View Full Version : dwarf wizard help

2015-05-14, 10:16 PM
So i I want to play a dwarf wizard. I want him to be a lawful good type but not sure what type of dwarf or even what speciality I want to go. Can you guys give me some build advice?

14 14 13 12 12 10 are my stats with one free feat. Level 3 with one magic item of common or uncommon rarity.

2015-05-14, 10:24 PM
Diviner is the 'default' option if you don't have a specialty in mind, but abjurer is a close second in popularity.

Hill dwarf I think is the one with medium armor proficiency, which is great. Poison resistance is amazing regardless. I can't remember what mountain dwarf gives.

Did you have a background in mind? It helps flesh out a character and can give you a direction you want to go.

Magic item? A wand or pearl of power or something, possibly a scroll if you want to have one to copy into your spellbook. something that gives you flight or some other ability is also a good pick.

2015-05-14, 10:30 PM
Either Dwarf subtype offers something for a wizard (though neither is particularly great for it); your choice as to whether the AC boost from Medium Armor (as a mountain dwarf) beats out the Wisdom and +1HP/lvl (as a Hill Dwarf). I like the Mountain Dwarf option myself, offers something a bit unique.

Maybe... STR 12*/DEX 14/CON 15*/INT 14/WIS 12/CHA 12 with those rolled stats

Free feat... warcaster/resiliant (Con) are both options; or Observant (to give an INT boost).

With those Stats... 14 Int means most of your future feats (3/5) are going to be dedicated to increasing your casting stat; so whatever feats you are interested in you might as well take with your bonus feat... it will be a while otherwise.

Specialty: several good options; Divination is a good 'general good wizard' choice if you don't have a vision in mind... the Mountain Dwarf Wizard I made myself was a 'master brewer' Transmuter

2015-05-14, 10:32 PM
I'll probably go artisan cause unwanted him to be a builder of some sort.

2015-05-15, 01:27 AM
A really fun trick is Transmuter Crafter. The Transmuter archtype lets you temporarily transmute one substance into another, such as iron into stone. So you're a Transmuter who is proficient in Mason's tools who transmutes a bar of iron into a brick of stone and then carves it into something before it turns back. Or the same thing, but turning it into metal to forge it. It makes interesting and unique items without actually being overpowered. Give yourself a crazy transmuter staff made out of carved steel and woven stone! Cast wooden items in molds! Make fine chains out of obsidian! Also transmutation spells are really easy to use. Most of them are buffs, so just wear armour and grow giant sword hands and you're good to go.

2015-05-15, 01:25 PM
14 14 13 12 12 10 are my stats with one free feat. Level 3 with one magic item of common or uncommon rarity.

Mountain Dwarf
Heavily Armoured
Headband of Intellect

STR 16
DEX 12
CON 16
WIS 14
INT 19
CHA 12


Mountain Dwarf
Alert/Lucky/Tough/War Caster
Headband of Intellect

STR 15
DEX 14
CON 16
WIS 12
INT 19
CHA 12

For the record I don't think you should be able to just pick out a magic item like that. Rarity is not a balancing mechanic like gold cost is in 3.x. Characters are also not assumed to get magic items in 5e.

2015-05-15, 05:32 PM
Rarity is not a balancing mechanic like gold cost is in 3.x.

The rules for picking items for characters starting above first level are based on rarity, suggesting that they were indeed intended to be *some* sort of balancing mechanic. And unfortunately it's the only balancing mechanic we're given (although Achaeo has pointed out that the inidividual random item tables can also be used as a proxy).

2015-05-15, 07:55 PM
Depending on wether your DM gives players vanilla +x magical focuses or not you might want to consider a +1 wand of the war mage.

2015-05-15, 09:13 PM
I'll second mountain dwarf and diviner. Conjurer is strong if your DM lets you abuse it, but otherwise you're better off just spending your treasure on the cheap mundane items which you'd normally use the conjurer power for.

Magic Item Suggestions:

Adamantine Half Plate: Start the game with 17 AC (assuming you have 14 dex), and you're immune to crits.
Bag of Holding: I shouldn't need to tell you why you want this.
Broom of Flying: At-will 50ft flight is quite strong, especially at low levels. It can also ferry up to 400lb of items if you can secure them to the broom.
Helm of Telepathy: It can be very helpful at times to communicate without NPCs knowing what you're saying. Also, at-will detect thoughts and 1/day Suggestion at DC 13. I have no idea why this is rated "uncommon". Abuse all three functions mercilessly. It may also have the side-effect of getting your DM to think more about his NPCs' inner thoughts and motivations. [EDIT: It also lets you function as radar to notice the surface thoughts of hidden intelligent creatures within 30ft]
Immovable Rod: If you're one of the creative types, you can get a lot of mileage out of this thing.
Pearl of Power: An extra spell slot per day can be very handy, especially at low levels when you don't have very many to begin with.
Wand of the War Mage: +1 to hit with spell attacks, ignore half cover. This can be good if you rely on spells with attack rolls, saving you a feat on Spell Sniper.
Weapon of Warning: Advantage on initiative rolls, your party can't be surprised, and you'll always be awake for nighttime ambushes. You don't even need to hold it; just keep it on your person.