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1
Bluff (21.5), Concentration (28), Knowledge {Arcane} (28), Knowledge {The Planes} (28), Knowledge {Religion} (28), Spellcraft (28)
Divine Conversion, Calming Aura, Draconic Knowledge, Spellcasting (10th level Ur-Priest)

The following chart represents the spells per day and spells known for the Dragon's innate Sorcerer Spellcasting, before additions due to high casting stat.

Spells per Day/Spells Known






The following table represents the Dragon's Divine casting due to Ur-Priest and DWoC's Divine Conversion, again before adding bonus spells due to high casting stat.

Spells per Day




A quick note on the following format: Usually these builds are displayed as level 5, 10, 15, 20, and sweet spot. I shall change this slightly, simply because Dragons are incredibly obnoxious in the fact that they have random breakpoints based on CR. The following will still be presented in a logical format, just not in the standard 5, 10, 15, 20.

Up to CR 9: Below CR 9, Razlyn’susselsathra is played as a straight up Shadow Dragon. Standard tactics apply, including not landing on the ground, performing strafing runs with energy breath, staying out of the range of archers, and obliterating frail humanoids who appear to be waving their arms in the air and mangling the pristine Draconic language with their spellcasting. After the Spellcasters have been dealt with, follow up with the archers, and then the tin-cans (fighters, knights, and paladins, I believe they are called). Pay special attention to Clerics. They often disguise themselves as tin-cans (odd, since I don’t recall seeing Disguise on their class skills list) and yet manage to throw rather potent spells at you. The same can be said for random small wildlife: More than likely, that sparrow flying annoyingly close is actually a Druid preparing to summon bears or call lightning or some-such other nonsense.
CR 9 through 14: Yay, you’re a Sorcerer! And a not-half bad one at that, thanks to Loredrake bumping you up 2 caster levels. Fell Animate, Energy Substitution (Cold), and Lord of the Uttercold combine with your 7th level Sorcerer casting to provide some rather useful necromancer shenanigans as well. Chuck Fell Animate on some Lesser Orbs of X and mow down pesky humans to animate yourself a free zombie army.
CR14 through 17: Alright, CR 17 is the last of the pure Dragon (it's also the Sweet Spot). We have casting as a 9th level Sorcerer now, which means 5th level spells. That’s high enough to Fell Animate a Kelgore’s Grave Mist. With this bad boy, we deal 9 rounds of 1d6 cold damage, and anything that dies in that mist gets Animated as a Zombie. Oh yeah, a note on Fell Animate: It creates a maximum of Zombies whose combined HD add up to double your own HD. Did you catch that? DOUBLE. At CR 17, you have 22 HD. That means you get 44HD worth of Zombies, for FREE! By CR20, you’re lookin’ at a wonderfully solid 25 HD, meaning you can have 50 HD worth of zombies shambling around. My advice? Find yourself a nice pair of dying White Dragons and put them out of their misery with some Fell Animate Lesser Orbs of Fire (4th level spells with Metamagic, 5d8 Fire damage (no save, no SR)). Why White Dragons, you may ask? Because Energy Substitution (Cold) lets you make your spells deal Cold damage instead of whatever else it would do. And Lord of the Uttercold takes half of that damage and makes it Negative Energy. Which means it heals your Undead goons. It’s counteracted by the cold damage they would take, unless they are immune to cold damage. Like Skeletons are. And Frost Giants. And other critters with the Cold Subtype. See where I’m going with this? And oh, by the way, these 44HD worth of Zombies following you around at CR17? Their HD pool is separate from the amount you can have from Animate Dead (that would be 36 HD at CR17). This number will go up soon enough.
CR18, 19 and 20: Let’s start off with CR18. Dear sweet delicious Ur-Priest cheese. Hello Cleric Spell list, how are you today? This isn’t really anything spectacular right now, but with that spell list opened up to us, and our prodigious UMD skill, it’s pretty safe to say we can use all of the items (easier than before, that is).
CR19, Soul Eater and Life Drain. “How dare you take a class that doesn’t progress spellcasting! Shun, SHUUUUNNNNN” *ahem* Yeah, worth it in this case. We qualify for Soul Eater thanks to not being a lame humanoid. We benefit from it by getting Energy Drain as a Su ability, which in turn qualifies us for the Life Drain feat. Funny story about this feat, it only says whenever we deal level drain, not whenever you deal level drain from your Su ability. This means that our fantastically awesome breath weapon, which deals negative levels, allows us to benefit from the Life Drain feat. To the tune of 4 negative levels dealt + 44 hit points deducted, and healing yourself for 24 hp of that. Applied to everything in your cone attack.
CR20, Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis, and say hello to my 10th level Ur-Priest casting! Wait, what’s that? How’d I jump from 1 to 10? It’s called Divine Conversion, and it reads to the tune of “convert your innate sorcerer spellcasting over to whatever divine spellcasting class you have level(s) in”. So, we just jumped from 9th level sorcerer and 1st level ur-priest, over to 10th level ur-priest. Which means 9th level spells. It’s only 2 per day, but I mean, come on, they’re 9th level spells! And you can change them every day, since they are divine, and not learned like a sorcerer has to! Now, this doesn’t come without a few drawbacks. We do lose access to our fancy Orb of No Save/No SR spells, along with Kelgore and all of his misty glory. But we gain Desecrate. And we keep Animate Dead. We also get such amazing spells as Divine Power, Righteous Might, Create Undead, and, oh goody, Fell Animate Harm. That’s a flat 100 HP damage spell that will Animate whatever you just killed as your own Zombie.

Alright, so, Dragons have hoards. It’s a fact of life. They sleep in it, they bathe in it, and they bury hapless adventurers with it. But sometimes they invest it, in themselves. If I were a dragon, especially the type of necromanticly inclined, god-forsaking dragon presented here, I would probably invest in a few items designed to protect my scaly hide. Like, say, a Belt of Magnificence +6. Perhaps even a nice suit of +1 Soulfire Mithral Chainmail Barding as well.

With regards to cross-setting interference (using a Shadow Dragon from FR with Loredrake from Eberron): The Shadow Dragon was introduced for 3e in Draconomicon, and updated to 3.5 in Player’s Guide to Faerun, which to me means it’s at least partially setting neutral.

Draconomicon - Shadow Dragon, age categories, Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis
Player’s Guide to Faerun - Shadow Dragon
Dragons of Eberron - Loredrake
Complete Divine - Ur-Priest
Book of Vile Darkness - Soul Eater
Libris Mortis - various undead references, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Fell Animate
Player’s Handbook - Spells, skills, Spell Focus
Dungeon Master’s Guide - Items
Monster Manual I - Dragons, Undead
Player’s Handbook II - Spells
Spell Compendium - Spells
Complete Arcane - Energy Substitution, Lord of the Uttercold, Spells
Miniature's Handbook - Belt of Magnificence

2015-05-26, 07:24 PM
Annie seems a little more decayed here..

LE Slaymate Wizard 8/Pale Master 10

Image by Corinthia Ward (http://corinthiajoy.deviantart.com/art/Zombie-Child-2-195034080).

Annabelle always wanted to be a wizard. When a traveling wizard offered to train her, her parents refused, but she snuck out and went with him anyway. He taught her a lot, but not about wizardry. Not on purpose, anyway. Annabelle was too small and weak to stop him from drowning her, but she was a smart kid, even in undeath, so she watched and studied and bided her time until the opportunity to kill her master arose. After taking steps to assure that he could not return as she had, she was finally free. Free, and still ever so curious about magic.

Annabelle's major quirk is that she won't kill children. She'll kill their parents, which generally amounts to the same thing, but she won't outright kill anyone who has yet to reach the age of majority. As far as she's concerned, adults can't be trusted, so her goal is to make herself safe by killing and raising as many of them as possible--preferably under her control, but free-willed undead are better than living grownups. She would be particularly fun in a game where the PCs are children fighting to save all the adults.

Ability Scores & Racial Traits
Pre-Racial-Adjustment: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 14
Post-Racial-Adjustment: Str 12, Dex 15, Con --, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 18
Increase: Int at HD 4, 8, 12, and 16; Cha at HD 20.

Racial Traits: Undead traits, Pale Wasting (Fort Save 12 + Cha mod); Pale Aura
Build Table

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Slaymate (4 HD)
Concentration 2, Hide 6, Knowledge (Religion) 3, Knowledge (Arcana) 3, Listen 7, Move Silently 7, Spot 7
Skill Focus: Know (Religion), Corpsecrafter
Racial features

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 3, Know (Religion) 5, Know (Arcana) 4, Spellcraft 1
Scribe Scroll (B)

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 5, Know (Religion) 8, Spellcraft 2
Fell Animate

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 6, Know (Arcana) 5, Spellcraft 5

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 7, Know (Arcana) 6, Spellcraft 6

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 8, Know (Arcana) 8, Spellcraft 7
Stitched Flesh Familiar, Fell Drain (B)
Expanded spellbook

Pale Master
Hide 7, Know (Arcana) 9, Movie Silently 8, Spellcraft 8

Pale Master
Concentration 9, Hide 8, Movie Silently 9, Spellcraft 9

Animate Dead 1/day

Pale Master
Concentration 10, Hide 10, Movie Silently 10, Spellcraft 10
Arcane Thesis (Kelgore's Grave Mist)
Darkvision 120'

Pale Master
Concentration 11, Hide 12, Movie Silently 13, Spellcraft 11

Undead Armor Affinity (10%)

Pale Master
Concentration 12, Hide 14, Movie Silently 14, Spellcraft 12

Control Undead 1/day, Deathless Vigor

Pale Master
Concentration 13, Hide 15, Movie Silently 16, Spellcraft 13
Destructive Retribution
Undead Graft, Touch Attack 1/day, Paralyzing Touch

Pale Master
Concentration 14, Hide 17, Movie Silently 17, Spellcraft 14

Tough as Bone, Weakening Touch

Pale Master
Concentration 15, Hide 18, Movie Silently 19, Spellcraft 15

Undead Armor Affinity (20%), Touch Attack 2/day, Degenerative Touch

Pale Master
Concentration 16, Hide 20, Movie Silently 20, Spellcraft 16
Practiced Spellcaster
Undead Cohort, Destructive Touch

Pale Master
Concentration 17, Hide 21, Movie Silently 22, Spellcraft 17

Death Mastery, Touch Attack 3/day, Deathless Master's Touch

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 19, Spellcraft 20

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 22, Spellcraft 22
Fell Frighten

Wizard (Necromancer)
Concentration 24, Spellcraft 25

Spell Table
Spells per Day





















Specialist School:Necromancy
Prohibited Schools: Evocation; Illusion

Level Breakdown
CR 5: Slaymate is a race with...pros and cons for spellcasters, let's say. On the one hand, slaymates can't cast spells, but reduced metamagic, particularly reduced metamagic that doesn't have the "cannot reduce metamagic cost below 1" caveat, is a pretty good trade-off. At this level, it allows her to add Fell Animate to 0-level spell for a second-level slot, which isn't much, but can get her some minions early. Her pale wasting disease is pretty situational, since it's not worth wading into melee for. I imagine her as already being a free agent at this level, but she doesn't have to be--the PCs could even kill her necromancer master for her.

CR 10 (Sweet Spot): Annabelle has very little reason to actually prepare Animate Dead between her SLA and Fell Animate, which can be added to Kelgore's Grave Mist (from the PHBII) for only +1 effective spell level, and her familiar's all Frankenstein'd up, which lets her control a few extra HD worth of undead. Fell Drain, which is free if it's the only metamagic effect applied to Kelgore's Grave Mist, is a good combo for Fell Animate, since Fell Animate is only useful when someone's going to die from spell damage and Fell Drain is only useful when they're not.

CR 15: A few Pale Master abilities are crossed out on Annabelle's build table either because they're redundant when she's already undead or because leadership is disallowed in this competition. Her touch attacks are another thing like her bite that's probably not worth getting into melee for, particularly at this level. Destructive Retribution is a lot of fun, though, since she should have a lot of humanoid adult skeletons she doesn't care about, which makes for good mobs.

CR 20: Annabelle's touch attack becomes better with the combo of Degenerative Touch + Deathless Master's Touch, but, ehh, Fell Drain is still your cooler friend. Practiced Spellcaster gets her final effective caster level up to 22 (because of her slaymate HD). Not too shabby. Three wizard levels aren't a very exciting way to cap off the build, but they get her up to 9th-level spells, and her build is feat-hungry enough that I couldn't spare any to get her into another PrC.

Look, Annabelle's level 19 feat should be Undead Mastery, from the ELH, but Annabelle doesn't qualify without gear. Elite array, grumble mumble. It shouldn't be difficult to get a +2 tome of leadership or cloak of charisma by this level, though, so unless you're running a very low-gear game, just let your BBEG have a stupidly large undead army. I mean, Fell Frighten is fun too (and a free add-on to Kelgore's Grave Mist!), but it's no stupidly large undead army.

Also, if Annabelle did get a cohort, it should be another free-willed undead of about her own age.

Complete Arcane: Practiced Spellcaster
Libris Mortis: Slaymate, Pale Master, Corpsecrafter, Destructive Retribution, Fell Animate, Fell Drain, Fell Frighten, Stitched Flesh Familiar
Player's Handbook II: Arcane Thesis, Kelgore's Grave Mist

2015-05-26, 07:26 PM
The Wightcalypse has come.

Atalia, the Wight Queen.
Wight warriors by MSpiral
"Oh, but I didn't raise them. They did."

"I'm not a necromancer - I don't raise these creatures. I kill them. They do the raising on their own. Why not try it?"

Atalia is a Chaotic Evil 20th-level sorcerer by the end of her career, though she is more suitable for lower-level encounters due to the increased potency of her abilities. She revolves largely about using negative levels to turn her foes into wights which she can control, either shattering her opponents' rings which protect them, or dispelling the magic they use to defend themselves.

Atalia begins with the following ability scores: Strength 13 Dexterity 12 Constitution 12 Intelligence 11 Wisdom 10 Charisma 17. She increases her Charisma by 5 points due to level advancement.

Atalia is a spellscale (RotD) and sustains no flaws, nor does she have any traits.
The following table details Atalia's ECL (the same as her character level) and the base values of her saves that she gets for being a sorceress. Her saves should therefore increase by: Fortitude 1 Reflex 1 Will 0. Similarly, her skills should be increased by her ability score modifier of: Bluff 3 (4 at 4th, 5 at 12th, 6 at 20th) Concentration 1 Spellcraft 0

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Sorcerer 1
Bluff 4 Concentration 4 Spellcraft 4
Spell Focus: Necromancy

Sorcerer 2
Bluff 5 Concentration 5 Spellcraft 5

Sorcerer 3
Bluff 6 Concentration 6 Spellcraft 6
Fell Drain Spell (LibMort)

Sorcerer 4
Bluff 7 Concentration 7 Spellcraft 7

Sorcerer 5
Bluff 8 Concentration 8 Spellcraft 8

Sorcerer 6
Bluff 9 Concentration 9 Spellcraft 9
Practical Metamagic (Fell Drain)
New Class Abilities

Sorcerer 7
Bluff 10 Concentration 10 Spellcraft 10

Sorcerer 8
Bluff 11 Concentration 11 Spellcraft 11

Sorcerer 9
Bluff 12 Concentration 12 Spellcraft 12
Empower Spell

Sorcerer 10
Bluff 13 Concentration 13 Spellcraft 13

Sorcerer 11
Bluff 14 Concentration 14 Spellcraft 14

Sorcerer 12
Bluff 15 Concentration 15 Spellcraft 15
Practical Metamagic: Empower

Sorcerer 13
Bluff 16 Concentration 16 Spellcraft 16

Sorcerer 14
Bluff 17 Concentration 17 Spellcraft 17

Sorcerer 15
Bluff 18 Concentration 18 Spellcraft 18
Chain Spell

Sorcerer 16
Bluff 19 Concentration 19 Spellcraft 19

Sorcerer 17
Bluff 20 Concentration 20 Spellcraft 20
New Class Abilities

Sorcerer 18
Bluff 21 Concentration 21 Spellcraft 21
Practical Metamagic (Chain spell)

Sorcerer 19
Bluff 22 Concentration 22 Spellcraft 22
New Class Abilities

Sorcerer 20
Bluff 23 Concentration 23 Spellcraft 23

The number of spells known is exactly the same as a sorcerer. The number of spells per day is the same as a sorcerer with the charisma that Atalia does. Please, don't do this to me.

Spells are listed in the order they're learned.

0: Acid Splash, Sonic Snap (SpC), Caltrops (SpC), Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue, Electric Jolt (SpC), Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights.
1: Summon Undead I (SpC) Hail of Stone (SpC), Thunderhead (SpC), Babau Slime (SpC), Lesser Orb of Sound (SpC)
2: Command Undead, Summon Undead II (SpC), Shatter, Body of the Sun (SpC), Disguise Undead (SpC)
3: Summon Undead III (SpC), Chain Missile (SpC), Rainbow Blast (SpC), Dispel Magic
4: Enervation, Thunderlance (SpC) Summon Undead IV (SpC), Burning Blood (SpC)
5: Circlet of Enervation (ShS), Graymantle (SpC), Summon Undead V (SpC), Lesser Spell Matrix (SpC)
6: Malevolent Tentacles (ShS), Greater Dispel Magic, Ghoul Gauntlet (SpC)
7: Control Undead, Energy Ebb (SpC), Sword of Darkness (SpC)
8: Polymorph Any Object, Ghostform (SpC), Veil of Undeath (SpC)
9: Eye of Power (SpC), Energy Drain, Programmed Amnesia (SpC)"There is something deeply unsatisfying about skeletons. They do not hate. They no not feel. They do not desire vengeance against the things of this world. But I? Do."

From 4th level, Atalia has the ability to throw negative levels out at people, by using such things as Fell Drain Sonic Snap or Fell Drain Caltrops (particularly nasty, as it can affect a large number of people without giving any obvious indication that they're fell drain until they've killed someone). Instantly gifted with four second-level spells, she can throw fell drain caltrops under three first-level characters' feet at first level, and control the three of them. By fifth level, then, she can have 4 wights running around if she's really careful. If that's not enough, she can throw down seven skeletons (not that she much likes using them, but desperate times) or else can chuck more caltrops to cover her escape, along with touches of fatigue if those help. She's also proficient with a morningstar and has a positive strength and constitution modifier, meaning that she stands a chance against a paladin if he's had three of his levels knocked off."Do you like them? My army of the dead..."
"Silence, witch! This is pointless! You have defiled these people's bodies, raising them from the dead to fulfill your dark purpose!"
"Oh, but I didn't raise them. They did."

Atalia stands at the forefront of an army of wights - some under her control, most cajoled by her lies (no ranks in sense motive, you say? What a pity. What a damned shame that is), wielding a spear made of lightning that allows her to make attacks from 20 feet away, and drops a negative level on anything it touches, as well as 3d6+CHA lightning damage. Oh, or she's firing 2d6+negative level, uhm, bracelets apparently, at people. What else can she do? Go check out thunderhead. It's in the spell compendium: for 1 round/CL it drops a 1-damage lightning bolt on someone, reflex negates for that round only. Do you see where this is going? Anyone who's not immune to negative levels is having 10 reflex-or-negalevel, DC admittedly only 14 but seriously, who has good reflex and isn't a rogue? Even if they pass on a 6, that's still 3 NLs which is pretty mean for a level 1-effective-2 spell.

Obviously, Negalevel immunity is a thing, but so is Shatter - will or you lose that nice ring (used against a single solid object, not as an area attack, so can break magic items) - and so is Dispel Magic. And so, of course, is Command Undead if you're immune that way, or also just throwing evocations at you until you die usually works. She doesn't have to raise you as a wight - one wight's just as good as the next, due to the really, really funky way that wights work. Negalevel a colossal-sized dragon to death? Turns into a medium human-shaped undead. You're welcome."So now your army has turned against you. Have you any last words?"
"Just two. Control Undead. Oh, wait, three more. Chain enervate."

By this point, Atalia is falling off the radar a little bit. Her armies of CR 3 creatures that can be shot down by a single shot of mass cure serious wounds just aren't as scary on level 15 as they were at level 10. But, fortunately, she can take 1d4 levels off each member of a small army, or she can keep on using the same tricks that she was using before. Control Undead to be able to grab large numbers of wights without faffing around making bluff checks is vital at this point, because the more difficult you can make the PCs' job of keeping your stuff down, the better, and you don't need uncontrollable wights running around complicating things.

Fell drain caltrops is still horribly powerful against random troops, being able to affect 5 squares and making a +4 touch attack. Plus, you can summon an honestly ludicrous number of undead, including more wights if you like. You still have the Spear of Silly, and there exist magic items that can sneak Combat Reflexes onto you if you need it. With a 20 foot reach. And fell drain.

But next level. Next level."Oh come now, I am making undead out of other undead. Surely you can't fault me for that?"

So we're at sixteenth level. Go look at Polymorph Any Object. If I turn a wight into a corporeal (+2) medium (+2) undead (+5), the transformation is permanent. It's also permanent if it's incorporeal or (but not and) nonmedium but has the same or lower INT than the wight's 11. What fits those criteria?

- Greater Shadows straight out of the MM.
- Mohrgs, also from MM.
- Possibly zombies of nigh-on anything, but that's rules-iffy and not amazing anyway.
- Really bad undead that I don't want.

Mohrgs? Mohrgs. We have an army of mohrgs. And greater shadows, I guess. But what else can we do with them? Well, we could make a Dread Wraith that lasted for 12 hours and made more wraiths with anyone it killed. Then, the resulting wight would end up in charge of them, I suppose? Or I can just control them directly. Either way."Today I may die, but my memory shall live. And my people? Not even I know whether they are alive or dead."

This may be the end of the line, but you're not done yet. Metamagic doesn't actually change a spell's level, so there's no reason that you can't drop, say, fell drain chain missiles through it, even though that's your fourth-level slot. Summoning copious numbers of undead III through the eye is funny, but not recommended. Honestly, your best hope is to avoid combat with the PCs. If you do get into combat, either shatter all their stuff and throw your undead hordes at them, or take off your ring and disappear off into a cave with your last wight.

You always dreamed of being a wight.

2015-05-26, 07:28 PM
Wood can be undead as well.


Malcanth Woodrue
NE Wood Elf Ranger 1/Ex-Druid 5/Blighter 10/Warshaper 4
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 8
(All increases go to Wis)

Mal and his tribe lived in and protected the Holy Forest until the humans invaded. Smarter and better-organized than orcs, hardier and more numerous than goblins, the humans established a fort-city and began logging and hunting in the Holy Forest, with no regard for its sacredness. Much of Mal's tribe were killed or driven off, and the city-dwellers' poison and filth affected him too, with a strange throbbing pain and dark whispers in his mind. Finally, when he could no longer bear fighting the humans honorably (as if they had any honor!), he listened to the seductive, cancerous voice in his head, which burned through his connection to his forest to reveal new and destuctive powers.

The humans wanted his forest--his world--to die? Well, Mal was the embodiment of all the destruction the humans wrought, turned back upon themselves. He burned down the remains of the forest, blighted the human's crops, spread disease throughout the city...And, finally, he had his revenge, and the city was brought to waste. It wasn't enough. Having abandoned himself so utterly to the ruination of everything he once held dear, Mal found himself unsatisfied with simply destroying one city and despoiling the surrounding environment, so he moved on to wreak his havoc on the world at large.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Concentration 4, Handle Animal 4, Knowledge (Nature) 4, Listen 4, Profession (Herbalist) 4, Spot 4, Survival 4
Combat Casting, Track (Bonus)
Favored enemy (humans), wild empathy

Concentration 5, Listen 4, Profession (Herbalist) 5, Spot 4, Survival 4

Animal companion, nature sesne, wild empathy

Concentration 6, Listen 5, Profession (Herbalist) 6, Spot 5, Survival 5
Mother Cyst
Woodland stride

Concentration 7, Listen 6, Profession (Herbalist) 7, Spot 6, Survival 6

Trackless step

Concentration 8, Listen 7, Profession (Herbalist) 8, Spot 7, Survival 7

Resist nature's lure

Concentration 9, Listen 8, Profession (Herbalist) 9, Spot 8, Survival 8
Natural Spell
Wild shape 1/day

Concentration 10, Listen 10, Spot 9, Survival 9


Concentration 11, Listen 11, Spot 11, Survival 10

Blightfire, sustenance

Concentration 12, Listen 12, Spot 12, Survival 12
Undead wild shape 1/day

Concentration 13, Knowledge (Nature) 5, Listen 13, Spot 13, Survival 13

Speak with dead animal, undead wild shape 2/day

Concentration 14, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Listen 14, Spot 14, Survival 14

Contagious touch 1/day, undead wild shape (large)

Concentration 15, Knowledge (Nature) 7, Listen 15, Spot 15, Survival 15
Willing Deformity
Animate dead animal, undead wild shape 3/day

Concentration 16, Knowledge (Nature) 8, Listen 16, Spot 16, Survival 16

Contagious touch 2/day

Concentration 17, Knowledge (Nature) 9, Listen 17, Spot 17, Survival 17

Unbond, undead wild shape 4/day

Concentration 18, Knowledge (Nature) 10, Listen 18, Spot 18, Survival 18
Deformity (Parasite)
Contagious touch 3/day, undead wild shape (Huge)

Concentration 19, Knowledge (Nature) 11, Listen 19, Spot 19, Survival 19

Plague, undead wild shape 5/day

Concentration 20, Listen 20

Morphic immunities, morphic weapons

Concentration 21, Spot 20
Abominable Form
Morphic body

Concentration 22, Listen 21

Morphic reach

Concentration 23, Spot 21

Morphic healing

Spells per Day






















Druid spells are [I]green
Blighter spells are red

Level 5: At level 5, Mal is crazy, but not necessarily evil, and certainly not on a BBEG scale. He's a druid who's been driven to the brink by people destroying his forest. The PCs may even want to help him, depending on the group, but even if they route the loggers and convince the whole city to pack up and move, someone else will come along and send Mal spiraling, since his forest is basically undefended. Also note that, in fluff terms, Mal's necrotic cyst is not something he chose or wanted. He shouldn't be using those spells yet.

Level 12 (Sweet Spot): So, the Blighter prestige class. It sucks, but is really interesting and flavorful, especially for an NPC. This is the sweet spot because it's where Mal catches back up to PC spellcasters and therefore becomes a credible personal threat, although if you play him smart, he should be okay a couple levels earlier. Mal's spell list is also sub-optimal (and I suggest adding appropriate spells from the Spell Compendium such as Acid Storm and Infestation of Maggots), but it's got undead creation spells (plus Unhallow) and decent blasting.

Other fun stuff he can do here includes a couple ways to ruin a forest (through deforestation or blightfire), Contagious Touch as an SLA (fun in conjunction with the Mother Cyst spells), and the ability to speak to dead animals. The best things, though, are Undead Wild Shape (which can be used for animals up to Large size now) and Animate Dead Animal. It's more restrictive than regular Animate Dead, but it also has no material component.

Level 20: Unbond, one of the two new abilities Blighters get in the back four, is very situational, but can really give the PCs that extra level of loathing for Mal. Use it either on someone with a tricked-out animal companion of a type that would otherwise be hostile (so it attacks the party) or, to be extra nasty, just do it to whichever player is the most attached to their animal companion/familiar. The other new ability, plague, is a more useful version of Contagious Touch. Since PCs will be able to cure disease pretty easily, only use this in places they won't visit right away, so they won't be able to save everyone.

Since Blighters can't increase their spellcasting past 10th level, Mal loses nothing by finishing up with Warshaper, which helps his undead wild shape be more potent. How does a skeleton bear grow horns? Dunno, but I bet it's creepy to watch! Between his Warshaper abilities, Mother Cyst, and his deformity feats, Mal should be twisted and gross at higher levels; less and less able to pass for normal. Play up how monstrous he looks and acts (especially since there frankly was not room in the build to make him undead) as you head into the final conflict.
Core:Wood Elf, Ranger Druid, Track, Combat Casting, Natural Spell, Multiattack

Complete Divine: Blighter
Elder Evils: Abominable Form, Deformity (Parasite)
Heroes of Horror: Willing Deformity
Libris Mortis: Mother Cyst

2015-05-26, 07:30 PM
Alright, that's everyone. It's a pretty small showing this time, but at least we have enough for a post. It does mean the entrants can have a good chance to win this time.

2015-05-26, 07:33 PM
Alright, that's everyone. It's a pretty small showing this time, but at least we have enough for a post. It does mean the entrants can have a good chance to win this time.

Small showings are fine when they have this much variety! And I almost Vizzini'd myself out of entering. I would've felt pretty dumb. :smalltongue:

I gotta run to bar trivia, though, so if someone wants to do a summary post before I get back, go right ahead.

2015-05-26, 07:50 PM
Did I agree to judge this one? I hope I did.

2015-05-26, 07:54 PM
Did I agree to judge this one? I hope I did.

You can judge even if you didn't agree, we're fine with that!

2015-05-26, 10:42 PM
You can judge even if you didn't agree, we're fine with that!

Give me until midnight tomorrow, then!

Sam K
2015-05-27, 12:00 AM
Very cool turnout!

My idea was a RKV tasked with defending the undead followers of Wee Jas, hunting down those who transgress against them, and "replentishing the ranks" by turning them into undead. I kept stumbling at the fact that I wanted to add an undead template to it, but then I felt I was gimping my chances to win because I wouldn't have lvl9 spells and it would cost me too much power.

I would offer to judge, but in all fairness I cannot. There's a creepy undead kid among the entries, I would be biased!

2015-05-27, 02:06 AM
Well, I procrastinate too much on these. Between that and other issues, I didn't get it done. Having taken a few extra hours to finish the level write ups (though it's still missing the spells table and sources list which would have taken still more time), here's my build for your viewing pleasure. I obviously don't expect it to be judged, but I would be interested in hearing any thoughts people have on it.

Abraxin Maure, Black Knight of the White Kingdom
CE Gravetouched Ghoul Human Martial Enhanced Undead Wizard 5/Master Specialist 6/Dragonslayer 1/ /Spellsword 5/Fatespinner 2

The GhoulI feel I should warn readers that the blood and guts get to be a bit much here. If that sort of thing is going to be a problem, it might be best not to read on in the fluff section. I’ll endeavor to give some idea of Abraxin’s identity as a character in the descriptions of his tactics as well. In my defense, Abraxin’s general setup wouldn’t have to be nearly so gruesome if whoever wrote the Contagious Paralysis feat had made it so a Lich could qualify by RAW. Had I been able to use a lich, the resulting character would have been a nice, orderly Hextorian tyrant, instead of a slavering butcher.


Sir John Lear rode out the city gates to where the horde waited. The smell alone would have threatened to make a lesser man sick and any ordinary horse would have balked before going near, but John and his mount were made of sterner stuff. Sir John rode on in stoic silence, offering nothing more than cold distaste in response to the hyena-laughter of the gnolls, the moaning of the dead, or even the sounds of voracious feeding from all around him.

At the center of the horde a pavilion, above which two flags were displayed proudly, overlooking the various crude sigils of minor gnoll warlords and undead of small repute which were scattered throughout the horde. Highest flew a banner bearing the three-headed flail of Yeenoghu, Demon Prince of Gnolls, and beneath it, another showing a decomposed skull on a backdrop of bones, representing Doresain, the King of Ghouls. But puffed up Demon Lords and the petty demigods enthralled to them were a worry for another day. Bringing low their cultists on the material plane would suffice for the time being, and Sir John knew that he could do it. Abraxin Maure’s atrocities might have succeeded in terrifying some of his comrades, but Sir John had cut down this “Black Knight of the White Kingdom” or whatever pretentious styling the necromancer had assumed of late back when he was just another minor cult leader that the locals in the area he terrorized had called the “Cannibal Count.” He hadn’t really been a count then, no more than he was a knight now, just some by-blow that had been fired off from House Maure in the time before the cultists’ destruction and had somehow managed to resurface. And resurface again, it would seem. The scion of the old house had, most unfortunately, not stayed dead when Sir John killed him the first time, but risen again in undeath, touched by the King of Ghouls himself at the Beast of Butchery’s behest if tales were to be believed. This time, Sir John resolved, he would ensure that the monster never returned from the abyssal backwaters of his masters’ dominion.

Sir John’s horse cantered into the center of the pavilion, coming to a stop before a seat made of what seemed to be gnawed and shattered bones, with what little grease and viscera the ghouls had been unable to strip off still clinging to them. Seated atop it was a creature that had once been human, but whose skin was now pallid with death. He wore robes and furs that Sir John had seen to have the ugly brown and mangy yellow of Yeenoghu’s cultists, but had been covered in so much filth and stained with the blood of so many different creatures as to be black. In one hand, Maure held a clawed, greenish finger which might once have belonged to a troll, or perhaps still did. The cultist was gnawing absent-mindedly at the finger, but every bit of flesh his ghoulish teeth pulled off seemed to grow back a moment later. Beside the throne of bones was the body of some manner of giant. The giant was stiff as a board and an eye not unlike those gnoll warriors painted on their weapons, that Yeenoghu might see the butchery perpetrated in his name, had been slashed across its gut, but a keen eye revealed it to be clearly alive, and seemingly unlikely to succumb to its injuries anytime soon. Rows of other creatures of all varieties, all of which had been similarly subdued and marked, arrayed the area behind the chair, each one touching the next. Maure dipped the finger into the blood that the eye of Yeenoghu was weeping before returning it to his mouth and a wave of stiffness seemed to spread across the bodies.

“Well, well,” Abraxin said between bites. “If it isn’t Sir John Lear. How lovely to see a familiar face.”

“Pleasantries should be reserved for the pleasant, Maure,” replied Sir John acidly. “My King, in his great folly, has sent me to treat with your rabble before I destroy you. But I know that you are disinclined to march away, and I am disinclined to allow, let alone persuade, you to do so, so if you don’t mind, let us have an end to this farce as soon as may be. Your camp reeks of death.”

The ghoulish face smiled in response. “Your king?” he asked with feigned ignorance. “But he is no king at all. In the sight of Yeenoghu the Destroyer, Demon Prince of Gnolls, Beast of Butchery, and Ruler of Ruin,” he pointed toward the eye upon the giant’s stomach with his troll finger, dunked the flesh once more into the blood, and lifted it back to his mouth to tear off a chunk, “and in the name of Doresain, the King of Ghouls, I have established an earthly incarnation of the White Kingdom and annexed what was once the dominion of your masters. You would do well to surrender and submit yourself to the rule of the gnolls, rather than force me to take the city by force.”

Sir John would not give Maure the satisfaction of his outrage, and merely sneered at the proclamation. “You shall never take this city while I yet live. I’ve killed you once before, and this time I intend to make certain that you stay dead.”

“You will find that more difficult than you might imagine, and the time while you yet live may be shorter than you think, unless I decide to keep you with the rest,” Maure waived his free hand at his paralyzed victims. “Perhaps I need to make this more plain. I will have your city by the time this day is out one way or another. The only choice that is left to you is whether you prefer it to be in the hands of gnolls or ghouls come nightfall. Gnolls are not the gentlest of slave masters, and sacrifices to Yeenoghu will be necessary… but they will only eat those of you who look particularly delicious. The ghouls on the other hand…” his pallid face split into a horrible, ravenous grin. “If you force me to take the city by force, and I give you over to them and this shall truly become the White Kingdom on earth. We shall devour every one of you save those needed to maintain the supplies of paralyzed flesh, who will wish for the dignity and painlessness of cannibalization before their lives end, and what skin we flay off to make the white flag you have denied us in your stubbornness.”

This time, the horror and revulsion did show on Sir John’s face, though they were quickly taken over by a look of righteous fury. He reached for his sword and moved to spur his mount into a charge, aiming to slay the necromancer though it cost him his own life. But the necromancer moved more quickly than seemed possible. In a flash of light he had grown into some enormous monster, large enough to pick up the giant beside him bodily and swing it at his adversary. There was no escape from the path of the creature and horse and rider alike were struck with a sickening crunch and a burst of stinging black blood. Sir John felt a wave of stiffness pass over him, though he managed to resist it. His horse was not so fortunate, and stopped dead in its tracks. Sir John tried to extricate himself from the saddle, to make his attack on foot if need be, but as his hand brushed his horse’s neck, the rigidity passed over him again, this time succeeding in taking hold. He fell from the saddle, unable to move a muscle under his own power. Abraxin Maure dropped his giant back to its original place and resumed his normal form, laughing, as a pair of enormous undead lifted Sir John and his horse and tossed them down adjoining the other frozen victims.

“Have one of the catapults send him over the wall,” Maure said. “If he survives he can inform them that they have one hour to make their decision.”

The GutsAbility ScoresElite Array: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 14
CR 4: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha
CR 6 (Gravetouched Ghoul): Str 15, Dex 14, Con –, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 16
CR9: Str 15, Dex 14, Con –, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 16
CR13: Str 15, Dex 14, Con –, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 16
CR17: Str 15, Dex 14, Con –, Int 21, Wis 16, Cha 16
The Build

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Martial Enhanced Undead Wizard 1
Tumble 2 (cc), Spellcraft 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Concentration 4
Spell Focus (Necromancy), Arcane Disciple (Evil), Power AttackB
Necromancy Specialization (Ban Illusion and Enchantment), Enhanced Undead variant, Martial Wizard variant, Summon Familiar

Wizard 2
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Concentration 5, Profession (Gambler) 1

Wizard 3
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion) 6, Concentration 6, Profession (Gambler) 2
Fell Animate, Iron WillOH

Wizard 4
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 7, Knowledge (Arcana) 7, Knowledge (Religion) 7, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Concentration 7, Profession (Gambler) 3

Master Specialist 1
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 8, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Concentration 8, Profession (Gambler) 4
Skill Focus(Spellcraft)B

Gravetouched Ghoul CR+1
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 8, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Knowledge (The Planes) 2, Concentration 8, Profession (Gambler) 4
Bite, two claws, ability score adjustments, HD increase to d12, Ghoul Fever, Paralysis, Turn Resistance +2, Diet Dependent (Flesh)

Wizard 5
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 9, Knowledge (Religion) 9, Knowledge (The Planes) 4, Concentration 9, Profession (Gambler) 5
Contagious Paralysis, DodgeB

Master Specialist 2
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 10, Knowledge (Arcana) 10, Knowledge (Religion) 10, Knowledge (The Planes) 5, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Concentration 10, Profession (Gambler) 5
Expanded Spellbook (Animate Dead)

Master Specialist 3
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 11, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (Religion) 11, Knowledge (The Planes) 8, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Concentration 11, Profession (Gambler) 5
Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy)B

Master Specialist 4
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 12, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (Religion) 12, Knowledge (The Planes) 10, Knowledge (Local) 3, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Concentration 12, Profession (Gambler) 5
Black Lore of Moil
Minor School Esoterica

Master Specialist 5
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (Religion) 13, Knowledge (The Planes) 10, Knowledge (Local) 5, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 1, Concentration 13, Profession (Gambler) 5
Expanded Spellbook (Create Undead)

Master Specialist 6
Tumble 2, Spellcraft 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (Religion) 13, Knowledge (The Planes) 10, Knowledge (Local) 5, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 1, Concentration 13, Profession (Gambler) 5
Caster Level Increase

Dragonslayer 1
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 14, Knowledge (Religion) 13, Knowledge (The Planes) 10, Knowledge (Local) 5, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 1, Concentration 14 (cc), Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Area Attack*
Aura of Courage, Damage Bonus

Spellsword 1
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 15, Knowledge (Arcana) 15, Knowledge (Religion) 15, Knowledge (The Planes) 12, Knowledge (Local) 5, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 1, Concentration 15, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Ignore Spell Failure 10%

Spellsword 2
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 16, Knowledge (Arcana) 16, Knowledge (Religion) 16, Knowledge (The Planes) 13, Knowledge (Local) 6, Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 2, Concentration 16, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Fell DrainB

Spellsword 3
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 17, Knowledge (Arcana) 17, Knowledge (Religion) 17, Knowledge (The Planes) 14, Knowledge (Local) 7, Knowledge (Nature) 4, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 3, Concentration 17, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Ability Focus (Paralysis)
New Class Abilities

Spellsword 4
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 18, Knowledge (Arcana) 18, Knowledge (Religion) 18, Knowledge (The Planes) 15, Knowledge (Local) 8, Knowledge (Nature) 5, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 4, Concentration 18, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Channel Spell 3/day

Spellsword 5
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 19, Knowledge (Arcana) 19, Knowledge (Religion) 19, Knowledge (The Planes) 16, Knowledge (Local) 9, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5, Concentration 19, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Ignore Spell Failure 20%

Fatespinner 1
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 20, Knowledge (Arcana) 20, Knowledge (Religion) 20 (cc), Knowledge (The Planes) 16 ˝(cc), Knowledge (Local) 10(cc), Knowledge (Nature) 6, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5, Concentration 20, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Improved Paralysis or Practiced Spellcaster
Spin Fate

Fatespinner 2
Tumble 3, Spellcraft 21, Knowledge (Arcana) 21, Knowledge (Religion) 21 (cc), Knowledge (The Planes) 17cc), Knowledge (Local) 11(cc), Knowledge (Nature) 6, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5, Concentration 21, Profession (Gambler) 5, Collector of Stories
Fickle Finger of Fate

*Abraxin only qualifies for Area Attack while polymorphed into a suitable form.
B denotes a bonus feat. OH denotes that Iron Will is obtained through the Otyugh Hole.
Spells Spells per Day






















*Does not account for bonus spells for a high ability score.

The GloryCR5At this point Abraxin Maure is just your garden variety human necromancer. As a scion of House Maure (a family of human cultists of Yeenoghu from some old adventure modules in Dungeon, at least some of which were 2e, information about Yeenoghu and Doresain is sort of thin on the ground), he worships Yeenoghu (or Doresain if you don’t believe that Demon Princes count as deities for Arcane Disciple, they both offer the Evil Domain, and despite being subordinate to Yeenoghu, the King of Ghouls is a demigod per Libris Mortis), and goes about the general business you’d expect of an evil cultist. Despite not being a high enough level to cast Animate Dead, he can raise zombie/skeleton minions through Fell Animate spells, and indeed can raise rather a lot of them, thanks to having Desecrate from Arcane Disciple. The bonus HP from Enhanced Undead and Desecrate (possibly Fell Energy Desecrate if you can get your hands on a Metamagic Rod of Fell Energy Spell) stack, so Abraxin’s minions will be pretty hale and hardy. The same can’t be said for Maure himself however. He’s a squishy wizard and has dumped Con in the lead up to becoming undead. Wizards also don’t have the same knack for wriggling out of sticky situations at level 5 that they do at later levels, so expect the PCs to kill him in this encounter.

He’ll also pick up Iron Will from the Otyugh Hole during these levels (I have it marked at 3, but any time will do), as we’ll need it later. To fit it into his fluff, perhaps we could say that he’s somehow trapped down in some dank pit and needs to consume human flesh to survive. We’ll need Dodge for the same reason, so we use Master Specialist to delay the 5th level Martial Wizard bonus feat until after getting the Dex bonus from Gravetouched Ghoul.

CR13When a person of particular interest to Doresain, the King of Ghouls dies (say a particularly evil, cannibalistic cultist in service Doresain’s liege), they are sometimes “touched by the King” and rise again as a Gravetouched Ghoul. Such is the case for our villain, who will rise again in undeath after his initial defeat at the PCs’ hands (for good measure, if the PCs aren’t thorough about his destruction, have some of his subordinates bury him on desecrated ground). Over the course of these levels, Abraxin also picks up the main ingredients to his primary trick; the Contagious Paralysis feat, the Area Attack feat, and the ability to cast Draconic Polymorph and Brilliant Blade. Draconic Polymorph is mostly here to make him big and strong enough to use Area Attack (I’m fond of the Ibradlin, a 10HD gargantuan dragon in Monsters of Faerun, as a mid-level, high-size form), which you then use to swing the paralyzed bodies of Maure’s previous victims, delivering Paralysis and damage to a large area via Contagious Paralysis. Changing form will disqualify you from Contagious Paralysis, but the Supreme Chancellor said (and I agree), that already paralyzed creatures will stay contagious. Brilliant Blade makes your (improvised) weapon pass harmlessly through undead, which means that you can swing away without worrying about your animated minions. For added fun, have a Contingency at the ready to ensure that the necessary buffs get up on time, and consider throwing a Blade of Blood on

Most unfortunately, Liches do not qualify for Contagious Paralysis, as they have “Paralyzing Touch” rather than “Paralysis” and the prerequisites are obnoxiously specific. Dealing with the shorter duration on Gravetouched Ghoul paralysis is irksome, but manageable. I gave a “cinematic” rendition in the fluff, but for those who did not read it or want a more explanatory description, the setup that I’ve come up with is as follows. Cut a finger off of a troll, then destroy the rest with acid or fire. Each round, Abraxin will take a bite out of that finger (the average damage is close enough to the 5 points regenerated that that shouldn’t be an issue), delivering paralysis to the still-living troll, then touch the finger to the body that you want to use as a paralysis vector. This body can, of course, be touching others, which can in turn be touching more others, and so on, inductively. Thus, contagious paralysis does not only make Abraxin’s Area Attack weapon into a paralysis vector, but also does so for Telekinesis shenanigans, the area attack weapons of any sufficiently large servants who also have the feat, the ammunition of your Hulking Hurler servants, the improvised weapons of your Drunken Master servants, ammunition for your army’s trebuchets, or anything else that you might think of. Of course, there are still inconveniences with this setup, so you will also likely want to smooth things out with various means of Fort save tanking (Bestow Curse and its greater version, Con damage/drain such as from your Ghoul Fever without actually killing them), ensuring that they stay subdued even if a paralysis duration runs out (reducing their Dex to 0 with Ghoul Fever, having an Allip reduce their Wis to 0, various forms of non-fatal mutilation) and will occasionally want to use Smoky Confinement to be able to hold the paralysis duration on a victim without keeping them path connected to the big bad.

Note also that even though you’re transforming from a creature that’s paralysis immune into a creature that’s paralysis immune, polymorph will lose your paralysis immunity in translation. However, Contagious Paralysis gives creatures who save once against the contagious effect immunity to the paralyzing attack for 24 hours. The simplest way to achieve this is probably to simply use a Diamond Mind ring of Mind Over Body and a low level polymorph effect early in the day to get that concern out of the way, but Abraxin is a wizard and this is a thing for which he can specifically prepared. It shouldn’t be an issue.
CR20Spell Chanelling and Area Attack are two great tastes that go great together (Area Attack is explicitly an attack per the benefit description, so the area that you Area Attack is a “target of a successful attack”). Maure only gets 3 uses/day, but he’s a BBEG, and hasn’t had to work a full adventuring day in his life or his unlife, and not finishing out Spellsword means that we can scrape 9th level spells. We also finally pick up Fell Drain which in conjunction with Black Lore of Moil can be applied to any Necromancy spell, including some of the really nasty ones like Shivering Touch, Enervation, and Energy Drain. Pack a few (possibly Moilan) Fell Drain Blade of Blood castings as well, and deliver a chunk of damage, a targeted spell, and a paralysis effect (now with a much higher save DC thanks to Ability Focus and Improved Paralysis), with an extra negative level on top to a decent-sized area in one fell swoop. Beyond the nasty necromancy effects, fun spells for Area Attack channeling include Baleful Polymorph, Disintigrate, and Reaving Dispel.

The GristleSources list goes here.

2015-05-27, 04:50 AM
Give me until midnight tomorrow, then!

You have 2 weeks! :) Take your time if you need it.

2015-05-27, 04:54 AM
Razlyn just notified me that they built off of 32 point buy instead of elite array. Being a merciful Supreme Chancellor, I've accepted the changes this time, but it just is a notification for everyone, double check your build, make sure everything is correct. I'll accept changes before hand, but not after the fact anymore.

2015-05-27, 06:00 AM
Question about the shadow dragon build: What, at CR20, is its Ur-Priest Caster Level?

Normally, Ur-Priest gets 1/2 caster level from other casting class levels, so that would make CL = 1+4,5 = 5,5 at CR 18 for Ur-Priest, I think. But what effect does the Dispassionate Watcher's Divine Conversion have on CL? Would it become 5,5+9 = 14,5 or 5,5-4,5+9 = 10?

2015-05-27, 07:34 AM
Question about the shadow dragon build: What, at CR20, is its Ur-Priest Caster Level?

Zero. It loses all Ur Priest class features immediately upon being granted divine spellcasting ability by the Ur Priest class itself.

2015-05-27, 07:38 AM
Zero. It loses all Ur Priest class features immediately upon being granted divine spellcasting ability by the Ur Priest class itself.

Fine, same question, while ignoring the rather poorly written entry requirements.

2015-05-27, 07:59 AM
I would offer to judge, but in all fairness I cannot. There's a creepy undead kid among the entries, I would be biased!

Is this just a ruse so we don't suspect that the creepy undead kid is your build? :smalltongue:

Anyway, here's a summary for atemu and anyone else who feels like judging:

Geroldt Brand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308582&postcount=40): ? Human Bard 1/Paladin 5/Dirgesinger 5/Bone Knight 9
Razlyn’susselsathra, the Shadow of Death (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308598&postcount=41): NE? Mature Adult Loredrake Shadow Dragon Ur-Priest 1/Soul Eater 1/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1
Annabelle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308608&postcount=42): LE Slaymate Wizard 8/Pale Master 10
Atalia, the Wight Queen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308619&postcount=43): CE Spellscale Sorcerer 20
Malcanth Woodrue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308626&postcount=44): NE Wood Elf Ranger 1/Druid 5/Blighter 10/Warshaper 4

2015-05-27, 02:23 PM
Question about the shadow dragon build: What, at CR20, is its Ur-Priest Caster Level?

Normally, Ur-Priest gets 1/2 caster level from other casting class levels, so that would make CL = 1+4,5 = 5,5 at CR 18 for Ur-Priest, I think. But what effect does the Dispassionate Watcher's Divine Conversion have on CL? Would it become 5,5+9 = 14,5 or 5,5-4,5+9 = 10?It loses all Sorcerer casting from Divine Conversion and converts it into Ur-Priest casting. Its caster level is 10, just as it would be for an Ur-Priest 10 entered from a non-caster base.

I'm really kicking myself for not getting my build done on time. There was another Wizard, but I think the Contagious Paralysis shenanigans would have been pretty novel.

Sam K
2015-05-27, 03:36 PM
Is this just a ruse so we don't suspect that the creepy undead kid is your build? :smalltongue:

Anyway, here's a summary for atemu and anyone else who feels like judging:

Geroldt Brand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308582&postcount=40): ? Human Bard 1/Paladin 5/Dirgesinger 5/Bone Knight 9
Razlyn’susselsathra, the Shadow of Death (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308598&postcount=41): NE? Mature Adult Loredrake Shadow Dragon Ur-Priest 1/Soul Eater 1/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1
Annabelle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308608&postcount=42): LE Slaymate Wizard 8/Pale Master 10
Atalia, the Wight Queen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308619&postcount=43): CE Spellscale Sorcerer 20
Malcanth Woodrue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19308626&postcount=44): NE Wood Elf Ranger 1/Druid 5/Blighter 10/Warshaper 4

No, I already did a creepy undead kid for the first contest. I think they should have a play-date, though!

2015-05-29, 06:34 PM
How are all our judges doing?

2015-05-29, 06:44 PM
How are all our judges doing?

Real life sneak attacked me like a 20th level rogue. Luckily, I have a bit of time soon...

2015-06-01, 06:45 AM
Real life sneak attacked me like a 20th level rogue. Luckily, I have a bit of time soon...

Well, take your time! Those 20th level sneak attacks can be crippling.

2015-06-01, 08:42 AM
Well, take your time! Those 20th level sneak attacks can be crippling.

12th level with Savvy Rogue, even worse. ::rimshot::

2015-06-03, 05:49 AM
Well. If anyone wants to take this over, send me a message. Life has thron more at me these past few weeks, so I have to step down from Supreme Chancellor after this competition ends.

2015-06-03, 07:32 AM
That's a shame. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Working on my ratings. Should have them up later this week sometime.

2015-06-03, 11:52 AM
I've been shirking my judging duties for the past week by accident. I'll get on this tonight while rewatching SAO.

Promise, I swear.

Edit: Nine-dammit real life.

I'm busy today and the next few days. Issues are being issues. I'll judge if I get the chance, but I'm busy between a graduation, an all-nighter and planning for an IRL D&D game. I owe a guy.

2015-06-05, 04:43 AM
Okay, well how's everyone else doing? Real life just hit me again like a sack of bricks. Definitely confirms my choice not to continue this.

2015-06-05, 08:40 AM
I owe a guy.

Hmm. That gives me an idea for another type of villain. :smallcool:

Unfortunately real life is hitting me pretty hard too. Always busiest when everybody else in the office is away on vacation...

2015-06-05, 09:25 AM
Hmm. That gives me an idea for another type of villain. :smallcool:

Unfortunately real life is hitting me pretty hard too. Always busiest when everybody else in the office is away on vacation...

Me it's family, and setting up for an IRL game.

2015-06-05, 09:34 AM
It's family.

Yeah, definitely getting an idea for a villain. :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-05, 09:50 AM
Would want to judge if I hadn't recently gotten a fulltime job. :P

2015-06-05, 09:59 AM
You know what, I'd be willing to be temporary Supreme Chancellor for the next competition. I'm pretty sure I can fit it in. Just have to clean out the inbox of a few message that have been there since ... yikes.

Sam K
2015-06-06, 08:12 AM
Considering the lack of activity recently, I would like to go back to the conversation that spawned the idea for this contest:

For those who do not remember, Scorponok was painting a scenario of a villain using magical hit and run tactics to terrorize people, and asking how playgrounders would handle this (ie how to deal with the villain). I suggested that the most likely reaction would be to teach the guy better hit and run tactics (he was using fireballs, ffs!), and then we span that into an idea of a reality TV show where the playgrounds evil experts did interventions for various villains that aren't getting the RoE (Return on Evil) they're looking for.

I think this contest was at its best when it was closest to that idea. The first conteast was (in my mind) the most fun because it had a pretty strict theme, with serious restrictions. You saw some pretty cool builds, that weren't perhaps the height of optimization, but that made for interesting villains. The bard/blackguard warlord wasn't exatcly the height of power, but it was a pretty memorable take on a warlord. We all knew that being a warlord wasn't the optimal way of being a villain, but we built for it anyway.

I think after that, focus has become too much on building the "BEST villain" instead of the "best VILLAIN"; instead of making the burninating wizard terrorizing the city better at burninating and terrorizing, we skip the burning and terrorizing completely because it's not really the best thing to use your resources on. Gwach, if you decide to run another, or if someone else decides to pick this up, I hope you will consider incorporating more of the original joke: give a villain his "schtick", be it leading armies or burning the cottages of pesants, and lets optimize that. There's enough batman wizards in the world. Lets have some kung-fu villains, some brawlers (hey, henchmen need optimizing too), some scary pirates (that aren't really wizards with pirate hats) and things like that.

2015-06-06, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I kinda liked your idea that it would be something like "Here is a build, now fix it."

"Can the team help this aspiring overlord get back on track? Find out at 8!"

Not sure how it would work, though...

2015-06-08, 08:46 AM
So, any objections to my reign as temporary Supreme Chancellor for the next contest? Dissenters will be tolerated; stand over to the side there and I'll take down the complaints momentarily. (No, just a little more to the right...)

2015-06-08, 10:21 AM
All hail Supreme Chancellor Telonious!

2015-06-08, 12:20 PM
All hail Supreme Chancellor Telonious!

So this is how liberty dies...

2015-06-09, 08:01 AM
I see the new Iron Chef is up, with their due date as the 21st; I'll time it so the due dates are a week afterwards. (I know there was a lot of overlap issues this time).

2015-06-09, 08:43 AM
We need some judgement on this round before overlapping with IC next time becomes a concern. How's it coming, atemu? (And anyone else...)

2015-06-09, 09:03 AM


We're not quite at the judging deadline yet.

2015-06-09, 01:41 PM
We need some judgement on this round before overlapping with IC next time becomes a concern. How's it coming, atemu? (And anyone else...)

It's coming like this.

Originality: 4. I don't think I've ever seen anyone try to fit Bone Knight and Dirgesinger and the same character in my time playing this game. I do like that.
Power: 2. It loses far too many caster levels for me to find it powerful enough to be to my liking. However, maybe it could handle melee better than it suggests.
Elegance: 3. I like that it possesses two classes that can be considered Charisma-based, though, if I am not mistaken, a Crusader may have worked better than a paladin in this case.
Concept: 4. This sticks to the Gravekeeper concept very well. I applaud you on this fact.
Total: 13.

Originality: Again, 4. It seems both a fairly unique concept and interesting to see on paper.
Power: 4. It's a dragon, both capable of inflicting negative levels and with really quite wonderful casting.
Elegance: 2. I like the concept, but DWoC on an Ur-Priest? While it is legal, it is strange.
Concept: 3. It doesn't stick to the concept all that well, in my opinion, because it's not specific enough. One day this creature could pick spells to be a gravekeeper, sure, but it could also pick the right spells to utterly destroy its own horde of dead and undead.
Total: 13.

Originality: 5. I absolutely love the originality of this creation and its backstory. Tres creepy.
Power: 4. It's a wizard, which I absolutely cannot fault you for. Pick the right spells and this can destroy about anything.
Elegance: 2: Undead Necromancers are nice, and the backstory is interesting, but the redundant abilities are simply just there.
Concept: 4. The concept on this is incredibly solid, and it proves an interesting villain. In a darker campaign, it may be used to kill and raise children, as opposed to parents, in order to "protect" them.
Total: 15.

Originality: 1. A straight-classed Spellscale Sorcerer. Not original, but can still be interesting.
Power: 4. A sorcerer can have much the same power as a wizard, but the traits are slightly more set in stone.
Elegance: 4. Straight-classed sorcerer, while not original, is something I cannot fault for elegance.
Concept: 2. It doesn't seem to care for undead, as you have written it, and thus does not particularly fit the concept put forth by this competition. Creating lots of them doesn't make them loyal to her, and why they don't devour her while she's still weak is a little beyond me.
Total: 11.

Originality: 4. Having the +5 Brass Cajones to put a Blighter in this competition, I respect you for.
Power: 3. Wild Shape is always potent, so this in particular was a given. The blighter's spells aren't all that useful, but they're something. Mother Cyst is always fun.
Elegance: 3. It's definitely fitting with itself, an insane blighter who hunts humans.
Concept: 3. It fits the concept alright. Undead are all well and good, but as a Blighter...? Eh, I'll give it a 3.
Total: 13.

2015-06-09, 02:13 PM
Aw yeah, judgement! Thanks, atemu!




Geroldt Brand

Razlyn'susselsathra, the Shadow of Death

Malcanth Woodrue

Atalia, the Wight Queen

Now if the 2nd-placers could just have a couple disputes so the scores spread out more... :smalltongue:

2015-06-09, 02:32 PM
Real life is killing my online life. My personal computer kicked out so I'm trying to finish up at my local library. Hopefully, will have mine up in the next few days.

2015-06-09, 02:35 PM
Real life is killing my online life. My personal computer kicked out so I'm trying to finish up at my local library. Hopefully, will have mine up in the next few days.

As always, real life is the true villain.

2015-06-09, 07:47 PM
Two Disputes!

Well, a dispute was requested, so, here we go. First off, thank you atemu for being our only judge. These things wouldn't be much fun without any judges. So, without further ado, the judging in question:

Originality: Again, 4. It seems both a fairly unique concept and interesting to see on paper.
Power: 4. It's a dragon, both capable of inflicting negative levels and with really quite wonderful casting.
Elegance: 2. I like the concept, but DWoC on an Ur-Priest? While it is legal, it is strange.
Concept: 3. It doesn't stick to the concept all that well, in my opinion, because it's not specific enough. One day this creature could pick spells to be a gravekeeper, sure, but it could also pick the right spells to utterly destroy its own horde of dead and undead.
Total: 13.

Originality - Thanks for the 4, I'm happy with that!

Power - I've seen Ur-Priest 10's get 5's in the past, same as Wizard 20's (or at least full casting progression casters), but hey, it's your judging, so I'm not gonna fault you. A 4 is still a solid score for power!

Elegance - While I would have liked to have seen higher than a 2 here, it honestly doesn't surprise me. I thought I was being cheeky getting away with Loredrake (from Eberron) on a Shadow Dragon (predominately Faerun), which is why I included the note about Shadow Dragons' origins. And yeah, DWoC on an Ur-Priest is strange, and I don't think I really explained it very well in my lore.

Concept - Here is where I have a little bit of beef. The competition asks for a "Gravekeeper". It specifically says

Clarification on Concept: This can be any sort of Necromancer, or the like, even an undead. Let your mind roam on this one.

Now, I went with a Tomb-Tainted Soul Shadow Dragon, who deals negative levels with his breath attack, and utilizes metamagic feats to raise his victims as undead minions. After reaching the capstone for this competitions, he is able to do all of this in a Desecrated area, and beefs up his undead minionmancy with the divine side of the house. On top of all of that, the Divine Watchers of Chronepsis, as an organization, live in/around and sometimes guard/tend to graveyards. While a 3 may be a somewhat middle-of-the-road score, I think it deserves to be a little higher.

And if you want to talk about the specifics of being a "Gravekeeper", look no further than my Background section, where I talk about living in a graveyard (two of them, actually) or my Level Breakdown section, which is almost wholly devoted to talking about my necromancer tactics.

Once again, thank you for your time spent judging, even with all the goings on in real life!

For Atemu:

I'd dispute handing out a 1 on originality based entirely on "What class is this thing", not "What does this thing do". The point of her was entirely to do with being original by creating undead in a new, different way - who would have thought that level draining spells were the way forth? And who would have thought that the best necromancer would have been near enough an evoker? If that doesn't qualify as original, what does?

They don't eat her because she lies to them and tells them it's a bad idea, with her obscenely good bluff modifier. Failing which, check out Command Undead on the second-level spells (of which she gets quite a few). That, ignoring the fact that she doesn't need to control them all any more than she needs to control all humans nearby.

2015-06-09, 08:48 PM
Two Disputes!

To the first- I gave you a three. You invested in the concept, but not enough to receive more. Though perhaps Tomb-tainted soul can maybe boost it up by one.

As to the second, that would take lots of consistent bluff checks for a long time. 2 is as high as I'll go on that.

2015-06-10, 08:11 AM
To the first- I gave you a three. You invested in the concept, but not enough to receive more. Though perhaps Tomb-tainted soul can maybe boost it up by one.

As to the second, that would take lots of consistent bluff checks for a long time. 2 is as high as I'll go on that.

So did you increase either of these scores based on the disputes? I can't quite tell.

2015-06-10, 08:34 AM
Looking ahead to the next contest ... I really did like the slight rules change in Contest #3, where Power was changed to Subtlety. What would you all think if we returned to something similar next time, substituting some other attribute for Power? Did "Subtlety" infringe too heavily on "Concept," or did you think it made sense?

2015-06-10, 10:13 AM
Looking ahead to the next contest ... I really did like the slight rules change in Contest #3, where Power was changed to Subtlety. What would you all think if we returned to something similar next time, substituting some other attribute for Power? Did "Subtlety" infringe too heavily on "Concept," or did you think it made sense?

I personally enjoyed the change of focus, but it scared judges away. I think it might have been too nebulous a category. If you changed the power score, I would want it to be to something more concrete that can be easily explained.

That said, what I'd really like next round is a concept that favors martial characters. With looser guidelines than the other build competitions, this one has been getting pretty darn caster-heavy.

2015-06-10, 10:40 AM
Yeah, caster-heavy is always going to be a problem if Power is a component of the scoring. On the other hand I don't want to ban casters altogether, since it might be a really interesting twist on the next concept.

How about:
Originality - is it unexpected?
Build Elegance - is it mechanically pretty?
Competence - can it do what the concept asks of it?
Villainy - is this a villain with style?

2015-06-10, 01:11 PM
Well, caster heaviness is also a side effect of the particular challenge. Necromancers, at their core, are casters. Very few non casters even can do it, and most of them do it badly.

I do actually favor replacing power with something else. A good villain, in my mind, isn't a guaranteed tpk to mid-high OP (which has the side effect of killing low OP before they get the the boss room). It is about the style, the memorability, and an interesting encounter/storyline.

Looking back at challenge 1: the bardblade and the undead orphan. Bardblade took a trope and inverted it: the villain is seeking revenge on the heroes for something the heroes actually did do. Orphan was one of those things that, if done right, will have flesh creeping all over the room.

Challenge 2, revenge of nature. Trianna (going by memory) was the NPC that you like. And then she vanishes. And then you find her, soulless and opposed to you. She had the benefit of being a completely random NPC. From my experience (both personal and gm/player stories), that makes her exactly the kind of character players will become attached to.

So, I'd say a fourth category might be memorability.

2015-06-10, 01:21 PM
So did you increase either of these scores based on the disputes? I can't quite tell.

Yes. Both by one.

2015-06-10, 01:25 PM
With regards to spellcasters, I really didn't want to do one for the gravekeeper. I tried really hard to do a lich, which can't be done without casting, and then a vampire came to mind. I was doing good on it, until I realized I'd probably get a 2 in power, just because since spellcasting was on the table, and noncasters don't compete with true casters when it comes to power level.

With regards to other scoring criteria, I do like the memorability, even though it could get rather subjective.

2015-06-10, 01:54 PM
Well, caster heaviness is also a side effect of the particular challenge. Necromancers, at their core, are casters. Very few non casters even can do it, and most of them do it badly.

I do actually favor replacing power with something else. A good villain, in my mind, isn't a guaranteed tpk to mid-high OP (which has the side effect of killing low OP before they get the the boss room). It is about the style, the memorability, and an interesting encounter/storyline.

Looking back at challenge 1: the bardblade and the undead orphan. Bardblade took a trope and inverted it: the villain is seeking revenge on the heroes for something the heroes actually did do. Orphan was one of those things that, if done right, will have flesh creeping all over the room.

Challenge 2, revenge of nature. Trianna (going by memory) was the NPC that you like. And then she vanishes. And then you find her, soulless and opposed to you. She had the benefit of being a completely random NPC. From my experience (both personal and gm/player stories), that makes her exactly the kind of character players will become attached to.

So, I'd say a fourth category might be memorability.

That would make a decent one, but we shouldn't replace power.

2015-06-10, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the clarification, atemu. Here's an updated table:




Razlyn'susselsathra, the Shadow of Death

Geroldt Brand

Malcanth Woodrue

Atalia, the Wight Queen

2015-06-10, 03:09 PM
That would make a decent one, but we shouldn't replace power.

Yes, we really, really should. Power is in no way an indicator of how good a BBEG build is. Internal Power Balance is, but that's really hard to judge.

2015-06-10, 04:03 PM
Yes, we really, really should. Power is in no way an indicator of how good a BBEG build is. Internal Power Balance is, but that's really hard to judge.

This entire competition was based on the concept of optimizing them, not making them "good". Power is linked with that.

2015-06-10, 04:15 PM
This entire competition was based on the concept of optimizing them, not making them "good". Power is linked with that.

Pun-pun would be a really really boring villain.

2015-06-10, 04:19 PM
Pun-pun would be a really really boring villain.

Which is why he would get a 1 in Concept, Elegance and definitely Originality. Try winning with an 8.

2015-06-10, 04:23 PM
Which is why he would get a 1 in Concept, Elegance and definitely Originality. Try winning with an 8.

Which honestly isn't much worse than a very original, decently powerful character did, but there we go.

2015-06-10, 04:27 PM
Which honestly isn't much worse than a very original, decently powerful character did, but there we go.

Gee, I wonder who made that character... :smallamused:

2015-06-10, 04:31 PM
I want to point out that memorability includes appropriate power level. Roflstompa aren't memorable as epic fights, but neither are TO caster fights. You don't want the strongest possible villain, you want the one that will be an appropriate challenge.

2015-06-10, 04:33 PM
I want to point out that memorability includes appropriate power level. Roflstompa aren't memorable as epic fights, but neither are TO caster fights. You don't want the strongest possible villain, you want the one that will be an appropriate challenge.

I will give you this; but it doesn't change how this competition was designed. It was designed with the intent of making villains that would stand up to the PCs; Power isn't all there is to it, but that doesn't mean that it's nothing either. Quite frankly, I judge this with a party of T1-T2 players in mind.

2015-06-10, 04:34 PM
Quite frankly, I judge this with a party of T1-T2 players in mind.

Which is really weird, because most games are played at T3 or T1/1/4/5.

2015-06-10, 04:36 PM
Which is really weird, because most games are played at T3 or T1/1/4/5.

You and I have had frankly different experiences then, I would suppose, which would explain the opposing opinions.

2015-06-10, 04:39 PM
First off, I agree with jormen: that is a terrible assumption to make, since it fundamentally eliminates everything without 9th level casting from viability.

Second, my idea of memorability is an expansion on power. Power is a part of what makes a fight memorable. It is far from everything. Interesting tactics, a dangerous battlefield (I've done gouts of fire with a bull rushing boss), or time limits can be far more memorable than "high level caster who kills you all with contingencies"

2015-06-10, 04:41 PM
First off, I agree with jormen: that is a terrible assumption to make, since it fundamentally eliminates everything without 9th level casting from viability.

Second, my idea of memorability is an expansion on power. Power is a part of what makes a fight memorable. It is far from everything. Interesting tactics, a dangerous battlefield (I've done gouts of fire with a bull rushing boss), or time limits can be far more memorable than "high level caster who kills you all with contingencies"

I'm for that; it would be far more interesting if people designed a dungeon room in mind for the boss, or something.

2015-06-10, 04:50 PM
The reason Power works as a score for Iron Chef is because of the nature of its restrictions. Being forced to use an awful prestige class makes "how strong a character can I wring out of this crapfest" an interesting challenge. Same with Junkyard Wars, which is usually set up to circumvent obvious combos. But when the only meaningful restriction is thematic, pretty much anyone can build a T1-2 character that fits that criteria with minimal sweat. Kelderath's right that this particular round really encouraged casters due to its theme--and that's fine, in moderation. "No casters" can be as boring as "all casters." But if only high-tier casters can score well in one of the categories, it's gonna lead to a homogenous playing field.

Dungeon room design would be fun. It's probably a different competition, though. Ooh, and if all the rooms were the same level range and the contest had a theme, we could string 'em all together at the end and have a dungeon...

2015-06-10, 04:53 PM
The reason Power works as a score for Iron Chef is because of the nature of its restrictions. Being forced to use an awful prestige class makes "how strong a character can I wring out of this crapfest" an interesting challenge. Same with Junkyard Wars, which is usually set up to circumvent obvious combos. But when the only meaningful restriction is thematic, pretty much anyone can build a T1-2 character that fits that criteria with minimal sweat. Kelderath's right that this particular round really encouraged casters due to its theme--and that's fine, in moderation. "No casters" can be as boring as "all casters." But if only high-tier casters can score well in one of the categories, it's gonna lead to a homogenous playing field.

Dungeon room design would be fun. It's probably a different competition, though. Ooh, and if all the rooms were the same level range and the contest had a theme, we could string 'em all together at the end and have a dungeon...

There's a reason power is only one category; you're acting like I'm judging it solely based on power.

2015-06-10, 04:53 PM
You see, as a lazy gm, I support these competitions. They give me amazing filler content.

2015-06-10, 04:54 PM
There's a reason power is only one category; you're acting like I'm judging it solely based on power.

That's because it feels like it.

2015-06-10, 04:55 PM
You see, as a lazy gm, I support these competitions. They give me amazing filler content.

I never liked using premade stuff myself; always more of a doityourselfer. At least for D&D. For most IRL stuff I tend to do the least amount of work possible.

2015-06-10, 04:56 PM
There's a reason power is only one category; you're acting like I'm judging it solely based on power.

No, I'm acting like having a practical maximum score of 17 is different than having a maximum score of 20. If a non- or limited caster is already two-three points behind a full caster before anything else about the build is taken into account, then making a caster is the only competitive choice.

2015-06-10, 04:59 PM
I never liked using premade stuff myself; always more of a doityourselfer. At least for D&D. For most IRL stuff I tend to do the least amount of work possible.

Same, but if someone can't make it and I don't want to progress story without them, it's nice to have filler. Oh, and the way my campaign is set up, I can literally yoink them between plot and random dungeons.

2015-06-10, 07:33 PM
Here's my stance on power. Yes, we should keep the category. No, we should absolutely not judge it in such a way that forces people into T1 casting. Good Warblade optimization should be worth more than mediocre Wizard optimization. Exceptional Warblade optimization deserves more commendation than bog standard Wizard optimization, but it also deserves more credit than bog standard Warblade optimization. If you have two characters who use similar classes, tactics, and fluff, but one is clearly better optimized, the better optimized one deserves to win. It's really that simple.

Let's examine the case that Jormengand is referring to. Was it altogether fair that the Truenamer thing got slammed in a direct power comparison with a bunch of Druids? I would argue no. If the Truenamer optimization is better than the Druid optimization of the competition, then credit should go where it's due. But now, suppose someone submitted a similar build with 13 HD of Advanced Arrow Demon (CR10) instead of the 10 levels of Ranger. This new build can shoot more arrows and has a comparative +15 on Truespeak (3 ranks, racial Int bonus, Epic Skill Focus). It might lose out on Originality (depending on the judge) or Concept (demons don't have the same nature flavor that Rangers do), but it probably would deserve a higher score in Power.

Maybe we could use a term like Telonius' recommendation of "Competence" or something like "Optimization" to make this more plain, but a category which is essentially Power is necessary for the competition.

While I'm here, I'll make another plea for some feedback for the build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19309947&postcount=51) that I didn't get in on time, particularly as I'm curious how it would be seen in the context of this discussion. On the one hand, it's a wizard with 9ths. On the other hand, it's optimized around a very specific idea rather than just being a conventional optimized Wizard (and, if I'm being honest, is less powerful as a result). On the third hand, the specific mechanical combo in question could easily TPK a party that isn't prepared and well optimized. I'm curious what people think of the build. Is it a memorable villain? Is it just cheese? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

2015-06-10, 07:39 PM
Okay, this has kind of gotten ridiculous. I'll post characters and names now, don't have time to make the table.

Atalia the Wight Queen- Jormengand
Razlyn' really long name- Weaselguy
Sakuuya- Annabelle
Sakuuya- Malcanth Woodrue
Telonious- Geroldt Brandt (Wanted to call him the Witcher)

2015-06-10, 08:51 PM
Thanks to the judge! (And yes, my build is what happens when I get a My Chemical Romance song stuck in my head the day after the competition starts...)

Exceptional Warblade optimization deserves more commendation than bog standard Wizard optimization, but it also deserves more credit than bog standard Warblade optimization. If you have two characters who use similar classes, tactics, and fluff, but one is clearly better optimized, the better optimized one deserves to win. It's really that simple.

When I've judged contests like this previously, I did something like that: judged power relative to my idea of a competently-built character of similar class. If the build feels sufficiently Wizard-y, I'd judge it relative to a Wizard. If it's generally Warblade-like, I'd judge it relative to a competently-built Warblade. An okay Warblade would get a 3; awesomely powerful (for a Warblade) would get a 5; horribly built, 1.

I'd be really hesitant to put that as the official judging criteria, though. First off it would be really hard to explain in a sentence or two. We already have a Giant Wall o' Text at the beginning; I think less is more, at this point. If I can boil it down to a single question (two at most) I think that's ideal. Having the judges try to puzzle out a baseline and relative power differential isn't something I'd want to get into either, unless they're crazy like me and want to do that on their own. Basically, I want to make it as easy as possible on them.

So, based on the suggestions, I think I have the criteria:

Originality - Is it unexpected?
Build Elegance - Is it mechanically pretty?
Competence and Power - Can it do what the concept asks of it? Is this a powerfully-built character?
Memorable Villainy - Is this a villain with style? Will it be the BBEG the players talk about for years to come?

Any last comments? I'll be posting the new thread shortly.

2015-06-11, 06:06 AM
Well, first of all, thanks for another enjoyable competition. I'm looking forward to the next one!

Secondly, thanks to WhamBamSam for your dragon handbook, I had that thing open for about a week straight while working on Razlyn. I'd say my power score benefitted directly from your guide, and the portion where you mentioned DWoC built off of Ur-Priest. So yeah, again, thanks :smallbiggrin: