View Full Version : Justin Bieber Bard [Pathfinder]

2015-05-06, 04:55 PM
So, like many people, I find the Beebs to be one of the most obnoxious and annoying things that has polluted our radio waves. My group of players, I'm sure, are of the same opinion. So, what I want to do is make an adversary for them in the campaign, who is Pathfinder's best rendition of Justin Bieber to pit against them. The villain won't be long lasting, but, I woulf like the build to be strong enough to where with a supporting NPC party, the character really gives them a run for the money. Any ideas other than Bard with gratuitous usage of Dancing Lights and other interesting spells?
As another note, I intend to make a youtube list of Justin Bieber songs to play during the encounters. >:D

The party consists of a Barbarian, Rogue, Monk, Fighter, Wizard, and Druid, all level 13.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

2015-05-06, 04:56 PM
Kender Bard. I don't want to ever see it done, but you should do it.

2015-05-06, 04:59 PM
I was going to come in here and smite some serious evil. But, I read the OP and chuckled a little. Let this be a reminder that some paladins look before they leap and carefully consider who they smite.


Kender Bard. I don't want to ever see it done, but you should do it.

2015-05-06, 04:59 PM
Kender Bard. I don't want to ever see it done, but you should do it.

That's...even more evil than I was thinking of going. Bravo.

2015-05-06, 05:17 PM
Anyone have any specific prestige classes or feats that you believe would add to the feel?

2015-05-06, 05:24 PM
If you want an annoying bard go with a Kobold Bard with the kobold racial archetype. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/dragon-yapper-bard-archetype) Refluff frightful song to just be super annoying...

2015-05-06, 05:26 PM
I think there was a commoner flaw printed in Dragon called "tasty" that made all the monsters want to eat you.

2015-05-06, 05:28 PM
If you want an annoying bard go with a Kobold Bard with the kobold racial archetype. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/dragon-yapper-bard-archetype) Refluff frightful song to just be super annoying...

Dragon Yapper. So appropriate. Lol

2015-05-06, 07:06 PM
Don't forget either the Proud or Vain flaw

2015-05-06, 08:17 PM
1: As a joke during one of my sessions in my current 3.5 game, it became important for us to speak in infernal to activate something. My character spoke infernal, so I Youtubed JB's song Baby (If you can call that a song.), and told the party "Infernal, as it happens, sounds like this to mortal ears." )

Maybe crib something like that?

2: Don't forget, he should have Gratuitous amounts of money, and gratuitously stupid numbers of followers who, among other things, are very fond of zerg rush tactic, and thrown weapons.

2015-05-06, 08:20 PM
thrown weapons.

Conversely, wouldn't this character also have some kind of disadvantage against thrown weapons and punches? xD

2015-05-06, 08:24 PM
Don't know about the latter, but yes, the former would work. Maybe something were he becomes shaken when you use them against him?

2015-05-06, 08:37 PM
Don't know about the latter, but yes, the former would work. Maybe something were he becomes shaken when you use them against him?

I think he'd be scared of punches too. xD


2015-05-06, 08:44 PM
Ok, expand the flaw to anyone using armed strikes. The monk will be thrilled.

2015-05-06, 08:52 PM
All of these ideas are beautiful. You guys are awesome, thank you so much! I hadn't thought of a lot of these ideas, and I will definitely incorporate them. Especially the weaknesses to thrown and unarmed strikes. :smallbiggrin:

So, the way I'm going to slowly clue the party in to something weird going on is that as they travel, they are finding an unusual amount of travelers on the road. Caravans, even, on the roads closer to big cities. Many of them are filled with young women that don't seem to belong on the road, but are driven by some purpose, reluctant merchant fathers looking to make their unnecessary trip profitable, and many of these fans singing very repetitive songs to pass the time on the road.

2015-05-06, 08:53 PM
justin Bieber Bard:

This Race (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-goblin)
This Class (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/npc-classes/commoner)
Curiously high charisma score but low wisdom score.

Leadership feat, and give him some powerful magic items to work with.

2015-05-06, 09:00 PM
Port up some Thrallherd, give him all the stupid semi useless minions! Also you may just want him to have several Mobs at his disposal, i think PF has Mobs....

2015-05-06, 09:03 PM
Port up some Thrallherd, give him all the stupid semi useless minions! Also you may just want him to have several Mobs at his disposal, i think PF has Mobs....

Thrallherd...holy expletive! This is genius. I'm so glad that I decided to get some Playground opinions before going with it. I hadn't thought of incorporating old 3.5 stuff, though I allow some backwards compatible stuff for the players.

2015-05-06, 09:37 PM
Thrallherd...holy expletive! This is genius. I'm so glad that I decided to get some Playground opinions before going with it. I hadn't thought of incorporating old 3.5 stuff, though I allow some backwards compatible stuff for the players.

Might want to look at this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/thrallherd), though 3.5 stuff aren't off the table.

2015-05-06, 09:46 PM
Might want to look at this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/thrallherd), though 3.5 stuff aren't off the table.

I wasn't aware they had made a Psionic book for Pathfinder. This is our first go at Pathfinder, so we have the core book and some 3.5 books. Thanks for bringing that one to my attention, though, I really appreciate it.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-06, 09:51 PM
I wasn't aware they had made a Psionic book for Pathfinder. This is our first go at Pathfinder, so we have the core book and some 3.5 books. Thanks for bringing that one to my attention, though, I really appreciate it.

The psionics system for Pathfinder is published by Dreamscarred Press, so it's technically third-party. However, DSP is so well-regarded that they might as well not be; IIRC, there's an official adventure path that uses stuff from DSP's psionics books.

2015-05-07, 08:59 AM
I would definitely say the leadership feat, with lots of young and a little too old female followers. I don't know about pathfinder, but in 3.5 I would optimize the inspire courage/competence mechanic, just for all the bonuses on the followers. There was a spell I think called Otto's Irresistable dance to simulate Beiber Fever. Keep the wisdom low.

2015-05-07, 09:02 AM
Doesn't this run afoul of the forum rules of slander\libel of a real person?

2015-05-07, 09:28 AM
Doesn't this run afoul of the forum rules of slander\libel of a real person?

Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

..I don't think this counts.

2015-05-07, 11:03 AM
Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

..I don't think this counts.

True, but it is still a thread against a specific person. That was the specific problem.

2015-05-07, 11:08 AM
True, but it is still a thread against a specific person. That was the specific problem.

Premise is making a caricature of someone his players don't like to serve as a villain, which I believe is protected either way.

2015-05-07, 12:11 PM
True, but it is still a thread against a specific person. That was the specific problem.

The thread isn't purposed to hate on Justin Bieber. I stated an opinion in my OP, and posed that I would like some help in making a parody of this person in an RPG adventure that isn't being published, nor used for personal monetary gain. Legally, it's protected. In direct violation of the forum rules would be a stretch as well, in my opinion, but that decision would have to be left to a Moderator, if this thread becomes controversial enough to warrant their attention.

On a note to everyone else, I really appreciate the advice on simulating all of the legion of fans and entourage, Leadership was something I was planning on, as well as maybe some homebrewed version of Rage to make it essentially Rage, Mass. :)

2015-05-07, 02:17 PM
The thread isn't purposed to hate on Justin Bieber. I stated an opinion in my OP, and posed that I would like some help in making a parody of this person in an RPG adventure that isn't being published, nor used for personal monetary gain. Legally, it's protected. In direct violation of the forum rules would be a stretch as well, in my opinion, but that decision would have to be left to a Moderator, if this thread becomes controversial enough to warrant their attention.

On a note to everyone else, I really appreciate the advice on simulating all of the legion of fans and entourage, Leadership was something I was planning on, as well as maybe some homebrewed version of Rage to make it essentially Rage, Mass. :)

Might I suggest then the Skald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald) class if you want a bard and incorporate mass raging?

In fact, if someone would brew a skald version of the thoughtsinger archetype (A psionic bard archetype thats in Ultimate Psionics IIRC) so that it may then go into thrallherd, I believe that would be perfect.

2015-05-07, 02:48 PM
Some spells you should consider and why.

-Unnatural lust. Even though the save won't be that high, I think you could come up with some horrible things that Beiberbard would do to the PC's
-Distracting Cacophony-Even the most studied wizard and focused druid would have trouble casting while they heard "Baby, baby, baby" in their ears
-Haunting mist-You cant see past the stage lights, and it actually damages your brain to be at a beiber concert
-Mad hallucination-see haunting mist
-Mirror image- Not only does it protect the Biebs, but now the party has multiples on their hands
-Confusion. Music so awful it makes you question everything.
-Crushing Despair. Have J. Bard go on a rant about Selena Gomez and how nobody can be happy
-Terrible remorse- Maybe if I hit myself hard enough with this mace the sound will stop
-Vision of hell- Illusions of the party worshiping Beiberbard
-Deafaning song bolt. Justin's music is so bad it hurts, deafens you and has no saving throw.
-Song of discord. Better we just kill each other now that have to deal with this.

Consider using the diva or celebrity archtype for enchanced ability to gather crowds and manipulate people. Also, I both hate and love you for such a fantastically terrible concept. Bravo.

2015-05-07, 11:28 PM
Joke encounter (aka fun but not too dangerous), standard or epic fight?

I'd use the Prankster Bard from Gnomes with the performance that really really REALLY urges your party members to punch the bard in the face. Add minions and debuffing casters to slow their progression while the bard spews catch-phrases, insults and tantrums (yes, Bieber's 19 and behaves like a 4 year old sometimes).

Go all out, don't serve his ass to them on a silver platter. This is not rewarding. Annoy them for 2-3 hours straight. Have 2-3 escape plans (Contingency: Jester's Jaunt, Magical Tattoo = Scroll of Dimension Door, Trap Door, Stage full with ropes for swinging, distracting fan girls that are innocent) but have the NPC set on delaying the heroes (so that his tactics have an ingame purpose as well) instead of actually fleeing.

2015-05-08, 01:22 AM
Might need an upgrade to full-on BBEG depending on direction of the party :P

But yea, he'll be better at annoying and escaping than fighting.

2015-05-10, 03:52 AM
I will be posting a build for this NPC tomorrow, to give everyone who contributed some closure on this, as well as to see what everyone thinks of the final product. I want to thank everyone for their suggestions and ideas, I really appreciate it!