View Full Version : Dragonspawn Dragonlance

2015-05-17, 11:43 AM
I want do a withe dragonspawn. But a friend tells me there is a new version of this templare.
Is he right?
Where I can find this errata?

Uncle Pine
2015-05-17, 12:00 PM
I can only find Whitespawn Hordelings (MM IV 157, LA +1) and Whitespawn Hunters (MM IV 160, LA +2), which are spedific Spawns of Tiamat, but not white dragonspawns, which I don't think have been updated.

2015-05-17, 12:08 PM
I believe that the Dragonspawn template was updated in the revised Bestiary of Krynn, an officially-licensed third-party book.

So, if you're playing a Dragonlance campaign using the Sovereign Press books, I guess it's the official update?

2015-05-18, 12:22 AM
The dragonspawn in the Revised Bestiary of Krynn was updated in Dragons of Krynn. It's basically the same, but the LA is +3 unless the dragonspawn is a minion of a dragon overlord.

One Step Two
2015-05-18, 12:47 AM
I believe that the Dragonspawn template was updated in the revised Bestiary of Krynn, an officially-licensed third-party book.

So, if you're playing a Dragonlance campaign using the Sovereign Press books, I guess it's the official update?

Bestiary of Krynn is indeed 3rd party.

That said, the Dragonspawn Template in the Dragonlance 3.5 Campaign setting is seperate from the Dragonspawn Abomination in the Bestiary of Krynn. A Dragonspawn Abomination is created when you apply the Dragonspawn template to a creature other than Human or Half-elf. The entry depcits that specific races get one of two mutations to choose from and two rolls on the mutation table. Otherwise you either match it to what works best based on the Race grouping (i.e. Kender is to Halfling). If none are apparent, you toll on the mutation table a third time. Finally, you are given the follwing penalties: -4 int, -4 wis, for an LA +1.

Therefore, a Human can become a Dragonspawn, but not an Abomination. An Elf, however, can become a Dragonspawn then an Abominaton. They apply their penalties to int and wis, choos between the Limber Body or Keen vision mutation, and roll twice on the mutation table.

2015-05-18, 01:10 PM
Ah applying the Wheel of Time d20 "Child" template and the White Dragonspawn template to a starting sorcerer. Casts as a level 2 sorcerer at ECL 1.

2015-05-18, 01:59 PM
The dragonspawn in the Revised Bestiary of Krynn was updated in Dragons of Krynn. It's basically the same, but the LA is +3 unless the dragonspawn is a minion of a dragon overlord.

The dragonspawn in dragons of krynn is not a template it's a race.
So the bestiary of krynn revised is the most recent one.