View Full Version : 3rd Ed How many Knowstones can you have at once?

2015-05-07, 06:46 PM
As the title states. Knowstones allow you to gain knowledge of spells you don't know, and you wear them where you would an amulet, though they don't take up that spot. Can I only have one at a time, or can I keep piling them on till my neck gives off the light of an everburning torch?

2015-05-07, 07:08 PM
As the title states. Knowstones allow you to gain knowledge of spells you don't know, and you wear them where you would an amulet, though they don't take up that spot. Can I only have one at a time, or can I keep piling them on till my neck gives off the light of an everburning torch?

Technically there is no limit. But If you have hundreds of them you run the risk of being labeled a munchkin.

2015-05-08, 02:18 AM
I don't recall any mention of having to wear them like an amulet - I think you can just carry them on your person (it does specify that they "always appears in a piece of jewellery", but that's it).

2015-05-08, 03:21 AM
As the title states. Knowstones allow you to gain knowledge of spells you don't know, and you wear them where you would an amulet...
Nope. The description for knowstones says nothing about amulets or the need to wear them. It merely states "A knowstone always appears in a piece of jewelry." Note: in a piece of jewelry, not as. You could have a single bracelet with dozens of knowstones inset into it. Considering the base gems are only worth about 25 gp, we aren't talking big stones.

Uncle Pine
2015-05-08, 04:12 AM
The only limit is your wallet. :smallwink:

2015-05-08, 01:25 PM
Where are these printed and what is their cost formula?

Uncle Pine
2015-05-08, 02:37 PM
Where are these printed and what is their cost formula?

Dragon #333, page 93. Spell level squared * 1.000 gp plus expensive material components or focuses (if any).

2015-05-08, 03:00 PM
Dragon #333, page 93. Spell level squared * 1.000 gp plus expensive material components or focuses (if any).

Do they obviate the need for such expensive foci/components?

Uncle Pine
2015-05-08, 04:28 PM
Do they obviate the need for such expensive foci/components?

No, you still cast the spell as normal. But if the spell has any expensive component, you add that component's value to the knowstone's price.

2015-05-08, 04:49 PM
No, you still cast the spell as normal. But if the spell has any expensive component, you add that component's value to the knowstone's price.

That's peculiar, given the usual reason for incorporating expensive foci and components in item prices is to make sure the item isn't used to bypass those costs, but that's not the case here.

Still, it's a remarkably good item, from the sounds of it.

Are specifications made for variable-cost material components? e.g. if one wished to make a Knowstone of animate dead, what would the cost of this 4th level arcane spell that costs 25 gp per HD of the target be?

2015-05-08, 08:23 PM
I don't think they go into the issue of variable-cost components. All the article says is: "The base price of a knowstone it its spell level squared X 1,000gp + expensive material components or focus (if any)."