View Full Version : Brainstorming Ęther Winds-A Steampunk Setting

2015-05-07, 05:15 PM
"Might I inquire what sort of application you have in mind for this blade?...Is that so? So, in other words, what you are telling me is that you will be going up against a dura-brass plated Tylor Bradford Mark III? Is that correct?...I see, well, considering that you will be dealing with such an imposing machine; may I suggest an alternative? Namely this double-barrel shotgun. Which I would highly recommend loading with unobtanium jacketed pressurized ęther core slugs. That would allow you, not only to stay at a safe distance from such a behemoth, it would also facilitate cracking the hard shell, if you will."
-Part of a conversation between Byron Pursebane, proprietor of Yer Olde Blade Shoppe and an unknown customer

A series of steampunk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlxU3AJ6UGk) roleplay (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKoH1SOJVrc) videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL5-mUB1-L0) on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEtgUGMeyFM) inspired me to work on a setting based off of them.

Then I remembered the amount of fun I had with the various "build-by-post" games here on the World-Building forum. So, I'm turning it into one of those.


Each post may include up to 3 facts and/or features about the world, be it a new substance, technology, etc. or expand upon an already established fact or feature.
The YouTube are the highest cannon, in other words if a post contradicts them the videos have priority.
The geography is roughly identical to Earth, a few minor differences here and there are fine but no new landmasses or the like.

Green Ferry: a drinking establishment
Happy Mechanic: a drinking establishment that has obtained contaminated absinthe
Rat Harbor: a waters edge slum with a less than safe reputation
Yer Olde Blade Shoppe: a weapons store that sells all manner of weaponry be it blade or firearm

ęther (either a gas or liquid, used for armor-piercing ammunition and some medical procedures)
dura-brass (a very tough, durable metal used for armor plating, invented in 1749 by Professor James MacLeod)
unobtanium (a metal used for bullet jackets, armor piercing)

Tylor Bradford Mark III: a type of steam powered or clockwork mech, very large with pneumatic Gatling perforators

Holy Roman Empire of the Britannic Nation
Papal Dominion
Muscovite Khaganate
Sky Kingdom of New Jerusalem

intracranial ętheroscopy: a procedure to determine one's mental state and/or health
3 sapient races: Big Foot, Drack, & Humans

Byron Pursebane: proprietor of weapon store Yer Olde Blade Shoppe
Peter Solie: a gunsmith of some renown
Iron Vulture: an aeronautical genius and captain of a flying fortress that "defends" the Turkish empire from and perceived threat
Jonas Gerhardt: an American physician and mechanic that seeks "perfection" through steamtech, recently has been creating an army of cybernetically enhanced soldiers
Dr. Pavel Karlovich Grot: a British surgeon that sought to, and succeeded in, emulating the works written in the famous novel by Mary Shelley, his creations performed the process on him after his attempted suicide

the thrones of Europe (with the exception of Jewish New Jerusalem) have been passed down through the female line

dominant religion of Europe is still Christianity, but with a female Christ named Elisha instead of Jesus

2015-05-09, 01:19 PM
Since no one wants to jump in I'll start.

There are three intelligent species: Humans, the reptillian Drack from the jungles of Africa, and Big Foot from the Canada territories.
Dura-brass was first invented by Professor of Metallurgy James MacLeod at Eton College in 1749.

2015-05-12, 02:48 PM
1. The major powers of Europe include the Holy Roman Empire of the Britannic Nation, the Papal Dominion, the Muscovite Khaganate and the Sky Kingdom of New Jerusalem.
2. The dominant religion of Europe is still Christianity, but with a female Christ (and thus not called Jesus - Elisha maybe, since that means about the same thing). As such the thrones of Europe (with the exception of Jewish New Jerusalem) have been passed down through the female line.

2015-05-14, 04:55 AM
1. The Turkish Tsar was nearly deposed by his cousin, an aeronautical genius and the designer and captain of the "Iron Vulture" a massive flying fortress style airship stylized to look like a bird of prey. Though he is in exile from Turkey, the cousin 'Defends' the nation since he views himself as it's true ruler by raiding and bombing any military or well armed populace near to the borders. When he thinks War is imminent he gladly launches preemptive attacks. So blinded is he that he has taken the name Iron Vulture for himself and considers the airship an extension of his own body.

2. In the New World, across the sea from Europe, there is a man named Jonas Gerhardt. A brilliant physician and engineer, he spent much of his young life designing steamtech prosthetics for soldiers who lost limbs in the War between the States. However he, too, has lost his mind and has begun the process of "Perfecting" himself and others as a result of being shot in the chest while operating on a patient on the battlefield. After replacing his own heart with a mechanical marvel, Gearhart has begun creating an army of cybernetically enhanced soldiers.

3. Dr. Pavel Karlovich Grot, a surgeon who sought out a myth, has spoken with Mary Shelley. His half-living creations were hidden from the world. But when he sought to cage them in the basement laboratory of his home and kill himself, they would not let him die. Now, stitched up and with most of his brains forced back into his skull, Grot continues his life's worth in undeath. Creating horrors from those his 'children' drag from the Thames, or throttle along it's banks.

2015-05-14, 02:19 PM
The largest sects of Christianity believe that Elisha was burned at the stake rather than crucified, and as such the cross symbolism has been replaced with flame and fire. This extends to funerary rites, the most common means of laying the dead to rest is through cremation instead of burial.
Those found guilty of witchcraft were not burned, but were drowned or stoned.
In the dark corners of the world, there are beasts and people with abilities that defy scientific research and understanding.