View Full Version : 3rd Ed Converting/using Nyambe 3.0 material with Pathfinder

2015-05-15, 11:01 AM
So, I'm a sucker for unique campaign settings. I recently discovered Nyambe, the african 3.0 campaign setting from Atlas Games, and I was immediately intrigued. I have been reading the core book, and I like what I am reading.
I have no experience with converting 3.0 stuff to Pathfinder, however, and I was wondering how much of the material in the book needs to be reworked to work properly in Pathfinder. Usually with 3.5 you can just port everything over pretty much as is, but I don't know how true that is with 3.0 stuff, especially 3pp stuff like Nyambe.

Does anyone have any experience with this campaign setting? How much of the mechanics do I have to throw out the window, and what can be repurposed or just directly ported into Pathfinder?