View Full Version : DM Help [PEACH] A storm themed fey

2015-05-17, 03:50 PM
I needed a storm themed fey, here's the result.
I still need a CR and a LA, I'm not so good with those.

Wila (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernatural_beings_in_Slavic_folklore#Vila)

Wilas are joyful spirits of storms and winds. Riding thunderstorms in the fey realms alone or in hunting parties, their natural curiosity often pushes them to explore mortal lands or the elemental planes of existence.

Wilas look like female humans, always draped in white and translucent capes. Under sunlight, their skin is milky white and slightly opalescent, but they are almost always seen under the darkness of a storm cloud, where their skin takes a blueish tint.

Wilas are hedonistic wanderers. They live to sing in the middle of a storm, their voices echoing the roar of thunder and cries of winds. Their curiosity pushes them to ride thunderstorms to lands ever further away. They don't care much for the politics of the fey realms. They might ally with both Seelie or Unseelie courts, until their wanderlust forces them on the road again. A Wila will often find strange magical objects during her travels. Most of them can't rest until they find a way to activate and put to use their new acquisition.

Neutral Wilas are driven by a desire to explore new territory. They are however curious of other travelers. Often, a Wila will let a storm pass to meet unknown people. Less frequently, she may even, for a time, continue her travel by foot to get to know her new companions.

Good Wilas tend to steer storms away from settlements and direct them towards outlying wilderness. However, it's been rumored that some Wilas will make rainstorms as gentle as possible and guide them to fields in need of water. These Wilas appreciate the company of good-aligned druid and rangers who often advise them on where to guide a storm.

Evil Wilas live for the destruction caused by the storms they ride. Some even say they have a taste for humanoid flesh, more often than not hunted while steering a most powerful storm towards an inhabited settlement.

Size/Type: Medium Fey
Hit Dice: 5d6+10 (27 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft, fly 50 ft (good)*
Armor class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 deflection*), touch 15, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack options: Masterwork longspear +3 melee (1d8/x3) OR Lightning blast +4 ranged touch (2d6 lightning)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with Longspear)
Special Attacks: Lightning blast
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron, low-light vision, immunity to lightning and sonic, resistance to cold 10, spell-like abilities, storm-bound, storm-rider, storm-sense
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 16
Skills: Balance 9, Knowledge (geography) 2, Knowledge (nature) 8, Knowledge (planes) 2, Listen 5, Perform (sing) 11, Spot 5, Survival 7, Tumble 10, Use magic device 11
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Flyby attackB*
CR: ???
Alignement: Always chaotic
Advancement: by character class
Level adjustment: ???

Lightning Blast (Su)
At will, a Wila can channel lightning into a ray ranging to 30ft. This is treated as a ranged touch attack dealing 2d6 lightning damage. A Wila with levels in the Warlock class adds this damage to her Eldritch Blast class ability.

Spell-Like Abilities
At-will—Shocking grasp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shockingGrasp.htm) (DC 14); 3/day—Sound burst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/soundBurst.htm) (DC 15), Gust of wind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/gustOfWind.htm) (DC 15); 1/day Great thunderclap (DC 16); Caster level 5

Storm-Bound (Su)
As long as she is in the area of any type of storm, a Willa gains a her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her armor class and a fly speed of 50ft (good), allowing her to use her flyby attack feat. (The statistics block already reflects these bonuses).

Stom-Rider (Su)
Wilas are immune to every weather condition or penalty caused by a storm (including winds, visibility, maneuverability, etc.).
A Wila can steer a storm in whose area she is present. Once per hour, she can change the direction of the storm by an angle of 45°. Once per hour also, she may increase or decrease wind effects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm#winds) prevalent in that storm by one category, to any level between Strong winds and Windstorm included.

Storm-Sense (Su)
A Wila senses any storm in a radius of 100 miles around. She intuitively knows its direction, size and speed.

I was aiming for CR 5ish, but it's ok if I'm off mark, I like the beast as it is.
So what would be its CR? LA?

I'd prefer using spell-likes instead of the last three Su abilities, but both Control weather and Control winds are far stronger than what I'm aiming for.

I'm also open to suggestions for spell-like (or actually any) abilities that stick to the theme.


2015-05-17, 04:09 PM
I'm hoping you never actually intend to have one of these things appear outside of a storm, because even a 1st level party would have no trouble disassembling something with an AC of 12 and a 30ft range attack within a single round, two at most. Even within a storm, its only viable tactic is to troll the party with fly-by attacks 30ft above an enemy that plink for 2d6 damage. The best case scenario (for the creature) is that the storm's penalties are severe enough that the party's archers and casters can't hit it back, in which case it's a super boring fight. The worst case is that the penalties are not severe enough and it dies to readied actions. Either way, it's a slow fight with no suspense because nothing that the creature does is exciting or dangerous unless done repeatedly.

Multiples of these might pose some semblance of threat since they could try to stunlock the party with Sound Bursts and Great Thunderclaps, but the DC is so low and the creatures are so fragile that it's unlikely to affect anything of a higher level.

There's no good CR for it because it's not a good fight at any CR.

2015-05-17, 04:46 PM
There's no good CR for it because it's not a good fight at any CR.
Thanks for the reply. Any suggestions to make it better?
I'll try to come up with a better version in the meantime.

2015-05-17, 05:14 PM
It needs, essentially, two things - to lose the ability to kite, and to survive combat without that ability. I would give it some kind of miss chance, and more HD; possibly also better DR and some spell resistance. In exchange, reduce its flight speed and maneuverability. It definitely needs a better feat selection, too.

The closest monster to serve as a point of comparison is, in my opinion, an arrowhawk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/arrowhawk.htm). Same laser beam, same flyby attack. The adults are also CR5 - but the to-hit and damage are better and the HP and AC mean it'll be in the game for more than one round.

2015-05-20, 03:05 PM
But... but the Arrowhawk can also kite? And actually, it can kite even better... (more speed, better maneuverability, further range...)
It could be argued, using your own points, that the Arrowhawk's design is even worse...

I didn't have time to come back to this, but I'll edit my first post as soon as possible.