View Full Version : awakened animal vs feeblemind

2015-05-16, 12:51 PM
What would happen if an awakened animal got hit by feeblemind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/feeblemind.htm)? Would they revert to normal animal of their type, or would they keep the magical beast typing and extra HD? Also, what if the animal; had been taught some tricks, awakened, and then hit by feeblemind? Would they still know their tricks? (You can, after all, use Handle Animal to teach a feebleminded person tricks, though you take a -4 penalty to the roll.) Would they cope any better with being feebleminded, given that they've been at a similar Int level before?

2015-05-16, 01:38 PM
What would happen if an awakened animal got hit by feeblemind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/feeblemind.htm)? Would they revert to normal animal of their type, or would they keep the magical beast typing and extra HD? Also, what if the animal; had been taught some tricks, awakened, and then hit by feeblemind? Would they still know their tricks? (You can, after all, use Handle Animal to teach a feebleminded person tricks, though you take a -4 penalty to the roll.) Would they cope any better with being feebleminded, given that they've been at a similar Int level before?

They definitely don't revert to a normal animal, they've still been Awakened, they're now just a very stupid Awakened creature. Since they don't lose the tricks when they get Awakened, they would still have them when Feebleminded.

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-05-16, 01:39 PM
remember feeblemind can be undone by the spell heal

2015-05-16, 04:24 PM
They definitely don't revert to a normal animal, they've still been Awakened, they're now just a very stupid Awakened creature. Since they don't lose the tricks when they get Awakened, they would still have them when Feebleminded.
RAW? This. Feeblemind changes two ability scores; Awaken doesn't just grant Int and Cha, it also grants HD and changes your type. Neither of the latter two are affected.

On the other hand, it seems like a perfectly logical ruling to have the one undo the other. (Although you should probably remove the xp cost for Awakening a Feebleminded creature)

2015-05-16, 04:32 PM
Eh, I wouldn't go with that non-RAW interpretation. It means that, especially if you are in a game that ignores XP cost, which is fairly common and the default in Pathfinder, you can spam this in a cycle to 'reset' the ability score bonuses if you don't like the ability score increases the animal got. And what happens when you cast heal on an awakened animal that was Feebleminded, Awakened again, and then Feebleminded again?

2015-05-16, 06:57 PM
Eh, I wouldn't go with that non-RAW interpretation. It means that, especially if you are in a game that ignores XP cost, which is fairly common and the default in Pathfinder, you can spam this in a cycle to 'reset' the ability score bonuses if you don't like the ability score increases the animal got. And what happens when you cast heal on an awakened animal that was Feebleminded, Awakened again, and then Feebleminded again?

You have a very confused animal. :smallsmile:

2015-05-18, 11:31 PM
You have a very confused animal. :smallsmile:

Isn't that how you get multiple personality disorder in a critter?

ace rooster
2015-05-19, 05:46 AM
An awakened animal does not become a magical beast because of boosted int, it becomes a magical beast because the spell changes it's type. This also implies loss of the original animal type, even though it would lose it anyway because of it's new int. Even removing the boosted int it will still be a magical beast. An int 2 animal awakened then feebleminded to int 1 would stand a better chance at still being able to use the things it learned at int two than an int 18 elf feebleminded, but it has still had it's int significantly reduced. I would certainly rule that it would lose it's tricks. An animal with int 1 however would revert to whatever it could do before. That would just be my ruling however.