View Full Version : Timeless Magic Planes?

2015-05-12, 03:29 PM
What officially published planes (including variant cosmologies) have timelessness in regards to magic? Making yourself an intelligent magic item of materials from that plane would be a great way to ensure that you always have a target for Planar Bubble so you don't have to spend feats on Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, and Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell), and you'd have more spell slots available due to not needing to spend spell levels on Persisting spells (assuming no DMM, anyway).

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-12, 03:32 PM
Astral Plane springs to mind. Far Realm also might, but it doesn't have defined planar characteristics and probably shouldn't anyways.

EDIT: re-checked the Astral Plane description, doesn't mention magic.