View Full Version : Rageblood Bloodrager (Pathfinder)

2015-05-14, 06:09 AM
So, I was hunting around in the forums for no particular reason and I came across this particular homebrew and wanted to know if anyone has tested it or can give me an eyeball OPness (looking for high fun but 'low' OP.)

I read the rules and they said not to post in a homebrew unless it was posted to in the last 45 days and/or you were the original creator - which I am not.

I have been hunting for a class to make my Lizardfolk Shaman (Fluff) / Abberation (Class Levels) for a long time now. Originally I was using the Dreamscarred Press Abberant Aegis Archetype but it comes with far too much tentacles for what I wanted to do. On top of being ridiculous at low levels for damage / miss redundancy. And then I found this little gem, which suits my purposes but I have worries about getting any DM to accept it (or a Lizardfolk for that matter, I believe they are frowned upon?)

The idea behind the character that ee is a lizardfolk shaman that survived a blight that killed his people, and has become something of an abberation because of the ooze. But his shamanistic rage has allowed him to suppress and/or channel the chaotic essence into making him an evolutionarily volatile organism.

This is adapted fluff since I have tentatively changed him from Abberant Aegis to this.

Truthfully he is my attempt at port-forwarding my childhood OC/Persona into my modern writing/roleplaying.

As for the class itself-

-Will it completely overshadow other full-BAB classes/another Bloodrager?

-Is it actually weaker than a normal Bloodrager?

-What are good ways to spend my level up evolutions and possibly feats? I am admittedly somewhat new to pathfinder in terms of optimizing.

-The class says I automatically have biped with whatever evolutions I have from racial features. Obviously I have limbs: arms/legs, claws, bite, tail. My question is twofold - Do I count natural armor, swim speed, and anything else not listed that I might have forgotten? Secondly, does taking the bite evolution (which states if I have a bite I apply 1.5str to it always) also jump my 1d3 bite to 1d6(listed damage for Eidolon bite)? Do I have to take it twice? Do I only get the 1d3 bite + 1.5 Str mod?

-How much can this class contribute in a fight and out of combat? I played a brawler most recently (grappler) and it was depressing at 1st/2nd level how I provided no benefit to the group. I was only good at being the party packmule because I had high strength.

-Would it be reasonable to ask my DM to allow me the Greater Unarmed Strike feat even if PoW maneuvers are banned? Scaling up to 1d10 per attack at 15BaB doesn't seem broken? I am a weirdo that is hyper ocd about having attacks of different die sizes.

-Does the increased primary weapon effective size while bloodraging stack with the eidolon improved natural attack evolution? With the Imp. Natural Attack feat? Strong Jaw?

-Is Abberant a useful Bloodline for this class? I saw Abyssal touted in the description but the fluff doesnt mesh and at worse I might take Destined? I really want to play the angle of a Lizardfolk of simple means that is raised above his ken and forced to balance his beliefs with his expanded intelligence/the taint slowly consuming him. Having it be demonic in nature is undesirable.

I thank you for any assistance you are able to offer. This is my first post, so I hope this is in the right forum?