View Full Version : I need help building this concept character

Max Caysey
2015-05-07, 06:47 PM

We are starting a new campaing, situatet in an urban setting, in a thief-guild/secret society/intelligence agency setting... where we each play a different asset within the guild. I play a rogue, who does intelligence gathering by being thief, as in the PC game of the same name. One is cleric but with information bartering as his main focus... like this (http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/The_Merovingian) guy.

The last person in the group is kind of a problem. He want to play the muscle as in a thug, who are really strong. So he opted for half-orc, which works for the setting, but he need still some feats to go with his persona of brute and some feats that go well with the mechanic of being the brute/intimidator... He simply just want to "feel" very physical strong. What to give him.

We start as level 3. We can use material from core and the complete books. That's it.

Any help or suggestions would be cool


2015-05-07, 06:56 PM

We are starting a new campaing, situatet in an urban setting, in a thief-guild/secret society/intelligence agency setting... where we each play a different asset within the guild. I play a rogue, who does intelligence gathering by being thief, as in the PC game of the same name. One is cleric but with information bartering as his main focus... like this (http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/The_Merovingian) guy.

The last person in the group is kind of a problem. He want to play the muscle as in a thug, who are really strong. So he opted for half-orc, which works for the setting, but he need still some feats to go with his persona of brute and some feats that go well with the mechanic of being the brute/intimidator... He simply just want to "feel" very physical strong. What to give him.

We start as level 3. We can use material from core and the complete books. That's it.

Any help or suggestions would be cool


The first thing that popped into my head was the Nightsong Enforcer from Complete Adventurer (IIRC). While obviously you couldn't start as one, you could aim for it; maybe refluffing it for your world is a good first step?

EDIT: Okay, just took a quick glance at the PrC I mentioned. It's...decent, but it's not really focused on intimidation, so much as being a decent lookout and partner in case a B&E mission goes south. Still, it's what I've got for now. I'll be back if/when I find something better.

2015-05-07, 11:07 PM
I'd point this player towards the Fear Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3809). If he's an intimidating enforcer, why not optimize the hell out of Intimidate?

The Never Outnumbered skill trick, coupled with Dreadful Wrath and Imperious Command feats is a great start to such a character.

Be sure to point out that Fear is all but useless against many different types of enemies, however. Always have a backup plan. Power Attack is a good start.