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2015-05-09, 02:28 PM
Like Pathfinder, D&D 5th edition seems to have abandoned prestige classes, which considering how dumb 3.5 got by the end, isn't a terrible idea. So in order to bring my favorite prestige classes to life in a way that fit the new edition, I created a whole new system and decided to begin with the Eberron prestige classes.

Prestige Classes: How They Work
Basically a prestige class is a new profession that builds on your old one and allows for greater character diversity. As most prestige classes really just had one or two unique abilities in the first place, I've shortened all of them down to just 3 levels. They rarely provide new proficiencies, instead building on your own original class. They function like any other class you can multi-class into, with two exceptions. First, there are never penalties for going into a prestige class, though your DM may limit the number of them you can belong to. Every prestige class uses the hit die you had before going into it. Second, if the optional feat system is in place, you can take a level in a prestige class instead of the feat or ability score increase. This functions just as if your class had that level as part of its features.

Eberron Prestige Classes
These mostly rely on the Unearthed Arcana Eberron material, presented here (http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA_Eberron_v1.1.pdf). They are presented alphabetically by book.

Black Dog of House Ghallanda
The most people see of Ghallanda are their vibrant inns, always with excellent food, soft beds, and entertainment. However, for some this is just a facade. There is a secret cabal of vigilante assassins within the house who specialize in poisons, killing villains without touching steel.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Hospitality and be proficient with Sleight of Hand.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Produce Poison- At 1st level you alter your serving abilities to create a deadly poison instead of delicious food. Expend a single spell or cantrip provided by the Dragonmark feat as a standard action to create this poison. If the Least effect is used it produces two doses, the Lesser produces four doses, and the Greater produces six doses. These can be used on any container or weapon you are touching, though a Sleight of Hand is required if you wish to use it someone's food or drink without them noticing. If used on a weapon, the number of doses used is depleted for every successful attack. Anyone who imbibes or is struck by a poisoned weapon must make a constitution save equal to 10+your proficiency modifier+your levels in this class. If they fail that save, they take 1d10 damage and have the poisoned condition for 1d4 rounds. Anyone who imbibes the poison can make a constitution save for each dose of the poison to ignore it's effects, though the damage and condition times do stack. Gain an additional use of your Least Dragonmark effect.
Level 2, Extended Poison- At 2nd level you can poison people at a distance or by just touching them. Extend the range of Produce Poison by 5 ft per levels in this class. In addition, you may choose to use Produce Poison on an unarmed attack roll as a bonus action.
Level 3, Condense Poison- At 3rd level you learn to create more powerful poisons. Each time you use Produce Poison with multiple doses, you may choose to instead condense those doses. For each dose condensed increase the difficulty check by 2, damage by +5, and duration by +2 rounds.

Blade of Orien
These elite Dragonmarked fighters of the Orien House put their teleportation abilities to more practical use in combat.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Passage and be proficient with three or more martial weapons.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Teleport Strike- At 1st level you can magically move behind an enemy and attack them. You may expend a single a Least Dragonmark spell to teleport before and after an attack, though the total distance cannot exceed 30 ft.
Level 2, Olladra's Twist- At 2nd level you may expend your use of Misty Step to instead switch places with a willing ally within 40 ft. This is done as a Move action.
Level 3, Orien's Wrath- At 3rd level you use your teleportation abilities as a weapon. Expend a use of a Dragonmark ability to teleport an enemy up to 20 ft in any direction unless they pass a Dexterity save equal to 10+your proficiency bonus+your levels in this class. If you expend a Lesser ability increase the DC by +2 and the distance by 10, if a Greater increase the DC by +5 and the distance by 30.

Cyre Scout
Specially trained Cannith explorers who search for their Houses lost treasures in the Mournland.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Making and be proficient in Survival.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Dragonmark Conduit- At 1st level you learn to replace your basic needs by drawing power from your Dragonmark. If you have the Least ability you do not need to eat or drink. If you have the Lesser ability you only need to sleep for 2 hours a night to be fully rested, though this does not change the rest times for any feat/spell/class feature/etc. If you have the Greater gain fast healing 1. You do not lose this fast healing even in areas that normally forbid it.
Level 2, Tireless- At 2nd level you are hard to stop and can shrug off effects even tough adventurers fall victim to. Increase Constitution by +1 and add your levels in this class to Constitution saves.
Level 3, Innate Detect Magic- At 3rd level you see magic as it's own spectrum. Gain a constant Detect Magic effect simply by concentrating.

Deneith Warden
Many Sentinel Marshals are also trained Wardens, making them the most tenacious lawkeeping force in Eberron.
Requirements- Must have the Sentinel Mark and be proficient in Investigation.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Subduing Strike- At 1st level you are trained to bring targets in alive, rather than killing them. You can choose to use a Subduing Strike rather than your usual attack. It deals +2 damage, but heals twice as fast. If any creature is brought to 0 hit points with a subduing strike, they never die and are always knocked unconscious.
Level 2, Devoted Lawkeeper- At 2nd level you can track criminals with ease. Add your class level to Insight, Perception, Athletics, and Investigation checks. If you track a specific target who has committed a crime, double this bonus and gain the same bonus on attack checks and Subduing Strike damage rolls against that target.
Level 3, Lie Detector- At 3rd level you gain advantage on Insight checks to tell if someone is lying.

Translated to 'stalking dragon' the Duraak'ash are the most widely known and tenacious bounty hunters in all of Khorvaire.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Finding and be proficient in Survival.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Hunter's Insight- At 1st level you hone your mark to track specific targets. Instead of a Least effect you may cast Hunters Mark, instead of a Lesser ability you may cast Locate Object, and instead of a Greater ability you may cast Locate Creature.
Level 2, Dragon's Guidance- At 2nd level your Mark empowers the spells cast by it to be even greater than usual. If cast by using your mark, Hunter's Mark is cast as if using a 3rd level spell slot, Locate Object is no longer blocked by materials, and Locate Creature is no longer blocked by running water.
Level 3, Favored Enemy- At 3rd level you gain a Favored Enemy, as per the Ranger class feature.

Medani Prophet
Prophets use their marks to peer into the future, protecting their charges from dangers that haven't even come to fruition.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Detection and be proficient in Religion.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Dragon's Shield- At 1st level you can move to dodge attacks before they're even launched. As a bonus action expend a Least, Lesser, or Greater Dragonmark ability. If Least, gain a +2 bonus to your AC for ten minutes. If Lesser gain a +3 bonus to your AC for ten minutes. If Greater gain a +4 bonus to your AC for ten minutes.
Level 2, Visions of the Past- At 2nd level you can occasionally get brief visions of the past. Expend a single Dragonmark ability to ask a question. The more powerful the ability, the more details the answer provides. For example, if you ask who stole the ruby amulet, a Least answer would tell you a female halfling, a Lesser answer would tell you a female halfling with brown hair and green eyes, while a Greater answer would give an exact picture of the thief. You may only ask one question per day and cannot ask multiple questions concerning the same subject.
Level 3, Medani Guidance- At 3rd level you may cast Divination instead of Clairvoyance for your Greater ability.

Nosomatic Chirurgeon
To learn how to put people back together is also to learn how to take people apart. These black operation Jorasco agents exemplify that statement.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Healing and be proficient in Medicine.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Pestilential Touch- At 1st level you can expend a single spell granted by your mark to cast an Inflict spell of equal or lower level.
Level 2, Nosomatic Chirurgy- At 2nd level you use the same skills to harm as heal. Whenever you would deal damage with a melee attack or touch spell, you can choose for that target to have a penalty on their next constitution save equal to your proficiency bonus if a melee attack or spell slot used if a spell.
Level 3, Plague Bearer- At 3rd level your ability to magically harm enemies also implants a deadly disease. Whenever you would harm a target with an Inflict spell, you may also cast Contagion on that target as an bonus action. However, it only lasts a number of rounds equal to spell slot level the Inflict spell used.

Shadow Hunter
Since the schism of House Phiarlan, Shadow Hunters who are proficient in killing targets seeped in darkness have become far more important.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Shadow and be proficient in Stealth.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Shadow Sense- At 1st level you are barely impeded by magical stealth. Your passive perception to notice anything concealed by magic, as if from the Invisibility spell or even enchantment effects, is increased by +6. Also, you know the location of magically concealed characters within 40 ft and reduce your miss chance against them by half.
Level 2, Shadowblind- At 2nd level you can concentrate your dragonmark abilities on a single target. Expend a single dragonmark spell to launch small globes of darkness at an enemy. They must make a Dexterity save equal to 10+your proficiency bonus+your charisma modifier or be blinded for 1 round if you used a Least ability, 2 rounds if you used a Lesser ability, or 4 rounds if you used a Greater ability.
Level 3, Shadowsight- At 3rd level you are no longer impeded by darkness of any sort. Using a magical sixth sense, you can see up to 20 ft away without using your eyes. This essentially makes you immune to any effects that rely on vision.

Silver Key
The Keyguard are specialist members of House Kundarak that improve security systems by breaking into them, just showing all the weaknesses.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Warding and be proficient in Thieves Tools.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Trap Master- At 1st level you are already a master at noticing and disabling traps. You gain a bonus equal to your class level+2 on Perception checks to notice traps and Dexterity checks to disable traps. These may even be magical traps, which you treat the same.
Level 2, Crafty Hands- At 2nd level you can manipulate locks and other such devices a distance away. This functions as Mage Hand, except its invisible and you can use to manipulate any device as if you yourself were doing so. This ability can be used up to 3 times between long rests.
Level 3, Cunning Body- At 3rd level you can react to certain dangers by protecting your body with your dragonmark. As an immediate action you can expend your Least ability to cast Feather Fall, your Lesser ability to cast Protection From Poison, and your Greater ability to cast Protection From Energy. These can only be cast on yourself.

Storm Sentry
First and foremost, Storm Sentries are soldiers of House Lyrandar. Their dragonmark powers make them worth a dozen trained men when fighting on a ship.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Storm and be proficient in at three martial weapons.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Lyrandar's Shield- At 1st level you can create a shield of magical wind that naturally acts as armor. This grants an magical AC bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier, but does not stack with armor or Unarmored Defense.
Level 2, Lyrandar's Fist- At 2nd level your wind powers grow deadly. When using your Gust of Wind power from your dragonmark, it now deals 1d8 damage per level you have in this class if targets fail their strength save.
Level 3, Storm Strike- At 3rd level your weapon can now deliver dangerous lightning. When using the Shocking Grasp dragonmark ability you may deliver it through a melee weapon attack. This counts as an attack and not a spell use, allowing you to use it with Extra Attack and similar abilities.

Unbound Scroll
Most members of House Sivis must rely on armed guards for protection. Unbound Scrolls are their own dangerous thugs.
Requirements- Must have a the Mark of Scribing and be able to cast 2nd level spells.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Master Scribe- At 1st level you can create scrolls with ease. You are able to make a single scroll for a 2nd or lower level spell in 4 hours of uninterrupted work. These scrolls only function for you and you may have a number of unused scrolls equal to your level in this class +2. At level 2 you may make 3rd spell level scrolls and at level 3 you may make 4th level scrolls. Creating each scroll requires 20 gold of simple materials and casting the spell into the paper.
Level 2, Scroll Mastery- At 2nd level you can actually read from scrolls faster than you normally cast. You no longer have to make a check when casting from a scroll and you may expend a single dragonmark ability to cast from a scroll as a bonus action.
Level 3, Strong Words- At 3rd level you amplify the magic cast from scrolls. Whenever you would cast from a scroll, you may expend a single dragonmark ability to cast it as if you were doing so with the highest spell slot you're capable of.

Vadalis Beastkeeper
Even amongst the animal focused House Vadalis, Beastkeepers get a little too attached. Still, you can't argue with their results.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Handling and be proficient in Animal Handling.
Dragonmark Heir- Your levels in this class stack with your levels in the Dragonmark Heir class for the purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your dragonmark abilities.
Level 1, Vadalis Instinct- At 1st level you treat magical beasts as ordinary ones. You gain advantage on all Survival, Insight, and Knowledge checks against Monstrosities.
Level 2, Magebred Summoning- At 2nd your allied creatures become much stronger. Whenever you would summon or conjure a beast, it gains the Magebred Template, presented below.
Level 3, Magebred Transformation- At 3rd level you apply the signature feature of House Vadalis to yourself. Gain the Magebred Template.
Magebred Template- This template can only be applied to beasts. It's primary form of movement is increased by 5 ft and three times between long rests it gains advantage on Athletic checks as an immediate action. If it is a tiny beast with an intelligence of 11 or less, its intelligence increases to 12. If it is a medium beast with a constitution of 13 or less, increase its constitution to 14. If it is a large beast with a constitution of 15 or less, increase its constitution to 16.

Dragonmark Heir
While some members of a Dragonmarked House attempt a different path, most work towards making the marks more powerful and rising in prestige within the house.
Requirements- Must have the Dragonmark Feat.
Level 1, Improved Least Dragonmark- At 1st level you may use your dragonmark far more often than usual. You may use your Least Dragonmark abilities an additional 2 times between rests and you gain an additional option for it.
Level 2, Improved Lesser Dragonmark- At 2nd level your body becomes more powerful in conjunction with your mark. You may use your Lesser dragonmark ability an additional 2 times between rests and you gain an additional option for it.
Level 3, Improved Greater Dragonmark- At 3rd level you become one of the strongest marked in your house. You may use your Greater ability one additional time between rests and you gain an additional option for it.
Additional Spells
Detection-Least, Light Lesser, Darkvision Greater, Speak With Dead
Finding- Least, Detect Poison and Disease Lesser, Beast Sense Greater, Speak With Plants
Handling- Least, Animal Friendship Lesser, Animal Messenger Greater, Plant Growth
Healing- Least, Healing Word Lesser, Protection From Poison Greater, Mass Healing Word
Hospitality- Least, Sleep Lesser, Calm Emotions Greater, Tongues
Making- Least, Blade Ward Lesser, Cloud of Daggers Greater, Phantom Steed
Passage- Least, Jump Lesser, Spider Climb Greater, Haste
Scribing- Least, Illusory Script Lesser, Magic Mouth Greater, Sending
Sentinel- Least, Armor of Agathys Lesser, Barkskin Greater, Aura of Vitality
Shadow- Least, Silent Image Lesser, Invisibility Greater, Major Image
Storm- Least, Thunderwave Lesser, Levitate Greater, Wind Wall
Warding- Least, Protection From Evil and Good Lesser, See Invisibility Greater, Glyph of Warding

Eldeen Ranger
The Eldeen Reaches are a dangerous place, but some consider it home, regardless of their sect.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Survival and Nature.
Level 1, Sect Ability I- At 1st level you join one of the five druidic sects currently occupying the Eldeen Reaches. Choose one of the following sects. This decides your future abilities as well. Ashbound- Add your class level on Wisdom and Charisma saves. Children of Winter- Gain advantage on all saves against poison. Gatekeepers- Your AC is considered to be 2 higher when targeted by aberrations. Greensingers- You have advantage on all saves against illusion. Wardens of the Wood- Gain 1 extra hitpoint per level.
Level 2, Sect Ability II- At 2nd level you have proven your worth to one of the druidic followings. Ashbound- You automatically stabilize when reduced to 0 hit points and can make one attack per turn while at negative hitpoints. Children of Winter- Become immune to disease. Gatekeepers- Gain Aberration as a Favored Enemy as per the Ranger class feature. If they're already a Favored Enemy, gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against them. Greensingers- Twice between long rests you may substitute any one save with a Charisma save. Wardens of the Wood- Increase the critical range of a single weapon to 19-20.
Level 3, Sect Ability III- At 3rd level you are a top agent for your sect and likely one of their leaders. Ashbound- Three times between long rests if you would take half damage from a spell or ability, instead take no damage. Children of Winter- You may cast Contagion once per day at its lowest spell level, using your Wisdom modifier. Gatekeepers- Regain 1 hit point per round. Greensingers- Gain resistance to non-magical slashing and bludgeoning damage. Wardens of the Wood- Gain a new fighting style, chosen from the Fighter's list.

Exorcist of the Silver Flame
Clerics and silver flame paladins who specialize in hunting down particularly evil creatures.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Religion, know at least 1 Smite spell or Channel Divinity, must worship the Silver Flame.
Level 1, Flame Of Censure- At 1st level you may envelop an evil target in holy flames. Three times between long rests, target a single undead, aberration, or evil outsider with a 60 ft ranged touch attack that deals 2d6 radiant damage.
Level 2, Weapon of the Silver Flame- At 2nd level you may instead deliver the Flame of Censure through a melee attack. All damage from this attack is considered radiant.
Level 3, Warding Flame- At 3rd level increase the number of times you may use Flame of Censure to 5 times between long rests.

Heir of Siberys
Immensely powerful, Heirs are a rare resource that the houses covet, capable of casting great spells with their marks.
Requirements- Must be at least 12th level and cannot have a dragonmark. Must belong to the same race as your Dragonmarked house.
Level 1, Unmarked- You gain an additional action point per level.
Level 2, The Mark- You may cast the appropriate spell from the list below once between long rests.
Level 3, Master of the Mark- You may cast the appropriate spell from the list below twice between long rests.
Detection- Foresight
Finding- Astral Projection (Limited to targeting yourself)
Handling- Dominate Monster
Healing- Power Word Heal
Hospitality- Demiplane
Making- Wish (Limited to creating non-magical items and they disappear after 24 hours)
Passage- Gate
Scribing- Glibness
Sentinel- Imprisonment
Shadow- Shapechange
Storm- Storm of Vengeance
Warding- Anti-Magic Field

Master Inquistive
Whether private agents or members of a lawkeeping military force, Inquistives can find out anything for a price.
Requirements- Must have Investigation and Insight as a trained skill.
Level 1, Discern Lies- When trying to determine if a creature is lying, you may roll both Investigation and Insight.
Level 2, Gathered Information- Twice between long rests you may substitute any one Knowledge check with an Investigation check, regardless if you have the Knowledge skill trained or not.
Level 3, True Seeing- You have advantage on all checks made to disbelieve illusions and for ten minutes a day you may act is if under the True Seeing spell. These must be spent in 1 minute intervals.

Weretouched Master
Some Shifters learn to tap into their primal lycanthropic backgrounds, becoming leaders and figures of legend in their tribe.
Requirements- Must be of the Shifter race.
Level 1, Advanced Shifting- At 1st level you may shift 1 additional times between long rests and you gain the benefits of two Shifting Features.
Level 2, Wild Empathy- At 2nd level you are considered both beast and man. You automatically understand the languages of all animals and have advantage on charisma checks to influence them.
Level 3, Alternate Form- At 3rd level you can become something inhuman while shifting. Regain 2d10+5 hitpoints when you first shift and gain +2 to your Strength and Dexterity abilities.

Cataclysm Mage
Obsessed with finding remnants and artifacts of the ancient societies that predated modern Eberron.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Knowledge History and be able to cast 2nd level spells.
Level 1, Xorian Secret- You've made a study of this strange plan and come out stronger for it. Gain resistance to Psychic damage.
Level 2, Cor'dran Secret- The nation of giants may be gone, but some of their scattered knowledge remains. You automatically understand the basics of even complex machinery after studying it for one round.
Level 3, Dragonmark Secret- Even the greatest mystery of all is laid bare to you. You may manifest a single Dragonmark once between long rests, though you're considered 4 levels lower than you actually are for the purposes of determining whether it's a Least, Lesser, or Greater mark.

Thunder Guide
The Thundering Sea is home to some of the most dangerous cultures in Khorvaire, so it takes a special type of man to traverse it.
Requirements- Must be proficient in four different languages and four different martial weapons.
Level 1, Speak Languages- You've learned the languages of all the different races visited in the Thundering Sea, so any not from mainland Khorvaire.
Level 2, Native Trick- All of the cultures you've visited have developed combat maneuvers and other techniques. Choose any two feats you do not already have that increase one of your abilities by 1 or more. Gain the benefits of those feats, but without the bonus to abilities.
Level 3, Serial Hero- At this point in your career everyone has read of your exploits and wants tales of your adventures, public speeches, or even political endorsement. During adventure downtime, you make 200 gp a day for a week, 100 gp for three weeks after that, and 10 gp for every week after that. You must go on a new adventure for exploits that can easily be turned into money.

Windwright Captain
Requirements- Must have the Mark of the Storm and at least 13 Dexterity.
Level 1, Master Pilot- You can control one of the elemental powered airships as its pilot. You add your proficiency bonus when making Dexterity checks while piloting such a vessel.
Level 2, Ship Board Fighting- Combat atop a vessel currently flying through the air is nothing to you. In any terrain where a Acrobatics check is needed to remain stable, you have advantage on attack rolls against targets with a lower Acrobatics check than you.
Level 3, Rebuke Elements- The elementals that power a vessel obey your commands. You have advantage when making Charisma checks against elementals.

Knight Phantom
During the Last War these light cavalry specialists saved Aundair half a dozen times.
Requirements- Must be able to cast Phantom Steed and be proficient with 3 or more Martial weapons.
Level 1, Improved Steed- At 1st level you may cast Phantom Steed twice per day without expending the spell slot and for the purposes of hit points and Armor Class, your Phantom Steed counts as War Horse.
Level 2, Ghostly Countenance- At 2nd level you can cast the Steed on yourself. When targeting yourself with Phantom Steed, you can choose to become ghostly. You hover a foot off the ground and have the Phantom Steeds movement.
Level 3, Pale Blade- At 3rd level your weapon can be enhanced with spectral energy. While the Phantom Steed spell you cast is active, all your melee attacks deal Force damage and have advantage against incorporeal enemies.

Dark Lantern
Breland's elite spy force, dedicated to insuring their nations safety and protecting their interests.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Stealth.
Level 1, Citadel Training- At 1st level you gain a number of Espionage points equal to your class level + your proficiency bonus. You may spend one of these points to gain advantage on a Insight, Perception, or Stealth roll. These points recharge after a long rest.
Level 2, Sneak Attack- At 2nd level you may spend one of your Espionage to deal +4 bonus damage when you have advantage against an enememy.
Level 3, Nondetection- At 3rd level you are under a constant Nondetection effect, as per the spell.

Bone Knight
By drinking the deads blood these knights led their undead compatriots in battle.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Heavy armor and all Martial weapons.
Level 1, Bonecraft Armor- At 1st level gain a set of bonecraft armor. It has an AC of 18 (no dexterity bonus) and while wearing it you gain resistance to slashing and piercing damage.
Level 2, Summon Skeletal Steed- At 2nd level you can call on an undead horse for aid. Gain a riding horse with skeleton traits and resistances.
Level 3, Improved Bonecraft Armor- At 3rd level your bonecraft armor marks you as an undead. Its AC increases to 20 and while wearing you gain immunity to Necrotic damage.

Alchemist Savant
Crafting potent potions is a vital skill, one a branch of House Cannith specializes in.
Requirements- Must have the Mark of Making and be able to cast 2nd level spells.
Level 1, Brew Potion- You've discovered ways of making potions quickly and easily. When brewing potions in you downtime, they take half the time they normally would.
Level 2, Efficient Alchemy- Making more potions more potent is just as important as making them fast. Once between long rests, when you drink a self-crafted potion that has a dice modified effect, you are considered to have rolled the highest possible for that effect.
Level 3, Brew Spellvial- Placing spells in vials is an invaluable skill. You can sacrifice a single use of your Least, Lesser, or Greater Dragonmark ability to cast a single spell that targets one person into a simple vial of water. The spell level must be equal to the one you've expended and you can have a number of Spellvials active at once equal to your proficiency bonus. Any creature that drinks that potion is considered targeted by your spell. In addition, you may coat a weapon with a spellvial, as if it were a poison. Any creature struck by this weapon acts as if targeted by your spell. If a spell requires a roll, that roll is made when you cast it into the vial.

A Deadgrim hunts the undead by ingesting blood and using their own methods against them.
Requirements- Must be proficient in Constitution saves.
Level 1, Dead Flesh- Your body is tough and grey, like that of a zombies. Add your Deadgrim level on all Constitution saves and add your proficiency bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as undead.
Level 2, Undead Slayer- You know where to strike one of the undead to take them apart. You melee and ranged attacks count as Radiant damage for the purposes of bypassing the damage resistance and immunity of undead.
Level 3, Deadgrim Soul- The power of undeath fills your soul. You may cast Inflict Wounds twice between short rests. When targeting undead with this spell it is cast as if using a 3rd level spell slot and counts as radiant damage for the purposes of bypassing damage resistance or immunity.