View Full Version : Pathfinder HERESY! a discussion of inquisitors, and their (at time misguided) beliefs.

2015-05-08, 06:05 PM
While inquisitors tend to be hunters of enemies of the faith, there are those that have found themselves at odds with their faith's basic tenets. Heretics, in both archetype and the actual sense of the word, are what I wanted to discuss. To start, a question to all.

Provided an inquisitor, what sort of heresies can you come up with in reference to a specific deity (or demigod, demon lord, kyton demagogue, archdevil, ect.) can you come up with? The more unusual/interesting/believable the better, and ones more inclined to have an inquisitor that is a step away from their patron's alignment may be even better.

2015-05-08, 06:29 PM
Hm... A Lawful Good inquisitor of Abadar who refuses to charge when using his spells to better the community around him. He routinely uses magic to stop fires, cure diseases and stop famine. His reasoning is that a city less susceptible to wildfire, plague and famine is a more ordered city that in turn is more resistant to descending into mayhem, rioting and general chaos. The resulting stability would make the city more attractive to trade and commerce. Since the church of Abadar is heavily invested in trade, using their resources to create an environment that's attractive to trade is its own reward.

This was based on how utterly and completely moronic the church of Abadar is depicted in the second book in CotCT. Abadar should be just as invested in stopping the spread of the plague as the church of Sarenrae since nothing annihilates commerce more effectively than a rumour that a certain city has caught the plague. Instead they're turning people away in droves because 90% of the population can't afford the extortionate price of a Remove Disease spell - a spell with no costly component cost.

2015-05-08, 07:10 PM
Heres one, not of my idea but one which would be relevant to inquisitors of Nocticula;

Nocticula is worshiped by assassins, the lustful, whores, shadow-using creatures, and of course succubi. These worshipers form relatively small cults, often akin to secret societies, that use brothels, nobility, or academies as a cover for their true purposes. A small number of heretics venerate her as well, not as a demigoddess of murder and lust but as one of outcasts, artists, and the glories of midnight. The fact that such heretical clerics are granted spells as surely as the rest of her worshipers has caused not a small amount of discontent among her faithful, which Nocticula seems to enjoy.