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2015-05-16, 04:36 PM

The world was filled with wondrous black flowers. An endless sea of dark blooming flowers stretched off in all directions, forever. The was a silvered orb of light in the black sky, a sun that cast a silver hue upon the world. IT glimmered and glistened within the sky. Small dancing wisps of light danced about in the air. Within the field a large obsidian alter lay, smooth and lass-like.

Upon the alter, stretched out upon her side laid Night. Her stark white robes off set the strange black of the world, and the alter she rested. Her hair was long, and ebon, hanging over and about the alter like a flowing reeds within the water. Her large black wings spread out upon her back. Small finely made bright silvery adornments, brackets hung from her wrists and ankles. The loose white robes did little to conceal her form. She tapped the alter with one of her long sharp nails with her head resting in the other hand.

Lazy Roman
2015-05-16, 04:49 PM
Son of The Morning

[Kal Enters The Game]


The ronin appears in the realm. He honestly wasn't sure if that was going to work and look really stupid. He looks around at this realm and finally approaches the altar of the angel. He stops alt respectful distance and drops to one knee. His disgusting black hair hiding his face. "Dearest Angel, I need to know what is happening now. The last thing I remember is beginning my work when without my own doing I was back at The Cathedral in my own body."

2015-05-16, 05:47 PM
The 7th; Night

She lifted a hand absentmindedly, as if paying him no mind at all. The ronin was forcefully teleported, sitting upon the alter. "....You failed, foolish child. The Legacy, Sorrow had begun nearly came to a close, and so.... Within the world I created, did I raise a new Generation to Elevation, and forge an 8th Key." She ran her nails over his back, as if soothingly, yet her talons cleaved through his worn and tarnished leathers cleanly as if severed by vorpal blades. "...You failed me. But you bought me the time I needed. You failed me... but you distracted all of them long enough. I pulled you from the dirt. I raised you up from the mud.... " She slowly leaned over, sitting upright, besides him. Her legs dangling over the edge, bare feet touching the large black flowers. "...I made you." She grabbed him by his chin and forced him to look her in her violet eyes. " ...You are my Son. So I will forgive your failure... During your last moments in the remains of Saern, your life was spent, and The 8th Key forged, thus did you issue The Call, to all Key Bearer's now. To begin The 11th Chapter, and the birth of my Sister. The 11th Chapter Angel. She will not aid you, for you are not her charge.... You are of the Forgotten Generation. The Generation past, which failed, yet remains.... In a Legacy, neither dead, nor restored. Thus you are still mine..." She released him, putting her hand upon his head and pulling him close, letting him rest upon her breast, as she whispered in all deathly seriousness. " ....You will. Protect your Brother's and Sister's of Paradise, and all of The Children who come now to restore this Legacy. You will not fail me again..." She ran her hand down the side of his face gently. " You will not fail me in this.... Do you understand. " It was not a question. It was a declaration. " You are Kal'Fel to them.... their savior and guide.... Do try to act like it. " She pushed him off the alter and onto his feet. " Between the three of you, all 7 of The Keys are gathered, The Call issued, and the new Chapter ready to begin... So go now, and witness my Sister's birth. You will need to return here frequently no doubt... it is the only way to pass to those places you seek by your own initiative. Return to me when you've finished. Bring with you my Children who remain within Cathedral Ruin... go now."

Lazy Roman
2015-05-16, 07:05 PM
The Son of Morning

The ronin does his best to hide the seriousness of these events behind his visage. "I will not fail you again, I promise. I will do as you command and lead these newcomers. I had no idea of these events or who they were or their purpose here." He takes on melancholy almost grim tone. "It's been a long time since I walked with any form of companionship." Images of his past partners come back to his mind. Mainly of his only true friend in his journeys. The only one who fought along his side without any selfish reasons. He did not have the need need to gain something from it. He was just there for the fun of his companionship His only real friend. He cringes remembering how he was struck down by the Dark Magister. "I suppose I forgot what it was like to trust anyone." His reminiscence ends as something he remembers crosses his mind. His mood changes back to his more playful tone. "I do believe I have good news however my angel. This friend of mine you mentioned before. The one you said who possessed the shard. It wouldn't have happened to be the other ronin from the Honzo clan would it? I believe I maybe able to solve the first of your tasks right now."

[Equipment check searching Pez's two bags of holding for something matching her description. 'Its blade, a worn and damaged blade crystal']
[If not found there then Kal continues by deconverging "Old Dan"]
[Equipment checks "Old Dan"]

2015-05-16, 08:10 PM
Chapter XI: - Arc 0: '...The Last Light'

The 7th: Night

She watched as he slid out a broken, fragmented shard of glass out from one of the bags. It was unreasonably heavy for its side. It was clear and well polished but reflected no light. The item had always been a keepsake of the long-dead swordsmen. He could not recall where he had even acquired it... but holding it. The memories of a black fading world in collapse filled his memory. The dark-magister pursued him as the world shattered and fell into oblivion. He recovered the fragment, and fled through the gate to the Interstice. How long had he carried this... he could only wonder.

She sat upright, looking upon the blade. She raised a hand, it vanished from his grasp. " My... I had not expected this. Well done my son... Well done. " She held up one hand, half of a black hilted sword manifesting within her grasp. She joined both pieces together. A dark surge of energy. An umbral-wind filled the air, a torrent, a storm. The ronin fell to the ground, and was tossed away, rolling through the flowers as the gale turned into a hurricane of bleakness. She raised the sword up. The massive sword solidifying, become a single piece of dark-energy. Then... It ended.

The tired warrior looked up from the ground where he lay. Night stood upon the alter. Her wings were a shadow-like essence. Her robes, now black, like mist. Her hair was a strange incorporeal mane, long and untamed. As if the very night itself, and all darkness was drawn within the blade. The silver wisps died away. The sun was a black sphere. The flowers danced in the breeze and glowed in a dark radiance. " Dear boy...My son. You've completed the task I have given to you.... And so, I will lend you my blessing. This hour, by this word. Will your dawn end, and the last light purged.... Rise again now. As my son.... Kal'Fel, Son of Night."

A black energy struck him. His body lifted into the air. He screamed silently into the lightless sky. His swords, evaporated, expunged from his person. His clothing, disintigrated replaced with living shadow. His eyes healed, and saw everything. Massive black wings rose from his back. The black mist entered his nose and mouth, filling his lungs. He was lowered to the ground. He opened his eyes, for the first time. In many lifetimes. He could see all about him. Perceive all about him. A strange dark aura radiated from his person. A Vaelin of pure Bleakness. He raised his hand, and without more then a thought. The Sunblade formed in his hand. It's blade was pure and black. A living beam of darkness. " Now, you are worthy, to be called my Son. Let their be no light. Let their be no sun. Let neither moon or stars bless your foes. Let your enemies suffer and die. Without hope, nor mercy. Those you cut down, will only know the condemnation of an eternity... Now go my Son. "


Kal'Fel - Son of Night

DSL: 1 (Divine Soul Level) (Seraph of the End)
-Night-Soul Calamity: All weapons now Soul-Bound - Summon as Free Action (Deal Malediction Damage)
-Wings of the Black Seraphim: Fly Twice land speed. Teleport as Free Action 90ft in any direction 3/Round
-Night Step: When making a movement action, Teleport instead. The movement does not Provoke Attack of Opportunity even in Threatened Space.
-Breath of Immortality: Double HP Total, Gain Fast Healing = 1/2 Total HP. May restore Total HD in Hit Points as a full round action that does not provoke. Will not Age. Is not subject to 'Death Effects'. Immunity to Purity Damage. Immunity to Desolation Damage. Immunity to Malediction Damage. Immunity to Fire Damage. Immunity to Electric Damage.
-Blessing of The EverNight: Upon Death; Auto-Reincarnate as Kal'Fel - Son of Nights Within The Garden of Night.

Lazy Roman
2015-05-16, 09:27 PM
Kal'Fel - Son of Night

The Sunblade disappears as soon as it appeared. The Ronin looks himself over his once tired, scared body replaced by this new form. He brings his hands to face, watching his fingers for the first time as they touch his face with a sense he has not been able to use in a long time. The scars from some many conflicts gone, so many lost friends. The orphan, the only survivor of his Chapter. He turns his head back witnessing his long black wings. He closed his eyes once more to help focus learning the finer details of controlling his new form. It's all so effortless as if he's always known. His great black wings disappear into his body and he suppresses dark aura and his vaelin. His clothing and physical body reappearing as they did before he was transformed. His fading shade cloak, pants and boots reappear and then fixes the years of damage done to them through infinite conflicts. "Eh, keep it simple." His clothes quickly reform they take on that of a member of the Akoda clan. A gi, hakama, obi, tabi, zori and haori. Only now instead of his clan's color his clothes are colored pure black with only the mon retaining it's original color. He drops to one knee showing his respect again. "I'm sorry to still be a bother but there is one simple piece of knowledge I require my angel. I know you have much to do with your new power. However I still need to learn to control my own and better serve you. Where can I find Airu to learn how to use the spiral arms technique. I just need this information to continue my tasks for you with this information I will go and bring everyone here."

2015-05-16, 09:45 PM
Chapter XI: - Arc 0: '...The Last Light'

The 7th Goddess of Night: Arias

Her voice was dark and powerful, she closed her eyes. For her vary gaze brought forth a terrible life-ending radiance that destroyed that which stood before her sight. Her aura, her presence though she was not in a prime form, was like that of a maelstrom of wind. His hair danced wildly, thrown about in the silent wind, as the flowers danced. "...Travel to Ilmwel, to the valley of the Sun. Where war brews, and The Order rallies. There, young Airu, Krey, and Cross wait. Their fate is locked in place. Held by the Gears and the World-Line... But if you can alter the course of their tragedy of Death, Night... Rain... Then perhaps you may gleam a fraction of the Spiral Arms. But know well, within the vastness of the Maelstrom of Anguish The Unknown awaits, as does The Demon. Stray to close to The Spiral's storm, and you will die. If you wish to learn the dance of suffering and hope. You must learn to master the delicate balance within yourself, or be consumed by it... You need not return here. Bring my Children to the world with you, and let them find their own paths as they quest to end this Legacy."

Lazy Roman
2015-05-16, 10:13 PM
Kal'Fel - Son of Night

He nods in understanding. Not looking up to meet her. "I will go to Illmwel then and I will bring with me your children at Cathedral Ruins to the world. I promise I will do my best to protect those choose to help restore The Legacy."

[Kal teleports back to Cathedral Ruins]

2015-05-16, 10:17 PM
**** Kal'Fel Leaves The Game