View Full Version : PO: Contingencies and Buffs, Level 20 WIZ

2015-05-12, 02:13 PM

Working on building a Level 20 PO Vecna-blooded Elf generalist collegiate domain wizard with eidetic spellcaster (20 Class levels) and wondering about what contingencies and long term (ie longer than 24 hours) buffs you'd put on such an individual.

Couple Caveats
1. No Fast Time Demi-planed astral projection. The wizard is with the party in his meat-sack
2. Cheaper is better (XP & GP). After all, a wizard has to fund his research, and kit himself out in the finest of magical gear
2A. Assume standard Lvl 20 WBL & 1500 extra XP. Don't tally Vecna-blooded into your 20 level count.

With a box
2015-05-12, 03:38 PM

Working on building a Level 20 PO Vecna-blooded Elf generalist collegiate domain wizard with eidetic spellcaster (20 Class levels) and wondering about what contingencies and long term (ie longer than 24 hours) buffs you'd put on such an individual.

1. No Fast Time Demi-planed astral projection. The wizard is with the party in his meat-sack
- make normal time demiplain and astral projection with the party
(Targets: You plus one additional willing creature touched per two caster levels)
2. contigency: cast dispell magic on yourself if you didn't take any action for long then 10 min. (and if you declare sleeping, it's not monitor you delayed for 9 hours (so when you turned into stone, the contigency will turn you back.
set a trap of disjuntion that activate every 2 week in where you sleep. fail-safe if said contigency dispelled.
distoryed items hurts, so make sure that come back to demiplain bofore that and leave the room.

2015-05-13, 12:50 AM
Always good to have a permancied shrink item tinfoil (lead) hat, to block those pesky Antimagic Fields, when you chance upon them.

And does PO stand for Practical OptimizatioN?

2015-05-13, 03:02 AM
Contingency:Celerity, always go first. Contingency:revify to not die.

2015-05-13, 03:09 AM
Assumed good alignment? Have you considered using the spell distilled joy in wondrous architecture to farm ambrosia from happy people? Preferably in a self-owned business to have a side stream of income and what is essentially free crafting XP?

2015-05-13, 03:30 AM
Is this character being built at 20? If so, you should take spontaneous divination to qualify for versatile spellcaster, take human heritage, hop into chameleon for 2 levels and use the floating bonus feat to repeatedly pick up extra spell to learn literally every wizard spell in your eidetic spellbook for free (use sanctum spell or snowcasting to make your highest spell available to cast 10th, so you can pick up 9th level spells with it), and then use versatile spellcaster to be able to spontaneously cast all of them at will. Then once you know every sorc/wiz spell in existence, energy drain yourself to lose the 2 levels of chameleon, and top it up with wizard (or some wizard prc of your choice), and use DCFS to get rid of human heritage and able learner now that you don't need them anymore.

You can now spontaneously cast any sorc/wizard spell for 2 slots of one level lower than the spell, all for no cost. The usefulness of contingencies highly depend on how your DM lets them trigger. Some DMs I know wouldn't let you set the trigger as something like "When someone casts a spell within my viscinity" or "When I'm about to be in the area of a disjunction".

Personally, if your DM does let you use triggers like that, have a prismatic sphere contingency for if a disjunction is aimed at you, it's one of the few things that will block it, though it will dissapate in the process. The thing is though, with something like a persisted foresight, you're never flat footed, meaning you're always able to use immediate actions. Thus contingencies should only be used for things you wouldn't be able to react to, because everything else you can avoid with a spontaneously casted greater celerity followed by timestop and whatever spells you need to overcome the situation.