View Full Version : illumian fochlucan lyrist (no bard)

Void Bovine
2015-05-05, 07:42 AM
This requires substantial min maxing of skills and high int but can be done!

Race Illumian

2 Feats Knowledge Devotion(Nature)(dungeoneering)

6 beguiler(My favorite class!), 3 lore delver(favorite prestige!), 1 urban druid(perform requirements) and the 10 fochlucan lyrist

The main loss is Bardic music but it picks up 9th lvl arcane casting and keeps more thieving skills

2015-05-05, 07:54 AM
Sooo... was there a question in there? :smalltongue:

Not to rain on your parade, but what exactly are you hoping to get out of this?
You're getting 6th level Urban Druid spells, but the Urban Druid list sucks. You don't get bardic music.
The only actual gain i see is full BAB and good ref and fort saves, but i'm not sure that it's worth what you're sacrificing.

What makes this superior to getting 9th level arcane casting and also adding decent class abilities from other PrCs you could have taken?

Void Bovine
2015-05-05, 10:09 AM
Never said it was good I just despise the bards spell list also the feat requirements for the other prc options are much higher most of the time if u want to fochlucan lyrist without bard

2015-05-05, 10:17 AM
I'm aware. My question was why you want the Fochlucan Lyrist if you don't care about bardic music or druid casting? It doesn't really make much sense to me.

2015-05-05, 01:09 PM
The only thing you need from Druid is the Speak Language: Druidic. If you change the race to Hellbred and put in his backstory that he used to be a druid (languages is the only thing they remember from their previous life), you can get around that and throw in any divine caster you prefer (archivist, or... maybe ur-priest?). Shape Soulmeld: Soulspeaker Circlet + Open Least Chakra: Crown might also get you druidic.

2015-05-05, 06:15 PM
Loremaster might also allow you to pick up druidic. Or, of course, you could just find a druid you can convince or compel to fall to teach it to you.

And can you take Knowledge Devotion multiple times? Not that it matters, since there are other ways to get knowledges as class skills via feat (in fact, you can get all of them at once with a single feat).

2015-05-05, 07:16 PM
There's at least another way to get there. If you're a really smart (INT 25) Dragonwrought Kobold of at least Old age, you qualify for Polyglot [Epic] (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#polyglot) and speak all languages.