View Full Version : Help me find a magical feat? It had to do with Air spells and Fly speed.

2015-05-05, 04:52 PM
If it was a feat... It was about having the ability to alter your fly speed so long as you had an [air] spell available to cast or something. But I may be confusing it with a spell. It was not the Borne Aloft reserve feat, because the character I wanted this on had a natural fly speed.

2015-05-05, 04:59 PM
Don't know of any feats, but there's the druid spells Cloud wings (ups your fly speed by 30 ft) and Wings of air (improves your maneuverability rating) and Greater wings of air (improves by two categories), both in Spell Compendium.

2015-05-05, 05:25 PM
Don't know of any feats, but there's the druid spells Cloud wings (ups your fly speed by 30 ft) and Wings of air (improves your maneuverability rating) and Greater wings of air (improves by two categories), both in Spell Compendium.

Thank you for the cloud wings tip. As for the other two, I unfortunately already have perfect maneuverability. Just a really low fly speed.

2015-05-05, 06:44 PM
Almost certainly a reserve feat -- a type of feat that allows you to perform some minor magic all day long as long as you have an appropriate levelled spell.

This one is....

Good luck!

Edit: Okay, I totally did not see that before posting. Uh.

I believe it is probably Air Heritage (Planar Handbook). Thats the only one i'm aware of that sounds right, other than borne aloft.

2015-05-05, 07:59 PM
Can't say I know of any feats exactly like that, but I know there's a feat out of Sharn for improving flight in its manifest zone.
If you're just looking for improved flight though, look through the Draconomicon. They've got feats there for maneuverability and speed.

2015-05-06, 01:50 AM
Another spell that boosts flying speed is Heart of Air from Complete Mage, it has a decent duration.

2015-05-08, 05:32 PM
Another spell that boosts flying speed is Heart of Air from Complete Mage, it has a decent duration.

That was it. It was Heart of Air. I misremembered it as a feat. thank you.