View Full Version : Anima Mage entry-- indecisive

2015-05-14, 03:45 PM
I'm planning on running an Anima Mage in an upcoming mid-op game, and I'm having trouble deciding on what entry method to use. We're starting at level 2, so it becomes seriously relevant-- I'm impatient to have things start working, you know? So far, I've come up with:

Human (2 flaws) Wizard 1/Binder 1/Anima Mage 10
Precocious Apprentice, Bind Vestige, Imp. Binding and Extend Spell all at first level. Bind Vestige lets me take Imp. Binding now, even if it becomes trash once I take the Binder proper level.

Human (2 flaws) Wizard 1/Binder1/Wizard+1/Anima Mage 10
Precocious Apprentice, Spell Mastery, Uncanny Foresight, Extend Spell all at first, with Improved Binding at third. A slower start than the first, but a stronger caster.

Human/Grey Elf (1 flaw) Binder 1/Wizard 3/Anima Mage 10
Improved Binding and Extend Spell at first, then into Spell Mastery at 3rd. It's less cheesy, and the order matches my backstory a bit better, but it takes still longer to get going. I might also add a flaw to take Spell Mastery at 1st and Uncanny Foresight at 3rd, which would get the casting nice and strong.

Which seems best? I'm looking for versatility over raw power-- I want to be support more than "murder everything," if that makes sense-- but I also want to feel like my character is already working as, you know, my character as soon as possible.

2015-05-14, 03:50 PM
Can you retrain? If so the first one would be best, dropping Bind Vestige sometime after your Binder level. Fluffwise it fits perfectly with Precocious Apprentice, making you very ambitious (or even just curious) for more power and willing to experiment.

2015-05-14, 04:15 PM
I'm partial to Grey Elf Binder 1/Wizard 3/Anima Mage 10, because it lets you take Hummingbird and the Elf Wizard substitution level for +8 to initiative (iirc). You can also swap Scribe Scroll for Improved Initiative (Unearthed Arcana).

With flaws, probably something like:

1st (Wizard 1): Improved Initiative (swapped Scribe Scroll), Extend Spell, two free feats
2nd (Wizard 2)
3rd (Wizard 2/Binder 1): Improved Binding

At some point pick up Persist Spell.

Also, there's something to be said for Sorcerer, if you use the Dragonwrought Kobold cheese for free levels. Persisting arcane spellsurge is a pretty big game at high levels.

2015-05-14, 04:23 PM
I'm planning on running an Anima Mage in an upcoming mid-op game, and I'm having trouble deciding on what entry method to use. We're starting at level 2, so it becomes seriously relevant-- I'm impatient to have things start working, you know? So far, I've come up with:

Human (2 flaws) Wizard 1/Binder 1/Anima Mage 10
Precocious Apprentice, Bind Vestige, Imp. Binding and Extend Spell all at first level. Bind Vestige lets me take Imp. Binding now, even if it becomes trash once I take the Binder proper level.

"A player may select up to two flaws when creating a character. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm)" It's assumed that characters are created at 1st level, hence the wording of the sentence that follows that, but per this line you should be able to take one of your flaws at 2nd level. There's no need to take Bind Vestige at all, you can use this one without wasting that feat.

2015-05-14, 04:24 PM
If your DM allows something a little goofy, or is willing to be a little lenient with Fighter bonus feat restrictions you might be able to get into Anima Mage a level earlier.

(2 flaws) Martial Wizard 1 (Human or Strongheart Halfling)/Anima Mage...

That nets you 4 feats and a fighter bonus feat.
Your four normal feats have to include Precocious Apprentice, a Metamagic feat, Bind Vestige feat and Improved Bind Vestige feat. This gets you 2nd level Arcane spells, any metamagic feat, and able to bind vestiges of up to 2nd level (you can do 3rd level, you just get only a single power).

Your fighter bonus feat has to be something that provides Intimidate as a class skill. Since, Knoweldge: Planes is a native Wizard skill, and Intimidate is not, we need some way to get Intimidate onto your list.

(The goofy option): The RAW fighter feat that would do this is Martial Study: Devoted Spirit (X technique), but since you have an initiator level of 0.5, you don't qualify for any maneuvers. Ask your DM if you can take the feat and not select any maneuver. After all, the feat itself has no prerequisites, so you select a maneuver you qualify for (none), and get the benefit of the class skill.

(The leniency option): Ask your DM if you can take Apprentice: Soldier feat from the DMGII as a fighter bonus feat. It's a reasonably thematic option, so it might fly with some DMs.

2015-05-14, 04:26 PM
I'd just go binder 1/wizard 3. Games don't usually stay at low levels for very long, and even if the other methods are ruled to be legal, you still don't want to be that guy that everyone else at the table regards as cheesy.

2015-05-14, 04:35 PM
Krau Illumian Binder 1/Wizard 1 with two flaws.

Take Improved Sigil (Krau), Improved Binding, and Extend Spell at 1st level. You're all set to go into Anima Mage at 3rd level.

2015-05-14, 04:41 PM
"A player may select up to two flaws when creating a character. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm)" It's assumed that characters are created at 1st level, hence the wording of the sentence that follows that, but per this line you should be able to take one of your flaws at 2nd level. There's no need to take Bind Vestige at all, you can use this one without wasting that feat.

This reminds me of similar phrases regarding wealth by level.

A character starting at level 20, for instance, can choose to spend his level 3 item familiar slot on his adamantine fullplate (or his apparatus of kwalish if he really wanted). There's no requirement that WBL be observed strictly in your backstory.

2015-05-14, 05:10 PM
"A player may select up to two flaws when creating a character. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm)" It's assumed that characters are created at 1st level, hence the wording of the sentence that follows that, but per this line you should be able to take one of your flaws at 2nd level. There's no need to take Bind Vestige at all, you can use this one without wasting that feat.

Hmm... My assumption was that, if you create a character at X level, you still have to make them at level 1 and then follow the normal leveling process. I agree though that this is ambiguous.

2015-05-14, 06:37 PM
Human Wizard 1 / Anima Mage X

HD1: Bind Vestige
Flaw: Improved Binding
Flaw: Precocious Apprentice
Human: Skill Knowledge (Intimidate) (Assuming your GM allows that feat its from a variant skill system in UA).

2015-05-14, 07:17 PM
Human Wizard 1 / Anima Mage X
HD1: Bind Vestige
Flaw: Improved Binding
Flaw: Precocious Apprentice
Human: Skill Knowledge (Intimidate) (Assuming your GM allows that feat its from a variant skill system in UA).
You still need a metamagic feat in order to quality for Anima Mage.

2015-05-14, 08:12 PM
Extend Spell is a good choice for your prereq metamagic. Not only is it one of the more useful ones itself, but it also sets you up for eventually taking Persist Spell for use with Vestige Metamagic.