View Full Version : Godess Sister

2015-05-11, 03:46 PM
I was wondering if I could get some help with this. A friend is jumping in on a very pirate/high seas adventure type game we have going on. He wants to worship an ocean diety, but doesnt really like umberlee, so the dm gave permission to try and think up a new one. So far the only thing my friend knows for sure is that the sea would be shared by three sister godesses (sorry if I spelled that wrong). I am trying to help him work this idea out so any help would be appreciated.

2015-05-11, 03:54 PM
Storm goddess, moon goddess, and deepwater goddess, perhaps?

The storm goddess for the ocean's weather, the moon goddess for tides and their impact on coastlines, and the deepwater goddess for the mysteries of the depths.

2015-05-11, 03:56 PM
So two sisters to match the B Queen? One is the Goddess of the Calm. That peaceful time out on the sea. Favorable winds and clear skies. The other could be Goddess of Harvests. Fishermen would pray to her for a full net today.

So a Fisherman would pray to Harvest for a full net, Calm for favorable winds and calm seas, and Umberlee to bring it all together as the greater of the 3 sisters to basically not muck it up.

2015-05-11, 03:58 PM
Raging Sea, Bountiful Sea, and Deep Sea?

Raging Sea Goddess is when the weather is bad or disasters happen, Bountiful Sea Goddess provides fish and safe travel, Deep Sea Goddess keeps the mysteries and balances out her two sisters.

2015-05-11, 04:10 PM
Going off of others ideas and mine. Two twin goddesses of the seas. Representing the duality of how the fickle the oceans can be calm, rough, high tides and low tides.

Tranquillitas godess of calm seas, beauty, truth and freedom (neutral good)

Aspera godess of rough seas, storms, the abyss and secrets (neutral evil)

Without the other one can not exist. Even though individually they are different alignments they are considered chaotic neutral together much like the oceans of the world.

2015-05-11, 04:13 PM
There are more ocean deities in FR than just Umberlee.

There's Istishia for elemental water,
Valkur specifically for sailors,
Isis and
Sebek from the Mulhorandi pantheon,
Deep Sashelas from the elven pantheon,
Aventernus of the Aventi,
Bibdoolpoolp, the deity of Kuo-toas
Eadro, the patron deity of locathah, merfolk, and tritons
Geshtai, a lesser deity of lakes, rivers, wells, and streams

and that's just FR. Every campaign setting has its own deities (though probably not as many as 3.5 FR :smalltongue:), so you could look there for inspiration too if none of the FR deities suit him.

2015-05-11, 05:25 PM
There are more ocean deities in FR than just Umberlee.

There's Istishia for elemental water,
Valkur specifically for sailors,
Isis and
Sebek from the Mulhorandi pantheon,
Deep Sashelas from the elven pantheon,
Aventernus of the Aventi,
Bibdoolpoolp, the deity of Kuo-toas
Eadro, the patron deity of locathah, merfolk, and tritons
Geshtai, a lesser deity of lakes, rivers, wells, and streams

and that's just FR. Every campaign setting has its own deities (though probably not as many as 3.5 FR :smalltongue:), so you could look there for inspiration too if none of the FR deities suit him.

In Faerun the typical patron deity for seamen would be Valkur, Demigod of Sailors, but the Moon Goddess Selune is worshipped by sailors as goddess of the night sky (and hence, goddess of navigators) and Shaundakul, God of Wind and Travellers would be appropiate too.

Deep Sashelas is the elven Sea God, and Trishina, the Goddess of Dolphins is his wife.

Sam K
2015-05-12, 01:19 AM
It's been said already but the trio of bounty (full nets, safe travel), mystery (the deep ocean and the secrets and mysterious creatures that dwell there) and destruction (storms, shipwrecks) seem optimal. I would go with Chaotic good, neutral and evil, since the sea is usually viewed as unpredictable by land dwellers. To mix them up a bit, have them favor different behaviors:

The CG godess of bounty could favor the bold (essentially a patron of daring explorers and benevolent swashbucklers). The way to appease her could be acts of daring (which would make for some interesting customs, like defying storms and monsters, hoping for her blessing).

The CE godess of storms and shipwrecks could be a divine bully: those who worship her do so by sacrifice and submission.

To make the CN godess of the depths and mysteries more approachable, maybe have her favor music, philosophy and creativity. Just like she favors the unimaginable depths of the ocean, she's pleased when her followers explore the depths of their minds and souls.

Just some random thoughts. I actually quite like the idea of the CN one, I will have to try and use that myself!