View Full Version : Pathfinder Get Psyched: Occult Adventures Preview

2015-05-14, 08:00 PM
So now that Unchained is out, Occult Adventures should be the next big PF release in the pipe. Since the playtest was forever ago (and out of date), I'm making a new thread to compile the known information.

Art Preview at io9 (http://io9.com/first-look-at-the-pathfinder-rpgs-occult-adventures-sou-1704296771)

Cult Master Preview at ENWorld (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?2599-Exclusive-OCCULT-ADVENTURES-Preview-for-PATHFINDER!#.VVVBAvlVhBd)

Distant Shores Gazetteer (http://paizo.com/products/btpy9dyk?Pathfinder-Campaign-Setting-Distant-Shores-Gazetteer) - will include more info on the more exotic areas of Golarion like Vudra and Garund that cover the psychic stuff.



The main thing I'm looking forward to in the Auras rules is it looks like they're putting in a mechanic where you can determine if someone is wounded, healthy, and/or suffering from negative conditions like poison or confusion. It also looks like there might be a way to identify magic or psychic magic users. It also looks like they are going to add more things to do with ki here, which should boost both the normal and unchained monks. I'm also hoping that any new combat feats they add interact with the Stamina system.

For the two archetypes, it looks like the Spirit Walker Mesmerist can affect undead with mind-affecting effects. The Cult Master is meh aside from the free Leadership and the capstone, which is basically Mind Seed.

I'll add more info to this thread as it gets released but feel free to discuss what we know so far.

2015-05-14, 08:07 PM
I'm also hoping that any new combat feats they add interact with the Stamina system

So want to place bets? Because I'm nearly certain it will not.

That said, the Auras stuff looks cool, though hopefully there's a lot more to it than what's in the preview (otherwise it's basically a bunch of fluff). I am curious if the aura rules here will interact with classes that have auras (though the only one I can think of offhand from Pathfinder is the Paladin).

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-14, 08:12 PM
I'm pretty hyped for this book, mostly because we're getting a 6ths-caster who uses the sor/wiz list (the Occultist). Kinda wondering if they actually took into account the feedback on the kineticist, though. I really don't want that class to suck, but I'm kind of afraid that it's going to.

2015-05-14, 08:18 PM
So want to place bets? Because I'm nearly certain it will not.

Another poster mentioned there are new Skill Unlocks in this book, so there's a chance they plan on expanding other Unchained subsystems as well. I won't take that bet just yet, but I will cross my fingers.

That said, the Auras stuff looks cool, though hopefully there's a lot more to it than what's in the preview (otherwise it's basically a bunch of fluff). I am curious if the aura rules here will interact with classes that have auras (though the only one I can think of offhand from Pathfinder is the Paladin).

My guess is that there will be spells (Psychic or otherwise) or class abilities that interact with these auras and allow characters to read them. There would be no point in an aura capturing conditions and health if there was no way to read it.

I'm pretty hyped for this book, mostly because we're getting a 6ths-caster who uses the sor/wiz list (the Occultist). Kinda wondering if they actually took into account the feedback on the kineticist, though. I really don't want that class to suck, but I'm kind of afraid that it's going to.

I'm looking forward to the Kineticist also; PF is long overdue for a Warlock analogue.

Only time will tell if they actually pulled it off though.

2015-05-14, 09:18 PM
Aura does look pretty cool.

I'm still waiting on how the final version of Kineticist will turn out (and hoping that they tone down the burn mechanic a little from the playtest). As a big warlock fan in 3.5, that is probably my most anticipated class in this entire book.

Milo v3
2015-05-15, 02:15 AM
I'm pretty hyped for this book, mostly because we're getting a 6ths-caster who uses the sor/wiz list (the Occultist). Kinda wondering if they actually took into account the feedback on the kineticist, though. I really don't want that class to suck, but I'm kind of afraid that it's going to.
Wait, when did the occultist get sor/wiz list? I thought they got small school based lists?

And yes, the kineticist's feedback was taken and the class has changed at least abit. Mark gave a list of the general changes a few months ago on the kineticist thread.

Edit: Personally, I'm rather interested in the psychic combat. Being able to sic phantasmal creatures against other psychics could be interesting if they don't mess up the mechanics.

So want to place bets? Because I'm nearly certain it will not.
Why not? The Occult previews already have some Unchained content in them, there's no reason why there wouldn't be. Could be a 50% chance either way really.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-15, 02:41 AM
Wait, when did the occultist get sor/wiz list? I thought they got small school based lists?

I was just misremembering. Now that I've brought up the OcA playtest pdf again, you're right. Still, the Occultist works as a 6ths-casting substitute for the wizard/sorcerer, and is the first class to be able to do so (Magus and Bard/Skald are the other two arcane 6ths-casters, and they use more specialized lists). Occultist casting is a bit closer to the Adept list, really (a mix of arcane and divine).

Edit: Personally, I'm rather interested in the psychic combat. Being able to sic phantasmal creatures against other psychics could be interesting if they don't mess up the mechanics.

Indeed. Now we can do this sort of stuff (https://youtu.be/gfvEJaiCg20?t=14s). Hopefully they don't implement it via attack and defense modes that cost spell slots for PCs but are at-will for monsters :smalltongue:

2015-05-15, 08:58 AM
Well, I was wanting DSP to get around to psionic combat - but now that Psychic Combat is a thing, maybe DSP can borrow/build on their version.

I'm just happy that there will soon be an OGL version of it that everyone can use without having to track down Hyperconscious or (*barf*) try and fix the 3e version.

2015-05-15, 11:37 AM
I've been looking forward to this one for months now, mainly on account of the mesmerist. Seems to be the closest in official Pathfinder to a beguiler-equivalent, which was one of my favorite 3.5 classes.

If my group switches back to their Kingmaker campaign I'm hoping to play a half-orc mesmerist / gentleman crimelord. No idea if that'll actually work, I just love the idea.


2015-05-15, 11:38 AM
I missed the Playtest concerning the Occult classes. Any good?

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-15, 12:30 PM
I missed the Playtest concerning the Occult classes. Any good?

Depends on who you ask. Quick rundown of the classes from my perspective (this is all based on the playtest doc, so most of these have probably changed some):

Kineticist: element-bending (or Carrie-style telekinetic) warlock equivalent. They can't really do much beyond deal damage, and they can't even do that too well without knocking themselves out. Strict downgrade from 3.5 Warlock in terms of both damage and utility. Mid/low T4 at best. Really hoping for across-the-board buffs on this one, because the concept is cool.

Medium: like a more complicated Binder, but with Harrowing fluff (one spirit for each card) and 4th-level casting. T3, unless there's some really OP stuff in the 36 spirits we didn't get to see in the playtest doc.

Mesmerist: 6ths-casting hypnotist. Probably T3 like most of paizo's average-BAB, 6ths-casting, 6+Int skill classes (Inquisitor, Investigator, Hunter, Bard).

Occultist: basically Harry Dresden. Has 6th-level casting, casts spells by using objects thematically tied to the various schools of magic, with some nifty side abilities. Looks to be around low T3, but hopefully got some buffs to its non-spell class features between playtest and release.

Psychic: casts like a sorcerer, but with a more focused, mind-related spell list (not all of it's mind-affecting, though; they get a lot of buffs and BFC spells). Has some unique spells that take up one spell known slot but can be cast at any of multiple spell levels (feels sorta like augmentation in 3.5/DSP psionics). You can create a library in your mind and invite your friends to join you inside it. Probably T2 by virtue of being a spontaneous full caster.

Spiritualist: I honestly don't know enough about this class to explain it. Sorry :smalltongue:

Milo v3
2015-05-15, 07:35 PM
Spiritualist: I honestly don't know enough about this class to explain it. Sorry :smalltongue:

It's basically a T3 summoner with different fluff. You get a companion you summon, but it has some scouting utility rather than just being a combat monster. You have some spells. You can do some extra stuff if your spirit isn't summoned by going semi-synthesist like growing ether tentacles. Your companion can sometimes cause debuffing to your enemies.