View Full Version : Creating a Shaman Using Base Classes (mostly)

2015-05-13, 10:24 AM
Hello everyone,

I am looking to create something akin to the 4e Shaman but using only the 5e base classes (with a bit of reskinning). It does not have to be optimal per se but would be nice to not be so far behind as to be useless. I will be starting at 8th level, and I have a few ideas thus far:

Ranger Beastmaster 4 / Life Cleric 4
Pretty simple here, just use the companion as your spectral creature, though action economy makes this tough and since you can't cast through your companion it isn't really ideal. But your companion does get your Proficiency bonus to all sorts of things, and has more HP than other features. Here you've got healing and all, but you don't really have the same flexibility that you tend to have with the 4e shaman (I know there are significant differences).

Beastmaster 4 / Warlock pact of Chain 4
Outside the box thinking here...: have the familiar 'ride' the companion, then deliver spells through the familiar (i.e. the companion). Both can technically attack (warlock chain familiar can attack). So you get extra attacking power and a fighting style, which is nice, but the feel is still a bit off to me. I think with this build you can tank a little bit more, but still feels off.

Warlock Pact of Chain 5/ Life Cleric 3
Get the familiar and can reskin as a spectral creature (if necessary), then gain the benefit of extra healing and casting healing spells through the familiar, which is nice. Could work with DM on reskinning the Channel Divinity to be able to effect Fey or some other spiritual-ish beings possibly, but not necessary. This is one I am leaning toward right now.

Here's where some GM conversation will have to happen, not exactly by the book here so I'd appreciate your thoughts:

Warlock Pact of Blade 5(or 3,4) / Life Cleric 3 (or 4, 5)
Reskin the "weapon" as a spectral companion. This helps eliminate the issue with the easy death of a companion and would allow for something akin to what the 4e Shaman could do. Could limit the abuse of this by saying you must complete a short rest before bringing back your pact companion after it drops to 0 HP. This allows some tanking and some flexibility, as well as the same sort of feel for the summoning and creation of the creature from essentially nothingness.

Eldritch Knight 5 (or 3, 4) / Life Cleric 3 (or 4, 5)
Again, reskin your weapon bond to be the spectral companion. You also get second wind and action surge, which could be pretty stinking cool with the spectral animal. Moving the animal would be your movement, possibly could split movement between the two of you here [your movement = 30ft, you move 10 ft and your spectral companion can move max 20, etc]. Casting through this would be the difficult part, but possibly with the feat Magic Initiate, you can pick up Find Familiar and be able to cast through it (i.e. tie it to your companion as you would with the Warlock/Ranger build).

That's what I have so far, not sure about race or whatnot, because I'm more concerned about finding the right feel for it.

Thoughts and critiques are welcomed and please be honest. If you have any ideas for what may work better please let me know.

2015-05-13, 11:05 AM
I'd say Chain Pact Warlock mixed with either bard or paladin, since they're both charisma based casters with access to healing and support spells. Oath of the Ancients Paladin might work best thematically.