View Full Version : juvenile dragon from scratch

Monk of love
2015-05-14, 08:21 AM
Alright so my dm didn't know dragon as character rules too well so he is letting me re-create my character which is a juvenile brass dragon with 10 character levels - now I will be this level for a long time because my groups levels are quite a bit lower due to in game things. so knowing I will be stuck for awhile, I am looking at any build! cheese builds, fun builds just anything interesting.

I have 10 class levels characters to work with as well as the 13 hd from the dragon with my ecl be 27.

Now I do love melee but at this point I am looking at all options.

2015-05-14, 09:16 AM
1. Take Spellhoarding. It's a Dragon Magazine template.
2. Take 10 levels of wizard.
3. Be a wizard with (better) class features.