View Full Version : [3.5] Beguiler/Prestige Bard/Rainbow Servant

2015-05-08, 08:48 PM
So, just wondering, best way to make a Beguiler/Prestige Bard/Rainbow Servant, losing as few caster levels as possible.

Maybe squeeze in 1 or 2 levels of Sandshaper for Dust Magic.

Necrotic Cyst would be good as well, and maybe a bloodline feat from Dragon Compendium.

i.e. Basically a spontaneous caster who gets 9th, knows every spell on his list, and has as wide a variety of spells to chose from as possible.

Would the op-fu master in the playground help me find the most efficient way to do this?

Just a thought exercise, this character would never fly in any of the games I play in.

Cheers - T

2015-05-09, 12:28 AM
Sure, just go Beguiler 6 into Prestige Bard and/or Rainbow Servant. Both classes are pretty easy to qualify for, so you don't need anything more complex than what you have in the title of the thread. You can take the Apprentice feat if you need Perform as a class skill, or just take it cross-class and focus on Rainbow Servant first.

2015-05-09, 08:48 AM
Human Beguiler, 4 ranks in arcana at level 1, snowcasting, sanctum spell as your feats and you can enter rainbow serpent at level 2. Spontaneous cleric casting by 11, prestige bard can come afterwards.

2015-05-09, 10:17 AM
Human Beguiler, 4 ranks in arcana at level 1, snowcasting, sanctum spell as your feats and you can enter rainbow serpent at level 2. Spontaneous cleric casting by 11, prestige bard can come afterwards.
Needs flaws because Sanctum Spell requires another metamagic feat as a prerequisite. Versatile Spellcaster should work though since you know all spells on your list automatically.

I'd leave Prestige Bard out and finish up the build with War Weaver 5/Spellguard of Silverymoon 4. Combined with Magic of the Land (RotW) you can cast any personal range spell through your tapestry thanks to Spellguard + Enlarged Tapestry.