View Full Version : Star Wars The GM Chronicles: Stormthroe's Stories

2015-05-05, 12:58 PM
Hey all! I figured I should maybe look into blogging, so I've decided that as the GM for my Edge of the Empire Star Wars games (which is now my new favorite system due to how much fun its been to run with the group at my local gaming center) I am going to post the story of my games here for all to see and enjoy! I have permission from my group, so without further delay, here we go!

The first adventure we decided to run was the beginner game as we only had two players for the first game, and none of us had played on the EotE system before.

So the story begins that the dashing smuggler, Pash, has lost a shipment of weapons for Teemo the Hutt in an Imperial Checkpoint just offworld. Before Teemo has the chance to punish Pash for his failure, Pash evades Teemo's thugs, and escapes through the tunnels of Teemo's palace, passing through the slave quarters where he meets one of Teemo's gladiators; a Wookie name Lowhrikk. In a matter of circumstance, the two make a deal; in return for flying Lowhrikk offworld, thw Wookie will help Pash escape. After making the deal, the two fight their way out to the streets of Mos Shuuta, with Teemo's thugs right on their heels.

The two companions fled through the streets, evading a pair of Gammorean thugs by cutting through an alleyway before rushing into the Mos Shuuta Cantina. Both Pash and Lowhrikk have moments to prepare or try and hide from the enforcers who will surely arrive soon. Immediately, Lowhrikk hefts himself into the rafters of the cantina, hardly needing any effort due to his species' innate talent at climbing, while Pash makes for the bar, sliding over it and dropping behind next to the Devaronian bartender, who looks at him with a raised eyebrow but generally ignores him as Pash offers to help mix drinks. A moment later, after the patrons have turned away and a few have slunk further into their booths somewhat aware of what was about to happen next, a pair of Gammoreans burst through the door, looking around the cantina for the two of them, but did not see Lowhrikk above them nor recognize Pash behind the bar, Gammoreans being what they are intelligence wise.

As the Gammoreans turned to leve, Lowhrikk roared as he dropped from the ceiling, shoving the closest Gammorean down the short set of stairs from behind, causing both he and his companion to tumble down and be knocked prone in the small entrance to the cantina. A moment later, Pash vaulted the bar, drawing his trusty blaster pistol in the process and firing off a few shots at the two sprawled, tangled Gammoreans. The topmost thug released a loud, piggish screech as Pash's laser bolts bit into his rump as he was standing up.

Recovering from the ambush, the two Gammoreans manage to find their feet, and the first rushes at Pash waving a crude axe with small tally marks on its head. As the Gammorean swung his weapon, Pash stepped back and avoided the blow, but unfortunately the long trenchcoat he wears billowed to wide and as the axe bit into the pourstone wall of the cantina, his coat was snagged and held in place. the other Gammorean can't really move past his companion, and just kind of yells and snorts while he tries to press through the other thug.

Seeing Pash under attack, Lowhrikk raised his axe above his head and with a bellowing roar, brought it down in a vicious arch. Pash's attacker didn't even have time to squeal as Lowhrikk's axe smashed through his skull and he collapsed in a heap, although the alien's axe was still buried in the wall pinning Pash in place, and as the Gammorean collapsed his companion jumped back in shock, cracking his own head against the wall in the process. Pash then wrenched the axe out of the wall, twirling to bring his pistol up and fired off a shot that hit the remaining thug right between his beady eyes. The Gammorean stood for a moment, a thin trail of acrid smoke emanating from the newly burrowed hole in his forehead before the pig-like alien slumped to the floor.

After dealing with Teemo's thugs, Pash and Lowhrikk sat down at the bar and shared a drink while chatting with the sly-looking bartender, who advised them to get themselves off-world before Teemo came looking for them a second time. Pash was generally courteous to the man, but as the two looked to depart, Lowhrikk noticed a "sinister" smile on the Devaronian's face just before he moved out of eyesight. Before Lowhrikk could draw his blaster pistol, the Devaronian noticed and triggered a panic button, sealing the pneumatic door of the cantina behind them, and threatening them not to come back because of the "Fething crazy Wookie." Barred from their first source of information, Pash and Lowhrikk moved to find Vorn at the junk yard for some more information.

A few minutes later, with some stealthy movement through the alleys of the city to avoid patrols, Pash and Lowhrikk made it to the junk yard where they found the partuicularly crotchety old mechanic, Vorn, arguing with his droid assistant. After conversing with Vorn for some time, Pash and Lowhrikk failed to convince the old man to part with the Hypermatter Reactor Igniter for less than 1000 Credits (due to both a despair and the fact that Lowhrikk managed to tick Vorn off trying to threaten him). Leaving the junk shop with solemn faces, Pash was called aside by Vorn's droid, who offered to help them steal the HMRI if the two of our PCs could distract the old fart. However, after openly discussing killing Vorn and stealing the "rusted bucket of bolts" and selling it to a Jawa, Vorn's assistant rescinded his offer.

Angry, Lowhrikk rushed into the shop and tackled Vorn, knocking his hidden blaster from his hand and pinning him to the floor. Pash followed a moment later, vaulting the front counter and rushing to look for the part. However, in the time it took him to search, Vorn managed to break free of Lowhrikk's grip with a swift kick to the groin, and scampered to get ahold of his blaster on his hands and knees. Lowhrikk proceeded to begin pummeling Vorn from behind, sitting astride him after recovering from the strike, just as Pash found the HMRI behind the desk. Vorn got off a lucky shot, pinging Lowhrikk with a blind shot befor e Pash ran from around the corner, kicking Vorn in the face and knocking him out as the droid fled from the shop. As payback for shooting him, Lowhrikk proceeded to execute the old man...agaisnt both mine and Pash's advice since neither of them had any information on how to get offworld besides a "ship with a broken HMRI."

(Here, the two PCs were kind of stuck as Lowhrikk's player seemed to want to go full murder hobo on everything he could. They messed around for a good chunk of time while they tried to think of what to do. After a while, I gave Pash's player as the sane one of the group the chance to make a streetwise check, and he got high enough that he happened to know a contact in Shantytown who could help them get some information.)

After stumbling over themselves and narrowly avoiding Teemo's enforcers, Pash and Lowhrikk made their way to Shantytown, where Pash tracked down an old favor with a Jawa named Teedus. Teedus gave them some information regarding the ship itself, and as a sneaky little git, also that the ship was locked down by the Imperials who operated Starport Control. He offered to buy the HMRI from them as well, but luckily the players had caught on that they would need it down the line. Deciding quickly to try and get the ship unlocked, the players moved to Starport Control.

Arriving across Mos Shuuta, Pash and Lowhrikk scouted the building containing Starport Control, findng two Imperial security droids standing guard. Pash attempted to sneak by them, but was seen and they warned him to leave without becoming aggressive. In answer, Pash obliged, and instead snuck around through an alleyway to come out behind the droids where they could not see him and discovered a side entrance. Picking the lock, the side entrance door whooshed open to reveal a third droid...which Pash promptly shot. However, he did not destroy the droid, and an alarm began to ring. Lowhrikk watched from his hiding spot as the Starport Control building buzzed into action, with the two droids guarding the main entrance breaking out to try and cut off Pash from retreat.

Luckily, when the droid who Pash had blasted returned fire, he missed and broke the mechanism that allowed the door Pash had unlocked to open, and it slammed shut to the sound of sparking wires, preventing the droids outside entry for the moment. In return, Pash fired at the droid again, dropping it before moving to look inside the control room as Lowhrikk ambushed the two droids outside , cleaving the weapon arm from one and knocking it down. Pash, looking inside the control room, saw a woman barking orders and as he opened the door he was forced to take cover as another pair of droids opened fire on his position. Meanwhile, Lowhrikk took a heavy hit in the leg and was slowed, and began to retreat inside the building, fighting the two droids from a higher position.

(At this point, both Pash and Lowhrikk had taken a bunch of strain and wounds due to the extra droid in the side room from 4 disadvantage, and I was very scared of a TPK. Pash managed to roll an extremely high perception check on the droid he had destroyed and I made the call that he found a stun grenade on it that might be intended to disrupt Teemo's thugs if they had stormed the Starport Control building. Each player only had a handful of wounds and strain, and Lowhrikk the murder hobo was quite literally at but not exceeding his threshold for strain. A few lucky rolls happened next.)

Pash's sharp eye caught sight of a grenade mag-clamped to the droid he had destroyed, and tumbling to avoid fire from the two new enemies, snagged it from the destroyed machine as Lowhrikk turned and fled from the two droids out front. Still peppering Pash's cover with laser bolts, the two droid's protecting the woman inside moved to block their master from harm even as the Wookie came out of the hallway behind them. A moment later (and a Triumph roll with some Advantage), Pash hurled the stun grenade into the room, knocking out the two droids with a blast effect and the short range EMP used to stun droids (I know, I know, forgiving GMing...) and leaving the woman reeling. Rushing into the room, Pash put his blaster to the woman's head and she called off the droids chasing Lowhrikk.

After some coercion, the woman named Overseer Brynn deactivated the docking clamps holding the Krayt Fang in port before destroying the console to prevent it from being used again. With several threats from Overseer Brynn about how they were now Marked Men, Pash and Lowhrikk limped out of the building and fled into a nearby alley, narrowly avoiding being spotted by a landing Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle.

Circling back around, Pash and Lowhrikk laid low for a little to catch their breath, hiding out in the junk shop where they'd murdered Vorn. Taking the extra time to search around, they found some spare stimpacks and basic first aid equipment, which they used to try and heal each other up fairly successfully. (I also took this time to let the two PCs spend some experience as per the adventure book. They were in desperate need of healing, and with them heading to take on Trex, I felt they could use some spare time to heal up and lower their stress a little bit.)

After resting a moment, Pash and Lowhrikk snuck through the alleyways to avoid patrols, only narrowly slipping past a squad of Stormtroopers who had arrived on the shuttle, before making their way to the landing bay containing the Krayt Fang. Spying Trex's security droids, Pash suggested going in through the maintenance shaft to avoid them, and after breaking the lock he found a single maintenance uniform inside just big enough to fit him. Throwing it on, Pash convinced Lowhrikk to act the part of an assistant mechanic (slave) as he entered the space port. approaching the droids, Pash convinced them that he was part of the maintenance team working for Vorn, and after being shown the Hypermatter Reactor Ignition, waved them through. However, as Pash led Lowhrikk to the boarding ramp, a large and heavily armed Trandoshan stepped from the ship, challenging them as he glared at the Wookie with obvious distaste. Despite Pash's best efforts, Trex was not convinced and with a swift draw, fled into his ship after pushing Pash back into Lowhrikk, firing off a few blasts to cover himself as his droids sprung into action alongside him.

Pash pursued into the ship while Lowhrikk popped a few shots off at the advancing droids before following his friend inside the Krayt Fang. Pash rounded the corner, chasing after Trex, but was surprised by Trex's precise aim as the bounty hunter turned and fired at him while retreating to cover around a corner. Pash popped off a few shots as he retreated himself, ending in a stalemate between the two of them for a moment as each fired at the other. Thinking on his feet, Pash looked around for something to give him the advantage and found a panel on the floor that was removed to reveal a crawlspace, and lifting it up, he held it in front of him like a riot shield with Lowhrikk behind him as the two began to slowly advance up the corridor towards Trex. However, as Pash and Lowhrikk closed, the sound of droid feet hitting the boarding ramp made Lowhrikk fall back, throwing aside his blaster pistol and drawing his axe, waiting to ambush the approaching droids.

Pash used all his strength to bull rush Trex with his makeshift riot shield, hitting the Trandoshan hard enough to knock the heavy blaster pistol from his hand and push him back, but the bounty hunter's size and strength kept him on his feet. In return, Trex seized the panel and wrenched it from Pash's grip, tossing it aside before clawing the smuggler with his talons. Meanwhile, the first droid stepped around the corner, only to meet the sharp edge of Lowhrikk's axe and be decapitated on the spot! Pash retaliated to Trex's brutal attack by spinning with the momentum, scooping up the heavy blaster he'd knocked out of the Trandoshan warrior's hand with his own empty fist and turning to point both his own pistol and the borrowed heavy blaster at Trex's chest before squeezing the trigger. Unused to firing with his left hand, the heavy blaster went wide, but the normal pistol flared and sizzled as it smashed into Trex's chest. Roaring, Trex retaliated by grabbing hold of Pash's wrist and slammed it against the wall of the ship, forcing Pash to drop the heavy blaster. At the entrance, Lowhrikk made quick work of the remaining droid, first severing its weapon arm and then the droid dying as its system crashed on its following attack (strained to death).

(At this point it was getting late and we had to cease the game! i think it went well, feel free to let me know you folks' thoughts. I had to make a lot of exceptions to not kill off my two players this game, but overall it was enjoyable and everyone had a good time. I know there were some places that I did not remember to apply critical injuries, and there were some missed strain spends and such as we went through, but based on how much the two PCs were already screwing themselves over, I think it was made up for by the gallon. Next game, I'm going to begin with the end of Trex, as well as the garrison of Stormtroopers that they had failed to encounter due to some lucky stealth rolls en route to the hanger surrounding them and trying to arrest them for a bunch of crimes. they are also going to get some obligation here as we end the journey; both due to Teemo the Hutt, and from their crimes against the Empire. This is where they will start as they flee off world, and leading into the Long Arm of the Hutt for the next adventure!)