View Full Version : Pathfinder Pimp my Skeleton

2015-05-12, 10:02 PM
So I have a character whose main focus is raising undead and crafting things. Once he has enough money he may start building constructs but right now, his meager sums have been used to augment his humanoid skeleton who is his main focus at the moment. Next level he is taking Craft Magic Arms and Armor for his feat, already have Craft Wondrous Item so the real question is...what magical items best augment humanoid skeletons?

He currently has on an Amulet of Natural Armor +2 and a Ring of Protection +1. He is wielding a Masterwork Longsword and is wearing leather armor along with a metal buckler. Isn't proficient with heavy armor unfortunately, but is proficient with pretty much everything else.

I'd appreciate the help folks.

2015-05-12, 10:36 PM
Well, before you pimp the skeleton, you have to have a good chassis. Have you considered putting any nasty templates on it?

2015-05-12, 10:43 PM
Don't have Animate Dead yet, only the lesser version. Which is why he isn't a Bloody Skeleton in the first place. I also don't believe that you can retroactively put templates on dead that already animated. Next level though pretty much every undead will be a bloody skeleton. Any other templates worth applying?

2015-05-12, 10:59 PM
... Actually, besides Bloody or making it a Skeletal Champion, a Mudra skeleton is the best I can think of. Created with at least four arms, Dex increases by +4 instead of +2, gains Multiweapon Fighting and Weapon Finesse as bonus feats. CR+1.

2015-05-12, 11:19 PM
Didn't know about that, well now that we have the chassis...any magical items that could A) Make it less squishy and B) Make it more relevant in combat?

2015-05-20, 08:53 PM
As a sort of update, the humanoid skeleton has now also received Full Plate +2, a Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 and if I have enough time/money I'm going to put Vicious on his sword. My reasoning behind this is that since it deals 2d6 to enemy and 1d6 back at him, it won't get past his DR most of the time.

On a side note, what are some humanoids with extremely high HD?

2015-05-21, 12:52 AM
I'm pretty sure vicious bypasses DR, since it's description mentions it is an energy (though doesn't type it).

2015-05-21, 02:01 AM
On a side note, what are some humanoids with extremely high HD?

Giants are a great target to turn into skeletons. They're big and strong with a lot of HD.

2015-05-21, 07:15 AM
I'm pretty sure vicious bypasses DR, since it's description mentions it is an energy (though doesn't type it).

Somehow I overlooked that and in my sleepy state thought that it was the same type of damage as the weapon. Well in that case Vicious is a pretty poor choice unless I'm constantly on him casting repair undead. So any other weapon enchantments then? I have enough money to get him a +1 enchantment.

2015-05-21, 01:55 PM
You could give it a profane weapon. 1 con damage per round to the wielder, but 1d6 to living foes and 2d6 to good outsiders, and overcomes DR/Evil.