View Full Version : Pathfinder Weapon Size and Range question

Crimson Wolf
2015-05-16, 02:35 AM
Okay so I just needed to ask a quick question. One of my friends in my game wants to try getting a larger pistol to wield (since it means more damage and he likes pistols) and I cant find anywhere that states if the range goes up or not. Maybe I'm missing something but I cant seem to find a answer for this, does weapon range do up when the size does too?

2015-05-16, 02:52 AM
I have not seen anything, that says ranged weaponry is affected by size (except the damage dice, weight, and cost...).

I'm pretty sure a mechanic like this would reduce the "Oomph" of the Far-Shot feat, or Distance enhancement, or various class features, and probably doesn't exist in 3.5.

If I am wrong, I would love to know too.

2015-05-16, 10:40 AM
Sizing does not change much of anything other than Damage, and Weight (and with non-firearm weapons it affects how many hands are required).
In this case, he'd trade out dealing 1d8 damage in exchange for 2d6 damage and a -2 To Hit penalty.

Logically, a boost in size should give relative changes to things like Range, or Land Speed in the case of creature. Rules-wise they do neither.
This is for the sake of simplicity.

2015-05-16, 02:55 PM
You're increasing the mass of all your projectiles - if anything your range should drop. (And in a way, this is represented by the size penalty, plus you become a little more ungainly, represented by the Dex penalty.