View Full Version : 3rd Ed DEEP HURTING! (or: Fun with the MM3 Sand Blaster)

mabriss lethe
2015-05-08, 11:48 PM

Flipping through the MM3, I started reading the entry for the Sand Giant. In their statblock, they reference an exotic weapon, the Sand Blaster. This thing is absolutely great. It's an exotic ranged weapon that basically doesn't need a proficiency since instead of an attack roll, it creates a cone attack with a reflex save that scales with the user's con score, it also imposes -4 penalty to AC and -2 to attack rolls for 3 rounds. On top of that, the damage is untyped and it comes with a 30 gp price tag.

I would love to base a character around using one. So far I've come up with a few gems that stand out to boost damage and add rider effects.

- Enchantment with any damaging property that conveys its power onto ammunition
- Augmentation crystals
- Poison use/Master of Poisons
- Deep Crystal
- Psionic shot