View Full Version : Pathfinder [society] Armor and shield spikes question

2015-05-08, 04:42 PM
So, I know that they are different and can be added to any armor or shield. My question is can they be added to an existing armor or shield? Specifically if I bought a named armor or shield could I then add spikes to it?

For a normal game this could easily be made to work with the best benefit for the player but with PFS its a matter of what is RAW. If anyone can give me quotes and such that would be all the better.

2015-05-09, 12:43 AM
Seriously, there is almost nothing written about when spikes are added to armor or shield.

Best quote I found is in the Armor Spike entry (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/equipment.html#armor-spikes) :

You can have spikes added to your armor, which allow you to deal extra piercing damage (see “spiked armor” on Table 6–4) on a successful grapple attack.

There is also another quote I found in the Spiked Armor entry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/spiked-armor):

You can outfit your armor with spikes, which can deal damage in a grapple or as a separate attack.

Spikes are "added" and "outfitted" to an armor. That means an armor can (and in fact must) be "upgraded" with armor spikes, rather then being made with spikes from the start.

Edit: Shields I assume follow the same logic, but lack the strong wording of Armor Spikes... Still in the Shield Spikes entry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/armor/shield-spikes):

These spikes turn a shield into a martial piercing weapon
They "change" with a shield does, which must mean they are added later.

2015-05-09, 01:01 AM
It sounds like a DM approval sort of thing to me. Normally I'd look for real world analogues, but that's not really an option with spiked armor.

There is an item, Demonspike Pauldrons, that give your armor armor spikes or increase the effectiveness of armor with spikes already attached. I think this is enough of an example that you could justify wearing non magical spiked pauldrons with your suit of armor and receive the benefit rather than attempting to alter the suit. Depending on the armor type, I assume you could use the piecmeal armor rules to find a solution as well, such as wearing spiked arm armor with your breastplate.