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2015-05-11, 04:57 PM
(This is a fairly high procedure thread; please read the entire instructions carefully before posting. Thanks.)

Ever have a simple, straight-forward rules question that you can’t figure out the answer to? Ask it here. No question is too simple. No more worrying about whether your question is “worth” starting a thread. Ask here and receive an answer. You are, of course, welcome to start a thread for your question, and if you think your question is subject to many interpretations or will start a debate, you are encouraged to start a new thread for it.

This thread will serve as a catch-all for simple, discreet questions that can be answered quickly according to the RAW (Rules As Written). This thread is for all simple RAW questions about Pathfinder.

If your question is about D&D 4e, ask here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?241245-Simple-Q-amp-A-D-amp-D-4e-Thread-II-Electric-Boogaloo)
If your question is about real world weapons and armor ask it here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?392804-Got-a-Real-World-Weapon-Armor-or-Tactics-Question-Mk-XVII&highlight=real+world+weapon+armor)
If your question is about homebrew rulings start a thread regarding it.
If you are looking for the meaning of an acronym or abbreviation look here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18512)
If you want to find a certain feat or ability, Lists of Stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff) and X stat to Y bonus (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871590/X_stat_to_Y_bonus) are both useful threads.

The Procedure:

Label your questions with bold Q#s.
Label your answers with the bold Q# that you are responding to and/or quote the question.
Be sure that your answer is correct before you post it; if you are the least bit uncertain, just let it pass and get the next one.
Try to give your answers in as clear and straightforward terms as possible.
Feel free to quote or link to relevant rules in the SRD, Errata, or FAQ that supports your answer. (You may want to give your answer and then modify it to add support – otherwise someone else may answer while you’re assembling yours.)
Specify if your question is for a system other than Pathfinder (the default for this thread).

Ask Homebrew rules questions here.
Ask trick questions or attempt to “stump the panel,” so to speak.
Answer a question that’s already been recently answered.
Offer contradictions, clarifications, exceptions, or extensions of prior answers unless, in your opinion, the answer give is plainly and completely wrong.
Post to debate the answers given.
Post to carry on other conversations whether tangentially related or wholly unrelated.

Dispute Resolution Procedure:
If you dispute someone’s answer – meaning that they got it wrong in a critical fashion – post your answer and suggest that the original questioner start a thread to discuss it further if they want it hashed out.
If someone disputes your answer, don’t respond. Just wait to see if the original questioner starts a new thread to discuss it.
If your question leads to a disputed answer, start a new thread if you’d like it discussed further.

Here are some sample questions. “Bad” questions just mean they should be asked in their own thread where you can get many answers and opinions. “Good” questions just mean that these are the types of questions that are amenable to a quick straightforward answer (probably).

Sample “Bad” Questions:
How do I play Pathfinder? (Great question, but not for this thread.)
What is a good 10 level TWF build? (Far too broad and requires much opinion)
Which is better GURPS or D&D?

Sample “Good” Questions:
Q.1. Are there any Large for PC races?
Q.2. As a sorcerer/rogue, do I get to add sneak attack damage to my attack spells?
Q.3. What effect would Dispel Magic have on a golem or similar construct?
Q.4. Is there a feat that allows me to get a familiar?

{The first several versions of this thread seemed to run pretty efficiently, but if you have any comments about how this thread could be improved please PM me.}

The previous thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?348896-Simple-Q-amp-A-for-Pathfinder-3-Find-With-a-Vengeance).

Please start over with the numbering.

2015-05-11, 05:01 PM
Previous Thread A1038/A0: This is a bit open-ended and so your best bet might be to make its own thread. Aside from resistance bonuses and saving throw feats, a cheap way for wizards to boost their saves in the early game is via their familiar (which they can release and replace later with a more generally useful one.) There are also racial and trait bonuses, which won't take up your feats or require spell slots or wealth.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-11, 05:13 PM
Q1: The feat Empower Spell explicitly increases the dice by 50% and the modifiers by 50%. Suppose I am an orc-blooded sorcerer, level 6, casting empowered fireball (via a metamagic rod). Is it correct by strict RAW that I deal 9d6+13 damage now, i.e. 6d6 boosted to 9d6, +9 bonus from orc blooded, and this bonus increased by 50%?

2015-05-11, 05:44 PM
A1 First of all, static numbers are not affected by Empower Spell.

Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those dice rolls.

So an Empowered Fireball cast on caster level 6 does 9d6+9 (because your dice are empowered, you deal extra damage from the Bloodline ability).

2015-05-13, 05:33 PM

Enemy melee attack hits my PC with natural 20 (or exceeds the PC's AC). PC uses a Hero Point (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/hero-points) or Stagger-Proof boots (Immediate action and you may move up to 30 feet) to move away from enemy. The enemy still hits? What happens if it's a ranged attack or a spell?

Kurald Galain
2015-05-13, 06:12 PM
Q3 If I understand the ability rules correctly, then if intelligence drain causes my wizard's int to drop below 11, I lose the ability to cast 1st-level wizard spells (since drain actually reduces the score), whereas with intelligence penalties and intelligence damage I retain full spellcasting ability albeit at a lower DC (since the only thing damage does is "apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability"). Is that correct or am I missing something?

2015-05-14, 01:10 PM
Animal companion have this bonus in table:
Str/Dex Bonus: Add this modifier to the animal companion's Strength and Dexterity scores.
Is this just +1/+1 bonus on Str and Dex, or this is modifier that receives from every 2 ability score (12,14,16)?
Will it increase carrying capacity of companion or no?

2015-05-14, 01:23 PM
Q5 Hello. I just found hunger rules for undead creatures. And i want to know, what kind of undeads must eat ? For example i know that vampires and ghouls must eat, also in rules writen, that zombies must eat. But where can i found more accurate information abot it ? And there is Table: Withdrawal Penalties with a maximum 10 hunger fails. This is maximum penalties from hunger, or thay may be highter ?

2015-05-14, 02:15 PM
A2: Yes and yes, interrupting effects (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9rb0) can mess with the flow of actions in a round. So moving away from someone, whether as a readied action or an immediate action, can cause their attack to whiff. Normally you would have to word this pretty well, but both effects simply let you move without specifying conditions so it should be fine.

A3: No, damage and penalties are treated just like drain, your ability score is lower. In general, temporary changes to ability scores (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9rbg) work just like the permanent ones, they just use abbreviated language since they can fall off and be reapplied more easily mid-fight and so rebuilding your entire character can be a chore.

A4: It's the score, not the modifier. Yes, an increase in your companion's strength score will affect its carrying capacity even if it's an odd number.

A5: The rules apply to "carnivorous or life-draining" undead. This is intentionally broad so it can apply to a wide variety, but I would say that all the ones you listed should be included at a minimum. Note that zombies under someone's control (e.g. rebuked by a cleric) probably should not be able to succumb to hunger like this.

2015-05-14, 05:11 PM
Animal have slots for magic items, wolf have this slot "belt (saddle)". Can wolf use other belts, or only saddle (Wolf is my companion mount and I want to increase its carrying capacity with Belt, Heavyload)?

2015-05-14, 05:17 PM
A6: That line means it has a belt slot, but it can only wear magic saddles there.

"Available slots followed by either “(saddle)” or “(horseshoes)” denote that creatures of that body type can only wear magic items in the appropriate slots as long as they are either saddles or horseshoes, respectively. (For instance, a hoofed quadruped can wear a saddle of the sky-river, but not a belt of dwarvenkind)."

However, that shouldn't stop you from asking your GM - just make a custom "Heavyload Saddle" that works just like the belt and you're good to go. You can even ask to enchant it as if it were a Belt of Physical Perfection too, and just pay to do so (along with the 50% markup.)

Kurald Galain
2015-05-14, 10:53 PM
A3: No, damage and penalties are treated just like drain, your ability score is lower. In general, temporary changes to ability scores (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9rbg) work just like the permanent ones, they just use abbreviated language since they can fall off and be reapplied more easily mid-fight and so rebuilding your entire character can be a chore.
Q7 Could you clarify this? The rulebook (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores) spells out a clear difference between ability damage (only penalizes rolls, drops you unconscious when an ability goes below one), ability penalties (only penalizes rolls, score cannot go below one), and ability drain (modify all statistics related to the ability). Are you suggesting that damage, drain, and penalties do the exact same thing?

2015-05-14, 11:13 PM
Q7 Could you clarify this? The rulebook (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores) spells out a clear difference between ability damage (only penalizes rolls, drops you unconscious when an ability goes below one), ability penalties (only penalizes rolls, score cannot go below one), and ability drain (modify all statistics related to the ability). Are you suggesting that damage, drain, and penalties do the exact same thing?

The FAQ I linked does clarify it. They state that the rulebook summarized in some places so you would not need to do a full rebuild - but in reality, temporary and permanent changes are meant to treated the same under the rules. A temporary penalty can make you unable to cast just like permanent drain can.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-15, 05:45 AM
Q8 How does the samurai's Honor In All Things ability interact with the Community Minded trait?

2015-05-15, 09:00 AM
A8: It doesn't - Honor in All Things is linked to a specific check. ("Whenever the samurai makes a skill check or saving throw, he can call upon his honor as a free action to grant him a +4 morale bonus on the roll.") Making the bonus last longer doesn't do anything because the roll came and went. You're not making that same roll on subsequent rounds. Even if you're rolling against an ongoing effect, you would be using different/additional rolls to do it.

2015-05-15, 03:16 PM
Q9 Assimg a small and tiny character take the feat allowing one to ride mounts their own size category what default options are availed for them if they're cavaliers or Paladins?

2015-05-15, 03:42 PM
A9: Under Animal Companions, search for the phrase "Size Small." That should get you there.

For both classes, the list is basically any animal companion your GM lets you get away with, unless you're playing PFS.

Qc Storm
2015-05-16, 03:36 PM
This thread smells fresh.


Sanguine Perfection looks like a functional Iron Heart Surge. A few things aren't entirely clear however. Do you ignore every effect on the list at the same time? So if you are both paralyzed and sleeping, you would shake off both temporarily?


Does Path of War still have the "initiator must be able to move" clause for maneuvers? Does anything prevent you using the maneuver once you are petrified/asleep/paralyzed? Can you use the immediate action as you are struck by the status effect (as soon as you know what's happening, but before you are rocky and immobile).


If you are currently under the effect of the maneuver and receive a new status effect (say, daze), do you ignore it too?

2015-05-16, 04:25 PM
Q13: A character who was base Large size manifested Metamorphosis to go up 2 size categories and used the Primal Warrior Stance which gives an effective increase of +2 size categories to weapon dmg. This character uses natural attacks such as claws and had Stong Jaw cast on them

Would they benefit from the specific x2 dmg for Gargantuan and Colossal creature clause of Strong Jaw or just gain the +2 real categories and +2 effective categories due to how size increases in Pathfinder don't stack?

Q14a: Can a Psion uses True Metamorphasis to change the type of their Psicrystal to Humanoid and then use True Mind Switch to swap bodies with their psicrystal.

Q14b: If so does the Psion now in his Psicrystal's body gain the extraordinary abilities of a Psicrystal. Eg, Natural Armor adjustment, Intelligence adjustment, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Personality, Sighted, Telepathic speech, and Power Resistance?

Q15a: If a Psion Egoist uses the discipline ability Shared Effect to share personal range Psychometabolic powers do the additional targets need to be willing?

Q15b: Does this mean that due to not having power resistance or saves for personal powers can this be used on creatures immune to magic/powers such as Golems? An example being changing the type of a Golem to humanoid using shared True Metamorphasis to remove immunity to ability damage and then using shared Psychofeedback to increase strength by 1 and reduce charisma by 1.

2015-05-18, 09:27 AM
Sanguine Perfection - while being worded far better than Iron Heart Surge was - still needs some time in the editing room :smallannoyed:

A10: You ignore as many as your key initiation modifier allows. For example, if your KIM is Charisma and you have 14 Cha, and you were suffering from 3 conditions on the list, it would only suppress/remove two of them. (Presumably, you would get to choose which two, but this is not clear.)

A11: Yes, Path of War retains the "you must be able to move" clause. This is a dysfunction as written, or at the very least makes SP much weaker as you currently need to initiate it in response to something that would paralyze you, knock you unconscious, daze/stun you etc.

A12: Yes - as long as your KIM is high enough, you can suppress a new condition as it comes in. However, it's not clear whether being subject to the same condition twice counts against this limit (e.g. your SP is currently suppressing a vampire's energy drain effect on you, and the monster slams you again.)

I'll be dropping these off in the PoW thread momentarily for some dev insight.

A13: Metamorphosis was written prior to the global Pathfinder ruling on size increases.[/quote] Metamorphosis will still work fine as it is a true 2x size increase, however two of your other options (Strongjaw and Primal Warrior Stance) will no longer stack as they are both "effective increases" - thus you will only gain the better one. In addition, your damage dice will now increase according to a [url=http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9t3f]streamlined formula (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9t5u), so please consult this when determining the final result based on your weapon.

A14a: As written, you don't actually lose your previous type with True Metamorphosis, you only gain a new one (which you can then swap around during the power's duration.) Your psicrystal would thus be a "construct humanoid" and retain its mind-affecting immunity. Assuming your GM rules otherwise however, you would be able to do this.

A14b: Yes, you would gain these abilities if the switch is allowed.

A15a: As written no, nor would they be subject to PR. This is likely a dysfunction.

A15b: See A14a - as written True Metamorphosis does not actually remove a construct's previous type, so you could not turn off their racial immunities in this way.

2015-05-18, 11:01 AM
Dhampirs with subraces have alternate weakness, this weakness replace Light Sensitivity?

Bard have Perform (Cha) skill as class, he can choice one perform ass class skill, or any perform he takes give him +3 from class?

Can dhampir with feat Natural Charmer take 20 when use skills on PC character?

2015-05-18, 11:07 AM
A16: Yes.

A17: Each one you take gets the bonus, but you have to buy them individually. For example, both Perform (Dance) and Perform (Sing) are class skills for you, but you won't get the bonus until you actually spend a skill rank on each of them. If you only spend a skill rank on Perfom (Dance), the bonus will be 4+Cha (3+1), while your Perform (Sing) bonus will be 0+Cha.

A18: Yes, but since this only works if they are already friendly, most of the time it's just getting them to provide a little extra help. It can be useful but not overpowered. EDIT: I just realized you were asking if you can use these skills ON a PC - the answer is no, the only way to convince other PCs of something is through roleplay.

2015-05-18, 12:29 PM
I know that PC cant use Diplomacy and Intimidate to affect another character (Only demoralize), but what about bluff? Can I convince that something is truth?
Can I use it on PC (If no, can I somewhere read about that)?

2015-05-18, 12:37 PM
A18a: You can Bluff PCs - however, only NPCs have "attitudes" so Natural Charmer is unusable against other players.

Qc Storm
2015-05-18, 03:30 PM
Sanguine Perfection - while being worded far better than Iron Heart Surge was - still needs some time in the editing room :smallannoyed:

A10: You ignore as many as your key initiation modifier allows. For example, if your KIM is Charisma and you have 14 Cha, and you were suffering from 3 conditions on the list, it would only suppress/remove two of them. (Presumably, you would get to choose which two, but this is not clear.)

A11: Yes, Path of War retains the "you must be able to move" clause. This is a dysfunction as written, or at the very least makes SP much weaker as you currently need to initiate it in response to something that would paralyze you, knock you unconscious, daze/stun you etc.

A12: Yes - as long as your KIM is high enough, you can suppress a new condition as it comes in. However, it's not clear whether being subject to the same condition twice counts against this limit (e.g. your SP is currently suppressing a vampire's energy drain effect on you, and the monster slams you again.)

I'll be dropping these off in the PoW thread momentarily for some dev insight.

Drop me a PM when you get an answer.

2015-05-18, 04:49 PM
Drop me a PM when you get an answer.

Answer was posted - here you go. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?411495-Dreamscarred-Press-Path-of-War-Expanded!-(Discussion-Thread-IV)&p=19270765&viewfull=1#post19270765)

(My PM box keeps filling up so I try to avoid using it when possible.)

Kurald Galain
2015-05-18, 05:15 PM
Q19 Does a masterwork gauntlet give me +1 to hit?

2015-05-18, 06:15 PM
A19: If you're attacking with the gauntlet, yes. And it won't stack with any enhancement bonus on the gauntlet.

2015-05-18, 07:43 PM
Q20: According to d20pfsrd.com (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead):

Undead "Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature's Intelligence score."

The specific verbiage seems to imply that not all negative energy heals undead. If a spell or ability dealing negative energy damage does not explicitly state that it heals undead, does it?

2015-05-18, 07:54 PM
A20: You can read it either way because English is funny like that. It can be read as "Negative energy (all types, such as this example of negative energy)" or as "Negative energy (that works like this example of negative energy)". Judging by most of the examples I've seen though, the first was the intended one. What negative energy specifically were you wondering about?

2015-05-18, 08:02 PM
A20: You can read it either way because English is funny like that. It can be read as "Negative energy (all types, such as this example of negative energy)" or as "Negative energy (that works like this example of negative energy)". Judging by most of the examples I've seen though, the first was the intended one. What negative energy specifically were you wondering about?

Well the conversation came up in a game where we were using Drop Dead Studios: Spheres of Power where someone was utilizing the Destruction: Nether Blast to deal negative energy and heal their undead... But I asserted that it could apply to any number of spells for pathfinder...

2015-05-18, 10:03 PM
Well the conversation came up in a game where we were using Drop Dead Studios: Spheres of Power where someone was utilizing the Destruction: Nether Blast to deal negative energy and heal their undead... But I asserted that it could apply to any number of spells for pathfinder...

There's a thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?415365-The-Creator-of-Spheres-of-Power-Here-Ask-Me-Anything) where the Spheres of Power designer is answering people's questions directly - why not ask him how he intended this to work? (I haven't read the system myself.)

2015-05-19, 01:53 AM

The summoner eidolon evolution section says "Each eidolon receives a number of evolution points that can be spent to give the eidolon new abilities, powers, and other upgrades. These abilities, called evolutions, can be changed whenever the summoner gains a new level, but they are otherwise set." Does this allow the summoner to change the base form evolutions?

For example, you're trying to emulate a marilith, and go with the serpentine form, but don't want bite, or reach with bite, can you trade those away for arms instead upon levelup?

2015-05-19, 02:05 AM
A21: No. When you gain a level, you may redistribute your evolution points to rebuild your eidolon. Base forms don't cost evolution points, they're a set chassis with free evolutions upon which you build using evolution points. Since these initial evolutions are free (i.e. do not cost evolution points) you cannot gain evolution points by removing them to spend on different evolutions.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-19, 06:59 AM
Q21: Other than by spending a feat on it (or by having a race that gives that feat as a bonus, of course), how do I gain proficiency in an Exotic Weapon? Is there e.g. a trait or magical item that grants proficiency?

2015-05-19, 07:41 AM
Q22: If a Magus is using spell combat, can he take a 5-foot step between weapon attacks and casting a spell?
Q23: For a caster archetypes that reduce a number of spells you can prepare by 1/level, such as Kensai Magus, does it apply to cantrips too?

2015-05-19, 08:10 AM
A21: You used to be able to pick up proficiency with a specific exotic weapon (as in that exact physical weapon) via the Heirloom Weapon trait but this was removed via eratta. At this point you have to spend a feat, use a class feature, or a racial ability.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-19, 08:14 AM
Q22: If a Magus is using spell combat, can he take a 5-foot step between weapon attacks and casting a spell?
Q23: For a caster archetypes that reduce a number of spells you can prepare by 1/level, such as Kensai Magus, does it apply to cantrips too?

A22: Yes. You can explicitly take a 5' step in the middle of a full attack, and spell combat counts as a full attack.
A23: Yes, since cantrips are spells (0th-level spells, to be precise).

2015-05-19, 08:25 AM
A22: Racials are really the only way to permanaently do this outside of feats. There is no blanket trait for this unfortunately as that would make such a trait superior to a feat. Varisian Tattoo (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/race-traits/varisian-tattoo-varisia) gives you bladed scarf and starknife proficiency. Heirloom Weapon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/equipment-traits/heirloom-weapon) gives you proficiency with a specific martial weapon, and combined with a racial familiarity trait and a liberal reading you could start with something exotic that your race treats as martial, e.g. an Elf beginning the game with an Elven Curve Blade heirloom. There is also the Bestow Weapon Proficiency (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bestow-weapon-proficiency) spell, which you can get as a potion, wand or a custom item of some kind.

A23: Yes - and not only that, but if your spell allows you to move (e.g. Bladed Dash or Force Hook Charge) you can do that prior to making your attacks as well. Basically, the order of the actions you perform during the spell combat is up to you, though the spell cast must come before or after all the attacks (i.e. you cannot attack, cast, attack.)

A24: Yes, 0th is a spell level so it is affected.

2015-05-19, 12:14 PM
Q25: If a Psion uses the Genesis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/g/genesis) power and on a second manifestation augments to change planar traits and makes it have the Timeless trait, is the duration of first Genesis itself also treated as permanent?

On planes with this trait, time still passes, but the effects of time are diminished. How the timeless trait affects certain activities or conditions such as hunger, thirst, aging, the effects of poison, and healing varies from plane to plane. The danger of a timeless plane is that once an individual leaves such a plane for one where time flows normally, conditions such as hunger and aging occur retroactively. If a plane is timeless with respect to magic, any spell cast with a noninstantaneous duration is permanent until dispelled.

2015-05-19, 10:17 PM
Q26 if a bloodrager takes the draconic bloodline and then takes levels in dragon devotee does its bloodline level continue to advance as its a dual class of a sorcerer bloodline?

2015-05-19, 10:52 PM
A25: Yes, though your plane can still be dispelled of disjoined if you're not careful.

A26 clarification: Dragon what now? Where is that PrC from?

2015-05-19, 11:17 PM
A25: Yes, though your plane can still be dispelled of disjoined if you're not careful.

A26 clarification: Dragon what now? Where is that PrC from?

Dragon disciple, my mistake o.o

2015-05-19, 11:23 PM
Dragon disciple, my mistake o.o

Ah! Yes, Bloodrager explicitly qualifies for Dragon Disciple per Advanced Class Guide Origins pg. 5, and it will advance their version of the draconic bloodline.

2015-05-20, 09:09 AM
If I have Ghost Sound and Silent Image then when I cast Silent Image I can use Ghost Sound at the same time to make my silent Image more realistic? Will be duration of such combination also Concentration or I must recast Ghost Sound ?

When I use stealth I take -5 check penalty when move more than half normal speed, is that mean I halve my speed and I can use 2 actions to move, or that means I can move per round no more than halve my speed to not suffer penalties?

Will I get bonuses from unchained skills when I use Versatile Performance (For example when I use Comedy to bluff)?

2015-05-20, 02:38 PM
A27: Yes, Ghost Sound explicitly states it can be used to make Silent Images more realistic. You would want to cast Ghost Sound first (since it doesn't take concentration) - if you are concentrating on any spell, including Silent Image, you usually cannot cast another one.

A28: It's the former - half speed refers to each move action you take, so you can move twice at half speed without taking penalties. (e.g. if your speed is 30ft., you can take a move action to move 15ft., then a second move action to move another 15ft.) Note that some abilities, like the Fast Stealth rogue talent or the Stealth Skill Unlock from Pathfinder Unchained will remove this penalty.

A29: As written, you have to unlock the skill normally (e.g. have ranks in it, and the skill unlock feat or rogue's edge) to get the unlock benefits. All Versatile Performance lets you do is use another skill's bonus in place of that one.

2015-05-23, 04:35 PM
Q30. Can a manifester immune to ability damage(such as an undead/construct) or with a reduction to ability damage(such as the Ring of Inner Fortitude) still benefit from Psychofeedback (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/p/psychofeedback)?

Do you need to take actual ability damage to gain the boost or can you "take the damage" have it reduced to zero and still benefit from the boost to str, dex, or con?

2015-05-23, 10:52 PM
Q31. Would Fire Shield or similar effects damage a friendly caster who touches you with a harmless spell such as Cure Light Wounds?

2015-05-24, 08:08 AM
A30: The way it is worded seems to prevent this. "Increase it by the same amount you decrease other scores" would mean that if the other scores don't decrease, you get no increase, as written.

A31: No, because they are not striking you with their body or a hand-held weapon.

2015-05-25, 12:06 PM

Breath of Life (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/breath-of-life) works on victims of a Vorpal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/vorpal) weapon?

2015-05-25, 12:10 PM
A32: Yes, but some assembly may be required.

2015-05-25, 12:13 PM
A32: As written no - or rather, even if it did work, the victim would still be missing their head (because the spell says nothing about restoring extremities, or the condition of the remains not being a factor) and they would promptly just die again.

Conceptually this makes sense, because the ability to raise a body that has been dismembered in this way is the province of a 7th-level spell (resurrection) or at the very least carries more significant drawbacks (reincarnate.)

2015-05-25, 12:48 PM

Not long ago, Psyren (thanks, bub!) answered this question (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19249973&postcount=5) with this answer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19254433&postcount=9).

Let's presume a Vorpal hits my character on a Natural 20 and confirms. Moving with a Hero Point avoids this "special attack"? Or should I use Cheat death from Hero Points (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/hero-points) to survive?

2015-05-25, 01:30 PM
A33: It works like a readied action - so you could use it to save yourself from a crit just as if you had readied an action to move "if he attacks me."

I don't think "if he confirms a crit on me" is a valid trigger though (your character would have no way of knowing that until it happened without metagaming) so I would say you should burn the hero point before the GM rolls to confirm, but your GM should be weighing in on a corner case like that anyway.

2015-05-25, 09:30 PM
Q34. If someone casts the spell Clairaudence/Clairvoyance and a person under the effects of Mind Blank enters the area, can the caster of Clairvoyance see the Mind Blank'd person or are they functionally invisible to it?

2015-05-25, 11:03 PM
A34: They will be invisible (and inaudible) to it, as clairvoyance is a scrying effect.

2015-05-26, 12:43 AM
Q35 by RAW is there a way for a race to take another race's class archtype?

2015-05-26, 01:22 AM
A35 facetious: Yes - Reincarnate. :smallbiggrin:

A35 genuine: Specific races can do this freely - for example, half-elves qualifying for elf, human and half-elf archetypes, and Scion of Humanity Aasimar qualifying for human archetypes. Racial Heritage lets humans cheat their way into a wide number, and this also grants the half-breed races (i.e. Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) access too But I gather you're asking more for a blanket allowance to the GM that this is okay. The closest I can find is this line from the ARG: "Typically, only members of the section's race can take the listed archetype, bloodline, or order, though such options rarely interact with the racial traits or alternate racial traits of that race." It's a prohibition, but a very soft one, and the ARG even goes on to point out that adventurers are often atypical, because they tend to be "societal outliers."

What you should take away from all that rambling is that, if you're not a race that has a prescribed way of doing this like Humans, then you've got your work cut out for you - you're not expressly forbidden, but non-human individuals who bridge that divide would be pretty rare, and so you' have quite a bit of buttering up of your GM to do.

2015-05-26, 11:35 AM

We got two Paladins in the party (it's funny, trust me). One uses Aura of Justice (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Smite-Evil-Su-) (first Paladin) and then the other one uses Weal's Champion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/holy-tactician) (second Paladin).

The second Paladin gets the first Paladin's bonus to attack and damage? I know stacking from the same ability modifier with the same bonus is not possible (Cha and untyped in this case). What about using someone's else ability modifier?

2015-05-26, 11:59 AM

Is the Iron Gods land of Numeria part of the same world as Pathfinder's Golarion or is it it's own realm?
Is Numeria a nation or a world?

2015-05-26, 12:10 PM

According to this (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Numeria) Numeria is located within Avistan. And Avistan (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Avistan) is is a continent on the world of Golarion.

2015-05-26, 12:29 PM
A36: Given the way the FAQ is worded - i.e. an ability score is now considered a bonus type - it would seem that these would not stack, just like a competence bonus from your class feature and someone else's both affecting you would not stack. But this is definitely not clear so be sure to check with your GM. (Note that the competence bonus from Weal's Champion would stack with the other paladin's smite though.)

A37: Yes, Numeria is a distinct sovereign nation within Golarion; its capital is Starfall, and you can guess where the name came from. You can read more about it in ISWG pg. 142 and in APs like Iron Gods.

2015-05-27, 03:06 AM
A36: Given the way the FAQ is worded - i.e. an ability score is now considered a bonus type - it would seem that these would not stack, just like a competence bonus from your class feature and someone else's both affecting you would not stack. But this is definitely not clear so be sure to check with your GM.

A36a: The To-Hit bonuses shouldn't stack due to the FAQ, they are both "CHA bonus".
But the "(1/2) Paladin level to damage" is not an ability score and is untyped, so it should stack.

2015-05-27, 07:57 AM
Hello. I have a question about Agile Tongue (Grippli) feat. I would like to know what action it would be to take my weapon that I already have in my hands into my tongue? Switching weapon from one hand to another would take a free action, but in this case i am not sure.

2015-05-27, 08:47 AM
A38: Unfortunately this isn't clear, but I personally don't see a problem with it, so long as the item in question meets your tongue's weight limit.

2015-05-27, 09:01 AM
Question about Rogue Vexing Dodger. For example, i am climbing a big tough guy. And he wants to move. Will i move with him ?
Another question. I am climbing an enemy. He wants to move. If i am moving with him, will he provoke attack of opportunity.
If i am climbing an enemy, will all my weight count in my enemy's carrying capacity ?

2015-05-27, 09:14 AM
A39: It's not a grapple, so they can move. Hanging on (to move with him) would likely require you to use the "catch yourself while climbing" action, but this is unfortunately unclear.

A40: If you move with him, he won't ever leave your threatened area and thus never provoke. For him to provoke you would have to stay still.

A41: This is *definitely* unclear. Until the designers weigh in your GM will have to make a ruling. (I would personally say yes.)

As a sidenote, Vexing Dodger is one of those archetypes that I think should just be part of the regular combat system. Anyone agile enough and smaller than their foe should be able to attempt this, though of course the SA dice penalty to hit would be something unique to a rogue.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-27, 12:42 PM
Q42: What do you get when you multiply six by nine? A bloodrager with the travel domain (from having a cleric level) casting Cheetah's Sprint moves how fast? Is it (30 x 10) + 20, or (30 + 20) x 10? Or something else?

2015-05-28, 04:01 PM

A Homunculist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/archetypes/paizo---alchemist-archetypes/homunculist-alchemist-archetype) Alchemist's homunculus, is it alive? Is it still a Construct? Can it still be an Improved Homunculi (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/homunculus)?
Can it be made into a Robot through the Iron Gods adventure path robot constructs rules?

2015-05-28, 04:26 PM
A42: It's the latter ([30+20]*10), because the first two increase your base land speed, thus they apply before the spell.

A43: Despite the link on the PFSRD, I think "homunculus" in that entry does not refer to the actual homunculus creature. If it does, the archetype makes no sense. Homunculi aren't alive (no Con score) and they aren't animals or vermin either, they are constructs. I think this archetype is just meant to give you a regular wizard familiar with some interesting fluff on where it came from.

2015-05-28, 04:55 PM
Q44: Is there anything to support pistols and revolvers as being light weapons for TWF purposes?

2015-05-28, 06:14 PM
Will greatsword with tied wooden staff consider as improvised weapon? How many damage it will deal and will enchantments applies to attack?

2015-05-28, 06:28 PM
A44 open: None that I know of, but I'll let someone else who knows more about the firearm rules than I do have a go.

A45a: Well yeah, tying two weapons together sounds pretty improvised :smalltongue:
A45b: Per the improvised weapon rules, you find a similar weapon on the weapons table and use those stats, except it only crits on a 20 and only with a x2 multiplier, and of course you'd take improvised weapon penalties. I'd probably use the stats for a nodachi or bardiche.
A45c: None - improvised weapons, even existing weapons used in an improvised way, don't get any of their magical bonuses. (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9sk0)

2015-05-28, 07:27 PM
A44: The closest you'll get is Effortless Lace on a Dagger Pistol. As the weapon is a double weapon, the lace would only affect your attacks with the dagger portion of the weapon. I haven't even a seen anything 3rd party that will reduce the to-hit penalties when dual-wielding hand guns.

Kurald Galain
2015-05-29, 03:08 PM
Q46 An arcanist with an intelligence drained to 10 can no longer cast spells other than cantrips. Does he still get spell slots that he can consume to restore his pool points?

2015-05-29, 10:53 PM
Q47a: Is there a limit on the number of Collective (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/vitalist#TOC-Collective-Su-)s a person can be part of outside the limits on the size of a collective?
Q47b: If there isn't that limit, could a Vitalist and a Tactician be part of one another's Collectives?

2015-05-30, 12:56 AM
A46: You still have spell slots, you may not have "bonus spell slots from a high ability score" though.
(non-bonus) spell slots are not dependent on an ability score.
"To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the _____ must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level."
So if you go to bed/wake up at 10 or less, you'll still have spell slots, but they remain empty.

2015-05-30, 08:53 PM

Can a Sound Striker bard's Weird Words hurt fine and diminutive swarms?

2015-05-30, 09:19 PM
A47: As far as I can tell nothing is stopping you from being part of multiple collectives.

A48: No - weird words uses ranged touch attacks, which means each one can only affect a single creature - therefore swarms are immune because effects that target discrete creatures don't work on them.

Grim Reader
2015-05-31, 07:30 AM
Q 49:

A 20th level Mongrel Mage (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedClassGuide/classOptions/sorcerer.html) Sorcerer has selected the Arcane Bloodline (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines-from-paizo/arcane-bloodline)for that day. As a swift action, he spends 5 points from his Mongrel Reservoir to activate the bloodline and get its bloodline powers. This includes the "New Arcana" power.

Can he pick three new spells known for the duration as a swift action every tme he does this?

2015-05-31, 09:15 AM
A49: As written, it actually doesn't include the "New Arcana power." This is likely a typo or oversight on their part, but Mongrel Mage only allows you to access the 1st, 3rd, and 7th-level bloodline powers from your bloodline; New Arcana however is a 9th-level power. What's more, no bloodline has a 7th-level power, so you actually get nothing as written.

Now, assuming they meant 9th... most likely, it would work exactly like the Paragon Surge trick that tries to do that same thing with that same bloodline. They FAQed that (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gh) to have you use the same choices you made the first time you gained the bloodline, and every time you gained the bloodline again that day you'd get the same extra spells you did the first time without being able to swap them out for new ones until the next day. Still useful, but no longer "Schrodinger's Sorcerer."

2015-05-31, 09:21 AM
A49: Now, assuming they meant 9th... most likely, it would work exactly like the Paragon Surge trick that tries to do that same thing with that same bloodline. They FAQed that (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gh) to have you use the same choices you made the first time you gained the bloodline, and every time you gained the bloodline again that day you'd get the same extra spells you did the first time without being able to swap them out for new ones until the next day. Still useful, but no longer "Schrodinger's Sorcerer."

Sigh, you ninjaed me Psyren. I was about to make the same post.

Grim Reader
2015-05-31, 09:42 AM
A49: As written, it actually doesn't include the "New Arcana power." This is likely a typo or oversight on their part, but Mongrel Mage only allows you to access the 1st, 3rd, and 7th-level bloodline powers from your bloodline; New Arcana however is a 9th-level power. What's more, no bloodline has a 7th-level power, so you actually get nothing as written.

Now, assuming they meant 9th... most likely, it would work exactly like the Paragon Surge trick that tries to do that same thing with that same bloodline. They FAQed that (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gh) to have you use the same choices you made the first time you gained the bloodline, and every time you gained the bloodline again that day you'd get the same extra spells you did the first time without being able to swap them out for new ones until the next day. Still useful, but no longer "Schrodinger's Sorcerer."

Thank you. However, while the Mongrel Mages 7th level ability only gives 1st, 3rd and "7th" level bloodline powers, at 20th level they get all bloodline powers. So if the "7th" is a typo, they'll actually be able to do the trick from level 9 on.

2015-05-31, 10:08 AM
Thank you. However, while the Mongrel Mages 7th level ability only gives 1st, 3rd and "7th" level bloodline powers, at 20th level they get all bloodline powers. So if the "7th" is a typo, they'll actually be able to do the trick from level 9 on.

Agreed, I would also let them do it at level 9 for the 9th-level power - but until they FAQ or errata ACG's horrible editing, that would be a houserule.

But either way, I would apply the "Paragon Surge -> Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline)" ruling to Mongrel Mage -> Arcane Bloodline as well.

2015-06-01, 01:34 PM
In feat Blood Drinker says that normally character can drink blood as part of bite attack, can he drink blood from anyone or just from chosen sub type (Can he drink blood from other types/ subtypes without gaining temporary hp)?

2015-06-01, 02:45 PM
Q51: Metamagic rods and feats the caster possess can both affect a spell. Does the rod use the spells modified level or the original for determining what grade (lesser/normal/greater) you need to use? For example, if want to cast an empowered maximized fireball, do I need a Lesser Persistent Rod(for a 3rd level spell), or a Greater Persistent Rod(for an 8th level spell)?

2015-06-01, 03:13 PM
In feat Blood Drinker says that normally character can drink blood as part of bite attack, can he drink blood from anyone or just from chosen sub type (Can he drink blood from other types/ subtypes without gaining temporary hp)?

A50: Yes, you may drink the blood of any creature but would only gain the listed bonuses for the selected creature type. The second paragraph of the feat specifies the cirumstances under which you can dring blood, basically for free as part of a Bite attack or from a cut (or bleeding) target that is helpless, grappled, pinned or paralyzed. You probably won't get any benefits from the blood, but the descriptive text for Dhampirs indicates that many of the race feel compelled to drink blood.

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-02, 02:18 PM
Q52: If I have a teleportation ability with specific criteria on where it can be used, such as the Shadowdancer's Shadow Jump (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/core-rulebook/shadowdancer#TOC-Shadow-Jump-Su-), can you attempt to teleport into an area where the criteria may not be met? To give this in an example, if a Shadowdancer is in an area of dim light on one side of a wall and wants to teleport to the other side of the wall but does not know the light level on the other side of the wall, can they attempt to teleport across the wall, only actually moving (and expending some of their Shadow Jump distance) if there is a valid target square on the other side of the wall?

2015-06-02, 04:19 PM

Does a druid gains the animal feats he is wild shaping into? I ask because I read on the paizo forums that you get the damage dice listed on the entry from the creature + your strength bonus, but some have improved natural attack which increase the damage dice, so I'm confused as if the druid gains all the feats as well

2015-06-02, 04:30 PM
A51: This FAQ (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9r9w) spells out that for the purposes of items, metamagic feats should be ruled to work whichever way is more disadvantageous for the caster. (And they say PF is pro-casters, ha!) So as written, you would apply the adjustments from your own metamagic feats first, then determine which grade of MM rod you need.

A52: It's not clear whether you need to know there's a shadow near your destination; as written it does function like dimension door, which lets you specify a direction and try hopping, so the likely ruling is that you'd get to try, and if the destination is invalid it would fail.

A53: No, Wild Shape in PF works like the polymorph line of spells, none of which grant you feats. You can however take a feat that works with natural attacks and then simply not qualify for that feat (but still keep it) whenever you have no natural attacks, i.e. when you're not wild-shaped.

Kurald Galain
2015-06-03, 06:37 AM
Q54: The warpriest has the Sacred Fist archetype which gives the monk's flurry of blows class feature. Can the warpriest elect to take the unchained monk's FOB feature?

2015-06-03, 07:56 AM
A54: As with all clear ambiguities this one falls to your GM. No clue whether PFS would allow it. The closest I can find is the recommendation that you either use the old monk or the new one, not both - if you follow that and use unchained, then the old flurry would cease to exist as an option.

Keep in mind you may actually be better off with the regular monk's flurry since that one actually increases your BAB, while the new one assumes you already have full BAB.

2015-06-04, 05:04 PM
Warder with Zweihander archetype using Scarlet Einhander adds both bonuses or basically waste a stance?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-04, 05:21 PM
Warder with Zweihander archetype using Scarlet Einhander adds both bonuses or basically waste a stance?

A Warder with the Zweihander Sentinel archetype cannot benefit from Zweihander Training and the Scarlet Einhander stance at the same time, for two reasons.
1. Shield bonuses don't stack with each other, in the same way that armor (or many other types of) bonuses do not.
2. Zweihander Training requires the character to be "wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon in both hands", while the Scarlet Einhander stance requires them to be "wielding a melee weapon in one hand".

2015-06-04, 05:29 PM

Q56: Does enchantement bonus of Zweihander Sentinel's weapon adds to his AC as well? Or only Aegis bonus?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-04, 05:35 PM

Q56: Does enchantement bonus of Zweihander Sentinel's weapon adds to his AC as well? Or only Aegis bonus?

It's usually best to ask all of your questions in one post.

A56: The enhancement bonus of a weapon wielded by a Zweihander Sentinel does not apply to the shield bonus granted by the Zweihander Training ability.

2015-06-04, 05:57 PM
"It's usually best to ask all of your questions in one post." - sorry, they don't appear in my head at once. They appear when I see something important.

Q57 - If you have Buckler Mastery and enchanted buckler do you reiceve enchantement bonus to shield while using Zweihander Sentinel?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-04, 06:07 PM
A57: Like any other shield, an enhancement bonus applied to a buckler increases its shield bonus to AC. However, Buckler Mastery may grant you a shield bonus as part of its effects, but it does not say that you add the buckler's shield bonus to AC, only that you add a +1 shield bonus to AC. So by RAW you don't get to apply the enhancement bonus of the buckler to that +1 shield bonus, but not because it says you can't, only because it doesn't say you can. Buckler Mastery is a third-party feat, so it won't be covered by the Paizo errata/FAQ team; you'll want to ask your DM about this.

2015-06-05, 01:30 PM

Shadow walk can also be used to travel to other planes that border on the Plane of Shadow, but this usage requires the transit of the Plane of Shadow to arrive at a border with another plane of reality.
What planes are considered to border on the Plane of Shadow? The material does, obviously, but what about the Astral/Ethereal/Outer/Inner planes, or Demiplanes?

2015-06-05, 02:53 PM

What planes are considered to border on the Plane of Shadow? The material does, obviously, but what about the Astral/Ethereal/Outer/Inner planes, or Demiplanes?

Per Great Beyond, Shadow directly touches Material, Astral, Ethereal, and the NEP at its heart. From Astral and Ethereal you can pretty much get anywhere else too, e.g. PEP, First World, the Inner (elemental) planes, and the Outer (alignment-based) planes.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-05, 09:13 PM
Q59 Is the Master of Many Styles archetype compatible with the Unchained Monk?

Kurald Galain
2015-06-06, 04:12 AM
A59 None of the O-Monk archetypes are compatible with the U-Monk, in PFS (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lheb). In home games, there's no strict rule about it so ask your DM.

2015-06-06, 12:32 PM
Q60: Probably a silly question, but for Oracle's Mystery's Revelations, specifically Battle Mystery, Resiliency Revelation, does 'level' mean 'Oracle level' or 'Character level'?


2015-06-06, 01:38 PM
Q60: Probably a silly question, but for Oracle's Mystery's Revelations, specifically Battle Mystery, Resiliency Revelation, does 'level' mean 'Oracle level' or 'Character level'?


A60: Class features which simply state "level" always refer to the class level. If they are intended to scale with your character level they will specifically state "character level".

2015-06-06, 02:33 PM
Q61: " If you later take levels in sentinel or evangelist, you lose access to the exalted boons and gain access to the new boons appropriate to your class. "

If you go Sentinel 1 -> Evangelist 1 -> Evangelist (Sentinel) 2-10, which exalted boon you keep? You level up both exalted-boon-changing classes at same time at lvls 2-10...

2015-06-06, 04:43 PM
A61 No official answer that I am aware of. Probably best to ask your DM.

A) I'm of the opinion that the intent of Evangelist is that it would only stack with Base Classes, and not PrC's. Thus there is no issue.

B) You get the Evangelist set, as that is the class you are directly advancing

C) You get to pick what set you'd like to keep/use

D) You get both

2015-06-06, 05:37 PM
"At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a master of many styles may select a bonus style feat or the Elemental Fist feat. He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except the Elemental Fist feat. Alternatively, a master of many styles may choose a feat in that style’s feat path (such as Earth Child Topple) as one of these bonus feats if he already has the appropriate style feat (such as Earth Child Style). The master of many styles does not need to meet any other prerequisite of the feat in the style’s feat path. "

So we have choice between chosing style feat (including capstones of style chains) without prerequisites (except for Elemental Fist) OR style feat from chain (including capstones of style chains) with only prerequisite being previous part of this chain...

Am I reading it right? If yes, why would someone pick option no 2?

2015-06-06, 07:38 PM
Q63 If I cast a Silence spell onto an arrow and it hits, is the target allowed a will save (because the arrow in its flesh can be viewed as an attended object). If the Silence Arrow works, is the spell lifted by destroying the arrow (breaking it)?

2015-06-06, 07:47 PM
A62Only the first feat of a 'style chain' is a Style feat (the ones that actually have "Style" as part of the name). The rest are just 'feats'.
'Crane Style' is a Style feat, 'Crane Wing' and 'Crane Riposte' are NOT Style Feats.

The first part of the ability:

a master of many styles may select a bonus style feat or the Elemental Fist feat. He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except the Elemental Fist feat
You can take a Style feat or the 'Elemental Fist' feat. You may ignore the requirements of these feats, unless one of those requirements is 'Elemental Fist', in which case you still need to take 'Elemental Fist'.
If you have a Style feat, you can later take any feat in that Style Path, ignoring all prerequisites.

Kurald Galain
2015-06-07, 01:25 AM

Yes, other feats in the chain (e.g. Dragon Ferocity) are also style feats, since they're all found in the list of style feats in the section on style feats (PFUC page 78). However, there are two restrictions here. First, most of these feats don't actually do anything by themselves; e.g. the Dragon Ferocity feat says, "While using Dragon Style..." so there's really no point in taking DF if you don't have DS (this is similar to how a fighter can easily pick the Empower Spell feat, it just doesn't do anything for him).

Second, MOMS explicitly says that taking (e.g.) Earth Child Topple requires you to already have the Earth Child Style feat, so this trick doesn't work with MOMS. It does work with certain other archetypes, notably Unarmed Fighter.

2015-06-07, 06:19 AM
Q64: I heard there is feat that boost spellcaster (not caster) level by 2, up to HD. Where can I find it?

Kurald Galain
2015-06-07, 06:21 AM
A64: not a feat, but the trait Magical Knack.

2015-06-07, 06:27 AM
A64: not a feat, but the trait Magical Knack.

"boost spellcaster (not caster)"
"Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice."


2015-06-07, 07:05 AM
A59 addendum: As written the Unchained Monk is not intended to be compatible with any of the old archetypes:

These classes can be used alongside their original counterparts (although individual characters must use one version or the other exclusively). Some feats, rage powers, rogue talents, and other rules might not work with the unchained classes, and such rules should be reviewed before being used with the new versions. Finally, with the exception of the monk, these classes should work with any of the archetypes from previous books as long as the classes still have the appropriate class features to replace.

While this is a bit disappointing, note that many of the benefits of MoMS can be approximated if the Unchained Monk takes Combat Style Master. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/combat-style-master-combat)

A62b correction: No Kurald, grarrrg is right - only the first feat in a style chain is a style feat. This is why for instance Boar Style is listed as "(Combat, Style)" while the later feats Boar Shred and Boar Ferocity are only listed as "(Combat)".

A63a: This is more or less pointless because "Generally speaking, ammunition that hits its target is destroyed or rendered useless." Once an object is destroyed in this game it basically ceases to exist in rules terms, so there is nothing left for the silence spell to radiate from. If you truly want Silence Arrows you will need to be an Arcane Archer, which allows the spell to be centered on the point in space that the arrow strikes rather than the arrow itself (which again, ceases to exist once it hits its target.)

"boost spellcaster (not caster)"
"Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice."


I have to ask what you perceive the difference to be?

2015-06-07, 07:07 AM
I have to ask what you perceive the difference to be?

I'd prefer to learn higher-lvl spells.

2015-06-07, 07:09 AM
I'd prefer to learn higher-lvl spells.

Something that increases your "spellcaster level" wouldn't do that either. Spellcasting progression is actually a class feature.

It would have to say something like this: "You gain new spells per day and spells known (if applicable) as if you had gained X levels in your spellcasting class."

Kurald Galain
2015-06-07, 07:59 AM
A62b correction: No Kurald, grarrrg is right - only the first feat in a style chain is a style feat. This is why for instance Boar Style is listed as "(Combat, Style)" while the later feats Boar Shred and Boar Ferocity are only listed as "(Combat)".
I'm rather surprised that you're telling me that this doesn't work, considering you're the one who taught me that trick:

A938: As written, only the Unarmed Fighter can "jump ahead" like this. The MoMS must have the intro style feat first before it can take any of the subsequent ones. So in your example, the Unarmed Fighter 1 could jump straight to Snake Sidewind, but the MoMS 1 would need to take Snake Style at 1st level, then wait until 2nd to take Snake Sidewind.

What's up, did I miss some errata in the meantime?

2015-06-07, 09:30 AM
I'm rather surprised that you're telling me that this doesn't work, considering you're the one who taught me that trick:

What's up, did I miss some errata in the meantime?

No, that was simply an error on my part; I once thought as you did until I read the style feats more closely.

Qc Storm
2015-06-08, 04:17 AM

Again with Sanguine Perfection from PoW. This maneuver is special because it lasts several rounds. Let's say you have +5 CHA. You used sanguine perfection, and it's been 2 rounds. Thanks to a gambit, you can recover maneuvers. Can you recover sanguine perfection even if its effect is still ongoing? Can you reuse it?


Can you recover a maneuver on the same turn you've used it?

2015-06-08, 10:42 AM
Q67: Are secondary classes under Variant Multiclassing limited by alignment? e.g. can I have a lawful secondary-Barbarian or a chaotic secondary-Monk?

Kurald Galain
2015-06-08, 02:45 PM
Q68: The Hexcrafter Magus adds a number of spells to his list including Bestow Curse. Does he get that as a 4th level spell (per the wizard list) or as a 3rd level spell (per the witch or cleric list)?

Q69: Can swarms of fine creatures be harmed by a Flaming weapon (at least by its fire damage, if not by its weapon damage)?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-08, 03:54 PM
Q70: If a character suddenly finds themselves in midair (e.g. if the ground beneath them is disintegrated), can they take a swift action before they fall as long as it is their turn when they first find themselves in midair? I know immediate actions can be taken before a character falls (e.g. feather fall), but I'm wondering about swift actions.

2015-06-08, 04:29 PM
I'll leave the PoW questions (A65/66) to someone more knowledgeable about that system.

A67: Under VMC, the only restriction is that if your chosen secondary class has a code of conduct or "one-step-rule," you must abide by that. So a VMC Paladin must be LG, and a VMC Druid must be some flavor of neutral. Barbarian and Monk do not have codes of conduct, so you are free to be a chaotic VMC monk or a lawful VMC barbarian if you wish.

A68: While this isn't clearly stated, given that the class is meant to be modeling the Witch that seems to be the most reasonable option. Alternatively, since the class feature only adds them to your list, you could determine it by which version of the scroll said Magus is able to get his mitts on. But in any event I would go with the lower one.

A69: Unfortunately no - In 3.5 there was a line about this ("Vulnerabilities of Swarms, MM 237) but this passage seems not to have made it to PF. However, do note that in PF, martial characters can create alchemical items like alchemists fire (or just use oil flasks) so they aren't completely helpless.

A70: So long as it's your turn, a swift action has the same timing as a free action - meaning you can do it at any time, even during another action in some cases. Generally things like the floor disappearing out from under you happen prior to your initiative however, unless someone readied an action or something.

2015-06-09, 04:11 AM
Q71 Simplified Spellcasting, Am I reading this right? You get to cast only up to your spell pool value+1/4 your casting modifier in spells below 3 or more levels below your max spell level. (at level 20 a wizard can cast 5+1/4 spells of levels 1-6 spontaneously as long as he has it in his spell book but that is 5+1/4 spread among all those levels not 5+1/4 1st, 5+1/4 2nd?)

Rhetorical Question 1 Why is that called simplified spellcasting and the other new format is called limited (cast all spells at the minimum cl) when this is more limiting and the other is more simplistic.

(Also Heaven Help the sap who gets stuck with a dm that uses them both. Rope Trick and Basic Invis using up your sixth level slots and only lasting for 3 hours and minutes respectively, ew)

2015-06-09, 08:41 AM
Q71 Simplified Spellcasting, Am I reading this right? You get to cast only up to your spell pool value+1/4 your casting modifier in spells below your max spell level. (at level 20 a wizard can cast 5+1/4 spells of levels 1-6 spontaneously as long as he has it in his spell book but that is 5+1/4 spread among all those levels not 5+1/4 1st, 5+1/4 2nd?)

A71: Not quite - it's spells 3 levels or more below your max spell level, not counting cantrips of course since they are infinite. But otherwise yes, the pool and bonus is shared by all those lower levels. Personally I think they could have bumped all the pool values up by 1 without hurting anything but it's fine as-is.

A quarter of your mod though isn't a shabby number. Consider that a Wizard 20 is likely to have 34 Int (18 starting, +5 from levels, +6 enhancement, +5 Inherent from wishes/tomes) = a modifier of +12, for 3 bonus spells in the pool, and then 2 more from being a specialist for a total of 10 pool spells, 7 7th-level spells, 7 8th-level spells and 6 9th-level spells. It's tough to imagine a scenario where that can't get you through the day.

Sidenote: It's called "simplified" because you don't have to worry about preparing and repreparing any of the lower ones. It's also a lot simpler for the GM to track how many spells you have remaining. And if there's a specific low-level spell you think you'll need more of for whatever reason, it encourages you to buy/craft more wands, scrolls, runestones and staves - which has long been a complaint of T1 classes on these boards, that they are not as beholden to WBL as the lower-tier classes are. It also encourages you to use more metamagic - after all, if that 2nd-level spell is going to use a "6th-level slot" anyway, you may as well quicken it or maximize+enlarge it.

(It seems like less of a deal to me I suppose since psionics more or less works this way - you have to augment your low level powers in many cases to make them useful.)

2015-06-09, 02:59 PM

I'm trying to figure out how to apply the subtype Half elf to a centaur, but I can't find anything relating to RP cost of doing this, nor requisites, the centaur type is monstruos humanoid, can the subtype half elf be added to this?

2015-06-09, 04:24 PM
A 72 Firstly, Half-Elf isn't a subtype. Assuming you want a Half-Elf/Half-Centaur, strictly speaking only Humanoids gain subtypes that can be chosen (Except for Outsiders with the Race Builder, they're all assumed to be Native), so it's not possible as written.

Off-hand, though, I think any of the humanoid subtypes is probably worth 1 RP for unlocking other racial features.

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-09, 07:53 PM
Q73: The Loremaster prestige class has the following ability:

At 2nd level, a loremaster adds half his level to all Knowledge skill checks and may make such checks untrained. The bonuses gained from this ability stack with those gained from Bardic Knowledge.
Is this bonus calculated using Loremaster class level, or total character level? Would a Bard 8/Loremaster 2 have a total bonus to knowledge checks of +5 or +9?

2015-06-09, 07:56 PM
A73: Unless it says "character level" in a class feature, it means class level. Yes, this is a raw deal for PrCs (who have fewer levels than a base class) but the upside is that the PF Loremaster's ability is universally applicable, rather than being a separate category like Bardic Knowledge was in 3.5.

2015-06-09, 08:37 PM

I'll elaborate my first question a bit better, So what I am looking for is adding the subtype Elf to the Centaur to qualify for the favored class option of the druid for elfs, is that possible?


If prior question answer is yes, whats the RP cost and how can I do it?

Thank you!

2015-06-09, 08:52 PM
There are no explicit rules around adding a humanoid subtype to a non-humanoid race. You're more or less on your own there.

My personal advice - if you're homebrewing anyway, just be a normal centaur and homebrew a druid FCB for centaurs that's identical to the elf one.

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-10, 12:30 PM
Q76: The Pistolero Gunslinger archetype has the following ability (my question regards the bolded section in particular):

Up Close and Deadly (Ex) At 1st level, when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the extra damage anyway. This is precision damage and is not multiplied if the attack is a critical hit. This precision damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, to 3d6 at 10th level, to 4d6 at 15th level, and to 5d6 at 20th level. This precision damage stacks with sneak attack and other forms of precision damage.
The Pistolero only needs to spend the grit point after the attack has hit. Does a Pistolero deal half their bonus precision damage on every missed attack?

2015-06-10, 12:44 PM
A76: "The attack" refers to the one you spent grit on. So you can do this as many times as you have grit to spend.

Basically you can roll an attack, and whether you hit or not, spend grit. If you hit, you get the bonus damage, if you missed, you get half the bonus damage, and if you run out of grit, you can't do this anymore until you get more (and thus your misses will be normal misses.)

2015-06-10, 12:45 PM
Q76: The Pistolero Gunslinger archetype has the following ability (my question regards the bolded section in particular):

The Pistolero only needs to spend the grit point after the attack has hit. Does a Pistolero deal half their bonus precision damage on every missed attack?

A76: It's an error caused by bad editing when the ability was updated in recent eratta. The original version of the ability required you to spend your grit prior to the attack roll, not after, so the bonus damage was always tied to grit expenditure. Under the new version you could argue with your GM that RAW you get the bonus damage on misses without spending a Grit point, but that does not follow RAI. You should consult with your GM and possibly just use the original version of the ability.

2015-06-10, 05:51 PM
Q77: Can Kensai Magus pick Bladed Belt as his choosen weapon?

Kurald Galain
2015-06-10, 06:04 PM
A77: Kind of. The belt can transform into a weapon of your choice (as long as it's not bludgeoning), so you simply transform it into the weapon you've chosen as a kensai. For example, take longsword as your kensai weapon and then transform the belt into a longsword, that works.

2015-06-10, 08:06 PM
Q77: Can Kensai Magus pick Bladed Belt as his choosen weapon?

A77: No. You can't choose "Bladed Belt" as a weapon for Proficiency feats or Weapon Focus. You can choose a specific weapon type for your Kensai abilities and turn your Bladed Belt into that weapon, gaining all the class benefits listed.

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-11, 12:46 AM
Q78: If a character has an alternate movement mode (e.g. flight or burrowing) with a speed that scales with base land speed (e.g. fly speed = base land speed), do bonuses to base land speed such as that provided by Boots of Striding and Springing also apply to the alternate movement mode, or is the alternate movement mode's speed determined before applying magically granted bonuses to land speed?

2015-06-11, 06:34 AM
A78: As written yes, if an effect says it increases your base land speed then anything that keys off base land speed will similarly be affected. This gets particularly weird when you look at effects like expeditious retreat, because the designers tend to throw in "base land speed" in places where they really should have just said "land speed", but it is what it is.

2015-06-13, 09:56 PM
Can I use SIlent Image to disguise myself? Make me look different?

Can I make illusion of the tree or stump to hide in there? Will I see from inside what is happening around?

Can I make some king of blindfold on the enemy to make him "Blind"?

How I understood, when enemy interact with illusion he can understand that this is and illusion, but do so he can only whet interact physically? After that he understand that this is an illusion he still se it but know that it is illusion, or he can see through it?

2015-06-14, 10:36 AM
A79: Kind of, but it's very impractical. (See below.)

A80: Yes - you will know its an illusion (automatic disbelief) and so you can see through it. Others who do not know it's an illusion will see the tree stump/wall/etc instead of seeing you. Order of the Stick (second to last panel (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0893.html)) can give you an idea of how this will play out in a game (PF silent images work pretty much the same way they did in 3.5.)

A81: Again, kind of, but it won't really work the as well as you think unless the enemy is really dumb. (See below.)

Using illusions to conceal: The heart of your first three questions seems to be "Can I use a silent image to stop an opponent from seeing something?" The answer is yes, but there are a lot of caveats and ways for this tactic to fail that make it impractical in combat.

First, there is the nature of illusions - figments in this case. For them to work the way you want, i.e. for your opponent to see what you want them to see instead of what is really there (i.e. nothing), ideally they have to have no reason to suspect the thing in front of them is an illusion. There are a lot of ways for this to fail - for example, casting them in combat gives your opponent the chance to make a spellcraft check, and so they may identify that you are casting Silent Image even before it goes off. Identifying your spell as "silent image" would count as "proof" and they would disbelieve your illusion automatically, without having to make a save. Even if they didn't succeed at that, after you drop the spell (let's pretend for the moment that you make a pitch black box for simplicity) they could have reason to suspect it is not real - for example, detect magic will reveal the aura of your spell to be "illusion" rather than "evocation" (which is what darkness would be.) There's also the fact that darkvision can see through magical darkness in PF, so if your box shuts off their darkvision they would likely get a save to try and disbelieve it simply because "wait, this can't be darkness, can it?"

Second, there is the nature of silent image itself. Silent image works by you casting the spell on a shapeable series of contiguous 10-foot cubes in space. Whatever illusion you come up with must stay in this area, and you can only move the illusion on your turn (either as part of the standard action to concentrate on it, or using the "redirect an active spell" move action.) Illusions that move with you, like your proposed disguise and blindfold, would therefore only be able to move on your turn. For a disguise this is less of an issue as long as you're standing still most of the time and not leaving the area of the spell, but if you walk out of the area then your "disguise" will stay behind, floating in space, or the entire spell might even fail. A blindfold on an enemy is worse though, because you can't move the illusion when it's not your turn (you don't have the standard action available to concentrate on the illusion, so simply by walking away from your blindfold the enemy will be able to see again, and that would also count as proof of your illusion's falsehood.

So in practical terms, only your second question would be useful most of the time, and even then you'd want to avoid trying it in combat.

A82: Yes, if an enemy recognizes something as an illusion (either by making his save, or being presented with proof that it is fake) can see through it. It will become a transparent outline and cease to hide anything behind it. As for what counts as "interaction" - this is vague, but the Pathfinder devs have said that any time the target makes a move or standard action with regards to your illusion (e.g. a move action Perception check to actively scan for stimulus, or a standard action to swing at it) would entitle the target to a save.

Bottom line - illusions are only as effective as you and your GM make them. You have to be creative and try to convince your GM, and your GM has to be a little permissive for them to work.

Kurald Galain
2015-06-15, 09:01 AM
Q83: are there any items or feats that increase the save DC of a negative energy channel? I already know of a trait that does that (i.e. Channel Conduit or Flames of Hell).

2015-06-15, 12:53 PM
Q83: are there any items or feats that increase the save DC of a negative energy channel? I already know of a trait that does that (i.e. Channel Conduit or Flames of Hell).

A83: The feat you want is Improved Channeling: +2 DC. That's about it.

2015-06-15, 02:09 PM
A83 addendum: Ability Focus will give you an additional bump. But to Nightbringer's point I can't think of anything else aside from maybe a racial FCB of some kind.

2015-06-15, 09:32 PM
A83: Addendum to the Addendum. I have discovered a single item which will work, the Token of the Nymph. There is no price for the item, it must be given to you by a nymph as a boon.

It grants a +2 bonus on charisma checks with fauna in the Nymph's ward or within a 5 mile radius of the ward. Your Charisma counts as 2 higher for the DCs of Class Abilities, Spells and Spell Like Abilities. Channel Energy is specifically mentioned as having an increased DC. The token stops working after 24 hours or if you travel more than 5 mines from they nymph's ward.

This item is found the Fey Revisted book. It isn't particularly useful under most circumstances, but hey, we found an item that boosts Channel Energy DCs.

2015-06-17, 11:14 AM
What are all of the various starmetals? Is there a list of them somewhere for reference?

What is a "black e-pick"? What are "grippers"?

How would one immobilize a Construct nonlethally? Especially one with natural weapons that could cut bindings?
(Couldn't secure a repair drone in game recently and had to dismantle it instead. :smallfrown:)

2015-06-17, 12:09 PM
A84 open: No idea where this is from so can't answer.

A85: E-picks (electronic lockpicks) are technological items used to Disable Device on electronic locks, similar to normal lockpicks. The different colors grant progressively higher competence bonuses to your attempt to open the lock. "Grippers" are like tongs that can be used to latch onto surfaces or grip limbs.

A86: Disable Construct (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/disable-construct) can do this, and constructs tend to have very poor will saves.

2015-06-17, 12:19 PM
A84 open: No idea where this is from so can't answer.

A85: E-picks (electronic lockpicks) are technological items used to Disable Device on electronic locks, similar to normal lockpicks. The different colors grant progressively higher competence bonuses to your attempt to open the lock. "Grippers" are like tongs that can be used to latch onto surfaces or grip limbs.

A86: Disable Construct (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/disable-construct) can do this, and constructs tend to have very poor will saves.

Q84 additional
Iron Gods adventure path, Technology Guide, and that outer space book is where we'd have read about it. Adamantine is supposedly a "starmetal". Iron Gods explicitly uses Glaucite, a variant of adamantine, and calls that a starmetal.
There's supposedly a list somewhere of all of the metals that fell from space in numeria, or starmetals, but we can't find it.

Sorry for the lack of specificity. The way the list was referred to it seemed like a more common thing. My bad.

Edit: Seems that "Skymetal" is the term not starmetal. Still havn't found the list proper but this list (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/disable-construct) and this reference (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l983?Skymetals) are what I've discovered so far.

Q86 additional
Is there any gear or equipment that would be capable of immobilizing the Construct indefinitely? Like modified manacles for non-humanoids or something?
Looking for RAW to back up some in game purchases here. Even advice on what ropes/chains/cages made from what materials would be helpful.
I expect we'll run across more Robots in the course of our adventures and catching them would be preferable to destroying them.

2015-06-17, 05:50 PM
A84: I think you mean the "Skymetals". These are the metals from distant planets or fallen stars. There are seven so far: Abysium/Feverstone, Adamantine, Djezet/Quickiron, Horacalcum, Inubrix, Noqual and Siccatite.

Rules for all these metals can be found on the Special Materials List at the Archives of Nethys (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/SpecialMaterials.aspx).

A list of the metals is kept on the Pathfinder Wiki (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Skymetal).

A86: Constructs are immune to non-lethal, I don't know of any way to deal nonlethal damage to pure constructs. Note that any Androids you encounter CAN take non-lethal damage, if you want to capture any of them.

Masterwork Mythril Manacles have a DC 30 strength check to be broken and a DC 35 Escape Artist check to slip out of. You're going to have to consult with your GM about rules for transporting the bots. If you want true control, you're going to want a few Robojacks (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Skymetal).

As Psyren pointed out, Disable Construct is a great spell for the AP you're running. Another useful spell would be Rebuke Technology (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rebuke%20Technology).

The Technologist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/technologist) feat allows you to use your skills to interact with Technology. There are no clear rules for disabling Robots, but it would be reasonable to allow a combination of Disable Device and Knowledge Engineering to allow you to shut down robots, particularly if they're disabled with one of the aforementioned spells. Talk to your GM about how that would work in your campaign.

2015-06-18, 02:53 AM
Does Fighter (Crossbowman) 3/Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5 who attack using readied action get 1.5 Dex to damage of crossbow choosen at Bolt Ace 5?

2015-06-18, 04:12 AM
Thank you both!


How long does it take to remove a pack saddle from a creature during combat? Can it be done with a single action?

2015-06-18, 04:01 PM
A88: There aren't any specific rules for equipping saddles, so we would default to the standard rules for manipulating items in combat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Manipulate-an-Item). Either action would be a Move action.

2015-06-18, 08:54 PM
Does Fighter (Crossbowman) 3/Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5 who attack using readied action get 1.5 Dex to damage of crossbow choosen at Bolt Ace 5?

A87: No - "ability score to X" has been clarified to be typed (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9sgk), so they won't stack. Only the highest applies, which in this case will be the Bolt Ace bonus, so adding Crossbowman Fighter does nothing.

2015-06-19, 12:01 PM

When wielding your chosen weapon one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a swashbuckler's or a duelist's precise strike) and you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon's damage. The weapon must be one appropriate for your size.
When throwing weapon like dagger, you wield it one-handed before throwing it, right? Does this feat (Slashing Grace) allow for Dex to DMG on thrown weapon?

2015-06-19, 12:24 PM
If a Tiny creature enters an enemy creature's square, who among allies in melee with said enemy does it flank with?

2015-06-19, 01:57 PM
A89: Unfortunately this isn't clear. Daggers are light, so this definitely won't work there - but a one-handed slashing weapon with a range increment, like the Sibat, could arguably work with Slashing Grace even when thrown.

A90: As a general rule it doesn't:

"Creatures with a reach of 0 feet can't flank an opponent."

2015-06-19, 04:34 PM
What's threat range of:
a) 0 reach creature with reach weapon
b) 0 reach creature with Zweihander Sentinel Warder pre-6 with reach weapon
c) 0 reach creature with Zweihander Sentinel Warder post-6 with reach weapon

In any of cases in Q91 if it's 5 ft or higher, can such creature flank despite base reach of 0?

If 0 reach creature use reach weapon, can it attack adjacent enemies?

2015-06-19, 07:07 PM
A91a/A92/A93: 0 doubled is unfortunately still 0.

Can't speak to the PoW questions myself.

2015-06-20, 12:55 AM
A91a Not RAW, but in the forums James Jacobs (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2klag?Do-tiny-reach-weapons-provide-reach#4) said a Tiny Creature with Reach should have a threat range of 5ft.

Take that for what you will.

2015-06-20, 01:27 AM
A91a Not RAW, but in the forums James Jacobs (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2klag?Do-tiny-reach-weapons-provide-reach#4) said a Tiny Creature with Reach should have a threat range of 5ft.

Take that for what you will.

Indeed, and I even FAQed that response - but until the design team weighs in...

2015-06-20, 10:24 AM
A 91b No.

A 91c As written, a Zweihander Sentinal Warder 6+ threatens adjacent enemies and may attack them with a reach weapon. It doesn't matter what their normal reach is, they can attack. I don't think that was intended for 0' reach creatures, however. I'd bring it up here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?417748-Dreamscarred-Press-Path-of-War-Expanded!-%28Discussion-Thread-V%29) with ErrantX.

A 92 In the case of 91c, yes.

2015-06-20, 10:48 AM

Seems with the Combat Maneuver tricks there are a LOT of tricks for an Animal Companion to learn. Can one Animal Companion ever learn all the animal tricks in PF?

2015-06-20, 12:05 PM
A94: This is a full-blown optimization exercise and thus a bit too open-ended for this thread. If you want to start a separate topic we can crowdsource ways to do this.

What I can point out is that there are currently 10 combat maneuvers in PF (Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder and Trip), and that with no optimization at all druid companions know a maximum of 13 tricks (6 for Int 2 + 7 bonus for being animal companions.) So learning all of those would leave you 3 tricks left over for other things, again with no optimization. There are over 20 tricks remaining, not counting Entertain which might also be broken out into several subsidiary instances depending on reading. My gut says it should be possible, or at the very least possible to learn a couple of maneuvers and all the other tricks, except but again, we'll need the community's help to be sure.

Given the way combat maneuvers work in PF however (i.e. needing multiple feats each to achieve baseline CR competence), you are far better off focusing on one or two than you are attempting to get a companion to be mediocre at all 10.

2015-06-20, 05:55 PM
Q 95 Is the feedback damage from a Vicious (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/vicious) weapon per round or per attack?

2015-06-20, 06:20 PM
A95: It's per hit: "When a vicious weapon strikes an opponent..."

So multiple hits in a round will trigger the damage multiple times, similar to hitting more than once with a flaming weapon.

2015-06-21, 10:36 AM
A94: This is a full-blown optimization exercise and thus a bit too open-ended for this thread. If you want to start a separate topic we can crowdsource ways to do this.

What I can point out is that there are currently 10 combat maneuvers in PF (Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder and Trip), and that with no optimization at all druid companions know a maximum of 13 tricks (6 for Int 2 + 7 bonus for being animal companions.) So learning all of those would leave you 3 tricks left over for other things, again with no optimization. There are over 20 tricks remaining, not counting Entertain which might also be broken out into several subsidiary instances depending on reading. My gut says it should be possible, or at the very least possible to learn a couple of maneuvers and all the other tricks, except but again, we'll need the community's help to be sure.

Given the way combat maneuvers work in PF however (i.e. needing multiple feats each to achieve baseline CR competence), you are far better off focusing on one or two than you are attempting to get a companion to be mediocre at all 10.

Thank you Psyren, have I mentioned that you're my superhero? :smallsmile:

Honestly your answer is more than adequate but Imma starting that thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?423147-Optimization-Can-an-Animal-Companion-Know-ALL-the-Tricks&p=19431155#post19431155) anyway. For my purposes this wll be used for a Construct Rider Alchemist's mount but as it inherits from Animal Companion the discussion will be largely the same.

2015-06-22, 09:18 PM
When playing a monster the RHD have no affect in character level dependant effects in PF, yes?

Where is the text telling us we can't play monsters with Internet (uurgh. hate autocorrect so very very much) as a non ability?

2015-06-22, 09:26 PM
A96: RHD are HD, and thus do count towards "character level," just like they did in 3.5.

A97 clarification: "Internet?" What? :smallconfused:

2015-06-22, 09:51 PM
A96: RHD are HD, and thus do count towards "character level," just like they did in 3.5.

A97 clarification: "Internet?" What? :smallconfused:

Strange i was told that there was evidence somewhere that RHD and Character Level don't interact when playing a monster in PF. Any chance I could get the location of the info on this so I can fact check and ask the player involved?

Curse you autocorrect!
'...with Int as a non ability?', is what I meant. Apologies.

2015-06-22, 10:19 PM
A96 Link to Monster's as PC (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races) rules. Racial HD do count, kind of, but not necessarily as full HD (just read the write-up in the link).
The Monster as PC rules are generally superseded/obsoleted by the whole "Advance Race Guide race builder-thingy", which basically encourages you to (re)build your own 'monster race' instead of using one 'as-is'. With roughly every 10 build-points being worth a 1 class level difference.

2015-06-22, 10:34 PM
Note that the line about those rules being superseded appears to be an invention by the PFSRD folks. Neither the ARG nor PRD say that.

The Race Builder is better if you want to build something exotic that you can still play from level 1, but if there's a specific monster you have in mind, the monsters as PCs rules in PF work fine as a quick and dirty guideline.

A97: The CRB says the following: "Each race also has ability score modifiers that are applied after you’ve generated your ability scores, as described in the previous chapter. These modifiers can raise an ability score above 18 or reduce a score below 3—although having such a low score in any of your abilities is something you should avoid, as there’s no surer route to character death than a low Constitution, and no swifter route to frustration than a PC who can’t talk since his Intelligence is lower than 3. You should seek your GM’s approval before playing a character with any ability score of less than 3."

2015-06-23, 10:16 AM

Is the feat Antagonize (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/antagonize) on the part used with intimidate, language dependant? it states the creature needs to understand you, but what if you are a druid in wild shape without wild speech and you roar at the opponet, will it still work?

2015-06-23, 10:46 AM
A98: Unfortunately, Antagonize isn't a regular form of intimidate - just roaring at someone isn't enough, you need to actually make them angry with you. So you'll need to be able to make yourself understood, i.e. speak the same language.

2015-06-24, 01:49 PM
Q99: The magic weapon special ability chart shows that the +1 ability Cruel can be added to ranged weapons, but it doesn't include the footnote specifying that the weapon passes the ability to its ammunition, as it does for other abilities like Flaming. Is this an error that has been addressed in errata? I can't find anything, but seems useless to allow it on a bow if not.

2015-06-24, 02:13 PM
A99: It will not pass to ammunition as written, no. However, you can add it to ammunition directly (it is on the ammunition table), as well as to thrown weapons (explaining its presence on the ranged table.) This is more expensive obviously, but will allow you to use it with a bow if you're willing to pay a premium.

2015-06-28, 09:18 AM
Q100: If a Kitsune (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-kitsune) possesses both the Realistic Likeness (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/racial-feats/realistic-likeness-kitsune) feat and the Naturalized alternate racial feature, does this mean they can perfectly mimic any human they've encountered without a disguise check?

2015-06-28, 11:28 AM
A 100 Appearing human and appearing to be a specific person (which Realistic Likeness allows with Kitsune Change Shape) are not one and the same, they're different uses of the Disguise skill, so no.

2015-06-28, 05:59 PM
Q101: Does a Lycanthrope in hybrid or animal form gain the skill bonuses of the relevant animal? (IE stealth bonuses in certain terrains?)

2015-06-29, 08:04 PM
A 101 Skill bonuses are not listed as something gained by either Change Shape, Polymorph (which Change Shape uses), Beast Shape II (which Polymorph uses for Animal forms), the Polymorph subschool (which both Polymorph and Beast Shape II use) or the Lycanthope template. I did double check the entries for specific lycans, like the Weretiger to see if they snuck them in the Bestiary 2, but they aren't, so no.

2015-06-30, 07:07 AM
Q 102 Can a huge sized creature with the EX trample ability perform a trample on a large sized (fine) swarm? Fine swarms are immune to weapon damage, and spells and effects that target a single number of creatures - and the Ex trample ability is the same as the overrun ability, except the creature does not need to make a check - therefore it doesn't seem to target "a specific creature." So i'm a bit confused about the outcome of this situation.

2015-06-30, 08:18 AM
A102: As written it should work. "This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path." There is no specified number of targets so it should affect swarms.

2015-06-30, 10:57 AM

Gigantic Steed (Ex)

A mammoth rider's steed increases to Huge size. The creature receives a –1 penalty on attack rolls and to AC, and a –2 penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1); its base damage increases by one size category; and its reach increases to 10 feet. It also gains a +2 size bonus to its Strength and Constitution.
So the companion takes -2 to Dex because the ability says so, -1 to AC because the ability says so and since it increases to huge size it should also take size penalties which means -2 Dex and -1 to AC due to the increased size. Is that correct?

Transmutation Effect
The target animal grows to twice its normal size and eight times its normal weight. This alteration changes the animal's size category to the next largest, grants it a +8 size bonus to Strength and a +4 size bonus to Constitution (and thus an extra 2 hit points per HD), and imposes a -2 size penalty to Dexterity. The creature's existing natural armor bonus increases by 2. The size change also affects the animal's modifier to AC, attack rolls, and its base damage. The animal's space and reach change as appropriate to the new size, but its speed does not change. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it--the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size.

Size bonuses don't stack. I get that. However Gigantic Steed is an Ex ability which means that it has no magical effect (so I have to assume that the size increase is normal just like a companion's level 7 advancement from medium to large if I have to explain it somehow) and Animal Growth is a transmutation spell. Does any effect of it work with the Gigantic Steed ability or is it useless due to bad writing?

Transmutation Effect
Laying a hand upon an allied creature's jaw, claws, tentacles, or other natural weapons, you enhance the power of that creature's natural attacks. Each natural attack that creature makes deals damage as if the creature were two sizes larger than it actually is. If the creature is already Gargantuan or Colossal-sized, double the amount of damage dealt by each of its natural attacks instead. This spell does not actually change the creature's size; all of its statistics except the amount of damage dealt by its natural attacks remain unchanged.

Strong Jaw does not change the creature's size and it does not give any size bonuses which means that the natural damage size SHOULD normally increase right? So my Huge Wolf from my PrC should be dealing 4d6 damage since it is treated as if it was Colossal.

HOWEVER: Since Gigantic Steed is an Ex ability and Animal Growth is a spell, the effects DO stack but the bonuses DON'T. Which means that by casting Animal Growth to my Huge Wolf it does nothing except from increasing the occupying space as well as increasing his size to Gargantuan WITHOUT any bonuses correct? Which by turn means, that if I cast Strong Jaw to my Gargantuan-sized-Huge-statistics Wolf, it will double the damage of the Gargantuan size so the Bite attack will deal 4d8 damage. Is this correct or not?

2015-06-30, 03:40 PM
Q: 104

A1 First of all, static numbers are not affected by Empower Spell.

So an Empowered Fireball cast on caster level 6 does 9d6+9 (because your dice are empowered, you deal extra damage from the Bloodline ability).

This is kind of belated, but I just started reading this thread. Isn't the above incorrect due to the FAQ on the subject found here (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9o71)?

Empower Spell: If I use Empower Spell on a spell that has a die roll with a numerical bonus (such as cure moderate wounds), does the feat affect the numerical bonus?

Yes. For example, if you empower cure moderate wounds, the +50% from the feat applies to the 2d8 and to the level-based bonus.

Posing this as a question because the FAQ is from 2011 and maybe something has changed between then and now. I don't always keep up as well as I should.

2015-07-02, 07:37 PM

How far can an Eidolon be from it's Summoner?

2015-07-02, 07:55 PM
A103a: The most likely answer is that they were restating/summarizing the size penalties your companion would normally take, rather than applying additional untyped ones.
A103b: Size effects don't stack, whether they are from magic or something else. You only apply the larger one. (However, see below.)
A103c: There are two relatively (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9t3f) new (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9t5u) FAQs that addresses these kinds of combinations. The upshot is that you only get one size increase and one "effective" size increase. This does let you combine Animal Growth and Strongjaw, however, it does NOT let you combine Animal Growth + Gigantic Steed, as these are both actual size increases. Reference the damage table FAQ to know what your final damage will be with Strongjaw.

A104: You misread his post. By "static numbers" he meant numbers that vary with caster level but don't have an associated random die roll, like the 10 HP/level from a heal spell. If you look at Sporegg's math, he calculated the Fireball's Empowered damage correctly.

A105: This information is found under the 1st-level "Life Link" ability - the maximum range is 10,000 feet before it despawns.The eidolon also takes health penalties (current and maximum) if it is operating far from its summoner, as follows:

Within 100ft: Full strength
100-1,000ft: 50% HP
1,000ft to 10,000ft: 25% HP
>10,000ft: Despawns.

2015-07-02, 08:53 PM
A103b/A103c I interpret the the FAQ slightly different.
I break it down as 3 pieces:
Base Size Modifier
Total Size Increase (e.g. Enlarge Person)
Partial Size Increase (e.g. Strong Jaw)

Base Size Modifier would be very permanent things like "At level 4 a Bear Animal Companion is now Medium". It is not "Small with size increase" it is just flat out "Medium". So a (4th level+) Bear could still benefit from Animal Growth AND Strong Jaw.
The most likely beneficiaries of Animal Growth are Animal Companions, and it would be utterly silly to not have Animal Growth work on the majority of them.

So I interpret the Mammoth Rider's "Mount is now Huge" as it is now "Huge", not "Large with size increase". So Animal Growth would still give it a size boost.

2015-07-02, 09:38 PM
A103b/A103c I interpret the the FAQ slightly different.
I break it down as 3 pieces:
Base Size Modifier
Total Size Increase (e.g. Enlarge Person)
Partial Size Increase (e.g. Strong Jaw)

Base Size Modifier would be very permanent things like "At level 4 a Bear Animal Companion is now Medium". It is not "Small with size increase" it is just flat out "Medium". So a (4th level+) Bear could still benefit from Animal Growth AND Strong Jaw.
The most likely beneficiaries of Animal Growth are Animal Companions, and it would be utterly silly to not have Animal Growth work on the majority of them.

So I interpret the Mammoth Rider's "Mount is now Huge" as it is now "Huge", not "Large with size increase". So Animal Growth would still give it a size boost.

I read it that way too normally. The problem though is that the animal companion size increase comes purely from advancement. The Mammoth Rider's comes from a special ability: "Gigantic Steed (Ex)." Thus I consider it to be a size increasing effect, much like a spell would be. If the master were to lose somehow lose that extraordinary ability, the mount would shrink, and thus that size is not intrinsic to the creature.

2015-07-03, 03:58 PM
Do sizes of object's operate under different rules than creatures? To elaborate, would an object roughly the same size as a Halfling be a Small-sized object? I'm about to start a game with the Telekinesis Sphere and trying to have a sample list of items I can affect so the GM knows and can plan accordingly.

2015-07-04, 12:25 AM
Q 107

If a Medusa wears a Hat of Disguise and looks like a human, is her gaze attack still active? If so, is it something she can turn on and off at will, or is it just constantly anyone within 30 feet is always affected?

2015-07-04, 12:33 AM
A106 open: Without knowing the specific wording of the ability itself I couldn't tell you if, for example "small object" is intended to mean "Small object." Is this from Spheres of Power? You may have to ask the designer or one of the other players who uses this rule system.

A107: "...The creature can also veil its eyes, thus negating its gaze ability." As a mundane disguise would be able to do this, it should be easy to incorporate such a protection into the magical one.

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-05, 01:44 AM
Q 108
Are there any restrictions on what the activation conditions for a use-activated item can be, or any restrictions on how often a use-activated item can be activated? For example, if I created a magic shoe that created a certain spell effect each time I took a step, could I activate it numerous times per turn by taking a move action to move up to my speed?

2015-07-05, 02:27 AM
Q 109:
Are there any alchemical items that are particularly useful vs Abberations? (i.e. How Holy Water is useful vs Undead and Evil Outsiders)

2015-07-05, 09:32 AM
A 106 Assuming you're referring to Telekinetic Sphere (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/telekinetic-sphere), my best point of reference for object size vs. creature size is the Animated Object (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-object) listing, which seems to make them fairly equivalent, with example items for reference.

A 109 None that I'm aware of but this seems the kind of question to have its own thread for crowd sourcing.

2015-07-06, 04:07 AM

How would one go about converting Race Points to CR? For when a PC becomes an NPC and templates get applied or something?

2015-07-06, 08:14 AM
A110: You can't really convert it on a points basis; the points are at best a rough guideline for how strong some abilities are compared to others, and even then it doesn't take a number of factors into account like circumstance and optimization.

At best we can determine that there are examples of "CR +0" that top out around 22 RP, but that doesn't mean that any configuration you can devise that costs 22 or less will be CR 0. It's an art, not a science, so you're supposed to evaluate the overall finished product against creatures of similar power.

2015-07-07, 03:53 PM
Can the Craft Robot feat be used to apply the Robot subtype to Animated Objects?
Asking from both the player and GM sides of the table on this one.

2015-07-07, 04:43 PM
A111: Assuming you mean this Craft Robot feat (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Craft%20Robot) - it looks like it is designed to let you craft existing robots, not to add the robot subtype to a non-robot construct, unless I'm missing something.

From the DM's perspective it's obviously much simpler - create a custom animated object with the robot subtype, determine its CR, and then anyone at the table who has the feat can use it to make that.

2015-07-08, 02:46 PM
Q112: Could an Oracle of Bones with the Undead Servitude revelation make use of the Void Scythe's channeling ability?

2015-07-08, 02:50 PM
A112: As written no. "You can channel negative energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, but only to use Command Undead."

2015-07-08, 03:01 PM
Q113: The feat Extra Bane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/extra-bane) doesn't make sense to me. The Bane Class feature does not limit uses per day, but by duration. What benefit does Extra Bane give?

2015-07-08, 03:03 PM
A113: Psst, try reading it :smalltongue:
(Less facetiously, the feat extends duration as well.)

2015-07-08, 04:24 PM
A113: Psst, try reading it :smalltongue:
(Less facetiously, the feat extends duration as well.)

Note to self: the list of feats has an short-hand description of feats, actually click and read individual feats.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-07-08, 09:57 PM
Q114 Can you use Familiar Archetypes for Improved Familiars?

2015-07-08, 10:17 PM
A114: Yes - however, note that most of them trade away "speak with animals of its own kind" which Improved Familiars don't get, so that limits your choices.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-07-08, 10:22 PM
Dammit... there goes my dream of having my pet pseudodragon joining me in combat (Wanted the mauler archetype because reasons)

2015-07-09, 12:31 PM

Im trying to adapt the Houri race (Bastard and bloodlines 3.5 or 3.0) and even though there are some things I wouldn't been able to do adapt, there is one point were I have reached controversy with a friend, a Houri is the offspring of a nymph and an elf, so is a sort of half elf and fey, to represent this, I need to know if I can choose more than one race type, in this case Humanoid (Subtype Elf) and Fey, is that possible? I couldn't find anything on the rules that said that I can't, but neither something that supports that I can.

2015-07-09, 12:34 PM

Damage Reduction (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Damage-Reduction) and Bane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/bane).

Let's presume my PC has a +3 weapon with Bane Cow(or +3 Amulet of Mighty Fists). This Cow is a formidable opponent and has DR 10/Good. Does the Bane makes the weapon +5 and allows to ignore the DR/Good?

2015-07-09, 12:45 PM
A115 open: I don't think you can have multiple creature types, but there are a lot of monsters in PF so I may be missing one that does. If you want my personal approach, I would make it humanoid, then add an ability similar to the Constructed ability possessed by Androids and Inevitables that lets it count as Fey for various purposes. You could call it "Fey Blood" or "First World Aspect" or something.

A116: Yes (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qd9), the enhancement bonus will increase vs. that wretched bovine, and yes (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gl#v5748eaic9r5f), this will allow you to smite your way past Bessie's mighty DR. You can even defeat DR 10/epic if such a variable bonus causes a strong enough boost.

2015-07-09, 02:38 PM

There are several templates in the PF bestiary, however I can't find anywhere if a Player character can use them, is there anywhere on the rules that states that player character can't use this templates? like for example Half fey? or can they be used?

2015-07-09, 02:42 PM
A117a: Templates require GM permission in PF just like they did in 3.5. Essentially applying a template to your character means you're playing a monster, which requires GM approval. (The exception is a template applied by a spell or class feature, though none pop into my head at the moment.)

A117b: I'm not seeing a half-fey template, where is that? I see "Fey Creature" which turns you into fey, and "Fey-Touched" which lets you be both types but appears to be 3rd-party.

2015-07-09, 02:49 PM
A117a: Templates require GM permission in PF just like they did in 3.5. Essentially applying a template to your character means you're playing a monster, which requires GM approval. (The exception is a template applied by a spell or class feature, though none pop into my head at the moment.)

A117b: I'm not seeing a half-fey template, where is that? I see "Fey Creature" which turns you into fey, and "Fey-Touched" which lets you be both types but appears to be 3rd-party.

My bad, blame Fenryr, he gave me the wrong name, it is Fey Touched the one I was refering

2015-07-10, 08:48 PM
Q 118

With the Spell Storing weapon enchantment. Consider the following scenario:

PC1: Casts Vamperic Touch into weapon and Hands it off to PC2.

PC 2: Uses weapon and hits foe, choosing to activate the spell storing weapon.


a) Who technically cast the spell? (i.e. PC 1, PC 2, or the Weapon).
b) Who benefits from the spells effect? (i.e. PC 1, PC 2, or the Weapon).

2015-07-10, 08:58 PM
"Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires."
A118a according to the Spell Storing ability the weapon 'casts' the spell, do note that the Spell is cast as if the original caster were casting it directly on the target.
A118b the creature you are attacking is affected by the spell. You generally do not want beneficial spells in Spell Storing weapons (even if Healing Shivs are entertaining).

2015-07-10, 09:05 PM
A118b the creature you are attacking is affected by the spell. You generally do not want beneficial spells in Spell Storing weapons (even if Healing Shivs are entertaining).

I suppose the question was more specifically who would benefit from the temporary hitpoints gained from the Vampiric Touch spell? Also, what if the spell was like Healing Sting, where it directly hurts the target, but heals the caster?

2015-07-12, 07:02 PM

Liberation Domain and the Granted Power Liberation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/liberation-domain) works against grapple checks?

2015-07-12, 07:36 PM
A119: Yes, it works like the spell freedom of movement, which makes you immune to grapple for its duration. At low levels this won't be much though.

2015-07-12, 10:43 PM
Q120 since the standard bearer cavalier gains its mount at level 5, does that change the level and or advancment of said mount compared to a non archtype cavalier.

Also does battle herald advance any bars or cavalier abilities?

Kurald Galain
2015-07-13, 06:22 AM
Q121 Assuming you have at least +1 BAB, can you draw (or sheathe) a weapon for free as part of a five-foot step?

2015-07-13, 08:29 AM

Plain RAW no (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Draw-or-Sheathe-a-Weapon) with the "free" 5 foot step that does not provoke AoO.

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move.

If you move 5 feet as a move action then you can do it.


There a couple of items that allow you to count as higher level for some class features: this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/vambraces-of-the-tactician) and this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/baldric-bane), for example. What happens if such "effective level" is beyond 20? A Cavalier or an Inquisitor level 20 and with those items. Does it somehow sums beyond?

2015-07-13, 08:38 AM
A120a: As written the mount should be full advancement despite coming in late, because it is "identical in all ways to the standard cavalier's mount." The intent was almost certainly to make it "level -5" but RAW is full advancement unless they fix it.

A120b: No, it doesn't advance anything. Scratch that, it does advance Tactician and Banner. Its "Inspiring Command" ability stacks with Inspire Courage to determine the benefits as well. That's about it; it doesn't even appear to advance Challenge despite requiring it, sadly.

A122: Most such class features include a cap at or before 20. For example, the cavalier's Challenge says: "The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level." Even the item therefore will not exceed this maximum. (The damage bonus however is uncapped; it's simply equal to the cavalier's level.)

2015-07-13, 09:42 PM
Q123: Diminutive flying swarms have 5000 flying creatures. Sheet lightning does 1 point of damage to each creature in a 10 foot radius burst... Does a single cast of sheet lightning do 5K damage to the swarm?

2015-07-13, 10:05 PM

No. Or so I believe. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#subtype-swarm)

A swarm is a collection of Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creatures that acts as a single creature.

2015-07-14, 04:03 PM

No. Or so I believe. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#subtype-swarm)

This is correct. A swarm counts as a single creature when being targeted.

2015-07-15, 03:56 AM

A wizard wears a +1 silken ceremonial armor and casts Mage Armor. Does the +1 enhancement bonus from the worn armor stack with the +4 armor bonus to AC from Mage Armor?

2015-07-15, 07:15 AM

No. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Armor-Class)

Enhancement bonuses apply to your armor to increase the armor bonus it provides.

The +1 Enhancement Bonus is for the Ceremonial Silk Armor (giving +2 Armor bonus to AC). The +4 Armor from Mage armor is a separate value. They do not stack.

Kurald Galain
2015-07-15, 05:31 PM
Q125 Is it possible to take Weapon Focus (touch attack)? Can an amulet of mighty fists or a similar item boost the to-hit of my touch attacks?

2015-07-15, 07:23 PM
A125a: No - "touch attack" is not a type of weapon (or weaponlike-effect, e.g. a ray) so you cannot Focus it.
A125b: This one I'm less clear on. By my reading the amulet should apply to melee touch attacks. (If a ghost were wearing it for example.) But I can't tell for certain if it worked this way in 3.5 or if this is intended.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-07-15, 10:42 PM
Q126 Is there any way other than Duettist archetype for a Bard to get a familiar?

2015-07-15, 10:56 PM
A126: Sure, there are tons of ways. VMC Witch/Wizard, Eldritch Heritage/VMC Sorc for Arcane Bloodline or any of the bloodline familiars (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar#TOC-Bloodline-Familiars), VMC Magus for Familiar arcana, the Familiar Bond (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/familiar-bond) and Improved Familiar Bond (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/improved-familiar-bond) feats... take your pick :smallsmile:

2015-07-16, 12:18 AM
A126: Sure, there are tons of ways. VMC Witch/Wizard, Eldritch Heritage/VMC Sorc for Arcane Bloodline or any of the bloodline familiars (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar#TOC-Bloodline-Familiars), VMC Magus for Familiar arcana, the Familiar Bond (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/familiar-bond) and Improved Familiar Bond (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/improved-familiar-bond) feats... take your pick :smallsmile:

Sea Singer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/sea-singer) Bard Archetye gets one (limited to Bird or Monkey).

You can also use Eldritch Heritage to take the Aberrant Bloodline and then get an Aberrant Tumor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/aberrant-tumor) Familiar.

2015-07-16, 11:05 AM

Lets pretend for a second that a Hellwasp Swarm (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/hellwaspSwarm.html) which has inhabited a dead body, and a PC hits the infested dead body with a fireball. The infested dead body/swarm succeeds on its saving throw and takes half damage...

Okay, so does a swarm which has infested its host takes half damage from attacks, and then that is halved from the saving throws, then it applies damage reduction? Or does it take half damage, apply its damage reduction then take half from the succeeded save?

(This situation could also apply to any creature with DR and succeeding a save. Is DR applied first or is 1/2 applied first?)

2015-07-16, 11:39 AM
A127a: The swarm does not get a separate save - it has total cover inside the host, so only the host would have to save against the burst. Half of that damage then gets passed onto the swarm, and its own DR, resistances and immunities would apply.

A127b: For the general question, the save always happens before damage is even rolled, therefore the reduced damage from a successful save will apply before DR, resistances etc. (Note that SR/immunity applies before even those.)

Firest Kathon
2015-07-17, 02:50 AM
A127c: A swarm does not apply its DR against the Fireball at all, as spells are not affected by DR (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Damage-Reduction).

Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even non-magical fire) ignore damage reduction.

Kurald Galain
2015-07-17, 07:17 AM
Q128 According to the Flame Blade spell, attacks with the weapon it creates are touch attacks. The trip maneuver is an attack that can be done with a weapon. It seems to me that a trip attack generally uses a CMD roll, but the specific case of Flame Blade overrides it. Can I now trip as a touch attack, or is there some rule preventing that?

2015-07-17, 08:36 AM
A127c: A swarm does not apply its DR against the Fireball at all, as spells are not affected by DR (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Damage-Reduction).

Almost - in PF, spells/SLAs/Su abilities that deal slashing, piercing or bludgeoning damage (e.g. Wind Blades) are in fact subject to DR. (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2opom?Has-typed-Supernatural-attacks-vs-DR-been#5)

A128: There is no specific trumping general here - combat maneuvers always use a CMB check vs. CMD. What using a weapon allows you to do (in the case of a weapon-using maneuver like trip) is allow any bonuses that you have on or with said weapon to apply to your CMB roll. But the opponent still gets their full CMD to resist - there is in fact no "touch CMD" for you to target instead. It wouldn't matter if there were one anyway - none of the differences between AC and touch AC (i.e. Armor, Shield and Natural Armor bonuses) apply to CMD anyway, so even if a "touch CMD" stat existed, no one would get any benefit out of targeting it.

EDIT: On reread that above looked a touch harsh and I wanted to make it clear that wasn't my intent :smallsmile:

2015-07-18, 01:49 AM

Here's hoping this Q is specific enough...

What spell would be capable of finding a technology artifact tech lab?

I know of a Druid spell in 3.x that allows one to survey the land but can't remember the name or where I found it.
And my notes seem to have gotten lost in my bag of devouring. :smallwink:

2015-07-18, 04:47 PM

Here's hoping this Q is specific enough...

What spell would be capable of finding a technology artifact tech lab?

I know of a Druid spell in 3.x that allows one to survey the land but can't remember the name or where I found it.
And my notes seem to have gotten lost in my bag of devouring. :smallwink:


This thread is for Pathfinder, not 3.5, but I did find the following 3.5 druid spells that might do what you are trying to do:

Locate Node [Druid 2] (Und pg58) Locates closest earth node in a 1 mile per level radius.
Circle Dance [Druid 3] (MoF pg84) Indicates direction to known target
Commune with Nature [Druid 5] (PH pg211) Learn about terrain for 1 mile per level.
Commune with Earth [Druid 5] (RoE pg189) Learn about Hills, Mountains &/or Underground for 1/2 mile per level radius and 1/4 mile per level depth.
Find The Path [Druid 6] (PH pg230) Finds the most direct way to a location
Stonetell [Druid 6] (PH pg284) Talk to natural or worked stone
Scrying, Greater [Druid 7] (PH p275) As Scrying but faster and longer.

2015-07-18, 07:33 PM
Oh I am asking about Pathfinder. Am converting from the one to the other. Apologies if I didn't make that clear.

Edit: Commune with Earth and/or Nature looks like what I was using before. Does PF have an equivalent?

2015-07-18, 08:21 PM

A level 9 Wizard casts Summon Monster V and summons 1d3 Hound Archons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/archon/hound-archon), getting lucky and summoning three at once. Assuming all three are within 20 ft. of a hostile creature, does the creature need to roll a separate will save against each of the Hound Archon's Aura of Menace, meaning three rolls total, or does it just roll once? If three rolls are required and the creature fails all three, does it take the -2 penalty to attacks, AC and saves three times, stacking to -6 total, or just once, for a total of -2? If the effects stack and it makes one of the three saves, is it still affected by the other two fails to total -4?

2015-07-18, 08:47 PM
Oh I am asking about Pathfinder. Am converting from the one to the other. Apologies if I didn't make that clear.

Edit: Commune with Earth and/or Nature looks like what I was using before. Does PF have an equivalent?

Pathfinder has Commune with Nature (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/commune-with-nature). It is a 5th level druid spell.


Other spells that Pathfinder has that might be of use are:

Commune with Birds (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/commune-with-birds) - Druid 1 (Tengu Race Only)
Call Animal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/call-animal) + Speak with Animals + Animal Purpose Training (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/animal-purpose-training) - Druid 1 + Druid 1 + Druid 2
Find The Path (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/find-the-path) - Druid 6
Stone Tell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/stone-tell) - Druid 6

Tar Palantir
2015-07-18, 10:35 PM

I seem to remember finding at some point a type of magic item in Pathfinder that would let you cast a specific spell once or twice a day, like an eternal wand or schema in 3.5. Does such a thing exist, and if so where are the rules for it?

2015-07-19, 09:20 AM
A 130 They need to save against all 3 but it doesn't stack, as effects from the same ability don't generally stack. Assuming that enemy fails against all 3, it would need to hit them all for the effect to end while all the Archons are still in range.

2015-07-19, 05:12 PM
Q 130b

Where is the rule regarding multiple penalties from the same source not stacking? I can only find the following:



Stacking refers to the act of adding together bonuses or penalties that apply to one particular check or statistic. Generally speaking, most bonuses of the same type do not stack. Instead, only the highest bonus applies. Most penalties do stack, meaning that their values are added together. Penalties and bonuses generally stack with one another, meaning that the penalties might negate or exceed part or all of the bonuses, and vice versa.



Penalties are numerical values that are subtracted from a check or statistical score. Penalties do not have a type and most penalties stack with one another.

Only the rules for bonuses, not penalties, specifically states that multiples bonuses don't stack:



Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.

The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works. Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source.

Does this mean that the enemy would take a -6 assuming all three saves fail?

Firest Kathon
2015-07-20, 05:38 AM
A 131: You can create any kind of item, including a wand-like item, to cast a specific spell a limited number of times per day. You can find the price on the Table for magic items gold piece values (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Magic-Item-Gold-Piece-Values). The formula (for 2 uses/day) is Spell Level x Caster Level x 800gp (+ 50 x costs for material components, if applicable). It can be used by any class (unlike a "real" wand) and requires Craft Wondrous Item (instead of Craft Wand).

2015-07-20, 08:17 AM

Is there any feat, archetype, trait, or other method in the rules to make an Oracle use a stat other than Charisma for their casting stat? Something similar to how it's possible to make a Sorcerer run off Int or Wis?

2015-07-20, 08:22 PM
A132: Not that I've ever seen.
Paizo has an "unofficial" rule that Prepared Arcane uses INT, Prepared Divine uses WIS, and Spontaneous use CHA.
There are a couple exceptions, but Sorcerer (and Scarred Witch Doctor) are the only ones that can currently "switch" their casting stat.

2015-07-20, 10:00 PM
A 130b
The same principle applies to penalties- a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one, although most penalties have no type and thus always stack.
Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths

In cases when two or more identical spells or effects are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the one with the highest strength applies.

They're identical effects, so even though they're untyped, they don't stack. They're all in effect if the target fails the save against all 3 but it just keeps them from losing the penalty till it resists/attacks all the Archons successfully. If I could cast Empowered Maximized Summon Monster V while having Superior Summoning to get 9 Lantern Archons, creatures within range would have to make 9 saves against their Aura of Menace but failing it more than once just means they have to hit more Archons to get rid of it. At least til I get them to Voltron into their super form, b/c who doesn't want that? :smalltongue:

2015-07-21, 01:45 PM

Perhaps a story will explain the situation we encountered better than a generic question. Our Brawler grabbed a character with witch levels. The witch cannot "cast spells with somatic components because she is grappled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Grappled)." However, if the witch uses a hex... what then? from what I'm reading Su, Ex, and Sp do not require somatic components to activate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Extraordinary-Abilities-Ex-), however the Su hex that the witch was using was Slumber (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes---3rd-party-publishers/hexes/common-hexes/hex-slumber-su) which says "as per the spell sleep" in it's description.

Which condition trumps the other - is it "as per the spell" so therefore requiring V,S and M? Or is it simply a Standard action with no restrictions as to the grappled state.

... What piece am I missing here?

2015-07-21, 02:14 PM

The weapon ability Furyborn, reads as follows:

This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A furyborn weapon draws power from the anger and frustration the wielder feels when battling foes that refuse to die. Each time the wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, its enhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks against that opponent (to a maximum total enhancement bonus of +5). This extra enhancement bonus goes away if the opponent dies, the wielder uses the weapon to attack a different creature, or 1 hour passes.

My questions is, if the weapon is, for example +2, will furyborn only add a +3 bonus or the full maximum bonus it can add? (+5)

Thank you!

2015-07-21, 03:13 PM
A133: Grapple does not affect supernatural abilities; the Witch can still Hex. (Basically, the "works like sleep" part refers to the effect, not how you activate/cast it.)

A134: It adds a stacking +1 "each time you damage an opponent." So it will go +3 on the first hit, +4 on the next, to a maximum of +5 on the third. This bonus last until an hour has passed after the last hit, until you switch targets, or until your opponent dies - whichever of those comes first. (Note that you must damage the target, so some effects like DR can keep the bonus from increasing.)