View Full Version : Pathfinder Do Freeport and Razor Coast combine easily?

2015-05-13, 02:40 PM
I'm looking into pirate settings for Pathfinder, and came across Freeport and Razor Coast. As I understand it Freeport is a mini-setting that can be put into basically any setting, and Razor Coast is an adventure with an implied mini-setting.

My question is, do they complement each other and/or combine easily?

2017-03-23, 07:17 AM
Information on how to combine Freeport and Razor Coast is on page 63-64 in the Pathfinder version of Razor Coast and on page 51-52 in the Swords & Wizardry version of Razor Coast.

It's the exact same text, even down to paragraph breaks and page breaks, as far as I can tell.

It talks about where in the Razor Coast world Freeport would be located and what relationship Freeport would have with the factions detailed in Razor Coast and how to move back and forth between the two campaigns.

Razor Coast has its own city, Port Shaw, and the text outlines the difference between the two cities and the advantages of having both cities in the campaign.

(I found this old post because I just got Razor Coast and I'm thinking about prepping for it. I read through Freeport a while back and didn't like it, but this opportunity of combining the two settings makes me want to get a new copy of Freeport and give it a new chance. I'm using 5e so I'm not sure what version of Freeport to go for. In my experience, S&W books work well with 5e and the S&W version of Razor Coast promises to be set up in a way that's more my style when it comes to campaign structure— I haven't read it that carefully yet to see if it lives up to that promise. I was working with a borrowed copy of the Pathfinder version while I was on the fence about getting the S&W version, which I just did (that's why I could find the page numbers in both versions). I still have that PF version on loan from a friend so I'm going to get a look at both versions.)