View Full Version : DM Help Please Help With Advanced Random Encounter 3 Part table idea...

2015-05-12, 08:40 PM
Thank you in advance for your help.

So, I have this idea for an advanced random encounter system. The idea is to have three tables of 1-100. Each table will pertain to one aspect of an encounter, allowing the GM/DM to roll three sets of d10 to generate the encounter. This will allow for a greater diversity of encounters. With this system the GM/DM is almost guaranteed to never run the same encounter twice.

My math may be wrong, but by my calculations with would allow for over 1,000,000 possible random encounter possibilities. This is not including those encounters that have the GM/DM to 1d? for the number of say goblins in an encounter.

I myself have not had much experience with creating random encounters do to the fact that I have mostly ran modules and adventure paths. That is why I believe that such a tool would be very valuable to GM/DMs everywhere. This would also be extremely helpful when running a sandbox type campaign.

I have search the net and have not found a system like this, if there is a system like this already please post a link.

My idea thus far would be to have one table be creatures or beings involved in the encounter, the second table would be the situations that these creatures or beings are in, and I am not sure what the third table would cover.

What are your thoughts?

What would be three categories for the tables?

Thank you again for your time and help with this project.