View Full Version : DM Help Favorite SPELLS to make a BBEG scary

Milo the Gnome
2015-05-08, 02:39 PM
Title says it all. I'm putting together some of the baddies for an upcoming game, of course one of them is a wizard.

What are your favorite ways to make a big bad wizard scary?
Do you have specific spells that mechanically let the PCs know who's boss, or just have great fluff that inspires the right kind of dread?

2015-05-08, 03:02 PM
Disjunction followed by Blasphemy if you really want to be an arse.

Mr Adventurer
2015-05-08, 03:19 PM
Avascular mass.

2015-05-08, 03:39 PM
Pebble Wind when fighting on top of something (building, airship, mountain). Just don't forget it can effect the boss too as I did.

Odin's Eyepatch
2015-05-08, 04:10 PM
While I've never had the chance to use it, Flensing is one of those spells that I'm definitely going to give to my next BBEG wizard. The spell is gruesome in itself: skinning the victim alive!

I'm imagining the wizard calmly peeling the onion (the material component), maybe while reclining on a chair, while one of the PC is screaming in pain as he's being stripped of his flesh.

2015-05-08, 04:23 PM
Look in Libris Mortis at the feat Mother Cyst. Then look up, in the same book, the spells it gives.

Pay close attention to Necrotic Scrying, Necrotic Eruption, Necrotic Domination, and Necrotic Tumor.

Then look up Skulking Cysts, and realize that they are the result of at least 3 of the ways the spell line in question can kill people. They can also be rebuke/commanded or influenced with Command Undead.

Finally, consider that a BBEG of little to no morals won't mind infecting innocent, low-level schmucks who can't effectively resist in the first place.

Milo the Gnome
2015-05-08, 04:54 PM
From the text for Avascular Mass, bc I had never heard of it and gaaaaaah that's gruesome.

Thanks! Keep 'em coming! Tips and tricks for a memorable, intimidating, and frightening antagonist are Great!

You shoot a ray of necromantic energy from your outstretched hand, causing any living creature struck by the ray to violently purge blood vessels through its skin. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to touch the subject. If the touch attack is successful, the subject loses half its hit points (rounded down) and is stunned for 1 round. On a successful Fortitude saving throw, the subject is not stunned.

The purged blood vessels are magically animate, creating a many-layered mass of magically strong, adhesive tissue that trap those caught in them. The avascular mass instantaneously erupts from the target, and must be anchored on last least two opposed points — such as floor and ceiling or opposite walls — or else the mass collapses and has no effect. Creatures caught within a 20-foot-radius avascular mass become entangled.
The original target of the spell is automatically entangled.

An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, a -4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and can't move. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check or lose the spell. Because the avascular mass is magically animate, and gradually tightens on those it holds, the Concentration check DC is 30.

Anyone within 20 feet of the primary target when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is not stuck in the avascular mass and is free to act, though moving may be a problem (see below). If the save fails, the creature is stuck. A stuck creature can break loose by spending 1 round and succeeding on a DC 25 Strength check or a DC 30 Escape Artist check. Once loose (either from making the initial Reflex save or a later Strength check or Escape Artist check), a creature may progress through the writhing blood vessels very slowly. Each round devoted to moving allows the creature to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist check. The creature moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by which the check result exceeds 10.

If you have at least 5 feet of avascular mass between you and an opponent, it provides cover.If you have at least 20 feet of avascular mass between you, it provides total cover. When the secondary duration elapses, the blood vessel mass becomes only so much limp, decaying tissue.

2015-05-08, 05:17 PM
Pebble Wind when fighting on top of something (building, airship, mountain). Just don't forget it can effect the boss too as I did.

Never heard of it. Where's it from?

2015-05-08, 05:54 PM
Never heard of it. Where's it from?

Dragons of Faerun p. 117. Basically Gust of Wind but for one round in a 20 ft. radius burst and deals SR: No damage.

Edit: I should mention that the boss I had use it accidentally ganked himself with it. Big airship fight, he had lost his Nightmare steed and couldn't fly. Failed the save, fell off and landed 700 ft. below.

2015-05-08, 08:08 PM
The entire ring of necrotic cyst spells from Libris Mortis. Gross and can be used for some really terrible feelings in PCs (like when the BBEG uses cysts implanted in children as necromantic suicide bombers. I did that in my last campaign which was centered around the entire spell set, and I don't think the players have forgiven me yet.)

2015-05-09, 01:47 AM
Depending on what level you're at, Maw of Chaos is nasty. Fell draining magic missiles are a mean way of spreading negative levels around too.

2015-05-09, 09:07 AM
One of my personal favourites is seething eyebane, a corrupt spell from book of vile darkness. A level 1 spell, fort negates vs your eyes fricken' exploding into acid. It does have a hefty con damage component, however, if your BBEG is immune to ability damage (say, via being undead or the like) then that becomes less of an issue.

2015-05-09, 10:42 AM
Disjunction followed by Blasphemy if you really want to be an arse.

For lower levels, I like Chain Greater Dispel + Quickened Chain Shatter. It requires some Metamagic Reducers, but it automatically destroys all floating/flying magical equipment the party has (Animated Shields and Ioun Stones are the big two, but there are others)

2015-05-09, 01:18 PM
A level 1 spell, fort negates vs your eyes fricken' exploding into acid.

That just means that it's easy to quicken :smallamused:

Personally, I like the spell Reverse Gravity for very different reason then other spells pointed in this thread. It doesn't allow spell resistance or save. It's spell that manipulates one of the fundamental forces in existence. It reflects BBEG's contempt towards the party; Instead of attacking them, he makes them float in the air for his amusement, and then potentially killing them with the fall. If party gets stuck in the air, then that just calls for monologue.

Naturally, it's actually easy to deal with if you have the right items or spells, but hey, BBEG isn't actually meant to win :smallsmile:

2015-05-09, 05:22 PM
Any area of effect against a tightly clustered party formation. The shock and horror from even one will cause the party to march in staggered formation from that day forward. Two can risk a TPK if you aren't careful about the CR and/or the PCs aren't careful about how they respond after the first.

Milo the Gnome
2015-05-10, 11:04 AM
Dear effing G-d this

Personally, I like the spell Reverse Gravity for very different reason then other spells pointed in this thread. It doesn't allow spell resistance or save. It's spell that manipulates one of the fundamental forces in existence. It reflects BBEG's contempt towards the party; Instead of attacking them, he makes them float in the air for his amusement, and then potentially killing them with the fall. If party gets stuck in the air, then that just calls for monologue.

Naturally, it's actually easy to deal with if you have the right items or spells, but hey, BBEG isn't actually meant to win

SO much fun! Nothing says I'm a big bad boss better than, "I don't have to kill you, I can toy with you first."
This guy is supposed to win at least this round. He's a mini-boss, but I'd like to build up the intimidation factor so when he gets taken down later it feels like a triumph.

And the Eye Explosions and suicide cyst children, WOW. Thanks for the find! There's a couple different baddies down the line that each of these spells would be PERFECT for! What's creepier than the sound of children giggling in a decrepit house? When they ask you to play with them and then explode.

...I'm just gonna leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGo2yqcUYaY

2015-05-10, 04:45 PM
I know I had fun when my recurring villain sat down to negotiate with the party, and when the paladin started to get lawful-good on her, the villain's tongue flew out and started to grapple him. (Devil's Tongue, BovD)

I've never used this one, but Bite of the King sounds like a great way to unnerve the party. You just open your mouth and eat someone of your size or smaller. (And they're in a pocket dimension, not your stomach, so they can't murder you from within.)

Now, if you could use Devil's Tongue to pull a character within range of Bite of the King, well I know that would freak me out.

2015-05-10, 10:01 PM
As the battle begins, the BBEG sends his cohort lackey in. The cohort is a sorcerer and had already cast Horde Gullet before hand, creating an extra-dimensional space in his stomach. He runs into the middle of the party and spends a standard action eating a bag of holding. The resulting astral rift causes him to implode in a gory catastrophe, and the party must resist being pulled in as well.

---- On a different note:

I think the spells that make a BBEG scary would be the same spells that makes an allied wizard scary. I mean, he's just like you. He's not some 2d character who falls into some predictably tropey mess. He's not comically evil. He isn't morally inferior to you and can't be written off as some cheap boss to kill. Not only is he just like you, but you could easily be just like him.

The party kicks down the door, and spots the wizard Korvac in the corner. He looks haggard, as though tired from being chased all these years. Though his face looks weary, his eyes pierce yours with an intense clarity that reminds you that he is still a wizard proper. He begins with a Circlet of Rapid Casting Quickened Grease followed by two Arcane-Thesis'd Twin-Split-Ocular Scorching Rays. As the warrior charges in he casts Celerity followed by a Maximized Shivering Touch.

2015-05-11, 02:31 AM
One of my personal favorites is the Infallible Servant spell from Exemplars of Evil.

Have one of the BBEG's minions (or for added awesome, a member of a previous group who tried to finish the BBEG and failed) tumble out, give some sort of foreshadowing / warning of what's to become of the party, and after such, the "delivery boy/girl" dissolves into sludge, nauseating everyone around the messenger.

Evan Epis
2015-05-11, 03:22 AM
Title says it all. I'm putting together some of the baddies for an upcoming game, of course one of them is a wizard.

What are your favorite ways to make a big bad wizard scary?
Do you have specific spells that mechanically let the PCs know who's boss, or just have great fluff that inspires the right kind of dread?

I would say a combination of both, but atmosphere is far more important.
It's nice to have put together a BBEG who is optimised and strong etc but serving him with the right fluff, concept and theme is the best part. Giving a reputation or a nickname he is known by always works too.
It usually makes the players wonder and ask questions like:


"Hmmm, why do they call him the Defiler of fire?"

Common people might know him or his nickname, and may always avoid to mention him, talk about him or give information about him. (unless the nesescary checks are made)
Rumors/Urban legends might exist claiming that if you speak outloud the following, in front of a fire as big as a campfire, under the right conditions:

"Burning flame of my desire,
turn my wishes into fire"

He will then appear before you. His flames will either consume you or...

Have your players pass from a point where he did a ritual or he used his mighty powers. Have them see what the terrible outcome was.

If you can later a give a reason for the PCs to especially hate him as well, all the better.


A background of mystery and/or a dreaded reputation, are very important. The rest (spells, optimization etc) is the easy part.
You can always describe the effects of the spell he uses to be as thematic as you want (w/ or w/o Spell Thematics). Check the BoVD for some evily evil spells.

2015-05-11, 05:19 AM
It's not spell slot efficient,.considering it's competing with other level 9 Wu Jen spells, but there's this spell in Complete Mage called Don Cheadle's Arboreal Transformation. (IIRC Spell Compendium renamed it to just Arboreal Transformation).

It's basically a save or suck that can slow an opponent for 1 day per CL. But, see, that's the suck part. If, by some sadistic joke from the evil gods of fate, the creature actually failed it save, the poor sap turns into a huge oak tree treant and becomes under your control for 1 day per CL. But the fun doesn't end there, because, after the 1 day per CL of being your personal blimpin Treebeard, the dude then permanently becomes a regular oak tree.

It's a travesty that Wu Jens use the "Wu Xing" (duh) elements, and that this spell is not available for Druids. Otherwise, this is perfect for a BBEG Captain Planet.

edit: didn't see the wizard only bit, but IMO that spell alone is worth switching at least one wizard BBEG to Wu Jen instead, or at least eat up a casting level lost for Wyrm Wizard or Recaster.

2015-05-11, 10:44 AM
It is not scary in-game but scary out of game. Sleet storm can just wreck a players day. Massive area vision and movement denial. Since wizards and archers tend to sit in the back, they either have to move up front to see (putting them closer to enemy BSF) or waste time getting around it. Being a third level spell means it can be easily quickened or a NPC minion can cast if for you.

For evil combos a Fell draining Kelgore's Grave Mist. With no reducers it is a 4th level spell. 1d6 + negative level a round, no save. There is a minor fort save vs fatigue but the auto damage and draining is what makes it. Widen it with a metamagic rod to make it cover 40 feet or Shape it to make it more precise.

I have a group of assassin archivist/druids. They use Born of the Three Thunders Call Lighting and Call lightning Storm. The daze from BotTT only happens when the spell is cast so you can cast it ahead of time and bring the lighting down every round after with no issue. I like to have them summon a Air elemental to whirlwind to increase damage and use the feat Sudden Maximize. All-together this means the caster can call down 50 damage bolts that player must save vs ref or be stunned and this can happen every round.

Honest Tiefling
2015-05-11, 10:47 AM
Giving a reputation or a nickname he is known by always works too.
It usually makes the players wonder and ask questions like:


[B][I]"Hmmm, why do they call him the Defiler of fire?"

You need to be careful with this. Problem with this approach is that a name might sound cool to you, but quickly become jokes or sound silly to the players. How did he become the defiler of fire? Wink, wink, nudge nudge. And then you have a BBEG named the Fire Diddler.

2015-05-11, 12:20 PM
You need to be careful with this. Problem with this approach is that a name might sound cool to you, but quickly become jokes or sound silly to the players. How did he become the defiler of fire? Wink, wink, nudge nudge. And then you have a BBEG named the Fire Diddler.

Actually, I think this can work well. I know my party regularly makes some taunting name for the bad guys so may as well give them something to work with.

2015-05-11, 01:06 PM
Touch of Juiblex from the BoVD is a personal favorite of mine, and Avasculate is nasty too and a level lower than Avascular Mass.
A fun combo Haboob and Black Sand (Sandstorm).
A bit of a sillier one that I've come to like is Sculpted Explosive/Fell Drain Caltrops.
And who could forget the classic villain trick of snapping your fingers and bad things happing (Fell Drain Sonic Snap) "She dismissively snaps her fingers in your direction and there's a loud crack and you suddenly feel weaker much weaker" DM: in game terms you get a negative level and take one damage from her gesture of contempt.
And another vote for the Necrotic Cyst line.
Venomfire, not really a whole lot to say here but it makes lowly Swindelspitters into mini dragons with a save or lose blinding breath, Fleshrakers into pouncing acidic venom death and shinomen greensnake archers (who poison their arrows ahead of time) into potentially serious sniper threats. [these were for a "return to the old world" type evil druid]

edited, to add some I just remembered.

2015-05-11, 08:08 PM
It is not a spell, but the one that stood out to me the most was the big bad horned general that ganked his own wounded subordinate with a revitalizing strike. Nothing says efficient evil like sacrificing your own.

a very fun combo was using Escalating Enfeeblement. The resulting fight was really cool, the players had to cut the straps on their armor to be able to move, and it all ended when the groups caster bested the boss in a duel of fisticuffs. (both were completely spent on magic, and no one else could still move.)
What great times.

2015-05-11, 09:45 PM
People always throw around evil guys casting fireballs a city market. Well, that's rather cliche and rather not evil enough. Cast blackfire (SpC) instead. 1d4 Con damage a round for at least 15 rounds, and anyone adjacent has to make a Reflex save or have the same thing happen to them. And it can just keep spreading. If they reach 0 Con they're reduced to ash. Time it right and you can kill a loooot of people before they either become so dispersed they're not setting others on fire, or enough spellcasters high enough level to cast that many dispel magics get there. Even just straight up using it in combat can make the PCs start to panic in the way straightforward roll-or-die SoDs can't, though dispel magic and protection from death effects both counter it.

For a really nasty combo, Fell Draining Born of Three Thunders Freezing Fog. Every round take 1d6 damage (half sonic, half electric). If you take any damage, make a Fort save or be stunned, if stunned a Reflex save or be knocked prone. Regardless of damage or stun, then make another Reflex save or be knocked prone. Your movement is slowed to 5 feet, and moving at all requires a DC10 Balance check, failure by 5 or more (guess) knocks you prone. Oh, and every tick of damage is a negative level, no save (strictly speaking you can read Fell Draining to only ever deal a single negative level, but I think that's an unintuitive reading). It's another higher-level spell that's negated by abilities that are becoming more and more common, though; metamagic reducers you could get it at 11th level, more realistically 15th, and by then teleports, freedom of movement, etc are rather common.

Not a spell, but the warlock invocation devil's whispers (Cityscape). It's suggestion, but after the action is carried out they have to make another save at a penalty or believe it was entirely their idea to do the action. It's a greater invocation, though, which isn't great. At low levels, suggestion itself can be really nasty, either to use directly on the PCs or as a way of messing with things in the background.

Another nasty one is darkbolt. The BoVD version is 1d8/2CL damage and Fort save or be stunned a round for just a 2nd level slot. The SpC version is 5th level, flat 2d8 damage, but gives you 1/2CL bolts, dazes off a Will save, and instead of hitting all your targets at once you can choose to only launch 1 bolt a round (which only takes a free action), letting you chain-daze the same target over and over.