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2015-05-11, 07:08 PM


Dornroschen by Alexander Zick (1845-1907)

"You tame pigeons, you turtledoves, and all you birds beneath the sky, come and help me to gather."

A Princess is a girl, or occasionally a boy, of such exceptional purity of heart and soul, fairness of face and skin, and kindness of spirit and act that the world itself recognizes this. Often, but not always, they are of royal or noble blood, even if not always raised in their proper status. A Princess's greatest powers are her kindness, and purity, and their ability to ward off evil with nothing more than these.

Adventures: A princess adventures either out of unavoidable circumstances, driven from home by the harshness of evil until she can acquire the power and companions with which to correct it, or driven to travel the world upon seeing the plight of others and being stirred in their heart to help them. To a princess slaying the dragon is secondary to fixing the lives of those whose suffering she sees.

Characteristics: A princess is a being of radiant purity. This purity is their shield and primary weapon. While this purity serves to passively protect them from their foes and inspires their allies, it can be focused. Through their affection towards other creatures a princess can heal them, curing them of their wounds, and through her words and songs a princess may focus this purity of spirit into a variety of magical effects. Her most potent weapon, though, is simply her ability to make friends. Beasts recognize this purity refusing to harm it, even attracting an unswervingly loyal companion, and even the hardened hearts of merchants can be stirred.

Alignment: All princesses are Good aligned. Such a pure kindness of spirit is the definition of Good and defined by Good. They may be Lawful or Chaotic, and are found as such in roughly equal proportions at the beginning of their careers, although as they age they tend more towards Lawful.

Religion: Princesses follow gods of goodness and purity. Pelor is a popular god among princesses.

Background: To become a Princess is not a matter of training, but of pure goodness of heart and spirit. One does not set out to become a princess, they simply do so by their own nature. Despite their name not all Princesses are of royal blood, and many are even orphans, nor are all female.

Races: Princesses most commonly come from among humans and elves, though it is not uncommon for a princess to come from such races as aasimar. In general princesses come more often from Good aligned or traditionally beautiful races and only rarely from those races which suffer a penalty to Charisma or are commonly Evil aligned.

Other Classes: Princesses tend to get along with everyone. Those classes with powers typically considered evil, such as necromancers, warlocks, and binders, are those most likely to grate on a princess, without necessarily being evil. Those classes with truly evil powers, blackguards and clerics of dark gods, are those few who princesses truly do not get along with, for a pure soul can bear with the idiosyncrasies and demands of those which would not harm others, but such dark souls traditionally desire things which do just that. Clerics of good gods and paladins get along the best with princesses, they share together a dedication to goodness and purity of altruistic purpose.

Role: Princesses tend towards support of others. They passively improve allies, granting them bonuses to ability checks, attacks, or defenses, as well as being able to actively support them through healing abilities. In addition they serve as excellent party faces, able to stir the hearts of non-evil creatures. Their animal pal grants them an ability to more directly affect the battle by serving as a warrior and protector, or allows them to support a party through a variety of stealth skills to supplement their social ones. Finally their mystical songs allow them a variety of magical effects.

Adaptation: A princess's mystical songs could be allowed to be played upon instruments to allow for characters such as Tamino and his magic flute from Mozart's The Magic Flute. Alternatively you could play up their purity and add a connection to the gods or Good itself, changing them from Princesses to Saints, changing their Mystical Songs from dependent upon Perform (Song) to Perform (Oratory) or Knowledge (Religion) and into Sermons.

Princesses have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma is the most important ability score to a princess as it determines the saving throw DCs of their abilities, as well as the maximum value of their passive buffs, how much they can heal each day, and adding (eventually twice) to their AC and eventually saves. For other ability scores Dexterity helps their armor class as they are unable to wear armor, and Constitution is important for all the reasons it always is. Intelligence adds to their skill points allowing them to act outside of the face role and still fully function within it, Wisdom adds to Will saves but a princess gains a continual Protection from Evil effect making this less necessary, and Strength serves a princess little purpose.
Alignment: Any Good.
Hit Die: d6
Starting Age: Adulthood (+0 years).
Starting Gold: As sorcerer, but courtier's outfit is added to the possible options for starting clothes.

Class Skills
The princess's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (-), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save





AC Bonus, Aura of Good, Code of Conduct, Healing Affection, Inspirational Presence, Soft Blows, Too Fair to Kill, Friend to Nature, Wild Empathy





Least Mystical Song, Natural Charm





Fairest of them All, Speak with Animals





Animal Pal





Inviolate Beauty, 2nd Least Mystical Song, Increased Inspiration





Divine Grace, Friend to the Common Man





Beauty Unburnt by Flames, Lesser Mystical Song





Beauty too Great to Tarnish, Friendly Face, Radiance of Purity





Kiss that Breaks the Curse





Aura of Protection, 2nd Lesser Mystical Song, Increased Inspiration





Divine Aegis





Friend to All, Greater Mystic Song





Greater Friendly Face, Kiss of Life





Beauty Untouched by Hell





Intercession with Fate, 2nd Greater Mystic Song, Increased Inspiration





Touch of Restoration





Miraculous Song





Favored by Merchants





Loved by All





Beloved by the Gods, Increased Inspiration

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Princess.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A princess is proficient in daggers and a single simple weapon of their choice, and no other weapons or armors.

AC Bonus: When unarmored and not wearing a shield, or carrying a medium or heavier load, a princess gains a bonus to their armor class equal to their Charisma modifier. This bonus increases by +1 per 4 princess class levels the princess possesses.

Aura of Good: A Princess radiates an Aura of Good as a cleric of her level.

Code of Conduct: A Princess must abide within a code of conduct.

She must not commit an evil act or allow a good creature to be slain by her own hands or those of her allies, a princess which willingly does so becomes an ex-princess until they atone (usually through an atonement spell), and even one who does so unwittingly or unwillingly (such as due to magical compulsion) becomes one for 1 day. Whether willing or unwilling the Princess also suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, ability and skill checks, and AC for 24 hours.

A princess must also not willingly: kill a creature (of any alignment) with her own hands or inflict lethal damage to a living creature, or kill a non-evil creature that is not an active threat to herself, her allies, or an innocent, nor allow her allies to do so. A princess may make exception to these rules when dealing with evil dragons, evil outsiders (or outsiders with the evil subtype), and non-intelligent constructs and undead. A princess that breaks one of these strictures suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, ability and skill checks, and AC for 24 hours and loses access to her Too Fair to Kill, Inviolate Beauty, Beauty too Great to Tarnish, Aura of Protection, and Beauty Untouched by Hell for the duration. If the princess has reason to mistakenly believe that the creature is evil these penalties only last for 1 hour.

A princess may not even slay an evil foe that no longer presents a threat or allow her allies to do so without suffering a -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, ability and skill checks, and AC for 1 hour; evil dragons, evil outsiders (or outsiders with the evil subtype) and undead are an exemption to this code.

Finally a princess who becomes non-Good ceases to be a princess becoming an ex-princess permanently. If their alignment returns to Good they may regain their Princess status through an Atonement spell and a quest as described in that spell. If the change of alignment was a magically induced temporary change (such as from Morality Undone) she only becomes an ex-princess for the duration, although it is possible she will break this code in other ways during it (though this would count as doing so under a magical compulsion).

Healing Affections (Su): With a few kind words and a tender touch a princess can stir a friend back into action even from the brink of death itself. As a standard action a princess may touch a creature, potentially saying some words of friendship, and wish it back into the fight healing it. A princess may heal creatures 2 times their Charisma modifier hit points per class level each day, a may heal the entire amount in one use of this ability or divide it between multiple targets. This healing functions on both living creatures and undead, heals living constructs for the full value, as well as intelligent constructs; unintelligent constructs are healed only 1 point of damage per 2 points of healing spent. If used on a dying creature this ability inflicts as much nonlethal damage to them as it heals, although a second use could then be used to remove the nonlethal damage.

Inspirational Presence (Ex): The nobility of a princess is evident to all, and with its presence stirs the noblest portions of creatures forth, causing it to rise to the top like cream from milk, emboldening the spirits of her allies. A princess must choose to inspire Power, Agility, Vigor, Thought, Insight, Presence, Fearlessness, Defense, Resistance, or Battle, and she may change this choice as a swift action at any time. Any allied creature within 60-ft of a princess that can perceive her with any of their senses gains a moral bonus to related checks as defined below. Each option is either a Quick or Slow Progression (though certain feats and ACFs may have Slower progressions). A Quick Progression grants a morale bonus equal to 1 + 1/2 your Princess level or your Charisma modifier whichever is lower, a Slow Progression grants a morale bonus equal to 1/2 your Princess level or 1/2 your Charisma modifier whichever is lower. A princess’s Inspirational Presence may even affect herself.

Power: Allies gain a bonus to Strength checks and Strength based skill checks using a Quick Progression.
Agility: Allies gain a bonus to Dexterity checks and Dexterity based skill checks using a Quick Progression.
Vigor: Allies gain a bonus to Constitution checks and Constitution based skill checks using a Quick Progression. They also gain 1 temporary hit point at the beginning of each round for every 2 points of skill bonus they would receive (these hit points last for 1 round or until you change your Inspirational Presence).
Thought: Allies gain a bonus to Intelligence checks and Intelligence based skill checks using a Quick Progression.
Insight: Allies gain a bonus to Wisdom checks and Wisdom based skill checks using a Quick Progression.
Presence: Allies gain a bonus to Charisma checks and Charisma based skill checks using a Quick Progression.
Fearlessness: Allies gain a bonus to saves versus fear using a Quick Progression. If this bonus would be +10 or higher it grants immunity to fear.
Defense: Allies gain a dodge (instead of morale) bonus to AC using a Slow Progression.
Resistance: Allies gain a bonus to saving throws using a Slow Progression.
Battle: Allies gain a bonus to attack rolls using a Slow Progression.

Soft Blows (Ex): A princess by her nature does not strike to kill. A princess does not suffer a -4 penalty when attempting to deal nonlethal damage with a weapon which would normally deal lethal damage.

Too Fair to Kill: A princess’s beauty is beyond compare, and with it comes a swelling of inner beauty and purity of heart which sways even the vilest of mortal creatures. Any creature which has ever seen a princess must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + ½ princess level + Cha modifier) each time they would attempt to deal lethal damage to her, or perform an action which could kill her or inflict lethal damage to her. On a failure it may still attack the princess but must do so to inflict nonlethal damage. Undead, Outsiders with the Evil subtype other than Succubi, non-intelligent constructs, and evil aligned dragons with an Always Evil alignment are immune to this ability. If a princess has dealt lethal damage to a creature it gains immunity to this ability permanently, and any creature which sees the princess deal lethal damage to a creature gains immunity to this ability for 24 hours.

Beginning at 9th level this ability may affect dragons regardless of alignment.

Friend to Nature (Ex): A princess is the friend of all natural creature. Animals, vermin, magical beasts, and plant creatures with intelligence of 2 or less never attack a princess unless she threatens them directly. Even trained creatures ordered to attack a princess suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls against the princess, and Handle Animal checks to command a creature to attack a princess suffer a -10 penalty. If a magical effect would compel such a creature to attack the princess it is treated as if there were two contradictory compulsion effects and the source of that effect and the princess must make opposed Charisma checks to determine which effect takes precedence.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A princess gains Wild Empathy as a druid of their class level.

Least Mystical Song (Su): Beginning at 2nd level a princess gains the ability to sing songs which uplift and stir the spirit. To do so she must have 5 ranks in Perform (Vocal), and while singing she may not cast spells with verbal components, although she may incorporate the simpler command words of magic items into her songs. A princess can sing one mystical song per day per class level. At 5th level a princess gains a 2nd Least Mystical Song. Beginning a mystical song is a standard action unless otherwise noted.

A princess who also has levels in Bard can use uses of Mystical Song to perform Bardic Music performances and vice versa.

Natural Charm (Ex): A princess finds it a natural thing to speak mediating words in soothing tones, swaying hearts with but few words. Beginning at 2nd level a princess may make a rushed Diplomacy check with no penalty.

Fairest of them All (Ex): A princess’s beauty goes beyond the norm for their race, both their physical beauty, and their spiritual beauty. Beginning at 3rd level princess gains a +4 bonus on Charisma based skill checks to interact with creatures which have seen her, and such creatures suffer a -4 penalty to Bluff checks and Disguise checks made to deceive the princess. Undead and Outsiders with the Evil subtype other than succubi are immune to this effect.

Speak with Animals (Su): Beginning at 3rd level a princess may speak with animals, as the spell, continuously.

Animal Pal: At 4th level a princess gains the ability to call an animal friend to her side. When a princess gains this ability they may choose either Guardian or Aide, which determines the exact abilities gained by their companion. Obtaining an animal pal requires 24 hours of rest in an area no further than 2 miles from where an animal of that type may be found, during which the animal will arrive on its own. If a princess’s Animal Pal dies she may not call another one for 1 month or until a major plot arc is completed (whichever comes first). If she dismisses an animal pal she may call another one after 1 week or the completion of a major plot arc (whichever comes first).

Even if a princess’s animal pal is not an animal she may speak with it as if it were. In addition your Animal Pal's alignment matches your own unless it is non-sentient (Int 2 or less), or comes from a species with an Always a non-True Neutral alignment.

Guardian: If a princess selects Guardian for her Animal Pal she can gain an animal from the list of 1st level druid animal companions. As you level you may select animals that become available to a druid 3 levels lower than you are, your effective princess level for benefits is reduced as a druid’s would be. In addition to those animals which a druid may select as an animal companion you may also select a Light Warhorse, a Heavy Warhorse (princess level 6 required, benefits at -2), Blink Dog (princess level 7 required, benefits at -3; may not be Chaotic aligned), Giant Eagle, Giant Owl, Pegasus, or Unicorn (princess level 10 required, benefits at -6; may not select Pegasus or Unicorn if Lawful aligned), a Coatl (princess level 18 required, benefits at -15, may not select if Chaotic aligned).

Princess LevelBonus Hit DiceNatural Armor Adj.Str/Dex Adj.Intelligence (min)Special
4th-5th+0+0+02Devotion, Link, Soft Blows
6th-8th+2+2+14Augmented Animal, Evasion
9th-11th+4+4+27Blessed Blows, Unswerving Devotion
18th-20th+10+10+514Fight beyond Death, Improved Evasion

Devotion (Ex): A princess’s guardian’s devotion to its master is so complete that it gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.

Link (Ex): A princess can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The princess gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion. In addition the princess may treat her animal pal as knowing the following tricks automatically Attack (but only towards creatures that have acted in a threatening manner towards the princess), Come, Defend (but may only command it to defend yourself), Down, Fetch, and Heel. This ability becomes largely outdated when the animal becomes sentient.

Soft Blows (Ex): The guardian animal may deal nonlethal damage with their natural weapons at no penalty to hit, and will do so unless otherwise ordered, or attacking a creature which has dealt lethal damage to its princess. If a princess orders their guardian to deal lethal damage it is considered to be the same as dealing lethal damage herself.

Augmented Animal: A guardian’s intelligence rises above 2 and, if it was an animal, its type changes to Magical Beast with the Augmented Animal subtype. Do not recalculate Base Attack Bonus and saves, although a guardian may gain new skill points due to increased Intelligence, but not due to this change in type.

Evasion (Ex): If a guardian animal pal is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.

Blessed Blows (Su): A guardian animal pal’s natural weapons deal damage as if good aligned.

Unswerving Devotion (Ex): A guardian animal pal cannot be compelled to act in a way to harm its princess and any attempt to cause it to do so ends the effect immediately.

Multiattack: A guardian animal pal gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks (see the Monster Manual for details on this feat) and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the guardian instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Fight beyond Death (Ex): When a guardian would die it is able to act for 1 round before succumbing to death. It is still dead during this round, and cannot be revived by healing the wounds that killed it, but can be revived with magic to revive the dead.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a guardian takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.

Aide: If a princess selects an aide instead they gain a smaller animal which develops a variety of non-combat talents and abilities. An aide uses your Base Attack Bonus and Base Saving Throws, and hit dice (as a familiar), and has hit points equal to 3/4ths your maximum hit points. You may select a Cat, Dove (as raven), Ferret (DMG 203), Fox (use dog stats, -2 Str, -4 Con), Frog (use toad stats), Monkey, Mouse (see DMG 203), Owl, Parrot (use raven stats), Raven, Songbird (use Thrush, DMG 203).

A higher level princess may select certain more powerful creatures as her aide, but suffers a penalty to her effective level if she does so. Coure Eladrin (BoED, 10th level minimum, -3 levels), Grig (7th level minimum, -3 levels), Lantern Archon (10th level minimum, -3 levels), Musteval Guardinal (BoED, 7th level minimum, -3 levels), Pseudodragon (7th level minimum, -3 levels), and Pixie (10th level minimum, -6 levels); a princess's alignment may not oppose the alignment of a creature selected to be her aide.

Princess Level Natural Armor Adj.SkillsIntelligence (min)Special
4th-5th+016Improved Evasion
6th-8th+228Speak with Animals of its Kind
9th-11th+43100Darkstalker, Hide in Plain Sight
12th-14th+6412Spell Resistance, Speak
15th-17th+8514See through their Eyes, Telepathy

Skills: In addition to their regular skills an Aide gains a suite of skills based on its Princess’s level. They are treated as having ½ maximum ranks for a character of their princess’s level in any skill selected for this ability, unless they already have higher. The options are:
Craft: Select 2 Craft skills, the Aide may use these despite their normally less dexterous hands.
Decipher Script: The Aide also gains the ability to understand 1 language per 2 class levels of their princess. They do not gain the ability to speak these languages until they gain the Speak ability.
Disable Device and Open Locks: The Aide is able to perform these skills despite their normally less dexterous hands. They also suffer no penalty for using improvised tools.
Hide and Move Silently: No special rules.
Listen and Spot: No special rules.
Lore: Instead of gaining a skill, the Aide gains Lore as a Loremaster of ½ their Princess’s class level.
Search: No special rules.
Sense Motive: No special rules.
Sleight of Hand: No special rules.
Tumble: No special rules.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an aide takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Speak with Animals of its Kind (Ex): If the princess is 6th level or higher, an can communicate with animals of approximately the same kind as itself (including dire varieties). Such communication is limited by the intelligence of the conversing creatures.

Darkstalker (Ex): If the princess is 9th level or higher the Aide gains Darkstalker as a bonus feat.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): If the princess is 9th level or higher the Aide may hide without cover or concealment as long as it is not observed. Only tiny and smaller aides gain this ability.

Spell Resistance (Su): If the princess is 12th level or higher her Aide gains Spell Resistance 8 + her level.

Speak (Ex): If the princess is 12th level or higher her Aide gains the ability to speak Common or 1 other language its Princess knows of her choice. If it has other languages known (such as due to Decipher Script/Speak Language) it may speak those as well.

See through their Eyes (Su): As a standard action a princess of 15th level or higher may see through the eyes of her Aide as long as it is on the same plane. She sees, hears, and even smells everything it does while using this ability.

Telepathy (Su): Beginning at 15th level a princess and her aide may communicate telepathically from up to 100-ft away.

Inviolate Beauty (Su): Beginning at 5th level a princess’s inner beauty and virtue begin to ward her from evil influences. The princess is continuously protected as if by Protection from Evil.

Increased Inspiration (Ex): At 5th level the princess's Inspirational Presence improves. She adds +1 to the bonus she grants with Quick Progression Inspirational Presence abilities and +1/2 to Slow Progression Inspirational Presence abilities, add this increase before rounding off the maximum based upon level or Charisma. For Slower Progression Inspirational Presence abilities (from feats or ACFs) it adds +1/4 to the bonus. This bonus increases by the same amount at 10th level, 15th, and 20th level. For example a 5th level princess grants +3, or up to their Charisma modifier +1, with the 1st six abilities for example, and a 20th level princess grants up to +15 or their Charisma modifier +4 to skills or saves versus fear (Quick Progression), and +7 or ½ Charisma modifier +2 to AC, saves, or attack rolls (Slow Progression).

Feats or abilities which progress princess level for the purposes of Inspirational Presence do not grant Increased Inspiration.

Divine Grace (Su): Beginning at 6th level a princess adds her Charisma modifier (if positive) to all saving throws; this does not stack with Divine Grace from other sources.

Friend to the Common Man (Ex): Beginning at 6th level a princess’s charm and grace are such that only the hardest heart can find it within themselves to hold malice against her without strong cause. Any non-evil creature which meets a princess has a default attitude no worse than Indifferent towards her. Non-evil animals, oozes, vermin, and other Int 2 or lower (including non-intelligent) living creatures begin as friendly towards the princess. A princess’s actions may cause their hearts to turn against her, and Player Characters, as well as non-intelligent constructs and undead are immune to this effect regardless of alignment.

Beauty Unburnt by Flames (Ex): Fate and fortune conspire to protect the pure and innocent. Beginning at 7th level if there is a natural hazard which could potentially not harm a princess it does not; a rock slide misses her, she passes through thorns unharmed, a gust of wind misses her, etc. Even all against pervasive natural hazards, such as heat and cold, a princess gains +4 to any check, save, or Armor Class to avoid their effects.

Lesser Mystical Songs (Su): At 7th level, and again at 10th level, a princess may select a lesser mystical song from the list below. These songs function like their Least Mystical Songs drawing from the same pool of uses, but some require multiple uses to activate (as noted below). Alternatively a princess may select 2 Least Mystical Songs in the place of her Lesser Mystical Song.

Beauty too Great to Tarnish (Ex): A princess’s beauty is such that only the hardest and cruelest heart could strike her without qualm. Beginning at 8th level a princess is continuously protected as if by a Sanctuary effect against any creature which can see her. A Will save (DC 10 + ½ princess level + class level) is allowed to attack through this effect. A princess may attack a creature which has struck her, a construct, an undead creature, or an Outsider with the Evil subtype through this ability without breaking its effect, but if she attacks any other creature, or orders them attacked, this effect is permanently ended upon all creatures which can see the princess. This is a mind-affecting effect and does not affect Outsiders with the Evil subtype except for succubi.

Friendly Face (Ex): A princess’s tender words and face stirs the hearts of even merchants. Beginning at 8th level a princess may buy non-magical goods from non-evil vendors with a 20% discount.

Radiance of Purity (Ex): Beginning at 8th level a princess’s inner goodness is apparent enough on the surface, that any creature can automatically sense that she is good aligned.

Kiss that Breaks the Curse (Su): Three times per day a 9th level or higher princess may duplicate the effects of a targeted Greater Dispel Magic with a kiss; the caster level equals her princess level. To use this ability on an unwilling creature requires the princess to grapple it.

Aura of Protection (Su): Beginning at 10th level a Princess radiates an aura of protective energy out to 10-ft. This duplicates the effects of a continuous Magic Circle against Evil centered on the princess.

Divine Aegis (Su): A princess is protected by fate, fortune, and the will of the gods of good. Beginning at 11th level a princess gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier.

Friend to All (Ex): Beginning at 12th level a princess’s charm and grace has improved to win her way deeper into the hearts of those who encounter her. Any non-evil creature which meets a princess has a default attitude no worse than Friendly towards her. Non-evil animals, oozes, vermin, and other Int 2 or lower (including non-intelligent) living creatures begin as helpful towards the princess. A princess’s actions may cause their hearts to turn against her, and Player Characters, as well as non-intelligent constructs and undead are immune to this effect regardless of alignment.

Greater Mystical Songs (Su): At 12th level, and again at 15th level, a princess may select a greater mystical song from the list below. These songs function like their Least Mystical Songs drawing from the same pool of uses, but some require multiple uses to activate (as noted below). Alternatively a princess may select 2 Least or Lesser Mystical Songs in the place of her Greater Mystical Song. See next post for specific songs.

Greater Friendly Face (Ex): Beginning at 13th level a Princess’s Friendly Face ability improves. They now buy non-magic items for 2/3rds the normal price and get a 20% discount on magic items when buying them from non-evil vendors.

Kiss of Life (Su): Beginning at 13th level a Princess may kiss (as a standard action) a creature that died within 1 round per 3 class levels and breathe life back into their body. The target’s body must be intact, and they are revived with -1 hit points (but stable) and if ability damage reduced any of their ability scores to 0 they are revived with one point of damage to that ability healed. A princess may use her Healing Affection on the target as part of the same action. A princess may use this ability once per day, plus an additional time 16th level and a third time each day at 19th level.

Beauty Untouched by Hell (Ex): Beginning at 14th level a Princess’s purity and goodness protects her from the ravages of Hell itself. They are protected from the damaging planar traits of planes with the Evil alignment trait, and suffer no penalty from the Evil alignment trait of planes. In addition evil outsiders, even those on their native plane, may not touch the princess (including make natural weapon attacks upon her), and she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against their Supernatural and Spell-like abilities.

Intercession with Fate (Ex): A princess may intercede with fortune on the behalf of herself or another, bending fate and chance in their favor. Beginning at 15th level a princess may, as an immediate action, allow a creature which failed a saving throw to re-roll it saving throw taking the new result instead. A princess may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Touch of Restoration (Su): A princess is capable of revitalizing creatures which have suffered horrible fates. Beginning at 16th level a 1/day princess may apply the effects of a Greater Restoration spell to a creature they heal with their Healing Affections ability.

Miraculous Song (Su): At 17th level a princess learns a song of extreme power. This song functions like a mystical song, but does not use her uses of mystical songs for the day. Instead she may only use this ability once per day. See next post for specific.

Favored by Merchants (Ex): At 18th level a princess becomes the absolute darling of merchants. She may sell items for 2/3rds their normal value instead of ½ when dealing with non-evil vendors.

Beloved by All (Ex): At 19th level a princess becomes the darling of those with good in their hearts. Any good aligned creature which meets a princess has a default attitude no worse than Helpful towards her. A princess’s actions may cause their hearts to turn against her, and Player Characters, as well as non-intelligent constructs and undead are immune to this effect regardless of alignment.

Beloved by the Gods (Sp): The gods of good so love a princess that her words can sway them to action. Beginning at 20th level a princess may offer a prayer to a good aligned god (silent or aloud) and expect response. This functions as a Miracle spell. A princess may use this ability 1/day, but if this is used for a function of the Miracle spell which would normally have an XP cost, the princess must wait 1 month before using it in a way which would have an XP cost again.

A princess may choose to gain a 2nd Miraculous Song in place of this ability.

Ex-Princesses: A princess who breaks her code of conduct or whose alignment becomes non-Good becomes an ex-princess. An ex-princess may not take levels in the Princess class, loses all their class features except their Animal Pal and if their animal pal is slain may not call a new one.

2015-05-11, 07:09 PM
Mystical Songs

Least Mystical Songs:

Beastcaller Song, Lesser: When a princess sings this song for 1 full round a single animal from the Summon Nature's Ally I list appears to aid the Princess obeying her as if it knew 3 tricks of her choice; if ordered to attack a living creature it deals nonlethal damage at no penalty to hit. For every 4 levels above 2nd a Princess possesses she may summon creatures from the list of a Summon Nature's Ally spell 1 level higher, or twice as many creatures (two doublings in this way equal a quadrupling and so forth unlike normal for D&D rules; to a maximum of x32 with 5 less). This creature remains for 1 round per princess level, though a princess may choose to summon a creature from a list one level lower than she normally would to increase this to 1 minute per level, two lower to increase it to 10 minutes per level, or three lower to increase it to 1 hour per two levels. A princess may choose to summon a cat, dove, songbird, ferret, fox, mouse, chipmunk (use mouse stats), squirrel (use mouse stats) or raven as if they were from a Summon Nature's Ally list of a 0 level spell (this allows them to summon 2 for 2 rounds or 1 for 2 minutes at 2nd level).
Call Messenger: When a princess sings this song a tiny or smaller animal that lives within 1 mile hears it and comes to the princess. It then functions as if the princess had cast Animal Messenger on the animal with a caster level of her princess level. A princess must maintain this song long enough for the animal to reach her, and if there are no tiny or smaller animals within range this ability fails to function. A princess may designate an animal either by species (a crow) or by traits (a Tiny bird), in which case an animal fitting that description comes to her if one is within range and if there are none an animal of another kind comes in its place.
Calm Animals: When a princess sings this song it affects all animals within 30-ft as if with the spell Calm Animals. If they are allowed a save the DC is 10 + ½ the princess’s class level + her Charisma modifier.
Champion's Song: When you sing this song select one creature which can hear and see you sing it and one Inspirational Presence bonus you can grant. That creature gains the benefits of that Inspirational Presence bonus as long as it can hear and see you singing, and for 1 round thereafter. You may maintain this song for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your Charisma modifier rounded up. You may not apply the Improved Inspirational Presence feat to the bonus you grant with this song unless you expend two additional uses of your mystical songs.
Cleaning Song: If this song is performed while performing cleaning tasks, 10-ft of area can be cleaned per round, as if the prestidigitation spell was used to clean them, but all squares must be no more than 5-ft from the princess. This ability does not cost uses of the princess’s Mystical Songs.
Coordination Song: While a princess sings this song any allies which can hear her gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls made against targets they flank and gain a +2 morale bonus on any roll which they are benefiting from a bonus gained due to the Aid Another action. A princess may only sing this song for 1 minute per Princess level.
Countersong: As the bard ability of the same name.
Dance of the Stars: If a princess performs this song several small lights appear around her moving as the princess wills within 20-ft of her plus 5-ft per 2 Princess levels. A princess singing this song creates one light per point of Charisma bonus she possesses (minimum 1), and each of these lights produces light like a torch and can be whatever color the princess desires; these lights interact with spells as if they were cantrips. A princess using this ability may move the lights within the area as a free action. Using this song does not cost a use of the princess's Mystical Songs.
Fascinate: As the bard ability of the same name.
Hallowed Song: A princess can sing a holy song which drives away evil power. When a princess sings this song creatures of evil within 60-ft of her which can hear her take must make a Will save or take 1d6 nonlethal damage per 2 class levels the princess possesses. The princess may maintain this song for up to 1 round per 2 princess levels and while a creature can only be affected by it once, any new evil creatures which enter the area, either due to the princess moving or due to moving into it themselves, must make a Will save or take this damage. This song has additional power against Outsiders with the Evil subtype and Undead. Against such creatures it deals lethal damage and they receive half damage on a successful Will save. In addition they take 1 damage per 2 princess levels the princess possesses each round they are in the area of the effect (no save).
Healing Song: A princess’s song can stir life back into creatures. When a princess sings this song each living creature within 30-ft of her heals 2 hit points per round that it is sung. A princess may maintain this song for up to 1 round/2 princess levels.
Reeds in the Wind: A princess’s song stirs the inanimate into action, causing plants to dance as if in the wind, and move to grab at those who would threaten the princess. While singing this song plants within 20-ft of a princess writhe protectively around her. This functions as an entangle spell in the area, except that the princess and her animal pal are completely immune to its effects and creatures which are not Hostile towards the princess have no need to make a Reflex save being treated as if they had successfully saved against the effect. A princess may maintain this song for only 1 round plus 1 round per 2 princess levels she possesses.
Revealing Chorus: When a princess sings this song invisible creatures within 20-ft of the princess, +5-ft of the princess per 2 princess levels, become visible as semi-transparent. This effect lasts as long as the princess sings. An invisible creature which leaves the area becomes invisible once more, and one that enters it (or has the area moved over it) becomes visible.
Song of Feast Cleansing: With this song a princess purifies and cleanses food and drink, preparing it for the feast. When a princess sings this song for at least 1 minute it acts as a Purify Food and Water spell on all food and drink within a 5-ft radius of the princess, this radius is increased by 5-ft per 2 princess levels beyond 2nd she possesses. Only food and drink present within this area for the entire period of the song is affected.
Song of Mending: With this song a princess stirs some spark of energy within a damaged object, blowing new life into it till it stands refurbished and whole. This functions as a mending spell except that it may target a number of objects within 30-ft equal to the princesses class level. A princess may target a single object as if with Make Whole instead of 8 smaller objects, or may target a single construct in which case it heals hit points equal to the princess’s class level. Beginning at 11th level a princess may repair warping to objects in addition to rips, tears, and the like. A princess must sing for one whole minute for this song’s effects to take effect.
Song of Stamina: While you play this song all creatures within 60-ft which can hear it may run, hustle, or perform other exhausting activities without tiring (such as walking long distances). In effect rounds spent performing these actions while listening to this song are not counted against the limit of how long they may do so (if you played this song for 8 hours while walking you could walk another 8 hours without making checks against forced marches).
Spellbreaker Song: As the bard alternate class feature from Complete Mage page 35.
Stir the Inanimate Heart: When a princess sings this song for 3 rounds she may attempt a Disable Device check or an Open Lock check against one device or lock within 30-ft of her, substituting her Perform (Vocal) modifier for the relevant skill.
Stir Wonder: When a princess sings this song it duplicates the effect of a Rod of Wonder except that any save DC is 10 + 1/2 Princess level + Cha modifier, any effect which deals damage directly deals nonlethal damage, and both the fireball and lightning bolt abilities deal 1d6 damage per Princess level instead of 6d6. A princess must be non-Lawful to sing this song. Effects created by this song are considered spell-like abilities once in effect with a caster level of the princess's class level (using this to determine any duration which would be based on the rod's caster level), and may be dispelled as such but ignore spell resistance and do not provoke attacks of opportunity because they are not spell-like abilities until after they have taken effect.

Lesser Songs
Barrier Song: While a princess sings this song no evil may approach within 30-ft of her. Any evil creature which moves into this area of its own volition suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and AC while within the area, and evil Undead and Outsiders with the Evil subtype may not enter it of their own volition at all. A creature which is forced into the area, or already in the area when the song begins is unaffected as long as it remains within the area. A princess may sing this song for up to 1 minute/class level, and it costs 2 uses of her Mystical Songs.
Beastcaller Song, Greater: This functions as Lesser Beastcaller Song, except that it summons from the Summon Nature's Ally IV or the list one level higher for every 3 princess levels above 8th they possess. This song costs two uses of a princess’s mystical songs plus an additional use per 2 levels of Summon Nature's Ally Spell above 4th used..
Blessing Song: When you sing this song everywhere within 20-ft of you becomes consecrated as if through the consecrate spell, and remain so for 1 hour per Princess level. If you move while singing this song the consecration spreads with you, but previous areas remain consecrated. You may maintain this song for 1 minute per 2 princess levels. This song uses only 1 use of your mystical songs.
Flowers Singing Back: While singing this song the princess may speak to plants as if under the effects of a speak with plants spell, her words are woven into the lyrics of the song itself. This song uses only 1 use of the princess’s mystical songs.
Heal the Wounded Heart: When a princess sings this song each creature within 30-ft of her heals 1 point of ability damage and 5 points of hit points damage per round that she sings. A princess may sing this song for up to 1 round per 2 princess levels. This song costs two uses of a princess’s mystical songs.
Hymn against Death: Initiating this song is an immediate action. One target within 30-ft cannot die as long as they remain within this area. If they would die they are instead knocked out for 3 rounds (if an instantaneous effect such as Finger of Death) or until they would no longer be dead (if a continuous effect such as hit point damage, Constitution damage, or negative levels). Singing this song costs 2 uses of a princess’s mystical songs, but she may maintain it indefinitely.
Liberating Song: When a princess sings this song she may choose a number of creatures equal to 1 + ½ her Charisma modifier. These creatures gain the benefits of a Freedom of Movement spell for as long as she sings and they remain able to hear her sing and 5 rounds thereafter. A princess may maintain this song for 1 minute per class level and it costs 2 uses of her mystical songs.
Planar Upwelling: When a princess sings this song she may change the Alignment trait of whatever plane she is upon out to 60-ft of her. Regardless of its previous alignment the area within range loses any Evil Alignment trait and gains the Minor Good Aligned trait; if she has the Beauty Untouched by Hell ability it instead gains the Major Good Aligned trait. A princess may continue this song indefinitely and it uses only 1 use of her Mystical Song.
Song Heard Afar: When a princess sings this song for 1 minute she may send a message as if with the whispering wind spell (with a caster level of her class level). This song uses only 1 use of the princess’s mystical songs.
Song of Banishment: When a princess sings this song all extraplanar evil outsiders within 30-ft must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ princess level + her Charisma modifier) or be banished back to a random location on their native plane; a princess may only banish her class level in Hit Dice of outsiders with a single use of this ability, and the weakest outsiders are banished first. This song also functions as Turn Undead by a cleric of a level two higher than the princess’s level against all undead within range; any outsiders affected count against the abilities turning damage and any undead turned count as the hit dice which may be banished. This ability costs 2 uses of the princess’s mystical songs.
Song of Calming: When a princess sings this song it acts as a Calm Emotions spell on all creatures which can hear it (Will DC 10 + 1/2 princess level + Charisma modifier). A princess may sing this song indefinitely. This song uses only 1 daily use of the princess's mystical songs.
Song of Crafting: When a princess sings this song it seems to speed her ability to craft and create. This functions as a fabricate except that all goods to be affected must be within 5-ft of the princess at some point during the song and it can only affect 50 cubic feet of goods, or 5 cubic feet of minerals. Using this song requires 1 minute per 10 cubic feet (or 1 cubic feet of minerals) to be affected. A princess may substitute their Perform (Vocal) skill for a Craft skill when using this ability but suffer a -1 penalty to the check for 2 ranks of Perform (Vocal) they possess, and gain a +2 synergy bonus if they have 5 or more ranks in the related Craft skill. This takes 2 daily uses of the princess’s mystical songs.
Song to Stir the Blackest Heart: When a princess sings this pleading song it stirs even the smallest sparks of good in a creature’s heart. One creature within 30-ft which can hear the princess’s song must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 princess level + Charisma modifier) or their alignment temporarily becomes Good (retaining their Lawful/Chaotic aspect) for a number of minutes equal to the rounds this song was sung. The subject retains whatever outlooks, allegiances, and relationships it had previously as long as they do not conflict with its new alignment. Otherwise, they act with their new selfless, merciful, and kind outlook in all manners. A creature affected by this does not immediately fall under the effects of princess class features which set initial attitude towards the princess, and is unlikely to immediately betray its old companions, but is likely to try and find a peaceful solution to problems. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, and Outsiders with the Evil subtype gain a +4 bonus to saves against it. No creature may be affected by this song more than once per day, and on a successful saving throw they gain immunity to that princess’s song to stir the blackest heart for 24 hours. A princess may only sing this song for 1 round/class level after which time she must stop and singing this song costs 3 daily uses of her Mystical Songs ability.
Song of the Wilds: By singing this song for 10 minutes a princess gains the benefits of a Commune with Nature spell. This costs 3 daily uses of her Mystical Songs ability.

Greater Songs
Anchoring Song: This song blocks off the area within 30-ft of the princess from extraplanar travel. This functions as a Dimensional Lock within the area. A princess may maintain this song indefinitely, and using this song takes 3 uses of a princess’s mystical songs ability.
Animating Melody: This song brings life to the lifeless, animating the objects surrounding the princess controlling them with its tune. While a princess sings this song one or more objects within 30-ft of the princess spring to life as if with the Animate Objects spell with a caster level of her princess level except that objects animated with this song deal nonlethal damage suffering no penalty to hit to do so unless they are objects designed as weapons. Objects animated in this way may remain animated if they go out of this range as long as they are within a range that the song can be heard with a DC 20 or less Listen check. All objects lose animation should the princess stop singing this song and a princess may only sing this song for 1 round per class level. Using this song takes 3 uses of a princess's Mystical Songs ability.
Chorus of the Winds: When a princess sings this song she can control the weather in the surrounding area. For every round they sing they can control the weather for the next 6 minutes (1 hour/minute), as if with a Control Weather spell. It takes only 10 minutes for this control to be established, and the princess may maintain this song for 2 minutes per Princess level. This control extends in a 3 mile radius centered on the position the princess began the song. Using this song takes 3 uses of a princess’s Mystical Songs ability.
Deathwarding Song: This song wards the princess and her allies from black magic. While the princess sings, and for 1 minute thereafter, the princess and all allies within 30-ft of her gain the benefits of a Death Ward spell. Using this song takes 4 uses of a princess’s Mystical Songs ability
Greater Barrier Song: While a princess sings this song no evil may approach within 30-ft of her. Evil creatures cannot enter into this area of their own volition. An evil creature which is forced into the area, or already in the area when the song begins suffers a -2 to ability checks, AC, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks as long as it remains within the area. A princess may sing this song for up to 1 round/class level, and it costs 4 uses of her Mystical Songs.
Greater Healing Song: When a princess sings this song she heals one creature within 30-ft as if she had cast a Heal spell upon it (caster level = class level). This costs 3 uses of her Mystical Songs.
Harmony of Altered Time: This song alters the course of time for creatures within its dictates. When a princess sings this song she may grant any number of creatures within 60-ft the benefits of the Haste spell, and may inflict on any number of creatures the disadvantages of a Slow spell. Creatures which are hasted by this spell have each round spent hasted this way count as 2 rounds for the purposes of effect durations, and creatures which are slowed by this spell have each round spent slowed count as only half a round. A princess may move while singing this song, and the effects apply to new creatures which enter the area due to this movement or their own, and its effects last for as long as the princess continues singing, up to 1 round per class level (this is unaffected by whether the princess is hasted or slowed), even if the creature leaves the area and for 3 rounds thereafter (these rounds are affected by their haste or slow status ending up as 2 or 6 rounds). A creature is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 princess level + Cha modifier) to negate this effect. This uses 4 daily uses of the Princess's Mystical Songs.
Hymn of Hallowed Halls: When a princess sings this song evil creatures within 40-ft of her that can hear her immediately take 1d6 non-lethal damage per princess she possesses and are blinded for as long as they remain within its range; a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 princess level + Charisma modifier) halves this damage and prevents this blindness. No creature receives damage this way more than once no matter how long they remain within the area of the song, though if a new creature enters this area they may receive this damage. Against evil outsiders, outsiders with the evil subtype, and undead this song deals lethal damage, and extraplanar creatures of those types which fail their Will save are also banished to a random location on their home plane; this initial damage, and banishment remains a one time effect. Such creatures that begin their turn within the area of this song also take damage equal to your princess level each round. A princess may only sustain this song for 1 round per princess level. Using this song takes 4 uses of a princess’s Mystical Songs ability.
Hymn of Heavenly Passage: The heavenly tones of this hymn blends the boundaries between worlds. If a princess sings this song at the end of three rounds singing it she may send any number of creatures, including herself, within 60-ft to another plane. Each creature is allowed a Will save against this effect (DC 10 + 1/2 princess level + Charisma modifier) and the princess may only send creatures to Arcadia, Ysgard, a Good aligned plane, or her native plane, and all creatures are sent to the same location (position relative to each other) on the same target plane. A princess may choose a specific location on the plane to travel too, but the song is not wholly accurate creatures arriving 5d100-5 miles away from the intended location. This uses 4 daily uses of the Princess's Mystical Songs.
Hymn of Shielding: When a princess sings this song it creates a shielding force around allies within 60-ft. They each gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier for as long as you sing and they remain within range and for 1 minute thereafter. A princess may sing this song for up to 10 minutes per class level, and it costs 3 daily uses of the princess's mystical songs.
Lullaby of Peace: When a princess sings this song a one or more target creatures within 60-ft, with total hit dice no greater than twice the princess’s class level and no individual with hit dice greater than the princess’s class level, which can hear her must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 princess level + Charisma modifier) or fall asleep for as long as the princess sings and 1 round thereafter per round she sang (to a maximum of 2 additional rounds/princess level). Animals count as 1 hit die each for this ability regardless of actual hit dice unless it is lower, and magical beasts and dragons are considered to have 4 fewer hit dice (to a minimum of 1) against this effect. Killing a creature put to sleep by this effect, or allowing it to be killed by your allies, is considered to be knowingly allowing the same to be done to a good creature regardless of the target’s alignment. This ability costs 3 daily uses of the princess’s mystical songs and is a mind-affecting, sleep effect, but may affect dragons despite their immunity to sleep effects.

Miraculous Songs
Choir of the Heavenly Host: By singing this song a princess calls celestial forces to her aid. When a princess sings this song she summons 6 Avoral guardinals (MM), 6 Warden Archons (BoED), or 3 Firre eladrins (BoED). Beginning at 19th level she may summon 8 avorls, 8 warden archons, 4 firre eladrins, 2 leonal guardinals (MM), 1 trumpet archon (MM), or 1 ghaele eladrin (MM). These celestials appear on the round following the princess beginning this song and remain for as long as the princess sings. A princess may maintain this song for 1 minute per 3 princess levels.
Melody of Beast Summoning: This song summons the wilderness to the princess's aid. When a princess sings this song she summons 8 creatures from the Summon Nature's Ally VI list which remain in her loyal service for as long as the princess sings and 1 minute thereafter; a princess may maintain this song for up to 2 minutes per princess level. A princess may choose to call a creature from SNAVII instead of 2 from VI, one from VIII instead of 4, or one from IX instead of 8. Creatures summoned with this effect can understand the princess's song as if she were talking to them, and have their Intelligence increased to 6.
Quaking Song: A last resort for a princess capable of it, the quaking song is a song which creates a widespread and indiscriminate offense. When a princess sings this song it functions as an Earthquake spell within 40-ft, 80-ft, or 120-ft of her for as long as she sings it. A princess may sing this song for up to 3 rounds, but it requires a standard action each round to maintain it.
Reviving Song: A princess may sing this song to revive the dead themselves. When a princess sings this song, one creature of her choice which died within the last minute is revived as if by True Resurrection.
Song of Peaceful Slumber: When a princess sings this song all enemies within 100-ft which can hear must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ princess level + Charisma modifier) or fall asleep. These creatures remain asleep for as long as they can hear the song and 1 round thereafter per round they heard it. If the princess moves while singing this song it is possible to bring other creatures into its effect. Killing a creature put to sleep by this effect, or allowing it to be killed by your allies, is considered to be knowingly allowing the same to be done to a good creature regardless of the target’s alignment. This is a mind-affecting, sleep effect, and may affect dragons despite their normal immunity to sleep effects. A princess may only maintain this song for 1 minute per 3 class levels.
Song of Time: When a princess sings this song she undoes all events since the beginning of her last turn. Creatures able to perceive the song retain their memories of events, but otherwise the events are completely erased. The only effect retained from the round before is the expenditure of this ability.
Spell Absorbing Song: The hallowed tunes of this song work to draw in magic, pulling it into you even as it serves to protect those you care for from hostile magic. While a princess sings this song enemies within 60-ft have a 30% chance of losing any spell they attempt to cast or use as a spell-like ability (or powers they attempt to manifest) with no effect, in addition allies within 60-ft gain Spell Absorption. This Spell Absorption functions as Spell Resistance equal to 12 plus your Princess level, but is unaffected by Assay Spell Resistance or spells to lower Spell Resistance, if Spell Absorption prevents a spell for one creature the spell is countered completely, and if a creature possesses Spell Resistance and Spell Absorption both are rolled separately. Whenever this song prevents a spell from being cast, or a creature's Spell Absorption counters a spell, you regain one use of your Mystical Songs for the day. A princess may only maintain this song for a number of rounds equal to their Charisma modifier.
True Song of Healing: When a princess sings this song those nearby her heal. Any ally within 30-ft of the princess is healed as if by the Mass Heal spell. The princess may maintain this song for 1 round per class level, but creatures only receive the benefits of the Mass Heal effect once each (per use of this ability), creatures which have already received it heal 10 hit points each round they are within the effect.

2015-05-11, 07:10 PM

Warrior Princess Variant


The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie by Arthur Rackman

A warrior princess is a princess who moves more to the front lines of the conflict, standing alongside the knights of her realm ready to defend it.

A warrior princess has 5d4 x 10 GP as starting wealth instead of sorcerer's. They may still select a courtier's outfit as their starting clothes.

A warrior princess adds Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex) to her class skill list.

A warrior princess uses d10 for hit dice.

A warrior princess gains +1 BAB per class level instead of +1 per 2 levels.

A warrior princess gains proficiency in all simple and martial weapons as well as medium and lighter armor and shields.

Beginning at 1st level a warrior princess gains +1 to hit if their Charisma modifier is higher than the stat used to determine their attack, and at 3rd level they may add their Charisma bonus to hit in place of whatever stat would normally be used.

A warrior princess does not gain an AC bonus until 5th level, at which time they gain their Charisma modifier to AC when in light or no armor and do not carry a shield. They do not add +1/4 class levels.

A warrior princess's code of conduct is altered: It no longer includes prohibition against killing a creature with her own hands or inflicting lethal damage to a living creature, nor against slaying evil foes which no longer present an active threat.

A warrior princess's Inspirational Presence improves more slowly, and she does not gain the special increase at 5th or 15th level (meaning at 20th level they are capped at +13 or Charisma +2, and +6 or 1/2 Charisma +1).

A warrior princess does not gain Too Fair to Kill at 1st level, gaining it instead at 8th level.

A warrior princess gains a slowed access to her mystical songs, gaining her first song at 5th level, her 2nd least song at 7th, her first Lesser song at 10th, second at 12th, her first Greater song at 15th and 2nd at 17th, and does not gain a Miraculous Song unless they trade Beloved by the Gods for it. In addition she is considered 3 levels lower for the purposes of mystical songs, and has 1 use per 2 princess levels she possesses rounded down (this is without the -3 levels).

A warrior princess does not gain Inviolate Beauty at 5th level instead gaining it at 7th level.

A warrior princess does not gain Beauty Unburnt by Flames.

A warrior princess does not gain Beauty too Great to Tarnish.

At 10th level a warrior princess may add their Charisma modifier to weapon damage with weapons they are proficient in.

A warrior princess does not gain Aura of Protection at 10th level instead gaining it at 14th.

At 14th level a warrior princess gains Righteous Armaments; any weapon they wield is considered to have the Holy property, this does not stack with the actual holy property.

A princess does not gain Beauty Untouched by Hell at 14th level, instead gaining it at 17th.

Inspirational Princess
Some princesses serve more as an inspiration to others and tap less into the magical abilities that some princesses have. These princesses may trade a fair portion of their mystical songs to gain improvements to their Inspirational Presence ability.


Inspire Talent (Ex): At 2nd level select any 4 skills (in a PF game or other game with consolidated skill check reduce this to 3 skills). Regardless of which option you select to inspire with Inspirational Presence you grant a bonus to skill checks with these skills equal to that of a Quick Progression.

Inspire Mercy (Ex): Beginning at 5th level creatures benefiting from your Inspirational Presence may deal nonlethal damage at no penalty, and may do so even with spells or other abilities.

Direct Combat (Ex): Beginning at 7th level creatures benefiting from your Inspirational Aura may use your Charisma modifier in place of their Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls.

Inspirational Surge (Ex): Beginning at 10th level you may, as a standard action, increase the bonus you grant with your Inspirational Presence by +4 if a Quick Progression, +2 if a Slow Progression, and +1 if a Slower Progression for 1 round. You may use this ability 3 times per day.

Greater Inspirational Presence (Ex): Beginning at 12th level your Inspirational Aura improves granting additional benefits. At 12th level and every even level thereafter select one Inspirational Presence option you possess (including those granted by feats) and whenever you use that option Good aligned allies which gain the benefit of your Inspirational Aura gain an additional benefit. Those benefits associated with non-feat options are listed before (those for feats are listed in the feat).

Power: Affected creatures gain the bonus to damage with charge attacks.
Agility: Affected creatures gain a +5-ft bonus to movement speed per +3 bonus to Dexterity checks granted.
Vigor: Affected creatures gain twice the normal number of temporary hit points each round.
Thought: Affected creatures gain the bonus to saving throws to disbelieve Illusions.
Insight: Affected creatures gain low-light vision if they lack it or the multiplier to the distance they can see in low-light situations is increased by 1, a +5-ft increase to their darkvision range (if any) per +3 bonus to Wisdom checks granted.
Presence: Affected creatures gain 1/2 the bonus to Will saves against mind-affecting effects.
Fearlessness: Affected creatures gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls.
Defense: As an immediate action you may inspire a particular creature, increasing the bonus it receives to AC by 2 until the start of your next turn.
Resistance: Affected creatures gain DR 1/- per +2 bonus they would receive.
Battle: Affected creatures gain +1 to damage per +2 bonus they would receive to attack rolls.

Extended Inspiration: Beginning at 15th level your Inspirational Presence now extends out to 120-ft, and the bonuses last for 2 rounds after they are no longer in range or may no longer perceive the princess.

Inspire Legend (Su): Beginning at 17th level when a Good aligned creature benefits from your Inspirational Presence they gain an additional benefit based upon what base class they have the highest number of levels in (in the case of a tie whichever they have not increased the level of in the longest time). You never gain this benefit. In Gestalt games Inspire Legend grants the benefit for their two highest base classes.

Barbarian: They gain immunity to fatigue, and a +2 morale bonus to their Strength and Constitution when raging.
Bard: The bonuses granted by their Inspire Courage ability increases by +1, and if you Inspire Presence the bonus granted to their Charisma checks increases by +1.
Cleric: Cure spells they cast heal an additional 2 hit points per spell level and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. In addition they gain a bonus to their Cleric level for Turn Undead equal to the Slow Progression from your Inspirational Presence.
Druid: Their natural weapons are considered Good and Magic to overcome DR.
Fighter: When you gain this ability select 3 Fighter bonus feats (you do not need to meet their prerequisites), whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these feats. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these feats. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the feat you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as a bonus feat if they meet the prerequisites for.
Monk: Their unarmed strikes count as Good, and they gain a bonus to damage with unarmed strikes against evil creatures equal to that granted by Quick Progression Inspirational Presence abilities. If you Inspire Insight they also gain a bonus to their Wisdom modifier for determining their Monk AC bonus equal to your Slow Progression for Inspirational Aura.
Paladin: They gain additional Smite attempts per day equal to your Slow Progression of Inspirational Aura (if a variant with Smites per Encounter is used they instead gain 1 additional smite per encounter), a bonus to hit with Smite Evil equal to your Slow Progression, and a bonus to Smite damage equal to your Quick Progression. If you Inspire Presence they lose these benefits but instead gain your Quick Progression bonus to their Charisma modifier for the purposes of Paladin class features. If you Inspire Insight they lose these benefits and instead gain your Slow Progression bonus to Paladin spell save DCs and your Quick Progression bonus to their Wisdom score for determining bonus spells per day (this must be applied when they are preparing spells, and these bonus spells are lost temporarily if you cease Inspiring Insight).
Ranger: They may deal nonlethal damage to their favored enemies at no penalty. They also gain a morale bonus to attack and damage against evil aligned favored enemies and it is considered Good for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Rogue: They deal an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage, and their sneak attacks are considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. In addition they may deal precision damage to Undead and they may sneak attack when dealing nonlethal damage even with weapons which normally deal lethal damage (they still suffer a -4 penalty to hit).
Sorcerer: When you gain this ability select 3 Sorcerer spells, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these spells. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these spells. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the spell you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional spell known as long as it is lower level than the highest level spell they can cast. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected spell as its selected spell then any still active instances of the selected spell granted by this ability end immediately.
Wizard: They gain a +1 morale bonus to their spells' save DCs.
Warlock: When you gain this ability select 3 Warlock Invocations, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these invocations. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these invocations. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the invocation you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional invocations known as long as it is a lower grade than the highest grade invocation they possess. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected invocation as its selected invocation then any still active instances of the selected invocation granted by this ability end immediately.
Warmage: They add your Quick Progression bonus to the bonus granted by their Warmage's Edge.
Wu Jen: They may use their Watchful Spirit class feature an additional time per day per +1 bonus granted from your Quick Progression Inspirational Presence options.
Favored Soul: They add all Cure spells and spells from the Good domain of levels they can cast to their Spell List and Spells Known.
Shugenja: They add all spells from the Healing domain of levels they can cast to their Spell List and Spells Known.
Spirit Shaman: Their Spirit Shaman level is considered to be increased by your Slow Progression Inspirational Presence bonus for the purposes of Chastise Spirits, Warding of Spirits, and Exorcism.
Ninja: They deal an additional 1d6 sudden strike damage, and their sudden strikes are considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. In addition they may deal precision damage to Undead and they may use sudden strike when dealing nonlethal damage even with weapons which normally deal lethal damage (they still suffer a -4 penalty to hit).
Scout: They deal an additional 1d6 skirmish damage, and their skirmish attacks are considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. In addition they may deal precision damage to Undead and they may use skirmish when dealing nonlethal damage even with weapons which normally deal lethal damage (they still suffer a -4 penalty to hit).
Spellthief: They deal an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage and may deal precision damage to Undead creatures. In addition their stolen spells have a +1 to their save DCs.
Samurai (CWar): Apply the bonus from your active Inspirational Presence to Intimidate checks (this does not stack with your Inspirational Presence) and their Charisma modifier for the purposes of Kiai Smite. In addition they deal damage as if with a Good weapon for the purposes of DR when using Kiai Smite.
Swashbuckler: Gain a morale bonus to damage with Insightful Strike and Reflex saving throws equal to your Slow Progression. In addition they may deal precision damage to undead creatures.
Binder: Recharge times for their vestige abilities are reduced by 1.
Shadowcaster: Select one Apprentice or Initiate path when you select this ability. They gain access to that path of mysteries, up to 1 level lower than their highest level mystery known, and may cast them as if they knew them normally. They do not consider this path to be known for the purpose of gaining bonus feats for paths they have begun.
Truenamer: They gain a morale bonus to Truespeech checks to perform utterances as if you had selected Truespeech as one of your Inspire Talent skills, and when you gain this ability select 3 Truenamer utterances from the Lexicon of Evolved Mind, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these utterances. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these utterances. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the utterance you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional utterance known as long as it is a lower level than the highest level utterance they possess. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected utterance as its selected utterance then any still active instances of the selected utterance granted by this ability end immediately.
Crusader: They gain a morale bonus to damage with Devoted Spirit strikes (only first attack if multiple are made) equal to your Quick Progression. In addition they gain a morale bonus to Will saves equal to your Slow Progression when you Inspire Insight.
Swordsage: They gain double the normal bonus from Discipline Focus abilities. This includes the granted Weapon Focus increasing it to +2 to hit.
Warblade: Whenever they make an attack as part of recovering maneuvers they gain a morale bonus to attack rolls, and temporary hit points for 1 round equal to your Slow Progression bonus.
Psion: When you gain this ability select 3 psionic feats (you do not need to meet their prerequisites), whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these feats. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these feats. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the feat you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as a bonus feat if they meet the prerequisites for.
Psychic Warrior: They gain the same benefit as a Fighter (using the same selected feats).
Soulknife: Their mindblade is considered Holy. In addition they deal +1d8 damage with their Psychic Strike.
Wilder: When you gain this ability select 3 Wilder powers, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these spells. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these powers. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the spell you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional power known as long as it is lower level than the highest level spell they can manifest. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected power as its selected power then any still active instances of the selected power granted by this ability end immediately.
Incarnate: +1 to essentia capacity of soulmelds.
Soulborn: They gain bonus essentia equal to your Slow Progression bonus.
Totemist: Their natural weapons are considered Good and Magic to overcome DR.
Dragonfire Adept: When you gain this ability select 3 Dragonfire Adept Invocations, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these invocations. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these invocations. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the invocation you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional invocations known as long as it is a lower grade than the highest grade invocation they possess. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected invocation as its selected invocation then any still active instances of the selected invocation granted by this ability end immediately.
Archivist: They may spontaneously cast Cure spells and spells from the Good domain as a cleric spontaneously casts Cure spells.
Dread Necromancer: Whenever they cast a spell that inflicts damage through negative energy, or use their charnel touch, they may choose to damage undead creatures as if they were living.
Artificer: The competence bonus to skill checks they receive from magic items is increased by +2, and any insight bonus they receive from a magic item is increased by +1.
Healer: They heal an additional 4 hit points per spell level with Cure spells.
Marshal: They may use their Grant Move Action ability to grant swift actions or spend two uses to grant a standard action.
Beguiler: They gain a +4 morale bonus to all skill checks.
Dragon Totem Shaman: They don't exist gain a bonus to damage with their breath weapon equal to your Quick Progression.
Duskblade: They gain a bonus to hit with Channel Spell equal to your Slow Progression, and whenever they use Channel Spell they may have the attack and spell deal nonlethal damage (at no penalty to hit) and/or overcome damage reduction as if Good.
Knight: Their bonus to AC from Shield Block, and their bonuses from Fighting Challenge both increase by +1. The save DC of their Knight's Challenge abilities increase by +2.
Ardent: +1 morale bonus to save DCs of psionic powers.
Divine Mind: They may produce an additional aura.
Lurk: They deal an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage, and their sneak attacks are considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. In addition they may deal precision damage to Undead and they may sneak attack when dealing nonlethal damage even with weapons which normally deal lethal damage (they still suffer a -4 penalty to hit). In addition they gain additional lurk augments per day equal to your Slow Progression bonus.
Samurai (OA): They gain the same benefit as a Fighter (using the same selected feats).
Shaman (OA): Cure spells they cast heal an additional 2 hit points per spell level and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. In addition they gain a bonus to their Cleric level for Turn Undead equal to the Slow Progression from your Inspirational Presence.
Sohei: They gain immunity to fatigue and a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity when in a frenzy.
Battledancer: Their unarmed strikes count as Good, and they gain a bonus to damage with unarmed strikes against evil creatures equal to that granted by Quick Progression Inspirational Presence abilities. If you Inspire Presence they also gain a bonus to their Charisma modifier for determining their Battledancer AC bonus equal to your Slow Progression for Inspirational Aura.
Jester: The bonus from their Inspiring Quip is increased by +1, as is their Jester's Audacity bonus.
Savant: The savant may take 10 on skills used as part of skill assistance if they could take 10 on them normally.
Sha'ir: The time it takes their gen to retrieve spells is halved as long as it is sent while they receive this benefit.
Sacred Healer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?126750-My-attempt-at-a-healer-class-%283-5-core-class-PEACH%29): They heal an additional 4 hit points per spell level with Cure spells.
Daggerstrike Adept: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?124183-Daggerstrike-Adept-%28Core-class-3-5e-PEACH%29) They deal an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage, and their dagger sneak attacks are considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. In addition they may deal precision damage to Undead and they may sneak attack when dealing nonlethal damage even with daggers which normally deal lethal damage (they still suffer a -4 penalty to hit).
[B]Wildwood Knight: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401772-Wildwood-Knight-%28Fey-themed-martial-initiator-Base-Class-PEACH%29) They gain a morale bonus to damage with Star Dream strikes equal to your Quick Progression bonus.
Scholar: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?196365-Scholar-%283-X-NPC-class-abilities-needed%29) They gain a morale bonus to all skills they may apply their knowledgeable bonus on equal to your Quick Progression bonus.
Beast Tamer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?226621-Beast-Tamer-%283-5-Base-Class-PEACH%29): Their animal companions gain a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls when flanking.
Awakened Champion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?226662-Born-a-Thousand-Times-%283-5-base-class-PEACH%29): The insight bonus they receive from Battle Insight and its improvements is increased by +1.
Countermage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?228046-Countermage-Spontaneous-Abjurer-Diviner-%283-5-PEACH%29): They gain a +2 morale bonus on dispel checks (including those made to counterspell).
Argent Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?253721-The-Argent-Blade-%283-5-Base-Class-ToB%29&p=13783150#post13783150): Whenever they expend a spell or maneuver for an Argent Blade class feature the expended spell or maneuver is considered one level higher.
Morphic Claw (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?306674-Morphic-Claw-%283-5-ToB-Base-Class-PEACH%29): Their natural weapons are considered Good and Magic to overcome DR.
Runebound Knight: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?340303-Runebound-Knight-%28Selling-souls-to-justice-PEACH%29&p=17277471#post17277471) They gain a bonus to hit with Smite Evil equal to your Slow Progression, and a bonus to Smite damage equal to your Quick Progression. If you Inspire Presence they lose these benefits but instead gain your Quick Progression bonus to their Charisma modifier for the purposes of Paladin class features. Finally if they would die due to Charisma burn due to using a Soul Rune they do not merely suffering the normal penalties of 0 Charisma.
Luck Blessed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?284442-Luck-Blessed-%283-5-base-class%29): Their lucky strike deals +1d6 damage and is considered Good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Whenever they roll a 13 they may treat it as a natural 20 instead.
Dragon Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?285350-A-Warrior-of-Spell-and-Scale-%283-5-Base-Class-draconic-melee-with-some-spells-PEACH%29): They add your Quick Progression to damage with their Elemental Strike.
Dragon Chorister (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?312878-Dragon-Chorister-%283-5-base-class-PEACH%29): +1 to their Dragon Chorister level to determine the effectiveness of their Draconic Hymns (including save DCs).
Kyodai (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?300555-Stand-tall-to-protect-the-world-from-space-monsters-%283-5-ultraman-based-class%29): Their unarmed strikes count as Good, and they gain a bonus to damage with unarmed strikes against evil creatures equal to that granted by Quick Progression Inspirational Presence abilities. If you Inspire Insight they also gain a bonus to their Wisdom modifier for determining their Monk AC bonus equal to your Slow Progression for Inspirational Aura.
Courtier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?304975-Courtier-%28Base-Class-PEACH%29): They gain a +1 morale bonus to save DCs with their Courtier class features and Courtier spells.
Incarnation: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?306621-So-you-want-to-play-a-god-%283-5-Base-Class-PEACH%29) They may use the spell-like abilities granted to them from any of their domains to use the following spells as spell-like abilities each one requiring a use of a spell-like ability of the same level: Any cure spell, close wounds, revivify, raise dead, resurrection, heal, lesser restoration, and mass heal.
Werewolf (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?309502-Listen-to-their-music-the-children-of-the-night-%28Werewolf-as-a-base-class%29): Their DR (overcome by silver) is increased by your Slower Progression (+1/2 + 1/4 Princess levels or 1/3rd your Charisma modifier whichever is lower).
Dreamcrafter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?310533-From-my-dreams-my-shield-from-your-nightmares-my-sword-%283-5-Base-Class-PEACH%29&p=16274843#post16274843): The dream armor and dream weapon improve gaining +1 enhancement value worth of enchantments each (if this increases it to +11 they are allowed to have up to +6 enhancement bonus to the item directly).
Jinnblood (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?312765-Jinnblood-%28Base-Class-Contest-XIX-winner-PEACH%29): When you gain this ability select 3 at-will or encounter Jinnblood Invocations, whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these invocations. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these invocations. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the invocation you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as an additional invocations known as long as it is a lower grade than the highest grade invocation they possess. If you change your Inspirational Presence to another which does not have the selected invocation as its selected invocation then any still active instances of the selected invocation granted by this ability end immediately.
Tall Tale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?326799-Tall-Tale-%283-5-Base-Class-Contest-Winner-PEACH%29): When you select this ability choose 6 skills, one of which must have each different key ability score except Constitution you may change these whenever you gain a Princess level. Select one of these skills, either Concentration or a skill you have selected 2 with the same ability score for. Whenever you inspire anything other than Power, Agility, Thought, Insight, or Presence they gain the Least and Lesser Exaggerated Skills associated with the chosen skill and are considered to have 13 ranks in it or their actual number. Whenever you inspire an ability score other than Constitution with Inspirational Presence (through Power, Agility, etc) they gain the (remaining) skill with that ability as its key ability score in the same manner.
Vestige Priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329655-3-5-Vestige-Priest-%28Soulbinding-Base-Class-PEACH%29): They may treat their deep binds as good pacts instead of poor pacts while receiving this benefit.
Jedi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329227-Jedi-%283-5-Base-Class-Star-Wars%29): Their Jedi level for the purposes of all of their Jedi spell-like abilities is increased by 2.
Intoxicanter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?350465-Intoxicanter-%28Base-Class-Contest-XXI-winner%29): Their Medicinal Alcohols, when drunk within this area, treat them as being 3 levels higher. The creator does not have to actually be receiving the bonus, but they do need to be Good aligned.
Animator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?363135-The-Animator-%28Base-Class-Challenge-XXII-runner-up%29): They may have another instance of Minor Edit active at a time, but are still limited to one instance on any single creature.
Doomsayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29): They may deal nonlethal damage with Malisons and any Sign ability at-will at no penalty. In addition they gain your quick progression as a morale bonus to Truespeak checks to work a truename into an invocation regardless of what you choose to inspire.
Ruin Delver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?394548-Ruin-Delver-%28Base-Class%29&p=18703172#post18703172): Their virtual skill ranks from Dabbler are increased by 4.
Dragonsoul Acolyte (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?394552-Dragonsoul-Acolytye-%28Base-Class-Base-Class-Contest-XXIV-winner%29): While benefiting from this ability they gain the Specialized Draconic Aspect of their Tutelary Dragon if they do not have it. If they do, they instead gain the Quick Progression bonus to their breath weapon damage.
Channeler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?397114-Wonder-%28Base-class-sor-wiz-variant-needs-a-better-name%29): When you gain this ability select 3 Reserve feats (you do not need to meet their prerequisites), whenever you gain a Princess level you may reselect these feats. For each Inspirational Presence option you possess select one of these feats. While you are using Inspirational Presence they gain the feat you selected for that Inspirational Presence option as a bonus feat if they meet the prerequisites for.
Theurge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?397657-Theurge-%283-5-Base-Class-arcane-divine-spellcaster%29): They may Quick Cast spells one level higher than normal.
Simic Biomancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?402250-Simic-Biomancer-%28M-tG-based-PEACH%29-SHOULD-I-MAKE-MORE-LIKE-THIS): Their mana cap is increased by your Slower Progression (+2 +1/4 Princess levels or 1/3rd Charisma).
Simic Initiate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?402257-Simic-Initiate-%28M-tG-based-Graft-Fighter-PEACH%29): Whenever you bestow a graft (or recall one with Shift Graft) you may bestow or recall a total of 2 grafts.
Princess: The bonus they grant with Inspirational Aura is increased by +1 for Quick Progression, +1/2 for Slow Progression, and +1/4 for Slower Progression.

Disadvantages: You do not gain a Mystical Song at 2nd, 7th, or 12th, and you gain only 1/2 the normal uses of Mystical Songs (1/2 your Princess level instead of your Princess level). In addition you do not gain a Miraculous Song at 17th level, you may still select one in place of Favored by the Gods.

Pretty Power Princess

A Gestalt only Princess variant. The Pretty Power Princess combines the best aspects of Princess, Martial Princess, and Inspirational Princess with certain chassis improvements into one at the cost of counting as both sides of the Princess's gestalt.

Benefits: You gain d10 hit dice, full BAB, 6 + Int ability scores, good Reflex in addition to Will. In addition you use a Martial Princess's code of conduct, and have proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields. You gain the regular princess's unarmored bonus to AC, and beginning at 5th level you may apply your Charisma to AC when wearing armor or a shield (but do not gain level up improvements when doing so). You gain all the abilities that Martial Princess or Inspirational Princess gains and regular Princess does not (Charisma to hit and eventually damage, Greater Inspirational Presence, Inspire Legend, etc). You retain all regular Princess class features and full use of your Mystical Songs.

Disadvantages: This counts as both sides of your gestalt in a Gestalt game.

VoP Princess

While many princesses come from the cream of the nobility, some do turn away from wealth and fortune in favor of asceticism and helping the less fortunate.

A princess which takes the VoP feat gains the following additional advantages.

If they have at least 8 levels of Princess they gain +1 to their character level for the purposes of Vow of Poverty (to a maximum of 20).

If they have at least 13 levels of Princess they gain an additional +3 (for a total of +4) to their character level for the purposes of Vow of Poverty (to a maximum of 20).

If they have at least 18 levels of Princess they gain Extra Song as a bonus feat, and a +2 untyped bonus to Charisma.

2015-05-11, 07:13 PM
Princess Feats

Additional Song
You know more songs than other Princesses.
Prerequisites: Lesser Mystical Song.
Benefits: Choose one Mystical Song of a grade less than the highest you have available. You gain knowledge of how to perform that song. If you have the Miraculous Song ability you may instead select a Greater Mystic Song.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you do so select a different song.

Apocalypse Maiden
Some princesses find their fates inexorably tied to the Apocalypse, either as part of its prevention or risk of setting it off. These princesses often find that they manifest slightly different powers than most other princesses.
Prerequisites: Path of the Apocalypse, 1st Sign (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29), Lesser Song, Perform (Song) 5 ranks.
Benefits: Add Perform (Song) to your Doomsayer class skill list, and you may use Perform (Song) in place of Truespeak to incorporate your own personal truename into an invocation; you do not need to know your truename to do so; you may also select one creature per 2 doomsayer class levels to whose truename you may extend this benefit to.

You may freely deal non-lethal damage with your Malisons and Sign abilities. You add your Princess level to your Malison caster level (this may not increase your caster level above your character level) and 1/2 your Princess level to your Doomsayer levels to determine when you would gain new Malisons associated with your Path of the Apocalypse. Conversely you add your Doomsayer level to your Princess level to determine your Princess level for the effects of Mystical Songs and how many you may use each day, and 2/3rd of your Doomsayer level to your Princess level to determine the bonuses granted by your Inspirational Presence.

Whenever you would gain a Mystical Song or Miraculous Song you may gain a new Doomsayer Invocation instead, gaining a Least Invocation in place of a Least Song, a Lesser one in place of a Lesser Song, a Greater one in place of a Greater Song, and you may choose to gain a Dark invocation in place of a Miraculous Song; you add your Princess level to your caster level (this may not increase your caster level above your character level) for any invocation used this way. You may also choose to gain a Sign in place of a Mystical Song or Miraculous Song, to do so your Doomsayer level plus Princess level must be at least 7th for 2nd Sign, 12th for 3rd Sign, 17th for 4th Sign, or 20th for Final Sign and you must have every lower level Sign for that Apocalyptic Path (to gain the 3rd Sign you must have the 2nd Sign).

Ask Favor:
You are able to plead with a creature and stir it to perform a service at your bequest.
Prerequisites: Radiance of Purity, Cha 15+.
Benefits: You may expend two daily uses of your Mystical Songs and ask a non-evil creature to perform a favor. This functions as a Suggestion spell with a caster level of her class level but as long as the favor does not put the target in danger or force it to perform an act strongly out of character for it the target does not receive a saving throw and this is not a mind-affecting effect; otherwise the saving throw DC is 10 +1/2 princess level + Cha modifier. You may not use this ability to force a creature to perform an action which would break your code of conduct.

Draconic Pal
You are capable of attracting a metallic dragon as your animal pal.
Prerequisites: Animal Pal, Princess level 10+.
Benefits: You may attract a metallic dragon as your animal pal as shown on the table below. Your alignment may not oppose the selected dragon's in any aspect.

DragonEffective level
Brass (wyrmling)-6 (10th min)
Bronze (wyrmling)-6 (10th min)
Copper (wyrmling)-6 (10th min)
Gold (wyrmling)-9 (13th min)
Silver (wyrmling)-9 (13th min)
Brass (very young)-9 (13th min)
Bronze (very young)-12 (16th min)
Copper (very young)-9 (13th min)
Gold (very young)-15 (19th min)
Silver (very young)-12 (16th min)
Brass (young)-15 (19th min)
Copper (young)-15 (19th min)

In addition you gain a +3 bonus on Charisma based checks to interact with dragons.

Dual Inspiration
You are capable of inspiring creatures in two manners at once with your Inspirational Presence.
Prerequisites: Inspirational Presence.
Benefit: You may choose two of the options for your Inspirational Presence ability. If you do so you treat your Charisma modifier and Princess level as 1/2 what they normally are. For example a 10th level Princess with this feat and 20 Charisma would be able to grant a +4 bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks if she picked Power and Agility (+5 Charisma divided by 2, plus 2 from Improved Inspiration class feature for total of +4), if she chose to instead inspire Power and Battle she would grant +4 to Strength checks, but only +2 to attack rolls (+5 divided by 2, then plus 2, then divided by 2 once again). If she had 30 Charisma instead she would grant +5 with Power and Agility (Level 10 divided by 2 plus 4 then divided by 2 plus 1) but still only +2 with Battle (Level 10 divided by 2 plus 4 then divided by 4).

Elemental Pal
You are capable of drawing forth elemental powers, consciously or not, creating a companion for yourself made from the pure elements themselves.
Prerequisites: Ability to call an Animal Pal.
Benefit: You are able to call an elemental as an animal pal. You may only call Small elementals as Aides, but you may call more powerful elementals as guardians as you gain levels as shown on the table below. On the table below 'standard elemental' indicates Air, Earth, Fire, and Water elementals; paraelemental indicates the four types of paraelementals. This elemental pal has an alignment which matches you own regardless of the normal alignment of that elemental.

ElementalEffective levelMinimum Level
Standard elemental (small)+04
Paraelemental (small)+04
Storm elemental (small)-3 (+0 as aide)7
Shadow elemental (small)-310
Standard elemental (medium)-59
Paraelemental (medium)-59
Storm elemental (medium)-610
Shadow elemental (medium)-712
Standard elemental (large)-812
Paraelemental (large)-812
Storm elemental (large)-913
Shadow elemental (large)-1115
Standard elemental (huge)-1317
Paraelemental (huge)-1317
Storm elemental (huge)-1418
Shadow elemental (huge)-1519
Standard elemental (greater)-1620
Paraelemental (huge)-1620

In addition you gain a +3 bonus to Charisma based checks made to interact with creatures with an elemental subtype in common with your Elemental Pal, or to activate spell completion or spell trigger items duplicating a spell with that descriptor.

Exaggerated Song:
You are capable of performing songs of such legendary quality and ability that they have magical effects all their own not fueled by your Mystical Songs or the ancient powers of the Draconic Hymns.
Prerequisites: Perform (Song) 7 ranks, Least Mystical Song or at least 4 Draconic Hymn Verses.
Benefits: You gain the ability to sing a song which duplicates one of the songs associated with a Tall Tale's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?326799-Tall-Tale-%283-5-Base-Class-Contest-Winner-PEACH%29) Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Least Exaggerated Skill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16836207&postcount=3). You use this song as if you were a Tall Tale of your total Princess and Dragon Chorister level.

Exaggerated Song, Greater
You are capable of further exaggerate works of musical performance, creating more powerful effects with these exaggerated performances.
Prerequisites: Perform (Song) 12 ranks, Lesser Mystical Song or 7 Draconic Hymn Verses, Exaggerated Song.
Benefits: You gain the ability to sing a second exaggerated song. This may either be another from the list of Least Songs or one from the list for the Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Lesser Exaggerated Skill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16836207&postcount=3).

Exaggerate Song, True
You are capable of heights of skill with your songs which twist the world itself.
Prerequisites: Perform (Song) 17 ranks, Greater Mystical Song or 10 Draconic Hymn Verses, Greater Exaggerated Song.
Benefits: You gain the ability to sing a third exaggerated song. This may either be another from the list of Least Songs, the list of Lesser Songs, or one from the list for the Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Greater Exaggerated Skill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16836207&postcount=3).

Extra Mystical Song
You are capable of producing more effects with your Mystical Songs each day.
Prerequisites: Least Mystical Song.
Benefits: You gain 4 extra daily uses of your Mystical Songs.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack.

Imbue Weapon
You are capable of charging a weapon with holy power to strike down evil.
Prerequisites: Radiance of Purity.
Benefits: By expending one or more mystical songs you may bless a weapon as a standard action. This blessing remains inert until activated or 1 hour has passed per princess level you possess. The wielder of that weapon, as long as they are good aligned, may expend a swift action at any time to activate the blessing. For 1 round per 2 princess levels you possess this weapon is considered to be Good aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and gains additional benefits based upon the number of Mystical Song uses you expended. You may expend no more than 1 mystical song use per 4 princess levels you possess when you use this ability. Alternatively you may use this ability to bless up to 50 pieces of ammunition. If one creature activates this blessing it is activated on all pieces of ammunition affected by the same use of this effect.

Uses ExpendedSpecial
2Overcomes damage reduction as Silver, deals +1d6 damage to evil creatures.
3+1 sacred bonus to hit evil creatures, damage bonus increases to +2d6
4+2 sacred bonus to hit evil creatures, creates a flash of light when striking Undead and Outsider (Evil) creatures forcing them to make a Ref save (DC 10 +1/2 your princess level + Charisma modifier) or be dazzled for 1/2 Charisma modifier rounds.
5Undead and Outsider (Evil) which fail their saves are blinded for 1 round in addition to being dazzled, auto confirm crits on Evil creatures.

Inspire Sorcery
Your presence is capable of inspiring magical power in those nearby as well as simply stirring the morale.
Prerequisites: Princess level 6+, Inspirational Presence.
Benefit: You gain a new use for Inspiration Presence, Sorcery. If you choose to Inspire Sorcery you grant allies within range a bonus to their Caster Level, Manifester Level, Effective Binder Level, Meldshaper Level, and Truespeaker Level for utterances equal to 1/2 plus 1/8th your princess level for the purposes of Inspirational Presence or 1/3rd your Charisma modifier whichever is lower (Slower Progression).
Special: If you also have Greater Inspirational Presence affected creatures may exceed the normal level-based caps for spells by an amount equal to the bonus granted by this ability, so a 10th or higher level wizard casting Fireball while receiving a +2 bonus to their caster level would deal 12d6 instead of 10d6 damage and casting Magic Missile would produce 6 missiles instead of 5.

Network of the Wild
You find yourself naturally gathering a host of small wild creatures which ensure you are fed and cared for as well as potentially giving you information.
Prerequisites: Wild Empathy.
Benefits: When in an area with a functioning ecosystem and wild animals (not vermin or magical beasts) you may make a Wild Empathy checks to get along in the wild, and avoid natural hazards. These function as the Survival checks for the same purposes, and have the same limitations to your movement. You may make a Survival check to perform the same function in addition to your Wild Empathy check.

In addition if you can speak with animals you may make a Wild Empathy check to gain information from local animals as if with Gather Information. Unlike Gather Information you do not actually have to spend the evening carousing instead requesting information from a local animal and later that evening one of them will find you and inform you what the local creatures know. This does not cost you gold and may only deliver information that animals might know; they won't tell you the name of the king, but they might be able to inform you of his movements if he is described to them for example.

Princess of the Argent Moon
You are able to focus your purity through your werewolf (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?309502-Listen-to-their-music-the-children-of-the-night-(Werewolf-as-a-base-class)) powers increasing both in the act.
Prerequisites: Natural Charm, one of the following Wolf Powers: Champion's Howl, Healer's Gift, Moonshadow Trickster, Seer's Eyes, or Wolf Companion.
Benefit: You add your werewolf level to your princess level to determine the save DCs of your princess class features and your effective princess level for Mystical Song effects, daily uses of Mystical Song, and your level for Inspirational Presence. You add your princess level to your werewolf level to determine the save DCs of your wolf powers.

If you have Wolf Companion you may choose to lose its benefits to add your Werewolf level to your Princess level to gain access to Animal Pal and determine your effective Princess level for that ability. If you have the Call Pack wolf power you add your Princess levels to your Werewolf levels to determine your effective level for it then add three and treat them as Guardian Animal Pals of a Princess of that level. If you have the Leader of the Pack power your companions from Call Pack are considered Guardian Animal Pals of a Princess 2 levels lower than you instead of the former formula and if you chose to forgo the normal benefits of Wolf Companion to stack Werewolf and Princess levels for Animal Pal you add 3 to your effective princess level for Animal Pal and suffer only a -3 if you select a dire wolf (instead of a -6).

Finally whenever a creature makes its saving throw against Too Fair to Kill your damage reduction granted by the werewolf class against their attacks is increased by your Charisma modifier.

Restorative Affection
You are able to cure more than just damage with your affections.
Prerequisites: Healing Affections.
Benefits: When you use Healing Affections you may sacrifice 8 hit points worth of healing to heal 1 point of ability damage the target is suffering, cure one disease they are suffering, neutralize one poison affecting them, remove fatigue from the target, reduce exhaustion on the target to fatigue, or end an insanity or confusion effect. You may apply multiple of these effects to a single use of Healing Affections but each costs 8 hit points worth of healing.

Royal Exaggeration
Despite your regal blood, or perhaps because of it, your exaggerated skills continue to improve.
Prerequisites: Princess level 2+, 2 Least Exaggerated Skills (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?326799-Tall-Tale-%283-5-Base-Class-Contest-Winner-PEACH%29) at least one of Diplomacy/Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform (Keyboard Instruments, Percussion Instruments, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, or Sing), or Ride, character level 6+.
Benefit: When you take this feat select one of the following Exaggerated Skills that you possess: Diplomacy/Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform (Keyboard Instruments, Percussion Instruments, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, or Sing), or Ride. Add your Princess level to your Tall Tale to determine the maximum tier of exaggerated skill you may select for that skill and your Tall Tale level for the purposes of that skill; you must have at least 9 ranks in a skill to qualify for its Lesser, 14 for its Greater, and 19 for its Storied. The first time this feat would allow you to gain a higher tier of exaggerated skill for the selected skill you gain that tier.
If you selected Handle Animal or Ride with this feat and have or would gain the Lesser Tier of that Exaggerated Skill instead of gaining an Animal Companion or Special Mount you add your Tall Tale level to your Princess level to determine your Animal Pal (including gaining it) and whatever effects would apply to your Animal Companion or Special Mount from the higher levels of storied skill apply to it instead; if you take this feat twice selecting Handle Animal and Ride both you gain a 2nd Animal Pal and one gains the animal companion benefits and the other the special mount benefits.

If you selected any of the Perform (Instrument) skills you may use your instrument to play your mystic songs instead of singing them if you so choose or sing your exaggerated songs, though you may not play two exaggerated songs at once thanks to this ability.

If you selected Heal you may add your Tall Tale level to your Princess level to determine how many hit points you can heal with Healing Affections and you may use Healing Affection as part of the action used to perform surgery on a creature; if the surgery would take multiple rounds this healing is applied on the first round of surgery.

If you selected Perform (Sing) you may use Perform (Sing) in place of Diplomacy when making rushed diplomacy attempts to influence attitude, and you add 2 to your Princess level to determine your uses of Mystical Songs and your Princess level for their effects (but not gaining them) per tier above Least of Exaggerated Perform (Sing) you possess (+2 with Lesser, +4 with Greater, +6 with Storied).

If you selected Diplomacy/Gather Information you add 2 to your Princess level to determine when you get Friend to the Common Man, Friendly Face, Friend to All, Greater Friendly Face, Favored by Merchants, and Beloved by All per tier above Least of Exaggerated Diplomacy you possess (+2 with Lesser, +4 with Greater, +6 with Storied).

Special: You may take this feat multiple times each time you do it requires 2 additional princess levels and must be applied to a different skill.

Royal Princess
You are a blessed ruler, mixing your purity of innocence required to rule righteously with the wisdom and acumen required to rule well.
Prerequisites: Least Mystical Song, Courtier's Talent.
Benefits: Add your Courtier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?304975-Courtier-%28Base-Class-PEACH%29) level to your Princess level to determine your effective level for Mystical Songs and uses per day (but not number or grade known) as well as effective class level for Miraculous Song and to determine the maximum bonus from your Inspirational Presence.

Add your Princess level to your Courtier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?304975-Courtier-%28Base-Class-PEACH%29) level to determine your effective level for Pulse of the Realm, Courtier's Talents, and to determine access to Revenue and it's improved versions (Greater Revenue, Overflowing Coffers, Coffers of the Realm) and the benefits of these abilities.

Song of Exaggeration
Your song inspires others to the same extreme heights of mastery that you, yourself possess.
Prerequisites: Royal Exaggeration, Lesser Mystical Songs.
Benefit: You gain a Song of Exaggeration, this is considered a Lesser Mystical Song and costs 2 uses of your Mystical Songs to use. While you sing this song allies within 60-ft gain the benefit of one Least Exaggerated Skill you possess, and are considered to have 8 ranks in that skill (or their maximum whichever is less) if they do not already have more. You may maintain a Song of Exaggeration for 1 round per Princess level. If you have access to Greater Mystical Songs you may expend 3 uses to grant creatures with at least 6 hit dice one Lesser Exaggerated Skill (and associated Least) you possess for the duration and they are considered to have 13 ranks in that skill (or their maximum whichever is less) if they do not already have more. You may use your Miraculous Song to instead activate your Song of Exaggeration and grant: any Exaggerated Skill you possess with up to 18 virtual ranks if you possess it at Greater or up to 23 if you possess it at Storied, a creature must have 11 hit dice to receive a Greater Skill this way and 16 to receive a Storied; all Lesser and Least Exaggerated Skills you possess (as if using the Song of Exaggeration as detailed for Greater for each one); or grant the Lesser Exaggerated Skill of a skill you possess the Least for or the Greater of a skill you possess the Lesser for, in this case you are granted this skill as well.

Thermal Inspiration
Your spirit is tied to the energies which make up the world, resonating with fire and ice, shielding those you inspire from their effects.
Prerequisites: Inspirational Presence.
Benefit: You gain two new options for Inspirational Presence, Inspire Chill and Inspire Warmth. If you choose to Inspire Chill those creatures which benefit from this inspiration are wrapped in an aura of ice which grants them Fire Resistance equal to twice the bonus granted from Quick Progression abilities. If you choose to Inspire Warmth those creatures instead are wrapped in an aura of pleasant warmth which grants them Cold Resistance of the same amount.
Special: If you have the Greater Inspirational Presence feat creatures attacking targets gaining the benefit from (Greater) Inspire Chill with non-reach weapon melee attacks receive cold damage equal to the bonus granted by a Quick Progression Inspirational Presence options. If you use Inspire Warmth they instead receive the same amount of fire damage.
Special: When Inspirational Presence is used to Inspire Chill or Inspire Warmth it is considered a supernatural ability.

True Love's Affection [Exalted]
Your love for another improves the powers drawn from your blessed kindness when directed upon them.
Prerequisites: Vow of Romance, Princess level 1+.
Benefit: You may treat your Princess level as 4 higher for the purpose of determining your maximum bonus from Inspirational Presence that your beloved (as selected with Vow of Romance) receives. When you use Healing Affections to heal your beloved they are healed 2 hit points per point you would normally heal them, when you use Kiss to Break the Curse upon your beloved you gain a +6 bonus to the dispel check, and you may use Kiss of Life on your beloved even if they have been dead for 1 minute per 3 princess levels instead of 1 round per 3. As a final benefit your animal pal, if any, gains a +1 perfection bonus to attack rolls, AC, saving throws, ability and skill checks as long as your beloved is at less than 1/2 health and threatened.

Twin Melody
You are capable of singing a mystical song along with another magical tune.
Prerequisites: Lesser Mystical Song.
Benefits: You may sing a Mystical Song of any grade other than your highest alongside another mystical song of any grade other than your highest, a bardic music, a virtuoso performance, or a draconic hymn (if you have the dual hymn ability you can use it to perform two hymns concurrently with this song).
Special: Miraculous Song while similar in nature to Mystical Song is not a grade of Mystical Song and does not allow for two concurrent Greater Songs.

Vow of Romance [Exalted]
You have sworn yourself to another, a pact of love and faithfulness. This loyal faith grants you a variety of bonuses when your beloved is in danger, and if they return it they gain the same such when you are in danger.
Prerequisites: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: When you take this feat select a creature who is your beloved. Whenever your beloved is at less than 1/2 hit points and threatened in some way (such as being in combat) you gain a +1 perfection bonus to attack rolls, AC, saving throws, ability and skill checks. If your beloved returns the affections and you are at less than 1/2 hit points and threatened they gain a +1 perfection bonus to attack rolls, AC, saving throws, ability and skill checks.
Special: You must remain faithful to your beloved, if you cheat on them, betray them, or otherwise break the faith with them then you lose the benefits of this vow. For your beloved to gain its benefits they must have remained faithful to you for at least one month. If your beloved betrays you, you may choose to give up the effects of this feat for 1 month to select a new beloved. If your beloved dies you must attempt to revive them and failing that wait at least 3 months before selecting a new beloved.
Special: If your beloved also has this feat in regards to you then the bonuses from this feat are doubled.

2015-05-11, 07:14 PM

”Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?”

An Evil Queen is a powerful spellcaster and worker of curses. Her very soul mixed with dark powers to maintain herself and to gain dark powers. Many an Evil Queen was once a Princess, their noble purity fallen and tarnished.

Disclaimer: This PrC does not reflect my opinions on morality or well anything except media representation of evil queen figures.

Sometime even the naively innocent become jadedly cynical, and the higher they stood the further they fall. Most Evil Queens were once Princesses, which gave up their pure hearts turning instead to a path of destructive greed for power and position. This lost innocence fuels their magical growth and dark powers, transforming those last vestiges of who or what they were into something dread and dangerous. Others were spellcasters first, alloying dark magic to their soul to give them a presence and dread command which allows them to stand and tower over normal mortals.

Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Sense Motive 8 ranks.
Alignment: Evil.
One of the two following special requirements:
Special: Ex-Princess 3rd plus.
Special: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells, 8 ranks in Bluff, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes), and Sense Motive.

Class Skills
The Evil Queen's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d4

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save





Aura of Evil, Dark Tongues, Imperious Presence, Royal Demeanor, Witch’s Craft I





Corruptive Charm
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Dread Summons
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Binding Curses, Witch’s Craft II





Timeless Body
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Dark Binding
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Profane Grace
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Cowing Command, Witch’s Craft III





Dread Beauty
+1 level arcane spellcasting





Dread Queen
+1 level arcane spellcasting

Weapon Proficiencies: An Evil Queen gains no new armor or weapon proficiencies.

Aura of Evil (Ex): An Evil Queen has allowed evil into her very soul and allows it to rule over her. An Evil Queen has an aura of evil like that of an evil cleric of their character level.

Dark Tongues (Ex): An Evil Queen learns to speak the languages of the most dread of creatures, picking them up as naturally as a babe takes to their mother’s tongue. An Evil Queen learns Abyssal and Infernal as bonus languages, if they already know one of these languages they may select another in its place.

Imperious Presence (Ex): An Evil Queen’s beauty is as great as her darkness, sensual and lovely even as it is reinforced by the dark magic woven through her soul. Any creature attempting to attack an Evil Queen must make a Will save (DC 10 + Evil Queen level + Charisma) or suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls and any save DCs involved in the attack, increasing to -8 if it would deal lethal damage or kill the Evil Queen. Creatures which are attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender suffer a -2 penalty to this save.

Royal Demeanor (Ex): An Evil Queen is by her nature a ruler, even if she does not have the status yet. An Evil Queen does not suffer a penalty on rushed Diplomacy checks to influence attitudes, and if she uses Intimidate instead to influence a creature’s behavior its default attitude does not shift after you leave and it remains intimidated for 1d6 hours instead of 1d6 x 10 minutes.

Witch’s Craft: An Evil Queen is a witch of the highest caliber and learns a variety of magic to work their will. At 1st level an Evil Queen selects one arcane casting class they possess and adds the following spells to their spell list for that class and their spells known once they have access to spells of that level: Prestidigitation (0), Cause Fear (1st), Charm Animal (1st), Charm Person (1st), Command (1st), Disguise Self (1st), Sleep (1st), Speak with Animals (1st), Summon Monster I (1st), Alter Self (2nd), Blindness/Deafness (2nd), Desecrate (2nd), Enthrall (2nd), Hold Animal (2nd), Hold Person (2nd), Scare (2nd), Summon Monster II (2nd), Summon Swarm (2nd), Undetectable Alignment (2nd), Bestow Curse (3rd), Contagion (3rd), Deep Slumber (3rd), Dominate Animal (3rd), Suggestion (3rd), Summon Monster III (3rd), and Vampiric Touch (3rd).

At 4th level an Evil Queen adds the following spells to their spell list and spells known for the class chosen at 1st level: Charm Monster (4th), Fear (4th), Glibness (4th), Lesser Geas (4th), Polymorph (4th), Scrying (4th), Summon Monster IV (4th), Unholy Blight (4th), Awaken (5th), Baleful Polymorph (5th), Control Water (5th), Control Winds (5th), Dispel Good (5th), Dominate Person (5th), Greater Command (5th), Hold Monster (5th), Insect Plague (5th), Lesser Planar Binding (5th), Mark of Justice (5th), Summon Monster V (5th), Symbol of Pain (5th), Symbol of Sleep (5th), Unhallow (5th), Animate Object (6th), Endless Slumber (6th, CM), Eyebite (6th), Geas/Quest (6th), Guards and Wards (6th), Mass Suggestion (6th), Planar Binding (6th), Summon Monster VI (6th), Symbol of Fear (6th), Symbol of Persuasion (6th), and Veil (6th).

At 8th level an Evil Queen adds the following spells to their spell list and spells known for the class chosen at 1st level: Blasphemy (7th), Control Weather (7th), Creeping Doom (7th), Greater Scrying (7th), Insanity (7th), Mass Hold Person (7th), Power Word Blind (7th), Summon Monster VII (7th), Symbol of Stunning (7th), Animal Shape (8th), Demand (8th), Dominate Monster (8th), Greater Planar Binding (8th), Mass Charm Monster (8th), Summon Monster VIII (8th), Summon Monster IX (8th), Symbol of Insanity (8th), Unholy Aura (8th), Astral Projection (9th), Gate (9th), and Shapechange (9th).

Spellcasting: At every level other than 1st, 4th, and 8th an Evil Queen gains spellcasting as if they had gained a level in any arcane spellcasting class she already possessed or sorcerer if they do not possess a previous arcane spellcasting class.

Corruptive Charm: An Evil Queen’s magic corrupts and alters those it touches. Beginning at 2nd level whenever an Evil Queen successfully charms a creature that creature’s attitude towards her improves by one step (up to friendly) even after the effect ends, and that creature is incapable of realizing on its own that it was charmed. In addition if the Evil Queen keeps a creature charmed for at least 1 whole week then their alignment shifts one step towards Evil; a creature with exalted feats, class features which would be lost due to this alignment shift, an alignment subtype other than Evil, or the Soul Runes class feature is immune to this alignment change.

Dread Summons: An Evil Queen has mixed dark powers with their very soul and when they call forth creatures from the infernal realms some of this dread energy flows into it. Beginning at 3rd level any evil creature an Evil Queen summons gains a +2 profane bonus to all ability scores and DR equal to ½ your Evil Queen level (rounded down) overcome by Good.

Binding Curses (Ex): An Evil Queen’s baleful magic is of great power and resistance to attempts to remove them. Harmful spells with a permanent duration (curses) cast by an Evil Queen are unaffected by Anti-Magic (they are still ended by dead magic or the anti-magic of deities and artifacts). They cannot be dispelled or removed by spells cast with caster level lower than the higher of the Evil Queen’s caster level +2 and her character level +2, and cast by a creature with a character level greater than the Evil Queen’s character level; if a magic item is used its creator’s character level is used instead. Disjunction or a Wish or Miracle spell can remove such magic despite this ability, unless the Evil Queen’s character level is 20 or higher in which case even such powerful magic must overcome this effect normally. Even death does not free a creature from an Evil Queen’s curses, the magic still extent when the target is resurrected (if they are) or reanimated as intelligent undead. If the Evil Queen uses Endless Slumber the target is not awakened by damage, though the target will be awakened if killed and allowed to remain dead for at least 1 minute.

If an Evil Queen dies all her curses lose this benefit until she is resurrected. An Evil Queen may dispel her own spells normally. In addition a Princess’s Kiss to Break the Curse functions normally against such curses.

Timeless Body (Ex): An Evil Queen’s dark pacts sustain her body against age, maintaining her physical form and appearance even if it cannot hold back death. Beginning at 5th level an Evil Queen gains the Timeless Body ability as a druid; she ceases to physically age.

Dark Binding (Su): An Evil Queen is able to imbue those who serve her with power and in the process bind them to her. Beginning at 6th level an Evil Queen may bind a single creature to her will either with an act of intimacy (kiss, caress, etc) between her and the target, or an act of obeisance from the target is required to create this binding. To do so is a standard action and the target must be conscious and must not be struggling or physically resisting the kiss/caress/etc or go through the act of obeisance without magical or physical compulsion; threats are acceptable. Dark energy floods into the target and they may attempt a Will save (DC 10 + Evil Queen level + Cha modifier; a target attracted to your gender suffers a -2 penalty to their save against this effect) to resist this dark binding. If they fail, or choose to forfeit their save, the binding is formed. The target gains: a +2 Profane bonus to all ability scores; a +2 enhancement bonus to all ability scores; DR 1/- per 3 Evil Queen levels you possess; resistance to each energy type equal to your Evil Queen level; a +1 profane bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks plus 1/3 Evil Queen levels you possess; and Endurance as a bonus feat. However an Evil Queen may invert this effect at her will as a move action. If she does so the target loses all benefits and instead suffers: a -4 penalty to all ability scores (this cannot reduce them to below 1); whenever they would be dealt damage this damage is increased by your Evil Queen level before the application of DR or Energy Resistance; they suffer a penalty to Listen, Search, and Spot checks equal to 1 plus 1 per 3 Evil Queen levels you possess; they lose any Scent quality they possess, as well as Ex blindsense, and any Ex blindsight they possess is reduced to blindsense; they may only march for 4 hours each day and hustle for 30 minutes without incurring penalties (and take damage for every additional 30 minutes of hustling), the time they may spend without food or water without suffering the effects of starvation or thirst is halved, you may only hold your breath for half the normal time, in addition the time they would have between any checks or saves that the Endurance feat grants bonuses to is halved to a minimum of 1 round, for example every 30 minutes of walking after 4 hours they have to check against nonlethal damage for forced marching, every 30 minutes that they swim they’d have to make a check to avoid nonlethal damage, every half a day beyond 1-1/2 without food, and every half an hour beyond their dehydration point, etc.

The Evil Queen can end this binding at will as a standard action, or through attempting to bind another creature. Otherwise this binding can only be ended by the Evil Queen’s death, or it can be dispelled as if it were a spell with a caster level of her character level and a curse for the purposes of Binding Curses.

Profane Grace (Su): An Evil Queen is protected by the very force of evil that rages within her soul, warding away blows and baleful effects. Beginning at 7th level an Evil Queen gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier and adds their Charisma modifier to saving throws.

Cowing Command (Ex): An Evil Queen is a terrifying force, her words, her ire, striking terror in those less than her. Beginning at 8th level when an Evil Queen demoralizes a creature with hit dice equal to their Evil Queen level or lower that creature is panicked for 1 minute, and when an Evil Queen uses Intimidate to influence a creature’s behavior against such a creature it is permanent. Creatures attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender are treated as having two fewer hit dice for this ability.

Dread Beauty (Su): An Evil Queen’s beauty is reinforced by her magical prowess, invading the minds of those who can see her, making their aim falter against her. Beginning at 9th level any creature which can see an Evil Queen suffers a 10% miss chance against her, this is in addition to and rolled separately from other miss chances the Evil Queen may possess. A creature that is attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender suffers a 20% miss chance instead. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Dread Queen: An Evil Queen is a being of dread power and sovereignty. Beginning at 10th level she may apply a Dark Binding to a creature with hit dice no greater than her Evil Queen level without ending previous Dark Binding effects, and may have any number of creatures with hit dice no greater than her class level affected by Dark Binding at once. If she mistakenly tries to bind a creature with more than that many hit dice then nothing happens unless she chooses to break any previous Dark Binding applied to a creature with more hit dice than her class level. An Evil Queen with a Dark Servitor, Familiar, Animal Companion, Special Mount, or other such companion may apply a Dark Binding to them regardless of their hit dice without it counting as their Dark Binding.
A creature attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender is considered to have 2 fewer hit dice for this effect.

Fallen Princesses:
If an evil character with at least 3 levels in ex-princess would gain their 6th or higher character level they may retrain any number of skills gained as a princess to fulfill the prerequisites of Evil Queen and/or put additional ranks into Bluff or Intimidate treating Bluff and Intimidate as if they were and had always been Princess class skills (if the princes put ranks into Bluff or Intimidate as a cross classed skill they are refunded skill points equal to those ranks which must be put into Bluff or Intimidate). This is done before gaining their new level and they must take that level in Evil Queen if they do so.

In addition an ex-princess who becomes an Evil Queen gains certain special bonuses based upon their levels in Ex-Princess and may trade in levels of ex-princess to instantly gain that many levels in Evil Queen as long as they retain 5 non-Evil Queen character levels and 3 levels of ex-princess. In addition she may retrain any feats with Princess class features she no longer fulfills as prerequisites.

The abilities gained by an Evil Queen due to her ex-princess levels are listed below (cumulative except for casting):
1st: She gains an AC bonus as a princess of her ex-princess level.
2nd: She gains spellcasting as a 1st level sorcerer, and Fiendish Empathy. Fiendish Empathy (Ex) functions as Wild Empathy except it applies against Outsider [Evil] even mindless ones, evil aligned magical beasts, and anything with the Fiendish template regardless of their Intelligence.
3rd: She gains spellcasting as a 2nd level sorcerer, and Dark Beauty. Dark Beauty (Ex) grants the Evil Queen a +4 bonus on Bluff checks and a +2 bonus on other Charisma based checks against creatures which can see her, and such creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Bluff checks made to deceive the Evil Queen. If a creature is attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender the bonus from Dark Beauty against them and penalty applied to them are both increased by 2.
4th: She gains spellcasting as a 3rd level sorcerer, and Obscured Alignment. Obscured Alignment (Ex) prevents the Evil Queen’s alignment from being detected by any magical effect returning an answer of True Neutral or by the Sense Motive skill unless the Evil Queen overtly acts in an Evil manner, or chooses to suppress this ability.
5th: She gains a Dark Servitor. A Dark Servitor functions as an Animal Pal of a Princess of her Ex-Princess plus Evil Queen level, except that they may not be a creature that naturally has a good alignment, a dove, or a songbird. The Evil Queen may, however, select a rat, dire rat, or hawk as an Aide, an Imp (7th level minimum, -3 levels), or a Quasit (7th level minimum, -3 levels) as an Aide, or a mane (FCI), lemure, or hell hound (10th level minimum, -6 levels) as an Animal Guardian. In addition they may choose to apply the Fiendish template to a Dark Servitor treating their effect princess level as one level lower if they do so. They may use this ability to qualify for feats as if it were Animal Pal, but with Draconic Pal they are granted chromatic dragons instead (White for Brass, Black for Copper, Green for Bronze, Blue for Silver, and Red for Gold) and with Elemental Pal they may select a Taint Elemental as if it were a Storm Elemental.
6th: She gains spellcasting as a 4th level sorcerer, and Behold My Beauty and Despair. Behold My Beauty and Despair (Su) causes any enemy creature within 30-ft of you which can see you to have to make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your Ex-Princess plus Evil Queen levels + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken as long as they are within the aura. A creature which leaves and re-enters this aura does not make a new save, instead they use the same saving throw for 24 hours. Unlike normal fear effects this shaken status does not increase to frightened if the creature is already under the effects of a fear-effect or if another is applied to them. An Evil Queen may suppress or reactivate this ability as a free action. A creature attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender suffers a -2 penalty to their saving throw against this effect.
7th: She gains spellcasting as a 5th level sorcerer, and True Witch. True Witch causes any spell granted by Witch's Craft to be treated as one level lower for the Evil Queen (to a minimum of level 0), and they are granted the spells which would normally be 4th level at 1st in Evil Queen, and those that would normally be 7th at 4th level in Evil Queen.
8th: She gains spellcasting as a 6th level sorcerer, and Dark Healing. Dark Healing adds each Cure and Inflict spell, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration, Harm, Heal, Raise Dead, Resurrection, and Revivify to your sorcerer spells known and spell list at one level lower than they appear on the cleric spell list.
9th: She gains Charming Words. Any humanoid creature that she speaks to for at least 3 rounds must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your Ex-Princess plus Evil Queen levels + your Charisma modifier) or be charmed as Charm Person for 1 hour. If you have at least 15 character levels this ability may affect non-humanoid creatures. This is a mind-affecting effect, creatures attracted to the Evil Queen’s gender suffer a -2 penalty on their saves against this effect.
10th: She gains spellcasting as a 7th level sorcerer, and creatures are no longer allowed a saving throw against Behold My Beauty and Despair only fear or mind-affecting immunity prevent it.

Warrior Princess loses casting at 3rd and 7th level, but at 7th level they gain the ability to use Charisma to hit in place of Strength or Dexterity.

2015-05-11, 07:15 PM

The epic princess is a
Hit Dice: d6
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Mystical Songs: An epic princess no longer naturally gains additional uses of Mystical Songs but effects (and duration) based upon a princess's level continue to increase. They do not gain new mystical songs through level up.
Healing Affections: Continues to increase normally for a princess's level.
Inspirational Presence: A princess only adds 1/2 their level beyond 20th for determining the maximum bonus provided. This is done due to a consideration for how numerical progress slows during epic progressions. It may be a bad idea. They no longer gain Increased Inspiration every 5th level.
Animal Pal: A guardian gains +2 HD, +2 natural armor, and +1 Str/Dex per 3 levels above 18th (21st, 24th, 27th, etc). An aide's Natural armor increases by +2, they gain a new skill (to a maximum of 10), and +1 Intelligence (to a maximum of 20 or the Princess's Charisma whichever is higher) per 3 levels above 18th.
Bonus Feat: A princess gains a bonus epic feat at 23rd level and every 3 levels beyond it.

Epic (Princess) Feats:

Additional Miraculous Song [Epic]:
You gain an additional Miraculous Song.
Prerequisites: Princess level 21+.
Benefit: Select a Miraculous Song, you may sing that song once per day, or if you could already sing that song one additional time per day.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, each time you may choose the same or a different miraculous song.

Belated Kiss of Life [Epic]:
You may use your Kiss of Life ability on those who have died yesterday.
Prerequisites: Late Kiss of Life, Charisma 30+.
Benefit: You may use Kiss of Life on a creature which has been dead for up to 1 hour per Princess Level you possess.

Beloved by Merchants [Epic]:
Truly you are loved, for merchants show you favor beyond their natural ends.
Prerequisites: Favored by Merchants, Charisma 30+.
Benefit: You may buy magical items from merchants at 2/3 their normal price from non-evil vendors.

Extra Kiss of Life [Epic]:
You gain the ability to use Kiss of Life more often.
Prerequisites: Kiss of Life
Benefit: You may use Kiss of Life an additional time per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you do you gain an additional daily uses of Kiss of Life equal to the number of times you have taken this feat (if you take it twice the 2nd one gives you 2 additional uses for 3 total additional uses, if you take it 3 times the 3rd one gives 3 uses for 6 total).

Kiss of Resurrection [Epic]:
Your Kiss of Life may revive even those whose bodies are less than whole.
Prerequisites: Kiss of Life, Charisma 25+.
Benefit: You may use your Kiss of Life ability on a creature whose body is not intact, as long as you possess a piece of their body with which to use it on which wa part of their body within the time limit of Kiss of Life. You may even use a creature's ashes, or the dust left behind by a disintegrate spell. This restores their body as a Resurrection spell.

Late Kiss of Life:
You may use Kiss of Life on those who have died longer ago.
Prerequisites: Kiss of Life, Charisma 25+.
Benefit: You may revive a creature with your Kiss of Life ability that has been dead up to 10 minutes per 2 princess levels.

Mystical Song Knowledge [Epic]:
You gain further knowledge of Mystical Songs.
Prerequisites: Ability to sing a Greater Mystical Song.
Benefit: Select 2 Least, Lesser, or Greater Mystical Songs, you gain the ability to perform those Mystical Songs.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you may select 1 more song (3 new songs the second time you take this feat, 4 the 3rd, 5 the 4th for a total of 5 from this feat with 2 instances, 9 with 3, and 14 with 4).

2018-03-03, 08:19 PM
Added an epic progression, if anyone has suggestions for Epic Feats, or some sort of system for Epic Mystical Songs feel free to let me know.

2018-03-04, 12:39 PM
Nice! Tons of flavour, and though it looked low-tier at first glance it's actually quite powerful! Only a few minor comments/questions:

1) IMHO you could dump the code of conduct. As with paladins it's an annoying complication, could just be distilled to having to stay Good rather than the specific restrictions. This would also help trim a lot of the entries as they're quite lengthy (e.g. all the references to nonlethal damage etc.). However this would obviously dilute the class flavour quite a bit so feel free to ignore the suggestion!

2) Why are succubi susceptible to the class features? Is there a particular fairy tale you're referencing?

3) Just so I have this clear - an ex-Princess 10/Evil Queen 10 will have 14th-level sorcerer casting, and would be able to cast the 9th-level spells from Witch's Craft as 8th level spells (if only she were able to cast 8th-level spells...), correct? If so, could the spellcasting from being an ex-Princess or Evil Queen be bumped up further, or the spell levels from Witch's Craft be reduced further a la True Witch? That way you could have a "pure" build allowing shapechange and the other 9th-level Witch's Craft spells without needing to take actual levels in sorcerer.

2018-03-04, 12:49 PM
Nice! Tons of flavour, and though it looked low-tier at first glance it's actually quite powerful! Only a few minor comments/questions:

1) IMHO you could dump the code of conduct. As with paladins it's an annoying complication, could just be distilled to having to stay Good rather than the specific restrictions. This would also help trim a lot of the entries as they're quite lengthy (e.g. all the references to nonlethal damage etc.). However this would obviously dilute the class flavour quite a bit so feel free to ignore the suggestion!

2) Why are succubi susceptible to the class features? Is there a particular fairy tale you're referencing?

3) Just so I have this clear - an ex-Princess 10/Evil Queen 10 will have 14th-level sorcerer casting, and would be able to cast the 9th-level spells from Witch's Craft as 8th level spells (if only she were able to cast 8th-level spells...), correct? If so, could the spellcasting from being an ex-Princess or Evil Queen be bumped up further, or the spell levels from Witch's Craft be reduced further a la True Witch? That way you could have a "pure" build allowing shapechange and the other 9th-level Witch's Craft spells without needing to take actual levels in sorcerer.
you know ferries this created as joke when we still have the gitp regulars as <insert subsystem> threats in the 3.5 dub forum so take it with grain of salt mate

2018-03-04, 01:09 PM
you know ferries this created as joke when we still have the gitp regulars as <insert subsystem> threats in the 3.5 dub forum so take it with grain of salt mate

Ohhhhhh haha! I didn't see it was an old thread, I assumed it was from one of the recent contests.

2018-03-04, 01:43 PM
Ohhhhhh haha! I didn't see it was an old thread, I assumed it was from one of the recent contests.
no problem but this old girl is kinda old enough to start to go school.

2018-03-04, 02:09 PM
While Zaydos can speak for themself, I don't think they would have revived the thread if they wanted people to treat it like an old joke.

2018-03-04, 03:16 PM
I, for one, really want to create an E6 version for my Heroes of Thaumasia setting, where one of the kingdoms runs a regular ritual to summon heroes from across space and time and imagination. Kill ogres alongside a Jedi Knight, a modern soldier, a My Little Pony unicorn OC, and one of 80-something PAthfinder classes. "I didn't want to die--I wanted to be a hero." Fate hears you, and Thaumasia has given you the chance.

2018-03-04, 09:32 PM
Nice! Tons of flavour, and though it looked low-tier at first glance it's actually quite powerful! Only a few minor comments/questions:

1) IMHO you could dump the code of conduct. As with paladins it's an annoying complication, could just be distilled to having to stay Good rather than the specific restrictions. This would also help trim a lot of the entries as they're quite lengthy (e.g. all the references to nonlethal damage etc.). However this would obviously dilute the class flavour quite a bit so feel free to ignore the suggestion!

I decided to go for flavor while avoiding the 'one strike you fall', but yeah I can definitely see ignoring it.

2) Why are succubi susceptible to the class features? Is there a particular fairy tale you're referencing?

Nope, just D&D and Fantasy's tendency for lust and love blurring together, also a bit of a wink at the LG Succubus from WotC's website back in the day (redeemed by falling in love with a paladin).

3) Just so I have this clear - an ex-Princess 10/Evil Queen 10 will have 14th-level sorcerer casting, and would be able to cast the 9th-level spells from Witch's Craft as 8th level spells (if only she were able to cast 8th-level spells...), correct? If so, could the spellcasting from being an ex-Princess or Evil Queen be bumped up further, or the spell levels from Witch's Craft be reduced further a la True Witch? That way you could have a "pure" build allowing shapechange and the other 9th-level Witch's Craft spells without needing to take actual levels in sorcerer.

Assuming one knows of a way. If you're asking about balance-wise I was aiming at it being a trade-off, but I'm not sure if it actually is a good balance and might should give them an additional +1 CL or add something for 10th level Evil Queen that grants a 1/day SLA (with note that XP costs are still required) that can be any witch's craft spell with a level limit.

you know ferries this created as joke when we still have the gitp regulars as <insert subsystem> threats in the 3.5 dub forum so take it with grain of salt mate

Actually it was created for a Base Class Contest and while there is an element of joke, or at least less than completely taking itself seriously and a willingness to joke about it, it was never really a joke. It was an attempt to make the best "Traditionally Small Girl Thing" themed base class I could. It was admittedly a >2 year old contest.

While Zaydos can speak for themself, I don't think they would have revived the thread if they wanted people to treat it like an old joke.

It mostly happened because I got asked if an epic progression was planned; and if asked that I will make an epic progression.

I, for one, really want to create an E6 version for my Heroes of Thaumasia setting, where one of the kingdoms runs a regular ritual to summon heroes from across space and time and imagination. Kill ogres alongside a Jedi Knight, a modern soldier, a My Little Pony unicorn OC, and one of 80-something PAthfinder classes. "I didn't want to die--I wanted to be a hero." Fate hears you, and Thaumasia has given you the chance.

I've never played E6 so wouldn't really know what goes into making an E6 version, unfortunately.

2018-03-07, 04:05 PM
The warrior princess is more reasonable, but I want to see a princess/paladin gestalt!

Or for NPC color, how about a kingdom that is sweetly good, just barely short of too sweetly good, ruled by a paladin king and princess queen (or the reverse, or the sex and gender combination of your choice)?

Ranged Ranger
2018-03-18, 09:57 PM
I like this... Esp. the Warrior Princess variant... However, there are a lot of changes for that variant, so I had to copy the class into a word document and edit them in to make sure I understood them all...

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+1+0+0+2To Hit Bonus, Aura of Good, Code of Conduct, Healing Affection, Inspirational Presence, Soft Blows, Friend to Nature, Wild Empathy
2nd+2+0+0+3Natural Charm
3rd+3+1+1+3Fairest of them All, Speak with Animals
4th+4+1+1+4Animal Pal
5th+5+1+1+4AC Bonus, Least Mystical Song
6th+6+2+2+5Divine Grace, Friend to the Common Man
7th+7+2+2+52nd Least Mystical Song, Inviolate Beauty
8th+8+2+2+6Too Fair to Kill, Friendly Face, Radiance of Purity
9th+9+3+3+6Kiss that Breaks the Curse
10th+10+3+3+7Lesser Mystical Song, Increased Inspiration, Cha to Weapon Damage
11th+11+3+3+7Divine Aegis
12th+12+4+4+82nd Lesser Mystical Song, Friend to All
13th+13+4+4+8Greater Friendly Face, Kiss of Life
14th+14+4+4+9Aura of Protection, Righteous Armaments
15th+15+5+5+9Intercession with Fate, Greater Mystic Song
16th+16+5+5+10Touch of Restoration
17th+17+5+5+102nd Greater Mystic Song, Beauty Untouched by Hell
18th+18+6+6+11Favored by Merchants
19th+19+6+6+11Loved by All
20th+20+6+6+12Beloved by the Gods OR Miraculous Song, Increased Inspiration

While this was helpful, I did still have a couple questions...

I think the code of conduct becomes this:

Code of Conduct: A Warrior Princess must abide within a code of conduct.

She must not commit an evil act or allow a good creature to be slain by her own hands or those of her allies, a princess which willingly does so becomes an ex-princess until they atone (usually through an atonement spell), and even one who does so unwittingly or unwillingly (such as due to magical compulsion) becomes one for 1 day. Whether willing or unwilling the Princess also suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, ability and skill checks, and AC for 24 hours.

Finally a princess who becomes non-Good ceases to be a princess becoming an ex-princess permanently. If their alignment returns to Good they may regain their Princess status through an Atonement spell and a quest as described in that spell. If the change of alignment was a magically induced temporary change (such as from Morality Undone) she only becomes an ex-princess for the duration, although it is possible she will break this code in other ways during it (though this would count as doing so under a magical compulsion).
Is this correct, or did I make a mistake on that editing?

Also, Too Fair to Kill gets moved from 1st lvl to 8th... The text of Too Fair to Kill includes the following:

Beginning at 9th level this ability may affect dragons regardless of alignment.
I'd assume this shouldn't come in to effect the lvl after first gaining the ability... Should it now be at lvl 16? or?

2018-03-19, 04:31 PM
I like this... Esp. the Warrior Princess variant... However, there are a lot of changes for that variant, so I had to copy the class into a word document and edit them in to make sure I understood them all...

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+1+0+0+2To Hit Bonus, Aura of Good, Code of Conduct, Healing Affection, Inspirational Presence, Soft Blows, Friend to Nature, Wild Empathy
2nd+2+0+0+3Natural Charm
3rd+3+1+1+3Fairest of them All, Speak with Animals
4th+4+1+1+4Animal Pal
5th+5+1+1+4AC Bonus, Least Mystical Song
6th+6+2+2+5Divine Grace, Friend to the Common Man
7th+7+2+2+52nd Least Mystical Song, Inviolate Beauty
8th+8+2+2+6Too Fair to Kill, Friendly Face, Radiance of Purity
9th+9+3+3+6Kiss that Breaks the Curse
10th+10+3+3+7Lesser Mystical Song, Increased Inspiration, Cha to Weapon Damage
11th+11+3+3+7Divine Aegis
12th+12+4+4+82nd Lesser Mystical Song, Friend to All
13th+13+4+4+8Greater Friendly Face, Kiss of Life
14th+14+4+4+9Aura of Protection, Righteous Armaments
15th+15+5+5+9Intercession with Fate, Greater Mystic Song
16th+16+5+5+10Touch of Restoration
17th+17+5+5+102nd Greater Mystic Song, Beauty Untouched by Hell
18th+18+6+6+11Favored by Merchants
19th+19+6+6+11Loved by All
20th+20+6+6+12Beloved by the Gods OR Miraculous Song, Increased Inspiration

While this was helpful, I did still have a couple questions...

I think the code of conduct becomes this:

Is this correct, or did I make a mistake on that editing?

I think my initial wording was poor on Warrior Princess, still in theory it should still disallow "kill a non-evil creature that is not an active threat to herself, her allies, or an innocent, nor allow her allies to do so."

Also, Too Fair to Kill gets moved from 1st lvl to 8th... The text of Too Fair to Kill includes the following:

I'd assume this shouldn't come in to effect the lvl after first gaining the ability... Should it now be at lvl 16? or?

It was intended to come in full at 9th. It's a little thing to give a period where dragons just eat the princess (like in folk lore) before they switch to kidnapping them (like in pop culture). The 9th level upgrade was considered what in 5e terms would be called a ribbon and just a little benefit without substantial gain enough to be its own ability, and because Level 9 felt a little bare and it hid that with the minor increase. The bareness of level 9 remains for both which is why I didn't change it with Warrior Princess initially but I might ought to have put it off till sometime around 13th level to give that gap where it works but not on dragons and make the improvement feel meaningful.

Ranged Ranger
2018-03-25, 12:09 AM
I think my initial wording was poor on Warrior Princess, still in theory it should still disallow "kill a non-evil creature that is not an active threat to herself, her allies, or an innocent, nor allow her allies to do so."
Oops, I deleted the second and third paragraphs when I should have only deleted the second...

It was intended to come in full at 9th. It's a little thing to give a period where dragons just eat the princess (like in folk lore) before they switch to kidnapping them (like in pop culture). The 9th level upgrade was considered what in 5e terms would be called a ribbon and just a little benefit without substantial gain enough to be its own ability, and because Level 9 felt a little bare and it hid that with the minor increase. The bareness of level 9 remains for both which is why I didn't change it with Warrior Princess initially but I might ought to have put it off till sometime around 13th level to give that gap where it works but not on dragons and make the improvement feel meaningful.
I always assumed the dragon that "kidnaps" a princess is effectively the dragon equivalent of a human bringing home fresh produce for a future meal.

Also, I have an idea for a gestalt character using the warrior princess that I really like:

Esme Brighteye Shadowborn Shadowsbane
Half-vampire (Charm Gaze special attack) (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/halfvampire.shtml) Tibbit (with LA Buy-off)
Ranger 1/Warrior Princess 19|Bard 2/Paladin of Freedom (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladinofFreedomClassF eatures) 18
1st Extra Favored Enemy
3rd Devoted Performer
6th Initiate of Milil
9th Nemesis (Undead)
12th undecided
15th undecided
18th undecided
Favored Enemies: Undead and Outsiders (Evil)
Special Mount: Unicorn