View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next 5Eberron: Expanded Dragonmarks (PEACH; all marks now complete)

2015-05-05, 03:29 PM
Howdy, folks! This is a mechanics writeup for an adventure my 5e group is running, tentatively titled "The Siberys Six". The DM has graciously allowed me (and my good friend Weyroc!) to write up the mechanics for expanded dragonmarks. And who better to take a look at them than the Playground, short of Keith Baker himself?

Expanded Dragonmarks
This is intended as an alternate system for dragonmarks, to be used instead of or in addition to the Dragonmarked feat in UA Eberron. The premise is simple: A character with a dragonmark exchanges their magic item attunement slots for access to dragonmark powers which are on par with (but distinctly different from) the magic item they could have otherwise attuned.

In order to have their character gain a dragonmark and the ability to manifest one of these powers, a player should ask the DM for permission. If permission is granted, one of the character's magic item attunement slots is permanently replaced with a dragonmark manifestation slot, which is exactly the same as a magic item attunement slot, except that it allows you to attune manifestations of a certain dragonmark instead of allowing a character to attune ordinary magic items. Certain magic items, known as dragonmarked items, can be attuned by dragonmark manifestation slot for a specific mark and only by such a slot. These represent items which require a mark to use, such as the Cannith creation forges, the Sivis sending stones and the Orien lightning rails.

Attuning to a dragonmarked item works precisely as attuning to a normal magic item, save that it requires a dragonmark manifestation slot of the appropriate level and suppresses the natural manifestation of that dragonmark for as long as you are attuned to the item. Altering the manifestation of a character's dragonmark is possible, but typically requires access to Siberys stones, traumatic events or prefereably both at once. This is the basis for the Test of Siberys employed by the dragonmarked houses.

Note that the potential to manifest a dragonmark is not the same as having already done so. A character who switches out their magic item attunement slot for a dragonmark manifestation slot does not immediately gain a dragonmark power. Instead, the DM decides when the power manifests. Since a dragonmark manifestation is equal in power to that of a magic item, the DM should treat them as such when deciding when they manifest. If a character manifests a dragonmark power, other members of the party should gain magic items to attune, for the sake of fairness. A DM should feel in no way pressured to have a character manifest a dragonmark power at the first possible opportunity if doing so would lead to a disparity in the party. The player of the character in question should determine whether their lack of a dragonmark power indicates that they have not yet manifested their dragonmark at all (and appear to be a normal member of their race) or whether they have a dragonmark, but do not yet understand how to use its powers.

Also note that simply having the potential to manifest a dragonmark power (or even having had manifested one) is not the same as being a fully accepted scion to a dragonmarked house. Simply having a dragonmark does not, mechanically, give a character any special privilege or rank. Instead, players are strongly encouraged to take a background suitable to their mark, shuch as Noble or Merchant. This isn't a strict requirement, but DMs should keep in mind that if a character has a dragonmark, but is not a member of a dragonmarked house in good standing, that means that the character has done something to put themselves in bad standing, and should not be afforded special consideration by members of the house. To put it as simply as possible, having a dragonmark is not a ticket to gaining a free background feature.

You may only ever have one least, one lesser and one greater dragonmark manifestation slot at a time. A character must be of at least 5th level to gain a lesser slot and at least 9th for a greater slot. The manifestation of siberys mark requires no dragonmark manifestation slots itself, but does require that all three magic item attunement slots be replaced with dragonmark manifestation slots.

Some dragonmark manifestations grant proficiency in some skill or item. This proficiency is lost after the mark is unattuned, but does allow you to teach yourself the skill using the usual training costs. In this case, the gold cost is spent on training materials rather than paying an instructor. Other dragonmark manifestations may call for a saving throw as a result of their use. This is always equal to 8 + heir's proficiency bonus + modifier from heir's highest mental attribute.

Manifestations of the Mark of Detection
House Medani bears the Mark of Detection and concerns itself primarily with investigation and counterintelligence. Unlike most Houses, Medani has a strong tie with the Kingdom of Breland. Of the approximately 7500 marked members of House Medani, 1500 of them live in the home enclave at Wroat, 1000 in Sharn, while a further 2500 live in the rest of Breland. There are approximately 500 Medani in each of the other Five Nations, 300 each in Zilargo and the Reaches and roughly 400 scattered across the rest of Khorvaire. Although the Warning Guild is less starkly divided, enjoying strong popularity in the Five Nations, Zilargo and the Mhor Holds, most business comes through Sharn and there has been little success in the 'uncivilized' regions of Khorvaire. If a Siberys Heir of Detection exists they are almost certainly either dwelling at the Tower of Inquisition, or guarding the Mornlands from Arythawn Keep in Southern Thrane.

House Medani offers simple security and business consultations at Warning Guild guildhalls for a fee of 5 gold per consultation. This service includes one hour of questioning and advice from an expert on the consultation's topic and one portent from a Least Medani (often also the expert) applied toward the client's benefit. The locations of Medani enclaves are kept secret from the public and never host consultations.

For 25 gold per day, the Warning Guild can be contracted to solve a crime, search for plots, perform background checks or otherwise investigate on behalf of a client. This fee hires at least one inquisitive to work exclusively on the client's case, promises discretion about all inquiries and pays for any magical or nonmagical assistance required by the lead inquisitive on the case, including, if necessary, the Scrying Dreams of the Greater Medani. The discretion of the Warning Guild is limited by the letter and the spirit of the law: Inquisitives are required to report any crimes they uncover during their investigations to the proper authorities.

Finally, individual Marked Medani can be hired as bodyguards. This costs 30 gold per day for a Least Medani protector and a larger, highly negotiable amount for those with more powerful marks. Lesser Medani can generally only be afforded by the nobility, and Greater and Siberys Medani generally cannot be hired as bodyguards for gold at all - their services to the inquisitives are simply too valuable to risk.

House Medani is always willing to hire those with Least and Lesser the Mark of Detection in the Warning Guild at the standard fee. If you have a position of privilege in House Medani, whether from your background or through exemplary service, you can expect to be maintained in a wealthy lifestyle while in Breland or in a comfortable lifestyle in enclaves abroad. Regardless of background, if you have a Greater or Siberys Mark of Detection, House Medani will strongly encourage you to come join the Tower of Inquisition in Wroat, where you will be kept in aristocratic style and under guard against possible assassination.

1. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes an attack roll, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is a threat. You learn if they are proficient in martial weapons, poisons or intimidation, and, if so, which. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
2. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes a deception or insight check, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is deceptive. You learn if they are proficient in forgery, disguises or deception, and, if so, which. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
3. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes a Performance or Persuasion check, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is talented. You learn if they are proficient in any artisan tool, any musical instrument or in performance, and, if so, which. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Faerie Fire and Detect Poison and Disease. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Detect Magic three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark warns you of danger and your distance to it. Any time that any creature (including you) takes an action which will directly (within one round) endanger (hit point damage, death, a negative condition or some other objective harm) you or some other creature within 30 feet of you, you receive a colour based warning indicating how close the danger is, with red indicating a creature endangering itself, orange indicating a creature endangered by another within 1 foot, yellow 10 feet, green at 100 feet, blue at 1000 feet, indigo at 10000 feet and violet at any greater distance. This does not tell you the cause, nature or direction of the danger and can be fooled by any effect which fools divinations. This does not inform you of danger in advance, only as it happens.
2. Your mark grants you a prescient sense of self preservation. Upon being struck by an attack, or failing a save, you may instead, as a reaction, declare that the attack missed or that you succeeded in your save. This ability may be used once per short or long rest.
3. Your dragonmark allows you to ferret out secret things and secret dangers. Each long rest you receive five omens, each of which indicates a nearby secret. Each omen can be expended to indicate the direction (but not distance) of the nearest trap, secret door, hidden object or enemy. While you may not select which category the omen detects (it always chooses the nearest), you become aware of which category (or categories) the discovered secret falls under once the omen is revealed. For the purposes of this effect, an object is hidden if it was intentionally placed somewhere for the purpose of making it difficult to find, and a creature as hostile if it is either currently acting to harm you, or would immediately act to harm you upon becoming aware of your presence. An heir with access to navigator's tools may make a DC 15 Intelligence (Navigation) check after expending two charges to determine the exact position of the secret detected.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Augury and See Invisibility. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Detect Thoughts three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of Telepathy, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
2. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of True Seeing, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
3. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of Mind Reading, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Nondetection and Tongues. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Clairvoyance three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

At the end of each short rest, you may declare one contingency. This may be any event which could occur within 100 feet of you and one action you would like to take in response to it. The first time the contingent event comes to pass, you may, as a reaction, take the contingent action. You do not need to be aware of the contingent event occurring, but you must specify it unambiguously. Any action which could be completed in one round may be chosen as a contingent action. Each new contingency granted this ability replaces the ones chosen previously. If you refrain from using this ability for 48 hours, signs and omens begin to manifest around you. Each sentient creature within 5 miles receives the benefits of an Augury spell once per day (typically when waking or at the end of a long rest), indicating broadly how their day will go. Creatures intending to act against you always receive a woe result, regardless of whether their plans are likely to succeed.

Manifestations of the Mark of Finding

1. Your dragonmark aids you in finding victory even in the most unlikely of places. Your eye is naturally drawn toward the weaknesses of others. Any time you roll a natural one on an attack roll, it is not an automatic miss. Instead, it is an automatic critical hit.
2. You gain the ability to find and track animals on instinct. Whenever you taste the fresh blood of a living creature, you gain advantage on any Survival or Investigation checks to find other members of the same species and expertise on all such checks to track down the specific creature whom the blood belongs to. These benefits last until the next time you eat or drink. While this ability is most often used by Tharashk hunters to find game, it works perfectly well for bounty hunters after more intelligent quarry.
3. You develop an ear for minerals. By touching an example of a given mineral to your ear as an item interaction, you may discern the location of all other examples of the same mineral within 60 feet. This is of great use both in prospecting and in locating nearby creatures and objects bearing or containing metal. You may use this ability while prospecting to find ore containing 1d6 pounds of gold each week (or an equal value in other minerals) or while searching for metal objects (or hidden creatures carrying metal objects) to gain advantage on your check.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Detect Evil and Good and Detect Magic. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Identify three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark grants perfect vision and allows you to focus on either seeing very small objects or very distance objects. While focused on minute seeing, you cannot see beyond 1 foot away, but can examine individual grains of sand without strain. You gain advantage on Medicine and all sight-based investigation checks. Whiled focused on far seeing, you cannot make out objects within 100 feet, but may examine objects at up to 5 miles away as easily as if you were physically present. You gain advantage on all Perception checks and do not suffer disadvantage when firing a ranged weapon at its maximum range. You may choose to switch to either vision mode, or to see normally, as a bonus action.
2. You gain the ability to track creatures by scent, provided you have an object as a reference. You may follow the scent trail left by last creature to have had prolonged skin contact of at least one minute with the object. You know which way the creature has gone, how fast and approximately what path it took. You also learn the general type of creature, such as beast, humanoid, construct and so forth. These scent trails last 48 hours under normal circumstances. Precipitation, strong winds and strong scents in the area cut the time a scent trails last in half. If the creature itself bathes, changes clothes or otherwise changes its scent, a Survival check is needed to continue to follow the trail, typically with a DC between 10 and 20.
3. Your mark allows you to become a fantastic hunter, both of man and of beast. As an action, you may declare one specific creature as your quarry. You have expertise on any Survival or Perception checks made to track or spot your chosen prey, advantage against all spells it might cast and treat all weapons you use against it as magic weapons which do 2d10 extra damage. Once you have declared a quarry, you may not declare another until one day after you have either killed or captured the creature, or seven days have passed without sight of your prey.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Beast Sense and Locate Animals or Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Locate Object three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark grants you the ability to see heat as well as light. As a bonus action, you may activate or deactivate your infravision. While active you can see any creature or object significantly above or below room temperature, ignoring darkness (whether magical or not), cover or solid objects. Your awareness of temperature changes extends out up to sixty feet, allowing you to track prey through walls. Your eyes invert colour while using this ability. Your sclera turn black, your pupils glow white and your irises become a complimentary colour.
2. You gain the ability to detect the passage of creatures. By spending one minute searching your surroundings for tracks, traces, scents and other leavings, scenting at the wind and listening closely to the instincts your dragonmark provides you, you discover all trails left by all creatures which have passed within 50 feet in the last 24 hours. You learn how many creatures of what types have passed have which way, how fast they were going, their sexes, heights, weights and general appearance. This ability works on creatures of all types, but may only be used once per short rest.
3. You can find planar Crossings to the Feywild (known as Thelanis by the Gnomes) and the Shadowfell (known as the Shadow Plane to most). More importantly, you can always find Crossings back to the Prime Material Plane. You may use these abilities to either explore the wilderness of these planes, or to travel swiftly from point to point on Prime. Using the Feywild as a shortcut allows the heir to travel at twice their normal speed, while using the Shadowfell allows manmade objects such as walls and towers, to be easily bypassed. Fey Crossings located through this ability never subject a creature to the Feywild's Memory Loss or Time Warp effects, nor do Shadow Crossings found this way subject creatures to Shadowfell Despair. See pages 49 through 52 in the DMG for further details on these planes.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Speak with Dead and Speak with Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Clairvoyance three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

Your dragonmark grants you instant insight into the area around you. Once per long rest, choose one species of plant (such as 'apple trees'), one race of creature (such as 'orcs') or one type of mineral (such as 'iron ore'). The DM will give you a one word description of how much or how many of your chosen type is present within a 5 mile radius. Examples include, but are not limited to, 'none', 'six', 'dozens', 'millions', 'ounces' and 'tons'. If you do not use this ability for 48 hours, you instead gain a broad overview of the area around you each morning. You become aware of all all major landmarks (such as rivers, lakes, settlements and caverns) within 5 miles. You are also aware of the distance and direction to each from your current location at all times.

Manifestations of the Mark of Handling
House Vadalis bears the Mark of Handling, allowing the domestication of wild beasts and the creation of fantastic creatures. Of the Dragonmarked Houses, Vadalis is the smallest and one of the few based outside of the Five Nations. While the House Seat is located in Varna, only 500 of the estimated 6000 Marked Vadalis reside there at any given time. The sprawling Foalswood Ranch features both over 1000 Marked Vadalis and the most involved breeding and research programs. A further 3000 are found in enclaves dotted throughout the Eldeen Reaches and western Aundair. Most of the remaining 1500 heirs can be found scattered in small family units in any rural area of the Five Nations. All members of House Vadalis are officially banned from entering Valenar by the nation's senate. While no Siberys Mark of Handling currently exists, three sacred beasts do: a giant silver stag, a winged wolf and an invisible fish allegedly living in lake Gallifar.

The magic of the Mark draws one animal companion to the heir and ensures its loyalty. This animal appears within a week of the Mark first manifesting its power. Any beast of challenge 1/4th or lower may potentially be selected by the Mark as an animal companion. This companion acts on the heir's initiative and may only take an action if the heir uses their action to direct it. Most (but not all) heirs choose this animal as the bearer of the manifestations of their Mark.

Unlike most marks, Handling manifests primarily through its effects on animals rather than on the bearer. A beast under the influence of the mark is known as a Magemarked Beast and is granted some unusual trait or bodily feature. In addition to the effects listed in each manifestation entry, Magemarked Beasts grow more hardy and intelligent than normal. The lesser mark ensures the beast has at least 5 hit dice and at least 3 intelligence. The greater mark provides 9 hit dice and 10 intelligence. Beasts which are deceased or under the influence of shapechanging magic cannot be Magemarked.

For most beasts, becoming Magemarked is temporary: the power fades once the heir alters manifests the power in another or travels more than a mile away. For a rare few, this is not the case. Some rare few can be permanently transformed by the Mark of Handling. Breeding such a creature is difficult and requires time and resources on par with creating a Very Rare magic item, and as requiring attunement slots equal to the number of powers it manifests to gain its loyalty. A Magemarked Beast, whether permanent or temporary, occasionally pass their traits onto their offspring, creating Magebred Animals. Each Magebred Animal permanently gains a lesser version of one Magemarked power from its ancestors. Magebred Animals cannot be further imbued by the Mark of Handling. The typical stud fee for a Magemarked Beast is 10 gold per day per power, while the mare fee is typically 250 gold per month of pregnancy per power.
1. You become proficient in both animal handling and land vehicles. You gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked mount as an action. The beast's size to become large if not already bigger and its fastest speed is increased to 60 if not already faster. Magebred inheritors of this ability are unusual docile, are always of least large size once fully grown and have their land speed increased to 60 if not already faster. Both magebred and magemarked specimens gain an appropriate anatomy for use as a mount and have their strength and constitution scores both increased to 16 if either is not already higher. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You become proficient in both animal handling and weaver’s tools. You gain the ability to cross a beast with a spider to produce a magemarked arachnid as an action. These hybrid specimens gain the Spider Climb, Web Sense and Web abilities of a Giant Spider (see page 328 of the Monster Manual for details), but are thankfully no more venomous than the base creature would normally be. Magebred specimens have advantage on checks related to balancing and climbing. Both magebred and magemarked specimens gain the Web Walker ability of the Giant Spider and occasionally grow up to eight additional legs. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You become proficient in both animal handling and water vehicles. You gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked amphibian as an action. The beast becomes able to breathe both water and air, and has a base land and swim speed equal to the base creature's land and swim speeds added together. Magebred beasts instead gain the ability to hold their breath for one hour, and have land and swim speeds equal to the better of of the two in the base creature. Both magebred and magemarked specimens often gain gills, lungs, legs, flippers and fins as appropriate. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Animal Friendship and Beast Bond. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Speak with Animals three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You have advantage on initiative so long as you are near your animal companion and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked tracker through a one hour ritual. The beast gains darkvision and hearing-dependent blindsight out to 60 feet and advantage on Perception checks that involve scent. Magebred trackers gain only one of these abilities, either darkvision, or blindsight or improved scent perception. Both magemarked and magebred trackers have their Wisdom increased to 20, if it is not higher already, and may develop exaggerated features relating to their affinity, such as enlarged ears, elongated snouts, or reflective eyes. You may only maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You gain advantage on any check used to maneuver a flying mount and the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked flyer through a one hour ritual. The beast gains a flight speed based on its size if it does not already have a faster flight speed. This starts out at 120 feet for a tiny beast, decreasing by 15 feet for each increase in size beyond tiny. A magemarked flying horse, for example, is large and has a flight speed of 75 feet. Magebred flyers are incapable of true flight. Instead, they are able to glide when they would normally fall, allowing them to slow their falling speed to 30 feet per round and move up to 60 feet horizontally while gliding. Both magebred and magemarked flyers are immune to falling damage and have their dexterity increased to 20 if it is not already higher. Specimens universally gain wings if they do not already have them, although they may be feathered, insect-like or leathery. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked monster through a one hour ritual. The beast gains natural weapons which allow it to make two attacks as an action. Each attack inflicts either piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, poison or acid damage, and is either a 1d10 melee attack or a 1d8 ranged attack with range of 100/200 feet. Both the nature and the damage type of the attack are chosen when this ability is used. Treat each attack as if it were made using a +2 magic weapon. At levels 11 and 17, the heir may imbue magemarked monsters with natural weapons which allow a third and fourth attack. Magebred monsters receive a single nonmagical 1d8 melee attack instead. Both magebred and magemarked specimens have their strength score increased to 20 if it is not already higher and typically develop slavering fangs, giant claws, spikes, venom or acidic spit. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Beast Sense and Enhance Ability. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Beast Sense three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You become proficient in all armour made from chitin and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked chitinous beast through a one hour ritual. The beast develops a body covering layer of chitin, which counts as +3 platemail barding of invulnerability (see page 152 of the DMG for details). Magebred specimens develop weaker chitin which counts as +1 half plate barding. The shed exoskeletons (or tanned hides) of can be used as barding for other creatures with a similar body structure, fashioned into barding for a different creature over the course of a week, or crafted by a leatherworker into armour appropriate for a humanoid over the course of a month. The shells of chitinous magemarked beasts can be used to make any form of +1 armour, while magebred shells can be used to make any nonmagical light or medium armour. While most have insection exoskeletons, some beasts develop crab-like, or even snail-like shells. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You may act normally while charmed and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked singer through a one hour ritual. The beast gains the ability to speak any three languages you know and a musical voice which is identical to that of the Luring Song ability of a harpy (see page 181 of the Monster Manual for details) save that it normally effects only beasts. Once per long rest, the beast may imbue its song with unusual poignancy, allowing it to instead effect all creatures for the next hour. Magebred beasts instead learn a single language and have their intelligence increased to 6 if it is not already higher. Both magebred and magemarked specimens gain beautiful singing voices and the Mimickry ability of a kenku (see page 164 of the Monster Manual for details). You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You ignore the False Appearance ability of creatures like darkmantles and animated shrubs and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a magemarked skulker through a one hour ritual. The beast gains an extreme form of camouflage which renders it completely invisible, even when moving or attacking. Magebred creatures instead gain a False Appearance (of the same type you are able to ignore), patterned after a common natural object in the region of the creature's birth, such as a rock, a specific kind of tree, a mushroom or a dead leaf. While stationary, the creature is indistinguishable from a normal example of the object. Both magebred and magemarked specimens gain advantage on Stealth checks. You may have a maintain a single temporary magemarked beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Phantom Steed and Fly. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Conjure Animals three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

You may elevate one animal as a sacred beast which blesses the region around it. All animals within 5 miles regain the maximum amount of health while resting, and all members of the same species are charmed by the sacred beast should they encounter it. The sacred beast itself is surrounded by an ethereal light, becomes immune to radiant damage and has its natural lifespan extended to ten years if it is not naturally longer. All sacred beasts have a copy of the Siberys Mark of Handling somewhere on their body. Upon death, the sacred beast returns to life as an adult member of its species. If it was slain by another creature, it gains the Regeneration, Rejuvenation and Vengeful Tracker abilities of a revenant, and must slay its killer within a year and a day or else cease to exist. If successfully defeats its killer, it loses these abilities and continues in its present form, still a sacred beast. If it had died of old age, the sacred beast is returned to life as an adolescent member of the same species which is just old enough to survive independently. Each of its ability scores are each increased by 2 to a maximum of 30 for physical ability scores and 20 for mental ability scores. The heir may not bless a new sacred beast while the another they have elevated still exists. A sacred beast's status can outlive the heir which uplifts it. Any children the sacred beast sires or bears are unusually healthy and exceptional members of their species, but are not sacred beasts themselves.

Manifestations of the Mark of Healing:
1. You are proficient with the healer's kit, medicine and the herbalist's kit. Additionally, you may craft potions of healing and vials of antitoxin at ten times the usual rate. This provides no cost discount.
2. Your dragonmark allows you to prepare medicinal tinctures to protect yourself and others from diseases. Each tincture requires one minute and a use from a healer's kit to prepare. You may prepare up to 50 tinctures this way before the magic of this manifestation needs a long rest to recover. Each tincture protects a creature for one day from one specific disease chosen when you prepare the tincture. Each tincture has a market price of 1 gold.
3. You may induce a patient within touch range to fall into a recuperative sleep. Once asleep, the patient may choose to spend a single hit die to regain lost hit points. If they do not wish to fall asleep, the patient may make a constitution save to remain awake, but in this case the patient may not spend a hit die. During the first minute of sleep, the patient will not awaken of their own accord. Shaking or loud noises will also not wake the patient, but damage will do so immediately. After one minute of sleep, the patient may wake or be awakened normally.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Healing Word and Ray of Sickness. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Cure Wounds three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. If you tend to a patient for at least ten minutes, they may immediately make a recuperation check (as if they had spent three days recuperating) and gains both benefits of recuperation rather than just one. They will also regain all expent hit dice on their next long rest rather than half.
2. You may accelerate the healing of your patients while they rest. Once during a short rest, a patient may expend one hit die to gain the benefits of lesser restoration rather than healing. Alternatively, they may expend three hit dice to gain as many temporary hit points as those hit dice would have healed for one hour.
3. By spending one minute diagnosing a patient, you may prepare written or verbal instructions for any character who is proficient in medicine checks, possibly including yourself. The next time this character provides treatment to the patient according to your instructions, all hit points recovered by the patient are maximized. This includes magical healing.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Calm Emotions and Protection from Poison. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Lesser Restoration three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. As an action, you may channel the power of your mark to holistically heal one living creature. It immediately regains 50 hit points, regenerates all lost limbs, organs or other body parts and is cured of all conditions which a greater restoration spell could cure. You may elect not to cure certain conditions, regenerate certain parts or heal damage from certain sources. You may use this ability once per long rest.
2. You become proficient in Athletics, Acrobatics, one throwing weapon and two saving throws of choice. Characters who spend at least one hour per day exercising according to your instructions gain advantage on saving throws of the same type you gained proficiency in due to this manifestation.
3. You become immune to disease. As an action, you may use your understanding of nosomatic chirgurgy to draw the disease out of a touched patient and isolate it within yourself. This cures the patient and renders the disease perfectly incommunicable with a single exception: Once per long rest, by touching a creature as an action, you may infect them with one disease you have isolated within yourself. Treat this as a Contagion spell in all regards save for which disease is transmitted. Note that infecting someone with a disease does not remove it from your list of isolated diseases - only a small trace is needed to infect each person. If you unattune this manifestation, you are immediately exposed to every disease isolated within you at once.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Mass Healing Ward and Remove Curse. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Revivify three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
You may activate your Siberys Mark of Healing once a week to utterly eliminate all instances of a single disease or condition within a five mile radius. If you have not made use of the Siberys powers of your mark for over a month, you gain the ability to restore yourself to peak health as a reaction. You recover all hit points, remove all negative conditions, recover from all diseases, break all curses affecting you, restore all of your hit dice and become two weeks younger. This counts as a use of the mark, meaning that you must wait a week before curing disease or a month before another full healing. Heirs to the Siberys mark of healing are often loathe to use this mark except in the most dire or profitable circumstances due to massive advantage it bestows.

Manifestations of the Mark of Hospitality:
1. You require five less untrained hirelings to maintain a stronghold. While carousing or sowing rumors, your lifestyle counts as one step (or 5gp if already aristocratic) more lavish than it actually is at no additional cost. You become proficient in cook's and brewer's tools.
2. Your mark allows you to make a little hospitality go a long way: Any food you make feeds twice the usual number of people. Those staying at accommodations you prepare may complete a long rest in half the usual time. Friendly creatures within thirty feet of you are not considered difficult terrain for you or for other creatures friendly to you.
3. Once a day you may fill empty pitchers or other containers as you had an Alchemy Jug (DMG pg. 150).
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Goodberry and Sanctuary. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Unseen Servant three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Any fire tended by the Marked is far too warm and comforting to allow violence. Creatures within 30 feet of the fire must make a charisma save to take any violent action against any other creature within range. Those who willingly approach the fire and lay down their weapons fail this save automatically. Anyone who successfully initiates such a violent action is exempted from this protection.
2. Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may pull yourself and any willing, adjacent targets into an extradimensional shelter. The shelter is 100 square feet and can fit up to 10 medium sized creatures inside before becoming too crowded. Once inside, the shelter can be left by any occupant with an action, placing them as close as possible to where they were transported from.
3. You are followed by five unseen servants. As normal, these servants will act to serve their master within the vicinity, pulling out chairs, placing food, cleaning and performing other menial tasks. A servant is destroyed if it is moved further than 60 feet from its master. As an action, you may transfer one servant to another creature, effectively making that creature the servant's master for one hour. The unseen servant will then obey that creature and may go beyond 60 feet from you so long as it stays within range of its temporary master. At the end of the hour, the unseen servant reverts to your control and reappears next to you. If destroyed for any reason, they reform after one week.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Arcane Lock and Knock. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Rope Trick three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You create an extradimensional space consisting of no more than 50 ten foot cubes arranged in any configuration you wish. This volume is initially empty and unfurnished save for the indestructible walls which constitute the borders of the extradimensional space. The space may then be built in or furnished however you wish using the rules for building a stronghold on page 127 of the DMG. You may open a portal to this extradimensional location through any door which has been engraved with the mark of hospitality. As long as the door open remains open, any creature may pass through the portal. When a creature leaves, they exit at the location from which they entered. If you attempt to leave with an object brought into the space from another location, it exits the space at the doorway through which it entered.
2. By performing an elaborate, full day ritual, you may erect a large wall an outdoor area. Draw the mark of hospitality at seven sites, each at least 10 feet but most 100 feet from another mark. From each mark, a rounded stone tower 5 feet in diameter and 30 feet tall springs forth. An wall 5 feet thick and 20 feet tall connects each tower to each other tower within 100 feet. Neither the walls nor the tower are hollow, but handholds exist on one side of each tower allowing a creature to climb to the top or onto a wall. This structure lasts for one week before collapsing into dust. Each tower and each 10 foot section of wall has 60 hit points and is immune to damage from non-magical weapons other than siege weapons.
3. By channeling your magic through some part of a structure for one minute, you may fortify and secure it. Select a door, window, wall, roof or floor. Doors and windows permanently gain locks and become Arcane Locked for 24 hours. Walls, roofs and floors permanently gain immunity to one common source of damage based on their type, with wood becoming fireproof, stone proof against bludgeoning, metal immune to rust and ice immune to melting. Walls also temporarily become immune to damage from nonmagical sources for one hour.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Create Food and Water & Tongues. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Leomund's Tiny Hut three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
Once a day, you may activate your Siberys mark, giving everyone within five miles of you immunity to the negative effects of weather and extreme temperature for 24 hours. If you go without using this for 48 hours, everyone within five miles of you instead begins to feel a deep fervor to defend their neighbors. As a reaction upon seeing another creature rob or break into a residence or business, each creature affected this way may fly into a berserk rage as if they were a 1st level barbarian.

2015-05-05, 03:34 PM
Something to consider while going over this: These are supposed to be a big deal, a big part of your character, and replacing access to other attunement magic items.

Thank you to everyone who PEACHes.

Manifestations of the Mark of Making:
1. Each day, you may create mundane objects as per nolzur's marvelous pigments with limits of no more than 10000 cubic feet in total volume and no more than 25gp in total value per day. Doing so requires the use of tools appropriate to the creation of the items in question, rather than painting with a brush.
2. Once per long rest, you may spend ten minutes with a whetstone to sharpen one nonmagical slashing or piercing weapon to incredible sharpness, effectively transforming it into a +3 magical weapon. Each time the weapon hits, it loses one point of enhancement bonus, becoming non-magical on the third successful strike. Alternatively, you may sharpen five pieces of ammunition. These count as magical the next time they are fired and do not cause disadvantage when firing at long range, but confer no bonus to attack or damage rolls.
3. Once per long rest, you may affix two unattended, currently touching objects with a nearly unbreakable bond. This process takes ten minutes and may only be reversed using universal solvent, oil of etherealness, the wish spell or another application of this manifestation of the Mark of Making.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Tenser's Floating Disk and Grease. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Identify three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. While attuned to this manifestation of the Mark of Making, you are proficient in the use of any tools, weapons, armour or other objects you personally craft. This does not grant proficiency in other similar objects, only in those you have created.
2. While crafting objects, you may elect to imbue them with an unusual resistance to damage. Select a number of damage types for the resulting object to be vulnerable to, then select twice as many damage types for the object to be immune to. These may not overlap. As a side effect of this process, you may craft any object from any material - glass may forged into swords, silk spun might into armour and even stone may ground into flour. Such objects always cost at least twice the normal price to create and may cost significantly more if expensive materials such as gold and precious gems are used in their crafting.
3. You may awaken an otherwise unliving construct by imbuing it with a touch of life. For the next 24 hours, such constructs count as living creatures for all effects which would effect a living creature but not a construct. Furthermore, they are capable of feeling true emotion and lose any immunity psychic damage, the charmed or frightened conditions, bardic music and other such emotional effects. Most importantly, an intelligent construct awakened this way becomes capable of gaining inspiration, and may spend that inspiration to extend the duration of its awaking another 24 hours. If a construct is ever awakened for a full week without interruption, it permanently comes to life and becomes a living construct just as a warforged is. Note: this ability has no effect on a construct's disposition. Even awakened, a golem ordered to guard a room will continue to do so, feeling a strong sense of duty to obey the orders of its creator. Only once permanently awakened does it truly become its own person.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Continual Flame and Nystul's Magic Aura. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Magic Weapon three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You may create and animate a construct servant to protect you. Treat this as a helmed horror(see page 183 of the monster manual) save that you may equip it with any equipment you wish to provide and that it speaks any languages you do. As the creator, you may select the three spells it is immune to. The construct is under your direct control, acts on your initiative and serves you to the best of its abilities. By expending a Hit Die during a short or long rest, you may repair your construct of damage equal to the hit points you would have recovered or change one of its spell immunities. Creating this construct or replacing a destroyed one costs 5000 gold in raw materials and a khyber shard containing an elemental spirit to supply the guiding intelligence and general personality. Consult with your DM as to how one might be obtained.
2. You may cause objects temporarily created by magic (such as the Create spell, but other effects may be allowed with DM permission) to become real and permanent items. Spells with a concentration based duration can never be made permanent this way. Doing so requires refined eberron shards with equal value to the object to be made real, or 50 gold worth of refined shards per spell level if no obvious price is listed.
3. By replacing the eberron shards in a magic item with siberys shards, you may convert it to a dragonmarked item. Preparing the siberys shards requires a month's work with alchemist's tools, while switching out the shards requires only a day's labor once the shards are prepared. Each set of siberys shards must be prepared with a specific item and a specific mark and size in mind. Consult with your DM to determine the details of which items are appropriate for what size of which dragonmark.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Flame Arrows and Erupting Earth (EEEC 17). This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Fabricate three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
You may manifest any one of these powers each day:
Resurrect a construct, as per Raise Dead, save that it requires 500 gold worth of parts and works only on constructs.
Instantly repair one object, even a magic item or artifact, as long as the item in question was destroyed by outside forces rather than through the intended use of the object. A potion that has been drunk cannot be 'repaired' this way, but one which has been spilled or smashed can. Generally, artifacts can only be remade at certain significant locations, such as the site of the artifact's destruction or original creation.
Animate all unattended manmade objects within 120 feet for one hour, as per Animate Objects. Rather than mentally directing them to attack, you must direct them toward objects which need to be cleaned or repaired, or toward ongoing crafting or building projects. These objects are considered to be proficient in their own use: an animated hammer would be proficient at any task which a worker might use that hammer for.
If none of these abilities are used for over 48 hours, the power of the mark diverts itself into fixing objects in the region around you. All items within 5 miles slowly repair normal wear and tear over time rather than sustaining it. All efforts to repair a broken object take half as much time as expected. This passive effect fades as soon as one of the active manifestations of your Siberys mark are used.

Manifestations of the Mark of Passage:
1. You benefit from Spider Climb, as per the spell, at all times. You are also immune to slippery surfaces and have advantage against shoving attacks.
2. All characters within 30' of you can move at normal speed while sneaking, swimming or climbing and may move at fast speed, navigate, draw a map, track or forage without taking any penalty to Wisdom (Perception) checks while traveling.
3. You are proficient with mounts and all types of vehicles. Any vehicle you drive or mount you ride goes at three times normal speed rather than twice when dashing or moving at a fast pace.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Feather Fall and Jump. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Expeditious Retreat three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed and no longer need to breathe. In addition to letting you avoid drowning, this renders you completely immune to harmful gases and vapors (such as Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, inhaled poisons and certain breath weapons.)
2. If you use the Dash or Disengage action, you can fly that round in addition to going faster or not provoking reaction attacks.
3. Any mount or vehicle you are control of has a base speed of 15 feet faster than usual for its type, may walk on or travel over water, jump three times the usual distance and leaves no tracks.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Phantom Steed and Pass Without Trace. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Misty Step three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You may turn ethereal for up to ten minutes per day. This ability is activated for one minute at a time as a reaction to attempting to pass through a solid barrier or to being attacked.
2. Once per long rest, you may teleport a single object or container no larger than 10' in any dimension to any teleport circle you know the sigil sequence to. This requires one minute to draw out the greater mark of passage on the item to be teleported.
3. You instinctively know how to reach any permanent teleport circle created using the Greater Mark of Passage. You can discern the direction and distance to any such circle you know the sigil sequence for. Should you lack the sigil sequence for such a circle, you can still teleport to it using only a reliable description of its location. This ability does not work with teleport circles created without the use of the Mark of Passage.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Haste and Gaseous Form. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Teleportation Circle three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
You may manifest one of the following powers at will. Choose when you first gain yours Siberys Mark; this choice cannot be changed later:
-As an action while standing at a permanent teleportation circle, you may open a portal to any other teleportation circle you know the sequence for just as if you had cast the spell. You may do this as often as you wish without ever expending a single spell slot.
-By drawing an accurate, full-sized depiction of the Siberys Mark of Passage on any outdoor surface, you create a mystic link from yourself to the location of the drawing. Thereafter, you may teleport yourself and any objects (but not creatures) which you carry to the drawing as an action. You may do this as often as you wish. While you may have as many such drawings as you wish, this ability fails if the mark is damaged or is not visible to the open sky.
If you do not actively use your mark to teleport (regardless of which manifestation you have) for more than 48 hours, the powers within instead divert themselves to creating paths and passages in your wake. For the first ten miles you travel each day, a path forms behind you. Each square traveled ceases to be difficult terrain as foliage bends to open a way, rubble crumbles into loosely packed gravel and sand fuses into stone. If a path or road already exists, it repairs itself if damaged or increases in quality if already pristine. No route may benefit from this ability more than once a year, and miles traveled along already improved paths do not count against your daily allotment.

Manifestations of the Mark of Scribing:
1. You gain the ability to prepare recording scrolls. Once the seal on a scroll is broken, it begins to record any sounds heard within 100 feet of the scroll, writing them down in a complex format using several colours of ink. Although the actual text of a filled scroll is completely unintelligible to most creatures, anyone attempting to reading what is written receives a mental impression of the recorded sounds, exactly as they were heard by the scroll. A scroll capable of storing one hour of sounds requires 25 gold in ink and paper, and requires one day of work to prepare, and has a market price of 50 gold. Scrolls of any length may be created, costing proportionally more to create and holding proportionally longer recordings. Once a scroll is completely filled, it ceases recording and lets out a brief chime to indicate that it is full. A filled scroll may be read any number of times but may not be emptied or reused.
2. Your dragonmark makes you remarkably adept at getting your meaning across. While speaking or writing, you may choose to be understood. And words produced this way can be comprehended by any creature with a language in whatever language they are most fluent. Spoken words produced this way sound like plain, ordinary speech if one listens to the meaning, but as gibberish if one listens to the sounds. The written form likewise appears ordinary when one tries to read it, but illegible if one examines the individual letters and words produced.
3. Your mark grants you the ability to create papercraft charms. When thrown onto the ground as an interaction, these origami charms expand into larger versions of the object which the charm resembles. A charm takes ten minutes to fold out of a sheet of ordinary paper and may only be deployed by its creator. The resulting object may be no larger than five feet in any dimension and is made out of any combination of wood, wood pulp, sawdust or paper. You may only maintain a single object at a time, as deploying a second causes the first to revert back into its paper charm form.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Illusory Script and Identify. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Comprehend Languages three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You may engage in a complicated form of doublespeak which distorts the memories of others. As an action, you may effectively 'undo' the last six seconds of a conversation, replacing whatever you just said with something else instead. Doing so allows you to retroactively gain advantage on one Charisma check of your choice. Each listener then makes a wisdom save. If successful, they do not immediately realize the switch, but will catch the alteration should they ever try to recall how the conversation went. On a failure, the creature does not notice the change at all. Almost all creatures will become hostile should they realize you are tampering with their memories. Those prone to violence will attack, while others may spread word that you cannot be trusted.
2. You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 1000 feet which you are aware of. You are automatically aware of the number (but not identity or location) of minds within range. Creatures which are immune to being charmed or which lack a language can neither be detected by nor communicated with via this form of telepathy. As this ability does not reveal the location or nature of other minds, it is of little use for locating hidden creatures.
3. You gain the ability to enter into a trance which allows you to take remote dictation. As an action, choose one location within 1000 feet with which you have previously seen or have a reliable description of. An invisible scrying sensor appears at that location, on inch in diameter. For as long as you continue to concentrate, you can write down anything said or done within 100 feet of the sensor. While manifesting this ability, you enter into a trance and are effectively blind and deaf. You neither see nor hear your own surroundings nor those of the scrying sensor. As a side effect of attuning this ability, you gain perfect penmanship and proficiency in calligraphy tools.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Animal Messenger and Magic Mouth. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Sending three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You gain the ability to prepare naming scrolls. Each scroll requires one hour to prepare and requires the true name of an extraplanar entity. See pages 53 and 67 of the Monster Manual for details, but keep in mind that House Sivis prefers to use the names of elementals rather than make enemies of fiendish creatures. Each time a question is written on the scroll, the bearer of the true name written makes an intelligence saving throw against the scroll's creator. On a failed save, it must answer the question written honestly and to the best of its knowledge, answering with a minimum of one word per question, or with a short phrase if all single word answers would be misleading. On a successful save, the owner of the name is still compelled to respond, but may freely choose to lie, to give a useless answer or to otherwise be unhelpful. After five questions are asked (no matter what answers are given) the scroll is destroyed.
2. As an action once per long rest, you may form a telepathic bond between two willing creatures. Either bonded creature may mentally communicate with the other regardless of distance. Bonded creatures may also, as an action, see through the senses of the other creature for one round. This telepathic bond remains in place for as long as either member of the bond continues to concentrate. If one bonded creature ceases to concentrate, it may resume concentration as an action, so long as the bond is still in place.
3. Your mark grants you the ability to draw up contracts which are difficult to secretly violate. If signed in ink, the contract monitors the terms of the agreement and bursts into flames as soon as the signee becomes aware of a breach in the terms laid out. The contract ignites regardless of who is responsible for the violation, and will always be triggered by a creature who has signed in ink knowingly breaking the agreement. If signed in blood, the contract instead ignites the singee should they cause the contract to be breached, inflicting 6d10 fire damage. This ignition happens only once per signee per signature. In order for the signature to be valid and have any magical effect, the creature signing must be aware of the magical nature of the contract and, in the case of the blood signature, voluntarily sign the contract with the intent to be bound by its terms. It is common practice in House Sivis for creatures to sign both in ink and in blood, and to maintain a non-magical copy of any such agreement for recordkeeping purposes.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Speak with Dead and Speak with Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Tongues three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

You gain the ability to write a book which contains all of your knowledge and lore. This process takes one month of seclusion, a thousand pages of paper or parchment and at least a dozen bottles of ink. Choose when writing it whether you are writing a treatise, a journal, an anthology or a manual. Once written, your book becomes a transcendent example of its form and grants great insight to those who read it or any copy made of it: Once per short rest, any creature may consult your book to gain advantage on one related skill check. Doing so takes one minute. While not adventuring, any creature may study your book to train itself in a related skill. Doing so takes the usual training time, but no additional materials. Once per week, you (and only you) may use your book to commune with previous heir of the Siberys Mark of Scribing, receiving insight as per either a Commune spell or a Legend Lore spell. If you commune with the elders once per week and ask about their own wishes, or about their histories, you may be invited to join them upon your death. In this case, any future bearers of the Siberys Mark of Scribing will be able to contact you, and any copy of your book can be used to resurrect you, as if it were a part of your body.A treatise is related to all Intelligence based skills. A journal is related to all Wisdom based skills. An anthology is related to all Charisma based skills and to the use of instruments. A journal is related to all physical skills and to the use of artisan's tools.
Manifestations of the Mark of Sentinel
1. You become proficient in Wisdom (Perception) checks and all types of armour. Characters who spend at least one hour per day drilling according to your instructions gain advantage on perception checks, proficiency in one type of armour, and count as a skilled hireling for the purposes of maintaining a garrison. You may train up to 25 people at once during downtime, and the market price of such training is typically one gold per day per person. This training requires a regimented lifestyle which is incompatible with travel or adventuring.
2. Your mark reveals attacks to you seconds before they happen. You become proficient in initiative checks, gain advantage on initiative checks and are always aware of the origins of any attack targeting you. After rolling initiative, the first saving throw for each save you make within the next minute is made with advantage.
3. You gain exceptional insight into restraining dangerous prisoners. You become proficient in nets, and creatures restrained by you (through any means, not just using nets) cannot escape their restraints using magic, nor make use of any form of teleportation or dimensional travel. As an attack while holding a net, rope, chain, manacles or other restraint you may ensnare a creature, making it easier to capture. For each such attack, treat the creature as one size smaller for the purposes of grappling and netting. This effective decrease in size lasts for one minute or until the creature is neither grappled nor restrained, whichever is longer. It does not make the creature weigh less, which may limit your ability to drag grappled creatures along.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Heroism and Sanctuary. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Compelled Duel three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. Your mark protects you against magic and those protected by magic. You count as if wearing a Ring of Counterspelling (see page 193 of the DMG) and all of your attacks count as magical for the purposes of bypassing resistance and immunity to damage.
2. As an action, you may establish a protective connection between yourself and another creature. Doing so requires that you place one of a matched pair of silver rings engraved with the Mark of Sentinel to the creature onto be warded and that you currently be wearing the other member of the pair. These rings cost 50 gold each, and the effect ends as soon as either is removed from its wearer. Putting the ring back on does not reestablish the effect. While within 60 feet of the warded creature, treat this effect as a Warding Bond spell of indefinite duration Beyond this range, you are aware of the status of any warded creature including their direction and distance from you with enough accuracy track them, their general health and vague insight into their emotional wellbeing. Sentinel Wardens have been known to occasionally use cursed rings in order to keep track of prisoners.
3. Nothing escapes the gaze of an heir to The Mark of the Sentinel. You gain truesight and blindsight out to 120 feet at all times. This often manifests with some visual alteration to the eyes of the heir.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Barkskin and Earthbind . This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Blur three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You regenerate. As long as you are still above 0 hit points, regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns. If you take acid or fire damage, this ability does not manifest at the start of your next turn. You are also no longer subject the "Instant Death" or "Damage at 0 Hit Points" rules from Chapter 9 of the Player's Hand Book. Instead, for every 15 damage received while below 0 hit points, roll once on Loathsome Limbs table as seen in the Troll entry on page 291 of the Monster Manual.
2. By taking ten minutes after a long rest, you may draw the Greater Mark of Sentinel upon a shield and thereby imbue it with powerful protective magics. Choose any one type of damage. For the next 24 hours, any proficient wielder of the shield is immune to all damage of that type, while non-proficient wielders merely become resistant. This effect is esoteric as it is powerful, and does not act through purely physical means. Thus, even seemingly implausible types of damage, such as psychic or poison, can be protected against. If using the least manifestation of your mark to count as if having a shield, you may instead gain the immunity by tracing over your own mark with the required inks. Regardless of the surface covered, one vial of ink allows for five applications.
3. You may grant spiritual and physical protection. Choose yourself or any other individual within thirty feet, as well as a single type of creature. Your target gains the benefits of a Protection from Evil and Good spell which protects them from the chosen type of creature. Any creature type may be chosen, even those not normally allowed by the spell. You may change the target and/or type to protect against after a short rest, but only one individual may benefit from this ability at a time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Counterspell and Meld into Stone. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Protection from Energy three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
As an heir to the Siberys Mark of the Sentinel, you may establish its protective force over a whole region once per long rest. By spending ten minutes concentrating and selecting a single type of creature, you may create a protective dome with a radius of five miles around yourself. Treat the area inside as if affected by a Magic Circle spell tuned against the chosen creature type. This ability has an effective spell level equal to half your character level, rounded up and lasts for tweleve hours plus one hour per spell level. If you go one week without using this ability, your resolute defense instead turns inwards, giving you the benefits of Mind Blank, as the spell.

Manifestations of the Mark of Shadow
1. Once per long rest, you may transform a collection of ordinary theatre props into temporary, but far more valuable versions of themselves. Such props may have a total value of no more than 5gp, while the resulting illusory versions may be worth no more twenty times that of the prop provided. While infused with illusory power, the items are effectively real versions of the props. Prop swords become sharp, prop armour protective, prop poisons can kill and prop potions can heal. The majority of magic items cannot be created this way, illusion or not. No matter what is made, items are fleeting: each prop turns back to its true form with the coming of the dawn or when exposed to a bright light. Only their effects remain behind.
2. You gain proficiency in three musical instruments and the ability to produce musical compositions containing auditory illusions. Treat this as the Minor Illusion cantrip, save that it can only produce sound and lasts for the duration of the performance. This effect is a property of the music rather than the musician. If transcribed into a arcane composition (which takes twice as the performance itself) any other musician working from the arcane composition can include the same illusions in their performance. Such music is often passed down as heirlooms in family lines.
3. You may manipulate unattended objects at a distance so long as they are completely enshrouded by your shadow. You strength and precision with this ability is exactly the same as your own. While fighting with a weapon in one hand and a source of light to create a shadow with in the other, you may use this ability to effectively give your weapon the reach property.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Silent Image and Fog Cloud. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Disguise Self three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You gain proficiency in calligraphy tools and persuasion. When you sow rumours during downtime, 1d6 random characters (DM's choice which, but typically an even mix between skilled and unskilled labourers) who learn of the rumour are subjected to a Suggestion effect of your choice relating to the contents of the rumour. These characters are each unaware of the identities of the others and, unless the suggestion specifies otherwise, will not seek each other out in the course of completing the suggestion.
2. You become proficient in Athletics and Acrobatics. Whenever you Dash, Dodge or Disengage, you may elect to gain the benefits of one of the other two as well.
3. During downtime, you may produce Shadow Cards. Each has a market value of 25 gold, may only be used by a bearer of the Mark of Shadow, and produces the effects of a Phantasmal Force illusion when flung onto the ground. The content of the illusion is determined when the card is crafted, with a depiction of the illusion appearing on the front face of the card. By spending ten times the normal time and gold, you may instead create a Greater Shadow Card which does not require a Mark of Shadow to use. Use the magic item crafting rules to determine how long a card takes to make. A character may play no more than three Shadow Cards (of either variety) each long rest.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Invisibility and See Invisibility. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Darkness three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. Your shadow and reflection gain a life of their own. As an action once per long rest, you may cause your shadow to rise up as a Shadow creature. This Shadow cannot make spawn, but serves you loyally. If destroyed, it reforms during your next long rest. Once per long rest as a bonus action, you may use your reflection to cast a Mislead spell. While using this ability, your reflection does not appear in mirrors, even to those with truesight.
2. As part of a one hour ritual, you may imbue five works of art with a fragment of your own shadow. All five art objects much be present at once for the ritual, and all five are imbued at once. If you have other imbued objects in existence, they must be present for the ritual and count against your five item limit. You may not perform this ritual while blind. Once imbued, you may look through any of the objects as an action. Each has 120 feet of vision and 60 feet of darkvision, overcoming even magical darkness. If an imbued object is destroyed, you take 3d10 psychic damage and are blinded permanently until cured.
3. You gain the ability to adopt a shadow form. While in this form, you may hide as a bonus action while standing in darkness and may freely slip through 1 inch gaps. You gain resistance to all damage types other than Radiant, which you immediately become vulnerable to instead.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Clairvoyance and Major Image. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Nondetection three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
Your Siberys mark allows you to teleport to creature within 5 miles, provided that you have previously seen their face, that they are currently attempting to hide from another creature and that the creature you wish to teleport to is located in an area with no bright lighting. This teleportation may occur as often as you like. If you refrain from using this ability for 48 hours, your awareness of the play of light and dark expands, making you aware the appearance (but not location) of anyone within 5 miles using the shadows to hide.

Manifestations of the Mark of Storm
1. As a reaction while flying or falling, you may move twice your speed. This movement cannot move you upward, but does not need to move you downward. If you reach the ground as part of this movement, you take no falling damage. This ability does not, by itself, allow a character to stay in the air indefinitely. You still descend at the usual rate.
2. You become proficient in Water Vehicles, Carpenter's Tools and Navigator's Tools. When building or repairing waterborne vehicles, you perform work at ten times the usual rate.
3. You may alter the direction in which winds are blowing. Pick a point in mid air that you can see. For as long as you concentrate, up to one minute, any wind passing within 50 feet of that point is turned to blow in a direction of your choice, and is slowed by 10 miles per hour for every 30 degrees this direction differs from the prevailing winds in the area. While outdoors, this ability can almost always be used to call a downdraft from the upper atmosphere, shoving all creatures within a 50 foot cylinder 5 feet away from the center. A successful Strength save negates this shove. This ability may also be used to disperse clouds and perform crude alterations to the weather.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Create or Destroy Water and Thunderwave. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Fog Cloud three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You gain the ability to fly at your normal movement speed for as long as you concentrate. If you cease to concentrate while in mid air, you fall.
2. Your mark can be used to sway the minds of elementals around you. Once per short rest as an action, you may radiate a subtle aura of elemental fury. All elementals within 30 feet of you must make an Intelligence save or become overwhelmed with either terror or awe. Elementals of Fire and Earth who fail the save are charmed and frightened for one hour, while elementals of Water or Air are charmed and subject to the effects of a Compulsion spell for eight hours. The bearer of the mark decides how elementals of mixed origin (such as mephits) are treated. This ability is commonly employed on board elemental vessels in order to keep the bound elementals under control.
3. Storm Lesser Power: You may move cloud columns up and down. Your power extends out in a thirty foot column centered on you and allows you to move any clouds above you one mile higher or lower each minute. If a cloud reaches ground level, treat it as fog. If a cloud extends above 5 miles, precipitation occurs, manifesting as rain or sleet based on local temperatures. At 10 miles, snow occurs regardless of ground temperature, transforming into hail if an updraft of at least 35 miles per hour is also present. Clouds typically start one mile above the ground, but may extend many miles higher. This ability also works on magically created clouds, but will generally not produce precipitation when one is moved.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Levitate and Skywrite (EEEC 22). This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Gust of Wind three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. Once per short rest, you may solidify any clouds inside a 30 foot cube for as long as you concentrate, up to one hour. The clouds take one round to harden and one round to soften again, once the duration expires. During this time, treat the clouds as difficult terrain. For the rest of the duration, they are as hard as stone while retaining their usual weight. A creature trapped inside the clouds once they have fully hardened must hold its breath or begin to suffocate.
2. You mark grants you great intuition on a wide range of topics. Once a day, taking one minute, you may ask a single question, much like the spell Commune. The topics you may inquire upon include the weather up to a season in advance, regional plants and their growth requirements, regional animals with flight or swim speed, and finally regional water or air vehicles. This ability may be countered by anything that counters divinations, and cannot give answers related to anything that is not under open sky.
3. Once per day, you may alter the temperature in a one mile radius around you, increasing or decreasing the temperature by five degrees ferinheight for every minute spend concentrating. This ability may not change the temperature further than 30 degrees beyond the local average value for the season, and temperatures gradually return to a seasonal normal at a rate of 5 degrees per day. This alteration of temperature has wide-ranging impacts on the weather as air fronts form in response to the sudden temperature change. Air moving from warmer regions to colder regions creates winds in the direction of movement, with speed equal to two miles per hour per one degree of temperature difference. Clouds form at the edges of the front, often causing rain or thunderstorms.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Call Lightning and Fly. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Sleet Storm three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
Your Siberys mark is capable of extreme manipulations of the weather, given time. While you are present, weather within five miles of you is never damaging. Hail is never larger than grapes, and wind is never capable of damaging buildings. If you spend a week in a location, you may induce a maelstrom of rain, thunder, and wind around you. Over the course of one hour, clouds fill a one mile radius cylinder starting one mile off the ground and extending ten miles into the sky. Rain occurs as normal for this cloud formation. Once all of the clouds appear, a cyclone forms around you, starting with a 500 foot diameter eye of calm weather at the center of the storm. Just beyond this, wind speeds pick up to 300 miles per hour, decreasing 10 mph for every 30 feet beyond the edge of the eye. This cyclone lasts for twelve hours, and passes quickly once the duration is over. It takes a week for your weather moderating powers to become active once more, after which you may spend another week inducing another maelstrom. Although extremely destructive if used improperly, the weather workers of the Raincaller's guild often divert the wind and rain created through such storms into productive uses.

2015-05-05, 06:22 PM
Manifestations of the Mark of Warding
1. You gain the ability impart knowledge into pieces of metal. Iron, copper, silver, gold and platinum hold messages of 10, 50, 500, 5000 and 50000 words per pound of metal respectively. In order for this ability to work, the metal must be unalloyed, untransmuted and non-magical. This ability is often used by House Kundarak on coins to protect them from theft and devaluation. Copper peices typically contain only the name of the account they belong to, while larger denominations feature more extensive information, including previous owners, location of minting or details on past transactions. If any part of the metal is removed or damaged, the entire message becomes garbled, a sure sign of tampering. Up to 10000 words may be added or altered in any number of coins you can touch during a one minute ritual. Rumours persist that the House also uses this ability to pass secret messages between branches of their banks. Any bearer of the mark may read these messages, but only those manifesting this power may alter them. As a side effect of this ability, you are able to tell the weight of any metal object at a glance.
2. You may ward an item against movement within five feet during a one hour ritual. The next time a creature or object moves within range of the warded item, the magic reacts in one of three ways: The ward flashes brightly, becoming visible at up to 300 feet away. All creatures within five feet are permanently blinded. This can be avoided with a reflex save. The ward conjures magical ropes around the intruder, who must make a strength save or become restrained. The ward releases a cloud of toxic dye, causing all within five feet to become painted a single colour of the warder's choice and to make a constitution save against being poisoned.The ward may be indefinitely disabled or re-enabled by a spoken command phrase or by displaying the Mark of Warding to the warded item. Either, both or neither bypass method may be set when the ward is placed, but may not be changed later. If something is already within range at when the ward is activated, the ward is not triggered until some part of the creature or object passes out of proximity. This manifestation may be used simultaneously on a number of objects equal to the total number of hit dice you possess.
3. You become proficient in the use of thief's tools and mason's tools. While constructing locks and traps, you make progress at a rate of 50 gold a day and may craft magical locks and traps. Two exceptionally common forms of magical lock include phrase locks and mark locks, which require, respectively, a particular pass phrase and a particular dragonmark in place of a key. Consult the DM for available traps.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Detect Magic and Dissonant Whispers. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Alarm three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. Underneath each major Kundarak bank are five masses of metal known as Vaults of Kundarak. This manifestation of your mark allows you to access their contents. As an action, you may store any object made of the same metal as a Vault and imbued with an account name by the least manifestation of the mark within the vault. The object vanishes and its mass is added to that of the vault. Later, anyone who manifests this same ability may summon the item forth at a distance. Doing so requires ten minutes, an accurate mental image of the object or objects to be summoned and a one word account name for each object. The object(s), should such objects exist in any Vault matching your mental image and provided account name, are taken from the Vault and appear within 10 feet. For this reason, the true names of bank accounts are kept secret, to prevent unscrupulous bearers of the mark from tracelessly draining the contents. This ability is also occasionally used to conjure other objects, such as weapons or even cages in the defense of the house's properties.
2. You may ward an item against physical contact during a one hour ritual. The next time a creature (or object being handled by a creature) touches the warded item, the magic reacts in one of three ways: The object turns invisible and teleports to a predetermined location within 30 feet. The ward releases a thunderous noise, audible within 600 feet and deafening within 60. The ward lashes out at the creature or object, inflicting 4d10 damage.Each ward may be tuned to exclude certain creatures or types of creatures. These exclusions may be as complicated as desired, but must be based on some physical characteristic of the creature to be excluded. This manifestation may be used simultaneously on a number of objects equal to the total number of hit dice you possess.
3. You gain the ability to create and control mimics. Any container of medium size and sturdy construction may be transformed into a mimic through a one week process. In order for the mimic to take form, coins, gems or art objects worth at least 300 gold must be placed inside the container as an initial "seed" of treasure. Most mimics created this way are simple ambush predators. They do not speak and attempt to devour any unmarked individuals who blunder into them. A heir wishing to create a more useful and loyal creation can use objects with great sentimental value in the creation of a mimic. This produces an unusually docile and intelligent mimic which instinctively regards its creator as a friend and an ally. The resulting creature speaks Dwarven and is extremely reluctant to fight, acting only to defend the treasure within it, or if directed that round as an action by its creator. Due to the fickle nature of sentiment, only the loyalty of one such "tame" mimic can be had at a single time: creating a second is invariably seen as a betrayal by the first.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Find Traps and Knock. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Arcane Lock three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You gain the ability to create magical masses of metal known as Vaults. Doing so requires one week of work and 250 pounds of suitable metal. Each manifestation of this mark may only create one Vault for each type of metal. In addition to providing the basis for House Kundarak's interbank coin exchange, each carries a potent magical defense of its own. While within 100 feet of a vault (ignoring line of sight and cover), certain forms of magic are blocked: Iron prevents all magic which would cause a creature to become charmed or frightened. Copper prevents access to the Ethereal and Shadow planes. Silver prevents access to the Astral plane, including that required for teleportation. Gold prevents all divinations from viewing the area. Platinum foils all illusions and invisibility within the radius, treating all observers as if they had truesight for those purposes.Abilities granted by the Mark of Making are not blocked by the Vaults, and may freely be used within range. Rumours persist of Vaults maintained by dwarves with the Mark of Making outside of banking system.
2. You gain the ability to create beam based wards by tracing sigils onto parallel surfaces. As long as both sigils continue face each other, both surfaces remain parallel, and each sigil remains within 100 feet of its opposite, the ward remains in place and an invisible beam of energy connects the two sigils. Any creature or object which passes into this beam is subject to the effects of a Prismatic Spray spell targeting only that creature or object. The warder may choose to have the ward only produce a single colour, or to produce a random colour each time as per the spell. If the warder selects violet as the colour (or allows for random colours), the warder must choose whether the beam sends its victims to the astral, ethereal or shadow plane. If either surface is moved, the beam is disrupted for one round. A single pair of sigils requires no check to bypass if noticed, while larger numbers of sigils may require an acrobatics check to navigate safely.
3. You gain the ability to ward objects against visual inspection during a one hour ritual. If a creature closely examines the warded object, or uses the object without closing or averting their eyes, the creature is subject to one of the following three effects, chosen by the warder at the time the ward is placed: The creature is paralyzed, unable to move or even blink until moved away from the warded object by an outside force. A dexterity save negates this effect. The creature begins to petrify. If the creature fails a constitution saving throw, it becomes restrained on the first round, paralyzed the next and finally petrified on the third round after failing the save. A lesser restoration spell during either of the intermediate stages will cure the creature, as will a greater restoration spell after the creature has fully petrified. The creature is struck mad. It must make a roll on the long term insanity table on page 260 of the DMG. A successful will saving throw will reduce this to short term insanity instead.Unlike other wards made by this mark, no method can be set to bypass it. A creature must either know where not to look, or cover their eyes completely. This manifestation may be used simultaneously on a number of objects equal to the total number of hit dice you possess.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Dispel Magic and Remove Curse. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Magic Circle three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
You gain the ability to cast Guards and Wards three times per day. Whenever one of the traps placed by this spell goes off, you are immediately alerted to the fact by a mental alarm. If you go without using this ability for 48 hours, you instead gain a passive awareness of the flow of wealth. After each long rest, choose one phrase. You become aware of the location all objects imbued with a message containing that phrase by the least manifestation of this mark. This awareness lasts until your next long rest (when you may change the phrase) or until you use your mark to manifest Guards and Wards again.

The Aberrant Mark
The Aberrant Dragonmark comes in a variety of forms, and each character manifesting the mark manifests only a single variant of it. As the marked devotes more and more dragonmark manifestation slots to it, their mark grows in power. This uses all the usual rules for a dragonmark manifestation slots, save that there is no choice in what power you get. Instead, your mark suffuses you with aberrant energy at the end of each short rest, allowing you to cast certain spells. Roll on the chart below to determine which spells you gain, replacing all unused spells from prior short rests. Least Aberrant Marks roll d6s, Lesser roll d12s and Greater roll d20s. Roll once for each Dragonmark Manifestation Slot devoted to the Aberrant Mark. Resolve each roll completely before starting the next. You may cast each spell rolled once for each time you roll it on the chart. Your spell level for these spells is equal to half your character level (rounded up). If this would normally be insufficient to cast the spell, it is cast at its minimum spell level and you roll on the Short Term Madness table on page 258 of the DMG.

As an example, a character with a Lesser Aberrant Mark who has two Dragonmark Manifestation Slots attuned to their mark would roll a d12 on the chart twice, while a character with a Greater Mark, three Dragonmark Manifestation Slots and two cursed items attuned would roll a single d20.
Variants on the Aberrant Mark: (accepting requests here)
1. A shiver runs down your spine. Roll again twice.
2. Inflict Wounds
3. Arms of Hadar
4. Hold Person
5. Jump
6. Hex
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Fear
9. Fireball
10. Spirit Guardians
11. Evard's Black Tentacles
12. Dominate Beast
13. Fire Shield. Roll again once.
14. Immolation (EEEC 19)
15. Seeming
16. Telekinesis
17. Chain Lightning
18. Reverse Gravity
19. You may regain one expended Hit Dice as an action. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You may gain your level in temporary hit points as an action. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
1. Your mark whispers horrible things to you. Roll again twice.
2. Chromatic Orb
3. Thunderwave
4. Crown of Madness
5. Shield of Faith
6. Tasha's Hideous Laughter
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Hunger of Hadar
9. Hypnotic Pattern
10. Bestow Curse
11. Confusion
12. Compulsion
13. Phantasmal Killer. Roll again once.
14. Geas
15. Rary's Telepathic Bond
16. Modify Memory
17. Mass Suggestion
18. Mirage Arcane
19. You may regain one expended Hit Dice as an action. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You may gain your level in temporary hit points as an action. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
1. You mark feels inflamed with sickness. Roll again twice.
2. Ray of Sickness
3. Hex
4. Blindness/deafness
5. Detect Poison/disease
6. Sleep
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Stinking Cloud
9. Bestow Curse
11. Vitriolic Sphere (EEEC 23)
12. Blight
13. Giant Insect
14. Contagion
15. Insect Plague
16. Cloudkill
17. Create Undead
18. Finger of Death
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
1. A chill runs through your mark. Roll again twice.
2. Ice Knife
3. Armor of Agathys
4. Hold person
5. Mage Armor
6. Fog Cloud
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Sleet Storm
9. Tidal Wave (EEEC 23)
10. Slow
11. Ice Storm
12. Control Water
13. Watery Sphere + Roll again Twice (EEEC 23)
14. Cone of Cold
15. Maelstrom (EEEC 20)
16. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
17. Investiture of Ice (EEEC 19)
18. Whirlwind (EEEC 24)
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
1. Your mark tingles pleasantly with evil. Roll again twice.
2. Charm Person
3. Command
4. Suggestion
5. Hellish Rebuke
6. Hex
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Hypnotic Pattern
9. Major Image
10. Vampiric Touch
11. Compulsion
12. Locate Creature
13. Evard's Black Tentacles + Roll again once.
14. Dominate Person
15. Geas
16. Modify Memory
17. Mass Suggestion
18. Etherealness
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
Special: Unlike with most aberrant marks, this variant on the Aberrant Mark grants Force Whip as its cantrip option rather than Vicious Mockery. The Force Whip cantrip uses the same mechanics as Thorn Whip, save that it is made out of force rather than a thorny vine, and that the damage inflicted is Bludgeoning rather than Piercing.

1. Your skin flakes away as ashes near your mark, then heals. Roll again twice.
2. Burning Hands
3. Cure Wounds
4. Flame Blade
5. Hellish Rebuke
6. Absorb Elements (EEEC 15)
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Melf's Minute Meteors (EEEC 20)
9. Revivify
10. Flame Arrows
11. Fire Shield
12. Death Ward
13. Wall of Fire + Roll again once.
14. Mass Cure Wounds
15. Greater Restoration
16. Immolation (EEEC 19)
17. Investiture of Flame (EEEC 19)
18. Regenerate
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.

With DM permission, you can also build your own aberrant mark with whatever random assortment of spells you like. Fill out the bolded portions on the following template and present it to your DM for final approval. Parts you shouldn't alter are listed in italics.

1. Your mark pulsates unpleasantly in some fashion. Pick out appropriate flavour text. Roll again twice.
2. 1st level spell
3. 1st level spell
4. 2nd level spell
5. 1st level spell
6. 1st level spell
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. 3rd level spell
9. 3rd level spell
10. 3rd level spell
11. 4th level spell
12. 4th level spell
13. 4th level spell + Roll again once.
14. 5th level spell
15. 5th level spell
16. 5th level spell
17. 6th level spell
18. 7th level spell
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.

The Khyber Mark

Your Khyber Mark grants you a malign power akin to that of a Siberys dragonmark. As an action, you may impart aberrant power into a creature. They roll once on the long term madness table on page 260 of the DMG, then get three separate 1d4 rolls on your aberrant spells table. If you do not use this ability at least once a day, the unearthly power within your mark begins to seep into the region around you, increasing the rate at which aberrant marks manifest in the population. Each year, one additional aberrant mark manifests per thousand people within a five mile radius around you. These marks are equally distributed across the population and have a 50% chance to be of the same aberrant variant of your own and a 50% chance to manifest some other variant.

New Feats and Feat Options

Prerequisite: 8th level or higher. This feat has no benefit until you are level 9 and have exchanged all three of your magic item attunement slots for dragonmark manifestation slots. You may not take this feat if you have an aberrant dragonmark.

You have manifested a Siberys Dragonmark. This magical, body-covering symbol grants numerous magical magical abilities, including not only the extraordinary powers of the dragonmark, but also certain nearly miraculous applications that can change the face of Eberron. The manifestation of this mark is a momentous occasion, viewed as an omen by many and can send shockwaves through the dragonmarked houses, for good or ill. Speak to your DM about whether this feat is suitable to your campaign. Details on the properties of Siberys marks can be found under the Siberys heading in the manifestations section for your mark.

Prerequisite: 8th level or higher. This feat has no benefit until you are level 9 and have exchanged all three of your magic item attunement slots for dragonmark manifestation slots. You may not take this feat if you have any dragonmark other than an aberrant one.

You have manifested a Khyber Dragonmark. This warped dragonmark covers your entire body. Rumor holds that it spreads madness and pestilence anywhere it is found. There are no credible reports of this mark having been seen in recorded history, although rumour has it that it may have manifested briefly in Sharn during the War of the Mark. This is a rare, extremely stigmatized form of dragonmark. Speak to your DM about whether this fits your campaign. Details on the properties of Khyber marks can be found under the Khyber heading of the Aberrant Marks section.

Under this system, the Dragonmark feat from UA Eberron undergoes some thematic revisions:
Rather than granting a dragonmark, this feat now requires a dragonmark. Having a dragonmark is a roleplay choice which shouldn't be based on liking the spell selection a feat gives you. It doesn't actually require that you gain any dragonmark manifestation slots, but it does require that you declare that your character have a dragonmark somewhere on their body.
Rather than representing the innate powers of the dragonmark, it represents you receiving training in how to cast spells using your dragonmark as a source of magical energy.
The feat is renamed Dragonmark Initiate under the new theme. You are, in effect, a specialized form of Mystic Initiate.
Aberrant marks are now allowed! Add the following to the list of Dragonmarks allowed under the Dragonmark Initiate feat:
Aberrant Mark: House Tarkanan, which runs numerous criminal syndicates. Least: Vicious Mockery, Chromatic Orb. Lesser: Alter Self. Greater: Bestow Curse. Your spellcasting ability modifier is Charisma.


V a.2.0: Posted Making and Passage
V a.2.1: Revised Greater Making #1 to give you a helmed horror instead of a golem. A golem is way too strong, what was I thinking?
V a.2.2: Guess who forgot to give a price for the helmed horror. Hint: It is Grek.
V a.2.3: Added additional Siberys Passage option requested by Weyroc.
V a.2.4: Moved Spider Climb from Lesser to Least in passage, replacing expertise in Forced Marching. New Lesser ability added to replace it.
V a.2.5: Replaced Shillelagh in Making 1.4 with Tenser's; replaced Magic Weapon and Heat Metal in Making 2.4 with Magic Aura and Continual Flame.
V a.2.6: Find Steed becomes Phantom Steed in Passage 2.4
V a.2.6: Revised wording on .4 abilities to clarify that no, you cannot qualify for the extra prepared spells manifestation by dent of being able to cast spells through your dragonmark. You need actual spell slots.
V a.5.1: Added Healing, Hospitality, and Aberrant marks.
V a.5.1: Had accidentally swapped #1 results on Terror and Madness variant tables; now fixed.
V a.5.2: Making 3.4 loses Elemental Weapon, gains Flame Arrows. We really screwed up the spells on this one, didn't we?
V a.5.3: Spellcasting stat for Aberrant Marks now specified to be charisma.
V a.5.4: Text of Passage 3.3 revised; you can no longer spend an afternoon to just learn all the sigil sequences.
V a.5.6: Terror mark loses Fireball and gains Fear. How did we not include Fear for the TERROR mark?? Also daily limits for Healing 3.3.
V a.6.1: Mark of Shadow added.
V a.6.2: Fixed spell level numbering in Mark of Shadow.
V a.6.3: Fixed Changelog numbering for above numbering fix. Siiiigh. Also, swapped Darkvision for See Invisibility in Shadow 2.4 when it was pointed out that many races naturally have darkvision.
V a.6.4: CHANGELOG NUMBERING. Not Changeling.
V a.6.5: Reworded Siberys Healing.
V a.6.6: Request Granted! Aberrant Mark of Seduction added.
V a.6.7: Corrected spelling of "breath weapon"
V a.6.8: Specified how exactly you're supposed to roll for Aberrant marks. Apparently I left out the d6 -> d12 -> d20 progression!
V a.6.9: Added clarifying example, cleaned up a few "Dragonmark Attunement" vs. Dragonmark Manifestation" typos.
V a.7.1: Mark of Storm released! Also, we hit the character limit for the OP, so we've moved things into three posts.
V a.7.2: Hospitality revisions.
V a.8.1: Mark of Sentinel posted.
V a.8.2: Mark of Sentinel Least manifestations almost completely revised. Prior version left in post #16 for posterity/to remind us of our eternal shame.
V a.8.3: Massive changes to the system in general: There are no longer any feat prerequisites to gaining dragonmark manifestation slots. It only ever costs magic item attunement slots.
V a.8.4: More Sentinel revisions.
V a.9.0: Warding up.
V a.10.0: Scribing up.
V a.10.1: Clarifying edit to the section on gaining a dragonmark, specifying that if you have no dragonmark powers you can either not yet have had your mark appear, or you can have it appear but not know how to use it yet.
V a.10.2: Even more sentinel revisions.
V a.10.3: Various copypasta errors fixed.
V a.11.1: Detection up.
V a.11.2: Detection detected as being on holiday with the halflings down in post #7. Weyroc has been chastised and Detection moved into the proper location.
V a.12.1: Finding found.
V b.1.0: Handling done. That's the last of the 12 marks, meaning that we're now moving into beta. This includes: playtesting, writing introductions for each mark and proofreading. Please let us known when (not if) you find embarrassing spelling mistakes, missing words or bad grammar.
V b.1.1: Adjusted proficiencies on Handling. In retrospect, it was silly not to give everyone with the Handling mark proficiency in animal handling.
V b.1.2: Introduced first introductory sections, Medani and Vadalis.
V b.1.3: Altered Handling (swapping strength and con boosts around) and Detection (specified they learn which proficiencies) slightly to make their powers more economically viable.

2015-05-05, 07:27 PM
As the GM for this campaign I appreciate everyone who gives feedback for this idea. Also Grek I wish there was a way to like posts on here or something.

2015-05-06, 03:41 AM
IMHO these seem a little bit overpowered for 5E.

For example, look at the Least benefit for Mark of Making back in 3.5ed. Make whole or light repairs 1/day, alternate option of Mending 2/day and a +2 to craft checks. It's small, simple, and balanced for the environment. Provides a nice bit of utility considering it's more likely to be used for the status and flavoring over the mechanics, and sets a nice base for how dragonmarks are supposed to work in universe

4th edition lost some of this with it's ritual casting system, but still kept the general idea by giving you a ritual regardless if you had the ritual caster feat or not and a buff to the appropriate skill(s)

and while all we have for Eberron currently is the very slim Unearthed Arcana, it's pretty much just the 3.5 dragonmarking system.

Now, for your proposed Expanded Dragonmarks system ((at the cost of only one attunement slot and one feat)), we get
1.The ability to easily make money on demand as long as you have a whittling knife
2.The ability to create (albeit temporary) magical +3 melee weapons, and magical ammunition
3.Easily abused glue
4.2 spells constantly prepared ((I don't get the choice either, wouldn't it make more sense to have Create Food and Water or anything related to actual crafting?))
5.3/day uses of the Identify spell instead of the usual one.

And it gets more ridiculously powerful as the mark grows, the next tier granting players the ability to construct automatons a good few levels before they have any right to. ((a 5th level wizard's highest spell slot is 3rd level, you'd be granting any character the ability to replicate a few high level spells)) And the only real penalties are a feat tax and an attunement slot tax.

So I could take this, and get as much if not more benefits of a few good magical items before I'm even supposed to really see one?

Just my two cents though, and it's clear you put a lot of time and effort into thinking these up. Hope to see what happens in the future.

2015-05-06, 05:12 AM
In universe, dragonmarks are supposedly the basis for massive continent-wide trade monopolies. So obviously they need to allow the dragonmarked houses to do something that would justify that. But you can't just give away that sort of power for just a feat, because feats are supposed to be relatively small effects on par with getting +2 to an ability score. So instead you trade out an attunement slot (which would normally be used to get a magic item) for a power that is intended to be roughly on par with having a magic item. Keep in mind, each attunement slot gets you one of the listed powers for that level, not all five. Also note that it's one attunement slot per ability: a greater manifestation means that you've given up all three magic item attunement slots and all of the utility that you would normally get from your magic items has to now come from your dragonmark. As for specific abilities:

1: Easy money is sort of the point. They're trade monopolies. They're supposed to make money. And 25gp per day is how much you would be making every day if you happened to own an Alchemy Jug instead, which seemed fair to me.
2: I feel that the temporary nature of the bonus and the fact that you can effectively only use it for one fight a day is a suitable drawback for what would otherwise be a very powerful ability.
3: If the glue is too easily abused, we can make it easier to dissolve. A Grease spell or a Strength check, maybe. But given that it takes 10 minutes to apply and can be reversed, I feel like it shouldn't be too disruptive. Did you have some specific abuse in mind here?
4: Create Food and Water is a third level spell and therefore inappropriate for a first level character to be casting. Also: the Hospitality mark gets first dibs on it, as House Ghallanda was known for magically providing food during the Last War. But good catch on Shillelagh, that's actually a cantrip. Will replace with Tenser's Floating Disk.
5: I don't see a problem with a first level character casting Identify 3 times a day. It is a ritual, after all.

As for Lesser Making #3: This doesn't let you make constructs by itself. You need a previously existing construct in order to awaken it. Actually making constructs happens at level 9 with Greater, where you get a helmed horror. Helmed horrors are roughly on par with elementals (well, one CR lower) and you can summon elementals at level 9.

2015-05-08, 02:28 AM
Here come the Halfling marks!

Would absolutely love feedback!

Manifestations of the Mark of Hospitality:

1. You require five less untrained hirelings to maintain a stronghold. While carousing or sowing rumors, your lifestyle counts as one step (or 5gp if already aristocratic) more lavish than it actually is at no additional cost. You become proficient in cook's and brewer's tools.
2. Your mark allows you to make a little hospitality go a long way: Any food you make feeds twice the usual number of people. Those staying at accommodations you prepare may complete a long rest in half the usual time. Twice as many creatures as usual may fit within the same shelter as you without discomfort or crowding penalties.
3. Once a day you may fill empty pitchers or other containers as you had an Alchemy Jug (DMG pg. 150).
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Goodberry and Sanctuary. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Unseen Servant three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.

1. Any fire tended by the Marked is far too warm and comforting to allow violence. Creatures must make a charisma save to take any violent action against anyone warmed by the fire. Those who willingly approach the fire and lay down their weapons fail this save automatically. Anyone who initiates such a violent action is exempted from this protection.
2. Once a day, as a reaction, you may pull yourself and any willing, adjacent targets into an extradimensional shelter. The shelter is 150 square feet and extremely crowded if you bring along everyone you can. Once inside, the shelter can be left by any occupant with an action, placing them as close as possible to where they were transported from.
3. You are followed by five unseen servants. As normal, these servants will act to serve their master within the vicinity, pulling out chairs, placing food and performing menial tasks such as cleaning. They are destroyed if they are moved further than 60 feet from their master. As an action, you may transfer one servant to another creature, effectively making that creature the servant's master for one hour. The unseen servant will then obey that creature and may go beyond 60 feet from you so long as it stays within range of its temporary master. At the end of the hour, the unseen servant reverts to your control and reappears next to you. If destroyed for any reason, they reform after one week.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Arcane Lock and Knock. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Rope Trick three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. You create an extradimensional space consisting of no more than 50 ten foot cubes arranged in any configuration you wish. This volume is initially empty and unfurnished save for the indestructible walls which constitute the borders of the extradimensional space. The space may then be built in or furnished however you wish using the rules for building a stronghold on page 127 of the DMG. You may open a portal to this extradimensional location through any door which has been engraved with the mark of hospitality. As long as the door open remains open, any creature may pass through the portal. When a creature leaves, they exit at the location from which they entered. If you attempt to leave with an object brought into the inn from another location, it exits the inn at the doorway through which it entered.
2. By performing an elaborate, full day ritual, you may erect a large wall an outdoor area. Draw the mark of hospitality at seven sites, each at least 10 feet but most 100 feet from another mark. From each mark, a rounded stone tower 5 feet in diameter and 30 feet tall springs forth. An wall 5 feet thick and 20 feet tall connects each tower to each other tower within 100 feet. Neither the walls nor the tower are hollow, but handholds exist on one side of each tower allowing a creature to climb to the top or onto a wall. This structure lasts for one week before collapsing into dust. Each tower and each 10 foot section of wall has 60 hit points and is immune to damage from non-magical weapons other than siege weapons.
3. By channeling your magic through some part of a structure for one minute, you may fortify and secure it. Select a door, window, wall, roof or floor. Doors and windows permanently gain locks and become Arcane Locked for 24 hours. Walls, roofs and floors permanently gain immunity to one common source of damage based on their type, with wood becoming fireproof, stone proof against bludgeoning, metal immune to rust and ice immune to melting. Walls also temporarily become immune to damage from nonmagical sources for one hour.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: "Create Food and Water" & Tongues. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Leomund's Tiny Hut three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
Once a day, you may activate your Siberys mark, giving everyone within five miles of you immunity to the negative effects of weather and extreme temperature for 24 hours. If you go without using this for 48 hours, everyone within five miles of you instead begins to feel a deep fervor to defend their neighbors. As a reaction upon seeing another creature rob or break into a residence or business, each creature affected this way may fly into a berserk rage as if they were a 1st level barbarian.

Manifestations of the Mark of Healing:

1. You are proficient with the healer's kit, medicine and the herbalist's kit. Additionally, you may craft potions of healing and vials of antitoxin at ten times the usual rate. This provides no cost discount.
2. Your dragonmark allows you to prepare medicinal tinctures to protect yourself and others from diseases. Each tincture requires one minute and a use from a healer's kit to prepare. You may prepare up to 50 tinctures this way before the magic of this manifestation needs a long rest to recover. Each tincture protects a creature for one day from one specific disease chosen when you prepare the tincture. Each tincture has a market price of 1 gold.
3. You may induce a patient within touch range to fall into a recuperative sleep. Once asleep, the patient may choose to spend a single hit die to regain lost hit points. If they do not wish to fall asleep, the patient may make a constitution save to remain awake, but in this case the patient may not spend a hit die. During the first minute of sleep, the patient will not awaken of their own accord. Shaking or loud noises will also not wake the patient, but damage will do so immediately. After one minute of sleep, the patient may wake or be awakened normally.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Healing Word and Ray of Sickness. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Cure Wounds three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. If you tend to a patient for at least ten minutes, they may immediately make a recuperation check (as if they had spent three days recuperating) and gains both benefits of recuperation rather than just one. They will also regain all expent hit dice on their next long rest rather than half.
2. You may accelerate the healing of your patients while they rest. Once during a short rest, a patient may expend one hit die to gain the benefits of lesser restoration rather than healing. Alternatively, they may expend three hit dice to gain as many temporary hit points as those hit dice would have healed for one hour.
3. By spending one minute diagnosing a patient, you may prepare written or verbal instructions for any character who is proficient in medicine checks, possibly including yourself. The next time this character provides treatment to the patient according to your instructions, all hit points recovered by the patient are maximized. This includes magical healing.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Calm Emotions and Protection from Poison. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Lesser Restoration three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. As an action, you may channel the power of your mark to holistically heal one living creature. It immediately regains 50 hit points, regenerates all lost limbs, organs or other body parts and is cured of all conditions which a greater restoration spell could cure. You may elect not to cure certain conditions, regenerate certain parts or heal damage from certain sources. You may use this ability once per long rest.
2. You become proficient in Athletics, Acrobatics, one throwing weapon and two saving throws of choice. Characters who spend at least one hour per day exercising according to your instructions gain advantage on saving throws of the same type you gained proficiency in due to this manifestation.
3. You become immune to disease. As an action, you may use your understanding of nosomatic chirgurgy to draw the disease out of a touched patient and isolate it within yourself. This cures the patient and renders the disease perfectly incommunicable with a single exception: by touching a creature as an action, you may infect them with one disease you have isolated within yourself. Treat this as a Contagion spell in all regards save for which disease is transmitted. Note that infecting someone with a disease does not remove it from your list of isolated diseases - only a small trace is needed to infect each person. If you unattune this manifestation, you are immediately exposed to every disease isolated within you at once.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Mass Healing Ward and Remove Curse. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Revivify three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
You may activate your Siberys mark of healing once a week to utterly eliminate all instances of a single disease or condition within a five mile radius. If you do not use this ability for an entire month, the mark instead focuses inwards, allowing you a reaction to utterly heal yourself to peak health, recovering all hit points, removing all negative conditions, and restoring all hit die. While this ability is focused inward, you age at half the normal rate. Heirs to the Siberys mark of healing are often loathe to use this mark except in the most dire or profitable circumstances due to massive advantage it bestows.

2015-05-08, 03:27 PM
Looks cool to me! Did you already playtested this?

2015-05-08, 07:58 PM
We haven't yet. It honestly escalated from wanting the dragonmarks to be something more than a beefed up Mystic Initiate feat.

Aberrant and Shadow are on their way!

2015-05-08, 09:22 PM
Current playtesting plans involve having our DM spotfix anything that we accidentally break, and then posting their fixes to the thread. I will probably also run some simulated fights vs monsters and crunch some more economics numbers after we've moved into the beta phase.

Two new Dragonmarks and the first four Aberrant Marks up!

2015-05-10, 10:37 AM
The Abberant marks have a strange mechanic. The Aberrant marks are supposed to be weird, and hard to put into themes. Baker's said that they do strange things, such as having powers that make no sense together.

2015-05-10, 05:10 PM
That may be the case in some of the lore, but 4e (The most recent addition, as much as people dislike to admit it) had it done with themes.

More importantly, it's far easier to do it like this as a distribution, and then if anyone wants to use it differently, you totally can.

2015-05-11, 12:20 AM
Added instructions for writing your own Aberrant Mark, either for 4e style themes we haven't covered or for 3.5e style grab-bags of unpredictable and unrelated powers.

E: An anonymous PMer has requested an Aberrant Mark of Seduction. It took me about 10 minutes to write, so here it is:
1. Your mark tingles pleasantly with evil. Roll again twice.
2. Charm Person
3. Command
4. Suggestion
5. Hellish Rebuke
6. Hex
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Hypnotic Pattern
9. Major Image
10. Vampiric Touch
11. Compulsion
12. Locate Creature
13. Evard's Black Tentacles + Roll again once.
14. Dominate Person
15. Geas
16. Modify Memory
17. Mass Suggestion
18. Etherealness
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
Special: Unlike with most aberrant marks, this variant on the Aberrant Mark grants Force Whip as its cantrip option rather than Vicious Mockery. The Force Whip cantrip uses the same mechanics as Thorn Whip, save that it is made out of force rather than a thorny vine, and that the damage inflicted is Bludgeoning rather than Piercing.

2015-05-13, 05:21 AM
Added instructions for writing your own Aberrant Mark, either for 4e style themes we haven't covered or for 3.5e style grab-bags of unpredictable and unrelated powers.

E: An anonymous PMer has requested an Aberrant Mark of Seduction. It took me about 10 minutes to write, so here it is:
1. Your mark tingles pleasantly with evil. Roll again twice.
2. Charm Person
3. Command
4. Suggestion
5. Hellish Rebuke
6. Hex
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Hypnotic Pattern
9. Major Image
10. Vampiric Touch
11. Compulsion
12. Locate Creature
13. Evard's Black Tentacles + Roll again once.
14. Dominate Person
15. Geas
16. Modify Memory
17. Mass Suggestion
18. Etherealness
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
Special: Unlike with most aberrant marks, this variant on the Aberrant Mark grants Force Whip as its cantrip option rather than Vicious Mockery. The Force Whip cantrip uses the same mechanics as Thorn Whip, save that it is made out of force rather than a thorny vine, and that the damage inflicted is Bludgeoning rather than Piercing.
Its me that requested the mark of seduction in my opinion it must be a random mark that isnt all damage or heal spells but some thing more devious ways to gain power

2015-05-13, 10:57 PM
Here's Storm coming at you! We're getting closer and closer to a complete set.

Manifestations of the Mark of Storm
1. As a reaction while flying or falling, you may move twice your speed. This movement cannot move you upward, but does not need to move you downward. If you reach the ground as part of this movement, you take no falling damage. This ability does not, by itself, allow a character to stay in the air indefinitely. You still descend at the usual rate.
2. You become proficient in Water Vehicles, Carpenter's Tools and Navigator's Tools. When building or repairing waterborne vehicles, you perform work at ten times the usual rate.
3. You may alter the direction in which winds are blowing. Pick a point in mid air that you can see. For as long as you concentrate, up to one minute, any wind passing within 50 feet of that point is turned to blow in a direction of your choice, and is slowed by 10 miles per hour for every 30 degrees this direction differs from the prevailing winds in the area. While outdoors, this ability can almost always be used to call a downdraft from the upper atmosphere, shoving all creatures within a 50 foot cylinder 5 feet away from the center. A successful Strength save negates this shove. This ability may also be used to disperse clouds and perform crude alterations to the weather.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Create or Destroy Water and Thunderwave. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Fog Cloud three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. You gain the ability to fly at your normal movement speed for as long as you concentrate. If you cease to concentrate while in mid air, you fall.
2. Your mark can be used to sway the minds of elementals around you. Once per short rest as an action, you may radiate a subtle aura of elemental fury. All elementals within 30 feet of you must make an Intelligence save or become overwhelmed with either terror or awe. Elementals of Fire and Earth who fail the save are charmed and frightened for one hour, while elementals of Water or Air are charmed and subject to the effects of a Compulsion spell for eight hours. The bearer of the mark decides how elementals of mixed origin (such as mephits) are treated. This ability is commonly employed on board elemental vessels in order to keep the bound elementals under control.
3. Storm Lesser Power: You may move cloud columns up and down. Your power extends out in a thirty foot column centered on you and allows you to move any clouds above you one mile higher or lower each minute. If a cloud reaches ground level, treat it as fog. If a cloud extends above 5 miles, precipitation occurs, manifesting as rain or sleet based on local temperatures. At 10 miles, snow occurs regardless of ground temperature, transforming into hail if an updraft of at least 35 miles per hour is also present. Clouds typically start one mile above the ground, but may extend many miles higher. This ability also works on magically created clouds, but will generally not produce precipitation when one is moved.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Levitate and Skywrite (EEEC 22). This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Gust of Wind three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. Once per short rest, you may solidify any clouds inside a 30 foot cube for as long as you concentrate, up to one hour. The clouds take one round to harden and one round to soften again, once the duration expires. During this time, treat the clouds as difficult terrain. For the rest of the duration, they are as hard as stone while retaining their usual weight. A creature trapped inside the clouds once they have fully hardened must hold its breath or begin to suffocate.
2. You mark grants you great intuition on a wide range of topics. Once a day, taking one minute, you may ask a single question, much like the spell Commune. The topics you may inquire upon include the weather up to a season in advance, regional plants and their growth requirements, regional animals with flight or swim speed, and finally regional water or air vehicles. This ability may be countered by anything that counters divinations, and cannot give answers related to anything that is not under open sky.
3. Once per day, you may alter the temperature in a one mile radius around you, increasing or decreasing the temperature by five degrees ferinheight for every minute spend concentrating. This ability may not change the temperature further than 30 degrees beyond the local average value for the season, and temperatures gradually return to a seasonal normal at a rate of 5 degrees per day. This alteration of temperature has wide-ranging impacts on the weather as air fronts form in response to the sudden temperature change. Air moving from warmer regions to colder regions creates winds in the direction of movement, with speed equal to two miles per hour per one degree of temperature difference. Clouds form at the edges of the front, often causing rain or thunderstorms.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Call Lightning and Fly. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Sleet Storm three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
Your Siberys mark is capable of extreme manipulations of the weather, given time. While you are present, weather within five miles of you is never damaging. Hail is never larger than grapes, and wind is never capable of damaging buildings. If you spend a week in a location, you may induce a maelstrom of rain, thunder, and wind around you. Over the course of one hour, clouds fill a one mile radius cylinder starting one mile off the ground and extending ten miles into the sky. Rain occurs as normal for this cloud formation. Once all of the clouds appear, a cyclone forms around you, starting with a 500 foot diameter eye of calm weather at the center of the storm. Just beyond this, wind speeds pick up to 300 miles per hour, decreasing 10 mph for every 30 feet beyond the edge of the eye. This cyclone lasts for twelve hours, and passes quickly once the duration is over. It takes a week for your weather moderating powers to become active once more, after which you may spend another week inducing another maelstrom. Although extremely destructive if used improperly, the weather workers of the Raincaller's guild often divert the wind and rain created through such storms into productive uses.

2015-05-15, 01:11 AM
And Sentinel done! Let me tell you, it was a pain in the butt.

Manifestations of the Mark of Sentinel
1. You become proficient in all forms of armour, are never slowed nor gain disadvantage at stealth due to wearing armour, and you may don or doff armour in one minute no matter how encumbering it is. You also become exceptionally skilled at military training. While a character is training under you, they are treated as if proficient in one weapon, one type of armour and in Perception checks. They also count as a skilled hireling for the purposes of maintaining a garison. You may train up to 25 people at once during downtime, and the market price of such training is typically one gold per day per person. This training requires a regimented lifestyle which is incompatible with travel or adventuring
2. Your mark grants you great insight into the minds of your foes. If you spend five minutes interrogating with a subject, you may learn one of their personality traits, bonds, flaws, or ideals. Treat this as an Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by a Charisma (Deception) check from your target. If they succeed in their check, you may not attempt to interrogate them this way again for twenty four hours. You may also spend one minute studying a target. If you do so, you have advantage on attack rolls for the first three turns of combat against this target specifically. You may only have this insight into one foe at a time.
3. Your mark makes you much more armoured than you actually are. Your AC from armour is equal to either your armour's base AC + 2 or 12 + your Wisdom bonus + your Dexterity bonus, whichever is better. Cover and magical defenses which stack with normal armour can increase this further, but shields do not. This is true regardless of what armour, if any, you are wearing or shields you are wielding. You also count as if wielding a shield for the puroses of feats and other manifestations of this mark.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Heroism and Sanctuary. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Compelled Duel three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. After each long rest, pick three conditions. You become immune to these conditions until your next long rest. You may not pick incapacitated, dying or dead as conditions to become immune to. As a bonus action, you may grant advantage against your chosen conditions to one creature for one round.
2. As an action, you may establish a protective connection between yourself and another creature. Doing so requires that you place one of a matched pair of silver rings engraved with the Mark of Sentinel to the creature onto be warded and that you currently be wearing the other member of the pair. These rings cost 50 gold each, and the effect ends as soon as either is removed from its wearer. Putting the ring back on does not reestablish the effect. While within 60 feet of the warded creature, treat this effect as a Warding Bond spell of indefinite duration Beyond this range, you are aware of the status of any warded creature including their direction and distance from you with enough accuracy track them, their general health and vague insight into their emotional wellbeing. Sentinel Wardens have been known to occasionally use cursed rings in order to keep track of prisoners.
3. Nothing escapes the gaze of an heir to The Mark of the Sentinel. You gain truesight and blindsight out to 120 feet at all times. This often manifests with some visual alteration to the eyes of the heir.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Barkskin and Earthbind . This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Blur three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
1. You regenerate. As long as you are still above 0 hit points, regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns. If you take acid or fire damage, this ability does not manifest at the start of your next turn. You are also no longer subject the "Instant Death" or "Damage at 0 Hit Points" rules from Chapter 9 of the Player's Hand Book. Instead, for every 15 damage received while below 0 hit points, roll once on Loathsome Limbs table as seen in the Troll entry on page 291 of the Monster Manual.
2. By taking ten minutes after a long rest, you may draw the Greater Mark of Sentinel upon a shield and thereby imbue it with powerful protective magics. Choose any one type of damage. For the next 24 hours, any proficient wielder of the shield is immune to all damage of that type, while non-proficient wielders merely become resistant. This effect is esoteric as it is powerful, and does not act through purely physical means. Thus, even seemingly implausible types of damage, such as psychic or poison, can be protected against. If using the least manifestation of your mark to count as if having a shield, you may instead gain the immunity by tracing over your own mark with the required inks. Regardless of the surface covered, one vial of ink allows for five applications.
3. You may grant spiritual and physical protection. Choose yourself or any other individual within thirty feet, as well as a single type of creature. Your target gains the benefits of a Protection from Evil and Good spell which protects them from the chosen type of creature. Any creature type may be chosen, even those not normally allowed by the spell. You may change the target and/or type to protect against after a short rest, but only one individual may benefit from this ability at a time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Counterspell and Meld into Stone. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Protection from Energy three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark feat.
As an heir to the Siberys Mark of the Sentinel, you may establish its protective force over a whole region once per long rest. By spending ten minutes concentrating and selecting a single type of creature, you may create a protective dome with a radius of five miles around yourself. Treat the area inside as if affected by a Magic Circle spell tuned against the chosen creature type. This ability has an effective spell level equal to half your character level, rounded up and lasts for tweleve hours plus one hour per spell level. If you go one week without using this ability, your resolute defense instead turns inwards, giving you the benefits of Mind Blank, as the spell.

2015-05-15, 01:08 PM
Looking goof so far, loving the flavor of Sentinal definitely using it for one of the npcs.

2015-05-16, 09:48 AM
We've finalized our characters for the campaign!

The question came up: "What if I'm already a spellcaster and wouldn't gain any benefit from the Dragonmark feat? Do I still have to take it to have a dragonmark?"

I've ultimately decided that the answer to this question should be no. Feats are a mechanical construct rather than a roleplay one. You shouldn't be required to spend one of you limited feats to learn a bunch of spells you may already know or may not even like just to be allowed to roleplay your character the way you want to. As a result, I'm moving the system away from using feats as a prerequisite. The major tradeoff is magic items for magic powers, and there's no real reason to try to include a feat in that balance.

As such, I've posted revisions to the Dragonmark feat and included expanded guidelines for how to mechanically represent various possible reactions to a character's manifesting dragonmark without giving dragonmarked characters unfair advantages. For example, rather than making the dragonmark itself give the benefits of a Noble background, I've specified that if you have a dragonmark and aren't a Noble or some other house position, the DM should work with a player to come up with reasons why that might be the case.

2015-05-20, 02:33 PM
Warding is on its way soon. Who here likes mimics?

2015-05-24, 02:23 PM
Scribing is ready!

Manifestations of the Mark of Scribing:
1. You gain the ability to prepare recording scrolls. Once the seal on a scroll is broken, it begins to record any sounds heard within 100 feet of the scroll, writing them down in a complex format using several colours of ink. Although the actual text of a filled scroll is completely unintelligible to most creatures, anyone attempting to reading what is written receives a mental impression of the recorded sounds, exactly as they were heard by the scroll. A scroll capable of storing one hour of sounds requires 25 gold in ink and paper, and requires one day of work to prepare, and has a market price of 50 gold. Scrolls of any length may be created, costing proportionally more to create and holding proportionally longer recordings. Once a scroll is completely filled, it ceases recording and lets out a brief chime to indicate that it is full. A filled scroll may be read any number of times but may not be emptied or reused.
2. Your dragonmark makes you remarkably adept at getting your meaning across. While speaking or writing, you may choose to be understood. And words produced this way can be comprehended by any creature with a language in whatever language they are most fluent. Spoken words produced this way sound like plain, ordinary speech if one listens to the meaning, but as gibberish if one listens to the sounds. The written form likewise appears ordinary when one tries to read it, but illegible if one examines the individual letters and words produced.
3. Your mark grants you the ability to create papercraft charms. When thrown onto the ground as an interaction, these origami charms expand into larger versions of the object which the charm resembles. A charm takes ten minutes to fold out of a sheet of ordinary paper and may only be deployed by its creator. The resulting object may be no larger than five feet in any dimension and is made out of any combination of wood, wood pulp, sawdust or paper. You may only maintain a single object at a time, as deploying a second causes the first to revert back into its paper charm form.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Illusory Script and Identify. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Comprehend Languages three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You may engage in a complicated form of doublespeak which distorts the memories of others. As an action, you may effectively 'undo' the last six seconds of a conversation, replacing whatever you just said with something else instead. Doing so allows you to retroactively gain advantage on one Charisma check of your choice. Each listener then makes a wisdom save. If successful, they do not immediately realize the switch, but will catch the alteration should they ever try to recall how the conversation went. On a failure, the creature does not notice the change at all. Almost all creatures will become hostile should they realize you are tampering with their memories. Those prone to violence will attack, while others may spread word that you cannot be trusted.
2. You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 1000 feet which you are aware of. You are automatically aware of the number (but not identity or location) of minds within range. Creatures which are immune to being charmed or which lack a language can neither be detected by nor communicated with via this form of telepathy. As this ability does not reveal the location or nature of other minds, it is of little use for locating hidden creatures.
3. You gain the ability to enter into a trance which allows you to take remote dictation. As an action, choose one location within 1000 feet with which you have previously seen or have a reliable description of. An invisible scrying sensor appears at that location, on inch in diameter. For as long as you continue to concentrate, you can write down anything said or done within 100 feet of the sensor. While manifesting this ability, you enter into a trance and are effectively blind and deaf. You neither see nor hear your own surroundings nor those of the scrying sensor. As a side effect of attuning this ability, you gain perfect penmanship and proficiency in calligraphy tools.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Animal Messenger and Magic Mouth. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Sending three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You gain the ability to prepare naming scrolls. Each scroll requires one hour to prepare and requires the true name of an extraplanar entity. See pages 53 and 67 of the Monster Manual for details, but keep in mind that House Sivis prefers to use the names of elementals rather than make enemies of fiendish creatures. Each time a question is written on the scroll, the bearer of the true name written makes an intelligence saving throw against the scroll's creator. On a failed save, it must answer the question written honestly and to the best of its knowledge, answering with a minimum of one word per question, or with a short phrase if all single word answers would be misleading. On a successful save, the owner of the name is still compelled to respond, but may freely choose to lie, to give a useless answer or to otherwise be unhelpful. After five questions are asked (no matter what answers are given) the scroll is destroyed.
2. As an action once per long rest, you may form a telepathic bond between two willing creatures. Either bonded creature may mentally communicate with the other regardless of distance. Bonded creatures may also, as an action, see through the senses of the other creature for one round. This telepathic bond remains in place for as long as either member of the bond continues to concentrate. If one bonded creature ceases to concentrate, it may resume concentration as an action, so long as the bond is still in place.
3. Your mark grants you the ability to draw up contracts which are difficult to secretly violate. If signed in ink, the contract monitors the terms of the agreement and bursts into flames as soon as the signee becomes aware of a breach in the terms laid out. The contract ignites regardless of who is responsible for the violation, and will always be triggered by a creature who has signed in ink knowingly breaking the agreement. If signed in blood, the contract instead ignites the singee should they cause the contract to be breached, inflicting 6d10 fire damage. This ignition happens only once per signee per signature. In order for the signature to be valid and have any magical effect, the creature signing must be aware of the magical nature of the contract and, in the case of the geas, voluntarily sign the contract with the intent to be bound by its terms. It is common practice in House Sivis for creatures to sign both in ink and in blood, and to maintain a non-magical copy of any such agreement for recordkeeping purposes.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Speak with Dead and Speak with Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Tongues three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

You gain the ability to write a book which contains all of your knowledge and lore. This process takes one month of seclusion, a thousand pages of paper or parchment and at least a dozen bottles of ink. Choose when writing it whether you are writing a treatise, a journal, an anthology or a manual. Once written, your book becomes a transcendent example of its form and grants great insight to those who read it or any copy made of it: Once per short rest, any creature may consult your book to gain advantage on one related skill check. Doing so takes one minute. While not adventuring, any creature may study your book to train itself in a related skill. Doing so takes the usual training time, but no additional materials. Once per week, you (and only you) may use your book to commune with previous heir of the Siberys Mark of Scribing, receiving insight as per either a Commune spell or a Legend Lore spell. If you commune with the elders once per week and ask about their own wishes, or about their histories, you may be invited to join them upon your death. In this case, any future bearers of the Siberys Mark of Scribing will be able to contact you, and any copy of your book can be used to resurrect you, as if it were a part of your body.A treatise is related to all Intelligence based skills. A journal is related to all Wisdom based skills. An anthology is related to all Charisma based skills and to the use of instruments. A journal is related to all physical skills and to the use of artisan's tools.

2015-05-26, 12:55 AM
Manifestations of the Mark of Detection

1. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes an attack roll, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is a threat. If they are proficient in martial weapons, poisons or intimidation, they register as threatening to your danger detection. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
2. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes a deception or insight check, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is deceptive. If they are proficient in forgery, disguises or deception, they register as duplicitous to your deception detection. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
3. At the end of each long rest, you receive a series of portents. Roll five d20s and record them. Any time you or another creature within 30 feet makes a Performance or Persuasion check, you may replace their roll with the result one of your portent dice. You may also spend a portent die to determine if a creature is talented. If they are proficient in any artisan tool, any musical instrument or in performance, they register as skillful to your talent detection. The market value for the use of one portent on another's behalf is 5 gold.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Faerie Fire and Detect Poison and Disease. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Detect Magic three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark warns you of danger and your distance to it. Any time that any creature (including you) takes an action which will directly (within one round) endanger (hit point damage, death, a negative condition or some other objective harm) you or some other creature within 30 feet of you, you receive a colour based warning indicating how close the danger is, with red indicating a creature endangering itself, orange indicating a creature endangered by another within 1 foot, yellow 10 feet, green at 100 feet, blue at 1000 feet, indigo at 10000 feet and violet at any greater distance. This does not tell you the cause, nature or direction of the danger and can be fooled by any effect which fools divinations. This does not inform you of danger in advance, only as it happens.
2. Your mark grants you a prescient sense of self preservation. Upon being struck by an attack, or failing a save, you may instead, as a reaction, declare that the attack missed or that you succeeded in your save. This ability may be used once per short or long rest.
3. Your dragonmark allows you to ferret out secret things and secret dangers. Each long rest you receive five omens, each of which indicates a nearby secret. Each omen can be expended to indicate the direction (but not distance) of the nearest trap, secret door, hidden object or enemy. While you may not select which category the omen detects (it always chooses the nearest), you become aware of which category (or categories) the discovered secret falls under once the omen is revealed. For the purposes of this effect, an object is hidden if it was intentionally placed somewhere for the purpose of making it difficult to find, and a creature as hostile if it is either currently acting to harm you, or would immediately act to harm you upon becoming aware of your presence. An heir with access to navigator's tools may make a DC 15 Intelligence (Navigation) check after expending two charges to determine the exact position of the secret detected.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Augury and See Invisibility. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Detect Thoughts three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of Telepathy, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
2. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of True Seeing, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
3. Your dragonmark grants you prophetic dreams while you are sleeping. For up to four hours per long rest, you may use your dreams to scry, as if with a Crystal Ball of Mind Reading, save that the save DCs are all equal to your dragonmark save DC rather than that indicated on page 159 of the DMG. This does not disrupt your rest. Furthermore, you are aware of your surroundings while sleeping and can wake from sleep, even magical sleep, at will.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Nondetection and Tongues. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Clairvoyance three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

At the end of each short rest, you may declare one contingency. This may be any event which could occur within 100 feet of you and one action you would like to take in response to it. The first time the contingent event comes to pass, you may, as a reaction, take the contingent action. You do not need to be aware of the contingent event occurring, but you must specify it unambiguously. Any action which could be completed in one round may be chosen as a contingent action. Each new contingency granted this ability replaces the ones chosen previously. If you refrain from using this ability for 48 hours, signs and omens begin to manifest around you. Each sentient creature within 5 miles receives the benefits of an Augury spell once per day (typically when waking or at the end of a long rest), indicating broadly how their day will go. Creatures intending to act against you always receive a woe result, regardless of whether their plans are likely to succeed.

2015-05-27, 04:24 PM
And finding. Yay, tripleposting!

Manifestations of the Mark of Finding

1. Your dragonmark aids you in finding victory even in the most unlikely of places. Your eye is naturally drawn toward the weaknesses of others. Any time you roll a natural one on an attack roll, it is not an automatic miss. Instead, it is an automatic critical hit.
2. You gain the ability to find and track animals on instinct. Whenever you taste the fresh blood of a living creature, you gain advantage on any Survival or Investigation checks to find other members of the same species and expertise on all such checks to track down the specific creature whom the blood belongs to. These benefits last until the next time you eat or drink. While this ability is most often used by Tharashk hunters to find game, it works perfectly well for bounty hunters after more intelligent quarry.
3. You develop an ear for minerals. By touching an example of a given mineral to your ear as an item interaction, you may discern the location of all other examples of the same mineral within 60 feet. This is of great use both in prospecting and in locating nearby creatures and objects bearing or containing metal. You may use this ability while prospecting to find ore containing 1d6 pounds of gold each week (or an equal value in other minerals) or while searching for metal objects (or hidden creatures carrying metal objects) to gain advantage on your check.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Detect Evil and Good and Detect Magic. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Identify three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark grants perfect vision and allows you to focus on either seeing very small objects or very distance objects. While focused on minute seeing, you cannot see beyond 1 foot away, but can examine individual grains of sand without strain. You gain advantage on Medicine and all sight-based investigation checks. Whiled focused on far seeing, you cannot make out objects within 100 feet, but may examine objects at up to 5 miles away as easily as if you were physically present. You gain advantage on all Perception checks and do not suffer disadvantage when firing a ranged weapon at its maximum range. You may choose to switch to either vision mode, or to see normally, as a bonus action.
2. You gain the ability to track creatures by scent, provided you have an object as a reference. You may follow the scent trail left by last creature to have had prolonged skin contact of at least one minute with the object. You know which way the creature has gone, how fast and approximately what path it took. You also learn the general type of creature, such as beast, humanoid, construct and so forth. These scent trails last 48 hours under normal circumstances. Precipitation, strong winds and strong scents in the area cut the time a scent trails last in half. If the creature itself bathes, changes clothes or otherwise changes its scent, a Survival check is needed to continue to follow the trail, typically with a DC between 10 and 20.
3. Your mark allows you to become a fantastic hunter, both of man and of beast. As an action, you may declare one specific creature as your quarry. You have expertise on any Survival or Perception checks made to track or spot your chosen prey, advantage against all spells it might cast and treat all weapons you use against it as magic weapons which do 2d10 extra damage. Once you have declared a quarry, you may not declare another until one day after you have either killed or captured the creature, or seven days have passed without sight of your prey.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Bease Sense and Locate Animals or Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Locate Object three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. Your mark grants you the ability to see heat as well as light. As a bonus action, you may activate or deactivate your infravision. While active you can see any creature or object significantly above or below room temperature, ignoring darkness (whether magical or not), cover or solid objects. Your awareness of temperature changes extends out up to sixty feet, allowing you to track prey through walls. Your eyes invert colour while using this ability. Your sclera turn black, your pupils glow white and your irises become a complimentary colour.
2. You gain the ability to detect the passage of creatures. By spending one minute searching your surroundings for tracks, traces, scents and other leavings, scenting at the wind and listening closely to the instincts your dragonmark provides you, you discover all trails left by all creatures which have passed within 50 feet in the last 24 hours. You learn how many creatures of what types have passed have which way, how fast they were going, their sexes, heights, weights and general appearance. This ability works on creatures of all types, but may only be used once per short rest.
3. You can find planar Crossings to the Feywild (known as Thelanis by the Gnomes) and the Shadowfell (known as the Shadow Plane to most). More importantly, you can always find Crossings back to the Prime Material Plane. You may use these abilities to either explore the wilderness of these planes, or to travel swiftly from point to point on Prime. Using the Feywild as a shortcut allows the heir to travel at twice their normal speed, while using the Shadowfell allows manmade objects such as walls and towers, to be easily bypassed. Fey Crossings located through this ability never subject a creature to the Feywild's Memory Loss or Time Warp effects, nor do Shadow Crossings found this way subject creatures to Shadowfell Despair. See pages 49 through 52 in the DMG for further details on these planes.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Speak with Dead and Speak with Plants. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Clairvoyance three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

Your dragonmark grants you instant insight into the area around you. Once per long rest, choose one species of plant (such as 'apple trees'), one race of creature (such as 'orcs') or one type of mineral (such as 'iron ore'). The DM will give you a one word description of how much or how many of your chosen type is present within a 5 mile radius. Examples include, but are not limited to, 'none', 'six', 'dozens', 'millions', 'ounces' and 'tons'. If you do not use this ability for 48 hours, you instead gain a broad overview of the area around you each morning. You become aware of all all major landmarks (such as rivers, lakes, settlements and caverns) within 5 miles. You are also aware of the distance and direction to each from your current location at all times.

2015-05-29, 01:23 AM
The end is nigh! This one was interesting and took quite a bit of work. Expect polish in the coming updates.

Manifestations of the Mark of Handling
The Mark of Handling allows its heirs to transform wild beasts not only into domesticated animals, but into fantastic creatures. Each bearer of the Mark of Handling may bond with a single animal companion. This may be any friendly or charmed beast of challenge 1/4th or lower. This companion acts on the heir's initiative and may only take an action if the heir uses their action to direct it. The heir almost always then uses their mark to imbue the beast with magical abilities through the various manifestations of the Mark of Handling. Creatures might become swift and strong, sprout wings and learn to fly, or even develop a basilisk's deadly gaze. In addition to the overt powers granted by the manifestations of the mark, these beasts, known as mageborn animals, gain increased intelligence and hardiness. Those imbued with the lesser mark always have an intelligence of 3 if not already higher and at least five hit dice. Those imbued with the greater mark always have an intelligence of 10 and at least nine hit dice. Those imbued with the Siberys mark have been occasionally known to spontaneously learn the languages of those nearby.

Sadly, most beasts are only capable of temporary transformations under the Mark's influence, reverting to their normal form as soon as the bearer uses their power on another creature or travels more than a mile away. Their powers are also supressed should they change form (such as through a polymorph spell) or change type (through necromancy, for example). A rare few beasts can be permanently transformed, due to some quirk of genetics. Finding or breeding such a beast and them permanently imbuing it is an expensive and time consuming project, requiring resources on par with the creation of a magic item. Treat those created by the least mark as common items for this purpose, those made by the lesser mark as uncommon, those made by the greater mark as rare and those benefiting from the Siberys mark as very rare. Permanent mageborn beasts may only benefit from one manifestation of each level, as their genetic affinity for one manifestation makes them incompatible with all others. Through this process, House Valdis has famously been credited for the creation of the first hippogriffs, griffins and hippocampi, while being blamed for existence of the owlbear.

Mageborn beasts, whether permanently imbued or not, occasionally pass their traits onto their offspring creating magebred animals who bear weaker but universally permanent versions of the abilities found in mageborn beasts. Magebred animals are of the monstrosity type and cannot receive further transformations through the Mark of Handling. An bearer of the Mark of Handling may earn 25 gold per day breeding magebred beasts, generally earning a lump sum twice a year when the eggs hatch or the foals are weened.
1. You become proficient in land vehicles and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn mount as an action. The beast's size to become large if not already bigger and its fastest speed is increased to 60 if not already faster. Magebred inheritors of this ability are unusual docile, are always of least large size once fully grown and have their land speed increased to 60 if not already faster. Both magebred and mageborn specimens gain an appropriate anatomy for use as a mount and have their strength increased to 18 if it is not already higher. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You become proficient in animal handling and gain the ability to cross a beast with a spider to produce a mageborn arachnid as an action. These hybrid specimens gain the Spider Climb, Web Sense and Web abilities of a Giant Spider (see page 328 of the Monster Manual for details), but are thankfully no more venomous than the base creature would normally be. Magebred specimens have advantage on checks related to balancing and climbing. Both magebred and mageborn specimens gain the Web Walker ability of the Giant Spider and occasionally grow up to eight additional legs. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You become proficient in water vehicles and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn amphibian as an action. The beast becomes able to breathe both water and air, and has a base land and swim speed equal to the base creature's land and swim speeds added together. Magebred beasts instead gain the ability to hold their breath for one hour, and have land and swim speeds equal to the better of of the two in the base creature. Both magebred and mageborn specimens often gain gills, lungs, legs, flippers and fins as appropriate. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Animal Friendship and Beast Bond. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 1st level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Speak with Animals three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

1. You have advantage on initiative so long as you are near your animal companion and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn tracker through a one hour ritual. The beast gains darkvision and hearing-dependent blindsight out to 60 feet and advantage on Perception checks that involve scent. Magebred trackers gain only one of these abilities, either darkvision, or blindsight or improved scent perception. Both mageborn and magebred trackers have their Wisdom increased to 18, if it is not higher already, and may develop exaggerated features relating to their affinity, such as enlarged ears, elongated snouts, or reflective eyes. You may only maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You gain advantage on any check used to maneuver a flying mount and the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn flyer through a one hour ritual. The beast gains a flight speed based on its size if it does not already have a faster flight speed. This starts out at 120 feet for a tiny beast, decreasing by 15 feet for each increase in size beyond tiny. A mageborn flying horse, for example, is large and has a flight speed of 75 feet. Magebred flyers are incapable of true flight. Instead, they are able to glide when they would normally fall, allowing them to slow their falling speed to 30 feet per round and move up to 60 feet horizontally while gliding. Both magebred and mageborn flyers are immune to falling damage and have their dexterity increased to 18 if it is not already higher. Specimens universally gain wings if they do not already have them, although they may be feathered, insect-like or leathery. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn monster through a one hour ritual. The beast gains natural weapons which allow it to make two attacks as an action. Each attack inflicts either piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, poison or acid damage, and is either a 1d10 melee attack or a 1d8 ranged attack with range of 100/200 feet. Both the nature and the damage type of the attack are chosen when this ability is used. Treat each attack as if it were made using a +2 magic weapon. At levels 11 and 17, the heir may imbue mageborn monsters with natural weapons which allow a third and fourth attack. Magebred monsters receive a single nonmagical 1d8 melee attack instead. Both magebred and mageborn specimens have their Constitution score increased to 18 if it is not already higher and typically develop slavering fangs, giant claws, spikes, venom or acidic spit. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Beast Sense and Enhance Ability. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 2nd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Beast Sense three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.
1. You become proficient in all armour made from chitin and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn chitinous beast through a one hour ritual. The beast develops a body covering layer of chitin, which counts as +3 platemail barding of invulnerability (see page 152 of the DMG for details). Magebred specimens develop weaker chitin which counts as +1 half plate barding. The shed exoskeletons (or tanned hides) of can be used as barding for other creatures with a similar body structure, fashioned into barding for a different creature over the course of a week, or crafted by a leatherworker into armour appropriate for a humanoid over the course of a month. The shells of chitinous mageborn beasts can be used to make any form of +2 armour, while magebred shells can be used to make any nonmagical light or medium armour. While most have insection exoskeletons, some beasts develop crab-like, or even snail-like shells. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
2. You may act normally while charmed and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn singer through a one hour ritual. The beast gains the ability to speak any three languages you know and a musical voice which is identical to that of the Luring Song ability of a harpy (see page 181 of the Monster Manual for details) save that it normally effects only beasts. Once per long rest, the beast may imbue its song with unusual poignancy, allowing it to instead effect all creatures for the next hour. Magebred beasts instead learn a single language and have their intelligence increased to 6 if it is not already higher. Both magebred and mageborn specimens gain beautiful singing voices and the Mimickry ability of a kenku (see page 164 of the Monster Manual for details). You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
3. You ignore the False Appearance ability of creatures like darkmantles and animated shrubs and gain the ability to imbue a beast as a mageborn skulker through a one hour ritual. The beast gains an extreme form of camouflage which renders it completely invisible, even when moving or attacking. Magebred creatures instead gain a False Appearance (of the same type you are able to ignore), patterned after a common natural object in the region of the creature's birth, such as a rock, a specific kind of tree, a mushroom or a dead leaf. While stationary, the creature is indistinguishable from a normal example of the object. Both magebred and mageborn specimens gain advantage on Stealth checks. You may have a maintain a single temporary mageborn beast with this ability at any given time.
4. You always have the following spells prepared: Phantom Steed and Fly. This has no effect and therefore may not be attuned if you lack 3rd level or higher spell slots.
5. You may use your Dragonmark's ability to cast Conjure Animals three times per day instead of once. You now require no material components. You may not attune this option if you have not taken the Dragonmark Initiate feat.

You may elevate one animal as a sacred beast which blesses the region around it. All animals within 5 miles regain the maximum amount of health while resting, and all members of the same species are charmed by the sacred beast should they encounter it. The sacred beast itself is surrounded by an ethereal light, becomes immune to radiant damage and has its natural lifespan extended to ten years if it is not naturally longer. All sacred beasts have a copy of the Siberys Mark of Handling somewhere on their body. Upon death, the sacred beast returns to life as an adult member of its species. If it was slain by another creature, it gains the Regeneration, Rejuvenation and Vengeful Tracker abilities of a revenant, and must slay its killer within a year and a day or else cease to exist. If successfully defeats its killer, it loses these abilities and continues in its present form, still a sacred beast. If it had died of old age, the sacred beast is returned to life as an adolescent member of the same species which is just old enough to survive independently. Each of its ability scores are each increased by 2 to a maximum of 30 for physical ability scores and 20 for mental ability scores. The heir may not bless a new sacred beast while the another they have elevated still exists. A sacred beast's status can outlive the heir which uplifts it. Any children the sacred beast sires or bears are unusually healthy and exceptional members of their species, but are not sacred beasts themselves.

2015-05-29, 01:38 AM
And that's all the marks, except for Death, which we've decided we'll probably not cover. We are officially in beta testing!

2015-05-29, 06:35 AM
I like the idea, if for no reason other than the new official stance on magic items is, "They're completely unnecessary and have nothing to do with the balance of the game-also you should roll on these random tables constantly and you can only use three at a time!" This system lets any player ignore that bs and replace their item slots with a concrete known system. There's a lot of stuff to read here and I won't get around to it for quite a while, but clicking around it feels like these ramp up in power way fast compared to when the game expects you to get magic items, which would make it qualify as a high power variant. I think the Mark of Detection's very first portent ability is bonkers, with more dice than the already great divination spec for wizards.

I didn't follow any of 4e so I don't know what they did with Eberron (I thought they hadn't done anything with it actually), but I notice a distinct lack of Arcane Mark on the Mark of Scribing list. House Sivis Notarized Documents seemed like they were supposed to be a big thing at the time. I don't get most of their telepathy/doublespeak/truenaming/ circle of dead elders stuff, but magic origami's always cool and I wouldn't mind an improved version of those.

I personally preferred the effectively stable Aberrant Marks of old, as the pointless persecution of people who can cast Shield 1/day is a familiar trope, but your setup is interesting and I see you've a number of tables now. I'd still take set of known powers randomized daily over nebulous promises of "useful" magic items in the future, especially when the DM is probably still rolling loot anyway and this system probably has more ways to use gold in it.* Out of curiosity, what would you say if a player designed and asked for an aberrant table that was intentionally less random by stacking it with multiple copies of the same spell, as low as one spell for each given level? The Everburning table is half healing and half burning so it's pretty stable, and a "Destruction" mark could be filled with nothing but AoE damage easily enough without duplicates, so I wouldn't think a more stable mark would be bad.

The Khyber mark says that if you don't use it every day it modifies the population within the next year: does that trigger immediately and then take time to manifest, or only if you stick around for a year after you missed your daily purge? It seems that if you keep one guy tied up in the basement and dump your crazy into him, you can protect the population, but on the other hand there's literally no downside to manifesting an aberrant mark on it's own. You only roll short term madness (1d10 minutes), and then only if you're level 1-2, roll the level 2 spell on your table, and choose to activate it. So they still maintain the "being persecuted for crazy when they're not crazy" bit, the only guy who actually spreads madness is Mr. Kyber Mark, and even that doesn't make much sense. Well, easy to say when you know all the rules. Does House Tarkanan know how their marks work by now, or should there be a roleplaying note that characters with Aberrant marks don't know what's happening until they've played through it?

So the Mark of Handling lets you soup up a friendly beast, but only lets you designate one at CR 1/4 as your companion. Are you restricted to this companion for your rituals? If so, does it gain bonuses as a Ranger's companion so you're not stuck with a 10hp mook for your entire career? Or are you allowed to buy a 200gp typo elephant and use that?

*I do see your line about not allowing use of dragonmark abilities until there are attuned items available for the other players, but like I said I'd really expect almost everyone to jump onboard with this. Unlike the old dragonmarks that were mediocre at best, these have little cost and much gain: there's no guarantee you'll find enough good magic items to have three you actually need. The DMG suggests a "standard game" will only have 3 magic items per character starting at tier 4 and only one of those is rare quality, so taking a least mark isn't much of a risk even if there are rare items that are better. Of course a glance at the supplements for Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat shows 8 or 9 rare+ items, not counting the 6 artifacts I imagine the players have a chance to acquire. But we already knew WotC never followed their own rules :smallsigh:

2015-05-29, 10:06 AM
For Detection Least 1, we ran the math for it pretty carefully. The statistically average portent roll (one which follows the bell curve distribution for what you're likely to roll) is 17, 13, 11, 7, 4. You have a 23% chance of rolling a natural 20 (or a natural 1) for each five die portent roll. It's very good for when you need to make one roll really really count, but in terms of average results you'd be better off attuning a magic item which gave you a +1. In theory this comes out to being balanced, but we're going to want to playtest a few combats with it.

The lack of Arcane Mark in Scribing is due two reasons. One, because 5e doesn't have Arcane Mark as a spell, meaning that we'd have to re-explain the entire Arcane Mark framework. That would be doable for not for... Two, while Arcane Marks are useful to the public for notary services, they lack usefulness to an adventurer. We couldn't think of any arcane mark style power which a player in a campaign could justify giving up one of their precious three magic item slots to get. Our solution there is to have Sivis Seals be a Dragonmarked Item usable by any Sivis member, just like Sending Stones will be.

For 'stable' aberrant marks, that's very much a DM call. There's some spell combinations where that would be perfectly reasonable. If someone wanted this mark:
1. Your mark pulsates unpleasantly in some fashion. Pick out appropriate flavour text. Roll again twice.
2. Armor of Agathys
3. Armor of Agathys
4. Gust of Wind
5. Armor of Agathys
6. Armor of Agathys
7. You may choose to attune or unattune one cursed item. While attuned, you gain one less roll on this chart each short rest. This ignores any restrictions on unattuning cursed items. Roll again twice.
8. Sleet Storm
9. Sleet Storm
10. Sleet Storm
11. Ice Storm
12. Ice Storm
13. Ice Storm + Roll again once.
14. Cone of Cold
15. Cone of Cold
16. Cone of Cold
17. Investiture of Ice (EEEC 19)
18. Whirlwind (EEEC 24)
19. You regain one expended Hit Dice. Roll again once. This counts as an 8th level spell.
20. You gain your level in temporary hit points. Roll again once. This counts as a 9th level spell.
That would be fine. But if they wanted to fill it with something like "Silent Image x 4, Suggestion x1, Animate Dead x 11" or a bunch of smites and strikes stolen from the Paladin and Ranger lists, I would definitely say no.

The Khyber Mark increases the rate at which aberrant marks appear uniformly throughout the year. Take however many more it would generate in a year based on the population, and divide that by 365 to get how many new marks manifest each day. House Tarkanan does not currently have anyone with a Khyber Mark and the current leadership does not know how Khyber Marks work. They do, however, have lots of people with sub-Khyber aberrant marks, and those are well understood inside the House. The average explanation is something like, "Your mark is going to offer you powers. All sorts of powers, some you can handle, some that you can't. If it offers to let you bite off more than you can chew, don't do it. It isn't worth it. Know your limits, and only ever push them with friends nearby to help you and keep you safe if things go wrong." Outside Tarkanan, aberrant marks are far less understood. As a result, Tarkanan gets a steady trickle of unfortunate people who manifest an aberrant mark, start making use of the powers it gives them, but then get unlucky and get a power they can't handle followed by an unfortunate form of Short Term Madness. While most of the results on that table boil down to "you are briefly debilitated", a couple can lead to serious problems for you when you snap out of it, particularly the "The character must use his or her action each round to attack the nearest creature." result. Tarkanan tries to scoop up new aberrant manifestees as best as they can in order to prevent this sort of tragedy, but all too often people slip through the cracks.

Handling does not restrict you to your companion for your rituals. If you're a Beastmaster Ranger, you can use your Ranger Companion and boost it, or you can buy a horse or befriend a bear or any number of other ways to get a loyal animal. If your DM lets you import an elephant from Xen'drik to use as your mageborn beast, I can only assume that they know what they're doing and feel that you need an elephant for whatever is going on in your campaign. The beast provided by Handling is mostly there as an animal of last resort, since the entire mark is useless if you have no access to at least one loyal pet. Note the end of paragraph 1 in the Handling introductory section for details on hit dice improvements as you go up in mark levels. The intent is that your animal companion should be able to take a few hits in a fight, even if you don't invest in any of the combat options for it.

As for magic item rarity, keep in mind that this is set in Eberron, so magic item rarity is probably going to be quite a bit more common than in a standard campaign. Out of all of the 5e campaign worlds, Eberron is probably the one where you're most certain to be allowed to hire someone to smith you a Holy Avenger if that's the magic item on your personal wish list.

2015-05-29, 05:07 PM
The Least Finding ability to treat a 1 as a 20 seems too strong to me. It's essentially a better version of the Champion's improved critical, since it both doubles your crit chance and improves your overall accuracy. I can't think of a reason not to take it on a build that relies on lots of attacks (fighter, warlock, polearm master, TWF) or benefits highly from crits (barbarian, paladin). Maybe limit the number of uses/day or change it to a natural 1 not being an automatic failure on attacks and saves.

2015-05-29, 05:37 PM
It is indeed better than the Champion's 3rd level Improved Critical ability. That's entirely intentional, as the tradeoff for getting it isn't an archtype feature, but a magic item. If you look at the ability from that perspective, where you're trading the ability to wield a Frost Blade (which does +2d6 damage on every hit) for the ability to hit and get critical hits 5% more often (translating to roughly +10% to +20% damage depending how much investment you put into criticals), the power makes much more sense. The expectation here is that you'll take that particular least as a half orc (everyone with Finding is, lore-wise, a half orc or a human) member of a class which plays well with doing lots and lots of criticals, like a Champion Fighter.

2015-05-29, 06:27 PM
I get that it's an item replacement, but it still seems a bit strong compared to the other Least marks in terms of in-combat power. At level 1-4, it seems unlikely you'll find a better magic item, even in Eberron. I also don't remember the Finder's Guild being especially superlative fighters, but it has been a while since I read the campaign setting (and I never saw what happened in 4e).

On a less nitpicky note, I love the Mark of Handling. I feel like a Handling Beastmaster would be super fun to play.

2015-05-29, 10:44 PM
In terms of combat power from Leasts, you could have also gotten:
Detection 1, which gives you five combat portents.
Handling 2, which gives your beast a web attack.
Healing 3, which lets you force a save vs. sleep.
Hospitality 3, which gives access to acids and poisons.
Making 3, which gives you a temporary magic weapon.
Sentinel 3, which makes you a great grappler.
Shadow 1, which lets you make temporary poisons.
Warding 1, which can be used to make booby traps.
Any Aberrent mark, which almost always lets you hurt someone.

But mostly the critical hit ability is mostly due to a combination of Critical Hits being a half orc "thing" in 5e, and wanting give anyone who wants to play a House Tharashk bounty hunter the option to take a combat ability when they do so.

2015-05-30, 03:06 AM
For Detection Least 1, we ran the math for it pretty carefully. The statistically average portent roll (one which follows the bell curve distribution for what you're likely to roll) is 17, 13, 11, 7, 4. You have a 23% chance of rolling a natural 20 (or a natural 1) for each five die portent roll. It's very good for when you need to make one roll really really count, but in terms of average results you'd be better off attuning a magic item which gave you a +1. In theory this comes out to being balanced, but we're going to want to playtest a few combats with it.
I'll be the first to admit I had no clue what was going on in statistics class, but I don't think it's the average that matters here, it's the dice control. Reroll builds in 3.5 I'm told were very powerful, and this is similar. Being able to force a hit or miss when it's important is way more useful than average results against waves of mooks.

Our solution there is to have Sivis Seals be a Dragonmarked Item usable by any Sivis member, just like Sending Stones will be.
Ah, all in good time then.

aberrant marks
Coolness. Are you intending to eventually compile all the marks and items and fill out fluff in one thread?

Handling does not restrict you to your companion for your rituals. If you're a Beastmaster Ranger, you can use your Ranger Companion and boost it, or you can buy a horse or befriend a bear or any number of other ways to get a loyal animal. If your DM lets you import an elephant from Xen'drik to use as your mageborn beast, I can only assume that they know what they're doing and feel that you need an elephant for whatever is going on in your campaign. The beast provided by Handling is mostly there as an animal of last resort, since the entire mark is useless if you have no access to at least one loyal pet. Note the end of paragraph 1 in the Handling introductory section for details on hit dice improvements as you go up in mark levels. The intent is that your animal companion should be able to take a few hits in a fight, even if you don't invest in any of the combat options for it.
I only mentioned the elephant since someone put it on the same list as horses in the PHB and clearly left off a zero (elephants were priced at 2,000gp in OA), but yeah I wouldn't expect that to actually work. (Is there a source that says elephants are from Xen'drik? If the Talenta Plains have dinosaurs I'd figure they could support elephants). I generally don't allow people to get minions unless they have a class feature specifically for it or paid in cash, so just befriending a bear is out. It took me a while to sort out Mageborn (temporarily buffed or possibly bred for permanent buffing) and Magebred (born with inherent but diminished traits), and had assumed the hit dice were referring to offspring until you pointed it out. I'd change that to make it clear they gain additional hit dice if need when you buff them and consider changing Mageborn to something without -born. I think that using hit dice goes against the spirit of 5e's changes to companion creatures, but it matches the rest of the marks in that it can actually be manipulated and abused as you intend them to be by the houses.

This does make the ability seem kinda powerful, since you can buy up to 3 non-companion dogs that don't use your actions and give each a different power to boost it's hit dice, but they still won't attack much better than normal dogs. Does giving a beast the mount property, increasing it's size to large, increase it's original damage? Standard monster advancement doesn't exist anymore but manufactured weapons for large creatures double so there's a precedent.

As for magic item rarity, keep in mind that this is set in Eberron, so magic item rarity is probably going to be quite a bit more common than in a standard campaign. Out of all of the 5e campaign worlds, Eberron is probably the one where you're most certain to be allowed to hire someone to smith you a Holy Avenger if that's the magic item on your personal wish list.
On the contrary, I found Eberron to be one of the worst worlds for high level magic items. They arbitrarily have an unknown number of gold pieces crafted into train tracks, but canonically there just aren't enough high level casters to have someone smith you a top tier sword (in 3.5 anyway). Everything is a clear case of the designers not expanding from the rules, but just doing whatever sounded cool. On the other hand, Forgotten Realms has forgotten ancient cities to loot in every region (rather than having them all across the sea) and tons of high level casters, and a generic setting has access to at least the City of Brass if not other extraplanar cities where a lowbie smith is high level compared to the material plane. In any case, 5e barely has "rules" for crafting items and none for buying them. Anyone can see that item rarity is a terrible measure of price/power and you can't craft something unless you find a "formula" that only exists by DM fiat. That's why I like this system, since it's actually a system. Really I'd be fine with just a note up at the top acknowledging, "Hey this is Eberron, we expect it to have more items than the DMG suggests so that using even a single attunement slot should be a serious decision." :smallwink:

2015-05-30, 04:28 AM
We'll see in playtesting how well Detection bears out in play, of course.

We'll probably do a new thread with more reserved initial posts in the future. If we do two marks per post, we could probably even fit in some sample NPCs.

I agree that mageborn is perhaps a bad term to use. Suggestions on a new name? Size increases don't increase their damage inherently, but the mount ability itself comes with a strength boost. Adjust the damage and the attack roll accordingly to reflect the increased strength.

We'll be adding information about those tradeoffs as we do the setting essays. Expect more extensive information regarding pricing, services and the interaction of the dragonmarked houses with the 5e economy!

2015-05-31, 06:46 PM
An example of one of the "setting essays" I was talking about in the prior post. 500 words on how to use House Medani and the our take on Mark of Detection in your campaign.

House Medani bears the Mark of Detection and concerns itself primarily with investigation and counterintelligence. Unlike most Houses, Medani has a strong tie with the Kingdom of Breland. Of the approximately 7500 marked members of House Medani, 1500 of them live in the home enclave at Wroat, 1000 in Sharn, while a further 2500 live in the rest of Breland. There are approximately 500 Medani in each of the other Five Nations, 300 each in Zilargo and the Reaches and roughly 400 scattered across the rest of Khorvaire. Although the Warning Guild is less starkly divided, enjoying strong popularity in the Five Nations, Zilargo and the Mhor Holds, most business comes through Sharn and there has been little success in the 'uncivilized' regions of Khorvaire. If a Siberys Heir of Detection exists they are almost certainly either dwelling at the Tower of Inquisition, or guarding the Mornlands from Arythawn Keep in Southern Thrane.

House Medani offers simple security and business consultations at Warning Guild guildhalls for a fee of 5 gold per consultation. This service includes one hour of questioning and advice from an expert on the consultation's topic and one portent from a Least Medani (often also the expert) applied toward the client's benefit. The locations of Medani enclaves are kept secret from the public and never host consultations.

For 25 gold per day, the Warning Guild can be contracted to solve a crime, search for plots, perform background checks or otherwise investigate on behalf of a client. This fee hires at least one inquisitive to work exclusively on the client's case, promises discretion about all inquiries and pays for any magical or nonmagical assistance required by the lead inquisitive on the case, including, if necessary, the Scrying Dreams of the Greater Medani. The discretion of the Warning Guild is limited by the letter and the spirit of the law: Inquisitives are required to report any crimes they uncover during their investigations to the proper authorities.

Finally, individual Marked Medani can be hired as bodyguards. This costs 30 gold per day for a Least Medani protector with and larger, highly negotiable amount for those with more powerful marks. Lesser Medani can generally only be afforded by the nobility, and Greater and Siberys Medani generally cannot be hired as bodyguards for gold at all - their services to the inquisitives are simply too valuable to risk.

House Medani is always willing to hire those with Least and Lesser the Mark of Detection in the Warning Guild at the standard fee. If you have a position of privilege in House Medani, whether from your background or through exemplary service, you can expect to be maintained in a wealthy lifestyle while in Breland or in a comfortable lifestyle in enclaves abroad. Regardless of background, if you have a Greater or Siberys Mark of Detection, House Medani will strongly encourage you to come join the Tower of Inquisition in Wroat, where you will be kept in aristocratic style and under guard against possible assassination.

Let us know what you think of this format and if there's any information you think needs added!

2015-06-01, 12:00 AM
I agree that mageborn is perhaps a bad term to use. Suggestions on a new name?
Magebonded or Magebound would work. Could use bonded to refer to active buffs and bound to those that have been permanently buffed, though it sounds like the permanents need a more general name since they can be sold off and "bound" wouldn't sound like something to sell. Broken? Tamed? Shaped? I think bound/shaped/bred is the best set, Mageshaped is a bit awkward to say but it's the rarer kind.

interaction of the dragonmarked houses with the 5e economy!
house Meidani essay
Gonna need a better idea of what the 5e economy is first. Actually that won't take long since there's barely anything: living expenses range from 0 to 4gp for non-nobles, and hirelings are 2sp or 2gp per day. For a player, practicing their profession is worth 1gp per day freelancing, 2gp per day with a guild, or 4gp per day if you're a performer (lol wut). Crafting is worth 3.5gp per day in personal funds (1gp of "free" living and 2.5gp of increased goods value). Depending on how many people they can train at once, an NPC at least could make 1-lots gp per day. The organized play rules for events seem to be using Spell Level^2*10gp+(Component/10 or Consumed*2) for spellcasting services, off a very specific list.

Earlier you said your starting assumption is 25gp/day based on the Alchemy Jug (probably the only magic item to compare with). This completely blows any part of the existing 5e economy out of the water except for spellcasting services, which have never been meant to be something you can sell intentionally, either player or NPC (keeping a caster on retainer was just several times more expensive than other hirelings). I want to make a comparison between a least marked bodyguard and a pack of generic bodyguards, but sadly there's no price for hiring guards or mercenaries. Even at a generous 5gp per day I'd still take a pack of 6 normal mercs over a single least marked bodyguard if all else was equal (the portents can stop a few attacks from hitting you, but so can 6 bodies, especially if they have an actual Bodyguard power). If we're just talking magic, a Least mark is worth 2.5 1st level spells per day and always having a buyer.

I'm sure you already know all that, so it's basically a long way of acknowledging that just as you're effectively re-writing the magic item system into an actual system, your house writeups will be the "5e economy" if they're in use. It would be good to establish mundane jobs as well, since I believe there are supposed to be some people that don't work in the great houses, if only in places small enough to not warrant a hall. 5e seems to still be using 3.5's mundane item prices (no houses though), but the old standard of 1sp for unskilled labor has doubled, and the only hireling at more than 1gp/day was a sage or level 2+ adventurer so I'd say skilled labor has also doubled. Personally I'd like it if skill bonus actually mattered again, but no daily tasks require it any more. Actually the new CR system and it's use for summoning and polymorph spells implies that combat hirelings should be priced based on CR, not that that gives a starting point other than horses/dogs. Parry and Pack Tactics are worth either +1 AC or +1 AB, Portents has a use limit but counts for either so put it in either column for calculating CR.

Please excuse me while I do some more 3.5 extrapolations before continuing. It was never very clear how often guards/mercenaries/bodyguards were expected to actually be in battle: 2sp/day, but for how many battles over how long? Double for hazard pay, x3 for a single job, still only 1.2gp for a man to risk his life? Someone with a -2 modifier (no ranks, no ability bonus, improvised tools) could still make an average of 4gp per week in craft or profession, or 7sp "unskilled labor." Minimum upkeep is 2gp per month. If 2 fights/month*1 hit/2 fights if you're lucky*40 swings before a double 20 crits you to death, that's. . . a life expectancy of 3-4 years for a thug that fights as little as possible (and never gets stronger), maybe double that again if they only do street fights against small or no weapons. You'd have to have some really low mental stats to take enough penalty on skill checks/be dumb enough to stick with fighting anyway, so I guess I don't mind all those thug statblocks with terrible int now. For comparison, in another thread we figured a guard would take 10 years to reach level 6 with an important fight every 1-2 months, either in a group hunting a dangerous suspect or alone against someone who's not willing to kill a guard and might escape.

Back to 5e, the generic Guard entry is CR 1/8, as is a Kobold, as is a trained Mastiff which costs 25gp. A Draft Horse is CR 1/4 for 50gp, and a Warhorse is CR 1/2 for 400gp, not that any of these prices help with a daily fee for an intelligent hireling. No matter what way you slice it, I still think a generic Guard+least Detection is not gonna be worth anywhere near 30gp/day, it's gonna need a lot more oomph. A generic Veteran is strong enough it can't be compared to any bought animals. Go to suggested starting wealth under Tiers of Play (independent of magic items): 5th-6th level character (CR unknown) has maybe 650gp. The Veteran is CR3 with 9HD (but no recovery abilities), "extra attack," and maybe 275gp in equipment. That's less gear than his skill warrant on an adventuring scale, but adventuring is riskier and AaEG suggested that mercenaries would be paid/demand payment based on their gear.

I usually figure at least 10% of net worth is sufficient motivation for an adventurer, but for a mostly passive job that shouldn't be less than a month (and we rated a guard at one fight/month max). If the Veteran charges 30gp/month or 1gp/day with a bonus for "services proven" that sounds about right. Comparing to the "get hired as guards" section in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, the players are 4th level and get hired for a 2 month trip at rates from 5gp to 10gp per tenday, so .5gp-1gp per day. Estimated number of fights the guards ought to be involved in based on average rolls or expected completion could range from 8-2, higher than I'd expect but 5e is less deadly+more fighty and NPCs don't level up. Someone hired for a fight rather than guard duty would charge either a lump sum up front (or part now+later) in addition to shares of treasure, or whatever makes the PCs not try to mercenary their way out of adventuring.

In order to charge 30gp/day by my guidelines he'd need a net worth of 9,000gp or more and skill to match at least a 12th+ level PC. If magic items and thus Dragonmarks can be valued in gp that would establish net worth upon which to base payment, though we already have Lesser at 5th and Greater at 9th to compare to PC wealth estimates. I would imagine you intend to stat NPCs in this game using PC classes and dragonmarks, which is great for pricing services but might require some serious CR calculations, if you weren't already aware. I think I'm done for now, I'll get to looking over the marks eventually but as you can see DnD economics gets me going.

2015-06-01, 01:25 AM
We're currently trying out "Magemarked" as a term. We also have Handling's introduction up in the OP if you want to check that out.

Bodyguards are Skilled Hirelings and cost 2gp per day. In terms of which is a better investment for going into a dungeon, a dozen hirelings easily wins out. Which is intended behavior. When you hire a Least Medani for protection, you aren't hiring them to kill all of your attackers (there's mercenaries for that), or as a combat multiplier for your side (that's Deneith's job), you're hiring them to guard you against thieves, trickery and assassination. You're hire them to ask the important questions like, "Why is your chambermaid trained in the use of poison?" or "If this man is supposed to be installing the new door, why isn't he trained as a carpenter?"

House Tharashk bears the Mark of Finding, making its heirs great hunters of beasts and objects alike. Though young, Tharask is a large and wide-spread House, extending from the Shadow Marches, to Droaam, to Q'Barra and beyond. Tharashk is divided into three clans: Thorrn, Velderan and Aashta, which approximately 3000 marked members each. Approximately 500 from each clan live in Zarash'ak, with a further 1000 each throughout the rest of the Shadow Marches. Droaam is second in popularity for Tharashk heirs, featuring around 900 heirs from each clan and a total of 450 Tharashk in the settlement of Graywall alone. The almost 1800 remaining marked Tharashk can be found all over the globe on prospecting expeditions, hunting trips and archeological finds. Nonmarked numbers are unusually high for a dragonmarked house, owing to Tharashk's full acceptance of their orcish kin and the occasional marriage into the house by other races.

House Tharashk engages in a wide variety of commercial ventures, including dragonshard prospecting, mineral prospecting, surveying, tracking, fishing, mining, game finding, bounty hunting, procuring mercenaries and labourers from Droaam and sponsoring archeological digs. Of these, Tarashk's trade deals with Droaam are the most profitable, with prospecting second and hunting a distant third.

Droaam's largely untapped mineral resources and monstrous reputation allows the Tharashk clans to serve as middlemen for the bulk trade agreements between the Daughters of Sora Kell and the Five Nations. In addition to the rich iron and coal deposits of the region, Droaam has the single largest deposits of byeshk metal in all of Khorvaire. Moreover, Droaam's native races often have great strength (ogres, gnolls and minotaurs), the ability to fly (harpies and gargoyles) or unusual magical abilities (medusae and hags), allowing House Tharashk to find them employment not only as mercenaries, but as labourers, couriers and even mages.

House Tharashk's prospecting work is mixed in profitability. While the Mark of Finding grants the house a massive edge in locating mineral deposits, and the Finder's guild has some of the most skilled prospectors of the modern age, House Tharashk has no particular affinity for extracting the wealth from the earth once it is located. Often, a seemingly promising mine is abandoned when skilled miners cannot be found to excavate in the untamed wilderness of Q'Barra or the Shadow Marshes. House Tharashk strongly prefers prospecting for Eberron Dragonshards over precious gems or metal ores, as their high value and tendency to form in areas of soft earth simplify mining operations significantly.

If House Tharashk's hunting and bounty hunting operations are among their least profitable, they are easily the most glamorous. Countless pulp novels feature bare-chested Tharashk inquisitives tracking escaped fugitives across the untamed wild, muscles glistening with sweat as they run down their criminal prey. Meanwhile, many noble huntsman simply wouldn't dream of going on a hunt without a team of beaters from the Finding Guild. While these paint an unrealistic picture of Tharashk's operations, there remains a grain of truth in the legendary inescapability of a Tharashk manhunter.

2015-06-03, 01:28 AM
Bodyguards are Skilled Hirelings and cost 2gp per day. . . When you hire a Least Medani for protection. . . You're hiring them to ask the important questions
But we still need to know what stats bodyguards or mercenaries use, hence my breakdowns above. If a pack of 2gp mercenaries can wipe a 1st level adventure there's not much reason to buy equipment aside from xp mechanics. I don't see why a non-magical skilled hireling wouldn't be able to ask those same questions, but maybe what you're getting at is that each one is an individual with lots of varied experience as in a unique and levelled NPC? Actually its' probably that 30gp is 5 portents+ convenience/skilled hireling fee. In that case I just feel that "bodyguard" isn't quite the right term, since paying a ton of money for a bodyguard usually means they're super-badass one-man show, where in this case you're paying for magical acquisition of information on demand and then presumably using that to direct a bunch of other guys in the most effective fashion.

Mark of Handling/Vadalis description is much clearer now and Magemarked works fine, though I'm surprised there's no price for buying Magebred animals. Having to invest attunement slots in order to "use" a permanent Magemarked beast is kinda weird. It prevents you from doubling up on yourself or the party, of course, but it also makes it difficult or impossible for anyone else with a serious dragonmark to use them. Does work perfectly fine for super beasts to sell to unmarked armies though, and give the house a method of generating magic items that doesn't require "formulas" (fear my scare quotes). 50,000gp regardless effect is pretty crazy, but 5 1/2 years to complete actually makes sense if it's a breeding program, yay!

General note: while useful, I don't think the normal spellcasting options are very powerful. 5e already gives plenty of spells readied with fewer spell slots than 3.5 ever did, so these are mostly useful to a Sorcerer (or Warlock if they're allowed). I haven't actually built any high level caster lists yet though, so I could be wrong, but if it's not giving extra power or ammo. . .

Mark of Detection:
-While I do think the Portents are crazy strong, I do like the mechanic and the instant information options. The word "portent" sounds more pre-emptive to me, but if you think of it as "I looked inside and ahead to find out and answered the question" it works. In an aborted possible future sort of way.
-Lesser 1 is a bit hard to work out, phrases like "danger," "within one round," and "warning" heavily imply that you know before the attack happens and this is not clarified until the end of the ability. I think it would work better as "you sense the distance of threats as a flash of color when it happens" or something like that, make it more clear up front that you're sensing things in real-time.
-Lesser 2, again I think that completely negating a die result is fantastically strong, at least if you have any indication of what effect is incoming. If enemy spells and effects are hidden in a black box then it's not so good, otherwise congratulations on negating the enemy's most powerful attack. I'm guessing this is meant to compare to something like the spell resistance items that give you advantage on all saves against spells?
-Lesser 3, that's a cute trig hack but I don't see the need for an int check if you have the tools, unless the number of tries it takes is meant to reflect how long it takes you to do the math.
-Greater dreams: I've always seen prophetic dreams as a random thing you can't control so it's a bit odd here, but mechanically you've got a limited use top-tier crystal ball and bonus time to use it every day so that works.
-Siberys: that is a badass main power, though the wide area effect really feels stapled on to fulfill the whole "changing the face of Eberron" thing. Considering the ramifications of everyone around suddenly having visions and how they'd react is amusing, but the fact that it's rigged to sell your foes short is the best.

I had intended to get through more than one mark in detail but dinner's here so I guess not, more when I have time.

2015-06-03, 01:22 PM
The Mod Wonder: Closed by Creator Request; creators are going to repost with full data.