View Full Version : so, I'm playing an ogre magi and need to pick a talent.

2015-05-08, 05:42 AM
the ogre is a variant as per this link (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1468.0)
the plan is to go full ogre magi for the 8 levels listed and then go sorcerer for the remaining 12 levels.

I could use a hint on what would be a good talent to pick for my first level (we start at level 2).

I know there are probably a host of better combos in classes/multiclasses or even other monster races. I don't really care, so please don't waste your energy/time pointing out how flawed my plan, the character, the class, the creature are.. I want to play this character as described above, and am only looking to find a talent that goes well with it.

has anyone got suggestions?

2015-05-08, 05:47 AM
By talent, do you mean feat? If so, something like Power Attack would be good at low levels, especially if retraining is allowed. Your plan is to max str and cha, right? Since you're getting a few SLAs until level 9, focusing on melee until then seems like the best plan (you even get a built-in size increase!).

2015-05-08, 05:53 AM
derp.. yeah.. feat.. that's what happens if you're multitasking multilingually..

2015-05-08, 06:03 AM
No worries; we understood what you meant. What's your concept for the character? That will make it easier to offer feat suggestions. Otherwise, I'd just go with a typical tripper or charger build until 9.

2015-05-08, 06:56 AM
I could use a hint on what would be a good talent to pick for my first level (we start at level 2). If you wish a talent (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pse/20021220a), you should take psionic version of ogre magi.
I, personally, select the Astral Spider.

2015-05-08, 06:57 AM
The extent of my plan is pretty much what's in the OP. I'm not super invested in the character given how this is an alternate party to our main characters (who tend to be on the good side of things... Well.. Sorta). This party will be played with once in a while, at least for starters, and move around in the same universe, timeline and general setting of the main party, with which it will however not interact at any time. I'll be playing with a pit fiend, a beholder, a green dragon, an erynies and some other demonic creature.. And in general my characters suffer from player induced high mortality rate.
Going with something fairly standard and uncomplicated sounds good. A charger cleaving into the enemies and running of as soon as they show to be impervious to that technique appeals.

2015-05-08, 07:31 AM
Power Attack is very useful in this regard.

However, do you care for spell-like abilities? Maybe Quicken Spell-Like Ability?

2015-05-08, 08:25 AM
Power Attack is very useful in this regard.

However, do you care for spell-like abilities? Maybe Quicken Spell-Like Ability?

Quicken Spell-Like Ability isn't that useful at first level, since you don't have the CL to apply it to anything. Might be nice later though.

2015-05-08, 09:22 AM
I would like to make the most of my SLAs, but that's true mostly for the ones I don't have access to presently, so that can wait. Power attack it is, I think.