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View Full Version : A couple questions about the Spinning Halberd feat

2015-05-12, 07:46 PM
1. With the aptitude enhancement on a different weapon, as a Warblade, may I still use this feat? People use the Lightning Mace feat with Kukris, I don't see why I couldn't use Spinning Halberd on a glaive.

2. The extra attack is d6+1/2 str bludgeoning. What other modifiers apply here? Any of the weapon enhancements? Or is it counting as a double weapon, where only one end has applicable enhancements?

I am planning to play an Elemental Warrior, who has the ability to imbue his weapon with an enhancement that does 2d6 elemental damage. Would that apply to the whole weapon? What if it was a double weapon, would it apply to both ends?

2015-05-13, 07:10 AM
1. With the aptitude enhancement on a different weapon, as a Warblade, may I still use this feat? People use the Lightning Mace feat with Kukris, I don't see why I couldn't use Spinning Halberd on a glaive.

Many people consider this use of the Aptitude enhancement to be illegal or at least against the spirit of the rules. It boils down mostly to personal preference: do you want it to work this way in your game? If so, then have fun.

2. The extra attack is d6+1/2 str bludgeoning. What other modifiers apply here? Any of the weapon enhancements? Or is it counting as a double weapon, where only one end has applicable enhancements?

Even though TWF is one of the prereqs, you don't actually use the TWF rules for the extra attack. By RAW, you get an additional attack with the weapon. And while the text doesn't explicitly say you're not using the sharp end (beyond specifying bludgeoning damage), from a rules standpoint, there's no indication that you wouldn't get the same enhancement bonus or weapon properties that are on the sharp end. I'd say the text is poorly worded, and they *should* have said you treat the halberd as a double weapon, but they didn't. Actually, you can use the halberd with two hands, use an unarmed strike or armor spikes as your offhand weapon, and still get the extra attack from Spinning Halberd. So I'd say, even though you may be using the blunt end of the halberd, you treat it exactly as you would any other attack with that halberd, including the enhancement/enchantments.

I am planning to play an Elemental Warrior, who has the ability to imbue his weapon with an enhancement that does 2d6 elemental damage. Would that apply to the whole weapon? What if it was a double weapon, would it apply to both ends?

By RAW, I'd say the 2d6 elemental damage still applies to the extra attack from Spinning Halberd. If it was a double weapon, I'd be inclined to say no, as the text for Elemental Weapon (Su) only specifies a single weapon, and double weapons are treated like two separate weapons. You'd have to pick which end of the double weapon gets the 2d6 elemental damage.

Note: Add Haft Strike (from Dragon Compendium) and you can get another extra attack with the blunt end, although the rules for Haft Strike are more explicit about what happens with magical enhancements. As far as Haft Strike is concerned, it still counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of DR and such, but you don't get any of the enhancements that the sharp end gets.