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View Full Version : Two Giants, a Grix, and an Aberration [gods]

Baron Corm
2007-04-19, 08:07 PM
Here be a couple gods from a setting... other gods used include Ao, Corellon Larethian, Mystra, Garl Glittergold, Gruumsh, Kurtulmak, Lolth, Bahamut, Tiamat, Yondalla, Shar, Silvanus, Talos, Chauntea, and any gods from religions in the real world. Let me know how these are and if you think I'm missing any important ones from the above list and these added ones. Microsoft Word's formatting apparantly doesn't translate well to these forums so the writing is a little small, sorry.

Lord Surtok
Lord Murder, Lord Pig-eater, Lord Blackblaze, Lord Flamespreader
Intermediate Deity
Sorceror 20/Barbarian 20

Symbol: A flaming ribcage
Home Plane: Ysgard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Strength; big, evil creatures (notably evil giants); gluttony; fire
Worshippers: Evil giants and giant-like creatures, barbarians, pyromancers
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN, LE
Domains: Destruction, Strength, Greed, Fire
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Divine Rank: 14

Lord Surtok is the father of all fire giants. All fire giants worship him, as do many barbarians, and many magic-users who wish to unlock the powers of fire. Those who are superstitious never speak his name without first saying "Lord". A defiant or stupid individual who casually mentions "ol' Blackblaze" in a sentence will draw Lord Surtok's attention, unless they are quickly corrected and shamed.

Long ago, Lord Surtok created his own layer in Ysgard by torching the entire expanse of Muspelheim. It was once a forested area that was frequented by elves and fey, but no longer. It is now a blackened desert, with flames filling your vision no matter where you look. It is populated mostly by fire giants, but creatures such as trolls and ogres are not uncommon, and one might also find the occasional pyrohydra.

The Warmother
Greater Deity
Barbarian 20/Ranger 20

Symbol: A plain mask with many cracks
Home Plane: Ysgard
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Strength; large, goodly creatures (especially goodly giants); motherhood; war; ice
Worshippers: Goodly and neutral warriors of all sorts, goodly and neutral giants and giant-like creatures, cryomancers, expectant mothers
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG, CG
Domains: Strength, Protection, Healing, War, Good
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Divine Rank: 17

Nippia appears as an unusually slender and beautiful frost giant. She has a kind, yet sad look on her face. This is because she was born without the ability to have children. She helps expectant mothers along with their births, and blesses barren mothers who pray to her with children of their own. She is also the patron deity of war; anyone who has ever been in a battle for a righteous cause has felt her guiding their sword-arm. Though the forces of evil have many more on their side, they do not have the advantage of being allied with The Warmother.

Nippia resides on a layer of Ysgard which is unsuitable for any but those with supreme resistance to cold. The region, named Niflheim, is home to frost giants, frost worms, and a version of razor boar unique to that place. The scattered lakes and oceans of Niflheim carry unknown terrors that were in place before Nippia ventured there and built her ice palace. These creatures are so ancient and terrible that even a greater deity does not wish to disturb them. When journeying through Niflheim, one can occasionally see outlines of creatures moving underneath the ice; most pray that it is a frost worm.

The Vigilant, Feybane
Lesser Deity
Barbarian 20/Paladin 20

Symbol: A veined circle with a black spot in the middle (like a bloodshot eye, but black instead of red)
Home Plane: Ysgard
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Strength, grixes, surprise, vigilance
Worshippers: Watchmen, bounty hunters, guardians, athletes, fey-hunters, underdogs
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, LG
Domains: Law, Strength, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Claw or scythe
Divine Rank: 10

See grix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39508) monster listing

Queen of Horrors, Queen of Worldly Delights
Greater Deity
Bard 20/Wizard 20

Symbol: Similar to the Triforce, but nothing is colored in. Properly done, it has as many triangles inscribed within one another as can fit. Hasty spraypaintings on buildings and such generally just have the Triforce image.
Home Plane: Limbo
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Aberrations, beauty, chaos, insanity, vanity, sadism, masochism, hedonism, wealth
Worshippers: Aberrations, prostitutes, nobles, slaadi, risktakers
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, N, NE
Domains: Chaos, Pain, Greed, Corruption, Madness, Charm, Nobility
Favored Weapon: Heavy flail and all natural weapons
Divine Rank: 19

Yotta takes the form of an exceedingly beautiful woman of indeterminate race. She is draped in the finest of garments and slathered in exotic cosmetics and perfumes. She rules over all of Limbo, which bends and twists to perfectly conform to her desires. It has been said that her palace on Limbo is the only place in all the planes where one can truly be happy. It gives any who enter it the illusion that their dreams are coming true right before their eyes, when in truth they are made into Yotta's brainless slave. Yotta passes her time by torturing her slaves, having them torture her, or creating monstrous aberrations in her magical laboratories. Yotta created the Far Planes as a place to dump her failed experiments.

Yotta is a powerful deity in a world rife with corruption. Any beings who care more about themselves than others are prone to worshipping her. Any who feel that they are less pretty than they should be, or who wish to revel in their own beauty, will also worship Yotta. Some worship her just to gain power or knowledge; it is said that if one does not go mad from delving deep into her secrets, then one will acheive great wisdom. Revering Yotta is often done in secret, as it is illegal in all provinces to worship her.

2007-04-19, 10:04 PM
Without the [gods] tag, I would have figured this thread was the opener to a really bad bar joke.

Dunno what you want for critiquing, so I'll just say this: that triangle thing you were describing? It's Sierpenski's Triangle. Yay fractals. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpinski_triangle)

Unless you meant transcribed only in the center, in which case...

Baron Corm
2007-04-20, 02:33 PM
hmm i have seen sierpenski's triangle before, but it doesn't really fit what i meant. i'm not sure if i described it correctly... it's something i did a couple times in my math notebook when i was bored.

you see how in wikipedia, the fifth triangle (also the main picture one) has four large upside-down triangles as spaces? in the triangle i'm describing those would be filled in with the small triforces that the whole triangle is made up of. so it would be one large triangle, with equal-size small triangles throughout the whole thing.

as far as what you should critique... well, anything that makes no sense which needs correction. any ideas for additional gods that you might have would help. also any questions on the roles of the gods or their worshippers would help me to flesh them out.